Gallery Shortcode WordPress Codex

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In WordPress 2.5, the Gallery feature allows the option to add an image gallery to a Post or Page on your WordPress blog.
Design and Layout

Advanced Topics
The [gallery] shortcode is used in a Post or Page to display a thumbnail gallery of images attached to that post. It can be
used in its simplest form like this:
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There are several options that may be specified using this syntax:
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[gallery option1="value1" option2="value2"]
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Random page
You can also print a gallery directly in a template like so: Help

<?php echo do_shortcode('[gallery option1="value1"]'); ?>

This works too:

$gallery_shortcode = '[gallery id="' . intval( $post->post_parent ) . '"]';
print apply_filters( 'the_content', $gallery_shortcode );

The following basic options are supported:

specify the number of columns. The gallery will include a break tag at the end of each row, and calculate the column width as
appropriate. The default value is 3. If columns is set to 0, no row breaks will be included. For example, to display a 4 column

[gallery columns="4"]

specify the post ID. The gallery will display images which are attached to that post. The default behaviour if no ID is specified
is to display images attached to the current post. For example, to display images attached to post 123:

[gallery id="123"]

specify the image size to use for the thumbnail display. Valid values include "thumbnail", "medium", "large" and "full". The
default is "thumbnail". The size of the images for "thumbnail", "medium" and "large" can be configured in WordPress admin
panel under Settings > Media. For example, to display a gallery of medium sized images:

[gallery size="medium"]

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Gallery Shortcode « WordPress Codex

Some advanced options are available:

specify the sort order used to display thumbnails. The default is "menu_order ASC, ID ASC". "RAND" (random) is also

the name of the XHTML tag used to enclose each item in the gallery. The default is "dl".

the name of the XHTML tag used to enclose each thumbnail icon in the gallery. The default is "dt".

the name of the XHTML tag used to enclose each caption. The default is "dd". For example, to change the gallery markup to
use div, span and p tags:

you can set it to "file" so each image will link to the image file. The default value links to the attachment's permalink.

comma separated attachment IDs, [gallery include="23,39,45"] will show only the images from these attachments.

comma separated attachment IDs, [gallery exclude="21,32,43"] excludes the images from these attachments. Please note
that include and exclude cannot be used together.

[gallery itemtag="div" icontag="span" captiontag="p" link="file"]

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