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Rolfing ® and PERCEPTION

brain point of view steers our attention to

something that is not a thing, something
we must imagine. We don’t know what
the movement brain is. In that sense it
fulfills the role of a black box that, unseen,

Body as a Movement System must be learned about through direct

experience, by building a sense of what it
is. We learn how to speak to/hear from the
A Premise for Structural Integration movement brain and thereby get to know its
personality. We learn how to see movement
By Kevin Frank, Certified Advanced Rolfer™ as choreographed by the movement brain.

Editor’s Note: Reprinted with permission from the 2008 IASI Yearbook. Holding Maps Lightly
The movement brain model embraces but
doesn’t fully explain the complexities of
Abstract: Ida P. Rolf formulated structural integration (SI) based on premises regarding the human motor control. The movement brain
biochemical and biomechanical properties of fascia, and regarding the relationship of the Earth’s point of view benefits from a broad outline
gravity field and the capacity of human beings to find normal posture. Neuro-scientific research that traces control pathways in neurological
and clinical observations of SI practitioners suggest that the logical explanations for why and terms. We know that movement control
how SI works will benefit from a shift in conceptual emphasis: SI is a system-oriented approach involves the cerebellum and sensory and
for reviving natural coordination, and for working with the now broadly adopted concepts of body motor cortex, plus the system of reflexes
image and body schema. The author explores how this shift of thinking changes both the way SI is that operate using the stretch reflex. To
taught to students and clients, and the way Rolf’s message is presented to the world. describe movement control in this way,
however, one makes no less a fiction than
We are not stuff that abides, but patterns that perpetuate themselves. by describing it as movement brain. Such a
Norbert Wiener1 story is incomplete and quickly out of date.
The purposely vague image of a movement
brain confronts our impulse to control it, or
Premises and Conclusions body responds well when it gets appropriate to use the anatomy terms in false ways. We
information. This way of thinking provides need a map. To focus on the map is to lose
In an archival film, Ida Rolf says that if opportunity for the field of SI to further touch with the intelligence with which we
you wish to reach different conclusions develop its potential. wish to work. (To appreciate the complexity
you must start with a different premise. of the movement brain, the reader is
How do premises affect what we do as SI How do we conceive our work? directed to Blakeslee and Blakeslee’s book
practitioners? The Body Has a Mind of its Own.2)
An Information-
The manner in which one conceptualizes a The movement brain isn’t a central
field of inquiry shapes the manner in which
Based Model:
computer. It’s the way in which the body
one operates, the questions one asks, the The Movement Brain acts as a system in relation to context.
models one constructs, and the identity The author finds it helpful, in teaching System ac tivity involves interrelated
of the profession. For example, the idea groups and working with clients, to propose complex networks, and often there is no
that germs cause disease builds a medical a specific premise for SI work. The concept anatomical structure on which we can
system that looks different from one built on itself is simple: SI addresses communication pin the complexity. As a system event,
the idea that evil spirits inhabit bodies and to and with a system, something that can be coordination cannot be locally defined.
cause illness. Each premise reaches different called “movement brain.” The movement Continual refinements emerge in the science
conclusions. Ida Rolf started with several brain idea is a different starting point that explains motor control. We benefit as
premises that were new at the time: that the for considering posture and structural research validates and refines the model of
body is plastic and fascia can be reshaped, bodywork than the premise that the body our work, but the term “movement brain”
and that posture can be provoked so that is something plastic to be reshaped. If one doesn’t require frequent updates.
the body regains a healthy relationship with starts with this system idea – the movement
gravity and functions harmoniously. Her Body therapists and educators need
brain – the SI story unfolds in a particular
thinking derived from her practice of yoga, anatomical knowledge to understand
direction. Rolf’s legacy is still served, but
the study of biochemistry, and treatments and see how the body is constructed.
the SI model has broader congruence.
and training from pioneer osteopaths. When we habitually think anatomically or
Rolf’s premises birthed the SI field and a System vs. Mechanics biomechanically, though, it can interfere
concept of what SI is. with movement. Some forms of anatomical
The movement brain idea emphasizes awareness facilitate flow and ease in
How we conceptualize SI has practical system phenomena in contrast to mechanical function, and we will cover these later in
consequences. This article looks at an “parts” such as muscles, fascia, nerves, the article.
information-based model of SI, meaning restrictions, mechanism of injury, and
a mode of SI in which it is posited that the failures of “structure.” The movement The movement brain concept reduces focus
on the fascia as something to reshape. Fascia

14 Structural Integration / June 2008

Rolfing ® and PERCEPTION
becomes, among other things, a portal of To what, in terms of body schema (including color, texture, detail and, as noted above,
communication.3 postural schema) and body image, do the matches what is seen with that stored in
SI goals translate? memory.
State change in fascia as an explanation
for what is occurring in SI, while having When clients make lasting shifts in postural Body Schema and Body Image
provided fifty years of marketing for coordination, the schema (automatic Function
Rolf’s work, may need reconsideration. At pattern of coordinative control) has shifted;
present, a change in emphasis revitalizes in some instances we could also say that the In a social context (and with no imminent
thinking about research, education, and schema has received permission to express danger), we have the dubious luxury of
marketing – it changes how we think as itself. Why permission? Because the schema choice about how we move (or express
we work. part of body attempts optimum efficiency posture). Our mind may then be more
and stability in response to the demands c o n c e r n e d w i t h “ w h a t ” ( o r “ w h o” )
Scientific research supports an information- questions. In these contexts, we often
made upon it. The body is challenged
based system approach to modeling SI, and express less coordinative intelligence than
and schema responds. (It is important to
assists in the evolution of Rolf’s work. And, in the earlier examples. Instead, body image
note that a demand must be made on the
the movement brain model dovetails well intervenes and biases or interrupts body
system in order for it to perform. More will
with examples of successful research within schema’s function. For example, when a
be said about demand later.) This occurs
the SI community that are mentioned later client is observed walking in front of his
so long as body image does not interrupt
in this article. or her SI practitioner, he or she may try to
the process.
“look good” and amplify the improvements
Body Schema, Postural Slip on the ice, or catch sight of something that the practitioner apparently likes to see.
Schema, and Body Image in the street as we drive, and the deepest How do we meet this challenge?
parts of our “movement brain” react, at
In neurological language, “movement speeds faster than our cognitive brain As SI practitioners we have tools to help
brain” aligns with the term “body schema.” makes choice. It is after our instant reaction individuals meet the social context, and
Body schema was first proposed in 1911 that thinking evaluates what it was that other practical contexts, with a more
by two British neurologists, Head and happened or what object we avoided. adaptive body schema. We also offer tools
Holmes. Their model states that the body Schema reacts, then the “what” part of the for using body image to revive schema
has two levels of coordinative control, one brain catches up with the event. function when we notice that it is missing.
that is largely automatic and beyond our
What and Where Distinction in Body Schema is not Personal
conscious awareness, body schema, and
the other, an overlay that can influence Function of Vision Body schema means the coordinative
but also interrupt the functioning of the intelligence that underlies optimum
A “what and where” model of vision helps
former, body image. 4 Postural schema, a movement. The schema par t of body
us understand more about body schema
subcategory of body schema, refers to that isn’t personal. In fact, schema doesn’t
and body image. This model is described
part of automatic coordination that governs differentiate body from the peri-personal
in terms of how our vision has separate
gravity orientation. space around body. 9,10 Schema looks for
pathways, linked to schema and image
movement potential based on knowledge
Over the past hundred years, this model function.
of body and space around it.
has been used by neurophysiologists to
Paillard, a body schema/body image
untangle the various issues that cause Our genetic body plan and our human
neurologist, summarizes and diagrams the
motor and perceptual dysfunctions in ancestry endow us with the ability to react
“what” and “where” functions as two sets
patients. Gallagher and Cole also write automatically and skillfully. If a body part
of pathways that are connected with vision.6
about the body schema and body image is damaged or lost, or if there is disease or a
Th e “ what and where” vision-model
concept. 5 They describe a patient who neurological failure, the schema will adapt
provides distinction between movement
lacks afferent proprioception. He must as best it can. The “hardware” part of us
b ra i n and objec t recognition brain.
do with conscious control what a normal belongs to the schema and is part of any
Livingstone, a Harvard neuroscientist,
person does through automatic reflexes movement equation the body composes.
notes the difference in evolutionary age for
and coordinative patterns. The patient is an But a damaged body part is also registered
the “where” and “what” connections in the
extreme example of the human dilemma, in our body image, and it may or may not
brain.7 The “where “part of vision belongs
in which we substitute voluntary control allow the body schema to function.11
to earlier function in the development
(body image) for the schema that in
of the brain, ones more concerned with Tools, body prostheses or extensions, if not
Gallagher’s patient is no longer available,
survival. The “what” part of vision belongs rejected by body image, are quickly added
but the rest of us take for granted.
to the more cortical and more recent brain to body schema. A tall hat worn in a room
What does this have to do with SI? development and is a large part of modern with low beams will become, effectively,
life. the top of head after a little time. A rake
Coordinative Intelligence
or an automobile will become a temporary
“ Where”-oriented vision is also called
In SI, we seek long term improvements extension of body schema if body image
peripheral vision. 8 I t notices outline,
in posture, movement, and integration of is willing.
contrast, movement, directionality, and sees
coordinative change with the psychological in black and white. “What”-oriented vision
sense of living in a body: not modest goals. is also called focused or fauvial. It notices

Structural Integration / June 2008 15

Rolfing ® and PERCEPTION
Body Image and body image. Schema, again, refers to responds to demands put upon it – what the
the aspect of movement that responds as author calls “happy accidents?” You might
In contrast to schema, body image is
necessary to changing circumstance that call reflect on work, sports and art performance
personal. It is patterned by our development
for movement. Image refers to the overlay moments in which your body recalls
and circumstance. Body image is a potential
–the sense of our self and the way in which noticeable grace, strength, or miraculous
filter through which coordination often
our movement responses may be filtered. timing and accuracy of a movement.
has to pass – much coordination happens
Image reflects our history: how we are held,
without inter ference but in SI we are One counterintuitive example of body
touched, instructed, encouraged, punished,
particularly concerned with those places schema is the exercise called, “Sitting
and inspired, and so on. Our body image
where interference has occurred. Up with a Stick,” illustrated in How Life
also reflects the culture we grow up in,
Moves, Explorations in Meaning and Body
Body image represents aspects of posture including the structure of language and
Awareness. 17 In this exercise we have the
and movement control that are within the mythology. We could refer to the body
movement brain stor y displayed. The
reach of conscious awareness. However, image as the social input and schema as the
mover lies supine and holds a substantial
although we can be conscious of body movement brain component.
stick in both hands. He or she attends to
image, certain parts of it can be out of
What are examples of how SI works orientation, to space and to weight, and to
awareness or may be repressed.
implicitly with the body image and body the sensory impression of the stick in the
Body image is acquired through personal schema? hands, and to the imagined power of the
history. 12 We build a representation of stick to lift the head and torso to sitting. To
Postural Schema
ourselves, including a body map (which is do this requires simultaneous and sustained
an overlay to the implicit body map at the Postural schema is central. Rolf spoke about perception of space, weight, the stick, and
level of body schema). gravity constantly. Godard’s tonic function abstention from effort. The result is that
model describes gravity orientation as the the movement brain functions to allow
Imitation and Mirror antagonist muscles – the back muscles – to
fundamental piece of the movement brain
Neuron Theory substantially release so a smaller quantity
with which we, as practitioners, wish to
For example, we imitate the posture of our communicate. 15 Before we move, before of agonists do the work to sit up.
family. We empathize with the movements we build a perception, the background
and posture of those we see. This is another to all our actions is gravity orientation.
documented aspect of brain function, of Gravity orientation, the way in which we
movement brain. Our brain triggers a motor locate ourselves in space and on the Earth,
control pattern when we observe another in is necessary to organize the movement of
movement, as if we are doing the movement the senses and the movement of our body.
or posture ourselves. This phenomenon is Rolf referred to gravity as, “the most potent
part of what is called the “mirror neuron” physical influence in any human life.” 16
theor y. Research by Umilta, Rizolatti, When SI assists a body to recover postural
and others document that we have this schema integrity, and to integrate a person’s
capacity to learn movement by seeing it life with his or her postural orientation
and empathizing with the motor activity of settings, change occurs at a deep level of
another.13,14 In essence one’s brain activity movement intelligence. Contrast this with conventional sit-ups that
imitates that of another, as though the aim to exercise the rectus abdominus and
observed motor activity is one’s own. Movement Intelligence external oblique muscles. Watching Sitting Up
– Schema Revealed with a Stick, it looks as though the stick lifts
The postural schema is part of what is here the head and torso. We know physics dictates
We imitate. As we develop we also attempt to otherwise, so we are surprised. A conventional
being called body schema. What are other
relate the sensations of our inner experience sit-up showcases the belly wall doing work.
examples of body schema expression?
into something we are told is our “self.” We The contrast of Sitting Up with a Stick and a
acquire a sense that what is inside “me” We have alluded already to the function that conventional sit-up is a contrast between body
is seen from outside as someone with a keeps us upright when we slip on the ice or schema and body image.
name, a shape, and what will become a the brake pedal response before we know
collection of stored memories about how I what’s ahead. There are other dramatic This example illustrates how body schema
am seen. We build our movements from the examples: a mother who lifts an enormous functions liberated from body image. The
others in our environment. And we build object, such as a car when she sees her body schema doesn’t “think” about muscles.
a representation of our movements and of trapped child; a wheelchair-bound person The movement brain only “knows” the body
our body shape and size from others as well. who runs out of his home suddenly on fire as a complex palette of motor units that it
Our learned movement patterns are partly – these examples involve schema but also draws upon in nuanced combinations.
schema adapted to circumstance, and partly a high level of arousal. It “knows” that release of antagonists is
image as we copy images of others and as preferable to use of agonists. It “knows”
O t h e r e x a m p l e s, l e s s d r a m a t i c, a re that the agonists for the motion already
we build a social self.
nonetheless compelling. Notice your own express a baseline level of contraction
Our vocabulary of movements is separable, personal list. What are some ways the and abstains from adding to it until the
artificially but usefully, into body schema body’s movement system miraculously moment it is necessary. This level of refined

16 Structural Integration / June 2008

Rolfing ® and PERCEPTION
orchestration is beyond conscious control. “see” the movement (or postural set) of the “where” or subcortical visual system
From such an example, when experienced, another. Seeing allows SI work to have referred to earlier.
we get a sense of the movement brain. depth.
We notice that the eyes can shift from a
The movement brain isn’t beguiled by How does “seeing” work? Seeing is linked central, focused, and mostly cortical “what”
anatomical descriptions of muscles, or to mirror neuron theory, mentioned earlier. function, to a peripheral subcortical “where
instructor urgings to try harder, or the We watch a movement and our body has the function.” As stated earlier, vision functions
fashion-magazine invitations to acquire capacity to know that movement from the through two pathways, one that attempts to
particular muscular shape. The movement inside, through the subtle but substantive match objects with remembered identifiers,
brain uses the optimum (economical) motor activity that occurs in our body as it and another which helps us locate ourselves
coordination to, in this exercise, lift the watches another person’s movement. This in space and builds a sense of the space we
torso. is called kinesthetic empathy or empathic occupy. The movement brain draws from
kinesthesia. What then allows us to discover gaze that is peripheral.
Inhibiting the Inhibition our empathic kinesthesia with another?
As mover, one must give the movement Which kind of brain do we wish to arouse
brain a chance to function. To do so, often and how? As we practice using peripheral vision
requires one to inhibit the inhibition of the we notice that this kind of vision is inter-
The movement brain concept serves the
body image; to quiet down held images sensorial (having a quality of synthesesia),
discussion about what we do and learn
of body, conscious or unconscious, to and elicits an inter-sensorial experience of
in body reading. Although some students
quiet impulses to perform and act in some our world. When we observe movement
come to SI with strongly developed skills
idealized way. with peripheral vision, we see it and we
in kinesthetic empathy, many do not and
feel it. We may also hear it or possibly even
Our predisposition to effort comes, for most this begs the question, “what helps one
smell it or taste it. The movement brain
of us, effortlessly. It is a habit that overlays learn it?”
doesn’t separate the senses.
a more instinctual responsiveness that we Body Reading and Sense
call body schema. To undo body image Structural integrators cultivate this type
Perception Linked to Orientation
inhibition what tools do we have? of seeing, seeing that is inter-sensorial and
To learn any movement, the challenge is kinesthetically empathic. This seeing allows
As m e nt i o n e d, we w i s h to gi ve t h e usually unlearning that which prevents it. us to know the movement of another from
movement brain information that helps it To revive, or begin to better notice, the body our own body’s sensory experience, and to
to function. Why do we need to give it help schema’s capacity to body read, we want make interventions informed by internal
if it’s supposed to be automatic? Because, to attend to the simplest (least abstracted) information.
we have “taught” it to be overruled by our order of consciousness. This deepest or
body image, our effort, our attempts to Pre-Movement
lowest order of body image is at the level
“master” the movement, and we typically of sensation; sustained sense perception This form of seeing is quick enough to
tr y to learn through effor t. When we is already an interruption to that which enable us to notice movement preparation in
consciously attend to orientation and to blocks seeing. another – to see the manner in which a body
sense perception and to felt potencies of
organizes itself before it moves. Contained
mass and directions into space, we displace To begin with, we can notice those
within pre-movement is information about
the impediments of body image and effort. expressions of the movement brain that
the postural schema and information about
We consciously choose image input that work easily. Where is there flow in one’s
the perceptual orientation of the other.
supports schema. This is the primary work own system already? Can we notice
of SI. How do the tools of this work feed something in our sensory experience that Body reading is one important part of
the movement brain? What do structural attracts our interest? What does that feel embodied presence. What else does a
integrators do? What are our tools? like? structural integrator draw on?
We track sensation, which means staying 2. Rolf’s Recipe
Structural Integrators’ present to it. We build an articulated
Tools internal sense of primary body image, a Rolf proposed that SI requires a series of ten
sense of weight and density, a sense of sessions, a sequence of interventions that
1. Embodied Presence, built on each other. This is a strategy for
spaciousness, and the myriad movements
Kinesthetic Empathy and doing SI work as well as teaching it.
that we can sense. For almost every person
Body Reading
sensation is present. What may be new Caspari describes the functional rationale
The primary tool of the structural integrator is the capacity to notice it and put it into for this recipe in the 2005 IASI Yearbook.18
is embodied presence. Embodied presence words. The notion that each session builds on the
allows us to demonstrate new coordinative one before can be interpreted mechanically,
Then we build on this. We link felt sense/
possibilities. Embodied presence offers like a machine assembled in a certain order,
internal experience to the reception of
a safe container for the work and speaks or from an information or coordinative
sensory impression from the environment.
directly to the movement brain of the client. point of view, like a piece of music or
This contradicts the body image belief that
Also, a practitioner’s differentiated and a computer program. Restoration of
outer and inner senses are separate. We
articulated sensory awareness, and oriented function requires seeing that the body has
wish to connect our visual sense with the
presence, is the basis for the capacity to a developmental and coordinative logic.
internal felt sense. By so doing, we are using

Structural Integration / June 2008 17

Rolfing ® and PERCEPTION
Without, for example, an improvement in the expression of natural function.) on integrating structure. 27 Within these
upper gravity center mobility in session templates we infer an aesthetic, a set of
What do hallmarks look like? Two examples
one, there is less profit from more adaptive values about what constitutes normal. SI
support and the potency of the foot to practitioners learn to feel what normal is
propel the spine forward in session two. Contralateral Gait like in the course of receiving the work,
and in training.
In SI, multi-session, sequenced protocols One hallmark is contralateral gait.20 When
imply that body image can shift and schema we observe an emergence of enhanced Emphasis on normal makes Rolf’s assertions
can improve in steps, first easy and then contralateral gait, we know we are seeing bold and at the same time begs for further
more advanced; some steps becoming more schema manifest. We see the movement substantiation – what concept can take
possible with the accomplishment of earlier brain express healthy function. Image fails normal out of the realm of good and bad?
ones. One can interpret this sequence idea if it attempts to produce contralateral gait. How do we explain normal as something
as an organization of parts or a progression we can’t make happen, that isn’t just more
Rolf’s Sky Hook
of coordinative challenges. Which best fits mischief from body image? The movement
the SI series model? A second hallmark of integration helps brain idea fills this gap and the body
remind us of the movement system point schema/body image concept links it to
To answer this question one can ask
of view. It is Rolf’s picture of the sky hook contemporary neurophysiologic motor
another: At any point in the “recipe” is it
holding up the head. 21 What is that holds control research.
possible for one detail of the work to reveal
up the head? We may have felt it but have
a systemic change in coordination that 4. Imagery, Attention to
we wondered what it implies about our
reflects the point of the entire series? Can we Orientation, Sensory Skill,
movement brain? What allows pleasant
see integration emerge in any session? The Tracking Skills, Experiential
buoyancy of the head following successful
author asserts that it is possible, and we all Anatomy
inter vention? Examples of perceptual
see it happen. Therefore, unlike assembly
interventions include lessons that clarify Imagery, orientation, sensory skills, and
of a car or a clock, the “assembly” process
the location of the occipital condyles 22 or tracking skills, as noted above, are tools used
is in fact not about mechanics but more
that arouse in the imagination an extension within the perceptual realm of SI. The tonic
about reawakening a system, a system that
of the sense of head into the space above function model proposes tools and logic for
is never really “apart.” This brings us to
one such as the cone head exercise.23 These how we negotiate perceptive habits so that
the question, “What tells us the movement
belong to the realm of something called clients achieve shifts in coordination. How
system has awakened?”
ideokinesis. We mention it because it is does anatomy work into this logic? How
3. Rolf’s Templates not something new. In fact, one of Rolf’s is development of anatomical awareness
of Normal Structure inspirations, Mabel Todd, was a movement useful in this model?
brain pioneer.
A part of the SI approach is Rolf’s notion Anatomical Awareness (through Body
that there is such a thing as normal posture Idiokinesis Image) Can Inform Body Schema
and coordination. Rolf ’s insistence on Ideokinetic tools release the body image’s SI practitioners have the opportunity to
normal posture sets her work apart. Manual hold on face (mask) and head posture, use anatomy to assist movement. When
therapies that offer to palliate bodily through perception, so the natural buoyancy we show people the body plan, through
complaints, or psychological therapies that of the head (body schema) expresses itself. models or diagrams, and have a person
assist changes in behavior or emotional Imagination, the perceptive activity of find the body parts of the body plan inside
well-being, while serving a useful function, ideokinesis, releases inhibition by speaking themselves. When we palpate skeletal
do not fulfill the unusual role of SI. to the movement brain. The vestibular geometry, the movement brain is informed.
“For most people in the real world, the system, part of body schema, is stimulated Sensing the mass of the bones, sensing
pattern body has been lost or is no longer and freed to orient the head. the articulations between bones (spaces)
visible. Therefore, in our culture, there is is helpful information and coordination
Ideokinetic imagery, as passed down from
little or no recognition of what this ideal shifts accordingly. And, we will also speak
Todd 24 , Sweigard 25 and, more recently
pattern looks like.”19 Rolf’s words are bold, about muscles and explain their locations.
Franklin, 26 is a potent tool for liberating
and sound dogmatic. She asserts that for Generally it’s not helpful to ask people
movement brain to function more normally
each individual there is an ideal pattern. to consciously think about muscles when
in the manner Rolf indicated. Ideokinesis
Might Rolf ’s ideal be more palatable they move, however. Body image is least
is the use of imagination to stimulate the
expressed as body schema? helpful for direct control of muscles. For
movement brain. Ideokinesis, is an example
SI presumes to say that postural analysis of perceptual intervention – one that can example, we wish people to know about
speaks to something more impor tant give us a feeling of Rolf’s hook. It reminds the transverses abdominus. At the same
than body complaints and body neurosis. us that evolution required all mammals’ time, it is counterproductive to ask someone
Rather than focus on palliating distress, SI heads to move freely. Rolf was pointing out to voluntarily contract it. Body image is
posits happy accidents of body schema, that head buoyancy is our birthright, not a good for perception and rather clumsy at
meaning happy accidents where we observe modern improvement, but one that most coordinative control.
hallmarks of integrative function in gravity. people have lost. We also speak about, and touch, the fascia.
(A shift in coordination may lead to physical The fascia reflects the manner in which body
Rolf ’s functional templates, both explicit
and emotional benefits, but as side-effects to image has exerted effort, but it belongs to
and implicit, are documented in her book

18 Structural Integration / June 2008

Rolfing ® and PERCEPTION
body schema. We educate clients about its Imagine fascial work as a way to speak to Theoretical and Practical
function in support and its responsiveness the movement brain: to “say” to the body Examples of Movement
to life’s challenges. Fascia is part of the for example, “Update your knowledge Brain Thinking
movement brain. We can talk to it and – notice these layers of dry, fused and
through it, but we can’t “do” it. confused fascia in the location I am pressing The following examples show how this
on. These motor units I am outlining as conceptual shift to movement brain thinking
Our touch, through the fascia, can shift how supports Rolf ’s vision of integration: the
separate are, in fact, separate motor units”;
the fascia feels under our hands. What is concept of core, and the concept of the
or to say, “This bone is, in fact, a separate
going on? What about that aspect of SI most vertical axis in gravity.
bone from this other bone”; and “This bone,
linked to its public image: deep pressure
(the radius) has a greater articulation with
in fascia? Body Schema and Core
the carpal bones than its neighbor (the ulna)
5. The Role of Fascial – feel that!” Here words stand in for the One of Rolf ’s templates is the sense of
“Manipulation” in Speaking nonverbal language of touch that speaks strength and power in standing and
to the Movement Brain to proprioception. walking that is often described as
demonstrating “core”. SI authors, as well
What is it that structural integrators are Or what if we thought about pressure
as other professionals, debate the question,
known for doing, classically, in the service in the fascia as a specific demand on the
“What is core?” Answers include but are not
of postural health? A percentage of the SI movement system for coordinative change?
limited to: muscles that lie close to the front
work, at times the majority, involves touch If the demand is not overwhelming and we
of the spine; intrinsic muscles; the viscera;
on the body surface with the intention have started gradually, the client finds that
the spine itself; the transverses abdominus
of moving or releasing fascia. Why? he or she gains skill in allowing demand
and multifidi muscles, the “Line”; and on
Traditional explanations advance the to precipitate organization – coordinative
and on.
notion that SI is a form of deep massage, organization in motor control and body
or a version of myofascial release, or a mapping. If we think about fascial work What happens if we speak about core as
soft-tissue version of osteopathy. Here the this way, how does it shift the meaning of a function of body schema? What if we
reader is invited to consider the different SI? It shifts the focus for the client. He or she reframe our image of the core from body
premises and the conclusions. doesn’t “receive” softening of connective parts or location, to system event – a system
tissue ground substance. He or she attends event that denotes optimum coordinative
Do we know what effect deep slow touch to new information in the ser vice of response to a demand?
has on the biochemistry of the fascia? We coordination. His or her movement brain
have speculation. We have fifty years in What does core look like? Push on someone
is empowered to regain primacy.
which the posited state change within the who is standing and “core” responds by
connective-tissue matrix has been a central For the practitioner, does this change the finding ground and space orientation and
explanation for why SI works. The author way we think about and apply touch? We the application of selected and properly
is agnostic on this point. There may be an might not only think differently but the way s e q u e n c e d m o t o r u n i t s t h ro u g h o u t
effect similar to the one modeled by Rolf we touch might feel quite different, to the the system. The pushed body adapts
in which muscles get unglued from each client and to the practitioner. Does it change and remains stable, without effor t. A
other, or there may not. Fascial researchers how we monitor the effect of our touch? We person walks and we see articulation and
find the hypothesized “gel to sol” action might define a successful moment of contact differentiation, a sense of strength, a sense
elusive in work with cadavers but cadavers quite differently if we look for coordinative of global breath, a bidirectional sense of
are different from live clients. At best, change. spine – what Maitland terms palintonus.28
we are on shaky ground to claim this as Any exercise or task involves a form; core
This shift in meaning generates a coherent
the foundation for Rolf ’s most imitated is an expression of flow in execution of the
framework for the various tools we use in
technique. form.
SI. Movement brain logic is an umbrella
If we change the question to, “Do we term for the different things we do. We How do we evoke core? We provide
know what effect touch in the fascia has embody, we speak, we show, we imagine, perceptual information and then we put a
on the movement brain?”, we can answer we direct attention, we stay present, and demand on the system (at first, preferably,
definitively. We observe immediate shifts in we touch, all in the service of empowering a small demand). Without demand the
coordination from brief moments of touch body schema through better information. core is not called forth. Demand means
in the fascia. We don’t need sophisticated any coordinative challenge and covers a
It is attractive to picture fascial ground
research to demonstrate this point. Gentle spectrum of possibilities. Demand means a
substance literally melting under our
moving pressure on the chest in a first slight posterior reach with the tip of one’s
hands, because it feels like it does. We may
session of SI reveals an immediate shift coccyx bone. Demand means raising the
discover this is a true picture. It may also
in the movement of inspiration. A stroke straight leg from supine without disturbing
be that the neural control of fascial tissue
of touch to the intermuscular septa in the pelvis and spine. Demand means the
is responsive to energy applied in the
the calf on a standing client, while he system has a challenge and core means
form of strong pressure and that when we
or she executes slight knee bend, shifts the system is free to respond in a way Rolf
feel softening we are feeling how quickly
coordination of walking instantly. Pressure might have termed “normal.”
the movement brain can respond to new
on the talus bone during knee flexion also information. Demand includes things that leave no time
shifts coordination of walking instantly. for slow, careful execution: Someone is

Structural Integration / June 2008 19

Rolfing ® and PERCEPTION
asked to run and jump over a bench. If she in lengthening. On closer observation, range of motion is caused by body image,
or he focuses on the bench, the movement palpation reveals that at one or more this is spinal inhibition in contrast to spinal
fails to show core – the subject hesitates segments of the spine, the spinous process lesion (or subluxation), which is an articular
as he or she approaches the bench. If the pushes back against touch as inhalation fixation in body schema.
perception is directed peripherally to starts. Testing this observation, one finds
SI examines the possibility of inhibition
another person adjacent to the bench or to a that when the person pushes against
before attempting to solve lesion because
target in the distance, the schema organizes resistance (with the hand) the same posterior
the movement brain is our province, our
the jump successfully – no hesitation and movement of the spine occurs, at the same
more unique attribute. How might this be
flow from run to jump. A trial of each segment.
version reveals that the schema can respond
Godard has referred to this aspect of body
to the demand better when body image Bench Work for Spinal Inhibition
image as “character knot,” meaning a place
is directed to orientation and perceptual
that, in our attempt to master situations, The figures below illustrate one setup to
we (habitually) attempt to add stability work with inhibition in the spine. The
Inhibition versus Lesion29 by contraction in the front line. 30 Godard client sits on a bench that allows the hips
asserts that all of us demonstrate this to be slightly higher than knees, with feet
We show, we touch, we invite sensory tendency and it’s a matter of where we on the floor and hands on the soft edge of
awareness. These elements come together express it rather than if. Some people show a bodywork table that is fixed so it cannot
in many combinations in the work, as we character knots more strongly and others move. The practitioner shows the client a
envision speaking to the movement brain, more subtly. It is a symptom of the body model of the skeleton and explains what it
as we think about inhibiting body image so looking for a hedge against failure, and it means to allow length to occur on the front
body schema is free to function. adds to each person’s kinetic “fingerprint.” of the spine. Also, the practitioner invites
A central part of the SI template is the sense To be human is to experience failure and to the client to bring attention to the sensory
of two directions in the spine. Orientation of want to avoid its repetition. And, clearly a experience in the hands and feet so the
our axis to ground and space, the sense of bi- character knot does nothing to improve the skin of both extremities has good contact
directionality of the spine speaks especially ease of our movement. with each surface. The client is asked to
loudly to the movement brain. Tonic stay aware of surface contact with the skin
One can work with a client around issues of
function theory suggests every successful of the hands and feet. Also, the client is
character knot standing or supine, inviting
movement begins with a lengthening in invited to notice an imagined vector from
the client to imagine the vertebral segment
the spine, with particular attention to the the top of the head toward the ceiling and
shifting slightly anterior in the moment
front of the spine. from the tail toward the floor and slightly
before inhalation. Sometimes this takes
posterior. Additionally, the client is invited
Body Image as Potential Inhibitor negotiation, and involves exaggerating
to feel weight in the tissue anterior to the
to the Lengthening of the Spine the pattern or finding greater support for
ischial tuberosities. The client is invited to
Does the front of the spine present bi- find a peripheral gaze that brings a spatial
directionality in the initiation of breath and In the course of SI work, a character knot- awareness to the body. The total situation
other movement? If you watch someone like issue may manifest as noticeable is about parameters that demand that
during inhalation you see one or more reductions in range of motion in backward the movement system stabilize the trunk
parts of the spine that do not participate bending in segments of the spine. If reduced (including spine) from hands, feet, and

20 Structural Integration / June 2008

Rolfing ® and PERCEPTION
orientation. leads to a change in coordination as an what?
improvement in contralateral gait. How
After setup, the practitioner presses on the While each practitioner discovers his or
does a sagittal exercise lead to improved
spinous process of a vertebra that he or her own approach, some fundamental
torsion in movement? The particular form,
she feels needs information. The pressure guidelines include: have the client shift
or figure, of the exercise is trivial compared
can be strong in some instances in order to from the new coordination back to the old
to the activation of the system. Only by
help the client register the new possibility and find the benefit to that inhibition and
positing that the movement brain already
of movement, and the sense of the segment acknowledge it. Work with sensation to
knows how to do contralateral gait, and in
having articulation from its neighbors. find the felt sense behind the meaning in
fact prefers this movement, does the cause
Because of stability brought through the former movement. Bring body-image
and effect make sense. The movement
orientation and sensory channels, and awareness to sensation, to the vocabulary
brain expresses optimum coordination
because the client has been informed about of primary security. See if it is possible to
when unhelpful aspects of body image are
potential release of the vertebral segment find the felt sense of security in the new
displaced with better information.
to slide slightly more anterior, the segment coordination. See if it is possible to imagine
is likely to move at least a little through In both of these examples, symptoms that the new coordination in a context outside
its inhibitory barrier. The client is then have little directly to do with the form the container of the session, something the
requested to push the segment back against of the movement challenge may abate client notices and explores with curiosity.
the practitioner’s hand, using the hands and because the movement brain, the system,
feet, staying present to his context with eyes the schema, is operating more robustly in Portals to the Movement
and a sense of bi-directionality in the spine. the absence of messages (from body image) Brain, Summary of Tools
The sequence of anterior and posterior that previously had been causing difficulty.
movement of the segment may be repeated, For example, a knee issue or a shoulder There is no formula for evoking coordinative
and with each instance some further release issue may suddenly organize and improve change. Though it is risky to imply any kind
of inhibition may occur. This is segmental function following a release of inhibition in of formula, is it possible to summarize some
stabilization. This part of a session may trunk stability. of the major opportunities for speaking to
address several segments. the movement brain? What works, so that
Renegotiations with Body Image we speak to schema and inhibit image?
The client is then observed walking. If Here is a partial list of qualities that speak
Practitioners who assist clients with shifts
we see a change in gait, an increase in to the movement brain:
in coordination may notice that small shifts
the contralateral action of the spine, we
of coordination can precipitate emotional 1. The sense of weight and the sense of
see the body-schema response to better
or psychological shifts that feel large to the space.
information, or, put another way, the
client. All admonitions to take care and
displacing of body-image inhibition with 2. I m a gi n e d d i re c t i o n s i nto s p a ce,
titrate apply here. Additionally, what about
information that speaks to the movement imagined vectors.
the body image? It has been interrupted.
The body is suddenly moving in a manner 3. Sensing distance or proximity between
The movement brain or system concept that body image normally blocks. In the objects or between one’s self and
makes it possible to understand how context of the session this may be all right, objects in space.
sagittal movement or, similarly, the sagittal but what about after? And, even within
aspect in the Flight of the Eagle exercise31 the session the body image may suddenly 4. Sensory impression from hands and
resume, effectively saying “no.” Then feet.
5. Imagined bi-directionality along the
long axis of bones and in adjacent
paired bones; bi-directionality in
the long axis of the spine and in the
anterior/posterior axis of the spine.
6. Sensing the mass of, and articulation
between, bones.
7. Sensing skin and movement of skin.
8. Touch that draws the attention of the
fascia, to sense differentiation and
articulation, sometimes very deep
touch in fascia.
9. Peripheral gaze, a gaze that links to
10. Inter-sensory use of any senses
11. Change of gravity orientation of senses.
Weight and space orientation to sight,

Structural Integration / June 2008 21

Rolfing ® and PERCEPTION
hearing, smelling, kinesthesia.32 facilitates lasting change in coordination 3 Proceedings of the October 2007 First
in a patient for which SI manipulative International Fascial Research Congress in
12. Micromovement of joints.
techniques had failed after a number of Boston, available in book or DVD format,
13. Slow motion. sessions to change the subject’s symptoms. are a source for many perspectives on fascia
This shift in coordination has repercussions as an organ of response and information.
14. Use of imagination that interrupts
at the autonomic level as demonstrated
customary body image and provides 4 Head H, Holmes HG. “Sensory
by changes in the measurements of vagal
proprioceptive information to Disturbances from Cerebral Lesions.” Brain,
schema. 1911–1912;34:102–254.

15. Imagination that shifts the meaning of What Conclusion Does 5 Gallagher, S., & Cole, J. (1995) “Body
the context. this Premise Lead To? Image and Body Schema in a Deafferented
Subject.” J. Mind and Behav, 16,369-389.
16. A new demand, or a slightly dangerous If we think of the body as a movement
demand. system, we conclude that SI involves a 6 Pa i l l a rd, J. , “ S e n s o r i m o t o r ve r s u s
spectrum of practitioner skills for restoring Representational Framing of Body Space, A
17. A d e m a n d f o r a c c e l e r a t i o n i n
body schema by speaking to the movement Neural Basis for Distinction between Body
system of the human body, and we find that Schema and Body Image.” Body Image and
18. Triangulation – adding the perception current research validates these methods Body Schema: Interdisciplinary Perspectives,
of an additional oblique or lateral object and this conceptual model. Amsterdam: John Benjamin, 2004.
while responding to a situation.
Fascia is probably the most enduring 7 Livingstone, M., Vision and Art: The Biology
Imagination and Sense legacy of Rolf ’s work. Talk about fascia, of Seeing. New York: Harry N. Abrams,
Perception – Not Separate dysfunctions of fascia, and release of Inc., 2002.
f a s c i a i s n ow u b i q u i to u s. B u t s o m e 8 Peripheral vision is not exclusively
From a phenomenological point of view
considerations of fascia rise to a different responsive to phenomena to the sides or
and from a neurological point of view,
level of thinking. James Oschman is one out of the corners of one’s eyes. Peripheral
imagination and perception are not two
author who researches and writes about vision, although not focused, can receive
separate things. What we perceive through
fascia; he was specifically requested to information in the entire visual field.
our senses and what we perceive by
do so by Rolf and he faithfully performs Also, peripheral and focused vision can
imagining our senses both create identical
this task. Readers of his work come away work together, back and forth. For body
activity in the sensory cortex. If you look
with at least one profound impression: therapists, it is, however, typically more
at the list of opportunities for conveying
Fascia is an organ of communication. 35 challenging to learn to voluntarily shift to
information to the movement brain, much
Signals travel through the body’s fascia at a stronger sense of peripheral or “where”
of the work is about imagination and
the speed of light, and the fascia acts as a vision.
perception. The capacity to select what we
biological semiconductor. When we think
imagine or perceive, and the capacity to 9 Blakeslee, S., and Blakeslee, M., op. cit.
of fascia this way, we amplify the sense that
sustain several perceptions at one time, turn
SI work in the fascia may be more about 10 Holmes N. P., and Spence C., “ The
out to be the skills most useful in releasing
communication and information than about Body Schema and the Multisensory
body schema from body image.
mechanical/biochemical shifts. Representation(s) of Peripersonal Space,”
Research and SI Llinas, in I of the Vortex, From Neurons to Cogn Process, 2004 June; 5(2): 94–105.
Past and Present Self, paints a picture of brain evolution as 11 Godard has reported unpublished case
the means by which life made prediction studies in which a person receiving a
Two notable research achievements for our of movement possible. The brain is life’s prosthetic limb rejects the prosthesis at a
field involve using perception to change answer to the question, “How can I predict body image level and when the body image
coordination. what movement will occur?”36 issue is renegotiated the body schema is
Three members of the SI community What movement will occur in this moment? completely able to adapt quickly to the
have investigated how perceptual We don’t have to ask. Our movement brain prosthesis.
and coordinative inter ventions lead has already done so. 12 Godard posits a model partially derived
to measurable changes. Godard uses
The author acknowledges, and expresses from French psychoanalyst Lacan, that we
conventional EMG equipment and he
appreciation for, collaboration with Hubert have in fact three distinct body images.
participates in experiments that use motion-
Godard on this and other projects. The primar y body image is made up
capture technology. Motion capture uses
of sensations of density and mass and
pressure sensitive plates under the feet
NOTES of spaciousness. It is built through the
and joint angle receptors to pinpoint shifts
sensation opportunities including how we
in coordination and delivers “real time” 1 Quoted in Rolf, I.P., Rolfing®, The Integration are touched and held in early childhood.
biofeedback to client and practitioner. To of Human Structures. New York: Harper and The second body image, what Lacan calls
make these changes Godard uses perceptual Row, 1977, p. 15. the “mirror self”, is the body image at the
2 Blakeslee, S., and Blakeslee, M., The Body level of how we see ourselves and are seen
Cottingham and Maitland show how Has a Mind of Its Own. New York: Random by others. The third body image is symbolic
shifting pre-movement in neck posture House, 2007. body image, at the level of language and

22 Structural Integration / June 2008

Rolfing ® and PERCEPTION
culture mythology. It is useful to remember 31 McHose, C., and Frank, K., op.cit., pp.
that change at the image or schema level is 107-111. Also, Frank, K. “Flight of the
facilitated through resource building at the Eagle – Self Care for Structural Integration
sensation – primary body image – level. Clients.” 2005 IASI Yearbook. Missoula, MT:
IASI, 2005.
13 Rizzolatti, G., et al, “Neurophysiological
Mechanisms Underlying the Understanding 32 Frank, K. “Posture and Perception in
and Imitation of Action.” Nature Reviews/ the Context of the Tonic Function Model of
Neuroscience, Vol. 2, 2001, 661-671. Structural Integration.” 2007 IASI Yearbook.
Missoula, MT: IASI, pp. 27-35.
14 Umilta, M.A., et al, “I Know What You
Are Doing: A Neurophysiological Study.” 33 Godard used EMG while performing the
Neuron, Vol 31, July 19, 2001, pp. 155-165. “unbendable arm experiment”, in which a
straight arm resists bending with greater
15 Frank, K. “Tonic Function - A Gravity
strength and lower effort if the subject
Response Model for Rolfing® Structural
projects a sense of direction, a reach, from
and Movement Integration.” Rolf Lines.
the end of his or her hand, compared with
Boulder, CO: Rolf Institute, March 1995.
the intention to not let the arm bend. In
16 Rolf, I.P., op. cit., p. 30. this experiment the reach elicits a pure
action of the triceps while the resistance to
17 McHose, C., and Frank, K., How Life bending elicits triceps and biceps activation
Moves, Explorations in Meaning and Body simultaneously. Using motion-capture
Awareness. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, technology, a subject can be monitored
2006, p. 121-122. for, among other variables, the balance
18 Caspari , M., “The Functional Rationale of weight pressing from different parts of
of the Recipe.” 2005 IASI Yearbook. Missoula, each foot. The subject is given visual and
MT: IASI, 2005, pp. 51-78. auditory cues about the relative pressure
in each part of both feet and as he or she
19 Rolf, I.P., op. cit., p. 16. modifies the pressure receives feedback on
20 Frank , K . “ The Relationship of the change. After some use of the feedback,
Contralateral Gait and the Tonic Function the subject can reproduce the change
Model of Structural Integration.” Structural without the feedback.
Integration: The Journal of the Rolf Institute. 34 Cottingham, J., & Maitland, J., “A
Boulder, CO: Rolf Institute of Structural Three-Paradigm Treatment Model Using
Integration®, Dec. 2003. Sof t Tissue Mobilization and Guided
21 Rolf, I.P., op. cit., p. 33. Movement-Awareness Techniques for a
Patient with Chronic Low Back Pain: A
22 Sweigard, L., Human Movement Potential, Case Study. JOSPT, Vol. 26, No. 5, Sept.
Its Ideokinetic Facilitation. Dodd, Mead and 1997, pp. 155-167.
Company, Inc., 1974.
35 Oschman, J., Energy M edicine in
23 McHose, C. & Frank, K., op. cit., p. 54. Therapeutics and Human Performance.
24 Todd, M.E. The Thinking Body; A Study of Edinburgh: Butter wor th, Heinemann,
the Balancing Forces of Dynamic Man. New 2003.
York: Dance Horizons, 1937. 36 Llinas, R. R., I of the Vortex, From Neuron
25 Sweigard, L., op. cit. to Self, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001.

26 Franklin, E. Dynamic Alignment Through

Imagery. Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics,
27 Rolf, I.P., op. cit.
28 Maitland, J., “The Palintonic Lines of
Rolfing.” Rolf Lines, Boulder: Rolf Institute of
Structural Integration®, January/February,
1991, pp. 43-49.
29 Caspari, M., “The Functional Rationale
of the Recipe.” 2005 IASI Yearbook. Missoula,
MT: IASI, 2005, p. 51.
30 Lecture notes of the author.

Structural Integration / June 2008 23

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