Crime&Social Status

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CRAAP Test....................................................................................................................................1
The report includes crap test on a peer reviewed article taken from Criminal Justice Studies
Journal published in 2020.

The article has been published in 2020 and is publicly available on Google Scholar for access.
The information contained in the article is recent and valid.

A recent American Gaming Association survey (2019) revealed a record high in 2018 of $41.68
billion in gaming sales in commercial casino industry. According to the study, the rise in sport
betting was an explanation for record gaming revenue. Other sources show that Internet
participants have also risen over the last decade in addition to sports betting. The casino industry
in the United States thus prospers, and it is expected that this pattern will continue as sports
betting and online gaming grows.

Criminal Justice Studies is a quarterly journal that reviews theoretical, objective and interpretive
analyses on crime and criminal justice. The journal is multi-disciplinary in nature, focusing on all
social sciences to offer perspectives regarding topics of crime and criminal justice. Both social
science methodologies are endorsed and promoted. The journal is particularly interested in
publication of research which offers a critical evaluation of the policies and practices of criminal
justice. All scientific papers in this journal have been screened and approved by the publisher by
at least two double-blind examinations and before they are reviewed. Submissions are online via
the manuscripts of Scholar One.

The results of this study are supported by the literature and related studies. Several studies have
also found that gambling and crime are related. Any studies centered on property offences or
money-related violence, partially because financially driven crimes can be seen as a legitimate
alternative for debts relating to gambling. For instance, studies showed that problem gamblers
were more likely, compared with non-problem gamblers, to have committed crimes that produce
revenue. Some study has also identified a correlation between gambling and violent crime. A
history of social status is one factor in amplifying or minimizing damage incurred by gambling.
Previous study has shown that social class history can impact gambling participation. Lottery is
most popular for lower socioeconomic status players, for example. Research has found that self-
perceived social inequality affects a lottery odds. Similarly, the experiment led subjects to
believe that they had high or poor earnings, and those who thought that their earnings were lower
spent considerably more than those mainly spent on lottery tickets to feel that they had a greater

This research explores the association between issues and numerous different findings with the
evidence derived from the Teenage to Adult health National Longitudinal Study. Given that
recent literature has challenged the causality of the connection between problem gambling and
diverging activity in order to overcome the potential for uncertainty we are using the longitudinal
context of the Add Health data collection. In specific, we use controls to analyze how problem
gambling is correlated with improvements in the deviant activity between maturity and
adolescence in the past. Based on the literature listed above, our initial theory is that a spike in
binge alcohol, marijuana, instrumental violence, and violent crimes is related to the amount of
gaming issues faced. This study builds on previous studies by analyzing how the links between
gambling problems and our interest outcomes differ according to social groups. In addition to
research showing that social status impacts games, some findings indicate that gambling issues
could be more disruptive to financial performance and ties between lower class backgrounds. We
extend this line of study by analyzing the effects of deviant activity to strengthen our
understanding of how differing social status implications of problem gambling (i.e. substance use
and crime). Given the literature outlined earlier, our second theory is that the connections
between the amounts of gambling problems one faces and deviant results would damage the
social class context.
 Rocheleau, G.C., Dennison, C.R., Finkeldey, J.G. and Reiber, M.F., 2020. Social class
differences in the relationships between problem gambling and deviant
behavior. Criminal Justice Studies, pp.1-20.

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