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Flamion Capucine 2°1

Mother Holle

Once upon a time, a widow was living with her daughter and step-
daughter. The step-mother didn't like her step-daughter and made use of
her, just like Cinderella. One day, while the step-daughter was at a well,
she let fall a shuttle. The widow ordered her to take the shuttle out so, the
next day, she jumped into it to it out, but she lost her senses and woke up
in a meadow where bread and apple tree started to ask her for help, so she
helped them.
She finally arrived in a little house and met an old woman called Mother
Holle. She decided to enter her service and did all she asked, including
shook the old woman's bed every night. She spend some time with Mother
Holle and had a great life however she started to feel sad : she had
homesickness. She told to the old woman that she wanted to come back
home, even she had a better life with her. So Mother Holle took her to the
door where golden rain started to fall. It was real gold! Mother Holle use a
spell to take the daughter home, because she earned it.
When the step-mother saw the industrious daughter home, with all that
gold, she sent her real daughter, the lazy one, to Mother Holle's home. But
she didn't help the bread, or the apple tree, and she didn't do what Mother
Holle asked. So when Mother Holle sent her back home, she sent her back
with pitch to punish her.

Why I chose to present this story ?

I chose to present this story because I liked the end, and I like when the
vilain is punished for his actions. I really liked the lecture that when you
do good things, good things will happen to you.

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