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Posture and Gait Analysis

By: Cecilia Garcia

-My patient present with an excessive kyphotic posture in their thoracic spine which can be
due to weak scapular retractors, after performing MMT of their scapular retractors
(Rhomboids) the patient presented with weak scapular retractors.

-My patient also presents with forward head which is commonly seen in individual with
excessive kyphosis, this is usually due to weak cervical extensors, and this was confirmed by
assessing the strength of the cervical extensor of my patient (performed MMT of cervical

- My patient also present with a posterior pelvic tilt in static standing and during ambulation
which is due to tight hip extensors, this was confirmed by performing a straight leg raise test
to see the muscle length of the hamstring.
Chin Tucks (Strengthen the lower cervical extensors) to correct forward head
posture, holding contracture for 3sec 3x10

-Patient will be seated on table; patient will be instructed to bring head along with chin back as if they were
trying to create a double chin (going into cervical extension). Will emphasize that she should not be
nodding her head, she should only be retracting back, and the movement must be slow and controlled.

-Goal is to strengthen the cervical extensors to correct the forward head posture of the patient.
Prone on Swiss ball with scapula retraction and emphasis on cervical
extension 2x10
-Patient will lay down on stomach (prone) on swiss ball with legs extended. Patient will maintain their back and
next extended in order to promote good posture. Once in this position patient will bring both arms out to the side
and just up to shoulder height (90 degrees). In this position the patient will bring arms up towards the ceiling while
bringing her shoulder blades together and then will slowly relax back to starting position.

-Goal is to strengthen the patient’s scapular retractors and cervical extensors along with promote good posture in
order to cue patient to keep neck and back nice and straight. This will help reduce the excessive kyphosis and
forward head of the patient.
Hamstring stretch 30 sec hold 3 times

-Patient will lay down on back (supine) and will be given a stretch strap. The stretch strap will be wrapped
around the patient foot of the leg that will be stretched first. Patient will then lift lower extremity up towards
the ceiling with stretch strap keeping knee fully extended throughout the whole movement. Patient will hold
the stretch for 30 sec and then relax this will be performed 3 times on each lower extremity.

-Goal is to stretch out the hip extensors in specific the hamstrings to reduce that posterior pelvic tilt the
patient has to help correct posture.

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