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Giraud Camille


Little Red-Cap

The title of the fairytail I have chosen is «  Little Red-Cap ». There are four characters into
it: the Little Red-Cap, her Grandmother, a wolf and a hunter. Its setting is in a wood near a
small village.

Summary :
This story began one day, when a little girl nicknamed Little Red-Cap went to her
grandmother’s in the wood, to give her some foods because she was sick. Her mom send
her and she warned her that she must doesn’t go off the path.
On the road to the old woman’s, the Little Red-Cap met a wolf. They talked together a bit
and the wolf tried to convince the girl that she could gather flowers for her grandmother.
The wolf’s action was smart.When the little girl was going off the path to do a bunch of
flowers he took the oppportunity to head towards the grandma’s house. He pretented to be
the young girl and he go into the house. Inside he ate the grandma.
Then he put on her clothes and he went to bed to pretend to be the grandmother.
After a while, the Little Red-Cap arrived and the wolf ate her too.

-There are differents ends, I have chosen one of them.-

Nevertheless, a few hours afterwards, a hunterman arrived in the house. He found the wolf
sleeping int the bed but he didn’t find the grandma, so he cut the wolf’s body to watch if he
had eaten the old woman. The hunter found the girls their. He took out the little girl and
the grandma and he put stones instead. When the wolf woke up, he died because of the

The resolution is that nevermore the Little Red-Cap will go off the path !

The morals of this fairytail :

- Children must beware of the unknowns !

- Children must listen to their parents !

I have chosen this fairytail because this is the one I heard the most when i was a kid so this
is the one which reminds me the most memories and I like it !

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