403 Project Question 2020 - Set A

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Salmabad, Kingdom of Bahrain

College of Engineering
2nd tri Tri, 2020-2021
_ Project _set A
Business Statistics – MATH403

Date/Time of Examination:
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1. No permit, No ID, No exam.
2. Use blue or black ballpen only.
3. Mobile phone or any electronic gadget is not allowed while the exam is going on.
4. Anyone caught cheating in any form shall have zero mark in this exam.
5. Conversation in any language is prohibited.
6. Leaving the room while the exam is going on is strictly prohibited.
7. Do not write anything on the test questionnaire; write the answers in the test booklet.
8. Memmory and programable calculators are not allowed.
9. Incident report made by assigned proctor/s is a sufficient ground for disciplinary actions.
10. Read and follow the instructions of each type of test very carefully.

Name: Maha Alghamdi

Student ID: BH17500406

Answer all questions: write each question number and part number ahead of your answer

Question 1 [10 marks]

State the difference between the following: [5 marks each]

- Population and Sample.

- Parameter and Statistics.


Population and Sample.

A sample is a subset of people, items, or events in a larger population that you collect and analyze
for inference. To represent the population well, samples should be collected randomly and large
enough. To understand the basic foundations of hypothesis testing and other inferential statistics, it
is essential to understand the difference between the sample and the population. The ensemble is a
collection of people, projects, or events for which you want to make inferences. It is not always
convenient or possible to check every member of the entire population. For example, it is
impractical to count the scratches on all the apples picked in the orchard. However, it is possible to

Prepared by : Reviewed by: Verified by: Approved by:

Dr. Ghada Abo-Zaid Dr. Ghada Dr. Noaman Dr. Beda T. Aleta
Teacher Head of Mathematics & Assoc. Dean Dean
Science Department
Salmabad, Kingdom of Bahrain
College of Engineering
2nd tri Tri, 2020-2021
_ Project _set A
Business Statistics – MATH403
calculate abrasions on a set of apples extracted from this population. This subset of the population
is called the sample.

Parameter and Statistics

A statistic is any ability (feature) of an example. Given a sample, please state a list of numbers; the
statistic is that number's capacity. The rules are the mean, the most extreme value, the standard
deviation, etc. It does not contain the distribution of information. The parameter records the
likelihood distribution. For example, the normal distribution is constrained by two parameters: mu
and sigma^2. By the way, mu is related to the mean, and sigma^2 is the distribution variance. In
this case, both parameters are additional statistics.

Question 2 [10 marks]

Abby samples the next 40 cracker bags packed by the machine to determine whether it is putting

454 g of crackers in each bag. The sample statistics are as follows: M = 462 g; Q = 16 g. Is the

machine properly filling cracker packages? Set  = .05.

Step 1: Ho:= 454g

Step 2: Ha:454g

Step 3: α = .05

Step 4: tcrit(= .05, df = 24)= ±2.064.

Step 5: = 40

Prepared by : Reviewed by: Verified by: Approved by:

Dr. Ghada Abo-Zaid Dr. Ghada Dr. Noaman Dr. Beda T. Aleta
Teacher Head of Mathematics & Assoc. Dean Dean
Science Department
Salmabad, Kingdom of Bahrain
College of Engineering
2nd tri Tri, 2020-2021
_ Project _set A
Business Statistics – MATH403

Step 6: Because the tobsfall s in the rejection region, we would

reject the null.

t (40) = 3.32147, SEM = 2.529

2 3


Question 3 [10 marks]

Prepared by : Reviewed by: Verified by: Approved by:

Dr. Ghada Abo-Zaid Dr. Ghada Dr. Noaman Dr. Beda T. Aleta
Teacher Head of Mathematics & Assoc. Dean Dean
Science Department
Salmabad, Kingdom of Bahrain
College of Engineering
2nd tri Tri, 2020-2021
_ Project _set A
Business Statistics – MATH403
A research study was conducted to examine the clinical efficacy of a new antidepressant. Depressed

patients were randomly assigned to one of three groups: a placebo group, a group that received a

low dose of the drug, and a group that received a moderate dose of the drug. After four weeks of

treatment, the patients completed the Beck Depression Inventory. From the following data

SST =2275.3 SSW=790.8

1) What would be the null hypothesis in this study?

2) What would be the alternate hypothesis?
3) Construct one-way ANOVA table
4) Is there a significant difference between the groups?
5) Interpret your answer.

H0: μ1 = μ2 = μ3, Mean efficiency of the three groups is same , H1: Mean efficiency of at least one of
the three groups is different



Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups    1,484.93 2 742.47         11.27 0.0018 3.89

Within Groups       790.80 12 65.90

Total    2,275.73 14

Since test statistic is greater than critical value, we reject the null hypothesis. There is a significant
difference between groups

Prepared by : Reviewed by: Verified by: Approved by:

Dr. Ghada Abo-Zaid Dr. Ghada Dr. Noaman Dr. Beda T. Aleta
Teacher Head of Mathematics & Assoc. Dean Dean
Science Department
Salmabad, Kingdom of Bahrain
College of Engineering
2nd tri Tri, 2020-2021
_ Project _set A
Business Statistics – MATH403
Since test statistic is greater than critical value, we reject the null hypothesis and concude that mean
efficiency of at least one of the three groups is different.

Question 4 [20 marks]

The following data were collected to study the relationship between the sale price, y and the total

appraised value, x, of a residential property located in an upscale

x 10 7 6 5 15 9 14 21 18
y 2 8 9 2 8 7 10 9 4

1. Draw the scatter plot

2. Calculate the correlation

3. Calculate the regression model

4. Predict Y when X=5

5. Try to solve it by using the Excel and show the steps.

Prepared by : Reviewed by: Verified by: Approved by:

Dr. Ghada Abo-Zaid Dr. Ghada Dr. Noaman Dr. Beda T. Aleta
Teacher Head of Mathematics & Assoc. Dean Dean
Science Department
Salmabad, Kingdom of Bahrain
College of Engineering
2nd tri Tri, 2020-2021
_ Project _set A
Business Statistics – MATH403



X Y XY X² Y²

10 2 20 100 4

7 8 56 49 64

6 9 54 36 81

5 2 10 25 4

15 8 120 225 64

9 7 63 81 49

14 10 140 196 100

21 9 189 441 81

18 4 72 324 16

Ʃx = Ʃy = Ʃxy = Ʃx² = Ʃy² =

105 59 724 1477 463

Prepared by : Reviewed by: Verified by: Approved by:

Dr. Ghada Abo-Zaid Dr. Ghada Dr. Noaman Dr. Beda T. Aleta
Teacher Head of Mathematics & Assoc. Dean Dean
Science Department
Salmabad, Kingdom of Bahrain
College of Engineering
2nd tri Tri, 2020-2021
_ Project _set A
Business Statistics – MATH403


Sample size, n = 9

x̅ = Ʃx/n = 105/9 = 11.66666667

y̅ = Ʃy/n = 59/9 = 6.555555556

SSxx = Ʃx² - (Ʃx)²/n = 1477 - (105)²/9 = 252

SSyy = Ʃy² - (Ʃy)²/n = 463 - (59)²/9 = 76.22222222

SSxy = Ʃxy - (Ʃx)(Ʃy)/n = 724 - (105)(59)/9 = 35.66666667


a) Scatter plot:

Prepared by : Reviewed by: Verified by: Approved by:

Dr. Ghada Abo-Zaid Dr. Ghada Dr. Noaman Dr. Beda T. Aleta
Teacher Head of Mathematics & Assoc. Dean Dean
Science Department
Salmabad, Kingdom of Bahrain
College of Engineering
2nd tri Tri, 2020-2021
_ Project _set A
Business Statistics – MATH403
b) Correlation coefficient, r = SSxy/√(SSxx*SSyy) = 35.66667/√(252*76.22222) = 0.2573

c) Slope, b = SSxy/SSxx = 35.66667/252 = 0.1415344

y-intercept, a = y̅ -b* x̅ = 6.55556 - (0.14153)*11.66667 = 4.904321

Regression equation :

ŷ = 4.9043 + (0.1415) x
d) Predicted value of y at x = 5

ŷ = 4.9043 + (0.1415) * 5 = 5.612

Rubrics scoring:
For 5 marks

5 marks: Transformation is correct and presented in orderly manner

4-2 marks: Transformation is presented in a manner so the score can follow most of steps
2 marks: Cannot use a correct instruction
1 mark: No real attempt

For 10 marks

10 marks: Transformation is correct and presented in orderly manner

9-5 marks: Transformation is presented in a manner so the score can follow most of steps
4-1 marks: Cannot use a correct instruction
1 mark: No real attempt to initiate a solution step
0 mark: No answer

For 20 marks
20 marks: Transformation is correct and presented in orderly manner
19-16 marks: Transformation is presented in a manner so the score can follow most of steps
15-10 marks: Transformation is presented in an unclear manner
9-2 marks: Cannot use a correct instruction
1 mark: No real attempt to initiate a solution step
0 mark: No answer

Prepared by : Reviewed by: Verified by: Approved by:

Dr. Ghada Abo-Zaid Dr. Ghada Dr. Noaman Dr. Beda T. Aleta
Teacher Head of Mathematics & Assoc. Dean Dean
Science Department

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