Script & Answer Key

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Script & Answer Key

Unit 1 B: My hobby is horseback riding. And Ryan likes

collecting bugs.
A: Thank you for your time!
p.6 Warm-up B
A: Hi. What is your name? Name Ashley Ryan
CD1 Tr2 B: My name is Edison Brown. Grade grade 7
A: How old are you, Edison? School Maple Junior High School
B: I am ten years old. Specialty speaking Spanish cooking
A: What grade are you in? Hobby horseback riding collecting bugs
B: I am in my first year at Saint university. I am a
freshman. Model Hello, everyone! My name is Ashley. I am in grade 7 at
A: University? But, you are so young! Maple Junior High School. I am good at speaking
B: Yes, I am the youngest student in my school. Spanish. I enjoy horseback riding. Thank you for
A: That’s amazing! So what do you study? listening.
B: I study Math.
A: You must be good at it.
p.9 Speech Presentation
B: Yes, I am.
A: I hope you enjoy your university life. Model
Answer Name Brian
B: Thank you. Grade freshman
School Harvard University
Answer 1. a Specialty playing soccer
2. b Hobby sky diving
3. b
Hello, everyone! My name is Brian. I am a freshman at
Harvard University. I am best at playing soccer. I enjoy
p.8 Speech Practice A sky diving. Thank you for listening.

Hello, everyone! My name is Yuna Kim. I am 19 years

Script p.10 Unit Test
CD1 Tr6 old. I go to Korea University. I am good at figure
skating. I am a world champion. My hobby is singing.
Answer A.
Thank you for listening.
1. take
2. am
Intro 3. is
Hello, everyone!
1. He goes to Maplewood Elementary School .
Name: My name is Yuna Kim.
2. He is in the sixth grade / grade 6.
Age: I am 19 years old.
3. His hobby is listening to classical music.
School: I go to Korea University.
Specialty: I am good at figure skating.
Hobby: My hobby is singing.
Good morning, everyone. My name is Amy White. You
Ending Script
CD1 Tr9 can call me Amy. I’m 12 years old. I’m in grade 7 at
Thank you for listening!
April Junior High School. I am good at playing
basketball. I like making gloves.

1. c
p.8 Speech Practice B 2. b
3. b
A: Tell me about yourselves. 4. ending
CD1 Tr7 B: Sure. My name is Ashley. And this is my twin
brother Ryan.
A: Could you tell me how old you are? p.11 Speaking Test
B: Ryan and I are 12 years old. We are in grade 7 at
Maple Junior High School. 1.
A: I see. What are you good at? Answer Hello. My name is Jacob Martin. I go to Juice
CD1 Tr10
B: I can speak Spanish. And Ryan is good at cooking. Elementary School. I am a fifth grader. I am good at
A: That’s interesting! How about your hobbies? playing computer games. My hobby is collecting
stickers. Thank you for listening.

2 Script & Answer Key

Unit 2 B: What do you do after that?
A: I train the elephants between 1 and 3. I teach the
elephants how to spin a ball.
p.12 Warm-up B
B: Then what do you do?
A: I walk them around the zoo until 4.
A: We have a special guest today. He lives in space.
Script B: The visitors must love that.
CD1 Tr11 Hello, Chris. Are you there?
A: For sure. Everyone wants to see the elephants.
B: Yes, hi!
B: How do you feel after work?
A: Chris, your day must be special. How do you start
A: When my day ends, I’m very tired but happy.
your day?
B: Well, my day is just like other people. I get up at 6
Answer Time Activity
o’clock. Then I wash my face.
A: What do you do after that? 1 by 7:30 be at the zoo
clean the cage and feed the
B: I talk with my friends on the Earth at 7 o’clock. 2 from 8 to 11:30
A: How?
3 between 1 and 3 train the elephants
B: We chat online.
4 until 4 walk them around the zoo
A: That sounds cool. What else do you do?
B: I go to the science lab and study from 9 to 12. Model I am an elephant trainer. This is my daily schedule. I
A: What do you do in the afternoon? have to be at the zoo by 7:30 in the morning. I clean
B: After lunch, I do two hours of space swimming the cage and feed the elephants from 8 to 11:30. I
until 3:30. train the elephants between 1 and 3. I walk them
A: It sounds like you have an interesting schedule. around the zoo until 4. After work, I am tired but
B: Yes! happy.

Answer 1. He chats online at 7 o’clock.

2. He studies from 9 to 12.
p.15 Speech Presentation
3. He goes space swimming from 1:30 to 3:30. Model Time Activity
1 at 7 start my day
2 from 10 to 12 go surfing
p.14 Speech Practice A 3 until 5 study
4 at 9 finish my day
I work as a night security guard at a museum. This is
Script This is my daily schedule for summer vacation. I start
CD1 Tr15 my daily schedule. I start my day at 8 pm. I lock the
doors between 8 pm and 9 pm. I check the halls until my day at 7 am. I go surfing from 10 am to 12 pm.
6 am. There is no one in the museum. Sometimes I Then I study until 5 pm. I finish my day at 9 pm. The
feel a little scared. I finish my day at 7 am. I have a summer vacation schedule is the best because I can
special schedule. go surfing every day.

p.16 Unit Test
This is my daily schedule.
Answer A.
Body 1. between
1. I start my day at 8 pm. 2. from
2. I lock the doors between 8 pm and 9 pm. 3. until
3. I check the halls until 6 am.
4. I finish my day at 7 am. B.
1. He is a chef at a hotel restaurant.
2. He wakes up at 3:30 am.
I have a special schedule.
3. He washes all the vegetables from 5 am to 7 am.

p.14 Speech Practice B I am a doctor. This is my daily schedule. I start my day
CD1 Tr18 very early. I wake up at 4 o’clock. I have many things
A: I work as an elephant trainer at a zoo. to do. I eat dinner between 5 and 6. Then I get home
CD1 Tr16 B: Tell me about your daily schedule. by 7 in the evening. I see patients from 8:30 in the
A: Well, I have to be at the zoo by 7:30 in the morning. morning to 3 in the afternoon. Then I write patient
B: What do you do when you get to the zoo? reports until 4:30. Ah, I jog with my dog every morning,
A: I clean the elephant cage and feed the elephants too. I usually watch TV or read until 9:30 in the
from 8 to 11: 30. evening. It is such a long day.

Script & Answer Key 3

1. b p.20 Speech Practice A
2. a
3. a My brother and I had a snowman contest. It took
4. activities in time order CD1 Tr26 place on December 29th. It snowed a lot. On that day,
we invited Sam and Peter to the contest. We made
two snowmen. Sam and I won the medal for our alien
p.17 Speaking Test snowman. It was very exciting. We all had a great
Answer This is my daily schedule on a school day. I’m very Answer
CD1 Tr19 Intro
busy. I get up at 7 o’clock. I wash my face and brush
my teeth. I eat breakfast at 7:30. I get to school by 8. My brother and I had a snowman contest.
I study at school from 8 to 3. Then I have swimming Body
lessons between 3:30 and 5. I do my homework until When: It took place on December 29th.
7:30. I watch TV or play computer games till 9. I go to Who: We invited Sam and Peter to the contest.
bed at 9:30. My schedule on a school day is very What: We made two snowmen. Sam and I won the
simple but busy. medal for our alien snowman.

CD1 Tr20 2. Ending

This is my schedule on the weekend. I start my day at We all had a great time.
8 o’clock. I eat breakfast and wash my face. I ride my
bike from 9 to 10. I go to my grandma’s house at 12.
We have lunch together. I go grocery shopping with p.20 Speech Practice B
my mom between 2 and 4. Then I listen to music or
play with my friends until 6. I have dinner at 7. I watch A: I really had a good time at the science fair!
TV from 7 to 9. I finish my day at 10. My weekend CD1 Tr27 B: The science fair? When was it?
schedule is full of fun activities. A: It was last week, on February 28th.
B: Darn, I missed it! Who came to the fair?
CD1 Tr21 3. A: Everyone! Our Science teacher, James, Molly and
This is my daily schedule for winter vacation. I wake Carol.
up at 8:30. I study English from 9:30 to 12. After lunch, B: Oh, man.
I practice skating until 3. I have piano lessons A: I did so many exciting things. I saw a dancing robot.
between 4 and 5. Some days, I have Math lessons at I made a volcano.
that time. Then I play games or watch a movie until 9. B: A dancing robot!
I go to bed at 11. My schedule for winter vacation is A: It was the best science fair ever!
very busy.
Intro the science fair
When: February 28th
Who: our Science teacher, James, Molly,
Body Carol
Unit 3 What: saw a dancing robot and made a
p.18 Warm-up B Ending the best science fair ever

I had a welcome home party for my dog Cody. I had it Model I went to the science fair. It was on February 28th. Our
Script Answer
CD1 Tr22 last week on June 12th. I invited Cody’s friends from Science teacher, James, Molly and Carol were at the
the neighborhood. There were more than five dogs at fair. I saw a dancing robot and made a volcano. It was
the party. I bought yummy snacks and drinks. I the best science fair ever!
decorated the house with balloons and baked a cake
for the party. Cody came home from the vet with
Mom and had a lot of fun with his friends. Everyone p.21 Speech Presentation
had a good time!
Model Intro a potluck party
Answer 1. b When: August 26th
2. f Who: my best friends Emily and Sam
3. a Body What: Emily - a fruit salad
Sam - meatball spaghetti.
I - cupcakes
Ending delicious / fun

4 Script & Answer Key

I had a potluck party. The party was on August 26th.
I invited my best friends Emily and Sam. Emily brought Unit 4
a fruit salad, and Sam brought meatball spaghetti. I
baked cupcakes. They were all delicious, and we had p.24 Warm-up B
lots of fun.
Kathy is a sports girl. She loves to exercise and
CD1 Tr33 enjoys sports. She especially likes the trampoline. She
p.22 Unit Test likes it because she can jump high and flip on it.
It makes her feel like she is flying. There is another
Answer A. reason. The trampoline makes her strong and fit.
1. held Jumping on the trampoline is exciting. Everybody
2. went should give it a try!
3. took
Answer 1. F
B. 2. F
1. It was a fashion show. 3. F
2. It was on September 4th. 4. T
3. They brought / wore their best clothes and walked 5. T
like models.

C. p.26 Speech Practice A

My sister and I had a pajama party. We invited ten
Script I like listening to hip-hop. I feel alive when I listen to it.
friends. There were only girls, no boys. Everyone wore Script
CD1 Tr29 CD1 Tr37 I can also sing and dance to hip-hop. I am not the
pajamas, and we had a pajama fashion show. We
best at singing and dancing. But it doesn’t matter.
also danced. My sister was the DJ. She played some
I think hip-hop is the best music in the world.
cool music. And then we turned off the lights and told
ghost stories. It was scary but fun. We all had a great Answer
time and slept together. Intro
I like listening to hip-hop.
1. c
2. b Body
3. a How you feel:
4. time of the event I feel alive.
What it does for you:
I can sing and dance to hip-hop.
p.23 Speaking Test
I think hip-hop is the best music in the world.
Answer I remember New Puppy Day. My family and I got a
CD1 Tr30
new puppy from an animal shelter. We went there on
June 7th. All the animals were so cute. Then I saw p.26 Speech Practice B
Muffin. She was playing with a rubber ball. She licked
my hand. I’m so happy we found Muffin. She’s my best A: You always have long hair, Stacy.
friend. CD1 Tr38 B: Yes, Amy. I like long hair.
A: Why?
CD1 Tr31 2. B: I feel pleased with long hair. Many people tell me
I went to a Star Wars movie party. The party was on I look good with long hair.
October 21st. It was for Star Wars fans. I dressed up A: Yes, you do look good.
like one of the Star Wars characters. Then I ate fried B: There is one more reason. I can have different hair
chicken, pizza and chips. I played some games, too. It styles. I can change my hair every day.
was an amazing party. Everyone had fun. A: Hmm, that’s a good point.
B: Why do you ask?
CD1 Tr32 3. A: I want to grow my hair long.
I planned a pool party last summer. It was on July B: Yeah, you should try it. It’s much better than short
15th, and it was very hot. I invited my friends. My hair.
friends and I played water volleyball. We jumped off
the diving board. We ate burgers and ice cream in the
pool. Everyone had a great time. I want to plan a pool
party again next summer.

Script & Answer Key 5

Answer can sleep or read books. There are many outdoor
Intro long hair
How you feel: pleased with long hair activities I can do in the summer. I can go to the
Body beach, swim or play outside. I think summer is the
What it does for you: have different hair
styles best season for children. I wish we could have
Ending much better than short hair summer all year long!

Model I like long hair. I feel pleased with long hair. I can also CD1 Tr43 3.
have different hair styles. So I think long hair is much My favorite food is pizza. I love eating pizza very
better than short hair. much. Eating pizza makes me very happy. Just one
bite makes me smile. I think pizza is a healthy food.
There are vegetables and meat on it. I can have
p.27 Speech Presentation everything at once. Pizza forever!
Answer Intro growing plants
How you feel: pleasant
What it does for you: give fresh air
Ending give plants to people as birthday presents
Unit 5
I think growing plants is good. Growing plants makes
me feel pleasant. Plants also give fresh air. I will give p.30 Warm-up B
plants to people as birthday presents.
This is a picture of Bindi Irwin. She is on the fashion
CD1 Tr44 show stage. She has long blond hair. She is wearing
p.28 Unit Test pigtails. She is wearing a pink shirt. It has a crocodile
picture on it. She is holding a snake around her body.
Answer A. But she doesn’t seem to be scared. She looks excited.
1. excited
2. thrilling Answer 1. b
3. pleased 2. b
3. c
1. He likes comic books.
2. He has so much fun reading comic books. p.32 Speech Practice A
3. He thinks they are easy to read.
This is a picture of a young boy. He is at a soccer
C. CD1 Tr48 game. He is medium height. He has short curly hair.
He is wearing a red soccer shirt. He is waving a
Fast cars, fight scenes and stunts make me thrilled. Manchester United flag. It looks like his team just
CD1 Tr40 The cool action scenes look so real. When I watch scored a goal. He is screaming and shouting. He
them, I often jump off my seat and scream. Action looks really excited.
movies made me change my dream. I want to be a
director. I’ll make cool action movies. Answer
1. b
This is a picture of a young boy.
2. c
3. a Body
4. intro Looks: He is medium height.
He has short curly hair.
Clothes: He is wearing a red soccer shirt.
p.29 Speaking Test Actions: He is waving a Manchester United flag.

Model Feelings: He looks excited.
Answer There are many sports I like. But my favorite sport is
CD1 Tr41
soccer. It is an active sport. I can play it together with
my friends. I feel so excited when my team scores a
goal. I think soccer is also a great sport to exercise p.32 Speech Practice B
and build teamwork. That is why I love soccer.
A: Hey, I found a really interesting picture of an old
2. CD1 Tr49 woman in the newspaper.
CD1 Tr42 I like summer. It is warm, and the day is long. Summer B: What does she look like?
makes me relaxed. I love lying down under a tree. I A: She’s tall and strong. She has white hair and blue

6 Script & Answer Key

1. c
eyes. She has a really big smile, too.
2. b
B: What’s she wearing in the picture?
3. a
A: She’s wearing a green and yellow uniform.
4. actions
B: What is she doing?
A: She’s kicking her leg up.
B: What?
A: Yeah, she’s cheering for a sports team. She seems
p.35 Speaking Test
very joyful.
B: That’s so cool! Model
Answer This is a picture of a young guy. He has black curly
CD1 Tr52
hair. He is medium height and thin. He is wearing a
Intro an old woman short-sleeved shirt. He is holding a broken guitar. He
Looks: tall and strong, white hair and looks angry.
blue eyes
Body Clothes: a green and yellow uniform CD1 Tr53 2.
Actions: kicking her leg up This is a picture of a young man. His hair is brown. He
cheering for a sports team is handsome. He is wearing a dark blue shirt and blue
Ending joyful pants. He is signing autographs for his fans. He seems
to enjoy it.
Model This is a picture of an old woman. She is tall and
strong. She has white hair and blue eyes. She is
CD1 Tr54 3.
wearing a green and yellow uniform. She is kicking
This is a picture of a young girl. She has long brown
her leg up. She is cheering for a sports team. She
hair. She is wearing a green shirt and a white skirt.
seems joyful.
She is holding a chocolate ice cream cone in her
hand. She is also looking at a bench. The bench says
“Wet Paint.” She sat on the bench and got blue paint
p.33 Speech Presentation
on her skirt. She looks annoyed.
Answer Intro an old man
Looks: small and has bushy white hair
Body Clothes: a suit and a red bow tie
Actions: teaching Math
Ending difficult to tell how he feels Unit 6
This is a picture of an old man. He is small and has p.36 Warm-up B
bushy white hair. He is wearing a suit and a red bow
tie. He is teaching Math. It is difficult to tell how he
This is a picture of Dr. Mad’s desk. There are many
feels. Script
CD1 Tr55 strange things on the desk. On the left corner, there is
a desk lamp. It looks like a real snake! There are two
books in front of the desk lamp. One of them has
p.34 Unit Test scary eyes and big teeth. It looks like a monster! A big
glass is in the center of the desk. A fire is burning in
Answer A.
the glass. The computer is next to the glass. The
1. is wearing
monitor looks like a monster’s mouth. Wait a minute!
2. is waving
There is a picture behind the monitor. It is Dr. Mad!
3. are holding
Answer 1. left
2. in front of
1. The writer took the picture at a Halloween party.
3. in the center of
2. He is wearing a black suit, a black cloak and a red
4. next to
bow tie.
5. behind
3. He looks very pleased.

p.38 Speech Practice A
This is Mason Wright. He has rainbow colored hair. He
CD1 Tr51 has a big red rubber nose. He is wearing a black suit I will describe a picture of a witch’s kitchen. There
and white gloves. He is also wearing a tall black hat. CD1 Tr59 is a pot in the middle of the kitchen. It is a big, black
Mason is a clown. He is having fun. He looks really pot. There is some pink soup boiling in the pot. On the
happy. left side of the pot, there is a broom. It is leaning
against the wall. I think it is a magic broom. On the

Script & Answer Key 7

p.39 Speech Presentation
right side of the pot, there is a table. There are some
rats on the table. Behind the table, there is a witch’s Model
Answer Intro a picture of a garage sale
hat on the wall. The witch’s kitchen is spooky. three tables
On the left table - used toys
Answer The table in the center - used clothes
Intro Body
The third table - used cups and plates
I will describe a picture of a witch’s kitchen.
Behind the tables - a bat a lamp, and a
Body pair of skis
There is a pot in the middle of the kitchen. It is a Ending like to visit and buy something
big, black pot. On the left side of the pot, there is a
This is a picture of a garage sale. There are three
broom. On the right side of the pot, there is a
tables in the yard. On the left table, there are some
table. Behind the table, there is a witch’s hat on
used toys. They cost only a dollar. There are some
the wall.
used clothes like a pair of jeans, a shirt and caps on
Ending the table in the center. Each costs three dollars. And
The witch’s kitchen is spooky. there are some used cups and plates on the third
table. Each costs two dollars. Behind the tables, there
is a bat, a lamp and a pair of skis. I would like to visit
p.38 Speech Practice B and buy something.

A: Hey, look! This is a picture of my new desk. Isn’t

Script p.40 Unit Test
CD1 Tr60 it cool?
B: Yeah. It’s really big and nice.
A: Yes. I can put everything on it. Answer A.
B: What’s that in the middle of the desk? 1. Next
A: That’s a cat bed. My cat likes to sleep on my desk. 2. between
So I put a cat bed in the middle. 3. front
B: Then what’s that behind the cat bed?
A: That’s a hamster cage. He likes to be with the cat. B.
B: Okay, then what’s that next to the hamster cage? 1. It is a picture of the writer’s pets.
A: That’s a water dish for the cat. 2. She is on Rudolf’s / the cat’s head.
B: Where are all your books? 3. He is on the right side of Rudolf / the cat.
A: I put them under my desk. I couldn’t find any space
for them. C.
B: You have a small zoo on the desk. This is a picture of my classroom. There is a
CD1 Tr62 blackboard in front of the room. The teacher’s desk is
Answer big and tall. My seat is next to the world map. It is
Intro a new desk
a cat bed: in the middle of the desk between the world map and a bookcase. It is close to
a hamster cage: behind the cat bed the front, so I can see my teacher’s handwriting
Body a water dish for the cat: next to the clearly. I really enjoy studying and chatting with my
hamster cage friends in my classroom.
Books: under the desk
1. a
Ending a small zoo on the desk
2. a
This is a picture of a new desk. It’s big and nice. There 3. b
Answer 4. location of the teacher’s desk
is a cat bed in the middle of the desk. Behind the cat
bed, there is a hamster cage. Next to the hamster
cage, there is a water dish for the cat. Under the desk,
there are books. There is a small zoo on the desk.
p.41 Speaking Test

Answer I will describe a picture of a bedroom. It’s very messy.
CD1 Tr63
There are clothes all over the bed. I can see a cat and
a dog under the bed. There is a clock on the wall
above the bed. In front of the bed, there is a blue
book on the floor. A bookcase is standing on the left
side of the bed. Some books on the shelves are lying,
and some are standing. Somebody should clean this

8 Script & Answer Key

CD1 Tr64 2. Answer
This is a picture of Jerry’s Ice Cream Shop. There is an
Place: This story takes place in a haunted house.
ice cream case in the middle. There are many things
Characters: I see a little boy and some ghosts.
on the case. On the left, there are some ice cream
cones. There are some napkins next to the cones. On Body
the right, I can see an ice cream scoop. In the ice 1. The boy walks into the haunted house.
cream case, I see five different kinds of ice cream. I 2. He sees a fake ghost and laughs at it.
can see my favorite strawberry ice cream! The ice 3. Then a real ghost comes out. The boy screams
cream shop looks very clean, and I want to try the and runs away.
strawberry ice cream.
He looks very pale and frightened.
CD1 Tr65 3.
I see a living room in the picture. There is a table in
the middle of the picture and a red rug under it. I also
see some flowers and a telephone on the table. p.44 Speech Practice B
Behind the table is a yellow sofa. A bookcase is
standing to the left of the sofa. And a pink lamp is
A: Let’s make a story! A scary one.
standing to the right side of the sofa. It is a warm and Script
CD1 Tr71 B: Sure, I will draw the pictures.
cozy living room.
A: Great! So where should the story take place?
B: It happens in the creepy woods! How about that?
A: I like “creepy.” And who are in the story?
B: How about bats? A big, scary bat family!
A: Okay. We have a bat family. What now?
Unit 7 B: Let me draw the family in the picture. A father bat,
a mother bat and a daughter bat. The daughter
p.42 Warm-up B should be very pretty!
A: Huh? A pretty bat is not scary!
Temple Elementary School students are on a field
Script B: She plays in the woods and picks flowers.
CD1 Tr66 trip. They are taking a group picture in front of the
A: What?
spaceship. They get into the spaceship, and the
B: And here comes the best part! She meets a prince
spaceship flies high into space and moves fast. Some
bat and falls in love!
students look sick, and others look excited. They land
A: Oh, no.
on the moon and come out of the spaceship. The
B: They get married and live happily ever after. And
students cheer and put a flag on the moon. They all
everyone is happy! The end!
have a great time!

Place: in the creepy woods
Answer 1. a Intro
Characters: a big, scary bat family
2. b
1. The daughter bat plays in the woods and
3. a
picks flowers.
Body 2. She meets a prince bat and falls in love.
3. They get married and live happily ever
p.44 Speech Practice A

This story takes place in a haunted house. I see a Ending Everyone is happy.
CD1 Tr70 little boy and some ghosts. The boy walks into the
Model The story happens in the creepy woods. There is a big,
haunted house. He sees a fake ghost and laughs at Answer
scary bat family. The daughter bat plays in the woods
it. Then a real ghost comes out. The boy screams
and picks flowers. And then she meets a prince bat
and runs away. He looks very pale and frightened.
and falls in love. They get married and live happily
Now he looks like a ghost.
ever after. Everyone is happy.

Script & Answer Key 9

p.45 Speech Presentation CD1 Tr75 2.
This story happens at a circus. A girl walks into the
Answer an amusement park circus tent. Inside the tent, a clown is standing on a
a boy and a girl ball and juggling dishes. Then she sees elephants.
1. The boy asks the girl to ride on a roller One is standing on a box, and the other is standing on
coaster. a circus ball. The girl stands up and claps from her
Body 2. The boy and the girl get on the ride. heart. She seems to have a good time.
3. After they get off the ride, the boy feels
dizzy. CD1 Tr76 3.
The girl enjoys the ride and laughs at the This is a picture of London. I see a boy. He travels in
boy. London. He takes a double-decker bus. He takes a
picture in front of Buckingham Palace. He seems to
This story takes place in an amusement park. I see a
enjoy London. Then he returns home. He shows the
boy and a girl. The boy asks the girl to ride on a roller
pictures of London to his friends. He looks happy
coaster. The girl doesn’t seem to want to do that. The
talking about his trip.
girl finally makes a decision, and they get on the ride.
After they get off the ride, the boy feels dizzy. But the
girl enjoys the ride and laughs at the boy.

p.46 Unit Test

Unit 8
p.48 Warm-up B
Answer A.
1. screams / runs
A: Excuse me. How can I get to Monster Park?
2. happens Script
CD2 Tr2 B: Do you have a map?
3. land
A: Yes, but it is hard to find the park.
B: Let me help you find it. See, we’re right here on
Main Street, and the school is on our right.
1. It takes place on a safari in South Africa.
A: Okay, I see it.
2. They hear a hyena’s loud laughing sound.
B: Continue down Main Street, pass the bank on your
3. They seem to enjoy the trip.
left and keep walking.
A: Okay, then
B: Then turn left on Oak Street.
This story takes place in a busy subway. There is a A: Are we there yet?
CD1 Tr73 little boy and a man. The little boy is sitting on a seat. B: No, but we’re almost there. You’ll see a
He is sleeping. The man is sitting next to the boy. He supermarket on the corner. Turn left. Monster Park
is reading a newspaper. Suddenly, the boy stands up is next to the supermarket. You can’t miss it.
to get off. He seems in a hurry. Then his jacket zipper A: How long do you think it will take?
pulls the man’s hair. It is a wig! The man shouts. But B: About 5 minutes.
the boy doesn’t understand why. He gets off the A: Thank you so much!
subway with the man’s wig. B: My pleasure. Have fun at the park!

1. b
Answer 1. c
2. c
2. c
3. a
3. b
4. feelings

p.50 Speech Practice A

p.47 Speaking Test
This is how to get to the shopping mall. You are in
1. Script
Model CD2 Tr6 front of the Mexican restaurant. You will see some
Answer The story takes place at a school. I see a boy. The
CD1 Tr74 stairs. Go straight up the stairs. Turn left at the traffic
boy is in a classroom. He looks tired and bored. His
light. Pass the parking lot on your left. Keep going
glasses are on his head. Next, the boy goes
down Greenside Avenue. The mall is across from the
swimming. He plays in the pool. He seems to have
apartment building.
fun. He looks for his glasses to do his homework. But
he can’t find his glasses. Then he remembers they are
at the swimming pool. The boy seems really surprised.

1 0 Script & Answer Key

Turn right on Anderson Avenue.
This is how to get to the shopping mall.
Body Go straight and turn right on Bartley Street.
Body Pass the pharmacy on your right.
Go straight up the stairs. Ending next to the pharmacy
Turn left at the traffic light.
Pass the parking lot on your left. This is how to get to school. Turn right on Anderson
Keep going down Greenside Avenue. Avenue. Go straight and turn right on Bartley Street.
Pass the pharmacy on your right. The school is next
to the pharmacy.
The mall is across from the apartment building.

p.52 Unit Test

p.50 Speech Practice B
Answer A.
A: Excuse me. I’m looking for Mega Video. 1. Make a right on Main Street.
CD2 Tr7 B: Oh, I know where that is. Look, there is a pet store. 2. Pass the library on your left.
A: Yes, I see it. 3. Keep going up Webber Street.
B: Turn left at the pet store.
A: Right. B.
B: No, left. 1. They are to find the writer’s house.
A: I mean I got it. 2. Pass the stop sign on your right.
B: Okay. Then go straight up the escalator. It’s on the 3. It is next to the hospital.
second floor.
A: Up the escalator. C.
B: Pass the gift store on your right.
Have a look at this map. Just in front of us is Stanley’s
A: Okay. Script
CD2 Tr9 Bookstore. Turn right at the bookstore. You’ll see
B: Mega Video is across from the electronic’s store.
some stairs. Continue down the stairs. Then you’ll find
A: Thanks for your help.
the beauty store on your left. Keep going straight. You
B: My pleasure.
can’t miss it.

Answer 1. c
Intro Mega Video
2. b
Turn left at the pet store.
3. a
Body Go straight up the escalator.
4. Where the listener wants to go
Pass the gift store on your right.
Ending across from the electronic store

p.53 Speaking Test

Model Let me tell you how to get to Mega Video. Turn left at
the pet store. Go straight up the escalator. Pass the
gift store on your right. Mega Video is across from the 1.
electronic store.
Answer I will tell you how to get to my house. Turn right at
CD2 Tr10
Jackson Drive. Go straight until you see a traffic light.
Turn left at the light. Continue down the street. Pass
p.51 Speech Presentation the park on your right. My house is across from the
CD2 Tr11 2.
This is how to get to my school. Turn left at the stop
sign. Go straight down Kensington Avenue. Pass the
laundromat on your right. Turn right at the
supermarket. My school is across from the bakery.

CD2 Tr12 3.
Let me tell you how to get to the Dolphin Theater.
V Turn left on Hanson Drive. Walk up to an intersection.
Turn right on Roger Street. Pass the bank on your
right. The Dolphin Theater is between the fruit market
and the hair salon.

Script & Answer Key 1 1

p.56 Speech Practice B
Unit 9
A: Hey, Anthony. What are you going to wear on
p.54 Warm-up B CD2 Tr17 Halloween?
B: I am going to make my own Halloween skeleton
A: Susie, what are you making for Halloween? costume.
CD2 Tr13 B: I’m not sure, Tom. What about you? A: Really? Isn’t it difficult to make?
A: Mom and I are going to make some Halloween B: Not at all. I’ll tell you how to make it.
snacks. A: All right. What’s the first step?
B: Are you going to make your mom’s famous Mummy B: First, draw the bones on paper and cut them out.
Pizza? A: You mean bones like legs and arms?
A: Of course. B: Yeah. Second, pin the pieces on some white felt
B: I love your mom’s Mummy Pizza. Do you know how and trace the bones with a marker.
to make it? A: I know what to do next! Cut out the bones.
A: Sure. First, spread some pizza sauce on a round B: That’s right. And the fourth step is to glue the
biscuit. bones on a black suit.
B: That’s easy. What’s next? A: That’s a cool idea!
A: Then put two olives on it. Those are the mummy’s B: It’s easy and fun! I can do it, so you can do it, too.
B: That’s a good idea! They look like real eyes. Answer
Intromake a Halloween skeleton costume
A: Yeah, green olives work better. They look scary!
Step 1, draw the bones on paper and cut
For the mummy’s wrappings, put some cheese
them out.
across the biscuit.
Step 2, pin the pieces on some white felt
B: Sounds yummy! Body
and trace the bones.
A: Finally, bake it for 10 minutes until the cheese
Step 3, cut out the bones.
Step 4, glue the bones on a black suit.
B: I will try it myself for sure. I love deliciously scary
Ending easy and fun
A: Happy Halloween! Model This is how to make a Halloween skeleton costume.
Step 1, draw the bones on paper and cut them out.
Answer 1. a Step 2, pin the pieces on some white felt and trace
2. c the bones. Step 3, cut out the bones. Step 4, glue the
3. c bones on a black suit. Making a Halloween skeleton
costume is easy and fun.

p.56 Speech Practice A

p.57 Speech Presentation
This is how to plan a Halloween party. Step 1, choose
Script Model
CD2 Tr16 a date for the party. Step 2, make invitation cards and Answer Intro make my bed
send them out. Don’t forget to put ghost stickers on First, take everything away from the bed.
the invitation cards. Step 3, go grocery shopping. Step Second, put a clean bedsheet on top of
4, clean up the house and decorate it with balloons. the bed.
Jack O’ Lanterns would be perfect for a spooky Third, put a clean pillow cover on my puffy
mood. Now it’s time to enjoy your party! pillow.
Fourth, place my teddy bear next to the
Answer pillow.
Intro This is how to plan a Halloween party. Ending want to go back to sleep again
This is how I make my bed. First, take everything away
Step 1, choose a date for the party.
from the bed. Second, put a clean bedsheet on top of
Step 2, make invitation cards and send them out.
the bed. Third, put a clean pillow cover on my puffy
Step 3, go grocery shopping.
pillow. Fourth, place my favorite teddy bear next to
Step 4, clean up the house and decorate it with
the pillow. Now I want to go back to sleep again!

Ending Now it’s time to enjoy your party!

1 2 Script & Answer Key

p.58 Unit Test
Unit 10
Answer A.
1. out p.60 Warm-up B
2. on
3. up Susan and I both have a dog. We love our dogs. They
CD2 Tr23 are similar but also different in many ways. They have
B. the same name, Rusty. They look alike, too. They are
1. They are for making hot chocolate. big, white dogs with black spots. They bark when they
2. It is to boil some water or milk and put it in a mug. are hungry. They wag their tails when they are happy.
3. It is to drink slowly and enjoy. But they are also very different. Susan’s dog is not a
real dog. It’s a Robo-dog. It can take a picture and
C. play music. My dog is different. He is alive and real.
He has soft fur and a wet nose. But it doesn’t matter if
Let me show you how to ice-skate! Balance is very
Script they are alike or different. We just love our Rustys.
CD2 Tr19 important. Step 2, use your arms to balance. Spread
them out and move them. You won’t fall down. Step 3,
push off with one leg. Change legs. You can go fast or My dog Susan’s Dog
slow. Step 4, keep your head up. Don’t look down. It Rusty V V
will make you dizzy. Now you know how to ice-skate. a Robo-dog V
Have fun! play music V
a wet nose V
1. b black spots V V
2. a real dog V
3. c
4. step 1
p.62 Speech Practice A
p.59 Speaking Test An alligator and a crocodile look alike, but they are
CD2 Tr27 different. Both have bumpy skin, short legs, and long,
Model strong tails. Their teeth are sharp, too. They can hunt
Answer I will explain how to check your email. First, turn on
CD2 Tr20 animals with their sharp teeth. But they are also very
the computer and start the Internet. Second, go to
different. An alligator has a broad snout, but a
your email account website. Third, type in your user
crocodile has a narrow snout. An alligator is brownish,
name and password, and click “sign in.” Fourth, press
but a crocodile is greenish. Now it is easy to tell the
“inbox” and check your email. It’s easy and simple.
difference between them.

CD2 Tr21 2.
This is how you do the laundry. Step 1, divide the Intro A alligator and a crocodile look alike, but
laundry into dark and light colors. Step 2, put only the they are different.
dark or light laundry into the washing machine. Step
3, choose the washing cycle and add soap. Step 4,
Similarities: Both have bumpy skin, short legs, and
press “Start” and wait until you hear a beeping sound.
long, strong tails.
Now you have clean clothes.
Their teeth are sharp, too.

CD2 Tr22 3. Differences: But they are also very different. An

This is how to change a baby’s diaper. First, lay the alligator has a broad snout, but a crocodile has
baby on a bed. Second, take the dirty diaper off and a narrow snout.
put it in the trash. Third, pat some powder on the An alligator is brownish, but a crocodile is greenish.
baby’s bottom. Last, place a new diaper on the baby. Ending Now it is easy to tell the difference
Now you have a clean, happy baby. Changing a between them.
diaper is easy!

p.62 Speech Practice B

A: Who is your favorite superhero? Batman or

CD2 Tr28 Spiderman?
B: Well, that’s a tough question. They’re similar but

Script & Answer Key 1 3

different, you know.
1. They have the same color yellow and three big
A: How?
B: Okay. First of all, they both wear costumes and
2. Sally’s home has three bedrooms, but Amy’s has
A: Right. And both have a secret. People don’t know
3. Sally’s home has two floors, but Amy’s has one.
who they really are.
B: That’s true. But they are different, too. Batman is
serious, but Spiderman is funny.
A: I have one, too. Batman can fly, but Spiderman can Meg and Jane are studying in the library. How they
crawl up walls. CD2 Tr30 study is different. Meg writes everything down. Jane
B: Yeah, you’re right. says everything out loud. Meg uses flashcards, but
A: So have you made up your mind? Jane uses a vocabulary notebook. The girls are
B: I still can’t decide. I think I like them both. similar yet different.
A: Me, too!
1. c
2. c
Answer Batman and Spiderman
Intro 3. b
Similarities: wear costumes and masks, 4. similarities
have a secret
Differences: Batman is serious, but
Spiderman is funny. p.65 Speaking Test
Batman can fly, but Spiderman can crawl
up walls. 1.
Ending I like them both. Answer Kristy and I are alike, but we are also different. Kristy
CD2 Tr31
and I want to be vets. We are both interested in
Model Batman and Spiderman are alike, but they are
Answer animals. But we are different, too. Kristy enjoys
different, too. Both wear costumes and masks. And
playing sports, especially hockey. But I like reading
they also have a secret. People don’t know who they
and writing poems. Kristy is outgoing, but I am shy.
really are. But they are very different, too. Batman is
We are different, but we are best friends.
serious, but Spiderman is funny. Batman can fly, but
Spiderman can crawl up walls. Batman and
CD2 Tr32 2.
Spiderman are similar yet different. But I like them
Writing a letter and writing an email are similar, but
they are also different. Both are good ways to stay in
touch with friends and family members. But they are
different, too. Writing a letter takes time, but you can
p.63 Speech Presentation
type an email quickly. Sending a letter costs money,
Model but emailing is free. Personally, I like writing an email.
Answer Mom Dad
- loves outdoor - like to be - loves staying
CD2 Tr33 3.
activities with the family at home
- likes playing during weekends - likes reading A bicycle and a motorcycle are alike, yet they are
baseball with - love me a lot books to me also different. Both of them can take people to
me different places. You also need to wear a helmet to
ride them. But a bicycle and a motorcycle are
My parents are similar but also different. Both like to different, too. A bicycle moves when people pedal. So
be with the family during weekends. And they both it does not need any gas. But a motorcycle moves
love me a lot. But they are also very different. Mom with fuel. So it needs gas. I think riding a bicycle is a
loves outdoor activities, but Dad loves staying at better way to move to different places.
home. She likes playing baseball with me, but he likes
reading books to me. My parents are similar yet
different. But I love them both.

Unit 11
p.64 Unit Test
p.66 Warm-up B
Answer A.
1. My A: Peter Jares Huntington!
2. Their CD2 Tr34 B: Oh, Jenny. What’s up?
3. Helen’s A: Where is my book? You promised to give it back to
me yesterday.

1 4 Script & Answer Key

B: Oh, yes! Oops, I forgot! I kept reading and...
A: I told you that I borrowed the book from the library. A: Come on. Get to the point.
I had to return it yesterday. B: Okay. Your book got dirty because I spilled orange
B: That’s right! That’s another thing I forgot! I am juice all over it.
terribly sorry. A: Oh no. You know how much I love this book.
A: How could you forget it! Saying sorry is not going B: I know. That’s why I am so sorry. How about I buy
to solve the problem! you a new one?
B: Let me explain first. Yesterday, I had to go to the A: Well, that’s not a bad idea.
airport to see off Dad. He was leaving on a B: It’s a deal. I promise to be more careful next time.
business trip for six months. Mom and I were so
sad. Answer
made your book so dirty
A: Oh, well. Do you have the book now then? I need
Explanation: spilled orange juice all over it
to return it to the library. Body
Suggestion: buy you a new book
B: Why don’t I go with you to the library? Maybe I can
Ending promise to be more careful next time
explain or pay the late fee for you.
A: Really? Do you think you can do that? That would Model I am sorry that I made your book so dirty. That’s
be helpful. because I spilled orange juice all over it. I know how
B: Sure thing. Again, I’m so sorry, and I will be more much you love this book. So let me buy you a new
careful next time. one. Sorry again, and I promise to be more careful
next time.
Answer 1. F
2. F
3. F p.69 Speech Presentation
4. T Model
Answer put the wrong pictures on our group
5. F Intro
Explanation: I didn’t take notes when our
teacher explained everything.
p.68 Speech Practice A Body
Suggestion: Let me talk to the teacher
and ask for more time to do it again.
Grandma, I am terribly sorry that I can’t go to your
Script Ending I will take notes next time.
CD2 Tr38 birthday party. That’s because I need to help my
friend with shopping. She has to buy a new dress for I am terribly sorry that I put the wrong pictures on our
her sister’s wedding. How about I stop by tomorrow group homework. That’s because I didn’t take notes
with a present? You will love it. And I promise I won’t when our teacher explained everything. I know how
miss your birthday party next year. I love you. important this project is. Let me talk to the teacher
and ask for more time to do it again. Then I’ll fix it and
Answer put the right pictures myself. I promise I will take
notes next time.
I am terribly sorry that I can’t go to your birthday
p.70 Unit Test
Explanation: That’s because I need to help my
Answer A.
friend with shopping.
1. use
Suggestion: How about I stop by tomorrow with a
2. play
3. to sleep
I promise I won’t miss your birthday party next year. B.
1. She forgot to return the DVD to the store.
2. She is going to call her sister and return the DVD.
3. She promises to be more careful next time.
p.68 Speech Practice B
A: Oh my God! What happened to my book? It
Script I am terribly sorry for drawing on your work. The thing
CD2 Tr39 smells It smells like orange! Script
CD2 Tr41 is that it was on the floor, so I thought it was not
B: I am terribly sorry that I made your book so dirty.
important. And the sketch didn’t seem to be finished,
A: Could you explain what happened?
so I wanted to make it look better. Next time, I’ll ask
B: I was really enjoying reading it and got so into it.
before I do something with your works.
And then Mom brought me something to drink. And

Script & Answer Key 1 5

Answer 1. b Answer 1. b
2. c 2. c
3. a 3. b
4. suggestion

p.74 Speech Practice A

p.71 Speaking Test
This is what happened to me last winter. I got a
1. CD2 Tr48 terrible stomachache because I forgot to wear a coat.
Answer I am terribly sorry for stepping on your foot. That’s It was very cold. Not only that, but I also had two fried
CD2 Tr42
because I was busy talking to a friend. Let me help chickens for breakfast. I couldn’t help it. They were so
you go to the nurse’s office. I’ll try to be more careful delicious. As a result, I was terribly sick. I will be more
next time. careful about what I eat and wear from now.

CD2 Tr43 2. Answer

I apologize for coming home late. That’s because our Intro This is what happened to me last winter.
baseball team was winning, so I could not leave the Body
game. I’ll hurry and do my homework. Next time, I will Effect + Cause 1: I got a terrible stomachache
call you when the game is going to finish late. I because I forgot to wear a coat.
promise I will not make you worry again. Cause 2: Not only that, but I also had two fried
chickens for breakfast.
CD2 Tr44 3.
I am sorry for wearing your skirt without asking. The
Ending As a result, I was terribly sick. I will be
more careful about what I eat and wear from now.
thing is I have a date with my boyfriend today. So I
tried on your skirt to look nice. How about I wash the
skirt and put it back in your closet? I’m so sorry. Next
time, I will ask you first. p.74 Speech Practice B

A: Mom, there’s something I have to show you. Here

CD2 Tr49 take a look, and please, don’t be too angry.
B: What? You failed both Math and English?
Unit 12 A: Well But I can explain.
B: Go ahead.
p.72 Warm-up B A: First of all, I didn’t even know there were tests.
B: But, I remember your teacher talked about them a
A: Ross! week ago.
CD2 Tr45 B: Sorry I’m late, Miss Taylor. A: That is not the only reason. I suddenly felt sick
A: Well, you had better have a good reason. Why are during the test.
you late? B: Everybody has excuses like you. But you need to
B: First of all, I played computer games till late and keep the test date in mind and take care of
went to bed at 1 am. yourself.
A: That doesn’t sound good. A: Yes, Mom. I will be more careful.
B: Yeah, I know. That’s why I couldn’t hear the alarm
in the morning. When I woke up, it was already Answer
Effect Cause
A: Is that the only reason? 1. He didn’t know there
B: No. I was in a hurry, of course, so I took a shortcut. The boy failed both � were tests.
Um I tried jumping over the wall. Math and English. 2. He felt sick during the
A: Ross, that’s not a good idea. But still that does not test.
make sense. It is 10 now.
B: That’s not it. I didn’t know there was a nail. I was Model This is what happened on my last tests. I failed both
stuck on top of the wall and was dangling on it for Math and English because I didn’t know there were
a while. tests. But Mom remembered that my teacher talked
A: Oh, no. I hope you didn’t get hurt. about them a week ago. Not only that, but I also felt
B: I am okay. Thank you. sick during the tests. Therefore, I failed both tests. I
A: And I hope you learned your lesson. will be more careful.
B: For sure, Miss Taylor. I will never stay up late and
won’t try to jump over a wall again.

1 6 Script & Answer Key

p.75 Speech Presentation CD2 Tr54 3.
Online bookstores are very popular. First of all, it is
Answer Effect I did well on the test. easy to get information about books on them. You
just have to click, and the online bookstore will tell

you about the writers and stories of the books. Not
1. I studied a lot.
Cause only that, but the price is also usually cheaper. As a
2. I was lucky.
result, more and more people use online bookstores.
This is what happened this week. I did well on the test
because this time, I studied a lot. Not only that, but I
was also lucky. I found seven four-leaf clovers.
Because of my hard work and luck, I got the highest
score. Next time, I will try harder and get a perfect Unit 13
p.78 Warm-up B
p.76 Unit Test A: What’s the matter, Nick?
CD2 Tr55 B: I have a problem, Mom.
Answer A. A: Well, tell me about it. It’s always good to talk
1. spilled/spilt about a problem with someone.
2. hit B: You know I finished my homework yesterday.
3. cut A: Yes, I saw that.
B: But Buster ate it!
B. A: What?
1. The writer cannot talk. B: Yeah, you know he loves to rip everything. He tore
2. The writer cheered so loudly for the team. up my homework and ate it.
3. The writer and the friends played loudly all night. A: Oh, no. Well, what are you going to do?
B: I ought to tell my teacher the truth. But I don’t
C. think she’ll believe me.
This is what happened to me this morning. I was late A: Is there another solution?
Script B: I can start doing it again right now. But I will be
CD2 Tr51 for school because of the rainy weather. I ran for the
bus and fell down. The street was very slippery. I got late for school then.
on the next bus, and the bus got a flat tire and A: I don’t think you should be late for school, Nick.
stopped. Everybody was complaining. B: Then what should I do?
A: Tell the truth. She will understand and give you
1. b another chance.
2. a B: Okay. I hope she will believe what I say.
3. b A: And Nick, keep your homework away from Buster.
4. opinion
Answer 1. a
2. b
p.77 Speaking Test
3. b

Answer This is what happened to me last week. My sticker
CD2 Tr52
collection got ruined, and that made me cry really
p.80 Speech Practice A
hard. I showed my sticker collection to my best friend.
There is a woman with long hair sitting in a restaurant.
But she dropped three of my favorite stickers. Not Script
CD2 Tr59 The problem is that the woman’s long hair is on fire. A
only that, but she also stepped on them, and they got
man sees her burning hair. He should do something.
ripped off. In the end, I cried on my way home. I know
One solution is that the man ought to quickly tell the
it was an accident, but I was so upset.
woman. Throwing some water on her hair would also
solve the problem. Both are good ideas.
CD2 Tr53 2.
My grandfather is the healthiest person I know. He is
healthy because he spends one hour a day
exercising. Every morning, he jogs. Not only that, but
he also has very healthy eating habits. He eats
everything he wants, but he eats just a little and takes
his time. Therefore, he is the healthiest person I know.

Script & Answer Key 1 7

Answer p.81 Speech Presentation
The problem is that the woman’s long hair is on Model
Answer The boy has to use the toilet, but he
fire. A man sees her burning hair. can’t get into his house.
1. call his mom
2. use the neighbor’s bathroom
Solution 1: One solution is that the man ought to
quickly tell the woman. The problem is that the boy needs to use the toilet,
Solution 2: Throwing water would also solve the but he cannot get into his house. One solution is to
problem. call his mom. Using the neighbor’s bathroom would
Ending take care of the problem, too. I think the boy ought to
Both are good ideas. use the neighbor’s bathroom. He doesn’t seem to
have time to wait for his mom.

p.80 Speech Practice B p.82 Unit Test

A: Ew.
Answer A.
CD2 Tr60 B: What’s the matter?
1. ought
A: It’s the chicken soup. I think it’s too salty. I put too
2. should
much salt in it.
3. should
B: Let me try. Oh, yes, it is salty.
A: My friends will be here in 30 minutes. What should I
1. Jim forgot to bring his wallet.
B: Why don’t you add more water? That would make
2. He did not have enough money.
the soup taste better.
3. Calling Jim’s mom solved the problem.
A: Then should I put more chicken in it?
B: But then it would take more time to cook the
A: Oh... that’s right. There is something wrong with the elevator. The
B: I’ve got another solution! CD2 Tr62 problem is that the doors won’t close. Stopping at
A: What is it? every floor is a problem, too. The buttons in the
B: You can change the menu. Let’s turn this soup into elevator do not work well. The elevator also keeps
chicken noodle soup. making strange noises. It’s very scary. Another
A: How do I do it? problem is that the elevator is too dirty. There are too
B: It’s simple. Just add some noodles in it and cook it many problems with the elevator.
for 15 minutes. 1. c
A: That’s a great idea! Thanks, Mom! 2. a
B: You’re welcome. Let me give you a hand. 3. c
4. solution
Answer Intro the chicken soup is too salty
Solution 1: add more water
Body Solution 2: turn the soup into chicken p.83 Speaking Test
noodle soup
Changing the soup to chicken noodle 1.
Ending Model
soup would be better. Answer There is something wrong with the boy’s teeth. He
CD2 Tr63
seems to have a toothache. He should go to the
Model The problem is that the chicken soup is too salty. One dentist as soon as possible. He also ought to stop
solution is to add more water. But then the soup eating chocolate and candy. That would help him
needs more chicken. It will take more time to cook stop the pain.
the soup. Turning the soup into chicken noodle soup
would also solve the problem. I think changing the CD2 Tr64 2.
soup to chicken noodle soup would be a better There is something wrong with the man. The problem
solution to the problem. is that he fell off the bike and hurt himself. He ought
to call 911 with his cell phone. Asking someone
nearby for help would also solve the problem. Both
solutions are good ideas.

1 8 Script & Answer Key

CD2 Tr65 3.
A: Hmm... She has a point, Derrick. I agree with your
The problem is that the swing is not safe. The branch
mom that earphones can be harmful to you.
with the swing is going to break soon. The boy should
B: But how?
tell the park ranger. Writing a warning sign for others
A: If you listen to loud music using earphones for a
would take care of the problem, too. Both are great
long time, your ears will hurt.
ideas to solve the problem.
B: But my ears don’t hurt.
A: Not now, but if you keep using them, you may have
hearing problems later.
B: Well, if that’s the only reason, I will wear them only

Unit 14 on my way to school.

A: But that can be another problem. You may get into
an accident.
p.84 Warm-up B
B: How come?
A: You will be busy listening to the music and may not
There was a big discussion in class today. It was
Script hear a car honking behind you.
CD2 Tr66 about having no tests in school. I totally disagree with
B: I guess you have a point.
it. First of all, without tests, nobody will study. Sure. I
will study because I just love to. But I don’t believe
most of our classmates are interested in studying that Intro feel the same that earphones can be
much. Then there will be dumb students. I don’t want Body harmful to you.
to be around dumb students! Second, tests show how Reason 1: Your ears will hurt.
good you are in your class. How would I know that I Ending Reason 2: You may get into an accident.
am the best? And how would the other students know Ending Earphones are harmful.
I am the best? So we need tests, and no one should
try to stop them. Model I feel the same way that earphones can be harmful.
The first reason is your ears will hurt when you listen
Answer 1. T to loud music using earphones for a long time. The
2. F second reason is you may not hear a car honking, so
3. F you will and get into an accident. This is why I think
4. T earphones are harmful.
5. F

p.87 Speech Presentation

p.86 Speech Practice A Model
Answer Intro The boy should give his seat to the old lady.
Reason 1: The seat is for old people.
I disagree that kids should go to bed early. First, I can Body
Script Reason 2: lots of bags
CD2 Tr70 read books much better at night. It is too noisy during
Ending give his seat to the old lady.
the daytime. Second, I am old enough to control my
time. I know when I am tired and when I am not. This
I agree that the boy should give his seat to the old
is why I don’t think that kids should go to bed early.
lady. It is because the seat is for old people. The old
lady also has lots of bags. This is why I think that the
Intro boy should give his seat to the old lady.
I disagree that kids should go to bed early.

Body p.88 Unit Test

Reason 1:
I can read books much better at night. Answer A.
Reason 2: 1. ②
I am old enough to control my time. 2. ②
Ending 3. ②
This is why I think that kids should go to bed early.
1. The writer agrees that eating too many sweets is
p.86 Speech Practice B 2. It is that sweets have lots of sugar and fat in them.
3. Sugar is bad for your teeth.
A: What’s the matter, Derrick? You look upset.
CD2 Tr71 B: Hi, Sally. Mom does not let me wear earphones.
She says they’re not good for me.

Script & Answer Key 1 9


I agree that parents should watch their kids use the

CD2 Tr73 Internet. There are many dangerous websites. Some
websites have bad language or photos. Another
reason is kids spend too much time on the Internet. If
parents don’t stop them, kids will spend hours on it.

1. c
2. a
3. a
4. stressing

p.89 Speaking Test

Answer I disagree that all students need cell phones. Cell
CD2 Tr74
phones are expensive for students. The second
reason is I don’t think students need cell phones. They
can use the school phone if they really need to. This
is why I disagree that all students need cell phones.

CD2 Tr75 2.
I agree that all textbooks should be comic books. The
first reason is that we learn better by looking at
pictures than by reading textbooks. One picture
explains more quickly. The second reason is that we
love comic books. This is why I agree that all
textbooks should be comic books.

CD2 Tr76 3.
I disagree that an expensive gift is always a good gift.
Some gifts are not expensive, but they are special.
Sometimes, people give an expensive gift you do not
need. A gift you really need is important. Also, when
your little sister draws a picture and gives it to you, it
does not cost a lot. But it is a very special gift. This is
why I disagree that an expensive gift is always a good

2 0 Script & Answer Key

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