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Name: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________

Activity 1 - Differences between Rocks and Minerals

Basic definitions: Read and learn the following definitions.

Rock - A rock is any natural combination (aggregate) of two or more minerals. For example,
granite is a rock composed of the minerals quartz (white), feldspar (pink), and mica (black)
Rocks are classified into one of three groups depending on how they were formed:
igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic.

What other rocks are you aware of? ___________________________________________

Mineral - A mineral is a naturally occurring, homogeneous (uniform), inorganic (non-living)

solid having a definite chemical composition, and a characteristic crystalline structure.
The five most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust are oxygen (O), silicon (Si),
aluminium (Al), iron (Fe), and calcium (Ca). For example, the mineral quartz is
composed of silicon and oxygen in a form known as silicon dioxide (SiO2).

What other minerals are you aware of? ________________________________________


Using the four samples provided on this table, place each in its correct location on the diagram.

Draw a diagram of the rock granite, and use pencil crayons to shade your diagram as realistically
as possible. Create a legend to explain your colour scheme or label each of the three minerals on
your diagram.


CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 1/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: __________________________________________________

Activity 2 - The Importance of Rocks and Minerals in Our Everyday Lives


Match the samples provided on this table with the consumer product in which they are an
important ingredient. How many of these products do you actually use, or have used?


Examine the following list of rocks and minerals:

Aluminium, Barite, Chromium, Clay, Copper, Feldspar, Granite, Gypsum, Indium, Iron,
Iron Oxide, Limestone, Nickel, Quartz, Shale, Silica, Silver, Titanium Dioxide, Vermiculite, Zinc

Match the minerals listed above to the products they are found in within your home (use the
iPad and rock and mineral reference books to help in your task):

Household Item Rock, Mineral, or Metals found in each item

Kitchen Sink
Iron Fence
Utensils (knives, forks, spoons)
TV/Computer screens
Ceramic tiles
Window glass
Porcelain figurine
Wallboard/drywall that forms your interior walls
Electric wiring
Stone countertop

Are there any other rocks, minerals, or metals used in your home?


CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 2/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: __________________________________________________

Activity 3 - Scientific Testing of Minerals

Activity - Part 1:
Use your senses of sight and touch to try to identify the correct name of each of the seven (7)
mineral samples at your table. Place each sample on what you think is its correct space on the
recording chart.

Which minerals samples stood out and why?


Would your senses always be a reliable method of determining the identity of a mineral?
Why or why not?


Activity - Part 2:
Examine the “Physical Properties of Minerals” chart below and use the testing equipment on the
table (magnet, nail, penny, conductivity tester, magnifying glass, streak plate, and copy of the
Mohs’ hardness scale) to make a more precise evaluation of the identity of the seven mineral
Mineral Colour Lustre Hardness Magnetic Conductivity Streak Distinction
Amethyst purple colour;
purple vitreous white/ no cleavage
7 No No
(glassy) colourless fractures like
Calcite flat, glassy
beige vitreous 3 cleavage
No No white
off-white (glassy) (can be surfaces,
white scratched by effervesces
a penny) with acid

Quartz glassy lustre

clear, white, vitreous white/ and hardness;
7 No No
or grey (glassy) colourless no cleavage
Magnetite magnetic
black metallic,
5.5 Yes Maybe black
Hematite metallic, reddish-brown
grey-black, streak on the
dull 6-6.5 Yes No reddish-
red-brown streak plate
or (weakly) brown
Chalcopyrite conductive -
brassy metallic electricity flows
3.5-4 No Yes green-black
yellow/green through it
Gypsum soft, but not as
white, vitreous to 2 soft as talc;
No No white
colourless, or pearly (can be good cleavage
grey scratched by but not visible,
a fingernail) may look

CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 3/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: ___________________________________________

Physical and Chemical Properties of Minerals

Property Characteristics
Crystal form e.g. cubic, hexagonal
Hardness - measured on Mohs’ scale 1 = talc, 2 = gypsum, 3 = calcite, 4 = fluorite,
5 = apatite, 6 = orthoclase/feldspar, 7 = quartz,
8 = topaz, 9 = corundum, 10 = diamond
Specific gravity The relative weight of a mineral compared to the weight of
an equal volume of water. Sulphur has a specific gravity of
only 2 grams per cm3, pyrite (fool’s gold) has a specific
gravity of 5 g/ cm3, whereas gold has a specific gravity of
19.3 g/cm3
Cleavage The way some minerals split along planes related to the
molecular structure of the mineral. For example, halite (salt)
cleaves into cubes.
Colour Must be used carefully as there are many variations in
colour for some minerals. Sulphur is a very distinctive
Taste Quartz and halite look the same, but only halite will taste
like table salt.
Smell Some minerals give off a distinct odour. Sulphur smells like
a burnt match.
Feel Some minerals have a distinctive feel. Graphite feels soft
and slippery.
Streak Some minerals, when rubbed on unglazed porcelain, leave
behind a streak of colour. For example, hematite (usually a
grey or silvery mineral) will leave behind a reddish-brown
Lustre Lustre is a description of how light interacts with the surface
of a mineral. Some minerals look metallic, others resinous,
silky, glassy, or pearly.
Phosphorescence Ultraviolet (uv) light causes some minerals to get “excited)
and in turn emit light at a longer wavelength which we see
as colours. For example, the mineral fluorite looks clear or
slightly green under normal light but emits purple light
under exposure to uv.
Magnetism Some minerals such as magnetite and pyrrhotite are
attracted to a magnet.
Radioactivity Some minerals such as uranium emit radioactivity which can
be measured with an instrument called a Geiger counter.

Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Stone Garnet Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Emerald Pearl Ruby Peridot Sapphire Opal Topaz Turquoise

CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 3/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: __________________________________________________

Activity 4 - The Three Rock Groups

Use the chart below and the magnifying glass and your senses of sight and feel to identify and
classify the eight (8) samples of rocks. Write a detailed description of each rock sample in the
space provided in the chart below:

Rock Type Clue Detailed Description

Rhyolite Igneous Mostly dark-red

Granite Igneous Multi-coloured

Sandstone Sedimentary Feels gritty like


Shale Sedimentary Feels smooth like

hardened clay

Limestone Sedimentary Beige and lumpy

Quartzite Metamorphic Whitish

Slate Metamorphic Thin layers, hard

Marble Metamorphic Whitish, softer than


1. Are there any characteristics that you notice that are unique to igneous rocks?


2. Are there any characteristics that you notice that are unique to sedimentary rocks?


3. Are there any characteristics that you notice that are unique to metamorphic rocks?

CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 4/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: __________________________________________________

Activity 5 - The Rock Cycle

The rock cycle describes the dynamic transitions of the three main rock types through geologic time. It is
a model that illustrates the formation, breakdown, and reformation of a rock, resulting from sedimentary,
igneous, and metamorphic processes.

Using the information provided on the table and your textbook, complete the rock cycle diagram below:

1. Describe the process that forms igneous rocks.



2. Describe the process that forms sedimentary rocks.



3. Describe the process that forms metamorphic rocks.


CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 5/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: __________________________________________________

Activity 6 - Making Sense of Igneous Rocks


Pumice - Pumice is formed when lava, magma that reaches the surface of the Earth (extrusive), cools
quickly and solidifies (becomes volcanic rock). It is identified by its holes, called vesicles, which were
formed from gas bubbles trapped in the cooling lava after the volcanic eruption. If you look closely at
other volcanic igneous rocks, you will sometimes see vesicles, but usually not as clear as you will see in
this pumice sample.

1. Draw the sample of pumice.

2. Use the magnifying glass to examine the vesicles found on the sample. Describe what you see.

3. Place the sample of pumice in the container of water and note what happens. Explain why this
happens. Remove the pumice from the container and place it on the paper towel.


Diorite - Diorite is formed when magma cools slowly under (intrusive) the Earth’s surface (plutonic
igneous rock). It is identified by its large grain (crystals) size and its appearance. Diorite is made up of
about half light - and half dark-coloured grains. Each grain represents an individual mineral. The different
coloured grains indicate that there is more than one mineral in the sample. That is a clue that diorite is a
rock and not a mineral. The white mineral is plagioclase feldspar and the black is hornblende and mica.

4. Draw the sample of diorite.

5. Use the magnifying glass to examine the diorite. Describe what you see.

6. Place the diorite in the container of water and note what happens. Remove the rhyolite
from the container and place it on the paper towel.

CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 6/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: __________________________________________________

Activity 7 - Making Sense of Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks are formed from pieces of other rocks that have been eroded. A very
important feature of sedimentary rocks is grain size, which is how large the individual pieces are
that make up the whole rock.


1. Look at the sediments in the jar. Observe the shape and colour of the grains. Use a ruler to
estimate the size of the grains (try counting the number of grains along 1cm).

Name Colour Shape Size

Sediment 1

Sediment 2

Sediment 3

2. Gently shake the jar of sediments and place the jar back on the table. Record your
observations of the water and sediments in your container after each time period listed.

Time Observations
Immediately after shaking

After 1 minute

After 5 minutes

After 10 minutes

Next day

3. How does water play a role in the formation of sedimentary rocks?


CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 7/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: __________________________________________________

Activity 8 - Making Sense of Metamorphic Rocks

Metamorphic rocks are formed when existing rocks are changed by being exposed to increased pressure
and/or heat. The process of metamorphism does not melt the rock, but instead transforms it into denser,
more compact, harder rock. Extreme heat allows the chemical components of the rock to recombine to
form new minerals. Pressure increases with increased depth and transforms the physical characteristics
of the rocks. Metamorphism often occurs when hot magma is intruded (forced) into cracks and fractures
in the surrounding igneous or sedimentary rocks - a process known as contact metamorphism. Some
metamorphic rocks like gneiss (say “nice”) exhibit colourful banding and striped appearance known as

Activity - Part 1:

1. Roll the plasticine between your hands until it is soft and easy to shape. Roll it into a ball shape.
2. Insert the five pennies into the plasticine ball in different directions (randomly oriented). In the chart
below sketch and label a picture of the plasticine ball before pressure was applied.
3. Place the ball on the desk and carefully flatten the plasticine. In the chart below sketch and label a
picture of the plasticine ball after pressure was applied.

Before Pressure After Pressure

4. Remove the pennies from the plasticine ball and leave for the next group.

Activity - Part 2:
Complete the Venn diagram below to compare and contrast the parent rock - granite (igneous) with its
metamorphic form - gneiss. Note what is similar about the two rocks in the centre section, and what is
different about each in their respective sides.

CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 8/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: __________________________________________________

Activity 9 – Investigating Geologic Time

Activity: Using the resources available, complete the table below:
Eon Era Period Epoch Characteristics of each era
Cryptozoic Precambrian

The first 4000

million years
of our planet’s
history. Very
little fossil
exists from
this eon.

Paleozoic Cambrian






Mesozoic Triassic

Phanerozoic Jurassic

The last 600

million years
of our planet’s
fossil evidence Cenozoic Tertiary Pleistocene
exists from
this eon to
give us an
picture of how Quaternary Holocene
life on Earth
has changed
over this time.

CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 9/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: __________________________________________________

Activity 10 – Geology Map Reading Exercise

Examine the map entitled Geology and Selected Mineral Deposits of Ontario and answer the questions

The colour version of this map is available at

1. What type of rocks form the bedrock of southern Ontario?

2. What types of industrial minerals are mined in southern Ontario?
3. What valuable mineral has been discovered in the James Bay lowlands?
4. What valuable minerals are mined in the Timmins and Kirkland Lake area?
5. What kind of bedrock underlies the Timmins and Kirkland Lake area?
6. What valuable minerals are mined in the Sudbury area?
7. The “Ring of Fire” region in northwestern Ontario is a very rich deposit of the mineral chromite (used
to make stainless steel and chrome plating). Suggest reasons why there is no mining activity there
yet (Examine the Ontario road map for clues).
CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 10/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
The Value of the Mining Industry in Ontario

 There are more than 40 mine sites currently operating in Ontario.

 We are a leading producer of gold, copper, zinc, and platinum group metals.
 We are a leading producer of diamonds, salt, gypsum, talc, calcium carbonate,
nepheline syenite, and other industrial minerals.
 The value of mineral production in Ontario was $11 billion in 2014.
 More than 60% of the value of Ontario mineral commodities is exported.
 Almost 60% of the metals mined in Ontario are processed here, in addition to
processing minerals from four Canadian provinces, the United States and
 Mining benefits all areas of the province and provides a broad scope of
employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.
 27,000 people are employed directly in mining operations and another 50,000
indirectly in the fabrication and processing of minerals.
 The mining equipment and services sector employs more than 25,000 people
and 256,000 people are employed in Ontario's mineral cluster (operating
mines, corporate offices, mining supplies & services, legal, financial,
engineering, environmental consulting).
 Mining is the largest private sector employer of Aboriginal Canadians,
accounting for about 7.5% of the total mining labour force, while Aboriginals
account for 3.8% of the Canadian population. In Ontario, Aboriginal
employment accounts for 9.7% of total mining jobs.
 Ontario mining companies' tax contributions to all levels of government are
more than $1 billion annually.
 Industry payroll is in excess of $1.7 billion.
 Ontario mining industry employees pay more than half a billion dollars
annually in personal income tax.
 There are more mining companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange than
on any other exchange. Almost $8.9 billion in equity capital was raised in 2014
on the on Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV),
through 1,482 financings, which represents 62% of all equity capital raised by
the world's public mining companies last year.
 Ontario's mining companies meet the highest standards of environmental
stewardship. Companies spend an estimated $62 million a year on mine land
rehabilitation, environmental engineering and environmental technologies.
Facts and figures courtesy of the Ontario Mining Association,

CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 10/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: __________________________________________________

Activity 11 – Interpreting Mineral Data

Activity 1
Examine the mining data in the table below and answer the accompanying questions.

Production of Metals by province and Territory in Canada, 2006

(Data in thousands)
Province/Territory/Country Gold Copper Zinc Nickel
(kilograms) (tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes)
Newfoundland & Labrador 27.0 45.5
Prince Edward Island
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick 0.2 9.6 260.1
Québec 23.4 18.6 94.9 23.0
Ontario 57.3 187.8 107.8 119.3
Manitoba 3.5 54.7 105.3 36.9
Saskatchewan 1.5 1.2 0.5
Alberta 0.1
British Columbia 15.6 287.6 32.9
Yukon 1.8
Northwest Territories
Canada 103.5 586.5 601.5 224.6

1. What unit of measurement is used for each of the four metals?

Gold = _________________ Copper, Zinc, Nickel = ________________________
2. Why are the units of measure different?
3. How did Ontario rank for gold, copper, zinc, and nickel production in 2006?

How much are these minerals worth - Do the math!

Metal Current Price Total Quantity Mined in 2006 Value of 2006 Production
($ Canadian, March 2016) (Canada) (total in Canadian dollars, 2016)
Gold $57 136.81/kg X 103.5 kilograms X 1000 =
Copper $6 674.49/tonne X 586.5 tonnes X 1000 =
Zinc $2 416.26/tonne X 601.5 tonnes X 1000 =
Nickel $11 577.66/tonne X 224.6 tonnes X 1000 =

Activity 2
On the map of Canada on the back of this page, add a title and show in which Provinces and
Territories these four metals are produced.
CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 11/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Note: This activity can be updated each year to reflect the current mineral data compiled and
distributed by the Mining Association of Canada in their Facts and Figures report produced
annually. Data for 2015 is can be found at:

-Mining Matters Education Team

CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 11/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
Date: __________________________________________________

Activity 12 – Extracting the Ore: Mining Operations

Ore - An ore is a naturally occurring material from which a mineral (or minerals) of economic
value can be extracted for profit.
Examine the posters on this table that depict an underground mine and a surface mine.

Complete the following chart to compare and contrast these two mining techniques.

Mining technique Surface Mine Underground Mine


Differences Surface Mine Underground Mine

CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 12/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316
The Stages of Operating a Mine
1. Mineral Exploration
Geologists use many different methods to look for valuable minerals. They study satellite
images of the Earth and use aircraft to measure things, such as the magnetism in the land. Maps
also help them choose an area to explore.
Before a mining company can explore more closely, it must get the exclusive rights to a
piece of land. This is called staking a claim. The company can then use special equipment to look
more closely for mineral deposits. Geologists do field work to identify different rocks and collect
rock and soil samples to study in a laboratory. If the results are good, the company drills holes in
the ground to take out long, thin cylinders of rock called cores, which can be studied to find out
how much valuable mineral they contain.

2. Evaluation
Once a mining company finds a mineral deposit, the next step is to decide if it will be
worth spending the millions of dollars needed to construct a mine.
A mineral evaluation looks at how much it will cost to construct and operate the mine, to
sell the minerals, to take care of the environment, and whether or not the company will make any
money. Finding a good mineral deposit is rare.
3. Mine Construction
Mineral deposits close to the surface of the Earth can be mined by digging a surface or
open pit mine. This means using huge diggers to scrape away the surface material and blasting
the solid rock with explosives to reach the valuable minerals.
Mineral deposits buried deep in the Earth have to be mined using an underground mine.
This means digging tunnels into the Earth to reach the valuable minerals.

4. Mine Operation and Mineral Processing

Actual mining can begin once the construction of the mine is complete. Miners use drills
and explosives to break up the rock and large scoops and machines to move the rock top the
processing plant.
Mined rock contains valuable minerals as well as worthless ones, all mixed together.
Processing separates out the valuable minerals from the waste. Usually, the rock is first crushed
into a fine powder. Then, a separation process captures the small amount of valuable minerals
from the large amount of powdered waste rock. Some minerals are refined to produce pure
metal in a process called smelting.
A mining company has to deal with the leftover waste materials called tailings, which are
rock fragments, dust, and chemicals. They must be stored in safe areas to avoid polluting the air
or water.

5. Mine Closure and Land Reclamation

No mine will last forever. When a mine closes, the mining company has to reclaim the land,
making it safe, usable, and a natural part of the surrounding environment. It must remove the
buildings, make sure mine waste doesn’t harm the environment, make any pits or tunnels safe,
and replant the land with grass and trees.

CGF3M Rock and Mineral Activity 12/HD/JPD - Adapted from Mining Matters/0316

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