Possessive Determiners

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Não te esqueças de que os possessive determiners indicam sempre posse, ou seja, uma

ideia de que alguma coisa pertence a alguém. Colocam-se sempre antes dos nomes (ex.: my
brother; his name; etc.). Para os aplicares corretamente, deves memorizá-los. Estes
Possessive Determiners
determinantes usam-se frequentemente com vocabulário da família (ex.: brother, parents,

Personal pronouns Short forms

I my
you your
he his
she her
it its
we our
you your
they their

A. Tick () the correct option. (Seleciona a opção correta.)

1. Jennifer is my friend. __________________ sister is Mary. a) Their  b) His  c) Her

2. They are Mr and Mrs Smith. __________________ son and daughter are at school.
 a) Its  b) Their  c) Our

3. Henry is my friend. This is __________________ family.  a) my  b) his  c) your

4. __________________ family is big, Tom.  a) Its  b) Your  c) Her

5. Ann and I are sisters. __________________ parents are Susan and Peter.
 a) Their  b) Your  c) Our

6. Hi, Jason. Who is __________________ friend?  a) its  b) your  c) her

7. Hello, I’m the new student. __________________ name is Susan. a) His  b) Our  c) My
1. c) 2. b) 3. b) 4. b) 5. c) 6. b) 7. c)

B.Complete the sentences with the correct possessive determiner. (Completa as frases com o
possessive determiner correto.)
1. _______________ name is Ann. I’m from England.
2. Is that _______________ friend Peter, Kate?
3. That is Oscar. David is _______________ son.
4. Sarah is my friend. _______________ father is from my home town.
5. Chloe and I are twin sisters. _______________ parents are teachers.
6. Daniel and Ann are parents. _______________ daughter Mary is at school.

1. Her 2. Your 3. His 4. Her 5. Her 6. Our 6. Our

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