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Create and present an innovative idea

WHO = 1-3 students

WHEN = April, 27
HOW = oral presentation supported by PowerPoint and/or your own construction OR your video

Personal experience can sometimes trigger an original idea : sometimes problems or situations can be solved in simple ways. Your job is therefore to think about
an innovative idea or invention that could improve our life !

1. Find a solution to make tomorrow’s world a better place.

Think of a situation that needs improving : environment – technology – health, etc.
Find a solution : a way to save energy – an idea for recycling – a tool that will make life easier, etc.
Be creative and inspired... but keep it simple !

2. Start to organise your presentation.

Write a description of the problem and what your idea or invention is (problem it will solve – who
can benefit – where – when – impact) + give a name to this concept.

3. Prepare your presentation.

Decide what visual aids and format will help you make your presentation clearer (video – oral
presentation with PowerPoint – own construction).
In your oral presentation or video (approx. 5 minutes) :
 Think of a striking opening : a quote – a question – a surprising fact, etc.
 Organise your ideas so as to be clear, concise and coherent

Tips to make your oral presentation successful :

 Practice your presentation out loud
 Stress key words and use a dynamic tone
 Anticipate answers to the audience’s potential questions

Invention (problem observed and solution proposed) /8
Oral presentation (format and/or material, oral communication, English) /12

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