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Consolidation Ledgers Ledgers

Versions Versions
List of Additional Master Data List of Additional Master Data
Consolidation units consolidation units
Consolidation group structure Consolidation group structure
FS Items FS Items
FS Item Mapping FS Item Mapping
FS Item Attribute values FS Item Attribute Values
Breakdown Categories Breakdown Categories
Transaction types / Subitem Transaction Type Subitem
Document types Document Types
Selections Selections
Validation rules Validation Rules
Currency translation methods Currency Translation Methods
Currency translation example Currency translation Example
Reclassification tasks Reclassification tasks
Reclassification methods Reclassification Methods
Monitor Tasks Monitor Tasks

Table TF107AV
Table: TF103; Tcode CX1I4

Table: TF500; Tcode CXE1

Tcode FINCS_SELECTION until 1905 as of 1905 => app Define Selections only

this example demonstrate the differenece between cumulativa and periodic translation
Ledger description currency Status
Y1 Consolidation Ledger EUR 0L content
Y2 Consolidation Ledger USD USD 0L content
S1 Predicative Accounting EUR 0E content
2C Cloud Consolidation Template USD 0L content
version for source source Data
Version Description status Ledger
plan data category ledger Entry

Y10 Actuals content Y10 Y10

Y11 Actuals @ Budget rates content Y11 Y10
Y12 Actuals @ Budget rates content Y10 Y10
Y20 Actuals 2nd GC content Y10 Y20
YB2 Budget (2016) content YB1 Y10
YB3 Budget (2017) content YB1 Y10
YB4 Budget (2018) content x PLN 0L YB1 Y10
YF1 Forecast 1+11 content YB1 Y10
YF2 Forecast 2+10 content YB1 Y10
YP1 Predictive Accounting content YP1 YP1
Translation Exchange reporting
Structure Tax rate Attributes Reclassification
method rates rules

Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10

Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y11 Y10 Y10
Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10
Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10
Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y11 Y10 Y10
Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y11 Y10 Y10
Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y11 Y10 Y10
Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y11 Y10 Y10
Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y11 Y10 Y10
Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y10
FS Group

Note that he gray columns are not changeable by customers.

Field name Technical ID Master Data Possible

BusinessArea RBUSA X
PartnerCostCenter SCNTR X
PartnerBusinessArea SBUSA X
PartnerCompany RASSC
CustomerSupplierCorporateGroup KONZS
ProfitCenter PRCTR X
CostCenter RCNTR X
FunctionalArea RFAREA X
FinancialTransactionType RMVCT X
BillingDocumentType FKART X
ControllingArea KOKRS X
ChartOfAccounts KTOPL X
Customer KUNNR X
Supplier LIFNR X
MaterialGroup MATKL_MM X
Material MATNR X
PartnerProfitCenter PPRCTR X
ExternalNumber PS_POSID X 
WBSElementInternalID PS_PSP_PNR
Project PS_PSPID X
PartnerSegment PSEGMENT X
PartnerFunctionalArea SFAREA X
AssignmentReference ZUONR
SalesOrganization VKORG X
DistributionChannel VTWEG X
OrganizationDivision SPART X
SoldProduct MATNR_COPA X
SoldProductGroup MATKL X
CustomerGroup KDGRP X
CustomerSupplierCountry LAND1 X
CustomerSupplierIndustry BRSCH X
SalesDistrict BZIRK X
BillToParty KUNRE X
ShipToParty KUNWE X
Clearing Inputs in Enable Enable Master
Hierarchy Possible Superordinate Field Ref. Field
BCF Possible Inputs Data

Enable Clear Inputs in
Hierarchy Carryforward




Consolidation Unit
Mandatory Filter Values
*Consolidation Version (3) *Consolidation Ledger (2)
Y10 -- Actuals Y1 -- Consolidation Ledger

Master Data
*Consolidation Unit (18) *Consolidation Unit Description (15)
1410 Sao Paulo Brazi
1510 Tokyo Japan
2110 Budapest
2210 Schweiz
2310 Italy Milano
2910 Toronto Canada
3010 Melbourne Austr
3310 Dubai
6110 Singapore (SGD)
6210 Hong Kong (HKD)
6310 Taipei (TWD)
6410 Johannesburg SA
6910 Auckland Neusee
999999 Default Partner
S3000 Germany
S3001 USA West
S3002 France
S3003 USA East
S3004 USA West
S3005 Belgium
S3006 Japan
S3007 Austria
S3008 China
S3010 Australia
*Effective Fiscal Year and Period (8) Language (2)
2015/012 EN -- English

*Consolidation Unit Medium Description (30) Country (3) Data Transfer Method (1)
Sao Paulo Brazil BR -- Brazil H -- Read from Universal Document
Tokyo Japan JP -- Japan H -- Read from Universal Document
Budapest Hungary HU -- HungaryH -- Read from Universal Document
Schweiz CH -- Switzerl H -- Read from Universal Document
Italy Milano IT -- Italy H -- Read from Universal Document
Toronto Canada CA -- Canada H -- Read from Universal Document
Melbourne Australia AU -- Australi H -- Read from Universal Document
Dubai AE -- United H -- Read from Universal Document
Singapore (SGD) SG -- Singapo H -- Read from Universal Document
Hong Kong (HKD) HK -- Hong KoH -- Read from Universal Document
Taipei (TWD) TW -- Taiwan H -- Read from Universal Document
Johannesburg SA ZA -- South AfH -- Read from Universal Document
Auckland Neuseeland NZ -- New ZeaH -- Read from Universal Document
Default Partner Unit
Germany DE -- German U -- Flexible upload
USA West US -- USA U -- Flexible upload
France FR -- France U -- Flexible upload
USA East US -- USA U -- Flexible upload
USA West US -- USA U -- Flexible upload
Belgium BE -- Belgium U -- Flexible upload
Japan JP -- Japan U -- Flexible upload
Austria AT -- Austria U -- Flexible upload
China CN -- China U -- Flexible upload
Australia AU -- Australi U -- Flexible upload
Company (Derived Automatically During Upload) Effective Year for Universal Journal (4)
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
iversal Document 2015
Consolidation Upload Method (5) *Local Currency (5) Currency Translation Method (5)
BRL -- Brazilian Real S0904
JPY -- Japanese Yen S0904
HUF -- Hung. Forint S0904
CHF -- Swiss Franc S0904
EUR -- Euro S0904
CAD -- Canadian Dollar S0904
AUD -- Austr. Dollar S0904
AED -- UAE Dirham S0904
SGD -- Sing. Dollar
HKD -- H.K.Dollar S0904
TWD -- Taiwan Dollar S0904
ZAR -- S. Africa Rand S0904
NZD -- N. Zeal. Dollar S0904
EUR -- Euro
EUR -- Euro
USD -- US Dollar
EUR -- Euro
USD -- US Dollar S0903
USD -- US Dollar
EUR -- Euro
JPY -- Japanese Yen S0904
EUR -- Euro
CNY -- Chinese Yuan S0904
AUD -- Austr. Dollar
Tax Rate (8) Data Entry in Group Currency (1) Sender Currency for Local Currency (1)
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
H -- Local Currency
Sender Currency for Group Currency (1) Fiscal Year Variant (2)
H -- Local Currency K4

Consolidation Group Structure
Mandatory Filter Values
*Consolidation Version (3)
Y10 -- Actuals

Master Data
*Consolidation Group (18) Consolidation Group Description (Derive *Consolidation Unit (18)
CG3 Group 3 S3000
CG3 Group 3 S3002
CG3 Group 3 S3003
CG3 Group 3 S3005
CG3 Group 3 S3006
CG3 Group 3 S3007
CG3 Group 3 S3008
Consolidation *Start of Assignment (YYYY/PPP) End of Assignment (Derived
Germany 2018/001 9999/999
France 2018/001 9999/999
USA East 2018/001 9999/999
Belgium 2018/001 9999/999
Japan 2018/001 2016/016
Austria 2018/001 9999/999
China 2018/001 9999/999
*Period of First Consolidation (3) *Year of First Consolidation (4)
12 2018
12 2018
12 2018
12 2018
12 2018
12 2018
12 2018
First Consolidation at End of Period (1) *Period of Divestiture (3)
*Year of Divestiture (4) Divestiture at Beginning of Period (1) *Consolidation Method (5)
9999 00 -- Parent(Direct Shares)
9999 10 -- Purchase method(Direct Shares)
9999 10 -- Purchase method(Direct Shares)
9999 20 -- Equity method(Direct Shares)
2019 10 -- Purchase method(Direct Shares)
9999 10 -- Purchase method(Direct Shares)
9999 10 -- Purchase method(Direct Shares)
hod(Direct Shares)
hod(Direct Shares)
d(Direct Shares)
hod(Direct Shares)
hod(Direct Shares)
hod(Direct Shares)
Financial Statement Item
Mandatory Filter Values
*Consolidation Chart of ALanguage (2)
Y1 -- Consolidation Chart EN -- English

Master Data
*Financial Statement Item*FS Item Description (15)FS Item Medium Description (50) FS Item Long D
163100 Goodwill Goodwill
163190 Goodwill, Imp Goodwill, Impairment
171000 Invest at Equ Investments accounted for using equity method
172100 Inv subs JV AE Investments in subs, JV and associates, GV
172190 Inv subs JV,Imp Investments in subs, JV and associates, Impair
182100 Def tax A.,NC Deferred tax assets
282100 Def tax liab. Deferred income tax liability
310000 Goodwill Elim Goodwill Elim
311000 Issued capital Issued capital
312000 Share premium Share premium
313000 Treasury shares Treasury shares
314000 Reval surplus,B Revaluation surplus, before tax
314050 Reval surplus,T Income tax on revaluation surplus
314100 Rem.benefit,B Remeasurements of defined benefit plans, bef. tax
314150 Benefit plan,T Tax on remeasurements of defined benefit plans
314200 Hedge n-rec,B Non-recyclable hedging reserve, before tax
314250 N-Rec Hedging,T Income tax on non-recyclable hedging reserve
314300 N-rec FV res,B Non-recyclable fair value reserve, before tax
314350 N-rec FV res,T Income tax on non-recyclable fair value reserve
314400 Liab FV risk,B Fin liab at FVTPL credit risk reserve, before tax
314450 Liab FV risk,T Income tax on fin liab FVTPL credit risk reserve
314500 Rec Hedging,B Recyclable hedging reserve, before tax
314550 Rec Hedging,T Income tax on recyclable hedging reserve
314600 Rec FV res, B Recyclable fair value reserve, before tax
314700 Rec FV res, T Income tax on recyclable fair value reserve
314800 CTA reserve,B Foreign currency translation reserve, before tax
314900 CTA reserve,T Income tax on foreign currency translation reserve
315000 Compound F Equity component of compound financial instruments
316000 Retained earn. Retained earnings
317000 Net income Net income
318000 Net inc.Par.Div net income partial divesture
319000 Net inc.Clear. Net income - clearing
321000 N-GW Elim N-GW Elim
321100 N-Ret earnings NCI - Reserves and retained earnings
321150 N-Net income NCI - Net income
321200 N-Rev surplus,B NCI - Revaluation surplus before tax
321210 N-Surplus,T NCI - Income tax on revaluation surplus
321250 N-Benefit pla,B NCI - Remeasur. defined benefit plans, bef. tax
321260 NCI - Benefit,T NCI - Tax on remeasur. defined benefit plans
321300 N- n-rec hedg,B NCI - Non-recyclable hedging reserve, before tax
321310 NCI-N-rec hedgT NCI - Income tax on non-recyclable hedging reserve
321350 N-N-rec FV,B NCI - Non-recycl. fair value reserve, before tax
321360 NCI -N-rec FV,T NCI - Income tax on non-recyclable fair value rese
321380 NCI -Fin liab,T NCI - Fin liab FVTPL credit risk reserve,
321390 NCI -Fin liab,T NCI - Tax on fin liab FVTPL credit risk reserve
321400 N-Rec Hedging,B NCI - Recyclable hedging reserve, before tax
321450 N-Rec Hedging,T NCI - Income tax on recyclable hedging reserve
321500 N-Rec FV res, B NCI - Recyclable fair value reserve, before tax
321550 N-Rec FV res, T NCI - Income tax on recyclable fair value reserve
321600 N-CTA reserve,B NCI - Foreign curr. translation reserve, bef. tax
321650 N-CTA reserve,T NCI - Tax on foreign curr. translation reserve
321700 N-Treasury sh NCI - Treasury shares
321750 N-Compound NCI - Compound financial instruments
512000 G/Sale shares Gains on the sale of shares
516000 Gain Bargain p. Gain on bargain purchase
572000 GW Imp Impairment of goodwill
604000 Oth fin income Other financial income
711000 Share of EM Share of profit - associates / JV at equity method
722000 Deferred tax Deferred tax
792000 Net income-NCI Net income - NCI
799000 Net income/loss Net income/loss
16300D CL- Bargain pur Clearing account - Bargain purchase
1721HC Elim.inv OC Elimination of investment, held cons unit
1721OC Elim.inv OC Elimination of investment, owner cons unit
S00001 Group Shares (% Group Shares (%)
S00001 Group Shares (% Group Shares (%)
*FS Item Type (10) Breakdown Category (4) Is Blocked Against PostingIs Consolidation Item (1)
AST -- Asset 1K10 -- TT915/904/992P
AST -- Asset 1C10 -- TT915/925/992P
AST -- Asset 1I10 -- TT915/904/906/920/930/940/955P
AST -- Asset 1D20 -- TT915/920/930/940/955PR
AST -- Asset 1C20 -- TT915/925/930/935/955PR
AST -- Asset 1B00 -- TT915/955
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1B00 -- TT915/955
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1F10 -- TT915/904/906/920/940/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1C00 -- TT915/904/940/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1N10 -- TT915/904/906/940/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1F00 -- TT915/904/920/930/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1N00 -- TT915/904/930/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1N00 -- TT915/904/930/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1N00 -- TT915/904/930/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1N00 -- TT915/904/930/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1K10 -- TT915/904/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1K10 -- TT915/904/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1K00 -- TT915/904/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1F10 -- TT915/904/906/920/940/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1K10 -- TT915/904/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1K10 -- TT915/904/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1K10 -- TT915/904/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1F10 -- TT915/904/906/920/940/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1F10 -- TT915/904/906/920/940/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1K10 -- TT915/904/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1L00 -- TT915/904/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1N00 -- TT915/904/930/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1N00 -- TT915/904/930/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1N00 -- TT915/904/930/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1N00 -- TT915/904/930/955/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1K10 -- TT915/904/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1K10 -- TT915/904/992P
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1F00 -- TT915/904/920/930/992
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1K00 -- TT915/904/992
INC -- Income 2A10 -- FA (YB99) P opt
INC -- Income 2A00 -- FA (YB99)
EXP -- Expense 2A00 -- FA (YB99)
INC -- Income 2B10 -- FA (YB99) PT
INC -- Income 2A10 -- FA (YB99) P opt
EXP -- Expense 2A00 -- FA (YB99)
INC -- Income 2A00 -- FA (YB99)
INC -- Income 2A00 -- FA (YB99)
AST -- Asset 1C10 -- TT915/925/992P
AST -- Asset 1B20 -- TT915/904/920/930/940/955/92PR
LEQ -- Liabilities and Equit1B20 -- TT915/904/920/930/940/955/92PR
STAT -- Statistical Item Q010 -- Percentage X -- Yes
STAT -- Statistical Item Q010 -- Percentage X -- Yes
Carry Forward Balances (Fo
FS Item Role (30)
S-A-GOODWILL -- Goodwill
S-A-GOODWILL-IMP -- Goodwill, Imp
S-A-INV-AT-EQUITY -- Invest at Equ
S-A-INV-SUBS-GV -- Inv subs JV AE
S-A-INV-SUBS-IMP -- Inv subs JV,Imp
S-DEF-TAX-AST -- Deferred tax – Assets​
S-DEF-TAX-LIA -- Deferred tax – Liabilities​
S-GOODWILL-ELIM -- Goodwill Elimination in Equity
S-CAP-ISSUED -- Issued capital
S-CAP-SHARE-PREMIUM -- Share premium
S-TREASURY-SHARE -- Treasury shares
S-OCI-N-REC-01-B -- Reval surplus,B
S-OCI-N-REC-01-T -- Reval surplus,T
S-OCI-N-REC-02-B -- Rem.benefit,B
S-OCI-N-REC-02-T -- Rem.benefit,T
S-OCI-N-REC-03-B -- N-Rec Hedging, B
S-OCI-N-REC-03-T -- N-Rec Hedging,T
S-OCI-N-REC-04-B -- N-rec FV res,B
S-OCI-N-REC-04-T -- N-rec FV res,T
S-OCI-N-REC-05-B -- Liab FV risk,B
S-OCI-N-REC-05-T -- Liab FV risk, T
S-OCI-REC-01-B -- Rec Hedging,B
S-OCI-REC-01-T -- Rec Hedging,T
S-OCI-REC-02-B -- Rec FV res, B
S-OCI-REC-02-T -- Rec FV res, T
S-CT-DIFF -- C/T difference ​
S-OCI-CTA-RES-T -- CTA reserve,T
S-OCI-COMPOUND -- Compound F
S-RETAINED-EARNING -- Retained earnings
S-ANI-BS -- Annual Net Income – B/S​
S-NCI-GOODWILL-ELIM -- NCI - Goodwill elim in Equity
S-NCI-RETAINED-EARN -- NCI - Retained earnings
S-NCI-NET-INC-BS -- NCI - net income BS
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-01-B -- N-Rev surplus,B
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-01-T -- N-Surplus,T
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-02-B -- N-Benefit pla,B
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-02-T -- NCI - Benefit,T
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-03-B -- N- n-rec hedg,B
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-03-T -- NCI-N-rec hedgT
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-04-B -- N-N-rec FV,B
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-04-T -- NCI -N-rec FV,T
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-05-B -- NCI -Fin liab,B
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-05-T -- NCI -Fin liab,T
S-NCI-OCI-REC-01-B -- N-Rec Hedging,B
S-NCI-OCI-REC-01-T -- N-Rec Hedging,T
S-NCI-OCI-REC-02-B -- N-Rec FV res, B
S-NCI-OCI-REC-02-T -- N-Rec FV res, T
S-NCI-OCI-CTA-RES-B -- N-CTA reserve,B
S-NCI-OCI-CTA-RES-T -- N-CTA reserve,T
S-P-BARGAIN-PUR -- Bargain purchase P&L
S-CT-ROUND-PL -- C/T rounding difference – P&L​
S-P-SHARE-EM -- Share of EM
S-DEF-TAX-PL -- Deferred tax – P&L
S-NCI-NET-INC-PL -- NCI - net income P&L
S-ANI-PL -- Annual Net Income – P&L​
S-A-NC-BARGAIN-CL -- CL - Bargain purchase
S-INVEST-CLEAR-HELD -- Investments clearing - Held
S-INVEST-CLEAR-OWN -- Investments clearing - Owner
X -- Yes S-PERCENTAGE-DS -- Percentage-DS
Data Collection Selection Currency Translation SeleElimination Selection (30)Cash Flow Selection (30)
S-A-GOODWILL -- GoodwilS-CT-BS-CLO -- B/S items - closing rate S-CF-GW-A1 -- Goodwill
S-A-GOODWILL -- GoodwilS-CT-BS-CLO -- B/S items - closing rate S-CF-IMP-A6 -- Impairment on goodwill
S-A-INV-AT-EQUITY -- InveS-CT-BS-CLO -- B/S items - closing rate S-CF-SHARE-A1 -- Invest in subs., JV and assoc
S-A-OTH-NC-FIN -- Other NS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-INV -- Investments S-CF-SHARE-A1 -- Invest in subs., JV and assoc
S-A-OTH-NC-FIN -- Other NS-CT-BS-CLO -- B/S items - closing rate S-CF-IMP-A5 -- Impairment on invest. in subs
S-A-DEF-TAX -- Deferred tS-CT-BS-CLO -- B/S items - closing rate S-CF-TAX-A1 -- Income tax assets
S-L-DEF-TAX -- Deferred tax
S-CT-BS-CLO -- B/S items - closing rate S-CF-TAX-L1 -- Income tax liabilities
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-ISSUED-CAP -- Issued cS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-CAP -- Capital S-CF-EQU-E1 -- Issued capital
S-E-SHARE-PREMIUM -- S S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-CAP -- Capital S-CF-EQU-E2 -- Share premium
S-E-TREASURY-SHARE -- TrS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-CAP -- Capital S-CF-EQU-E3 -- Treasury shares
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E5 -- Hedging reserve, before tax
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-OTH-RESERVES -- OtheS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-OCI -- Other Comp S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-RETAIN-EARNINGS -- RS-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items -S-COI-RET-EARN -- Retain S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-E-RETAIN-EARNINGS -- RS-CT-ANI-BS -- Net Incom S-COI-NET-INC -- Net inc S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-CT-NCI-NI -- NCI-Net In S-COI-NCI-NET-INC -- NCI S-CF-EQU-E8 -- Retained earnings
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E5 -- Hedging reserve, before tax
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E6 -- Income tax on reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E7 -- Fair value reserve, before tax
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E6 -- Income tax on reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E3 -- Treasury shares
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-EQU-E4 -- Other reserves
S-P-OTH-OP-INC -- Other S-CT-PL-AVG -- P&L items- average rate S-CF-SHARE-P1 -- Shares in subsidiaries
S-P-OTH-OP-INC -- Other S-CT-PL-AVG -- P&L items- average rate
S-P-DEPRECIATION -- DeprS-CT-PL-AVG -- P&L items- average rate
S-P-FIN-INC -- Finance in S-CT-PL-AVG -- P&L items-S-IUE-OTH-PL-FIN-INC -- PL IC FI inc
S-P-SH-P-AT-EQUITY -- ShaS-CT-PL-AVG -- P&L items- average rate
S-P-TAX -- Tax S-CT-PL-AVG -- P&L items- average rate S-CF-TAX-P1 -- Income tax expense
S-CT-PL-AVG -- P&L items- average rate
S-P-NET-INCOME-PL -- N S-CT-ANI-PL -- Net Income/Loss
S-CT-BS-CLO -- B/S items - closing rate S-CF-BP-A1 -- Clearing - Bargain purchase
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-SHARE-A6 -- Elim. Inv.subs.- Held compa
S-CT-BS-HIST -- B/S items - historical conv S-CF-SHARE-A2 -- Elim. Invest.subs. - Owner
Scope Selection (30) Other Selection (30) Elimination Target (10) Non-Controlling Interest

- Impairment on goodwill
1 -- Invest in subs., JV and assoc.
1 -- Invest in subs., JV and assoc. 172101
- Impairment on invest. in subs.
- Income tax assets
Income tax liabilities
- Retained earnings 321100
- Issued capital 321100
- Share premium 321100
- Treasury shares 321700
- Retained earnings 321200
- Retained earnings 321210
- Retained earnings 321250
- Retained earnings 321260
- Retained earnings 321300
- Retained earnings 321310
- Retained earnings 321350
- Retained earnings 321360
- Retained earnings 321380
- Retained earnings 321390
- Hedging reserve, before tax 321400
- Retained earnings 321450
- Retained earnings 321500
- Retained earnings 321550
- Retained earnings 321600
- Retained earnings 321650
- Retained earnings 321750
- Retained earnings 321100
- Retained earnings 321150
- Retained earnings
- Retained earnings
- Retained earnings
- Retained earnings
- Retained earnings
- Other reserves
- Other reserves
- Other reserves
- Other reserves
- Other reserves
- Other reserves
- Other reserves
- Other reserves
- Other reserves
- Other reserves
- Hedging reserve, before tax
- Income tax on reserves
- Fair value reserve, before tax
- Income tax on reserves
- Other reserves
- Other reserves
- Treasury shares
- Other reserves
1 -- Shares in subsidiaries


- Income tax expense

Clearing - Bargain purchase

6 -- Elim. Inv.subs.- Held company
2 -- Elim. Invest.subs. - Owner
Planning Target (10) Link Title (255) Link URL (1333)
Import Financial Statement Item Mappings
Header Data
*Consolidation COA (2) *Mapping ID (10) Mapping Name (60)
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Line Items
*Mapping Revision (10) Revision Description (60) *G/L COA (4) *G/L Account (10)
1 1 YCOA 12605900
1 1 YCOA 12113000
1 1 YCOA 12614000
1 1 YCOA 12605915
1 1 YCOA 12605912
1 1 YCOA 12532000
1 1 YCOA 12119200
1 1 YCOA 12605000
1 1 YCOA 12610000
1 1 YCOA 12631000
1 1 YCOA 12608000
1 1 YCOA 12605904
1 1 YCOA 12610100
1 1 YCOA 12619000
1 1 YCOA 12604000
1 1 YCOA 12605914
1 1 YCOA 12605907
1 1 YCOA 12605911
1 1 YCOA 12590000
1 1 YCOA 12605919
1 1 YCOA 12542000
1 1 YCOA 12605905
1 1 YCOA 12605902
1 1 YCOA 12605901
1 1 YCOA 12605906
1 1 YCOA 12605918
1 1 YCOA 12550000
1 1 YCOA 12605909
1 1 YCOA 12540200
1 1 YCOA 12609100
1 1 YCOA 12601000
1 1 YCOA 12605920
1 1 YCOA 12605908
1 1 YCOA 12501000
1 1 YCOA 12605917
1 1 YCOA 12618000
1 1 YCOA 12605923
1 1 YCOA 12540000
1 1 YCOA 12110000
1 1 YCOA 12606010
1 1 YCOA 12603000
1 1 YCOA 12410000
1 1 YCOA 12605922
1 1 YCOA 12605010
1 1 YCOA 12111000
1 1 YCOA 12656000
1 1 YCOA 13711900
1 1 YCOA 12605910
1 1 YCOA 22006011
1 1 YCOA 12543000
1 1 YCOA 12605913
1 1 YCOA 12602000
1 1 YCOA 12411000
1 1 YCOA 12600010
1 1 YCOA 12112000
1 1 YCOA 12420000
1 1 YCOA 12541000
1 1 YCOA 12605925
1 1 YCOA 12609000
1 1 YCOA 12605924
1 1 YCOA 12605903
1 1 YCOA 12600000
1 1 YCOA 12605921
1 1 YCOA 26900000
1 1 YCOA 21539101
1 1 YCOA 94311000
1 1 YCOA 21730000
1 1 YCOA 21814000
1 1 YCOA 22005310
1 1 YCOA 17005000
1 1 YCOA 13600900
1 1 YCOA 21534000
1 1 YCOA 11002066
1 1 YCOA 21539102
1 1 YCOA 32100000
1 1 YCOA 13210000
1 1 YCOA 39914000
1 1 YCOA 94309000
1 1 YCOA 93115000
1 1 YCOA 22006041
1 1 YCOA 64008000
1 1 YCOA 11001050
1 1 YCOA 22006061
1 1 YCOA 21501300
1 1 YCOA 70040000
1 1 YCOA 11001099
1 1 YCOA 65301000
1 1 YCOA 31000000
1 1 YCOA 11002080
1 1 YCOA 64031000
1 1 YCOA 66019900
1 1 YCOA 22090023
1 1 YCOA 24035000
1 1 YCOA 21790000
1 1 YCOA 11001200
1 1 YCOA 31100000
1 1 YCOA 72530000
1 1 YCOA 39911000
1 1 YCOA 44007002
1 1 YCOA 61002000
1 1 YCOA 61051000
1 1 YCOA 11001030
1 1 YCOA 21503000
1 1 YCOA 22005110
1 1 YCOA 24020000
1 1 YCOA 19410000
1 1 YCOA 64060000
1 1 YCOA 44001000
1 1 YCOA 71010700
1 1 YCOA 62020000
1 1 YCOA 21760000
1 1 YCOA 65008000
1 1 YCOA 75004000
1 1 YCOA 22005900
1 1 YCOA 93112000
1 1 YCOA 21450000
1 1 YCOA 92105400
1 1 YCOA 22010100
1 1 YCOA 90002000
1 1 YCOA 54070000
1 1 YCOA 21191000
1 1 YCOA 21525000
1 1 YCOA 65001000
1 1 YCOA 21526000
1 1 YCOA 11001040
1 1 YCOA 21120000
1 1 YCOA 11001080
1 1 YCOA 70100000
1 1 YCOA 26911000
1 1 YCOA 22006101
1 1 YCOA 75003000
1 1 YCOA 10020000
1 1 YCOA 16011500
1 1 YCOA 21613000
1 1 YCOA 61022020
1 1 YCOA 51500000
1 1 YCOA 52531000
1 1 YCOA 16010000
1 1 YCOA 19110000
1 1 YCOA 11001100
1 1 YCOA 21190100
1 1 YCOA 70020000
1 1 YCOA 22510000
1 1 YCOA 21512000
1 1 YCOA 21192000
1 1 YCOA 63004000
1 1 YCOA 16015000
1 1 YCOA 26910000
1 1 YCOA 21540000
1 1 YCOA 92101800
1 1 YCOA 22006024
1 1 YCOA 29130000
1 1 YCOA 75008020
1 1 YCOA 22100000
1 1 YCOA 75008050
1 1 YCOA 52070500
1 1 YCOA 51950000
1 1 YCOA 12549000
1 1 YCOA 24030000
1 1 YCOA 65009000
1 1 YCOA 22090025
1 1 YCOA 21530001
1 1 YCOA 21191500
1 1 YCOA 22006023
1 1 YCOA 21190000
1 1 YCOA 75004020
1 1 YCOA 21720100
1 1 YCOA 52590000
1 1 YCOA 12511000
1 1 YCOA 22512000
1 1 YCOA 71010400
1 1 YCOA 22090021
1 1 YCOA 21532000
1 1 YCOA 21523000
1 1 YCOA 22005800
1 1 YCOA 94224000
1 1 YCOA 65004000
1 1 YCOA 21613011
1 1 YCOA 94227000
1 1 YCOA 75001000
1 1 YCOA 54040000
1 1 YCOA 17001010
1 1 YCOA 17008000
1 1 YCOA 12401000
1 1 YCOA 12606000
1 1 YCOA 21527000
1 1 YCOA 64020000
1 1 YCOA 21302000
1 1 YCOA 22006071
1 1 YCOA 64021000
1 1 YCOA 66000000
1 1 YCOA 22005000
1 1 YCOA 22006051
1 1 YCOA 24099900
1 1 YCOA 61060000
1 1 YCOA 61023040
1 1 YCOA 21533000
1 1 YCOA 71300000
1 1 YCOA 19420000
1 1 YCOA 63005000
1 1 YCOA 44002100
1 1 YCOA 94113000
1 1 YCOA 65003000
1 1 YCOA 16006000
1 1 YCOA 24098700
1 1 YCOA 21735500
1 1 YCOA 61401000
1 1 YCOA 13781000
1 1 YCOA 75004040
1 1 YCOA 94220000
1 1 YCOA 51600000
1 1 YCOA 94304000
1 1 YCOA 13500900
1 1 YCOA 41090011
1 1 YCOA 51900000
1 1 YCOA 21180000
1 1 YCOA 22006026
1 1 YCOA 64001010
1 1 YCOA 11001066
1 1 YCOA 61010000
1 1 YCOA 61400000
1 1 YCOA 92105100
1 1 YCOA 21531000
1 1 YCOA 65008300
1 1 YCOA 21537000
1 1 YCOA 61022000
1 1 YCOA 65008500
1 1 YCOA 52541500
1 1 YCOA 11002065
1 1 YCOA 21508000
1 1 YCOA 21745000
1 1 YCOA 94114000
1 1 YCOA 72040000
1 1 YCOA 21100000
1 1 YCOA 12510000
1 1 YCOA 62000000
1 1 YCOA 22004000
1 1 YCOA 21200200
1 1 YCOA 16014100
1 1 YCOA 72020000
1 1 YCOA 21535000
1 1 YCOA 52031000
1 1 YCOA 94225000
1 1 YCOA 94226000
1 1 YCOA 21530008
1 1 YCOA 22009000
1 1 YCOA 68001000
1 1 YCOA 41002000
1 1 YCOA 94305000
1 1 YCOA 29500900
1 1 YCOA 52041500
1 1 YCOA 19330000
1 1 YCOA 52530000
1 1 YCOA 22005200
1 1 YCOA 12400000
1 1 YCOA 21501100
1 1 YCOA 61022010
1 1 YCOA 21460000
1 1 YCOA 22000000
1 1 YCOA 17003000
1 1 YCOA 17020000
1 1 YCOA 10010000
1 1 YCOA 63007000
1 1 YCOA 21350000
1 1 YCOA 21521000
1 1 YCOA 68010000
1 1 YCOA 11001020
1 1 YCOA 21519000
1 1 YCOA 63006000
1 1 YCOA 54011100
1 1 YCOA 44420000
1 1 YCOA 21105000
1 1 YCOA 16000000
1 1 YCOA 13601000
1 1 YCOA 61310000
1 1 YCOA 11008030
1 1 YCOA 94201000
1 1 YCOA 61022030
1 1 YCOA 94307000
1 1 YCOA 21740000
1 1 YCOA 16008000
1 1 YCOA 21539003
1 1 YCOA 54441000
1 1 YCOA 21720200
1 1 YCOA 21100300
1 1 YCOA 62010000
1 1 YCOA 63000000
1 1 YCOA 64007000
1 1 YCOA 22007000
1 1 YCOA 70050000
1 1 YCOA 11002099
1 1 YCOA 94223000
1 1 YCOA 22140000
1 1 YCOA 22001010
1 1 YCOA 22140900
1 1 YCOA 71015000
1 1 YCOA 61500000
1 1 YCOA 63001000
1 1 YCOA 24098100
1 1 YCOA 29500100
1 1 YCOA 12100000
1 1 YCOA 11002000
1 1 YCOA 21539103
1 1 YCOA 71010500
1 1 YCOA 12500000
1 1 YCOA 64003000
1 1 YCOA 24098200
1 1 YCOA 22090022
1 1 YCOA 21122000
1 1 YCOA 75004010
1 1 YCOA 61004000
1 1 YCOA 12301000
1 1 YCOA 63000500
1 1 YCOA 24031100
1 1 YCOA 22008000
1 1 YCOA 21501000
1 1 YCOA 11002067
1 1 YCOA 44005000
1 1 YCOA 61020000
1 1 YCOA 22005300
1 1 YCOA 44003100
1 1 YCOA 70300100
1 1 YCOA 70900000
1 1 YCOA 61023010
1 1 YCOA 51700000
1 1 YCOA 21100200
1 1 YCOA 21190200
1 1 YCOA 44003000
1 1 YCOA 21539000
1 1 YCOA 21721000
1 1 YCOA 11002030
1 1 YCOA 22005710
1 1 YCOA 21202000
1 1 YCOA 61101000
1 1 YCOA 21539100
1 1 YCOA 21539104
1 1 YCOA 24098300
1 1 YCOA 21600000
1 1 YCOA 16004000
1 1 YCOA 70400000
1 1 YCOA 21502000
1 1 YCOA 11002090
1 1 YCOA 22001000
1 1 YCOA 61063000
1 1 YCOA 11001065
1 1 YCOA 75002100
1 1 YCOA 22009999
1 1 YCOA 75004030
1 1 YCOA 29110000
1 1 YCOA 21509000
1 1 YCOA 12609020
1 1 YCOA 90001000
1 1 YCOA 61103000
1 1 YCOA 29131000
1 1 YCOA 19430000
1 1 YCOA 22005910
1 1 YCOA 21735000
1 1 YCOA 61023050
1 1 YCOA 11002045
1 1 YCOA 94228000
1 1 YCOA 24034000
1 1 YCOA 12302000
1 1 YCOA 50200000
1 1 YCOA 54011200
1 1 YCOA 61006000
1 1 YCOA 17004000
1 1 YCOA 66000500
1 1 YCOA 12561000
1 1 YCOA 92105300
1 1 YCOA 24090000
1 1 YCOA 44007000
1 1 YCOA 64030000
1 1 YCOA 17009000
1 1 YCOA 21603000
1 1 YCOA 75007000
1 1 YCOA 21539002
1 1 YCOA 71800000
1 1 YCOA 94229000
1 1 YCOA 13701400
1 1 YCOA 21538000
1 1 YCOA 21539106
1 1 YCOA 21102100
1 1 YCOA 13100900
1 1 YCOA 11001000
1 1 YCOA 52041000
1 1 YCOA 66010000
1 1 YCOA 71040000
1 1 YCOA 22006013
1 1 YCOA 70300000
1 1 YCOA 75008000
1 1 YCOA 39915000
1 1 YCOA 21710000
1 1 YCOA 71010000
1 1 YCOA 61200000
1 1 YCOA 12010000
1 1 YCOA 21613012
1 1 YCOA 12531000
1 1 YCOA 17007000
1 1 YCOA 72010000
1 1 YCOA 64004000
1 1 YCOA 21780000
1 1 YCOA 12121000
1 1 YCOA 61022040
1 1 YCOA 21536000
1 1 YCOA 44002200
1 1 YCOA 19310000
1 1 YCOA 24037000
1 1 YCOA 21516000
1 1 YCOA 21530004
1 1 YCOA 13600000
1 1 YCOA 24033000
1 1 YCOA 21501400
1 1 YCOA 21900000
1 1 YCOA 65002000
1 1 YCOA 63009000
1 1 YCOA 75002000
1 1 YCOA 16013000
1 1 YCOA 11009055
1 1 YCOA 94222000
1 1 YCOA 75009000
1 1 YCOA 52570500
1 1 YCOA 16020000
1 1 YCOA 94310000
1 1 YCOA 21303000
1 1 YCOA 52546000
1 1 YCOA 22002010
1 1 YCOA 11001055
1 1 YCOA 41000000
1 1 YCOA 65300000
1 1 YCOA 16009000
1 1 YCOA 61021100
1 1 YCOA 21720000
1 1 YCOA 16001010
1 1 YCOA 21530007
1 1 YCOA 21539001
1 1 YCOA 24036000
1 1 YCOA 12530000
1 1 YCOA 21200000
1 1 YCOA 61061000
1 1 YCOA 65000500
1 1 YCOA 24010000
1 1 YCOA 61023060
1 1 YCOA 65050000
1 1 YCOA 61007000
1 1 YCOA 44002000
1 1 YCOA 21300000
1 1 YCOA 64006000
1 1 YCOA 71100000
1 1 YCOA 52580000
1 1 YCOA 41001500
1 1 YCOA 21751000
1 1 YCOA 22004010
1 1 YCOA 11001060
1 1 YCOA 70500000
1 1 YCOA 61062000
1 1 YCOA 12122000
1 1 YCOA 22006014
1 1 YCOA 44000000
1 1 YCOA 11001010
1 1 YCOA 21750000
1 1 YCOA 16010500
1 1 YCOA 12300000
1 1 YCOA 22005010
1 1 YCOA 93111100
1 1 YCOA 21310000
1 1 YCOA 11002070
1 1 YCOA 11002010
1 1 YCOA 52541000
1 1 YCOA 41003000
1 1 YCOA 22006031
1 1 YCOA 22006022
1 1 YCOA 17006000
1 1 YCOA 61100000
1 1 YCOA 12100100
1 1 YCOA 52080000
1 1 YCOA 12120000
1 1 YCOA 22006021
1 1 YCOA 22003010
1 1 YCOA 16005000
1 1 YCOA 41004000
1 1 YCOA 63008000
1 1 YCOA 11002060
1 1 YCOA 70030000
1 1 YCOA 93116000
1 1 YCOA 72540000
1 1 YCOA 21535001
1 1 YCOA 14102000
1 1 YCOA 22090000
1 1 YCOA 92105200
1 1 YCOA 94308000
1 1 YCOA 21522000
1 1 YCOA 19320000
1 1 YCOA 54051000
1 1 YCOA 61023030
1 1 YCOA 12609112
1 1 YCOA 21110000
1 1 YCOA 64050000
1 1 YCOA 22005100
1 1 YCOA 65100000
1 1 YCOA 21518000
1 1 YCOA 44007001
1 1 YCOA 21300300
1 1 YCOA 70010000
1 1 YCOA 21501500
1 1 YCOA 21539105
1 1 YCOA 22005500
1 1 YCOA 71010100
1 1 YCOA 22090020
1 1 YCOA 39917000
1 1 YCOA 18020000
1 1 YCOA 44006000
1 1 YCOA 15300000
1 1 YCOA 75002200
1 1 YCOA 22006081
1 1 YCOA 16003000
1 1 YCOA 11001045
1 1 YCOA 55110000
1 1 YCOA 32000000
1 1 YCOA 21501200
1 1 YCOA 21100100
1 1 YCOA 24098600
1 1 YCOA 16012000
1 1 YCOA 22005700
1 1 YCOA 71010600
1 1 YCOA 21530002
1 1 YCOA 93100000
1 1 YCOA 12110100
1 1 YCOA 94306000
1 1 YCOA 12303000
1 1 YCOA 24098000
1 1 YCOA 12609110
1 1 YCOA 71010200
1 1 YCOA 21520000
1 1 YCOA 52060000
1 1 YCOA 13500000
1 1 YCOA 21770000
1 1 YCOA 11008070
1 1 YCOA 65150000
1 1 YCOA 44007004
1 1 YCOA 21505000
1 1 YCOA 61005000
1 1 YCOA 41090010
1 1 YCOA 21539107
1 1 YCOA 21532001
1 1 YCOA 21300200
1 1 YCOA 61104000
1 1 YCOA 11002055
1 1 YCOA 22090010
1 1 YCOA 12402000
1 1 YCOA 21102000
1 1 YCOA 13300900
1 1 YCOA 24098400
1 1 YCOA 19210000
1 1 YCOA 21530003
1 1 YCOA 24032000
1 1 YCOA 39912000
1 1 YCOA 64001000
1 1 YCOA 22006025
1 1 YCOA 11009900
1 1 YCOA 13400900
1 1 YCOA 12605916
1 1 YCOA 29120000
1 1 YCOA 72510000
1 1 YCOA 63002000
1 1 YCOA 41001000
1 1 YCOA 22006100
1 1 YCOA 70800000
1 1 YCOA 13711400
1 1 YCOA 11001090
1 1 YCOA 63003000
1 1 YCOA 44003200
1 1 YCOA 11008099
1 1 YCOA 75005000
1 1 YCOA 22005600
1 1 YCOA 22006110
1 1 YCOA 24091000
1 1 YCOA 22009020
1 1 YCOA 59900000
1 1 YCOA 18010000
1 1 YCOA 64032000
1 1 YCOA 17030000
1 1 YCOA 22006000
1 1 YCOA 52030000
1 1 YCOA 71050000
1 1 YCOA 75009900
1 1 YCOA 11002050
1 1 YCOA 24097000
1 1 YCOA 21599000
1 1 YCOA 22002000
1 1 YCOA 12609111
1 1 YCOA 11001070
1 1 YCOA 33000000
1 1 YCOA 41000400
1 1 YCOA 44004000
1 1 YCOA 61052000
1 1 YCOA 21530006
1 1 YCOA 17000000
1 1 YCOA 22090024
1 1 YCOA 65200000
1 1 YCOA 75002300
1 1 YCOA 22090012
1 1 YCOA 16002000
1 1 YCOA 39916000
1 1 YCOA 93114000
1 1 YCOA 94229900
1 1 YCOA 21200100
1 1 YCOA 21613010
1 1 YCOA 66000600
1 1 YCOA 64040000
1 1 YCOA 22005610
1 1 YCOA 68002000
1 1 YCOA 64002000
1 1 YCOA 21530000
1 1 YCOA 39913000
1 1 YCOA 21533001
1 1 YCOA 11009100
1 1 YCOA 24031000
1 1 YCOA 16007000
1 1 YCOA 61003000
1 1 YCOA 61008000
1 1 YCOA 61021000
1 1 YCOA 17001000
1 1 YCOA 71010800
1 1 YCOA 94202000
1 1 YCOA 61023020
1 1 YCOA 65900000
1 1 YCOA 65000000
1 1 YCOA 61102000
1 1 YCOA 64043000
1 1 YCOA 24098500
1 1 YCOA 12101000
1 1 YCOA 12562000
1 1 YCOA 17002000
1 1 YCOA 21517000
1 1 YCOA 65400000
1 1 YCOA 12120100
1 1 YCOA 21524000
1 1 YCOA 15200000
1 1 YCOA 61022100
1 1 YCOA 11002020
1 1 YCOA 12102000
1 1 YCOA 21200300
1 1 YCOA 52560000
1 1 YCOA 72520000
1 1 YCOA 22003000
1 1 YCOA 16001000
1 1 YCOA 44007003
1 1 YCOA 22006012
1 1 YCOA 22005210
1 1 YCOA 24093000
1 1 YCOA 71000000
1 1 YCOA 93113000
1 1 YCOA 41090000
1 1 YCOA 70015000
1 1 YCOA 68000000
1 1 YCOA 16014000
1 1 YCOA 14107000
1 1 YCOA 22140700
1 1 YCOA 12119000
1 1 YCOA 11008000
1 1 YCOA 94221000
1 1 YCOA 21121000
1 1 YCOA 11002040
1 1 YCOA 61201000
1 1 YCOA 75008010
1 1 YCOA 64005000
1 1 YCOA 22005400
1 1 YCOA 21530005
1 1 YCOA 11009200
1 1 YCOA 13100000
1 1 YCOA 13300000
1 1 YCOA 13400000
1 1 YCOA 50300000
1 1 YCOA 50301000
1 1 YCOA 50302000
1 1 YCOA 50303000
1 1 YCOA 50304000
1 1 YCOA 50305000
1 1 YCOA 50306000
1 1 YCOA 50307000
1 1 YCOA 51100000
1 1 YCOA 52001000
1 1 YCOA 52033000
1 1 YCOA 52051000
1 1 YCOA 52501000
1 1 YCOA 52532000
1 1 YCOA 54053000
1 1 YCOA 54083000
1 1 YCOA 54300000
1 1 YCOA 54400000
1 1 YCOA 55100000
1 1 YCOA 63009400
1 1 YCOA 63010200
1 1 YCOA 63020300
1 1 YCOA 64002100
1 1 YCOA 71100200
1 1 YCOA 71100300
1 1 YCOA 92101500
1 1 YCOA 94301000
1 1 YCOA 94303000
G/L Account Name (20) *FS Item (10) FS Item Description (15)
InpTax IGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Sett Itax Dpayts Inv 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Input Tax (ICx) 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC UTGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC IGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Clrg 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Adj down pmt Vendor 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Import Sale Tax paid 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Input Tax 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Input Tax (J1*) 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Tax Transfer Establi 121800 Oth. Receiv.
InpTax Com CESS IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Dom inp VAT rev char 121800 Oth. Receiv.
VAT reg&out o sc rec 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Input Tax (VS4) 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC CGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
OutpTax IGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
OutpTax Com CESS IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Vendors w/ Debit Bal 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC IGST Inv IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Rcvbls Empl Opay nra 121800 Oth. Receiv.
InpTax Im IGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
InpTax CGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
InpTax SGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
InpTax ImCom CESS IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC Im Com CESS IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Unbilled Revenue 121800 Oth. Receiv.
OutpTax CGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Other Rcvbls Adj 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Def Imp inp tax VST 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Input Tax (VS1) 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC SGST Inv IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
OutpTax SGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Clrng Interest Rcvbl 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC Im IGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Input CENVAT 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC Com CESS Inv IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Other Rcvbls nra 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Other Down Payments 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Def Inp tax/FXA VST 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Input tax (VS3) 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Gr. Warranty Clrng 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC UTGST Inv IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
LuxTax VAT In ID 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Input Tax clrg DownP 121800 Oth. Receiv.
SED Input ded. (ZVV) 121800 Oth. Receiv.
WIP Unbilled Revenue 121800 Oth. Receiv.
OutpTax UTGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
input VAT deductible 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Rcvbls Partners nra 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC SGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Input Tax (VS2) 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Guarantees given Cus 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Input tax/FXA VST 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Downpaymts Inventory 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Security Deposit Cus 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Rcvbls Tax Auth nra 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC ImCom CESS Inv IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Defer.Input Tax > 0% 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC Im IGST Inv IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
InpTax UTGST IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Input Tax (VST) 121800 Oth. Receiv.
RC CGST Inv IN 121800 Oth. Receiv.
Functional Area Clrg 283100 Oth liab, NC
13 Wage Accrual 151200 NC assets HFO
Pers hrs 799999 Secondary cost
Freight Clrg MM 214200 Oth liab.,C
Sale fut/free deliv. 211800 Oth payables,NC
PST Payab Adj 283100 Oth liab, NC
Acc.Depr'n Off Equip 161390 Office equ,dep
Invent.Rev.TradingGd 131200 Merchandise
Tax - IRF General to 151200 NC assets HFO
Bank2 BoE Discount 111100 Cash on hand
INSS Vac Accrual 151200 NC assets HFO
Pd in Cap from stock 311000 Issued capital
WIP 131400 WIP
Initial FI-AR offset 151200 NC assets HFO
Development 799999 Secondary cost
Res.Anal.OVH.Costs 799999 Secondary cost
land inc.valtaxpb CN 211800 Oth payables,NC
Dep.Exp. Comp.SW 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Bank1 Check Out 111100 Cash on hand
land usage tax pbl 211800 Oth payables,NC
Holiday Pay 211800 Oth payables,NC
Discount Received 412200 Cost serv/mat
Bank1 Corr.Acc. 111100 Cash on hand
Marketing Expenses 585000 Oth op.expenses
Common Stock 311000 Issued capital
Bank2 Cash Receipt 111100 Cash on hand
Dpr exp(Bk>Tx)-ED 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Addition Provi (ZKK) 584000 Accruals
Cr.PPhPasal15 WT ID 211800 Oth payables,NC
For Withhol Tax Prov 262600 Misc prov,NC
Disposite Reserve SD 214200 Oth liab.,C
Bank1 Lockbox 111100 Cash on hand
Preferred Stock 311000 Issued capital
Gain rebates diff. 412200 Cost serv/mat
Inv Init RawMat Bal 131600 Oth inventories
(-) ISS on Sales 730000 Discontinued
3rd party material 412200 Cost serv/mat
Payroll Exp.Dwn.wag 560000 Wages,oth benef
Bank1 Other Transfer 111100 Cash on hand
Payroll - Soc Sec 211800 Oth payables,NC
GST/HST Payab Adj 283100 Oth liab, NC
GR/IR Gs/sv not invd 283100 Oth liab, NC
Acc. Amort Int. Dev. 164590 Ot Intang A,Amt
Accrued interest-CO 653000 Oth fin exp
Sales Rebates 411100 Sale of goods
Estimated dep FI-AA 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Flatrate Val Adjstmt 653000 Oth fin exp
Freight provision MM 214200 Oth liab.,C
Purchased Svcs-Time 585000 Oth op.expenses
Other Taxes Income 585000 Oth op.expenses
GST/HST Self-Assess 283100 Oth liab, NC
Res.Anal.COPReserv. 799999 Secondary cost
Offsett trav exp pd 211800 Oth payables,NC
Secondary costs 799999 Secondary cost
Dom outp VAT rev chg 211800 Oth payables,NC
Deferred Carried For 730000 Discontinued
Inv Chg Rcpt w/o PO 412100 Var Inventory
Dpaymnt Request Cust 211800 Oth payables,NC
ISS to Recover (BR) 151200 NC assets HFO
Purchased Services 585000 Oth op.expenses
COFINS to Recover (B 151200 NC assets HFO
Bank1 Direct Debit 111100 Cash on hand
GR/IR 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Bank1 Cash Receipt 111100 Cash on hand
Interest Income 601000 Int income
Clrg invst rcvbl rcd 283100 Oth liab, NC
VAT DP Received RU 211800 Oth payables,NC
Deferred Tax 722000 Deferred tax
Petty Cash Journal 111100 Cash on hand
Sett Itax Dpayts int 161600 Other PPE
Prepaid Tax for CWT 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Disability Pay 560000 Wages,oth benef
Consptn Packag Mat 412200 Cost serv/mat
Gain val'n ext prd 412200 Cost serv/mat
Down pmnts Tangibles 161600 Other PPE
Loans Other long trm 181100 Loans &A, NC,GV
Bank1 Foreign Currcy 111100 Cash on hand
Downpaymts rec 1-5 Y 281600 Oth pay L.,NC
Rev from Asset Sale 511000 G/Disp PPE
Loans from Bank nra 221100 Borrowing,C
Payroll - EE Benefit 211800 Oth payables,NC
Adj acc down pay rec 211800 Oth payables,NC
Insurance 585000 Oth op.expenses
OffsetAcct Reval APC 161600 Other PPE
Investmnt rcvbl recd 316000 Retained earn.
Other Clearing Accou 211800 Oth payables,NC
Settl.R&D 799999 Secondary cost
ad edu tax paya (CN) 211800 Oth payables,NC
Loans from Bank 1-5 221100 Borrowing,C
Tax Fringe Benefits 585000 Oth op.expenses
Acquisition tax 211800 Oth payables,NC
Export Taxes 585000 Oth op.expenses
Loss Inv Val Adj Own 412100 Var Inventory
Consptn Subcontr 412200 Cost serv/mat
Deprec other Rcvbls 121990 Oth rec,Allow
Tax Provisions 262600 Misc prov,NC
Other activity costs 585000 Oth op.expenses
Cr.PPhPasal22 WT ID 211800 Oth payables,NC
ICMS Recover UF Orig 151200 NC assets HFO
Tax sett.dwn pmt cus 214200 Oth liab.,C
outp tax lux MW2 CN 211800 Oth payables,NC
Down Paymnt Custome 211800 Oth payables,NC
land usage tax 585000 Oth op.expenses
Guarantees rec Vend 211800 Oth payables,NC
Freight Revenue/Rec. 412100 Var Inventory
Rcvbl BoE Bounced AE 121100 Trade, GV
Loans from Banks Adj 221100 Borrowing,C
Loss Capitaliz Diff 412200 Cost serv/mat
Cr.PPhPasal23 WT ID 211800 Oth payables,NC
Tax - ISS to Pay (BR 151200 NC assets HFO
TAX Transfer Plant 151200 NC assets HFO
RITC 283100 Oth liab, NC
COPA assessments-Adm 799999 Secondary cost
Donations 585000 Oth op.expenses
Tax Source IN 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
COPA assessments-Non 799999 Secondary cost
Excise Taxes 585000 Oth op.expenses
Inv Chg Reserve 412100 Var Inventory
AccDepr Build.Red(JP 161190 Lands/build,Dep
Acc.Depr'n Comput SW 164290 Software,Amt
Ind Val Adjmnt Rcvbl 121190 Trade, Allow
Deferred tax assets 182100 Def tax A.,NC
CSLL to Recover (BR) 151200 NC assets HFO
Dep.Exp. L.V.A 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Paybls Affiliate Adj 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Indiv income tax pbl 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Dep.Exp. Intangibles 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Other Expenses 585000 Oth op.expenses
GST ITC Receivable 283100 Oth liab, NC
Real estate tax pbl 211800 Oth payables,NC
Prov. correction 262600 Misc prov,NC
Payroll Exp.Pension 560000 Wages,oth benef
payr work injury ins 560000 Wages,oth benef
Tax - PIS to Pay (B 151200 NC assets HFO
Interest Expense - S 652000 Int expenses
Acc.Depr Intangibles 164590 Ot Intang A,Amt
Office/Building Rent 585000 Oth op.expenses
Sales Disc Foreign 411100 Sale of goods
OH Administration 799999 Secondary cost
Vehicle Costs 585000 Oth op.expenses
Furniture & Fixtures 161600 Other PPE
Spec tax-allow R §6b 316000 Retained earn.
Delivery Costs MM 214200 Oth liab.,C
HR Recruitement 585000 Oth op.expenses
B/S res anticip loss 131400 WIP
Tax&addit. Duty 585000 Oth op.expenses
COPA Assessment 799999 Secondary cost
Consptn Trde Gds 412200 Cost serv/mat
Water 799999 Secondary cost
Invent.Rev.Packaging 131600 Oth inventories
VAT Goods Sales RU 411100 Sale of goods
Consptn Subct.w/o CE 412200 Cost serv/mat
Customers w/ cr bal 211800 Oth payables,NC
Lic tax vehicl vess 211800 Oth payables,NC
DeprExp Building RED 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Bank1 BoE Discount 111100 Cash on hand
Payroll Other Exp 560000 Wages,oth benef
Training Education 585000 Oth op.expenses
Personnel costs 799999 Secondary cost
Tax - IPI to Pay (BR 151200 NC assets HFO
Services - General 585000 Oth op.expenses
Tax -CSLL to Pay (BR 151200 NC assets HFO
Payroll Vacatn Pay S 560000 Wages,oth benef
Subcontract.Services 585000 Oth op.expenses
Gain Inv Val Adj Ext 412100 Var Inventory
Bank2 BoE Collection 111100 Cash on hand
Payroll - Garnishmen 211800 Oth payables,NC
Customs prov'n MM 214200 Oth liab.,C
OH Sales 799999 Secondary cost
Loss curr.val. 653000 Oth fin exp
Paybls Domestic 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Rcvbls - BoE 121100 Trade, GV
Bad Debt Expense 583000 Bad debt Allow
Sales Tax Accrued 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Paybls Foreign 1-5 281600 Oth pay L.,NC
Clrng Asset Acquisit 161600 Other PPE
Loss rnd.dif.f.curr 653000 Oth fin exp
Tax - COFINS to Pay 151200 NC assets HFO
Loss val ext prd 586000 Op. FV losses
COPA assessments-Sal 799999 Secondary cost
COPA assessments-Non 799999 Secondary cost
ICMS clearing BR 151200 NC assets HFO
Defer.Output tax > % 211800 Oth payables,NC
Purchase acct Packag 412200 Cost serv/mat
Accrued Revenue - Ad 411100 Sale of goods
Industry Effluent 799999 Secondary cost
DocSplit Clrg Act CO 283100 Oth liab, NC
Loss Inv Val Adj Ext 412100 Var Inventory
Goodwill 163100 Goodwill
Gain revaluation 412200 Cost serv/mat
PST Receivable 283100 Oth liab, NC
Doubtfull Rcvbls 121190 Trade, Allow
Bonus prvsn Prev yr 211800 Oth payables,NC
Sick Pay 560000 Wages,oth benef
Dividend payable 211700 Div pay L.,NC
Output tax (MWS) 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Acc.Depr'n Bldg Impr 161190 Lands/build,Dep
Acc.Depr'n L.V.Asse. 161690 Other PPE,Dep
Petty Cash 111100 Cash on hand
Fax and Internet 585000 Oth op.expenses
Clrg Invoice Reductn 211800 Oth payables,NC
ICMS to Recover (BR) 151200 NC assets HFO
Purch.acc.(SF&Fin) 412200 Cost serv/mat
Bank1 Bank Transfer 111100 Cash on hand
Payroll Allocation 211800 Oth payables,NC
Telephone and other 585000 Oth op.expenses
InvCh PurOffs Packag 412100 Var Inventory
Rev Adj 411100 Sale of goods
Travel exp payable 211800 Oth payables,NC
Land & Ld Improvemts 161100 Lands/buildings
Inventory Adjustment 131600 Oth inventories
INSS (Direct Product 730000 Discontinued
Bank3 Dig Pmnt Tran 111100 Cash on hand
Buildings & PerSer 799999 Secondary cost
Long Servi Leave(CN) 560000 Wages,oth benef
Internal Transport 799999 Secondary cost
Customs Duty Clrg 214200 Oth liab.,C
Computer Software 164200 Software
FGTS to Pay 151200 NC assets HFO
Res Unrealized Costs 584000 Accruals
Other Paybls Adj 211800 Oth payables,NC
Paybls Domestic > 5 281600 Oth pay L.,NC
Ind Value Adjustment 653000 Oth fin exp
Mach Equipm PerSer 585000 Oth op.expenses
Dep.Exp. Comp.HD 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Export VAT 211800 Oth payables,NC
Clrg aff assettransf 515000 Oth op income
Bank2 Corr.Acc. 111100 Cash on hand
COPA assessments-R&D 799999 Secondary cost
Output tax (ICZ) 211800 Oth payables,NC
Use Tax Accrued MW1 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
COx Brazil 151200 NC assets HFO
OffsetAcct Reval Dep 517000 Op.FV gain
Sales Commissions 585000 Oth op.expenses
Electricity&Utilitie 585000 Oth op.expenses
Capital Reserves 311000 Issued capital
Zero Balance Clrg 283100 Oth liab, NC
Rcvbls Domestic 121100 Trade, GV
Bank2 Main Account 111100 Cash on hand
FGTS 13 Wage Accrual 151200 NC assets HFO
Clrng est dep assets 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Interest Rcvbls 121900 Accrued int.
Dep.Exp. Build.& Imp 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Profit Reserves 316000 Retained earn.
Cr.PPhPasal4(2)WT ID 211800 Oth payables,NC
GR/IR Adjustment 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
vehicle vessels tax 585000 Oth op.expenses
Trav.Expense Meals 585000 Oth op.expenses
Rcvbls Affiliate > 1 181800 Oth rec, NC
QM Cspt ExtPrd w/Act 585000 Oth op.expenses
Prv Pension-ledg spc 261100 Prov employe,NC
VAT reg&out o sc pbl 211800 Oth payables,NC
Accrued Net Payroll 211800 Oth payables,NC
Bank2 BoE Forfeit AE 111100 Cash on hand
Free Gds/Disc in knd 411100 Sale of goods
Payroll Bonus 560000 Wages,oth benef
PST Output Tax Payab 283100 Oth liab, NC
Cust SalesDed Foreig 411100 Sale of goods
Gain Longterm Invest 512000 G/Sale shares
Fines&Penalties 585000 Oth op.expenses
payr medical insuran 560000 Wages,oth benef
Consptn Repair Mat 412200 Cost serv/mat
Paybls Domestic 1-5 281600 Oth pay L.,NC
Downpaymts rec > 5 Y 281600 Oth pay L.,NC
Cust SalesDed Domest 411100 Sale of goods
INSS Contractors to 151200 NC assets HFO
Res unrealized Costs 214200 Oth liab.,C
Bank2 Other Transfer 111100 Cash on hand
QST Outp tax pay adj 283100 Oth liab, NC
Paybls Foreign Adj 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Pay Othr salary exp 560000 Wages,oth benef
Vacation Accrual 151200 NC assets HFO
Labor Contingency 151200 NC assets HFO
Capital Reserve 311000 Issued capital
Reserve Defer'd Tax 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Motor Vehicles 161400 Vehicles
Dividends 603000 Dividends
Payroll Taxes 211800 Oth payables,NC
Bank2 Techn. Account 111100 Cash on hand
Sales Tax Accrued 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Dues to Associations 560000 Wages,oth benef
Bank1 BoE Collection 111100 Cash on hand
Capital Gains Tax 585000 Oth op.expenses
Imported Ser Rev ch 211800 Oth payables,NC
stamp tax 585000 Oth op.expenses
Other Payables 1-5 281600 Oth pay L.,NC
Payroll Work Comp As 211800 Oth payables,NC
Defer.Input Tax 0% 182100 Def tax A.,NC
Activated Carried Fo 730000 Discontinued
Pay Exp Dir Labor co 560000 Wages,oth benef
Loans from Bank > 5 221100 Borrowing,C
Amort'n Goodwill 163190 Goodwill, Imp
PST Self-Assess 283100 Oth liab, NC
Delivery cst prov MM 214200 Oth liab.,C
payr housing fund CN 560000 Wages,oth benef
Bank 2 - Returns 111100 Cash on hand
COPA assessments-Tax 799999 Secondary cost
Cap Gain Tax Provis 262600 Misc prov,NC
Rcvbls Affiliate Adj 121100 Trade, GV
COGS Trade 412200 Cost serv/mat
InvCh PurOffs Tradin 412100 Var Inventory
Trav.Exp Entertainmt 585000 Oth op.expenses
Acc.Depr'n Motor Veh 161490 Vehicles, Dep
Income-redct in prov 514000 Reversal prov
Prepaid Expenses 123100 Prepaid exp
Other costs 799999 Secondary cost
Other provisions 262600 Misc prov,NC
(-) IPI on Sales 730000 Discontinued
Unsched.dep.Expense 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Acc.Depr'n Auc 161290 Tang A UC,imp
Withholding Tax 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Property Taxes 585000 Oth op.expenses
INSS on Wage to Pay 151200 NC assets HFO
Other Extra.Expense 585000 Oth op.expenses
COPA assessments-cas 799999 Secondary cost
WIP Def Rev 131400 WIP
Tax Other - to Pay 151200 NC assets HFO
INSS 13 Wage Accrual 151200 NC assets HFO
Cred.adj. FX val. 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Inv. Reval. Raw Mat. 131100 Raw materials
Bank1 Main Account 111100 Cash on hand
Loss Prc Var PRD 586000 Op. FV losses
Discountin Exp (ZKB) 585000 Oth op.expenses
Discnt lost net proc 653000 Oth fin exp
trans input VAT(CN) 211800 Oth payables,NC
Intrest income Subs 601000 Int income
Trade Tax 585000 Oth op.expenses
Initial FI-AP offset 151200 NC assets HFO
Amort'n - Prepaymt 211800 Oth payables,NC
Loss asset transactn 581000 L/Disp PPE
Pay Exp Tax&SS Wages 560000 Wages,oth benef
Shrt Trm Investments 111200 Cash equiv.
Tax Col.Source SD IN 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
A/R - Unappl Checks 121100 Trade, GV
Acc.Depr'n Comput HW 161690 Other PPE,Dep
Loss exch.rate diff 653000 Oth fin exp
Dep.Exp. Motor Veh. 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Freight Prov'n SD 214200 Oth liab.,C
Rcvbls Foreign > 1 181800 Oth rec, NC
Workers' comp.assoc. 560000 Wages,oth benef
Tax - IRRF - Contrac 151200 NC assets HFO
Sales Disc Affiliate 411100 Sale of goods
Internal Development 164500 Oth Intang A.
Deferred Tax Provis 262600 Misc prov,NC
Payroll - ER Benefit 211800 Oth payables,NC
ICMS Substit Trib 151200 NC assets HFO
Inventory TradingGd 131200 Merchandise
Corp Income Tax Prov 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Hol Pay Prvsn Cur yr 211800 Oth payables,NC
PR Clearing Acct 214200 Oth liab.,C
Advert.& Sales Costs 585000 Oth op.expenses
Leasing Expense 585000 Oth op.expenses
Corp.Income Tax Exp. 721000 Income tax
Clg cap'd dwn pmt FA 161600 Other PPE
Bank 1 BoE Out (FR) 111100 Cash on hand
COPA assessments-Mar 799999 Secondary cost
Export Duty 585000 Oth op.expenses
Gain Inv Val Adj Own 412100 Var Inventory
Low Value Assets 161600 Other PPE
QM Control 799999 Secondary cost
Paybls affl Comp nra 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Consumption Valuatio 412100 Var Inventory
Use Tax Accrued MW2 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Bank1 BoE Out 111100 Cash on hand
Rev Domestic Prod 411100 Sale of goods
Legal&Audit Services 585000 Oth op.expenses
Assets under Constr. 161200 Tang Assets UC
Payroll Overtime Wag 560000 Wages,oth benef
Other Paybls nra 211800 Oth payables,NC
Building RED 161190 Lands/build,Dep
ICMS Complemtry BR 151200 NC assets HFO
INSS FreeLancer Pay 151200 NC assets HFO
Other Tax Provision 262600 Misc prov,NC
Rcvbls - Pmt Cards 121100 Trade, GV
Paybls Foreign 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Payroll Benefits 560000 Wages,oth benef
Non Prod Mat Consptn 585000 Oth op.expenses
GR/IR Gd/sv not deld 283100 Oth liab, NC
payr lab un edu dues 560000 Wages,oth benef
Unplanned del.costs 585000 Oth op.expenses
Trav.Exp Air,Rl,Mile 585000 Oth op.expenses
Sales Disc Domestic 411100 Sale of goods
Paybls Affiliate 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Dep.Exp. Furniture 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Interest Expense 652000 Int expenses
Gain allwd diff Clrg 412100 Var Inventory
Rev Affiliate- Prod 411100 Sale of goods
Clrg Guaranties Rec 214200 Oth liab.,C
Use Tax Accrued MW4 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Bank1 Check In 111100 Cash on hand
Consump of provision 514000 Reversal prov
Worker Comp Assoc 560000 Wages,oth benef
Rcvbls Foreign Adj 181800 Oth rec, NC
Tax exempt fr export 211800 Oth payables,NC
Over/Underpmt&Ded 585000 Oth op.expenses
Bank1 Cash Payment 111100 Cash on hand
Clrg Vndr Discnt Net 214200 Oth liab.,C
Sett. Tax DPs Tangib 161600 Other PPE
Rcvbls Affiliate 121100 Trade, GV
GST/HST ITC Rece Adj 283100 Oth liab, NC
Res.Anal.Prim.Costs 799999 Secondary cost
Trade Pbl BoE 211800 Oth payables,NC
Bank2 Check Clearing 111100 Cash on hand
Bank2 Cash Payment 111100 Cash on hand
Gain Prc Var PRD 412100 Var Inventory
Accr rev - EBR Adj. 411100 Sale of goods
resource tax payable 211800 Oth payables,NC
veh pur tax pbl(CN) 211800 Oth payables,NC
Acc.Depr'n Furn&Fixt 161690 Other PPE,Dep
Payroll Exp Salaries 560000 Wages,oth benef
Rcvbls Domestic OTA 121100 Trade, GV
Loss allwd diff Clrg 585000 Oth op.expenses
Rcvbls Foreign 121100 Trade, GV
business tax (CN) 211800 Oth payables,NC
Use Tax Accrued MW3 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Office Equipment 161300 Office equip
Sales Deduction CoE 411100 Sale of goods
Building PerSer 585000 Oth op.expenses
Bank2 Check In 111100 Cash on hand
Clear ass.disp. 511000 G/Disp PPE
Res.Anal.OVH Reserv 799999 Secondary cost
Gain curr.val. 604000 Oth fin income
COFINS WHT to Pay 151200 NC assets HFO
Loans Other - short 141400 Loans &A, C,GV
Tax Payable 211800 Oth payables,NC
Sp/Serv/Ext Mat con 799999 Secondary cost
Consulting 799999 Secondary cost
IR to Recover (BR) 151200 NC assets HFO
Intangible Assets 164500 Oth Intang A.
Inv Chg Scrp ext prd 412100 Var Inventory
payr unempl insuranc 560000 Wages,oth benef
VAT DP Issued Ded RU 214200 Oth liab.,C
GR/IR Consi/Pipeline 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Estimated depreciati 653000 Oth fin exp
GST Output Tax Payab 283100 Oth liab, NC
Office Supplies 585000 Oth op.expenses
Doc Split Acct Trip 211800 Oth payables,NC
(-) ICMS on Sales 730000 Discontinued
Paybls Affiliate > 5 281600 Oth pay L.,NC
Rev PostCapitalizatn 412200 Cost serv/mat
Hol Pay Prvsn Pre yr 211800 Oth payables,NC
Judicial Contingency 151200 NC assets HFO
HST Output Tax Payab 283100 Oth liab, NC
Gain asset transactn 511000 G/Disp PPE
Cr.PPhPasal21 WT ID 211800 Oth payables,NC
Init oth OI GL offs 151200 NC assets HFO
Other Long Trm Invst 172500 Oth fin A.,NC
Sales Deduc Quantity 411100 Sale of goods
Trip costs advance 123100 Prepaid exp
SoliSurch CorpIncTax 721000 Income tax
Indiv income tax wh 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Building Improvemnts 161100 Lands/buildings
Bank 1 - Returns 111100 Cash on hand
Sec.Cost Ext.Settlmt 511000 G/Disp PPE
Capitl in Exc.of Par 311000 Issued capital
13th mth sal prvsn 211800 Oth payables,NC
Paybls Domestic OTA 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Other Reservers 316000 Retained earn.
Cap DP made on asset 161200 Tang Assets UC
QST Output Tax Payab 283100 Oth liab, NC
Clrng dep local GAAP 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
ICMS Recover UF Dest 151200 NC assets HFO
Res.Anal.Technical 799999 Secondary cost
Down Payments > 1J 181800 Oth rec, NC
Environmental 799999 Secondary cost
Rcvbls affl Comp nra 121100 Trade, GV
Asset Reval Reserve 314000 Reval surplus,B
Def VAT DP Issued RU 214200 Oth liab.,C
Gain from Write Up 511000 G/Disp PPE
IPI to Recover (BR) 151200 NC assets HFO
Loss Sml Prc Diff IR 412100 Var Inventory
Inventory Packaging 131600 Oth inventories
Accrd Volume Rebate 214200 Oth liab.,C
Bank3 Dig Pmnt Clrg 111100 Cash on hand
Computer Supplies 585000 Oth op.expenses
(-) Cofins on Sales 730000 Discontinued
Payroll - Savings Pl 211800 Oth payables,NC
Travel Exp Grd Trnsp 585000 Oth op.expenses
VAT Revenue RU 411100 Sale of goods
FGTS Vac Accrual 151200 NC assets HFO
ISS WHT to Pay 151200 NC assets HFO
Paybls Affiliate 1-5 281600 Oth pay L.,NC
Payroll Expense Indi 560000 Wages,oth benef
Bank2 BoE Out 111100 Cash on hand
TDS Provision JV IN 211800 Oth payables,NC
Depr Rcvbl Affiliate 121190 Trade, Allow
Paybls Domestic Adj 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Invent. Rev.Semi Fin 131600 Oth inventories
Legal Reserve 316000 Retained earn.
Other Rcvbls > 1 181800 Oth rec, NC
FCP / FECOEP Recover 151200 NC assets HFO
Trade Tax Provision 262600 Misc prov,NC
Inv Init SF&Fin Bal 131600 Oth inventories
Dep.Exp. Buildings 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
ad loc edu tax pb CN 211800 Oth payables,NC
BoE Payable - Cleari 111100 Cash on hand
Invent. Rev.FinishGd 131500 Finished goods
RC Com CESS IN 181800 Oth rec, NC
Other Payables > 5 281600 Oth pay L.,NC
Gain exch.rate diff 604000 Oth fin income
Water 585000 Oth op.expenses
Rev Foreign - Prod 411100 Sale of goods
VAT Tec Exp Cr RU 211800 Oth payables,NC
Other Extra.Income 515000 Oth op income
WIP Acc Rev 131400 WIP
Bank1 Techn. Account 111100 Cash on hand
Other PerSer 585000 Oth op.expenses
Cust SalesDed Affili 411100 Sale of goods
Bank3 Corr.Acc. 111100 Cash on hand
Input Tax (NAV) 585000 Oth op.expenses
QST ITR Receivable 283100 Oth liab, NC
LuxTax VAT Out ID 181800 Oth rec, NC
Guarantees Provision 262600 Misc prov,NC
Defer.Output Tax 0% 282100 Def tax liab.
COGS (Affiliated) 412200 Cost serv/mat
Common Stck Invt Sub 172100 Inv subs JV AE
Dpr exp(Bk<Tx)-ED 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Acc Depr-Excpt Depr 161690 Other PPE,Dep
Imp VAT del rev chg 211800 Oth payables,NC
Loss revaluation 586000 Op. FV losses
Cash Discount 653000 Oth fin exp
Other Company Taxes 585000 Oth op.expenses
Bank2 Check Out 111100 Cash on hand
Expected Loss Provis 262600 Misc prov,NC
HR Month End Accrual 211800 Oth payables,NC
Sales Tax Accrued 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
VAT Out Exp Ops RU 214200 Oth liab.,C
Bank1 Check Clearing 111100 Cash on hand
Retained Earnings 316000 Retained earn.
Sales Revenue w/ CE 411100 Sale of goods
Sales Deduc Material 411100 Sale of goods
Payroll Exp.Dwn.sal 560000 Wages,oth benef
FCP State Inv BR 151200 NC assets HFO
Acc.Depr'n Land Impr 161190 Lands/build,Dep
Cr.PPhPasal26 WT ID 211800 Oth payables,NC
Other Supplies 585000 Oth op.expenses
SoliSurch InteIncTax 585000 Oth op.expenses
TDS Provision IN 211800 Oth payables,NC
Machinery & Equipmnt 161500 Machinery
Initial oth GL offs 151200 NC assets HFO
Res.Anal.COSReserv. 799999 Secondary cost
COPA assessments-Con 799999 Secondary cost
Paybls Foreign OTA 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Tax Col.Off-set.IN 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Other Operating Gain 515000 Oth op income
Sched.dep. fixed.ass 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
QST Payab Adj 283100 Oth liab, NC
Purchase acct Tradin 412200 Cost serv/mat
Dep.Exp. Mach.& Equ. 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Tax - ICMS to Pay (B 151200 NC assets HFO
Initial FI-AM offset 151200 NC assets HFO
PIS WHT to Pay 151200 NC assets HFO
BoE collection 111100 Cash on hand
Pension Provision 261100 Prov employe,NC
Computer HW&Equipmnt 161600 Other PPE
Trav.Expense Hotel 585000 Oth op.expenses
Trav.Expense Misc. 585000 Oth op.expenses
Payroll Overtime Sal 560000 Wages,oth benef
Acc.Depr'n Building 161190 Lands/build,Dep
Deprec local GAAP 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
Quality costs 799999 Secondary cost
payr endowment insur 560000 Wages,oth benef
Damage Loss 585000 Oth op.expenses
Postage and Shipping 585000 Oth op.expenses
Pay Other Wage exp 560000 Wages,oth benef
Amortization Expense 572000 GW Imp
Statutory Reserve 316000 Retained earn.
Rcvbls Domestic > 1 181800 Oth rec, NC
Deferred Income 214100 Def inc L.,NC
Acc.Depr'n Mch & Equ 161590 Machinery, Dep
Other Personnel Cost 211800 Oth payables,NC
Freight 585000 Oth op.expenses
Rcvbls Foreign OTA 121100 Trade, GV
PIS to Recover (BR) 151200 NC assets HFO
Prepayments Sal/Wag 123100 Prepaid exp
Payroll Vacatn Pay W 560000 Wages,oth benef
Bank2 Bank Transfer 111100 Cash on hand
Rcvbls Domestic Adj 121100 Trade, GV
Paybls Foreign > 5 281600 Oth pay L.,NC
Gain Sml Prc Diff IR 412100 Var Inventory
Gain rnd.dif.f.curr 604000 Oth fin income
Sales Tax Accrued 213000 Inc Tax liab,C
Buildings 161100 Lands/buildings
(-) PIS on Sales 730000 Discontinued
paid VAT 151200 NC assets HFO
PST Rece Adj 283100 Oth liab, NC
Indet Paybls Provisi 262600 Misc prov,NC
Bank Charges 652000 Int expenses
Res.Anal.Sec.Costs 799999 Secondary cost
Other Operating Reve 515000 Oth op income
Sttlmt AuC to CO 412200 Cost serv/mat
Purchase Account Raw 412200 Cost serv/mat
TecClrng Int AAcqu 161600 Other PPE
Loans to Staff 141400 Loans &A, C,GV
PIx Brazil 151200 NC assets HFO
Dpaymnt Request Vend 211800 Oth payables,NC
Bank3 Dig Pmnt Acqu 111100 Cash on hand
COPA assessments-ove 799999 Secondary cost
GR/IR sett.transf.ML 211100 Tra pay L.,NC
Bank2 Direct Debit 111100 Cash on hand
Pay Exp Tax&SS Salry 560000 Wages,oth benef
Capital Gains Tax 585000 Oth op.expenses
Dep.Exp. Office Equ. 571000 Amt/Dep/imp
HST ITC Receivable 283100 Oth liab, NC
FCP Dest State BR 151200 NC assets HFO
BoE discounting 111100 Cash on hand
Inventory Raw Mat. 131100 Raw materials
Inventory Semi Fin 131100 Raw materials
Inventory FinishedGd 131100 Raw materials
COGS SF&F w/o CE 585000 Oth op.expenses
COGS Direct Material 585000 Oth op.expenses
COGS Third Party 585000 Oth op.expenses
COGS Material Overhd 585000 Oth op.expenses
COGS Personnel Time 585000 Oth op.expenses
COGS Machine Time 585000 Oth op.expenses
COGS Setup Time 585000 Oth op.expenses
COGS Productn Overhd 585000 Oth op.expenses
Consptn Raw Mat 585000 Oth op.expenses
Loss Inv Var-Raw/Tr 585000 Oth op.expenses
Loss Val own prd 585000 Oth op.expenses
Loss cspt csgn R&Tr 585000 Oth op.expenses
Gain Inv Var-Raw/Tr 585000 Oth op.expenses
Gain val'n own prd 585000 Oth op.expenses
Inv Chg Scrp own prd 585000 Oth op.expenses
Inv Chg COGS w/CE 585000 Oth op.expenses
Inv Chg SF Goods 585000 Oth op.expenses
Inv Chg Fin Goods 585000 Oth op.expenses
Plnt act prod.order 585000 Oth op.expenses
LE Motor (ROU) 585000 Oth op.expenses
Ser.Exp.Building-ROU 585000 Oth op.expenses
Exp./Rev.VD.Machine 585000 Oth op.expenses
Dep.Exp.Ma.Eq.(ROU) 585000 Oth op.expenses
Inter. Exp. Building 585000 Oth op.expenses
Inter. Exp. Mashine 585000 Oth op.expenses
Settl. Rework 585000 Oth op.expenses
Machine hours 1 585000 Oth op.expenses
Setup Production 585000 Oth op.expenses
Attribute ID FS Item Attribute Name Description
Value ID
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0001
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0002
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0003
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0004
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0005
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0006
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0007
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0008
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0009
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0010
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0011
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0012
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0013
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0014
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0015
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0016
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0017
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0018
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0019
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0020
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0021
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0022
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0023
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0024
001 S-ELIMINATION Elimination 0025
002 S-CURRENCY TRANSLATION Currency Translation 0001
002 S-CURRENCY TRANSLATION Currency Translation 0002
002 S-CURRENCY TRANSLATION Currency Translation 0003
002 S-CURRENCY TRANSLATION Currency Translation 0004
002 S-CURRENCY TRANSLATION Currency Translation 0005
002 S-CURRENCY TRANSLATION Currency Translation 0006
002 S-CURRENCY TRANSLATION Currency Translation 0007
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0001
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0002
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0003
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0004
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0005
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0007
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0009
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0012
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0013
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0014
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0015
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0016
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0017
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0018
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0027
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0028
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0029
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0030
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0031
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0032
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0033
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0034
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0035
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0036
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0037
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0038
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0039
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0040
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0041
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0042
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0043
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0044
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0045
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0046
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0047
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0048
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0050
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0051
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0057
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0058
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0059
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0060
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0061
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0062
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0063
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0064
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0065
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0066
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0067
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0068
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0069
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0070
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0071
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0072
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0073
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0074
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0091
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0092
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0093
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0094
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0095
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0096
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0097
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0098
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0099
003 S-ROLE FS Item Roles 0100
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0001
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0002
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0003
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0004
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0005
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0006
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0007
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0008
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0009
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0010
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0011
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0012
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0013
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0014
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0015
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0016
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0017
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0018
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0019
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0020
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0021
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0022
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0023
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0024
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0025
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0026
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0027
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0028
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0029
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0030
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0031
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0032
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0033
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0034
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0035
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0036
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0037
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0038
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0039
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0040
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0041
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0042
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0043
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0044
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0045
004 DATA COLLECTION Data Collection 0046
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0001
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0002
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0003
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0004
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0005
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0006
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0007
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0008
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0009
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0010
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0011
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0012
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0013
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0014
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0015
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0016
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0017
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0018
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0019
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0020
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0021
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0022
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0023
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0024
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0025
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0026
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0027
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0028
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0029
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0030
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0031
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0032
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0033
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0034
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0035
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0036
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0037
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0038
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0039
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0040
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0041
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0042
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0043
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0044
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0045
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0046
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0047
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0048
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0049
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0050
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0051
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0052
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0053
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0054
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0055
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0056
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0057
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0058
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0059
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0060
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0061
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0062
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0063
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0064
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0065
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0066
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0067
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0068
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0069
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0070
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0071
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0072
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0073
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0074
005 CASH FLOW Cash Flow 0075
006 SCOPE Scope 0001
006 SCOPE Scope 0002
006 SCOPE Scope 0003
007 CUSTOMER SPECIFIC Customer specific
Attribute Value Name Description

S-IUE-PL-GP Sale of goods

S-IUE-DIV Dividends
S-IUE-BS-AR IC Trade Receivable
S-IUE-BS-AP IC Trade Payables
S-IUE-BS-OR-C IC Other Receivable Current
S-IUE-BS-OP-C IC Other Payable Current
S-IUE-BS-DIV-REC BS Dividends Receivables
S-IUE-BS-DIV-PAY BS Dividends Payables
S-IUE-BS-OR-NC IC Other Receivable Non-Current
S-IUE-BS-OP-NC IC Other Payable Non-Current
S-IUE-BS-FA-NC IC Financial Assets Non-Current
S-IUE-BS-FL-NC IC Financial Liabilities Non-Current
S-IUE-BS-DER IC Derivatives, Current
S-COI-INV Investments
S-COI-CAP Capital
S-COI-OCI Other Comprehensive Income
S-COI-RET-EARN Retained earnings
S-COI-NET-INC Net income
S-CT-BS-CLO B/S items - closing rate
S-CT-BS-HIST B/S items - historical conv
S-CT-BS-HIST-OPE B/S items - hist conv, OPE
S-CT-PL-AVG P&L items- average rate
S-CT-ANI-BS Net Income
S-CT-NCI-NI NCI-Net Income
S-CT-ANI-PL Net Income/Loss
S-ANI-BS Annual Net Income – B/S​
S-ANI-PL Annual Net Income – P&L​
S-DEF-TAX-AST Deferred tax – Assets​
S-DEF-TAX-LIA Deferred tax – Liabilities​
S-DEF-TAX-PL Deferred tax – P&L
S-CT-DIFF C/T difference
S-CT-ROUND-PL C/T rounding difference – P&L
S-RETAINED-EARNING Retained earnings
S-NCI-RETAINED-EARN NCI - Retained earnings
S-NCI-NET-INC-BS NCI - net income BS
S-NCI-NET-INC-PL NCI - net income P&L
S-INVEST-CLEAR-OWN Investments clearing - Owner
S-INVEST-CLEAR-HELD Investments clearing - Held
S-A-INV-SUBS-IMP Inv subs JV,Imp
S-A-INV-AT-EQUITY Invest at Equ
S-A-GOODWILL-IMP Goodwill, Imp
S-CAP-ISSUED Issued capital
S-TREASURY-SHARE Treasury shares
S-OCI-N-REC-01-B Reval surplus,B
S-OCI-N-REC-01-T Reval surplus,T
S-OCI-N-REC-02-B Rem.benefit,B
S-OCI-N-REC-02-T Rem.benefit,T
S-OCI-N-REC-03-B N-Rec Hedging, B
S-OCI-N-REC-03-T N-Rec Hedging,T
S-OCI-N-REC-04-B N-rec FV res,B
S-OCI-N-REC-04-T N-rec FV res,T
S-OCI-N-REC-05-B Liab FV risk,B
S-OCI-N-REC-05-T Liab FV risk, T
S-OCI-REC-01-B Rec Hedging,B
S-OCI-REC-01-T Rec Hedging,T
S-OCI-REC-02-B Rec FV res, B
S-OCI-REC-02-T Rec FV res, T
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-01-B N-Rev surplus,B
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-01-T N-Surplus,T
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-02-B N-Benefit pla,B
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-02-T NCI - Benefit,T
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-03-B N- n-rec hedg,B
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-03-T NCI-N-rec hedgT
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-05-B NCI -Fin liab,B
S-NCI-OCI-N-REC-05-T NCI -Fin liab,T
S-NCI-OCI-REC-01-B N-Rec Hedging,B
S-NCI-OCI-REC-01-T N-Rec Hedging,T
S-NCI-OCI-REC-02-B N-Rec FV res, B
S-NCI-OCI-REC-02-T N-Rec FV res, T
S-GOODWILL-ELIM Goodwill Elimination in Equity
S-NCI-GOODWILL-ELIM NCI - Goodwill elim in Equity
S-P-BARGAIN-PUR Bargain purchase P&L
S-P-SHARE-EM Share of EM
S-P-SHARE-GAIN PL sale of shares
S-NET-INC-PART-DIVES net income for part. divestitu
S-PERCENTAGE-DS Percentage (%)-Direct Share
S-A-NC-BARGAIN-CL CL - Bargain purchase
S-PERCENTAGE-GS Percentage (%)-Group Share
S-A-CASH Cash and cash equivalents
S-A-TRADE-OTH-REC Trade and oth cur receivables
S-A-CUR-TAX Current tax assets
S-A-OTH-CUR Other current assets
S-A-OTH-CUR-FIN Other current financial assets
S-A-NC-DISP-GP NC assets or disp. gr HFS/HDO
S-A-PPE Property, plant and equipment
S-A-INV-PROPERTY Investment property
S-A-INTANGIBLE Intangible assets
S-A-INV-AT-EQUITY Invest at equity method
S-A-OTH-NC-FIN Other NC financial assets
S-A-NC-RECEIVABLES Non-current receivables
S-A-DEF-TAX Deferred tax assets
S-A-OTH-NC Other non-current assets
S-L-TRADE-OTH-PAY Trade and other cur payables
S-L-CUR-TAX Current tax liabilities
S-L-OTH-CUR Other current liabilities
S-L-OTH-CUR-FIN Other current fin liabilities
S-L-CUR-PROV-EMP-BEN Cur prov for employee benefits
S-L-OTH-ST-PROV Other short-term provisions
S-L-DISP-GP-HFS Liab incl in disp groups HFS
S-L-NC-PROV-EMP-BEN NC prov for employee benefits
S-L-OTH-LT-PROV Other long-term provisions
S-L-OTH-NC-FIN Other NC financial liabilities
S-L-NC-PAY Non-current payables
S-L-DEF-TAX Deferred tax liabilities
S-L-OTH-NC Other non-current liabilities
S-E-ISSUED-CAP Issued capital
S-E-SHARE-PREMIUM Share premium
S-E-TREASURY-SHARE Treasury shares
S-E-OTH-RESERVES Other reserves
S-E-RETAIN-EARNINGS Retained earnings
S-P-COS Changes in Inventory / COS
S-P-OTH-OP-INC Other operating income
S-P-PERSONNEL-EXP Personnel expenses
S-P-OTH-OP-EXP Other operating expenses
S-P-FIN-INC Finance income
S-P-FIN-COSTS Finance costs
S-P-SH-P-AT-EQUITY Share profit - assoc/JV at EM
S-P-DISCONTINUED-OP Profit (loss) discontinued op
S-CF-AMT-A1 Amortization intangible assets
S-CF-BAL-L1 Balancing accnt - Bal.sheet
S-CF-BP-A1 Clearing - Bargain purchase
S-CF-CASH-A1 Cash and cash equivalents
S-CF-CASH-L1 Bank overdrafts
S-CF-DEP-A1 Depreciation on PPE
S-CF-DEP-A2 Depreciation on other assets
S-CF-DIV-A1 Dividends receivable
S-CF-DIV-L1 Dividends payable
S-CF-DIV-P1 Dividends
S-CF-DRV-A1 Derivatives
S-CF-DRV-L1 Derivatives
S-CF-EM-A1 Invest. at equity method
S-CF-EQU-E1 Issued capital
S-CF-EQU-E2 Share premium
S-CF-EQU-E3 Treasury shares
S-CF-EQU-E4 Other reserves
S-CF-EQU-E5 Hedging reserve, before tax
S-CF-EQU-E6 Income tax on reserves
S-CF-EQU-E7 Fair value reserve, before tax
S-CF-EQU-E8 Retained earnings
S-CF-FIN-L1 Borrowings
S-CF-GW-A1 Goodwill
S-CF-HFS-A1 Assets held for sales
S-CF-HFS-L1 Liabilities held for sales
S-CF-IMP-A1 Impairment on PPE
S-CF-IMP-A2 Impairment on intang. assets
S-CF-IMP-A3 Impairment assets under dev.
S-CF-IMP-A4 Impairment on other assets
S-CF-IMP-A5 Impairment on invest. in subs.
S-CF-IMP-A6 Impairment on goodwill
S-CF-INT-A1 Accrued interests on receiv.
S-CF-INT-L1 Accrued int. Fin. Liab. & Pay
S-CF-INT-P1 Interest income
S-CF-INT-P2 Interest expenses
S-CF-INTG-A1 Intangible assets
S-CF-INTG-A2 Intangible assets under dev.
S-CF-INTG-A3 Rec. disp.of intang. assets
S-CF-INTG-L1 Debt purchase of intang.assets
S-CF-INTG-P1 Intangible assets
S-CF-INV-A1 Other non-current assets
S-CF-INV-A2 Financial assets
S-CF-INV-A3 Rec. Disp. invest. oth assets
S-CF-INV-L1 Debt purch. Invest. oth assets
S-CF-INV-P1 Other assets
S-CF-INVE-A1 Inventories & biological A
S-CF-LEASE-L1 Finance leases
S-CF-LOAN-A1 Loans and cash advances
S-CF-OTH-A1 Other assets
S-CF-OTH-L1 Other liabilities
S-CF-OTH-L2 Other financial liabilities
S-CF-PAY-L1 Trade payables
S-CF-PAY-L2 Other payables
S-CF-PPE-A1 Property, plant and equipment
S-CF-PPE-A2 Construction in progress
S-CF-PPE-A3 Receivables on disposal of PPE
S-CF-PPE-L1 Debts on purchase of PPE
S-CF-PPE-P1 Property, plant and equipment
S-CF-PRO-L1 Provisions
S-CF-REC-A1 Trade receivables
S-CF-REC-A2 Allowances on trade receiv.
S-CF-REC-A3 Prepaid expenses
S-CF-SHARE-A1 Invest in subs., JV and assoc.
S-CF-SHARE-A2 Elim. Invest.subs. - Owner
S-CF-SHARE-A3 Clearing - Inv.subs,JV,assoc.
S-CF-SHARE-A4 Receiv on disp.invest subs.
S-CF-SHARE-A5 Rec. disp.invest oth. entities
S-CF-SHARE-A6 Elim. Inv.subs.- Held company
S-CF-SHARE-L1 Debts on purch.inv. Subs.
S-CF-SHARE-L2 Debts purch.inv. oth entities
S-CF-SHARE-P1 Shares in subsidiaries
S-CF-SHARE-P2 Shares in other entities
S-CF-TAX-A1 Income tax assets
S-CF-TAX-L1 Income tax liabilities
S-CF-TAX-P1 Income tax expense
S-ACTUALS Actuals FS Item
S-PLANNING Planning FS Item
S-ALL FS Item used both
long description

Sale of goods
PL IC OP Income
PL IC Expense
PL IC FI Income
PL IC FI Expense
IC Trade Receivable
IC Trade Payables
IC Other Receivable Current
IC Other Payable Current
BS Dividends Receivables
BS Dividends Payables
IC Other Receivable Non-Current
IC Other Payable Non-Current
IC Financial Assets Non-Current
IC Financial Liabilities Non-Current
IC Derivatives, Current
Other Compreh.Income
Retained earnings
Net income
NCI - Net Income
IC Financial Assets Current
IC Financial Liabilities Current
B/S items - closing rate
B/S items - historical conversion
B/S items - hist conv, OPE
P&L items- average rate
Net Income
NCI-Net Income
Net Income/Loss
Annual Net Income – B/S​
Annual Net Income – P&L​
Deferred tax – Assets​
Deferred tax – Liabilities​
Deferred tax – Expense​
C/T difference
C/T rounding difference – P&L​
Clearing C/I​
Retained earning
NCI - Retained earning
NCI - net income BS
NCI - net income P&L
Investments clearing - Owner
Investments clearing - Held
Investments in subs, JV and associates, GV
Investments in subs, JV and associates, Impair
Investments accounted for using equity method
Goodwill, Impairment
Issued capital
Share premium
Treasury shares
Revaluation surplus, before tax
Income tax on revaluation surplus
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans, bef. tax
Tax on remeasurements of defined benefit plans
Non-recyclable hedging reserve, before tax
Income tax on non-recyclable hedging reserve
Non-recyclable fair value reserve, before tax
Income tax on non-recyclable fair value reserve
Fin liab at FVTPL credit risk reserve, before tax
Income tax on fin liab FVTPL credit risk reserve
Recyclable hedging reserve, before tax
Income tax on recyclable hedging reserve
Recyclable fair value reserve, before tax
Income tax on recyclable fair value reserve
Income tax on foreign currency translation reserve
Equity component of compound financial instruments
NCI - Revaluation surplus before tax
NCI - Income tax on revaluation surplus
NCI - Remeasur. defined benefit plans, bef. tax
NCI - Tax on remeasur. defined benefit plans
NCI - Non-recyclable hedging reserve, before tax
NCI - Income tax on non-recyclable hedging reserve
NCI - Non-recycl. fair value reserve, before tax
NCI - Income tax on non-recyclable fair value rese
NCI - Fin liab FVTPL credit risk reserve,
NCI - Tax on fin liab FVTPL credit risk reserve
NCI - Recyclable hedging reserve, before tax
NCI - Income tax on recyclable hedging reserve
NCI - Recyclable fair value reserve, before tax
NCI - Income tax on recyclable fair value reserve
NCI - Foreign curr. translation reserve, bef. tax
NCI - Tax on foreign curr. translation reserve
NCI - Treasury shares
NCI - Compound financial instruments
GW Imp P&L
Goodwill Elimination in Equity
NCI - Goodwill elimination in Equity
Bargain purchase P&L
Share of profit - associates / JV at equity method
PL sale of shares
net income for part. divestitu
Percentage (%)-Direct Share
Clearing account - Bargain purchase
Percentage (%)-Group Share
Cash and cash equivalents
Trade and other current receivables
Current tax assets
Other current assets
Other current financial assets
NC assets or disp. groups classified HFS/HDO
Property, plant and equipment
Investment property
Intangible assets
Investments accounted for using equity method
Other non-current financial assets
Non-current receivables
Deferred tax assets
Other non-current assets
Trade and other current payables
Current tax liabilities
Other current liabilities
Other current financial liabilities
Current provisions for employee benefits
Other short-term provisions
Liabilities included in disposal groups HFS
Non-current provisions for employee benefits
Other long-term provisions
Other non-current financial liabilities
Non-current payables
Deferred tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Issued capital
Share premium
Treasury shares
Other reserves
Retained earnings
Changes in Inventory / COS
Other operating income
Personnel expenses
Other operating expenses
Finance income
Finance costs
Share of profit - associates / JV at equity method
Profit (loss) from discontinued operations
Amortization on intangible assets
Balancing account - Balance sheet
Clearing account - Bargain purchase
Cash and cash equivalents
Bank overdrafts
Depreciation on property, plant and equipment
Depreciation on other assets
Dividends receivable
Dividends payable
Investments accounted for using equity method
Issued capital
Share premium
Treasury shares
Other reserves
Hedging reserve, before tax
Income tax on reserves
Fair value reserve, before tax
Retained earnings
NC assets or disposal groups held for sale
Liabilities classified as held for sale
Impairment on property, plant and equipment
Impairment on intangible assets
Impairment on assets under development
Impairment on other assets
Impairment on investments in subsidiaries
Impairment on goodwill
Accrued interests on receivables
Accrued interests on financial liabilities and payables
Interest income
Interest expenses
Intangible assets
Intangible assets under development
Receivables on disposal of intangible assets
Debts on purchase of intangible assets
Intangible assets
Other non-current assets
Financial assets
Receivables on disposal of investments in other assets
Debts on purchase of investments in other assets
Other assets
Inventories and biological assets
Finance leases
Loans and cash advances
Other assets
Other liabilities
Other financial liabilities
Trade payables
Other payables
Property, plant and equipment
Construction in progress
Receivables on disposal of property, plant and equipment
Debts on purchase of property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment
Trade receivables
Allowances on trade receivables
Prepaid expenses
Investments in subsidiaries, JV and associates
Elimination of investment in subsidiaries - Owner company
Clearing accnt - Investments in subsidiaries, JV, associates
Receivables on disposal of investments in subsidiaries
Receivables on disposal of investments in other entities
Elimination of investments in subsidiaries - Held company
Debts on purchase of investments in subsidiaries
Debts on purchase of investments in other entities
Shares in subsidiaries
Shares in other entities
Income tax assets
Income tax liabilities
Income tax expense
Actuals FS Item
Planning FS Item
FS Item used both for Actuals and Planning
Breakdown Characteristic Characteristic
Description Fixed value
Category Subitem Category Subitem

1A00 TT915 3 1 2
1A10 TT915P 3 1 2
1A20 TT915/904/940/955/992PR 3 1 2
1B00 TT915/955 3 1 2
1B10 TT915/955P 3 1 2
1B20 TT915/904/920/930/940/955/92PR 3 1 2
1C00 TT915/904/940/992 3 1 2
1C10 TT915/925/992P 3 1 2
1C20 TT915/925/930/935/955PR 3 1 2
1D00 TT915/925/935 3 1 2
1D10 TT915/925/935P 3 1 2
1D20 TT915/920/930/940/955PR 3 1 2
1E00 TT915/930/955 3 1 2
1E10 TT915/920/930/955P 3 1 2
1F00 TT915/904/920/930/992 3 1 2
1F10 TT915/904/906/920/940/992P 3 1 2
1G00 TT915/920/955 3 1 2
1G10 TT915/925/930P 3 1 2
1H00 TT915/925/935/955 3 1 2
1H10 TT915/925/930/955P 3 1 2
1I00 TT915/920/930/955 3 1 2
1I10 TT915/904/906/920/930/940/955P 3 1 2
1J10 TT915/920/925/930/935/955P 3 1 2
1K00 TT915/904/992 3 1 2
1K10 TT915/904/992P 3 1 2
1L00 TT915/904/955/992 3 1 2
1M00 TT915/904/920/930/955/992 3 1 2
1M10 TT915/920/925/930/935P 3 1 2
1N00 TT915/904/930/955/992 3 1 2
1N10 TT915/904/906/940/992P 3 1 2
1O10 TT915/955PT 3 1 2
1P10 TT915PT 3 1 2
1Q10 TT915/920/930/955PT 3 2 1
2A00 FA (YB99) 3 2 2
2A10 FA (YB99) P opt 3 2 2
2A20 FA (YB99) P req 3 2 2
2B10 FA (YB99) PT 3 2 2
Q010 Percentage PCT
§EQ0 Statictical Equity 3 1 2
§EQ1 Statictical Equity 3 1 2
§EQ2 Statictical Equity 3 1 2
§EQ3 Statictical Equity 3 1 2
§EQ4 Statictical Equity 3 1 2
Maximum value Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Transaction
subitem Partner Unit Unit of measure Acquis. Year Currency

S-BC-TT-01 1
S-BC-TT-25 2
S-BC-TT-02 1
S-BC-TT-22 4
S-BC-TT-03 1
S-BC-TT-04 1
S-BC-TT-14 4
S-BC-TT-05 1
S-BC-TT-24 4
S-BC-TT-10 1
S-BC-TT-12 1
S-BC-TT-13 1
S-BC-TT-11 1
S-BC-TT-15 1
S-BC-TT-16 1
S-BC-TT-19 1
S-BC-TT-09 1
S-BC-TT-23 1
S-BC-TT-02 1
S-BC-TT-01 1
S-BC-TT-10 1

S-BC-TT-19 4
S-BC-TT-19 4 2
S-BC-TT-19 4 2
S-BC-TT-19 4 2
S-BC-TT-19 4 2

new as of 1908
new as of 1908
new as of 1908

new as of 1908

new as of 1908
new as of 1908
new as of 1908
new as of 1908
new as of 1908
new as of 1908
new as of 1908
new as of 1908
Subitem Subitem for
Description Subitem ID Description
category BCF
1 Transaction type 900 Opening balance 900

1 Transaction type 901 Incoming units 900

1 Transaction type 902 Consolidation method change (Old) 900

1 Transaction type 903 Consolidation method change (New) 900
1 Transaction type 904 Equity method rate change 900
1 Transaction type 906 Dividends 900

1 Transaction type 909 Change in accounting policies 900

1 Transaction type 915 Net variation 900

1 Transaction type 920 Increase/ Purchase 900

1 Transaction type 925 Increase in depreciation 900

1 Transaction type 930 Decrease/ Disposal 900

1 Transaction type 935 Decrease in depreciation 900

1 Transaction type 940 Capital increase/ decrease 900

1 Transaction type 950 Reclassification 900

1 Transaction type 955 Fair value 900

1 Transaction type 970 Internal Merger 900

1 Transaction type 980 Currency translation adjust. 900

1 Transaction type 992 Change in ownership interest 900

1 Transaction type 998 Outgoing units 900

2 Functional Area YB10 Sales Revenue

2 Functional Area YB15 Sales discounts and allow
2 Functional Area YB20 Cost of goods sold
2 Functional Area YB25 Consulting/Services
2 Functional Area YB30 Sales and Distribution
2 Functional Area YB35 Marketing
2 Functional Area YB40 Administration
2 Functional Area YB50 Research & Development
2 Functional Area YB70 Other gains
2 Functional Area YB75 Other expenses
2 Functional Area YB77 Gain from investments
2 Functional Area YB79 Gain from shares & loans
2 Functional Area YB81 Interest & similar gains
2 Functional Area YB83 Amort.curr.Fin.Assets;Sec
2 Functional Area YB85 Interest & similar costs
2 Functional Area YB87 Extraordinary gain
2 Functional Area YB89 Extraordinary expense
2 Functional Area YB90 Taxes from income and rev
2 Functional Area YB98 Other Taxes
2 Functional Area YB99 Dummy functional area
2 Functional Area YD20 IC difference - operating
2 Functional Area YD70 IC difference - financial
Subitem for Subitem for
Aquisition Divestiture
901 998

901 998

901 998
901 998
901 998
901 998

901 998

901 998

901 998

901 998

901 998

901 998

901 998

901 998

901 998

901 998

901 998

901 998

901 998
Debit/ Credit
Balance of the FS items at the beginning of the year +
Balance of the FS items for a new consolidation unit acquired by the
consolidation group (first day, month, etc.)
The amount of dividend distributed (paid or not yet) to the shareholders -
The impact out of a change in accounting policies (often local books) on the opening balance
(restatement of previous years)
The net variation of some FS items that are not required to be detailed by other movement
types (e.g. TT920, TT930, etc.). For the FS items required to be detailed by other movement +
types, TT915 should be equal to zero.
The amount of an acquisition of a fixed asset and/of increase of a financial debt (e.g.
borrowing from a bank)
The amount of increase of an impairment/provision (It should match with
P&L theoretically but might vary depending on the local accounting +
The amount of the fixed asset sold (gross and impairment) and/of the
refund of a financial debt (e.g. borrowing from a bank)
The amount of decrease of an impairment/provision (It should match with P&L theoretically
but might vary depending on the local accounting principle)
The amount of increase/decrease in the share capital +
Technical movement type used to reclassify amounts between two or more
FS items (no cash impact)
Change of fair value (increase/decrease) for FS items managed at fair
Used to store the translation difference from the beginning to the end of a period (closing X
rate vs. opening X rate and average X rate)
Used to calculate the impact of an equity transaction on the equity such as acquiring more
equity interests from the minority or selling part of the ownership in a subsidiary while still +
retaining control)
Used to enter/ calculate the final balance of a consolidation unit that is sold by the
consolidation group.
Doc Type Posting Balance
Description Manual TC LC GC Qty.
ID Level Check
00 Upload reported data (00/UPL) 00 2 X X
01 Man cor univ journal (0C/MJE) 0C 0 X X X
02 Man cor reported data (01/MJE) 01 0 X X
03 Man input reported dat(00/MDC) 00 2 X X
04 Man input correct uj (0C/MDC) 0C 0 X X
05 Annual net income (00/AUT) 00 2 X X
06 Rounding (00/AUT) 00 2 X X
07 External reported dat (00/API) 00 2 X X
0F Realtime from FI (0F/INT)   0 X X X X
0Z Prep group changes (02/AUT) 02 0 X
11 Man std LC, DT, no rev(10/MJE) 10 0 X X
12 Man std LC, DT, rev (10/MJE) 10 0 X X
13 Man std LC, no DT/rev (10/MJE) 10 0 X X
14 Man std LC, rev, no DT(10/MJE) 10 0 X X
16 Man std GC, DT, no rev(10/MJE) 10 0 X X X
17 Man std GC, DT, rev (10/MJE) 10 0 X X X
18 Man std GC, no DT/rev (10/MJE) 10 0 X X X
19 Man std GC, rev, no DT(10/MJE) 10 0 X X X
1A Aut std LC, DT, rev (10/AUT) 10 0 X
1B Aut std LC, rev, no DT(10/AUT) 10 0 X
1C Aut std GC, no DT/rev (10/AUT) 10 0 X
1O Aut std LC, DT, no rev(10/AUT) 10 0 X
1P Aut std GC, DT,no rev (10/AUT) 10 0 X
1Z Prep group changes (12/AUT) 12 0 X
21 Man elim cor, rev (20/MJE) 20 X X
22 Man elim cor, no rev (20/MJE) 20 X X
2E IC elim gross profit (20/AUT) 20 0 X
2F IC elim other inc&exp (20/AUT) 20 0 X
2G IC elim balance sheet (20/AUT) 20 0 X
2H IC elim dividends (20/AUT) 20 0 X
2O Aut elim cust 1 (20/AUT) 20 0 X
2P Aut elim cust 2 (20/AUT) 20 0 X
2Z Prep group changes (22/AUT) 22 X
30 Aut reclass cust (30/AUT) 30 X
31 Man cons adj, rev (30/MJE) 30 X X
32 Man cons adj, no rev (30/MJE) 30 X X
33 Man CoI adj, no rev (30/MJE) 30 X X
38 Group shares (30/AUT) 30 2 X
39 Group shares (30/MJE) 30 2 X X X
3A Invest, equity elim (30/AUT) 30 0 X
3B Auto CoI adj. (30/AUT) 30 0 X
3Z Total divestiture (30/AUT) 30 0 X
Deferred Tax Deferred Tax Translation to Auto No auto rev.  in
(Debit) (Credit) GC Rev. next FY
9 X
9 X X
9 X
X X 9
X X 9 X
9 X X
X X 9
X X 9 X
9 X
X X 7 X
7 X
X X 7
X X 7
1 X
7 X X
7 X X
7 X
7 X X
7 X X
7 X X
9 X X

new as of 1908
new as of 1908

new as of 1908
S-BC-TT-01 Std
S-BC-TT-02 Std + 955
S-BC-TT-03 Std + 904/940/992
S-BC-TT-04 Std + 925/992
S-BC-TT-05 Std + 925/935
S-BC-TT-06 Std + 930/955
S-BC-TT-07 Std + 904/920/930/992
S-BC-TT-08 Std + 920/955
S-BC-TT-09 Std + 920/925/930/935
S-BC-TT-10 Std + 920/930/955
S-BC-TT-11 Std + 925/930/955
S-BC-TT-12 Std + 904/906/920/940/992
S-BC-TT-13 Std + 925/930
S-BC-TT-14 Std + 925/930/935/955
S-BC-TT-15 Std + 904/906/920/930/940/955
S-BC-TT-16 Std + 920/925/930/935/955
S-BC-TT-17 Std + 925/935/955
S-BC-TT-18 Std + 904/955/992
S-BC-TT-19 Std + 904/992
S-BC-TT-20 Std + 904/920/930/955/992
S-BC-TT-21 Std + 904/930/955/992
S-BC-TT-22 Std + 904/920/930/940/955/992
S-BC-TT-23 Std + 904/906/940/992
S-BC-TT-24 Std + 920/930/940/955
S-BC-TT-25 Std + 904/940/955/992
S-COI-BS-NI Divesture Trigger : B/S FS items - Net I
S-COI-BS-NO-NI Divesture Trigger : B/S FS items - witho
S-COI-INV S-COI-Investment
S-COI-INV-MOVTS COI Investments Trigger - Movements
S-COI-PERCENTAGE Group Share Percentage
S-COI-RET-EARN Retained Earning 992 Trigger
S-COI-RET-EARN-YTD Retained Earning 992 YTD Trigger
S-CT-ANI B/S Annual Net Income
S-CT-BS-CLO-INC B/S FS items - incoming units
S-CT-BS-CLO-MOV B/S FS items - movements
S-CT-BS-CLO-OPE B/S FS items - opening balances
S-CT-BS-HIST-INC Investments and equity - incoming units
S-CT-BS-HIST-MOV Investments and equity - movements
S-CT-BS-HIST-OPE Investments and equity - opening bal.
S-CT-GC Invest and equity - existing GC value
S-CT-NI Invest and equity - annual net income
S-CT-PL-AVG P&L FS items
S-CT-RD-ANI Annual net income - B/S, P&L (rounding)
S-CT-RD-BS Balance Sheet (rounding)
S-CT-RD-PL Profit and loss (rounding)
SICA_AP AP for intercompany reconciliation
SICA_AR AR for intercompany reconciliation
SICA_ARAP ARAP for intercompany reconciliation
SICA_BS_FIN Fin asset/liab for IC
SICA_BS_FIN_AST Fin asset/liab for IC
SICA_BS_FIN_LIA Fin asset/liab for IC
SICA_OTHER_AP_C Othe ARAP for IC, current
SICA_OTHER_AR_C Othe AR for IC, current
SICA_OTHER_ARAP_C Othe ARAP for IC, current
SICA_OTHER_NC_AP Othe ARAP for IC, NON current
SICA_OTHER_NC_AR Othe ARAP for IC, NON current
S-IUE-BS-MOV IC Elim. BS Trigger - Movements
S-IUE-BS-OPE IC Elim. BS Trigger - Opening
S-IUE-DIV IC Elim Dividends Trigger
S-IUE-OTH-PL IC Elim. Other P&L Trigger - Operating
S-IUE-OTH-PL-FIN IC Elim. Other P&L Trigger - Financial
S-IUE-PL-GP IC ELIM Gross Profit Trigger
S-NCI-NET-INC Divesture Trigger : NCI Net Income (915)
S-SEL-314000-909 314000-909
S-SEL-314000-955 314000-955
Y-COI-CAP-INC IC-Capital increase Trigger
Y-COI-CAPITAL Capital Trigger
Y-COI-INV-CAP-INC IC-Investments in Capital Increase Trigg
Y-COI-INVESTMENTS COI Investments Trigger
Y-COI-NETINCOME Net Income Trigger
Y-COI-RET-EARN Retained Earnnings Trigger
Y-COI-RET-EARN-SC SC Retained Earnnings Trigger
Rule ID Description

SA00002 Profit and Loss is balanced

SA00006 P&L secondary cost element balances

SB00002 Assets = Liabilities and Equity

SB00004 Opening (900) must balance

SB00006 Incoming flow (901) must balance

SB00008 Transfer flow (950) must balance

Change in accounting policies (909) must


Currency Translation Adjustment flow

(980) must balance

SB00026 Trade receivables Gross Val >=Allow

SB00028 Loans & cash advances NC, GV>=Allow

SB00030 Lands & building GV >= depr. LC

SB00032 Tangible assets under const GV>=Dep

SB00034 Office equipment GV>=Dep

SB00036 Vehicles Gross Value >=Depreciation

SB00038 Machinery Gross Value>=Depreciation

SB00040 Other PPE GV >= Depreciation

SB00042 Investment property GV>=Depr

SB00044 Goodwill Gross Value>=Impairment

SB00046 Brand names Gross Value>=Amortizati

SB00048 Computer software GV >= Amortizatio

SB00050 Patents,trademarks,oth GV>= Amortiz

SB00052 Intang.assets under dev GV>=Imp

SB00054 Oth intang.assets Gross Val>=Amort

SB00056 Loans & cash advances NC, GV>=Allow

Other receivables GV>= Amortiz by


SB00060 Invest in subs.JV. GV>=Imp /Partner

SB00062 Receivables NC GV>= Amortiz by partner

Changes in fixed assets must be

Changes in Current provisions must be


Changes in loans and cash advances,

SB00100 non-current, gross by partner must be
Changes in investments in subsidiaries
should be analyzed
Changes in impairment on investments in
subsidiaries should be analyzed

Changes in Other financial liabilities, Non-

current by partner must be analyzed

SC00004 NCI income BS = NCI income P&L

SC00002 Net income B/S = Net income P&L

Flows for impairment of investments in

subsidiaries must be the same on the
balance sheet and on the income

Share of net income in associates / JV at

SC00020 EM must be the same on the balance
sheet and in the income statement

Clearing accounts for investment of

subsidiaries elimination must equal 0

Clearing accounts for internal Gain/loss

on disp of assets should equal 0

Clearing accounts for intercompany

elimination - BS should equal 0

The Change in consolidation method

(new 903) must balance

Clearing accounts for intercompany

elimination - P&L must equal 0
SA00004 Profit and Loss is balanced

Changes in Other financial liabilities, Non-

SB00152 current by partner must be analyzed TO
Changes in impairment on investments in
SB00148 subsidiaries should be analysed TO
Rule Expression

<NI-PL>+<Clearing accounts>=<NI-799000>








>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00
>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

>= 0.00

<1721>= 0.00

<PPE>+<Investment Property> +<Intangible assets> =

<Current provisions not IC> = 0.00










<14100D> <900+998> =0.00

<21100D> <900+998> =0.00

<21110D> <900+998> =0.00
<27100D> <900+998> =0.00

<Assets>=<Liability>*-1,00 +<Equity>*-1,00
subitem 903

<58000D> =0.00
<411100> + <792000> +
<65400D> + <58000D> =
<799000> +-1

<271500> <915> =0.00

<172190> <915> =0.00

Operand Expression
FS item=Between 411100 and 792000;
<NI-799000>: SUM YTD
FS item=799000
<799999>: SUM YTD
FS item=799999
<Assets>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 1*
<Liability>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 2*
<Equity>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 3*

<Assets>: SUM YTD

FS item Like 1* and
Subitem = 900
<Liability>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 2* and Subitem = 900
<Equity>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 3* and Subitem = 900

<Assets>: SUM YTD

FS item Like 1* and Subitem = 901
<Liability>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 2* and Subitem = 901
<Equity>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 3* and Subitem = 901

<Assets>: SUM YTD

FS item Like 1* and Subitem = 950
<Liability>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 2* and Subitem = 950
<Equity>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 3* and Subitem = 950

<Assets>: SUM YTD

FS item Like 1* and Subitem = 909
<Liability>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 2* and Subitem = 909
<Equity>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 3* and Subitem = 909

<Assets>: SUM YTD

FS item Like 1* and Subitem = 980
<Liability>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 2* and Subitem = 980
FS item Like 2* and Subitem = 980
<Equity>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 3* and Subitem = 980

<121100>: SUM YTD

FS item=121100
<121190>: SUM YTD
FS item=121190
<141400>: SUM YTD
FS item=141400
<141490>: SUM YTD
FS item=141490
<161100>: SUM YTD
FS item=161100
<161190>: SUM YTD
FS item=161190
<161200>: SUM YTD
FS item=161200
<162290>: SUM YTD
FS item=161290
<161300>: SUM YTD
FS item=161300
<161390>: SUM YTD
FS item=161390
<161400>: SUM YTD
FS item=161400
<161490>: SUM YTD
FS item=161490
<161500>: SUM YTD
FS item=161500
<161590>: SUM YTD
FS item=161590
<161600>: SUM YTD
FS item=161600
<161690>: SUM YTD
FS item=161690
<162100>: SUM YTD
FS item=162100
<162190>: SUM YTD
FS item=162190
<163100>: SUM YTD
FS item=163100
<163190>: SUM YTD
FS item=163190
<164100>: SUM YTD
FS item=162100
<164190>: SUM YTD
FS item=164190
<164200>: SUM YTD
FS item=164200
<164290>: SUM YTD
FS item=164290
<164300>: SUM YTD
FS item=164300
<164390>: SUM YTD
FS item=164390
<164400>: SUM YTD
FS item=164400
<164490>: SUM YTD
FS item=164490
<164500>: SUM YTD
FS item=164500
<164590>: SUM YTD
FS item=164590
<181100>: SUM YTD
FS item=181100
<181190>: SUM YTD
FS item=181190
<121>: SUM YTD
FS item Between 121200 and 121900
<121990>: SUM YTD
FS item=121990
<1721>: SUM YTD
FS item=172190; FS item=172100; Partner Unit<>blank
<181>: SUM YTD
FS item Between 181200 and 181600;
FS item = 181800;
<181890>: SUM YTD
FS item=181890
FS item Between 161100 and 161690; Subitem = 915;
<Investment Property>: SUM YTD
FS item Between 162100 and 162190; Subitem = 915;
<Intangible assets>:
FS item Between 164100 and 164590; Subitem = 915;

< Current provisions not IC >:

FS item Between 241100 and 242500;
FS item = 242300; Subitem = 915;

<181100>: SUM YTD

FS item = 181100; Subitem = 915;
<172100>: SUM YTD

FS item = 172100; Subitem = 915;

<172190>: SUM YTD

FS item = 172190; Subitem = 915;
<271500>: SUM YTD

FS item = 271500; Subitem = 915;

<792000>: SUM YTD

FS item = 792000;
<321150>: SUM YTD
FS item = 321150;
FS item = 317000; Subitem = 915;
FS item = 799000;
<651000>: SUM YTD
FS item = 651000;
<172190>: SUM YTD
FS item = 172190; Subitem = 925;
Subitem = 935;
<711000>: SUM YTD
FS item = 711000;
<171000>: SUM YTD
FS item = 171000; Subitem = 915;
<1721HC>: SUM YTD
FS item=1721HC
<1721OC>: SUM YTD
FS item=1721OC
<14100D>: SUM YTD
FS item=14100D
Subitem = 900 and 998;
<21100D>: SUM YTD
<21110D>: SUM YTD
<27100D>: SUM YTD
Subitem = 900 and 998;

<Assets>: SUM YTD

FS item Like 1*
<Liability>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 2*
<Equity>: SUM YTD
FS item Like 3*
Subitem = 903

<14100D>: SUM YTD

FS item=14100D
<411100>+<792000> + <65400D> + <58000D>: SUM YTD
- 799000

<271500>: SUM YTD

FS item = 271500; Subitem = 915;

<172190>: SUM YTD

FS item = 271500; Subitem = 915;
Standard Translation - YTD

Entry Subitems Exch. Rate

Selection Description Indicator
No. (via Selection)

reference exchange rate indicator C - Closing

010 S-CT-BS-CLO-OPE B/S FS items - opening balances 900 A
011 S-CT-BS-CLO-INC B/S FS items - incoming units 901 A
020 S-CT-BS-CLO-MOV B/S FS items - movements 902-999 A
025 S-CT-ANI B/S Annual Net Income 902-999 A
030 S-CT-BS-HIST-OPE Investments and equity - opening bal. 900 A
031 S-CT-BS-HIST-INC Investments and equity - incoming units 901 A
040 S-CT-BS-HIST-MOV Investments and equity - movements 902-999 A
060 S-CT-PL-AVG P&L FS items A
900 S-CT-RD-BS* Balance Sheet (rounding) -
901 S-CT-RD-ANI* Annual net income - B/S, P&L (rounding) -
902 S-CT-RD-PL* Profit and loss (rounding) -
Y0902 S0902 S0903 S0904
tandard Translation - YTD S4 Accounting - GC First Translation at First Period - Standard Translation - Periodic First Translation - Incoming Unit

Exch. Rate Exch. Rate Exch. Rate Exch. Rate

Transl. key Transl. key Transl. key Transl. key
Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator

- Closing C - Closing C - Closing C - Closing C - Closing

5 6 A 5 A 5 A
5 6 C 5 A 5 J
1 6 A 5 A 5 A
1 6 A 5 A 5 A
5 6 A 5 A 5 A
5 6 C 5 A 5 J
5 6 A 5 A 5 A
1 6 A 5 A 5 A
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
rst Translation - Incoming Unit Standard Translation Activity-
Based C/I

Exch. Rate Difference role Difference role
Transl. key Transl. key Item Role item D/C in
Indicator ID Description
CoA Y1
- Closing C - Closing
5 A 5 - - -
5 A 5 - - -
5 A 1 - - -
5 A 1 7 C/T difference ​ S-CT-DIFF 314800
5 A 5 7 C/T difference ​ S-CT-DIFF 314800
5 A 5 7 C/T difference ​ S-CT-DIFF 314800
5 A 5 7 C/T difference ​ S-CT-DIFF 314800
5 A 1 7 C/T difference ​ S-CT-DIFF 314800
- 7 C/T difference ​ S-CT-DIFF 314800
- 2 ANI-PL S-ANI-PL 799000
Subitem D/C

980 equal in each method

980 incoming at AVG or CLO rate
980 movements will be translated at AVG periodic or cumulative
980 ANI will be translated at AVG periodic or cumulative
980 equal in each method
980 incoming at AVG or CLO rate
980 equal in each method
980 PL will be translated at AVG periodic or cumulative
Task ID Long Description (10-char.) Long Description (30-char.)
2011 IC El.Sale IC Elim. Sales
2021 IC El.IE IC Elim. Other Income/Expense
2031 IC El.DIV Dividends Elimination
2041 IC El.BS IC Elim. Balance Sheet
2100 Invt/Equit Investments / Equity elimin.
2160 Recl.GC Auto Recl. PL30 no Reversed GC
2180 Tot.Divest Total Divestiture
S190 Cust10(LC) Cust Reclass, PL10(LC)
S191 Cust10(GC) Cust Reclass, PL10(GC)
S290 Cust20(GC) Cust Reclass, PL20(GC)
S291 Cust20(GC) Cust Reclass, PL20(GC)
assigned document type Long Description (30-char.)
2E used in monitor S20 and S21
2F used in monitor S20 and S21
2H used in monitor S20 and S21
2G used in monitor S20 and S21
3A used in monitor S20 only
30 not used
3Z used in monitor S20 and S21
1O not used
1P not used
2O not used
2P not used
Translation key 1 (cumulative value)
period 10/ period 11 period 12
Year XX Year XX Year XX
1. calculation of reference value (based on cumulative value)
reference value
Exchage rate (based on Indicator C) 1.55 1.45 1.65
calculation of reference value based on =80*1,55 =110*1,45 =130*1,65
cumulative value)
reference value 124.00 € 159.50 € 214.50 €
Translation indicator

2. calculation of group currency value

value in GC
periodic value in LC 80.00 € 30.00 € 20.00 €
cumulative value in LC 80.00 € 110.00 € 130.00 €
Exchage rate (based on Indicator A) 1.50 1.40 1.60
calculation of value in GC =80*1,5 =110*1,4 =130*1,6
value in GC 120.00 € 154.00 € 208.00 €

3. calculation of translation difference

calculation of differenece =120-124 =154-159,50 =208-214,50
value in GC subtract reference value -4.00 € -5.50 € -6.50 €

Result in GC in Sum on FS item

FS item translation indicator 4 124.00 € 159.50 € 214.50 €
FS item translation indicator 1 -4.00 € -5.50 € -6.50 €
Sum FS item 120.00 € 154.00 € 208.00 €

Difference item 4.00 € 5.50 € 6.50 €

( FS item special subitem subitem)

Currency Translation indicator

Value 4 Group Currency Value at Reference Rate (Line Item)
Value 1 Difference between group currency value and group curre
Value 2 Group value at reference rate - translation difference
Value 3 Difference GC value/GC reference rate value - translation
Translation key 5 (periodic value)
period 10 period 11 period 12
Year XX Year XX Year XX
1. calculation of reference value (based on cumulative value)
reference value
Exchage rate (based on Indicator C) 1.55 1.45 1.65
calculation of reference value based on =80*1,55 =110*1,45 =130*1,65
cumulative value)
reference value 124.00 € 159.50 € 214.50 €

2. calculation of group currency value

value in GC
periodic value in LC 80.00 € 30.00 € 20.00 €
cumulative value in LC 80.00 € 110.00 € 130.00 €
Exchage rate (based on Indicator A) 1.50 1.40 1.60
calculation of value in GC =80*1,5 =(30*1,4)+120 =(20*1,6)+162
value in GC 120.00 € 162.00 € 194.00 €

3. calculation of translation difference

calculation of differenece =120-124 =162-167,50 =194-200,50
value in GC subtract reference value -4.00 € 2.50 € -20.50 €

FS item translation indicator 4 124.00 € 159.50 € 214.50 €
FS item translation indicator 1 -4.00 € 2.50 € -20.50 €
Sum FS item 120.00 € 162.00 € 194.00 €

Difference item / or FS item special 4.00 € -2.50 € 20.50 €

subitem subitem

Reference Rate (Line Item)

currency value and group currency value at reference rate
rate - translation difference
ference rate value - translation difference
Periodic Activities Document Settings

Periodic Cons
Method Method Description Seq. No. Reclassif Frequen
ication cy

S2040 IC Elim. Balance Sheet (1908) 010

S2040 IC Elim. Balance Sheet (1908) 011
cument Settings Further Settings Options

Percenta Percenta
ge ge Incl. parent/ Partner
Post to partner unit triggered
periodic complem subsidary inclusion
ally entary

Post to triggering unit (default) All

Post to triggering unit (default) All

Acty/Acc Acty at
C/I ng Acty/Acc
.T.Partne start/End Sel.Trigger
Activity Techniq .T. 2
r of Period

Selection Name

IC Elim. BS Trigger - Movements

IC Elim. BS Trigger - Opening

Detailed Information Item role Desccrip

attribute FS Item in Subitem Partner
Sub-item Item role
fro CoA Y1 category unit

1 901
target attribute for FS Item in Subitem Partner
Descripti Sub-item
destination CoA Y1 category unit

Selection Percentage

Sel.Trigger Selection Name

Task group Task ID Short Description (10-char.) Long Description (30-char.)

S10 1010 Bal.Cfwd Balance Carry Forward

S10 1015 Rel Uni.J Release universal journals
S10 1020 Data Coll. Data Collection
S10 1030 Calc Net Inc. Calculation of Net Income
S10 1050 Val. Uni.J Validation of universal journals
S10 1080 Val. Rep.D Validation of Reported Data (LC)
S10 1095 Man.Std.10 Manual Posting (PL10)

S10 1100 CurrTrans. Currency translation

S10 1130 Prep.CG Preparation Cons Group Change

S10 1180 Standardizt Validation of Standardized data (GC)
S20 2011 IC El.GP IC Elim. Gross Profit
S20 2021 IC El.IE IC Elim. Other income/expense
S20 2031 IC El. DIV IC Elim. Dividends
S20 2041 IC El.BS IC Elim. Balance Sheet
S20 2050 Man.El.20 Manual Eliminations (PL20)
S20 2060 Prep.CG Preparation Cons Group Change
S20 2100 Invt/Equit Investments/equity elimination
S20 2140 Ent. Grp.Sh Enter Group Shares (PL30)
S20 2150 Man. El. 30 Manual Eliminations (PL30)
S20 2180 Tot. Divest Total divestiture
S20 2900 Int CG dat Integrate in consolidated group
S20 2980 Consolidat Consolidated data Validation
S21 2011 IC El.GP IC Elim. Gross Profit
S21 2021 IC El.IE IC Elim. Other income/expense
S21 2031 IC El. DIV IC Elim. Dividends
S21 2041 IC El.BS IC Elim. Balance Sheet
S21 2050 Man.El.20 Manual Eliminations (PL20)
S21 2060 Prep.CG Preparation Cons Group Change
S21 2101 CoI Cons. of Invest. (Act.-Based)
S21 2141 Cal. Grp % Enter Group Shares (PL30)
S21 2150 Man. El. 30 Manual Eliminations (PL30)
S21 2180 Tot. Divest Total divestiture
S21 2900 Int CG dat Integrate in consolidated group
S21 2980 Consolidat Consolidated data Validation
Position Assigned Method Method Description Doc types

10 - - -
15 - - 0F
20 - - 00, 01, 02
30 - - -
25 - - -
90 - - -
95 - - 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19
Original doc. Types
100 - -
06 for rounding
130 - - 0Z, 1Z
190 - - -
10 S2010 IC Elim. Sales/COGS 2E
20 S2020 IC Elim. Other P&L 2F
30 S2030 Dividends elimination 2H
40 S2040 IC Elim. Balance Sheet 2G
50 - - 21.22
60 - - 2Z
100 S2100 Investments/Equity Elim 3A
90  -  - 39
150  -  - 32, 31
180  S2180 Total divestiture 3Z
900  -  - -
910  -  - -
10 S2010 IC Elim. Sales/COGS 2E
20 S2020 IC Elim. Other P&L 2F
30 S2030 Dividends elimination 2H
40 S2040 IC Elim. Balance Sheet 2G
50 - - 21.22
60 - - 2Z
100 - - 3B
90  -  - 38
150  -  - 32, 31
180  S2180 Total divestiture 3Z
900  -  - -
910  -  - -
Standard Data monitor

Cons. Monitor (CoI w/ Reclass)

Cons. Monitor (Act.-Based CoI)

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