Script & Answer Key

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Script & Answer Key

Unit 1 A: She’s going to give me some lessons.

B: Can I come?
A: I’ll ask Kayla. She’s the best dancer I’ve ever met.
p.6 Warm-up B
Answer Kayla
Let me introduce Tillman, the Bulldog to you. He’s Intro
CD1 Tr2 three years old. Tillman is brown. He has short legs Looks: medium height and has short brown
and a flat nose. He is a very active, playful dog. He is hair
very smart, too. Tillman is special because he can do Personality: quiet and shy but amazing
many kinds of sports. He skateboards in the summer. Specialty: a good dancer ‐ hip-hop
He likes skateboarding on the streets. People love to Ending the best dancer I’ve ever met
watch Tillman riding his board. In the winter, Tillman
Model I’m going to introduce Kayla. She is medium height
enjoys snowboarding. He is the coolest dog I have Answer
and has short brown hair. She is a quiet and shy girl.
ever seen.
When you get to know her, she is amazing. Kayla is a
good hip-hop dancer. She’s the best dancer I’ve ever
Answer 1. a
2. c
3. a

p.9 Speech Presentation

p.8 Speech Practice A Model
Intro my best friend Heather
Looks: tall and has black hair
Let me introduce Dong-hyek Lim. He has black eyes Body Personality: warm and outgoing
CD1 Tr6 and hair. He is an outgoing and hardworking boy. Specialty: singing
Dong-hyek started to play the piano when he was 7 Ending best friend
years old. He is special because he won a piano
contest at the age of 12. He was the youngest winner! Today, I’d like to introduce my best friend Heather.
Now he is very famous. Dong-hyek is the most She is tall and has black hair. She has a warm,
talented boy I have ever seen. outgoing personality. All my friends like to play with
her. Heather is great at singing. She has a beautiful
Answer voice. Heather is my best friend for sure!
Let me introduce Dong-hyek Lim.

p.10 Unit Test
Looks: He has black eyes and hair.
Personality: He is an outgoing and hardworking boy.
Answer A.
Special Ability: He is special because he won a 1. coldest
piano contest at the age of 12. 2. nicest
3. most useful
Dong-hyek is the most talented boy I have ever B.
seen. 1. He is average height and has black hair and green
2. He is talkative and playful, and he has a good heart.
p.8 Speech Practice B 3. He is good at making animal balloons.

A: Have you met Kayla? C.

CD1 Tr7 B: No. Who is she? Today, I’d like to talk about Anna Paquin. She is an
A: Kayla is the new girl in school. She’s medium Script
CD1 Tr9 actress. She is special because she won an Academy
height and has short brown hair. Award at age 11. Anna was in a famous movie called
B: Oh, I think I have seen her. Tell me more about her. The Piano. She is now 26 years old. She has been in
What’s she like? many great movies. Anna is the most talented actress
A: She is a quiet and shy girl. But when you get to I’ve ever seen.
know her, she’s amazing.
B: Oh, yeah? In what way? 1. a
A: She is a really good dancer. 2. a
B: What kind of dancer is she? 3. c
A: A hip-hop dancer. You gotta watch her dance. 4. looks/personality
B: Cool! Hip-hop is my favorite.

2 Script & Answer Key

p.11 Speaking Test Answer 1. T
2. F
1. 3. F
Answer Let me introduce my sister Lisa to you. She has dark 4. T
CD1 Tr10
brown hair and big, blue eyes. She is 13 years old. 5. F
Lisa has a shy, quiet personality. She doesn’t like to
talk to strangers. But she becomes very special when p.14 Speech Practice A
she plays soccer. She shouts loudly and moves like a
tiger. Lisa is the best soccer player I’ve ever seen. I have a bad habit of watching TV while eating. Mom
CD1 Tr16 wants me to sit at the dinner table and eat. But I
CD1 Tr11 2. never listen to her. I always take my food in front of
I am going to introduce Mrs. Kruger. She is my the TV. By doing so, I can do two things together,
grammar teacher. She has short, wavy blond hair and eating and watching TV! But then I sometimes spill
a sharp chin. She always wears black glasses and a food on the floor. This makes Mom angry. I know
gray sweater. Mrs. Kruger is sweet and funny. eating and watching TV at the same time is not a
Students love her because she is special. She makes good habit. I should listen to Mom.
learning grammar so much fun! She teaches grammar
with chants. Mrs. Kruger is the most interesting Answer
teacher I’ve ever met. Intro
I have a bad habit of watching TV while eating.
CD1 Tr12 3.
Today, I’d like to introduce Miley Cyrus. She is a 16-
Frequency: I always take my food in front of the TV.
year-old singer and actress. She has a round face
Detail: By doing so, I can do two things together,
and a big, pretty smile. Miley is active. She does her
eating and watching TV! But then I sometimes spill
best at both singing and acting. That is why she is a
food on the floor.
famous singer and actress. All my friends watch her
show Hannah Montana and listen to her songs. Miley Ending
is the most talented girl I’ve ever seen. I should listen to Mom.

p.14 Speech Practice B

Unit 2 A: Sarah, I was late for school again.

CD1 Tr17 B: Yeah, I know, Steve. Why are you often so late?
p.12 Warm-up B A: Because I can’t decide what to wear every morning.
B: Well, I have a really good habit.
A: Hey, Michelle. How are you feeling? A: What is it? You gotta tell me.
CD1 Tr13 B: Horrible, Cathy. B: Before going to bed, I choose what to wear.
A: Sorry to hear that. A: How often do you do that?
B: How come you never get sick? B: I do it every night.
A: That’s because I have a really good habit. A: That seems like a lot of work.
B: What’s that? B: No. It only takes two minutes. I choose my clothes
A: I do a handstand every day. like shirts, jeans or skirts.
B: That makes you healthy? A: Okay, so I should choose my things the night
A: I believe it does. I always do a handstand in the before.
morning. B: Believe me. It saves a lot of time in the morning.
B: How long do you do it? And you won’t be late for school. It’s very useful.
A: I usually do it for five minutes but sometimes much A: I’m going to try it. Thanks for the useful tip.
longer. B: Okay. Let me know how it works for you.
B: So do you really do it every day?
A: Yeah, it’s part of my “everyday to-do list” now. I feel
so much stronger and healthier. That’s why I don’t good habit: choose what to wear before
get sick that often. going to bed
B: Maybe I should try that, too. But I don’t know if I Frequency: do it every night
can do it. Detail: choose clothes like shirts, jeans
A: I’ll show you how to do it. But you should get better or skirts
first. saves a lot of time in the morning
Ending useful
B: Yes, I will.

Script & Answer Key 3

Model I have a good habit. I choose what to wear before Then I buy them one at a time. In this way, I only buy
going to bed. I do it every night. I choose clothes like the things I really need and save money. It makes me
shirt, jeans or skirt. It saves a lot of time in the proud.
morning. I think my habit is very useful.
CD1 Tr21 2.
My bad habit is speaking very loudly. I always raise
p.15 Speech Presentation my voice when I speak. When I am excited, my voice
Model usually gets really loud. People often think I am angry
Answer Intro a good habit: organizing my things
or rude. I try to keep my voice down. But it is very
Frequency: always after I use them
hard. It’s a bad habit. It makes me embarrassed.
Detail: always put the crayons and the
sketchbook together
CD1 Tr22 3.
Body sometimes put all the Lego blocks in the
I have a daily habit of visiting my grandmother. She
big red box
lives one street over from us. I always visit her after
usually put the dolls on my bed right
school. I usually talk to her about my day or my
next to my pillow
friends. My grandmother sometimes makes my
Ending keeps my room clean and organized
favorite blueberry pancakes. I like to visit my
grandmother. She lives by herself, so she enjoys my
I have a good habit of organizing my things. I always
visits, too. Visiting my grandmother makes me
do it after I use them. I always put the crayons and
become closer to her.
the sketchbook together. I sometimes put all the Lego
blocks in the big red box. I usually put the dolls on my
bed right next to my pillow. In this way, I can easily
find where my things are. It really keeps my room
clean and organized.
Unit 3
p.18 Warm-up B
p.16 Unit Test
A: Ron, do you know Dr. Chaser?
Answer A. CD1 Tr23 B: Who are you talking about, Leslie?
1. ③ A: Dr. Chaser. He chases tornadoes. That’s strange,
2. ③ right?
3. ① B: Is it his job?
A: No, actually it’s his hobby.
B. B: That’s a shocking hobby, I must say. So when does
1. He has a good habit of doing his homework first. he do it?
2. He often goes out and plays with his friends. A: Well, on windy days, rainy days and even stormy
3. He feels relaxed. days. I think he does it whenever he sees a
C. B: It must be thrilling! So where does he do it?
A: I heard he goes everywhere; in open field, on
I have a bad habit of biting my nails. I always bite my mountains, near the ocean and even in the desert.
CD1 Tr19 nails when I am nervous. For example, when I take a B: Wow! It’s an adventure. I should try something like
test, I bite every nail on my hands. Also, I sometimes that, too.
bite my nails when I’m bored. But I never do it in front A: Well, you should think about why you want to do it.
of Mom because she gets angry at me. B: Then why does Dr. Chaser do it?
1. b A: He said he wants to record nature.
2. b B: I think it's the most unusual hobby in the world!
3. b A: Yes. It is also a dangerous one.
4. feelings
Answer 1. a
2. b
p.17 Speaking Test 3. c

Model p.19
Answer I have a good habit of spending my money wisely. Sentence Practice B
CD1 Tr20
When I get some pocket money, I always put it in the
bank first. Before I buy something, I think about how Answer 1. what hobby
much it costs. I also make a list of the things I need. 2. how you feel

4 Script & Answer Key

3. where Answer
Intro collecting plastic spoons
4. when When: on the weekends
5. why Where: restaurants, gas stations and
Why: like the different shapes and colors
p.20 Speech Practice A of the plastic spoons
Ending makes me feel unique
My name is Jenna Martin. I have an interesting hobby.
CD1 Tr27 My hobby is riding my unicycle. Every Tuesday and Model My hobby is collecting plastic spoons. I have over two
Thursday, I practice riding my unicycle. Sometimes I thousand spoons. I collect them when my family goes
practice in the playground or in my friend’s backyard. out for dinner on the weekends. I get the plastic
I chose this hobby because I want to help kids. Every spoons from restaurants, gas stations and
Saturday, I go to the children’s hospital. The kids love supermarkets. I chose this hobby because I like the
watching me on my unicycle. It’s a fun hobby, and it different shapes and colors of the plastic spoons. My
makes me feel good, too. When I ride my unicycle, I hobby makes me feel unique.
feel so happy and satisfied.

p.21 Speech Presentation
Intro My hobby is riding my unicycle.
Answer Intro doing card tricks
Body When: every weekend
When: Every Tuesday and Thursday, I practice
Body Where: in our backyard
riding my unicycle.
Why: enjoy people watching my tricks
Where: I practice in the playground or in my
Ending learning card tricks is exciting
friend’s backyard.
Why: I chose this hobby because I want to help My hobby is doing card tricks. Every weekend, I
kids. practice with my brother. We usually do them in our
backyard. I like my hobby because I enjoy people
Ending I feel so happy and satisfied.
watching my tricks. They are surprised when I show
them my tricks. I can tell which card my friend has
without looking at it. My friends ask me how I do it,
p.20 Speech Practice B but I won’t tell them the secret. Learning card tricks is
exciting, and I want to learn more of the secrets.
A: Tell us about your hobby, Paul.
CD1 Tr28 B: My hobby is collecting plastic spoons.
p.22 Unit Test
A: That’s an unusual hobby.
B: I started collecting plastic spoons about a year
Answer A.
ago. So far I have over two thousand spoons.
1. and
A: Two thousand? When do you collect your spoons?
2. or
B: I usually get them on the weekends. That’s when
3. yet
my family goes out for dinner.
A: Where do you collect them from?
B: I collect them from restaurants, gas stations and
1. It is helping injured skunks.
2. He helps the skunks once a week, usually on
A: Why did you choose this hobby?
Saturday or Sunday.
B: I chose this hobby because I like the different
3. He thinks skunks are lovable and smart animals.
shapes and colors of the plastic spoons.
A: Aren’t they all the same?
B: No. Some are round and some are square. And
they are very colorful. My hobby is playing the guitar. I usually play the
A: I’ve never met a person who collects plastic CD1 Tr30 guitar at home or at my friend’s house. I often play
spoons. with my friend Jason. He plays the bass guitar.
B: Yes! I think I’m the only one. It makes me feel very Sometimes we play for hours. Someday, we want to
unique. start our own band. I chose this hobby because I love
music. When I play the guitar, I stay focused and feel
relaxed. I’m really glad I have this hobby.

1. c
2. a
3. b
4. when

Script & Answer Key 5

p.23 Speaking Test p.25 Speaking Test

1. Answer 1. reason
Answer My friend Jason’s hobby is cooking. He began cooking 2. farewell
CD1 Tr31
last year after watching a TV show. The show was 3. contact number
about great chefs around the world. He usually cooks 4. name
dinner at his house three times a week. He chose this
hobby because he likes to see happy faces when
people taste his dishes. He said he feels pleased p.26 Speech Practice A
when his friends enjoy his spaghetti. He wants to
become a great chef when he grows up. A: Gladstone Plumbing Services. We are sorry we
CD1 Tr38 can’t talk to you right now. Please leave a message
CD1 Tr32 2. after the beep, and we’ll get back to you as soon
My sister’s hobby is collecting hairpins. She began her as possible.
hobby when she was eight. She has 250 hairpins now. B: Hello. My name is Henry Munroe. I’m calling
She collects the pins on the weekends. She goes to because there is a problem with my toilet. Water is
stores, friends’ houses or garage sales to get new flowing everywhere! It’s a big mess, and I can’t stop
hairpins. She chose this hobby because she wants to the water coming out from the toilet. It’s a big
be a hairpin designer someday. She says she feels problem. My friends are coming over in an hour!
excited everytime she gets a new one. She really I need someone to fix it. So please come as soon
loves her hobby. as possible! My number is 442-7163. I will wait for
your call. Good-bye.
CD1 Tr33 3.
My friend Alex has an unusual hobby. His hobby is Answer
making book covers. He does his hobby on the
weekends because he is busy on school days. He
uses plastic, paper and stickers from people and Body
makes book covers with them. He chose this hobby Name: My name is Henry Munroe.
because he wants to keep his books clean. He has Reason: I’m calling because there is a problem
lots of fun designs. He sometimes makes some for his with my toilet. Water is flowing everywhere!
friends. He feels proud when his friends say good I need someone to fix it.
things about his book covers. Contact number: My number is 442-7163.

I will wait for your call. Good-bye.

Unit 4
p.26 Speech Practice B
p.24 Warm-up B
A: You’ve reached Puppy Love Adoption Services.
Hi, Roger! This is Tom calling. I am calling about the CD1 Tr39 Please leave a message after the beep.
CD1 Tr34 party tomorrow. Remember? I told you last Monday. B: Hello. It’s Lindsey Martin. I went there with my
You said you would come. But I just want to check parents yesterday. I am calling to tell you that I’m
again. Well, Michael and Jessica will be here. Jessica going to adopt a puppy tomorrow. I want the white
will bring her Wii, so we can have a boxing match. Chiwawa. I would like to ask you several things.
And Michael is going to bring pizza and a DVD. We What time should I stop by? And what do I need to
will play games, watch a movie and, you know, just bring? Please call me back at 420-5395. I look
hang out. It sounds fun, doesn’t it? Well, call me back forward to hearing from you. Bye!
when you get home. You know my number, but, just in
case, it’s 525-9880. Talk to you soon. Bye. Answer
Name: Lindsey Martin
Answer 1. c Reason: to adopt a puppy tomorrow,
2. b Body to know what time I should stop by,
3. a to know what I need to bring
Contact number: 420-5395
Ending I look forward to hearing from you. Bye!

Model Hello, this is Lindsey Martin. I’m calling to tell you that
I’m going to adopt a puppy tomorrow. I would like to

6 Script & Answer Key

know what time I should stop by. Also, please let me CD1 Tr43 2.
know what I need to bring. You can reach me at 420- Hello. My name is Elena Phillips. I’m calling to make
5395. I look forward to hearing from you. Bye! an appointment with Dr. Franklin. I would like to come
in and see the doctor on Thursday at 1 pm. Please
call me back at 482-1917. Thank you.
p.27 Speech Presentation
Intro Hello? CD1 Tr44 3.
Name: Marta Barton Hi, Tanya. This is Wesley from your Science class
Reason: have cockroaches all over my calling. How are you? I’m calling because I have a
kitchen question about our Science homework. Did Mrs.
Body Taylor say we need to read all of chapter 4 or just up
need someone to come over and kill
the cockroaches to page 190? I don’t remember. Please call me back.
Contact number: 763-3849 My number is 833-0094. Thanks a lot. Bye.
Please come or call me as soon as
possible! Bye!

Hello? Is this Bug Hunter? My name is Marta Barton,

and I am calling because I have cockroaches all over Unit 5
my kitchen. I need someone to come over and kill
these gross cockroaches. You can call me back at p.30 Warm-up B
763-3849, and I live at 344 Amsterdam Street. Please
come or call me as soon as possible! Bye! A: What are you playing, Gina?
CD1 Tr45 B: It’s a new game called World Cup Soccer, Mike.
A: Oh! I love soccer. Is it an online game?
p.28 Unit Test B: Yes. This is really cool. I can choose any positions
I want to play.
Answer A. A: Nice! But I think real soccer is better than an online
1. will help soccer game.
2. will arrive B: Not me. I prefer this online soccer game to real
3. will visit soccer.
A: Really? Why?
B. B: I think this online soccer game is easier to play
1. To ask Tyler to go to the mall with him and look at than real soccer.
the new MP3 players tomorrow. A: Are you sure?
2. They will meet in front of 7-Eleven. B: Of course! You don’t have to learn to kick or pass.
3. He wants to know if Tyler can make it tomorrow. The players do everything for you.
A: I see your point.
C. B: I also think this online soccer game is safer than
Hello? I hope this is Connor’s DVD Rental Store. My real soccer. Many players get hurt playing real
CD1 Tr41 name is Jennifer Leeson. Now it’s 2 o’clock on Friday soccer, you know.
afternoon. You left a message for me about Winter A: But I think real soccer is more exciting. It’s REAL!
Monkeys. Well, I’m calling because I never rented that B: Oh, yeah? Then how about this? I get to play with
movie. Please check your records again and call me David Beckham! You know, on the same team.
back. Thanks. Good-bye. A: Oh, wow. That’s really cool.
B: Isn’t it? This is why I prefer this online soccer game
1. b
to real soccer.
2. a
3. c
Answer 1. F
4. contact number
2. T
3. F
p.29 Speaking Test 4. F
5. T
Answer Hi, Abby. This is Corey calling. How are you? Christine,
CD1 Tr42 p.32 Speech Practice A
Troy and I are going to play soccer this weekend. Do
you want to come? We’re going to play on Sunday at
10 am. We will go to Stanley Park. Call me back and I prefer snowboarding to skiing. Snowboarding needs
let me know if you want to join us. You can reach me
CD1 Tr49 fewer things than skiing. For snowboarding, you only
at 555-0872. Talk to you soon. Bye. need a board and boots. But for skiing, you need two

Script & Answer Key 7

I prefer putting money in my piggy bank to saving it in
skis, two poles and boots. I have to say snowboarding
the bank. One reason is I can easily take out money
also looks cooler than skiing. You can move more
and use it. The piggy bank is more useful when I am in
smoothly and faster on the slopes! I think
a hurry. Another reason is I like to count how much
snowboarding is better for young people. Therefore,
money I have. I can count how many quarters and
I prefer snowboarding to skiing.
one dollar bills I have. But I can’t count my money if it
is in the bank. That is why I like to have my money in
Intro my piggy bank.
I prefer snowboarding to skiing.

Body p.34 Unit Test

Fact: Snowboarding needs fewer things than skiing.
Opinion: Snowboarding also looks cooler than Answer A.
1. taller
Ending 2. hotter
Therefore, I prefer snowboarding to skiing. 3. more interesting

p.32 1. Mrs. Potts prefers bicycling to taking a bus.
Speech Practice B
2. Bicycling is faster than taking a bus.
3. Bicycling is cheaper than taking a bus.
A: I heard you got a new cat, Laura.
CD1 Tr50 B: Yes, Paul. Her name is Lexie.
A: Why didn’t you get a dog?
B: I prefer cats to dogs as pets. The first reason is crayons are easier to use than
A: Really? CD1 Tr52 paints. I don’t have to mix anything with water or use
B: Well, for one thing, cats need less exercise than brushes when I use crayons. A sketchbook and a box
dogs. of crayons are all I need when I draw a picture. And I
A: Yeah, that’s true. I have to take my dog for a walk think it’s easier to choose colors when I use crayons.
every day. If I use paints, I often have to mix colors to get the
B: You see, cats play by themselves. And they sleep right color. I have a box of crayons with 120 colors in
a lot. it. I can just look and choose the color I want. That’s
A: But dogs are faithful. They take care of their owner. why I always draw with crayons.
B: That’s true. But I think cats are softer and furrier.
1. b
They can keep you warm.
2. a
A: I don’t know. I still like dogs.
3. b
B: Everyone has a different taste. But those are the
4. intro
reasons why I prefer cats.

Answer Intro Preference: prefer cats to dogs p.35 Speaking Test

Fact: need less exercise than dogs, play
Body by themselves and sleep a lot 1.
Opinion: softer and furrier Answer
I prefer watching a DVD at home to watching a movie
CD1 Tr53
Ending prefer cats in a theater. Watching a DVD is cheaper than going to
a theater. Movie tickets are expensive. I can borrow
Model I prefer cats to dogs. One reason is that cats need
Answer two or three DVDs with the same amount of money.
less exercise than dogs. Cats can also play by
Watching a DVD at home is more comfortable than at
themselves and sleep a lot. Another reason is cats
the theater. I can stop the DVD anytime I want and
are softer and furrier than dogs. They can keep me
play it again. Therefore, I prefer watching a DVD at
warm. For these reasons, I prefer cats.
home to going to the movie theater.

CD1 Tr54 2.
p.33 Speech Presentation I prefer sleeping in a sleeping bag to sleeping on a
Model prefer putting money in my piggy bank to bed. Sleeping in a sleeping bag is cozier than sleeping
Answer Intro
saving money in the bank on a bed. A sleeping bag wraps around my body
Fact: easily take out money and use it tightly. I feel like Mom is hugging me. Moreover, I don’t
Opinion: count how much money I have have to worry about falling out of bed. I can sleep
Ending my money in my piggy bank much better. This is why I prefer sleeping in a sleeping

8 Script & Answer key

CD1 Tr55 3. Answer
I prefer wearing a hood to carrying an umbrella. First,
This is a picture of a park.
both of my hands are free when I wear a hood. I can
do more things. Second, wearing a hood is warmer Body
than carrying an umbrella. The hood covers my head Main feature: I see two girls having a picnic in the
and ears. This is why I prefer wearing a hood to middle. They are eating on red blanket.
carrying an umbrella. Other feature: There is a dog behind the girls. The
dog is playing with a ball.

Overall, it looks like everyone is having a good

Unit 6 time in the park.

p.36 Warm-up B
p.38 Speech Practice B
A: Look what I found, Peter!
CD1 Tr56 B: What is it, Grace? A: Look here, Jen. This is a picture of an amusement
A: It is a picture of Dharma the elephant. CD1 Tr61 park.
B: An elephant? B: So?
A: Yeah, the picture was taken in Thailand. I went A: Look closely.
there for a holiday. B: I see a boy standing in the center of the picture.
B: Wow. So who is this in the center? A: Yeah. That’s my brother. He just got off the roller
A: Who? coaster. He is wearing only one shoe.
B: This young boy wearing white shorts, a green short- B: It seems that your brother is looking for something.
sleeved shirt and a white cap. A: Can you guess what it is?
A: A boy? Peter! That’s me. B: Well, there is a man behind him holding something.
B: Sorry. Anyway, you look like you are having fun. Is it a shoe?
A: I really had a good time there. A: You got it!
B: What’s that thing behind you? B: That’s your brother’s missing shoe.
A: Oh, that’s Dharma. Well, that’s Dharma’s bottom. A: Yeah, he lost it on the roller coaster.
B: Look! You are holding its tail! B: And the man found it. It is a funny picture.
A: Well, Dharma seemed to like it.
B: Who is that beside Dharma? Answer Topic a picture of an amusement park
A: The one wearing blue pants and a yellow hat?
Main feature: a boy standing in the center
B: Yeah.
of the picture, wearing only one shoe
A: He is an elephant trainer. Can you see he is Body
Other feature: a man behind the boy
feeding Dharma?
holding the boy’s missing shoe
B: Well, I think he is taking a picture with you.
Ending a funny picture
A: Oh, you are right!
Model This is a picture of an amusement park. There is a boy
Answer 1. a standing in the center of the picture. He is wearing
2. a only one shoe. There is a man behind the boy. He is
3. a holding the boy’s missing shoe. The man found it. I
think it is a funny picture.

p.38 Speech Practice A

p.39 Speech Presentation
This is a picture of a park. I see two girls having a
Script Model
CD1 Tr60 picnic in the middle. They are eating on a red blanket. Answer Intro a family at a lake
One girl is drinking a soda. The other girl is holding a Main features:
cake. There is a dog behind the girls. The dog is father: holding two fishing poles
playing with a ball. Overall, it looks like everyone is Body son: holding a huge fish they caught
having a good time in the park. Other features: a white van behind them,
a girl looking for something in the trunk
Ending having a nice vacation together

Script & Answer Key 9

This is a picture of a family at a lake. I see a father
and a son near the lake. The father is holding two Unit 7
fishing poles. The son is holding a huge fish. He looks
very proud with the fish in his hand. There is a white p.42 Warm-up B
van behind them. And a girl is looking for something
inside the trunk. The family looks happy and seems to A: Oh, are they white lion cubs? They are so cute!
be having a nice vacation together. CD1 Tr67 B: Oh, actually, these pictures show the story of
Anjana in an animal shelter.
A: Who is Anjana?
p.40 Unit Test B: She’s a chimpanzee. She takes care of two white
lion cubs.
Answer A. A: A chimpanzee takes care of two white lion cubs?
1. playing How did that happen?
2. chasing B: First of all, two cubs lost their mother in a tornado.
3. riding They were only a few months old.
A: Oh, poor things.
B. B: Yeah. But luckily, the cubs were found and brought
1. It is the picture of a hockey match in an ice rink. to a shelter. Anjana lives there.
2. She is standing in front of the goal post and is A: How did she start taking care of them?
holding a puck. B: Anjana watched her trainer taking care of the cubs.
3. The team looks excited because they just scored a She began to follow her trainer.
goal. A: Anjana must be a smart chimpanzee.
B: Anjana hugged, fed and slept with the cubs. So the
C. cubs think Anjana is their mom.
This is a picture of a living room. There is a dog on the A: That’s an unbelievable story!
CD1 Tr63 sofa in the center of the picture. It is sleeping on a big B: It surely is. I hope they live happily ever after.
cushion. A young girl is standing behind the dog. She
is watching television. Answer 1. F
2. F
1. c
3. T
2. a
4. F
3. a
5. T
4. opinion

p.41 Speaking Test p.44 Speech Practice A

1. This story takes place in a zoo. There is a monkey

Answer This picture shows a little girl and her mother on a CD1 Tr71 cage next to an ice cream stand. I see a boy and two
CD1 Tr64 monkeys. To begin with, the boy wearing the purple
street. They are sitting in front of a juice store in the
middle of the picture. The girl is crying because she cap buys an ice cream cone. The monkeys seem to
spilled her juice. Some people are looking at them. want the ice cream. Next, the boy looks at the
Overall, it looks like her mom is upset because the monkeys and teases them. Then the monkeys take
girl was not careful with her juice. the boy’s cap and ice cream. In the end, the boy cries
because both his ice cream and his cap are taken.
CD1 Tr65 2. The monkeys look satisfied. They seem to like the cap
This picture was taken in a swimming pool. I see a and the ice cream. It is a funny story, and it also
boy wearing a yellow swimming suit in the center of teaches us not to tease others.
the picture. He is standing behind the diving board.
There are some kids playing with a ball in the pool. It
looks like they are having fun. I think the boy is scared
to get into the pool.

CD1 Tr66 3.
This is a picture of a family dinner. There is a girl
holding a turkey in the middle of the picture. The
turkey looks very heavy. The people sitting at the
table are clapping and taking a picture of the turkey.
It looks like a warm family dinner. In this picture,
everyone looks happy.

1 0 Script & Answer Key

Answer putting groceries in it again. I think this story has a
Intro good lesson: Pay attention.
Place: This story takes place in a zoo.
Character: I see a boy and two monkeys.

Body p.45 Speech Presentation

To begin with, the boy wearing a purple cap buys Model
Answer Place: a living room
an ice cream cone. Intro
Character: a boy and his sister
Next, the boy looks at the monkeys and teases
1. The boy takes out a trumpet and gets
ready to play it.
Then the monkeys take the boy’s cap and ice
2. The boy’s sister comes into the living
room talking on the phone.
In the end, the boy cries, and the monkeys look
Body 3. The boy plays the trumpet. The sound
surprises his sister. His sister’s phone
Ending hits his head.
It is a funny story, and it also teaches us not to 4. The boy plays his trumpet in his room
tease others. alone.
Ending the boy had a big fight with his sister

This story takes place in a living room. I see a boy and

p.44 Speech Practice B his sister. First of all, the boy takes out a trumpet and
gets ready to play it. Next, the boy’s sister comes into
A: Look at this cartoon. This is exactly what happened the living room while talking on the phone. Then the
CD1 Tr72 to me yesterday. boy plays the trumpet. The sound is so noisy that it
B: Oh, really? What is the cartoon about? surprises his sister. His sister’s phone flies to the boy
A: It is about a boy and his mother in a supermarket. and hits his head. In the end, the boy plays his
The boy is helping his mother shop. trumpet in his room alone. I think the boy had a big
B: Yes, I can see them. fight with his sister.
A: First of all, they put their bananas into a cart.
B: But it is not their cart.
A: Yeah. Next, they put their milk into a cart. p.46 Unit Test
B: But it is not their cart again.
A: Then they get some bread. Answer A.
B: But the cart is gone! 1. baked
A: So what do you see in the last picture? 2. written
B: Well, they get a new cart and start getting 3. hidden
groceries again.
A: Yeah, that’s exactly what happened to me B.
yesterday. Mom and I had to start all over again. 1. It takes place in a neighborhood.
B: That’s why you were late for dinner. 2. A dog runs out from the house and chases him.
A: Exactly. I learned a lesson. 3. The writer feels sorry for the postman.
B: What lesson?
A: Pay attention! C.

In these pictures, I see a girl and her mother in a

Answer script
Place: in a supermarket. CD1 Tr74 parking lot. They are holding many shopping bags.
Character: a boy and his mother First of all, they look for their car. The girl seems to
1. put their bananas into someone else’s have found their green car. Next, the mother opens
cart the trunk, and they put all their bags inside. But then a
2. put their milk into someone else’s cart man comes over and tells them that the car is his car.
Body again The shopping bags are in the man’s car! So the girl
3. get some bread, but the cart is gone and her mother take out all their shopping bags and
4. get a new cart and getting groceries continue looking for their car.
1. b
Ending a good lesson: pay attention
2. c
Model This story takes place in a supermarket. I see a boy 3. a
Answer 4. opinion
and his mother. First of all, they put their bananas into
someone else’s cart. Next, they put their milk into
someone else’s cart again. Then they get some bread,
but the cart is gone. So they get a new cart and start

Script & Answer Key 1 1

p.47 Speaking Test B: Wow, I hope we get lucky and see the ink coming
out from an octopus.
1. A: Me too! So where should we start?
Answer This story takes place in a school yard. I see two boys B: Let’s start with the octopus.
CD1 Tr75
and a girl. To begin with, the boys chew gum. Next, A: Okay. Ocean Journey, here we come!
the picture shows a girl walking toward them. One
boy keeps blowing a bubble with his gum. Next, the Answer 1. a
boy laughs so hard his gum falls out of his mouth. 2. b
Then, the girl steps on the gum. It sticks on her shoe. 3. c
In the end, the boy tries to take the gum off her shoe.
I think the girl is really angry.
p.50 Speech Practice A
CD1 Tr76 2.
This takes place in a museum. I see a girl and a man. This is a map of Toy Mall. Toy Mall is made up of
First of all, she looks at a statue. Then she starts to script
CD2 Tr6 three floors. On the first floor, there are pretty dolls
touch her foot. Her foot seems to be itching. After and stuffed animals. You can buy all kinds of dolls.
that, the girl takes her shoe off and leans against the The second floor is filled with cars and trains. You are
statue to scratch her foot. Because of this, the statue able to ride on a moving train. There are sticker
falls. Luckily, the museum guard runs over and booths on the third floor. You can try on wigs and
catches the statue. The girl is lucky that the guard take sticker pictures. It is a lot of fun. Toy Mall is the
helped her. greatest place in the world!

CD1 Tr77 3.
This story takes place in a shopping mall. I see a boy Intro This is a map of Toy Mall.
and an old lady. To begin with, the boy runs toward
the revolving door with many bags in his hands. He
General Information: Toy Mall is made up of three
pushes an old woman away to get into the door first.
The woman looks surprised and upset. But then his
Detailed Information: On the first floor, there are
bags get stuck in the door, and he can’t get them out.
pretty dolls and stuffed animals. You can buy all
Finally, the old woman helps him with the bags. I think
kinds of dolls.
the boy is really embarrassed.
The second floor is filled with cars and trains. You
are able to ride on a moving train.
There are sticker booths on the third floor. You
can try on wigs and take sticker pictures.

Unit 8 Ending Toy Mall is the greatest place in the

p.48 Warm-up B

A: Hey, Josh. I got a map of the aquarium.

script p.50 Speech Practice B
CD2 Tr2 B: Good job, Mindy! That’s just what we need.
A: Let’s have a look at the map.
A: Excuse me. Could you help me?
B: Sure. There are three sections in the aquarium. script
CD2 Tr7 B: Sure. What can I do for you?
From the left to the right are Exploration Room,
A: It’s my first time at this library.
River Adventure and Ocean Journey.
B: Welcome to the Cherryville Public Library. My
A: What can we see in each section?
name is Billy.
B: We can see giant turtles and crabs in Exploration
A: Hi. I am Nicole.
B: Okay, Nicole. First of all, let me show you the map.
A: What can we do there?
A: Sure.
B: We can swim with the giant turtles.
B: As you can see, there are three sections on this
A: Sounds cool! What about the next one?
map. In the first section, there are books. Here you
B: That’s River Adventure. We can see cute otters
can check out the books you want.
A: What’s in the second section?
A: What else is there?
B: There is a copy center. So you can make
B: We are able to see piranhas up close. You know
the fish with sharp teeth.
A: That’s good to know.
A: They are scary, but I can’t wait to see them!
B: And in the third section is a computer lab. You are
B: Then there is Ocean Journey.
able to use the Internet or do your homework on
A: We get to see whales and octopuses there.

1 2 Script & Answer Key

computers there.
1. It is a map of the Candy Land.
A: Thanks, Billy. There are lots of things to do in this
2. You can see lollipops and candy.
3. You can roast marshmallows and dip them into
B: That’s for sure. I’ll see you around, Nicole.

Answer Intro a map of the Cherryville Public Library C.

General Information: three sections
There are three rooms on the map. From the left to
Detailed Information: script
CD2 Tr9 the right, the first room is a swimming pool. You can
1st: books / check out books
Body take swimming lessons there. The second room is an
2nd: a copy center / make photocopies
aerobics room. You can take hip-hop dance lessons
3rd: a computer lab / use the Internet or do
there. The last room is a shower room. If you want to
your homework on computers
stay fit and healthy, this is the perfect place.
Ending lots of things to do in this library
1. a
Model This is a map of the Cherryville Public Library. There 2. b
are three sections in the library. In the first section are 3. b
books. You can check out books here. In the second 4. name of a map
section, you can see a copy center. You are able to
make photocopies there. The third section has a
computer lab. You are able to use the Internet or do p.53 Speaking Test
your homework on computers there. There are lots of
things to do in this library. 1.
Answer This is a map of ABC ZOO. It is made up of three
CD2 Tr10
sections. From the left to the right, the first section is
p.51 Speech Presentation a lion cage. You can see how lions live there. There is
Model a webcam, so you are able to watch the lions closely.
Answer Intro Dinosaur Museum
In the second section, you can see elephants. You
General Information: three sections
can feed them peanuts. There are koalas in the third
Detailed Information:
section. You can touch the koalas and even hug
On the left: the dinosaur section
them. They are so cute. A visit to the zoo is so much
- see how big the dinosaurs were and
fun and exciting.
Body compare them with other animals
Next to it: the fossils section CD2 Tr11 2.
- play a guessing game This is a school map. There are three floors. The first
The third section: a gift shop floor has a music room. Students can practice singing
- buy posters, books and games or playing instruments. On the second floor is a
Ending a fun place to hang out all day long library. Students can read books and study in the
library. On the third floor is the nurse’s office. If you
This is a map of a dinosaur museum. It is made up of
get hurt, you can visit the nurse. She will take care of
three sections. On the left is a dinosaur section. You
you. The school has many useful rooms to help the
can see how big the dinosaurs were. You are able to
compare them with other animals like mammoths and
whales. Next to that is the fossil section. You can play
CD2 Tr12 3.
a guessing game there. You type in how old the
This is a map of Costume Mall. It is divided into three
fossils are, and the computer tells you the answer.
sections. From the left, the first section is Zone A: the
The third section is a gift shop. You can buy posters,
monster costumes. People are able to try on different
books and computer games on dinosaurs there. The
costumes. The next section is Zone B: the fairyland
dinosaur museum is a fun place to hang out all day
costumes. There is a computer in the store. People
can make avatars and try all kinds of clothes on
them. In Zone C are the Indian and cowboy costumes.
You are able to take pictures with the costumes on.
p.52 Unit Test The costume mall is a fun and interesting place to
become someone different.
Answer A.
1. Sara is able to surf.
2. They are able to ride the horses.
3. I am not able to play the piano.

Script & Answer Key 1 3

Unit 9 Intro
I have a favor to ask you.
p.54 Warm-up B Body
Favor: I was wondering if you could snake-sit for
A: Hey, Rachel. me.
CD2 Tr13 B: What’s up, Wendy? Reason: The thing is my family is going on vacation.
A: I have a favor to ask. I need somebody to feed and play with Cathy.
B: Sure. What is it?
A: You know, Jon, Jon Bleeker, right? Ending
B: Yeah, he is in my Gym class. What about him? I would really appreciate it if you could take care of
A: Well, I don’t know how to say this, but... Cathy for me.
B: Just tell me what it is, Wendy.
A: Okay. I was wondering if you could give this
invitation card to Jon. p.56 Speech Practice B
B: A heart sticker! Is it a love letter?
A: No, it’s not a love letter. It’s just an invitation card. A: Hey, Ivan. Is your sister okay? She sounds sick.
B: So you want to invite him to your birthday party script
CD2 Tr18 B: Hi, Stephanie. Yeah, she is kind of sick. Anyways, I
this weekend. am glad you’re here.
A: Yes. I also invited Michael and Scott. A: Sure, what’s up?
B: Why don’t you give it to him yourself? B: I have a favor to ask you. Well, I know you already
A: The thing is I am too shy to give it to Jon myself. It have a cat. But could you take my cat Mr.
would mean a lot to me if you could help me. Whiskers?
B: Jon is getting a love letter! A: Oh, why? You only got Mr. Whiskers last week.
A: Rachel! Stop teasing me! B: I know. But my sister gets sick from cat hair. She
B: Alright, alright. has been sick for a week. So Mom said I had to find
A: Do you think he will come to the party? a new home for Mr. Whiskers.
B: Yeah, sure. He will. A: That’s too bad.
B: It would mean a lot if you could take Mr. Whiskers.
Answer 1. b You live right next door so I could still see him
2. a every day.
3. c A: Good. My parents want to get one more cat. Our
cat needs a friend.
B: That’s great! This will work great for both of us.
p.55 Sentence Practice B A: I can take Mr. Whiskers right now if you want.
B: Sure! Let me go get Mr. Whiskers and his stuff.
Answer 1. intro Thank you, Stephanie.
2. reason A: Anytime!
3. asking
4. thanking Answer
Intro have a favor to ask
Favor: take my cat Mr. Whiskers
Reason: My sister gets sick from cat hair.
p.56 Speech Practice A Body
Mom said I had to find a new home for
Mr. Whiskers.
Hey, Michael! I have a favor to ask you. I know you’re
script It would mean a lot if you could take Mr.
CD2 Tr17 busy, but I need your help. I was wondering if you Ending
could snake-sit for me. You remember Cathy, my pet
snake, right? The thing is my family is going on Model Stephanie, I have a favor to ask you. It would mean a
vacation. I need somebody to feed and play with Answer
lot to me if you could take Mr. Whiskers. The reason
Cathy for a week. She likes to listen to music. Do you I’m asking you is my sister gets sick from cat hair. So
mind coming in every day and spending an hour with my mom said I had to find a new home for Mr.
Cathy? I would really appreciate it if you could take Whiskers. It would mean a lot if you could take Mr.
care of Cathy for me. Whiskers.

1 4 Script & Answer Key

p.57 Speech Presentation CD2 Tr22 2.
There’s a favor I want to ask you. It would mean a lot
Answer Intro have a favor to ask if you could take me to the mall. It’s because I want to
Favor: come over and help me with my go shopping with my friends. The mall has its new
homework summer clothes out. Everyone’s wearing their new
Reason: need some help with Math, mini-skirts, and I want one, too. Do you think you
can’t understand what we learned in could drive me to the mall? Thank you.
you are very good at Math CD2 Tr23 3.
Ending I would really appreciate your help Can I ask you a favor? Do you mind if I borrow your
bag? The thing is your bag is much bigger than mine.
I have a favor to ask you. I was wondering if you could
I’m going on a field trip to the art museum tomorrow.
come over and help me with my homework. The thing
So I need some space for my camera, sketchbook,
is I need some help with Math. I can’t understand
pencils and peanut butter sandwich. It would mean a
what we learned in class. I tried to study on my own,
lot to me if I could borrow your bag. Thank you so
but it’s too hard. I also asked my brother, but he’s too
busy. I know you are very good at Math. You always
get perfect scores on the tests. So that’s why I’m
asking you. Do you think you can come over? I would
really appreciate your help.

Unit 10
p.58 Unit Test
p.60 Warm-up B
Answer A.
A: What are you reading, Billy?
1. ② script
CD2 Tr24 B: It’s a book about Florence Nightingale, Julie.
2. ②
A: I have heard her name. But I am not sure what she
3. ②
is famous for.
B: Well, she was one of the most caring women in
1. He is asking Susan to call the Chinese restaurant.
A: Interesting. Tell me more about her.
2. It is because he can’t speak Chinese, but Susan
B: She was born in 1820 in England.
A: That’s a long time ago.
3. He is going to have a small party.
B: It is. Nightingale became a nurse. At that time,
there was the Crimean War.
A: It must have been difficult to be a nurse then.
Can I ask you a favor? Do you mind teaching me how B: You’re right. It was a long war, and many soldiers
CD2 Tr20 to play the piano? It’s because I heard some piano got injured.
music, and I really want to play it myself. I like jazz a A: That’s a big challenge.
lot. But I know it’s hard and takes a long time to learn. B: There were too many injured soldiers, and the
I promise I will practice every day. Could you teach hospitals were very dirty. Also, there was not
me how to play the piano? enough medicine for every soldier.
1. c A: That’s terrible. How did she overcome her
2. b challenges?
3. a B: She overcame them by working hard day and night.
4. thanking At night, she took care of soldiers with the lamp on.
That’s how she got the nickname “The Lady with
the Lamp.”
p.59 Speaking Test A: I think it is not easy to take care of others like she
did. She was great.
1. B: I think so, too.
Answer Mrs. Frazier, I have a favor to ask you. I was
CD2 Tr21 Answer 1. F
wondering if you could give me some more time to
finish the homework. It’s because I have a chess 2. F
competition this weekend, and it is the final round. I 3. F
promise I will do my best to win the competition and 4. T
finish the homework. Do you think I could get more 5. T
time? Please, Mrs. Frazier, it would mean a lot to me.
Thank you so much.

Script & Answer Key 1 5

p.61 Sentence Practice B B: Helen Keller never gave up. She showed people
they can do anything if they try.
Answer 1. challenge
A: ...showed people you can do...
2. intro
B: KEN! I hope I am not doing your HOMEWORK!
3. how to overcome
A: Well, you just did. Thanks, Polly!

p.62 Speech Practice A Intro Helen Keller: one of the greatest women
Challenge: to live blind and deaf
Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the greatest How to overcome: with the help from her
script Body
CD2 Tr28 leaders in history. When he was a young man, Martin teacher Anne Sullivan, learned how to
Luther King, Jr. became a minister. His challenge was listen, speak, read and write.
to make people think black people and white people showed people they can do anything if
are not different. He overcame the challenge through they try
peaceful protests. He did not fight but talked to
Model Helen Keller was one of the greatest women in
people about the problem. Thanks to him, many Answer
history. Her challenge was to live blind and deaf. She
people began to understand there is no difference
overcame her challenge with the help from her
between black and white people. Martin Luther King,
teacher Anne Sullivan. Helen learned how to listen,
Jr. is remembered as a powerful leader.
speak, read and write. She showed people they can
do anything if they try.
Intro Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the
greatest leaders in history.
p.63 Speech Presentation
Model Intro Ludwig van Beethoven
Challenge: His challenge was to make people Answer
think black people and white people are not Challenge: writing music after he
different. became deaf
How to overcome: He overcame the challenge Body How to overcome: by not giving up,
through peaceful protests. used a special ear horn, took time to
write the music
Ending Martin Luther King, Jr. is remembered as
I hope I can be strong enough to
a powerful leader. Ending
overcome my challenges one day.

Ludwig van Beethoven is the person I respect the

most. He was a famous composer. His challenge was
p.62 Speech Practice B
writing music after he became deaf. He overcame his
challenge by not giving up. He used a special ear
A: Who do you think is the greatest person in history,
script horn and took time to compose the music he wanted.
CD2 Tr29 Polly?
Beethoven composed the famous Ninth Symphony
B: Why do you ask, Ken?
and showed the world that he was one of the greatest
A: I have to write a report for my history class.
composers. I hope I can be strong to overcome my
B: I think Helen Keller was one of the greatest women
challenges like Beethoven.
in history.
A: Why do you think she was great?
B: She had to live her life blind and deaf.
p.64 Unit Test
A: Okay. That means her challenge was to live blind
and deaf, right?
Answer A.
B: Yes, that’s right.
1. ③
A: So how did she overcome her challenge?
2. ①
B: She had a great teacher. Anne Sullivan.
3. ③
A: Oh, yes. I heard about her. So, Helen Keller
overcame her challenge with the help from her
teacher Anne Sullivan.
1. He was one of the greatest athletes in the world.
B: Are you writing down what I am telling you?
2. His challenge was running for Japan in the
A: No, no. I am just listening. So what kind of help did
Helen get from her teacher?
3. He won the gold medal for the marathon and
B: Helen learned how to listen, speak, read and write.
proudly said that he was Korean.
She even went to college and wrote many books.
A: So what’s your opinion of Helen Keller?

1 6 Script & Answer Key

A: Mittens? What’s the difference? Aren’t they the
Pocahontas was a brave Native American girl. When same?
CD2 Tr31 she was young, many white settlers moved into her B: Well, each has its good point and bad point.
land. The natives could not speak English, and the A: Is that so? Then what are they?
settlers could not speak the native language. It was B: The good thing about mittens is they are easy to
not easy for them to talk to each other. Pocahontas’s put on.
challenge was to help her people and settlers to live A: What about the bad point?
in peace together. She overcame her challenge by B: The bad point is you can’t use your fingers freely
learning English. wearing mittens.
A: Okay, then, what about gloves?
1. a
B: Well, the good point about gloves is you can do
2. b
things like counting coins.
3. a
A: That would be hard with mittens.
4. opinion
B: But the bad thing is it takes longer to warm your
hands than mittens.
A: I guess so. You know both the good points and the
p.65 Speaking Test
bad points. But which do you like?
B: Me? Personally, I like mittens better.
Model A: Let me try them on then.
Answer My father is one of the most respectful people I know.
CD2 Tr32
Dad told me that he had a difficult time when he was
Answer 1. Mittens are easy to put on.
young. He had no money to go to college. But he did
2. Gloves are better.
not give up his dream and kept studying hard to
3. She prefers mittens.
become a scientist. He overcame his challenge by
getting top scores. Many schools asked him to come
and study at their schools for free. I am very proud of
p.68 Speech Practice A
him and hope I can become a scientist like him
Eating out and eating at home have both advantages
CD2 Tr39 and disadvantages. An advantage of eating out is you
CD2 Tr33 2.
have more choices. You can order pizza, spaghetti,
Mr. Joel is one of my favorite teachers. He is the most
steak or fajitas. But a disadvantage is it costs a lot.
caring teacher. He always puts students first. He told
Eating at home also has good points and bad points.
us that he had a difficult time when students did not
An advantage of eating at home is you know how
listen to him and did not come to school. He
clean and fresh the food is. But a disadvantage is you
overcame his challenge by listening to the students
have to do the dishes after eating. Personally, I like
and helping them solve their problems. Mr. Joel is a
eating out at a restaurant.
truly caring teacher, and I am happy to have him as
my teacher.
CD2 Tr34 3. Eating out and eating at home have both
Christopher Reeve was one of the real heroes. His advantages and disadvantages.
most popular movie was Superman. But Christopher
Reeve got badly injured in an accident. His challenge
An advantage of eating out is you have more
was to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. He
overcame his challenge by making an organization to
A disadvantage is it costs a lot.
help people like him. He gave speeches and raised a
An advantage of eating at home is you know how
lot of money. I think Christopher Reeve is the bravest
clean and fresh the food is.
man I’ve ever heard of.
A disadvantage is you have to do the dishes after

Personally, I like eating out at a restaurant.
Unit 11
p.66 Warm-up B
p.68 Speech Practice B
A: Brrr! It’s cold outside. Paula, did you bring your
script A: Not the stairs again! I think there is an escalator
CD2 Tr35 gloves? script
B: No, Frank. But I have my mittens. CD2 Tr40 somewhere.

Script & Answer Key 1 7

p.70 Unit Test
B: I’ll just take the stairs.
A: But why do you go up the stairs if you can take the
escalator? Answer A.
B: Stairs help you exercise. It’s good for your muscles 1. and
and heart. 2. but
A: Is that so? But the bad thing is stairs make you 3. also
tired. You get sweaty and out of breath.
B: That is true. B.
A: But the big advantage of escalators is they are 1. It takes time to take out what you want.
faster than stairs. And I can’t find any bad point 2. You can put your money neatly in your wallet.
about them. 3. The writer likes putting everything in his pockets.
B: Well, I can. The disadvantage is escalators waste a
lot of energy. Millions of dollars are wasted on C.
electricity. Think about the money we could use for Offline shopping and online shopping have both
other useful things like building parks. CD2 Tr42 advantages and disadvantages. An advantage of
A: You have your point. I guess I have to change my offline shopping is you can look and try the real
preference. products before you buy them. And an advantage of
B: You made a good choice. Let’s take the stairs. online shopping is you don’t need to go to the stores.
You can buy the products just by clicking. I personally
Answer like online shopping.
Intro stairs and escalator
stairs - good: help you exercise 1. c
- bad: make you tired 2. b
escalators - good: faster than stairs 3. b
- bad: waste a lot of energy 4. disadvantages
Ending take the stairs

Model Taking the stairs and taking the escalators have not
Answer p.71 Speaking Test
only good points but also bad points. A good point of
stairs is they help you exercise. But a bad point is
they make you tired. An advantage of escalators is Model
Answer Playing in the snow and playing in the water have
they are faster than stairs. But a disadvantage is CD2 Tr43
both good points and bad points. A good thing about
escalators waste a lot of energy. Personally, I would
playing in the snow is you can make many things. You
take the stairs.
can make a snowman or a snow angel. It’s lots of fun.
But a bad thing is when the snow melts, your
snowman will be gone. A good point of playing in the
p.69 Speech Presentation
water is you feel cool from the heat. But a bad point
Model is you can get sunburned. Personally, I like playing in
Answer Intro chopsticks and forks
chopsticks the snow more than in the water.
- good: train your brain
- bad: not easy to learn CD2 Tr44 2.
forks There are both advantages and disadvantages of
- good: easy and quick to pick up food taking a shower and taking a bath. An advantage of
- bad: can be dangerous taking a shower is you are able to save time. You can
prefer chopsticks take a quick shower in just five minutes. But a
disadvantage is you may feel uncomfortable by
Using chopsticks and forks have not only advantages standing for a while. Feeling relaxed is an advantage
but also disadvantages. An advantage of using of taking a bath. You feel good and comfortable after
chopsticks is you have to use all five fingers. It trains a bath. But a disadvantage is taking a bath wastes
your brain. However, a disadvantage is it is not easy lots of water. Personally, I like taking a shower.
to learn how to use chopsticks. An advantage of using
a fork is it is easy and quick to pick up food. But a CD2 Tr45 3.
disadvantage is it can be dangerous with its pointy Being an only child and having brothers and sisters
ends. Personally, I prefer to eat with chopsticks. have not only good points but also bad points. A good
point of being an only child is you don’t have to share
anything. The toys, clothes and games are all yours.
But a bad point is you feel lonely. A good point of
having brothers and sisters is you always have
someone to play with. But a bad point is you may
fight a lot with them. I like having brothers and sisters.

1 8 Script & Answer Key

Unit 12 Intro
The problem is that Willy spends too much money.
p.72 Warm-up B Body
Solution: The solution to the problem is to keep a
A: Hi, Stewart. So, what can I help you with today? money planner.
CD2 Tr46 B: Dr. Fleming, it hurts everywhere. My wrist, my eyes, Reason: The reason is the money planner will help
my back... And I don’t want to do anything. I do not him plan his spending and waste less money.
even want to eat. Do you think I’m in big trouble?
A: Let me take a look. Hmm... Let me ask you
Therefore, the solution to his problem is to keep a
something. How many hours a day do you play
money planner.
computer games?
B: Well, not that many. Maybe four hours a day?
A: Four hours a day! Stewart, your problem is simple.
You play computer games too much. p.74 Speech Practice B
B: Is it bad?
A: Well, it’s not a good thing, is it? You should stop A: Alison, how was the movie with Maggie?
playing computer games and start exercising. CD2 Tr51 B: The movie was okay.
B: You mean I don’t need any shots or medicine? A: Is something wrong?
A: No, you don’t need them. What you need is to do B: Well, Mom. Can I ask you something?
exercises like playing soccer or riding a bike. A: Sure. Go ahead.
B: That’s great. But I don’t understand why I need to B: I really like Maggie, and I always have fun with her.
exercise. But she has a problem.
A: You sit for a long time and don’t move around. But A: What is it?
all the parts of your body want to move. That’s why B: She always comes late. Today, she was 30 minutes
your clever body is warning you to move. late. So we missed part of the movie.
B: Okay, I got it. I am going to start riding my bike A: You are afraid to tell her because it might hurt her
today. Thank you, Dr. Fleming. feelings, right?
B: Yes. What should I do?
Answer 1. a A: I think you should tell Maggie how you feel.
2. b B: But what if she gets angry and doesn’t want to talk
3. b to me again?
A: I don’t think that will happen. I think it will help her
be on time.
p.73 Sentence Practice B B: Do you think so?
A: And it will help you not waste your time and get
Answer 1. solution upset about it.
2. reason B: You’re right, Mom. Telling her how I feel is the best
3. problem solution. I guess I have to talk to her tomorrow.

Intro Problem: Maggie always comes late.
p.74 Speech Practice A Solution: tell Maggie how you feel
Willy is my best friend. But he has a problem. Willy Body
script 1. help her be on time
CD2 Tr50 spends too much money. He likes buying all kinds of
2. help you not waste your time and get
things he does not need. The solution to the problem
upset about it
is to keep a money planner. The reason is that the
Ending Telling her how I feel is the best solution.
money planner will help him plan his spending and
waste less money. Willy knows he has a problem. Model I have a problem with my friend Maggie. The problem
Therefore, I am going to tell Willy that the solution to Answer
is she always comes late. The best solution is to tell
his problem is to keep a money planner. Maggie how I feel. It is because it will help her be on
time. It will also help me not waste my time and get
upset about it. Telling her how I feel is the best

Script & Answer Key 1 9

p.75 Speech Presentation CD2 Tr55 2.
There is a boy holding a gift. The problem is that it is
Answer Intro Problem: no money to take the bus raining, and the boy does not want his gift to get wet.
Solution: ask the policeman for help He should go to the umbrella store next door and buy
Reason: an umbrella. It is because he won’t have to wait for
1. The policeman can lend him some the rain to stop, and the gift will not get wet. Buying
money. an umbrella is the best way to stay dry on a rainy day.
2. The policeman may drive the boy
home in his police car. CD2 Tr56 3.
The best solution is to ask the policeman There is a girl standing on a bridge. The problem is
for help. that her hat fell into the lake. The solution to the
problem is to use the long stick to get her hat. One
The boy in the picture has a problem. The problem is
reason is she does not need to get into the water and
that he has no money to take the bus. The best
get wet. Another reason is it is quicker than getting
solution is to ask the policeman for help. One reason
into the boat. She should do it quickly. If not, her hat
is the policeman can lend him some money. Another
will float far away. So the best solution to her
reason is the policeman may drive the boy home in
problem is to use the long stick.
his police car. Therefore, the best solution to his
problem is to ask the policeman for help.

p.76 Unit Test

Unit 13
Answer A.
p.78 Warm-up B
1. ought
2. must
A: Lena, I have good news for you.
3. should script
CD2 Tr57 B: What is it, Joe?
A: I read an interesting story in the newspaper. The
title is “Playing games is useful for children.”
1. He does not know what to buy Richard for his
B: Wow, that’s something to tell Mom. Tell me more
about it.
2. Jeremy should ask Richard what he wants.
A: According to the newspaper article, games help
3. It will save time and money.
your brain focus better.
B: That’s just by playing computer games? How so?
A: Listen to this. There were two student groups. One
I have a problem. The solution to this problem is to group played games for 20 minutes every day. And
CD2 Tr53 get rid of the TV. The reason is if I don’t have a TV, I the other group didn’t.
will be healthy. I will have more time to do outdoor B: And what happened?
activities like playing sports. Another reason is that A: The students who played games got higher scores
my family can spend more time together. I should get on their tests.
rid of the TV to solve my problem. I will ask Mom to B: I have to tell Mom about that!
sell our TV at the garage sale next weekend. A: Also, playing games helps you build visual skills.
1. b B: What is a visual skill?
2. b A: It helps us learn about colors and shapes.
3. c B: You sound very smart!
4. problem A: That’s all in the newspaper.
B: As for me, I am going to say “I am studying” when I
play games from now on.
p.77 Speaking Test A: Good idea! Let’s study!

1. Answer 1. F
Answer I see a girl in the picture. She is carrying a paper bag. 2. T
CD2 Tr54 3. T
It is full of oranges. The problem is that the bag
ripped. Oranges are rolling on the ground. The 4. F
solution to the problem is to use her backpack. It is 5. F
because the backpack will hold the oranges. The bag
will be heavy, but she can carry all the oranges in it.
So the best solution to her problem is to put the
oranges in the backpack.

2 0 Script & Answer Key

p.79 Sentence Practice B p.81 Speech Presentation
Answer Answer Intro article: tips on how not to overeat
1. opinion
1. brush your teeth before you eat
2. main idea
- lose your appetite and eat less
3. detail Body
2. eat slowly
- start to feel full while you are eating
Ending try the second way
p.80 Speech Practice A
According to the article, there are some tips on how
According to this poster, there are easy ways to
script not to overeat. For example, the first tip is brushing
CD2 Tr61 improve your English. For example, we can listen to your teeth before you eat. This will make you lose
music and watch movies in English. The poster also your appetite and eat less. It also says to eat slowly.
says that we can keep a vocabulary book. It will help You will start to feel full while you are eating. I think
us learn English better. I think I am going to try all I’m going to try the second way.
these ways to improve my English.

Answer p.82
Unit Test
According to this poster, there are easy ways to
Answer A.
improve your English.
1. I said that I would bake cookies.
Body 2. She says that she listens to music.
For example, we can listen to music and watch 3. He said that he was watching TV.
movies in English. The poster also says that we
can keep a vocabulary book. B.
Ending 1. He talked about his height problem.
I think I’m going to try all these ways to improve 2. Everybody has his or her own growth schedule.
my English. 3. Boys grow a lot between the ages 9 and 14.


p.80 Speech Practice B My sister and I really want to have a dog. My friend
CD2 Tr64 Dora’s mom is a vet, and she gave us some
A: Brian, let me tell you something disgusting! information about how to raise a dog. According to
CD2 Tr62 B: What is it, Camille? her, taking care of a pet is not an easy task. For
A: Well, according to this newspaper article, many example, we need to feed, wash and exercise our
people drink their own urine. dog. She also says that we have to think of the dog as
B: Gross! That’s sick! Why would they do that? a family member. Animals have feelings just like us.
A: Well, it says that urine is good for you because it She says that they can also get bored and lonely.
has vitamins. 1. a
B: Yuck! They can take vitamin pills. 2. c
A: It also showed that some sick people became 3. c
healthy. 4. opinion
B: I don’t believe that. Why don’t they just exercise?
A: Well, who knows?
B: I don’t think I will drink my own urine. p.83 Speaking Test
A: Me, neither. I’ll try milk.
Answer Model
newspaper article: many people drink their Answer According to this passage, many people like traveling
Intro CD2 Tr65
own urine to different countries. It says that traveling is a great
has vitamins way to learn about different cultures. For example, we
sick people became healthy can taste new foods and learn a new language. As for
Ending try milk me, I think I will travel to many foreign countries in the
future to better understand the world.
Model According to a newspaper article, many people drink
their own urine. It says that urine is good for you CD2 Tr66 2.
because it has vitamins. It also showed that some sick According to this passage, brushing makes our teeth
people drank their urine and became healthy again. healthy. It also says that we should brush three times
As for me, I’m going to try milk. a day for three minutes. In my opinion, brushing teeth
helps me smile beautifully.

Script & Answer Key 2 1

CD2 Tr67 3.
have to think, imagine and understand what you are
According to this passage, drinking eight glasses of
reading. Another reason is reading books helps you
water is good for us. It says that we need enough
become a good writer. While you read, you get to
water to digest food. It also shows that water helps us
learn good sentences. That is why I strongly agree
get rid of waste from our body. For example, peeing
that reading books helps you learn more than
and sweating are good ways we can get rid of bad
watching TV.
things from our body. I think, I’m going to drink lots of
water and even extra more when I’m thirsty!
I agree that reading books is better than watching

Unit 14 Body
Reason 1: Reading books makes you creative.
p.84 Warm-up B Detail: You have to think, imagine and understand
what you are reading.
A: Everyone, gather around. I need to tell you Reason 2: Reading Books helps you become a
script good writer.
CD2 Tr68 something. Okay, listen! There is a new rule about
gym uniforms. Everyone needs to wear a gym Detail: While you read, you get to learn good
uniform. sentences.
B: Mr. Wilcox! Ending
A: Yes, Susie. That is why I strongly agree that reading books
B: I disagree with the new rule. helps you learn more than watching TV.
A: Can you explain why?
B: For several reasons! First of all, as you can see,
Mr. Wilcox, gym uniforms are very ugly.
A: That’s not a good reason.
p.86 Speech Practice B
B: I want to look good all the time. I don’t think I can
enjoy gym class wearing an ugly uniform. A: Hi, Carl. What’s up?
A: Any other opinion? CD2 Tr73 B: Hey, Wendy. I am just putting these plastic bags
B: Mr. Wilcox, I have another reason. away.
A: Yes, Susie. A: That’s a lot of plastic bags.
B: Gym uniforms cost money. We need to buy the B: I just came back from grocery shopping.
uniform. A: You should use a grocery bag. I am strongly
A: That’s true. against using plastic bags.
B: But we already have our own gym pants and shirts. B: Why? Plastic bags are light and easy to use.
Why do we need to buy new ones? I think it’s a A: I know. But there are several reasons why I am
waste of money. against using plastic.
A: Well, you have a point there. B: Yeah? Like what?
B: So I strongly disagree with wearing gym uniforms. A: First of all, plastic bags pollute nature.
A: Okay, then does anyone have a different opinion? B: How so?
A: Plastic bags take up to 1,000 years to break down.
Answer 1. b B: That long? I didn’t know that.
2. c A: Secondly, plastic bags are dangerous to animals.
3. a B: Really?
A: Plastic bags look like jellyfish when they float in the
sea. Some sea animals eat them and get sick or
p.85 Sentence Practice B even die.
B: That’s horrible!
Answer 1. stress A: Now you know. This is why I strongly believe plastic
2. reason bags should not be used.
3. disagree

p.86 Speech Practice A

I agree that reading books is better than watching TV.

CD2 Tr72 I have several supporting reasons for my opinion. One
reason is reading books makes you creative. You

2 2 Script & Answer Key

against using plastic bags
Intro 1. c
Reason 1: pollute nature 2. a
Detail: take up to 1,000 years to break 3. c
Body down. 4. details
Reason 2: dangerous to animals
Detail: sea animals get sick or even die
p.89 Speaking Test
strongly believe that plastic bags should
not be used
Model 1.
Model I am strongly against using plastic bags. There are CD2 Tr76
I agree that boys and girls should go to the same
several reasons why I am against them. First of all, school. There are several reasons why I’m for the
plastic bags pollute nature. They take up to 1,000 idea. The first reason is boys and girls can learn how
years to break down. Secondly, plastic bags are to become friends. This will help them understand
dangerous to animals. Some sea animals eat plastic each other. Another reason is it is more fun to learn.
bags and get sick or even die. For these reasons, I Boys and girls have different ways of thinking. They
strongly believe plastic bags should not be used. can share ideas and get more information from each
other. For these reasons, I strongly agree that boys
and girls should go to the same school.
p.87 Speech Presentation CD2 Tr77 2.
Model I disagree that students should be allowed to bring
Answer Agree / Disagree Fast food is unhealthy.
pets to school. Here are my reasons. First of all, pets
Reason 1: makes you gain weight
make too much noise. It will be hard to focus on
Detail: high in calories
studying. Secondly, the classrooms will be messy.
Reason 2: a lot of sugar and salt in fast
Body Animals need to eat and use the toilet. The
classrooms will be very smelly and dirty. This is why I
Detail: bad for your heart
feel strongly that students should not bring pets to
Ending strongly agree that fast food is unhealthy
I agree that fast food is unhealthy. There are several
reasons for my opinion. First of all, fast food makes CD2 Tr78 3.
you gain weight. Fast food is very high in calories and I disagree that school hours should be two hours
that makes you fat. Second, there is a lot of sugar shorter. There are two reasons. The first reason is
and salt in fast food. Eating too much sugar and salt students will not have enough time to learn. You can
is bad for your heart. For these reasons, I strongly learn a lot in two hours. The second reason is when
agree that fast food is unhealthy. school finishes earlier, students may spend more time
at afterschool academies. This will be very expensive.
This is why I am strongly against making school hours
p.88 Unit Test shorter.

Answer A.
1. Playing
2. going
3. eating

1. The writer agrees that skateboards should not be
allowed on sidewalks.
2. The first reason is that it is very dangerous for
3. When skateboarders speed up or stop, the blocks
on sidewalks break down.


I am for eating only vegetables. There are several

CD2 Tr75 reasons. The first reason is vegetables are healthy
foods. Another reason is vegetables are low in
calories. That is why I strongly agree that people
should eat only vegetables.

Script & Answer Key 2 3

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