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© 2008 Thermo Fisher Corporation Registration No. 441506

SOLAAR House, 19 Mercers Row, Cambridge CB5 8BZ.United Kingdom.
Telephone +44 (0) 1223 347400, Fax +44 (0) 1223 347402,
Chapter 1 Introduction
Windows ...................................................................................1 - 2
Windows Help ..........................................................................1 - 2
Displaying Help for Windows ...................................................1 - 2

Chapter 2 SOLAAR Installation

Spectrometer software..............................................................2 - 3
GFTV software .....................................................................2 - 3
SOLAARsecurity software......................................................2 - 3
Software installation ................................................................2 - 3
SOLAAR Data Station software ............................................2 - 3
Installing the USB drivers on the Data Station......................2 - 4
Installing the USB drivers on the Data Station (Vista) ..........2 - 6
Determining the COM port of the Spectrometer..................2 - 8
Determining the COM port of the Spectrometer using Vista 2 - 8
Installing the Data Station software ........................................2 - 9
Initialising the installation.....................................................2 - 9
Selecting the Installation folder. ..........................................2 - 11
Downloading software to the spectrometer .........................2 - 11
Installing the Support Documentation................................2 - 13
Installing the Adobe Acrobat Reader ...................................2 - 13
The Thermo SOLAAR program group ..................................2 - 14
Repairing and removing the SOLAAR software ..................2 - 17
SOLAAR software and printers .............................................2 - 18
Getting Help for installing a new printer ............................2 - 18
Starting the SOLAAR application .........................................2 - 19
Starting SOLAAR ...............................................................2 - 19
Creating a desktop shortcut to SOLAAR ............................2 - 19
Starting SOLAAR automatically with Windows .................2 - 20
Logging in to SOLAAR software ...........................................2 - 21
Startup option ....................................................................2 - 22

Chapter 3 SOLAAR Software

Overview ..................................................................................3 - 3
Dual Analyses .......................................................................3 - 4
SOLAAR Wizards ....................................................................3 - 4
Methods ...................................................................................3 - 6
Sample Details ......................................................................3 - 6
Results ..................................................................................3 - 6
Working with SOLAAR ...........................................................3 - 7
SOLAAR Status windows .....................................................3 - 8
SOLAAR Method property sheet ..........................................3 - 9

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAARsecurity Pre-Installation Manual - Contents i

SOLAAR dialogue boxes.....................................................3 - 10
SOLAAR Menus.................................................................3 - 11
SOLAAR Tool Bar ..............................................................3 - 13
SOLAAR Status Bars ..........................................................3 - 14
On-line Help ......................................................................3 - 15
Learning to use the On-line Help system ............................3 - 15
Opening the Help Topics: SOLAAR dialogue box ..............3 - 16
SOLAAR Help Table of Contents and Help topics .............3 - 17
Context-sensitive Help........................................................3 - 19
Menu Commands, Status windows and Tools .....................3 - 19
Dialogue boxes and Property pages .....................................3 - 20
Controls on dialogue boxes and Property pages...................3 - 20

Chapter 4 Getting Started

A simple flame analysis ............................................................4 - 3
Before starting ......................................................................4 - 3
Setting up the Method ..........................................................4 - 3
General Method parameters ..................................................4 - 4
Sequence Method parameters................................................4 - 5
Spectrometer Method parameters..........................................4 - 9
Flame Method parameters...................................................4 - 10
Calibration Method parameters ..........................................4 - 10
Saving and loading Methods ...............................................4 - 11
Saving a Method in the Methods Database .........................4 - 11
Loading a previously saved Method ....................................4 - 12
Installing a lamp ....................................................................4 - 12
Setting up the lamp ............................................................4 - 15
Lighting the flame and optimising the burner parameters ...4 - 16
Lighting the flame...............................................................4 - 16
Optimising the burner position ..........................................4 - 17
Running the analysis..............................................................4 - 18
Viewing the results..............................................................4 - 20
Printing the results ..............................................................4 - 21
A simple furnace analysis .......................................................4 - 22
Before starting ....................................................................4 - 22
Setting up the Method ........................................................4 - 23
General Method parameters ................................................4 - 23
Sequence Method parameters..............................................4 - 24
Spectrometer Method parameters........................................4 - 24
Furnace Method parameters................................................4 - 25
Calibration Method parameters ..........................................4 - 25
Sampling Method parameters .............................................4 - 26
Installing and aligning the lamp ...........................................4 - 26
Installing and aligning the Graphite Furnace.......................4 - 27
Loading the sample solution on to the Autosampler............4 - 29
Aligning the Graphite Furnace Autosampler .......................4 - 29
Running the analysis ...........................................................4 - 30
Viewing and printing the results .........................................4 - 31
Viewing absorbance signals .................................................4 - 31

ii SOLAARsecurity Pre-Installation Manual - Contents Thermo Fisher Scientific

A simple vapour analysis .......................................................4 - 31
Sequence Method parameters..............................................4 - 33
Spectrometer Method parameters........................................4 - 34
Vapour Method parameters.................................................4 - 34
Calibration Method parameters ..........................................4 - 35
Lighting the flame..................................................................4 - 37
Viewing and printing the results ...........................................4 - 40

Chapter 5 Dual Analyses

A simple dual analysis ..............................................................5 - 3
Setting up and running a Dual Analysis ................................5 - 3
Dual Analysis Results ............................................................5 - 4

Chapter 6 The OQ Tests Software

Starting the OQ Tests application ...........................................6 - 3
Using the OQ Tests Application ..............................................6 - 3
Customer Diagnostics..............................................................6 - 4
Appendix 1 – Upgrade Considerations ...................................6 - 5

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAARsecurity Pre-Installation Manual - Contents iii

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iv SOLAARsecurity Pre-Installation Manual - Contents Thermo Fisher Scientific

Chapter 1 Introduction

Congratulations on the purchase of your Thermo Scientific Atomic

Absorption system and Thermo SOLAAR software.

SOLAAR ia a powerful, user-friendly system that will meet all your

needs for elemental analysis using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry.
We hope that you will quickly become familiar with the operation and
capabilities of your system.

This manual shows you how to install and use the SOLAAR Data
Station and OQ Tests software. It should be used in conjunction with
the other AA Series User Documentation supplied with your system, in

¬ the Operators manual – this describes the installation, alignment

and use of the Spectrometer and accessories.

¬ the Methods manual – this describes the physical and chemical

principles underlying the technique of Atomic Absorption
Spectrometry, and gives practical guidance on sample preparation
and related topics.

¬ the On-line Help system – this gives a detailed description of the

software, together with instructions on how to carry out all the
main operations. It also includes the On-Line Cookbook, which
gives recommended values for the basic parameters for all the
elements that can be measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry.
This is described in more detail in the SOLAAR Software / On line
Help section.

The SOLAAR Data Station and SOLAAR OQ Tests software also

form part of the SOLAARsecurity software package, which includes
additional software components that provide enhanced features such as
Access Control and Electronic Signatures. These are required to allow
the SOLAAR software to fulfil the requirements of the 21 CFR Part
11 Rule, which applies to organisations regulated by the United States
Food and Drugs Administration. Additional documentation is supplied
in the SOLAARsecurity package that describes these facilities and their
use, and they are not discussed in this manual.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 1 - 1


Windows Your SOLAAR Data Station software operates under the Microsoft
Windows 2000 (SP4), Windows XP (SP2) and Windows Vista
Ultimate operating systems. SOLAAR software has been designed to
use these operating systems and makes optimal use of their facilities.

Note: SOLAAR may not work under earlier versions of Windows

operating systems.

In general SOLAAR follows the general conventions of Microsoft

Windows™ and it is expected that the analyst has a good
understanding of the operating system and functions.
Commands and functions that are common to Windows application
programmes will not be described. It is assumed that buttons such
as OK and Apply are to be selected when the analyst has completed
a selection of options in a dialog box/window and the Cancel button
closes a dialog box/window and erases and data entry or alteration.
In many cases there is more than one acceptable way to perform a
task, access a window etc.

Windows Help All versions of Windows are provided with extensive On-line Help,
which covers all aspects of day-to-day operation.

Displaying Help for Windows To display the On-line Help system for using Windows:

1. Click on the button at the bottom left-hand corner of

the screen to display the Start menu:

1 - 2 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific


2. Click on the Help and Support command.

The Windows Help and Support Center window will be displayed:

– In other versions of Windows, the Help Topics dialogue box may

be displayed in a slightly different format.

3. Click on a Help Topic to open it. Navigate through the menus on

the left hand side of the window to find the specific subject you’re
interested in:

– In other versions of Windows the navigation screens within the

Help section may look slightly different.

4. Click or double click on the topic that you want to view to select
and display it.

For more help in using the Windows On-line Help refer to the
information in the Windows basics BTips for using Help topic.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 1 - 3

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Chapter 2 SOLAAR Installation

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 2 - 1

Software installation

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2 - 2 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Software installation

Spectrometer The Spectrometer in your AA Series Atomic Absorption system contains

a powerful embedded microprocessor to control the low-level operations
software of the various sub-systems and accessories. This microprocessor runs
software that is resident in the Spectrometer itself, which is normally
installed and tested during the manufacture of the equipment. From
time to time we will release updated versions of this resident software
to enhance the performance of the system and provide new facilities
– these can be installed from your Data Station.

Very rarely, a fault in the Spectrometer can corrupt the resident

software. A copy of this software is therefore included on the
SOLAAR Software distribution CD ROM, so that it can be re-installed
in the Spectrometer from the Data Station if required.

GFTV software Your AA Series Atomic Absorption Spectrometer may be fitted with
the Graphite Furnace Television (GFTV) accessory. This is included as
a standard feature on many instruments and can also be provided as a
factory-fitted upgrade. The video from the GFTV accessory is displayed
within the SOLAAR software itself.

SOLAARsecurity software If you have purchased the SOLAARsecurity software package, please
refer to the documentation included in that package for installation

If you have bought your computer as part of a complete system from

Thermo Fisher Scientific or from one of our Agents, the software may
have been pre-installed in our factory.

The software will have been fully tested, both in our factory before
shipping and again during installation by our trained Service Engineers
in your laboratory.

Software If you have supplied your own computer, the Service Engineer will
install and test the software during installation.
installation You will only have to install the software yourself if:
¬ you want to move the software from one computer to another
SOLAAR Data Station software
¬ you want to upgrade the software with a newer version supplied
by us
¬ your original installation has become corrupted.
You will need:
¬ a PC of appropriate specification and capable of running the
appropriate Microsoft Windows operating system.
¬ the appropriate system access rights.
¬ the computer must also have the following facilities:
– a CD-ROM Drive
– a fixed hard disk drive with at least 1 GByte free space available
– an SVGA colour monitor (minimum 1024 x 768 resolution
with 256 colours)

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 2 - 3

Software installation

– an appropriate port for communication with the spectrometer

– an appropriate printer port
– a Windows-compatible mouse
– an appropriate Windows operating system installed on the
– a SOLAAR Software Installation CD-ROM
¬ to upgrade the Spectrometer software, the Spectrometer must
be available and correctly connected to the Data Station.

Installing the USB drivers on the The USB drivers are required so that the Data Station can communicate
Data Station with the spectrometer. The drivers may have been installed on your
computer when the SOLAAR Data Station software was installed, either
at the factory if it was part of a complete system or by one of our Service
Engineers if you supplied your own computer. However, there may be
situations where you need to install the drivers yourself, such as moving
the SOLAAR software to another computer. To carry out the USB driver
installation on your computer you will need the SOLAAR Software
Installation CD-ROM.
1. Ensure that the Spectrometer is off.
2. Connect a USB lead between your computer and the USB
socket on the Spectrometer. A suitable USB lead is provided
with the Spectrometer.
3. Insert the SOLAAR Software Installation CD-ROM into the
CD-ROM drive of your PC
If the SOLAAR Installation program automatically starts,
select Exit.
4. On your computer, launch the Control Panel.
5. In the control panel window, double-click on the System icon.
6. In the System Properties window. Select the Hardware tab,
and click on the Windows Update button.
7. In the Connect to Windows Update window, select the Ask
me to search Windows Update every time I connect a new
device and then click OK.
8. The System Properties window and Control Panel window
can now be closed.
9. Turn on the Spectrometer.
10. The Found New Hardware Wizard window will appear. Select the
No, not this time radio button and then select the Next button.

2 - 4 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Software installation

11. Then select the Install from a list or specific location

(Advanced) radio button and then select the Next button.

12. In the next window, select the Search for the best driver
in these locations radio button. Ensure that the Search
removable media (floppy, CD-ROM…) is ticked. Then select
the Next button.

13. The wizard will now search for the drivers. Once the wizard
has completed, select the Finish button.
14. As there are two or three drivers to install, depending on
whether your Spectrometer is fitted with a GFTV. Follow steps
5 to 8 until the computer has found all the new hardware.
15. Your computer is now ready to be used with the Spectrometer.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 2 - 5

Software installation

Installing the USB drivers on the 1. Ensure that the Spectrometer is off.
Data Station (Vista) 2. Connect a USB lead between your computer and the USB
socket on the Spectrometer. A suitable USB lead is provided
with the Spectrometer.
3. Insert the SOLAAR Installation CD-ROM into the CD-
ROM drive of your PC. If the SOLAAR Installation starts
automatically, select Exit.
4. On your computer launch the Control Panel.
5. In the Control Panel window, double click on the System icon
and then double click on the Advanced System Settings on
Task List
6. In the System Properties window select the Hardware tab and
click on the Windows Update Driver Settings button
7. In the Windows Update Driver Settings window select Ask
me each time I connect a new device before checking for
drivers. Click OK
8. The System Properties and Control Panel windows can now
be closed.
9. Turn on the Spectrometer
10. The Found New Hardware Wizard window will appear.
Select Locate and install driver software.

11. In the next window select Don’t search on line.

12. When the next wizard dialogue box appears click Next.

2 - 6 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Software installation

12. When the next wizard dialogue box appears click Next.

13. Once the driver has been installed the Found New Hardware
Wizard should advise you that the installation is complete.

14. Once the wizard has completed, select the Close button.
15. As there are two or three drivers to install, depending on
whether your Spectrometer is fitted with a GFTV. Follow steps
10 to 14 until the computer has found all the new hardware.
16. Your computer is now ready to be used with the Spectrometer.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 2 - 7

Installing the Data Station software

Determining the COM port of the To determine which COM port the Spectrometer has been assigned on
Spectrometer your computer:

1. Connect the Spectrometer to your computer using the

supplied USB cable.
2. Ensure the Spectrometer is turned on.
3. Click on the button on the desktop and then select
Control Panel.
4. In the Control Panel window, double click on the System icon.
5. In the System Properties window, select the Hardware tab.
Then click on the Device Manager button.
6. In the Device Manager window, click on the + next to Ports
7. The COM port that is assigned to your Spectrometer is
the first in the list labelled CP210x USB to UART driver
(COMx). Where COMx is the COM port number.

Determining the COM port of the When setting up the communications port in the SOLAAR Data
Spectrometer using Vista Software, select the COM port that is assigned to the spectrometer.
Determining the COM port of the Spectrometer using VISTA
To determine which COM port the Spectrometer has been assigned on
your computer:
1. Connect the Spectrometer to your computer using the
supplied USB cable.
2. Ensure the Spectrometer is turned on.
2. Ensure the Spectrometer is turned on.

3. Click on the
3. Click on the
button on the desktop and then select
button on the desktop and then select
Control Panel.
4. In the Control Panel window, double click on the System icon.
5. In the System Properties window, click on the Device
Manager button.
5. In the System Properties window, click on the Device Manager

2 - 8 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Installing the Data Station software

6. In the Device Manager window, window,click

on the nexttoto Ports
the + next
(COMThe COM port that is assigned to your Spectrometer is the first in the lis
& LPT).
7. The COM port that is assigned to your Spectrometer is the first
in the list labelled Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge
(COMx). Where COMx is the COM port number.

Installing the To install the SOLAAR software:

1. Turn on your Data Station and wait until Windows has started
Data Station – if the Data Station is already turned on, exit from any
software programs that are running.
2. Insert the Software Installation CD-ROM into the PC’s CD-
Initialising the installation ROM drive.
If your PC has been set up to start programs automatically
when a CD-ROM is inserted (this is the default), the
SOLAAR Installation program will start automatically and you
should go straight to Step 7 below. Otherwise, follow Steps 3 to
6 first.
3. Click on the button on the taskbar to display the
Start menu.
4. Click on the Run command to display the Run dialogue box.

5. Type D:\autorun.exe (replace D with the appropriate letter if

your CD-ROM drive is not the D drive) into the Open box:

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 2 - 9

Installing the Data Station software

6. Click on OK to close the dialogue box and start up the

SOLAAR Installation program. The following dialogue will be

To install the SOLAAR Data Station software, move the mouse pointer
over Install SOLAAR Data Station and click the mouse button. The
Security Options dialogue will be displayed.

If you are installing the SOLAAR Data Station software only (i.e.,
you are NOT installing the data station for operation with the full
SOLAARsecurity package), select the No option and click OK.
If you ARE installing the data station for operation with the full
SOLAARsecurity package, then you should refer to the installation
instructions included in the user documentation supplied with the

The automatic installation Wizard will then start.

A series of dialogue boxes will be displayed, reporting the progress of

the installation and prompting you to make certain choices. When you
have read the contents of a dialogue box, and supplied any necessary
information, click the Next button to move on the next step.

2 - 10 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Installing the Data Station software

Selecting the Installation folder.

During the installation this dialogue will be displayed, to allow you to

install SOLAAR into a folder of your choice. We recommend that you
accept the default folder.

When the Installation Wizard has all the information that it needs, the
Wizard will display the Start Installation dialogue. You can use the
Back button on this dialogue to return to any of the previous dialogues
to change the information you have entered. When you click on the
Next button, the installation will start.

When the installation has been completed, the Wizard will display
a final dialogue confirming that the installation has been successful.
Click the Finish button to complete the installation.

Downloading software to the To download the spectrometer software to the spectrometer:

spectrometer 1. Turn on the spectrometer and ensure the Data Station is connected
to the PC via an appropriate cable.
2. Start up the SOLAAR Installation program – see the previous
3. Click on Download System Software on the first Installation
dialogue box to display the Download Parameters dialogue.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 2 - 11

Installing the Data Station software

4. Use the drop down list at the left of the dialogue to select the Data
Station’s USB/serial port that you are using.
5. Use the four radio buttons in the middle of the screen to select the
type of download that you want to perform.
¬ Use the first radio button to download new software to the
¬ Use the second radio button to download new software to a
Graphite Furnace accessory connected to the spectrometer.
¬ Use the third radio button to download a new version of
the Local Control software. You must have a Local Control
module fitted before you can do this.
¬ Use the fourth radio button to download new software to the
VP100 vapour accessory.
6. When you have selected the type of download required, click on the
Download button to display the dialogue below.

7. Confirm that you have correctly connected an appropriate cable to

the spectrometer and then click the Continue button.
8. You will then be prompted to turn the target systems OFF, then
ON again. This will ensure that the software in the target system
has been correctly initialised. Click OK when you have done this
and the download will take place.
9. A dialogue showing the progress of the download will be displayed.
10. When the download has been successfully completed, a prompt will
be displayed instructing you to switch the target system OFF, then
ON again, to initialise the new software. Click OK when you have
done this. The system with the new software is then ready to be

2 - 12 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Installing the Data Station software

Installing the Support The Support Documentation contains a wealth of Applications data,
Documentation Technical information and On-line versions of the system Manuals.
The Installation program will create shortcuts to these from the
SOLAAR program group and optionally copy the files on to your hard

Install Support Documentation. Follow the instructions on the screen

to complete the installation of the Support Documentation.

Installing the Adobe Acrobat The Support Documentation is provided as Portable Document
Reader Format (.pdf ) files. To access these files you must install the Adobe
Acrobat Reader. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the
installation of the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 2 - 13

The Thermo SOLAAR program group

The Thermo SOLAAR During the installation of the SOLAAR software,

a Start Menu BAll Programs group is created that contains shortcuts
program group to the SOLAAR application and to other related applications and

Click on the item in the menu to start the application or view the

The following table gives a very brief summary of what each of the main
icons represents.
The main SOLAAR application – select this to start
the SOLAAR software.

The SOLAAR Help system – select this to display

On-line Help for using SOLAAR software.

The OQ Tests – select this to start the

SOLAAR OQ Tests program. This program also
includes a set of Customer Diagnostics tests, to
allow you to identify simple faults that may occur.

Repairing and removing Repairing and removing the SOLAAR software

The Installation Wizard can repair a SOLAAR installation if the
the SOLAAR software program files become corrupted or damaged. It can also remove the
application, or roll back to the previous version.

To repair or remove the main SOLAAR software from your Data


1. Turn on your Data Station and wait until Windows has started.
2. Click on the button to display the Start menu.

2 - 14 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Repairing and removing the SOLAAR software

3. Click on Control Panel to display the Control Panel:

(Different operating systems may display differently)

4. Click on Add or Remove Programs to display the Add or Remove

Programs menu.

5. Click on the Remove a Program icon to display the Add or

Remove Programs Properties dialogue box:

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 2 - 15

Repairing and removing the SOLAAR software

6. Click on SOLAAR in the list, and then on Change/Remove to

display the Select Uninstall Method dialogue box:

7. Click on Custom if you want to be able to select which files, folders

and settings to remove; otherwise leave Automatic selected and
click on Next to display the Perform Rollback dialogue box:

2 - 16 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Repairing and removing the SOLAAR software

8. If your current version of SOLAAR software was installed over an

earlier version and you chose to backup that earlier version when
you installed the newer one, the uninstall procedure will allow you
to remove the newer version and replace it with the older one. This
facility is provided to assist with fault diagnosis; usually you will
not need to use it. Click on Next to display the Perform Uninstall
dialogue box:

9. If you are sure you want to uninstall SOLAAR click on Finish to

remove the program, otherwise click on Cancel.

Note: This procedure will NOT remove any data files created by
the SOLAAR software – to remove, back up or copy these, refer
to the Windows On-line Help. For this reason, it is likely that the
c:\solaarm folder and one or more files or folders contained in
it will remain on your hard disk. If you are sure that there are no
necessary data files in these folders, remove them using the normal
Windows techniques for deleting files and folders.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 2 - 17

SOLAAR software and printers

SOLAAR software and The SOLAAR Data Station software will work with any type of printer
that is supported by the Windows operating system.
Getting Help for installing a new Before you can use a printer, you must first install it into your Windows
printer system. The Windows On-line Help system will guide you through this
process if you have to install a new printer.
To get Help for installing a new printer:
1. Turn on your Data Station and wait until Windows has started.
2. Click on the button on the taskbar to display the Start
3. Click on the Help and Support command to display the Windows
Help dialogue box.
4. Click on the Printing and Faxing link in the Help topics menu on
the left-hand side of the screen.

5. On the Printing and Faxing Help screen click on Printing and then
on Basic Printing Tasks. This will bring up a menu that allows you
to select Help topics for either connecting a printer directly to your
computer, or connecting to a printer on a network.

In other versions of Windows, the procedure required to locate and

access this information may be slightly different.

6. Follow the instructions given in the Help topic.

2 - 18 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Starting the SOLAAR application

Starting the During installation a Thermo SOLAAR submenu is added to the

Program section of the Start menu. The instructions in the next sub-
SOLAAR application section show you how to use this to start SOLAAR software. However,
Windows provides several other ways of starting an application, which
you may find more convenient. You can, for example:
¬ create a shortcut on the desktop that will start the application
without using the Start menu at all.

¬ create a SOLAAR shortcut in the StartUp folder, so that SOLAAR

starts automatically when Windows is started.

Starting SOLAAR To start the SOLAAR software:

1. Turn on your Data Station and wait until Windows has started.
2. Turn on the Spectrometer and its services if required.
3. Click on the button to display the Start menu.
4. Click on All Programs to display the list of program groups, then
Thermo SOLAAR to display the SOLAAR icons:

5. Click on SOLAAR to start the SOLAAR software.

Creating a desktop shortcut to To create a desktop shortcut to SOLAAR:

SOLAAR 1. Right-click on the background of the desktop to access a pop-up
2. Click on New to display a submenu.
3. Click on Shortcut in the New submenu to display the Create
Shortcut dialogue box:

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 2 - 19

Starting the SOLAAR application

4. Enter the path to the SOLAAR application program (the default is

C:\SOLAARM\PROGRAM\Solaar32.exe), or click on Browse to
display a standard Windows file browser dialogue box so that you
can select the file.
5. Click on Next to display the Select a Title for the Program
dialogue box:

6. Edit the name for the shortcut to read SOLAAR and click on Finish.
The new shortcut will appear on the desktop:

To start SOLAAR using the desktop shortcut double-click on the

SOLAAR icon.

Starting SOLAAR automatically To make SOLAAR start automatically when Windows is started:
with Windows 1. Click on the button on the taskbar to display the Start
2. Navigate to the Thermo SOLAAR program group.
3. Right-click on the SOLAAR icon and select Create Shortcut:

2 - 20 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Logging in to SOLAAR software

4. Clicking on Create Shortcut will produce a second icon with the

default name SOLAAR (2).
5. Drag and drop the SOLAAR (2) shortcut into the Startup folder:

SOLAAR will now start automatically when Windows starts.

Logging in to When SOLAAR starts up, it first displays the Login dialogue box so
that you can log in as the current user.
SOLAAR software To log in with the Security System disabled:
1. Start SOLAAR and wait until the Login dialogue box is displayed.

2. Either accept the default user name – SOLAAR Operator

type your own name in the Operator name field.
– If your Windows installation is set up so that you have to log in
to Windows when you start up the Data Station, the SOLAAR
software will automatically display your Windows login User Name.
You can change this if you were not the person who logged in to
3. Click on OK to log in and start SOLAAR.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 2 - 21

Logging in to SOLAAR software

Startup option Once you have logged in, SOLAAR will start up. You will be able to
choose what happens when the program opens, but the default is for
the Wizard Launcher dialogue box to be displayed – see SOLAAR
Software / Overview / SOLAAR Wizards section for an overview of the
SOLAAR Wizards.
If you want to choose another Startup option, you will need to close the
Wizard Launcher dialogue box first.

To do this:
Click on Close in the Wizard Launcher dialogue box.
To choose the Startup option:
1. Click on Options on the View menu to display the Options
dialogue box.
2. Click on the Startup tab to display the Startup page:

3. Click on the radio button for the option you require.

– If you choose Display Wizards on Startup the Wizard Launcher
dialogue box will be displayed when the program opens – this is the
– If you choose Display Method on Startup, when the program
opens the Method property sheet will be displayed showing the
Method that was the Current Method when the program closed
– see Section 3.1.3 for an overview of Methods.
– If you choose Neither the program will start up without opening
any dialogue boxes.
4. Click on OK to close the dialogue box and set the Startup option.

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Chapter 3 SOLAAR Software

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Overview The SOLAAR Data Station software works with the AA Series
Spectrometers and accessories to produce analytical results from your
samples using Atomic Absorption analysis. In order to carry out an
analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry using the AA Series
system, you will need to carry out some or all of the following steps:
¬ develop the methodology
¬ prepare the samples and standard solutions
¬ set up and align the instrument and accessories
¬ set up the analysis on the Data Station
¬ carry out the analysis
¬ review and present the results.

Development of the analytical methodology should cover the whole

analysis, including sample collection, sample preparation, selection of the
elements to be measured, the instrument and accessories to be used and
the values of their operating parameters. SOLAAR software provides many
tools to help you select and optimise the instrument parameters, but the
process of developing methodology is outside the scope of this manual.
Standard and sample preparation techniques are discussed in some
detail in the Atomic Absorption Methods Manual and will not be
discussed further here.
Instrument setup and alignment is described in detail in the Hardware
manual, while techniques for aligning the system and accessories are also
described in the How to… section of the SOLAAR On-line Help system.
Setting up an analysis using SOLAAR software involves changing
the default values of parameters and options to suit the methodology
defined for the analysis. The information that SOLAAR handles is
grouped into distinct functions, shown below:

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 3 - 3

SOLAAR Wizards

The parameters associated with the operation of the Spectrometer and

its accessories are grouped together into Methods – a single Method
specifies all the parameters necessary to analyse a set of samples for a set
of elements by a specific technique.

The Method also includes an Action List, which specifies the

operations that you want to carry out during the analysis. Possible
actions include the analysis of samples, determination of blank values,
calibration and a variety of QC tests. For some types of analysis when
you are not using an autosampler, you can specify the actions required
as you make the measurements. For analyses where you are using an
autosampler and more complex manual analyses, you can specify the
actions required before you start the analysis.

The Action List appears in an Analysis Matrix. This allows you to

choose which actions in the Action List should be carried out for each
of the elements during the analysis.

When the analysis is run, the results are stored in a database and can
be viewed in a Results window. You can choose which results to view
and what data to see for each result. You can display a detailed view of
the results showing several or all of the result parameters, or a summary
showing a selected parameter for each of the elements in the analysis.

The Final Results can be printed to produce a Report of the analysis.

SOLAAR provides you with considerable flexibility in choosing what
to include in the Report. Saved results can also be exported to other
applications for further processing or archiving.

As well as exporting saved results, SOLAAR software can export results

as they are produced to one of the serial communications ports on
the Data Station, which can be connected to a Laboratory Integrated
Management System (LIMS).

Dual Analyses Some models in the AA Series range of spectrometers are equipped
with dual sample compartments. The SOLAAR software enables you
to run a Method in the left-hand compartment and then automatically
switch to the right-hand compartment and run a second method. This
is referred to as a Dual Analysis.

SOLAAR Wizards SOLAAR provides a number of software ‘Wizards’ to help you with
some of the more complex tasks you will need to carry out when you
are using the program. Wizards guide you step-by-step through the
procedure of setting up and carrying out operations using the software.
The Getting Started chapter in this manual gives instructions for
setting up and carrying out operations ‘manually’ rather than by using a

3 - 4 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

SOLAAR Wizards

SOLAAR Wizards can help you to:

¬ create a new method
¬ run an analysis
¬ adjust and optimise the flame system
¬ set up and optimise a graphite furnace analysis
¬ adjust and align accessories
¬ optimise the spectrometer parameters for your analysis
¬ measure and calculate performance criteria, such as Characteristic
Concentrations and Detection Limits, for your analysis.
¬ choose what Results to display and what data should be shown for
¬ print a Results Report.

To use one of the Wizards:

1. Click on the Wizards toolbar button or click on Wizards… in
the Help menu to display the Wizard Launcher dialogue box.

Note: By default, the Wizard Launcher dialogue box is opened when

you start up SOLAAR – see SOLAAR Installation / Start up Option
Section for how to set the Startup option.

2. Click on the button for the Wizard you want to run.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 3 - 5


Methods SOLAAR Methods allow you to:

• use one of the Flame, Furnace or Vapour techniques for an analysis
• for certain types of Vapour analysis, you can specify which dual
atomiser spectrometer sample compartment is to be used
• use Autosamplers and a variety of other accessories for an analysis
• measure up to 500 samples in a single analysis
• measure 1 to 16 elements in these samples in a single analysis
• control the sequence of actions to be performed for each element in
an analysis
• access all instrumental parameters needed to analyse samples for
each element using the Method property sheet
• use default values for all instrumental parameters
• edit the default parameters
• define Sample Details consisting of a Sample Identification label, a
Dilution Factor and a Sample Mass for each sample

SOLAAR Methods can be:

• set up using the SOLAAR Method Wizard
• viewed, created and edited in the Methods tabbed dialogue box
• saved in and loaded from the Method Library

Techniques for working with Methods are described in the Methods

Overview section of the SOLAAR On-line Help system.

Sample Details SOLAAR Sample Details:

¬ allow naming of samples
¬ random or sequential names can be used.
¬ can correct results for sample dilution
¬ can correct results for sample mass
¬ can be used to change the concentration units of the results
¬ can be exported and imported as text or CSV files
¬ can be viewed and edited in the Sample Details dialogue box

Techniques for working with Sample Details are described in the

Sample Details Overview section of the SOLAAR On-line Help

Results SOLAAR Results:

• are generated when you run an analysis of your samples using a
• are saved in a Results database. The following data is stored with the
– the Sequence parameters
– all Method parameters
– the Sample Details used

3 - 6 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Working with SOLAAR

– the signal results

– the concentration and corrected concentration results
– the relative standard deviations of the results
– the raw signal data – this can be deleted to save space in the
• can be viewed in the Results and Signal Windows:
– results are displayed in real time as they are produced
– you can choose which results to display and what data to show
for each result.
• can be viewed in Detail or Summary mode
• can be edited. You can:
– delete and restore individual resamples and mean results
– recalculate standard curves
– change the type of calibration algorithm used
– change the sample details used
– change the type of transient signal between height and area
– change the time period used for measuring transient signals
• can have changes traced, since all changes are logged in a separate
audit trail for each element in each analysis
• can be printed in a Detail or Summary Report. You can:
– control precisely what is printed in the report using the Print
Options command
– preview the printed report using the Print Preview command
• can be exported to text files and to the Clipboard:
– as text for use in word processors
– in .csv format for use in spreadsheets and databases

Working with SOLAAR software provides several ways to interact with the Atomic
Absorption system:
¬ Status Windows are used to display information about the
system and the analysis and do not generally require you to enter
• The Status Bars at the bottom of the screen display the System
Status, the sample being measured and a progress indicator showing
the percentage of the current analysis that has been completed. If a
flame or furnace analysis is being undertaken they will also display
information about the parameters being used in the analysis.
• Dialogue boxes, including Property Sheets and their Property
Pages, allow you to enter information such as parameter values and
to select options. Unlike Status Windows dialogue boxes always
contain at least one button, usually labelled OK. Clicking this
button will close the dialogue box and implement the changes to
parameter values or carry out the actions set in the dialogue box.

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Working with SOLAAR

Most dialogue boxes also have a Cancel button. Clicking this will
close the dialogue box, discarding any changes you have made to
settings and without carrying out any actions.
• Menu commands and Tool Bar buttons are used to issue
commands to the system to cause things to happen, such as an
analysis to start or a dialogue box to open.
Status windows:
• are used to display information:
– about your analysis
– about the system hardware
• can be opened or brought to the front of the display:
– by double-clicking the relevant icon if the window is minimised
– by clicking on the name of the window on the Windows menu
• have associated menus, which:
– appear on the menu bar when the window is active
– contain commands relevant to the window’s content
• have context menus, which:
– appear when you right-click inside the window
– contain commands relevant to the window’s content

SOLAAR Status windows SOLAAR provides eight Status windows, although the windows that
are displayed on the screen at any time will depend on the type of
analysis being undertaken. The Status windows are:
• the Spectrometer Status window provides facilities for monitoring
the Spectrometer optical system
• the Vapour Status window shows the status of the vapour system
• the Calibration window shows the calibration graph and
calibration statistics
• the Signal window shows the analytical signal as it changes with
• the Flame Optimisation Graph window shows the signal as it
changes during a gas flow/burner height optimisation and has the
title Gas Flow Graph or Burner Height Graph depending on the
data it shows
• the QC Protocol window shows the QC Control Chart for
all the results selected for display in the Results window for the
element selected in the Results window. The chart plots corrected
concentration (Y axis) for each result (X axis), with results ordered
chronologically with the earliest results first

3 - 8 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Working with SOLAAR

• the Results window shows the analytical results for the current
analysis, or from a Results file
• the Ash Atomise window displays the results of an Automatic Ash
Atomise experiment during and immediately after the experiment,
or when you have loaded an Ash Atomise file

SOLAAR Method property The SOLAAR Method property sheet:

sheet • provides ‘one stop’ access to all instrumental parameters via the
Method property pages
• provides default values for all instrumental parameters
• allows you to edit the default parameters
• allows you to save and load Methods
• can be opened
– by clicking on the Method Tool Bar button
– by clicking on Method on the Edit menu
– can be automatically opened when SOLAAR starts – See
SOLAAR Installation / Start up option section

SOLAAR provides nine Method property pages, although the pages

that are included in the Method property sheet at any time will depend
on the type of analysis being undertaken and, in certain cases, on
options selected. The following list gives a brief description of each of
the Method property pages:
• the General Method property page allows you to:
– name a Method
– identify the Operator
– describe the Method
– load and save Methods to and from the Methods Library
– create a new Method
– set the analysis technique
– specify whether standard solutions should be shared between
– specify which Autosampler and rack you are using
– specify which flame dilutor or vapour system you are using
• the Sequence Method property page allows you to:
– set up the sequence of actions to be carried out during the
– choose which elements are included for analysis at each step in
the sequence
– set up sample details
– add reagent details for a furnace analysis
– view an Autosampler loading guide, which allows you to control
the placement of samples and standards in the Autosampler

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Working with SOLAAR

• the Spectrometer Method property page allows you to view and

– the Spectrometer optical parameters
– the signal measurement parameters
– the type of background correction used
• the Flame Method property page allows you to view and change:
– the type of flame
– the flame fuel gas flow rate
– flame stabilisation and nebuliser uptake time
– the burner height
• the Furnace Method property page allows you to view and edit:
– the Graphite Furnace parameters
– the Graphite Furnace program
• The Vapour/SFI Method property page allows you to view and edit:
– the vapour mode used
– Vapour/SFI analysis parameters
• the Calibration Method property page allows you to:
– select the calibration method and calibration algorithm
– view and edit the number and concentrations of your standard
– set acceptable limits for calibration curvature, correlation
coefficient and rescaling
• the Sampling Method property page allows you to:
– view and edit the Autosampler parameters
– view and edit the automatic solution preparation parameters
(only available for flame/vapour analyses if the Flame Diluter
accessory is fitted)
– for furnace analyses, view and edit the matrix modification
• The QC Method property page provides facilities for you to:
– view and edit the parameters for the different QC Tests
– set the failure actions for the different QC Tests
– give a name to each type of QC test

SOLAAR dialogue boxes SOLAAR dialogue boxes are used to view and edit other associated
groups of parameters. There are many dialogue boxes used throughout
the SOLAAR software, but the following are some examples that you
will use frequently:
• The Log In dialogue box allows you to identify yourself and when
SOLAAR is started.
• The Setup Dual Analysis dialogue box allows you to specify
Methods for each sample compartment of a dual sample
compartment instrument, and then run both Methods automatically.

3 - 10 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific


• The Sample Details dialogue box allows you to view and edit the
Sample Identification, Mass correction factors and Dilution Ratio
for each sample in your analysis.
• The Reagent Details dialogue box allows you to view and edit the
names of the reagents used in the Furnace Autosampler.
• The Autosampler Volumes dialogue box allows you to view the
volumes of the different solutions that will be used by either
the Flame Autosampler and Diluter accessory, or the Furnace
• The Autosampler Loading Guide dialogue box allows you to view
and edit the layout of the different solutions in both Flame and
Furnace Autosamplers.

SOLAAR Menus SOLAAR Menus are used to issue commands to the software and
hardware modules that make up the Atomic Absorption System. The
menus are displayed on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
The following gives a brief overview of the contents of the main
• The File menu contains commands for loading, saving, importing,
exporting and printing files created by SOLAAR. When there is
no open Results database, the File menu contains commands for
creating and maintaining Results and Method databases.
• The Copy submenu in the Edit menu contains commands for
copying information to the Windows Clipboard so that you
can then paste it into documents in other Windows applications
running on your Data Station. The remaining commands display the
Method property sheets, dialogue boxes to specify and control lamp
properties, a command to switch on the GFTV accessory (if fitted)
and a screen to configure the OQ and PQ Results databases.
• The View menu contains commands to open non-editable dialogue
boxes to view details of the Autosampler contents, to view the
current OQ and PQ results and to turn on/off the Tool Bar and
Status Line displays. It also contains a command to display the
Options dialogue box, which allows you to configure a number of
options controlling the program’s operation. Another option allows
you to hide the status bar at the bottom of the screen, while the
final option allows you to customise the toolbars at the top of the
• The Action menu contains commands controlling the connection
between the Data Station and the Spectrometer, and the setup and
operation of the Spectrometer and accessories.
• The Security command opens the Security dialogue box so that
you can check which options have been enabled by the administrator
to control access to SOLAAR features and data.
• The Stop command, which will only be enabled when an analysis is
in progress and the System Status is BUSY, aborts the current analysis
as soon as it is safe to do so. The current sample result will be lost, but
all completed sample results will be available for you to save or print

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 3 - 11


as required. In most circumstances, it will be possible to continue the

analysis at a later time, from the point at which it was stopped.
• The Windows menu contains commands controlling the display of
the Status windows and icons in the main SOLAAR window.
• The Help menu contains commands that open the on-line Help
Several of the Status windows have associated pop-up Context Menus,
which can be displayed by right-clicking within the window area. These
menus contain commands controlling the function and display of the
specific Status window. For convenience, these menus are also displayed
on the menu bar when the appropriate window is selected. The following
gives a brief overview of the contents of the Status window menus:
• The Signal window context menu (and the Signal menu when the
Signal window is selected) contains commands for adjusting the
display of the signal, for setting and clearing reference signals and
for placing a tracking cursor on the window.
• The Spectrometer Status window context menu (and the Signal
menu when the Spectrometer Status window is selected) contains
commands for adjusting the display of the signal, for displaying,
hiding, freezing and unfreezing the Running Signal display and for
choosing between displaying the signal and concentration.
• The Results window context menu and the Results menu contain
commands for selecting the results to display and the data that
should be displayed for them, for editing the results, and for
viewing data related to a result. When an analysis is in progress,
commands are available for adding actions to the sequence of the
running analysis. If the displayed results belong to an analysis that
was stopped before it was completed, a command to continue the
analysis will be available.
• The Calibration window context menu and the Calibration menu
contain commands for controlling the display of the Calibration
Graph on the Calibration window, for changing the Calibration
Line fit algorithm for the current calibration and for deleting and
restoring calibration standards.
• The Ash Atomise window context menu and the Ash Atomise
menu contain commands for controlling the display of the Ash
Atomise graph on the Ash Atomise window and for choosing which
elements in the current method should use the optimised values
from the Ash Atomise experiment.
• The QC Protocol window context menu and the QC Protocol
menu contain commands for controlling the display of the QC
Control Chart on the QC Protocol window and for displaying
details of a QC Test’s results.
• The Flame Optimisation Graph window context menu and the
Flame Optimisation menu contain commands for controlling
the display of the Gas Flow Graph or Burner Height Graph
depending on the data shown.

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SOLAAR Tool Bar The SOLAAR Tool Bar provides direct and convenient access to several
commonly used commands, so that you do not have to open and
display the menus to issue the commands.
The following table shows the equivalent menu command for each
button and a brief description of what it does:

Action→Autozero performs an Autozero action

Action→Setup Optics sets up the spectrometer optics

Action→Flame→Setup sets up the spectrometer gas control system

Action→Flame→Fuel Up increases the fuel flow rate to the flame by 0.1L/min, unless
the fuel flow rate is at the maximum for the current type of

Action→Flame→Fuel Down decreases the fuel flow rate to the flame by 0.1L/min, unless
the fuel flow rate is at the minimum for the current type of

Action→Flame→Burner Up raises the position of the burner by 0.1mm, unless the burner is
at its highest position

Action→Flame→Burner Down lowers the position of the burner by 0.1mm, unless the burner
is at its lowest position

Action→Autosampler→Wash washes the Autosampler

Action→Autosampler→Purge purges the Autosampler

Action→Clean Cuvette cleans the cuvette

Action→Autosampler→Align positions the furnace Autosampler capillary tip over the

Capillary Tip cuvette for alignment

Action→Analyse runs an analysis using the Current Method

Action→Pause Analysis pauses the current analysis when the current sample
measurement has been completed

Action→Continue Analysis continues the current analysis after it has been paused

Action→Single Solution runs a Single Solution analysis

Action→Run Dual Analysis displays the Setup Dual Analysis dialogue box so that you can
set up and run a dual analysis using both spectrometer
compartments on a dual atomiser instrument

Edit→GFTV displays the GFTV dialogue box so that you can switch the
GFTV accessory on or off
Edit→Lamps displays the Lamp Configuration and Status dialogue box so
that you can control and specify the properties of the lamps

Edit→Method displays the Method property sheet so that you can view or edit
the current method, save the current method or load a saved

Help→Wizards displays the Wizard Launcher dialogue box so that you can
start one of the SOLAAR Wizards

View→Customise Toolbars allows you to edit the buttons placed on the main toolbar and
save customised toolbar designs
Help→About SOLAAR displays the About dialogue box showing details of the version
of the program you are running

Help→What’s This? changes the pointer to the Help pointer, which causes the Help
topic for the next item you click to be displayed.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 3 - 13

SOLAAR Status Bars

SOLAAR also provides facilities for you to create your own tool bars
and buttons, to provide convenient access to commands that you use
frequently. You can access these facilities from the Customise Tool Bars
dialogue, which you can open by clicking the shortcut button on the
Tool Bar, by selecting the Customise Tool Bars command from the
View menu, or by right-clicking on the tool bar area of the screen and
selecting the Customise command from the context menu displayed.

Click on the Help button to access the On-line Help system, where you will
find detailed instructions for creating and maintaining your own Tool Bars.

SOLAAR Status Bars The SOLAAR Status Bars appear at the bottom of the screen.
The right-hand end of the bottom Status Bar gives information about
the current status of the software and the system, including the current
element, the current sample identification and resample number, and
the System Status. When an analysis is running, the centre area of
the Status Bar contains a progress indicator showing the approximate
percentage of the analysis that has been completed. The left-hand end
of the Status Bar is used to give a brief Help message for the Tool Bar
tool or Menu command underneath the pointer.
The flame and furnace Status Bars are displayed only when a burner
or furnace are fitted to the instrument. The flame Status Bar shows
the status of the flame, the fuel flow rate, the type of burner fitted, the
burner height and the status of each of the gases (air, acetylene and
nitrous oxide). Several of these status sections are labelled either red
or green, providing a simple, visual indication of the condition of that
The furnace Status Bar displays information about the furnace phase,
temperature, gas type and gas flow rate, number of cuvette firings and
the status of the Autosampler.

3 - 14 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

On-line Help

On-line Help SOLAAR contains a comprehensive On-line Help system giving full
details of the operation of the software.
There are several different ways to get help from the On-line Help
system. You can get Help by:
• using the SOLAAR Help dialogue box – see Sthe SOLAAR
Software / On-line help / Opening the Help topics:SOLAAR
dialogue box section.
• using ‘context-sensitive’ Help. This can display the appropriate Help
for the specific tool, command, window, dialogue box or control
you are using in the program. See the SOLAAR Software / On-line
help / Context-sensitive help section for the different ways to get
context-sensitive Help.
Before learning about the SOLAAR Help in particular, you may want
to look at the next section, which describes how to get general Help for
using the Windows On-line Help system.

Learning to use the Windows provides an On-line Help file explaining the basics of using
On-line Help system the On-line Help system. SOLAAR gives you direct access to this file
from the Using Help command on the Help menu.
To learn how to use the On-line Help System:
1. Start SOLAAR, and close the Wizard Launcher dialogue box (click
on Close) or Method property sheet (click on Cancel) if either was
opened automatically.

2. Click on Help on the menu bar to display the Help menu:

3. Click on Using Help to display the Windows Help dialogue box.
4. If necessary, click on the Contents tab to display the contents page
(this is the default page, but if you have used the dialogue box
before, it will open at the page that was open when you last used
In Windows XP you will see:

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 3 - 15

On-line Help

5. Click in the left-hand pane on the topic for which you want help,
to display the Help in the right-hand pane.
Other versions of Windows provide similar facilities, but the details of
the dialogue box displayed may be different.

Opening the Help Topics: To display the SOLAAR Help Topics: SOLAAR dialogue box:
SOLAAR dialogue box 1. Start SOLAAR, and close the Wizard Launcher dialogue box (click
on Close) or Method property sheet (click on Cancel) if either was
opened automatically.
2. Click on Help on the menu bar to open the Help menu.

3. Click on Help Topics to display the SOLAAR Help dialogue box.

4. If necessary, click on the Contents tab to display the Contents


3 - 16 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

On-line Help

The Help Topics: SOLAAR dialogue box has three pages – you can use:
• the Contents page to view a structured list of the main topics in the
Help system so that you can select the topic giving the information
you need.
– The topics in the list are grouped together in books. To open a
book, simply slick on the relevant book.
– To display a Help topic from the Table of Contents, click on
the topic.
– See the next section for a description of the structure of the
Contents table.
• the Index page to find a topic using a keyword.
• the Search page to search the text in the Help system for a
particular word or phrase.

If you need Help in using the Index and Find pages, consult the
Windows On-line Help for using Help (see the SOLAAR Software /
On-line Help / Learning to use the on-line help system section) or the
context-sensitive Help on those pages (see the SOLAAR Software / On-
line help / Context-sensitive help section).

SOLAAR Help Table of The topics in the On-line Help system are grouped into five sections:
Contents and Help topics • Overviews – these topics provide brief descriptions of the major
features of the software.
• How to – these topics provide detailed, step-by-step instructions for
carrying out everyday tasks with SOLAAR.
• Troubleshooting – these topics help you to identify and correct
common problems experienced when making Atomic Absorption
spectrometry measurements.
• Cook Book – these topics give summaries of the instrumental
parameters, performance figures and known interferences for all
the elements that can be measured by your SOLAAR Atomic
Absorption system.
• Application Notes – this link provides access to a large library of
applications support documentation. It is highly recommended
that new users, or experienced users analysing an unfamiliar sample,
should look through this information.
Many of the Help topics contain underlined phrases. These underlined
sections provide links to related topics. For example, many of the
Overview topics provide links to How to topics showing how a particular
software feature is used to carry out a task and many of the How to
topics have links to relevant overviews. Troubleshooting topics also
contain links to other Troubleshooting topics to guide you through
the troubleshooting procedure and to How to topics that can provide
solutions to the problems.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 3 - 17

On-line Help

Some words or phrases in a topic may be underlined and coloured:

When you move the pointer over these it changes to a pointing hand:

When you click on an underlined phrase you may be taken directly to

another topic or presented with a list of topics within a pop-up box, for

3 - 18 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

On-line Help

There is one more type of link you will find in the Help system. A few
topics have pictures that have links built in to them. For example, the
Status Bar topic has a picture of the Status Bar. When you move the
pointer over these pictures, the pointer again changes to a pointing
hand showing that they contain links. If you click on the picture, Help
for the item clicked on will be displayed in a pop-up window.

When you are using the program you may come across a feature
Context-sensitive Help
that you are not sure how to use, such as a Tool Bar tool or a menu
command, a control in a dialogue box, or even a whole dialogue box, or
Status window. When this happens you can use Context-sensitive Help to
display specific help for the item.
There are several different ways to display Context-sensitive Help,
depending on the type of item for which you need Help and, to some
extent, personal preference. The following paragraphs describe how to
display Context-sensitive Help in different circumstances.

Menu Commands, Status To display Context-sensitive Help for items in the main program
windows and Tools window (Menu Commands, Status windows and Tools):
1. Click on What’s This? in the Help menu or click on the What’s
This? button in the Tool Bar.
The pointer will change to the Help pointer:
2. Use the pointer to click on the Tool or Status window or select the
Help for the selected item will be displayed in a pop-up window or one
of the main Help windows.
Some of the pop-up Help topics have underlined, coloured phrases,
which you can click to close the pop-up and display further Help in one
of the main Help windows. Otherwise, to close a pop-up window, click
You can also display the Context-sensitive Help for a:
• Status window by selecting it and pressing F1 on the keyboard
• Menu command by clicking on the menu in the Menu Bar to
display it, moving the pointer over the command, pressing (but not
releasing) the mouse button and then pressing F1 on the keyboard.

Note: As well as the Help described above, brief help is given in the
Status Bar when you move the pointer over a tool or menu command.
You can also get Tool Tip Help for the Tool Bar tools by moving the
pointer over the tool button and waiting for a few seconds – the name
of the button will be displayed in a popup.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 3 - 19

On-line Help

Dialogue boxes and Property To display Context-sensitive Help for a dialogue box or Property page:
pages 1. Open the dialogue box or the property sheet and tab to the relevant
property page.
2. Click on the Help button.
Help for the dialogue box will be displayed in one of the main Help
Note: The function of some simple dialogue boxes is self-
explanatory, so they do not have Help buttons.

Controls on dialogue boxes and To display Context-sensitive Help for a control on a dialogue box or
Property pages Property page (for example, a text box for entering data, a check box, a
radio button or a push button):
1. Click on the What’s This? Help button at the top right-hand
corner of the dialogue box to change the pointer to the context-
sensitive Help pointer:
2. Click on the control in the dialogue box for which you want help.
The Help will be displayed in a pop-up window.
Some of the pop-up Help topics have underlined, coloured phrases,
which you can click to close the pop-up and display further Help in
one of the main Help windows. Otherwise, to close a pop-up window,
click anywhere.
You can also display this Context-sensitive Help by selecting the control
(you can select a button control without ‘pressing’ it by moving the
pointer over the button, pressing the mouse button but not releasing
it until you have moved the pointer off the button) and pressing F1 on
the keyboard.

3 - 20 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Chapter 4 Getting Started

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 1

A simple flame analysis

This page is intentionally blank.

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A simple flame analysis

A simple flame This section will guide you through the process of setting up and
performing a simple flame analysis for copper.
analysis Before starting, make sure that your AA Series Spectrometer system
has been correctly installed and tested, and that the various services are
correctly connected.
To carry out a simple flame analysis you have to:
• set up a Method and, optionally, save it in the Methods database.
• install a hollow cathode lamp.
• light a flame.
• optimise the burner and nebuliser impact bead positions.
You can then run the analysis, view the results and finally print a Report
of the results.
To work through the example described below, you will need:
• a copper hollow cathode lamp.
• three copper standard solutions containing 1.00, 2.50 and 5.00
mg/L of copper in 0.1% v/v nitric acid.
• sample solutions containing unknown copper concentrations in the
range 0 – 5 mg/L of copper.
• a blank solution containing 0.1% v/v nitric acid.
• deionised water.

Refer to the safety notices dealing with flame operation in the operator
manual and ensure that you understand the hazards involved and the
Before starting precautions necessary.
Flame analyses are always carried out in the left-hand sample
compartment of dual atomiser spectrometers.
Start the SOLAAR software and log in as described in the SOLAAR
Installation / Starting the SOLAAR Application and SOLAAR
Installation / Logging in to SOLAAR Software sections.
Close the Wizards dialogue box if necessary.

You will set up the Method using the Method property pages provided
on the Method property sheet. For this analysis you will use the default
values for the most of the parameters, then save the Method in the
Setting up the Method Methods database.
To display the Method property sheet so that you can set up the
1. Click on the Show Method button to open the Method
property sheet.
The following subsections describe how to set the parameters on each of
the pages in the Method property sheet.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 3

General Method parameters

General Method To set general analysis parameters for the method:

1. If the General Method property page is not displayed, click on the
General tab:

2. Click on the New button to create a new Method. The Element

dialogue will be displayed:

3. Select Cu from the Periodic Table and confirm that the Technique
is set to Flame. Click OK to close the dialogue and return to the
General page of the Method.
4. Type in a Method Name for the Method.

4 - 4 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

General Method parameters

5. If required, edit the name in the Operator field – it shows the name
of the logged in user by default.
6. Type a description of the analysis in the Description field.
7. Set the remaining controls to the following values:
Segmented Flow Injection = unchecked
Autosampler = None
Rack Code = this is disabled when
Autosampler is
set to None
Flame Dilution = None
Shared Standards = unchecked

Sequence Method parameters You can specify the element for which you want to run the analysis and
the actions to be carried out during the analysis on the Sequence page.
1. Click on the Sequence tab to display the Sequence Method
property page:

The first (and only) element column will now show Cu and there
will be a Cu element button on the right-hand side of the property
page – the element buttons are used to switch the property pages to
different sets of parameters in multi-element methods.
The next step is to define the sequence of actions that will be carried
out during the analysis. SOLAAR software offers you two methods
of doing this
a) You can define the sequence before you start the analysis. This
is the most convenient method when you know how many

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 5

MethodsGeneral Method parameters

samples you want to analyse and you wish to repeat certain

actions at regular intervals throughout the analysis. This is also
the only method that can be used with an autosampler.
b) You can define an initial action (usually a calibration), then
later define subsequent actions while the method is running.
This is convenient for manually analysing small numbers of
samples, but does not allow the full range of actions to be used.
For this experiment you will use the first method and define the
sequence fully before you run the analysis.
When you create a new Method the default sequence contains a
single calibration action in the first position in the sequence.
2. Right-click in the second row of the sequence grid to pop-up the
sequence context menu and click on Insert Action to display the
Insert Action dialogue box:

3. Leave Sample(s) selected and set the Number of Samples field to

the number of samples you have prepared – use a minimum of 4.

4. Click on OK to close the Insert Action dialogue box and return to

the Sequence Method property page.

4 - 6 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

General Method parameters

Four Sample actions will now appear in rows 2 to 5 of the sequence

grid. They will be given the default Solution IDs Sample ID 1,
Sample ID 2 and so on:

The next step gives you the opportunity to give the samples your
own Solution IDs. If you do not want to do this you can go
straight to the next set of instructions.
5. Click on Sample Details to display the Sample Details dialogue box:

a. Click on the name in the first cell of the Sample ID column to

place an editing caret, then edit the name or delete it and type
a suitable name for the first sample.

Note: The Sample Mass, Dilution Ratio and Nominal Mass fields
allow you to specify factors that SOLAAR will use to calculate a
corrected concentration. However, we will not use this feature in this
experiment – see the Help system if you want to learn how to use it.

You can repeat Step a. for the other samples, but the remaining
steps show how SOLAAR provides a shortcut if you just
want to use the same root name for all the samples with an
increasing number to distinguish them.
b. Click in the first row and then SHIFT-click in the last row to
select all the rows.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 7

General Method parameters

Note: You can also select a range of rows by dragging or all the
rows by clicking in one of the headings.

c. Right-click in the grid to pop up the Sample Details context

d. Click on Clone Details to display the Duplicate Sample
Details dialogue box.

e. Check Duplicate Sample Identifier – this enables Auto

Increment ID.
f. Check Auto Increment ID.
g. Click on Copy to close the Duplicate Sample Details
dialogue box and return to the Sample Details dialogue box.
The first sample name will be copied to the other samples, with
the last digit in the name automatically incremented to all the
selected samples:

6. Click on OK in the Sample Details dialogue box to confirm the

settings, close the dialogue box and return to the Sequence Method
property page.
You have now completed all the necessary tasks on the Sequence page.
You will next display the Spectrometer Parameters page and set up the

4 - 8 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Spectrometer Method parameters

Spectrometer Method Spectrometer Parameters for your analysis.

parameters To view the Spectrometer parameters for copper analysis in the method:
1. Click on the Spectrometer tab to display the Spectrometer
property page:

2. Confirm that the Measurement Mode is set to Absorption and

that all the other settings are also set to their default values, as in the
picture above.
3. Click on Cook Book to display a Help window with the Cook
Book information for copper.
Note: The Cook Book will stay open through the following steps
unless you open another Help page. However, it may become hidden
by the program window. If it does you can bring it back to the top by
clicking on its icon in the Windows Task Bar, or by pressing ALT+TAB
repeatedly until it is selected.
You have now completed all the necessary tasks on the Spectrometer
The next step is to set the Flame Parameters for the analysis.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 9

Flame Method parameters

Flame Method parameters To view the Flame parameters for the method:
1. Click on the Flame tab to display the Flame property page:

2. Review the default parameters, but do not change any at this stage.
You have now completed all the necessary tasks on the Flame
Parameters page.
The next step is to set up the Calibration Parameters for the analysis.

Calibration Method parameters To set the Calibration parameters for the method:
1. Click on the Calibration tab to display the Calibration property page:

2. Confirm that the Calibration Method is set to Normal Segmented

Curve Fit.

3. Confirm that the Concentration Units field shows mg/L.

4. Set the Number of Standards to 3 – the first three fields in the

Standard Concentrations table will become enabled.

4 - 10 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Saving and loading Methods

5. Set the first three fields in the Standard Concentrations table

to the concentration values of the standard solutions you have
6. Confirm that the other calibration parameters are set to their default
values, as in the picture above.
You have now completed all the necessary tasks on the Flame
Parameters page
Since we have not included any QC Test actions in the sequence, the
settings on the QC Method property page are irrelevant and your
Method is now complete.
When you close the Method property sheet the method you have
defined will become the Current Method, which will be used when
you next run an analysis. However, you can also save the Method
in the Methods Library so that you can load it again later after you
have defined other Methods. You do this using the General Method
property page, so don’t close the Method property sheet yet.

Saving and loading The Method you have defined will remain as the Current Method until
Methods you edit it, load a saved Method or create a new Method. This means
that it doesn’t matter if you have closed the Method property sheet
before saving the Method – if you open the Method property sheet
again it will show the settings you made before closing it.
Note: A default Methods database is created for you when the
software is installed, but you can set up as many different Methods
databases as you require. For further information open the SOLAAR
On-line Help Contents window and view the SOLAAR BHow to…
Bwork with MethodsB To work with Methods databases topics
(this list shows the Help contents books you need to open to find the

Saving a Method in the Methods 1. Click on the General tab to display the General property page:

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 11

Installing a lamp

2. Click on Save.
3. You will be asked to confirm that you want to save the Method in
the database using the name in the Method Name box:

4. Click on Yes to save the Method and close the dialogue box and
return to the General Method property page.
5. Click on OK to close the Method property sheet.
Note: When you save the Method a new record is created for it in
the SOLAAR Methods Database – it is not saved as a separate file.
The record is identified by the Method name and by the date and time
it was saved. This means that you do not need to give the Method a
unique name; though in practice this will make identifying the Methods
easier at a later date if you do give them unique and meaningful names.

Loading a previously saved 1. Click on the Methods button or click on Method in the Edit
Method menu to open the Method property sheet at its General property page.
2. Click on Load to display the Method Library dialogue box. This
lists the Methods saved in the Methods database.
3. Click on the required Method in the list – the description entered
when you created the Method will be shown in the Description
box to help you identify the Method.
4. Click on Load to close the dialogue box and load the Method.

Installing a lamp To perform any atomic absorption analysis, you must first install
a hollow cathode lamp in the Spectrometer. The procedure below
describes the installation of a Thermo Scientific coded hollow cathode
lamp. Refer to the How to… section of the On-line Help system to
learn how to install other types of lamps.
To install the hollow cathode lamp:
1. Check the Status Bar and confirm that the Data Station is ON

LINE with the Spectrometer.

4 - 12 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Installing a lamp

If the Status Bar says OFF LINE, click on Connect in the Action→
Communications submenu.
2. Click on the Lamps button or click on Lamps… in the Edit
menu to open the Lamp Configuration and Status dialogue box.

3. Select the Carousel Position that you want to use for the lamp and
make sure that Automatic Lamp Alignment is checked.
4. If there are any lamps fitted already and their State is On, click in
their State boxes to set them to Off.
5. Refer to the Hardware manual and remove any lamps fitted.
6. Fit the new lamp.
• If you are using an uncoded lamp, you will need to define its
characteristics. For details, open the On-line Help Contents
window and view the SOLAAR → How to…→work with
lamps→ To install Hollow Cathode Lamps topic.
7. Confirm that:
– the element(s) in the lamp are displayed in the Element field.
– the Type field shows Coded or Uncoded as appropriate.
– the Max Current field shows the maximum current marked on
the lamp.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 13

Installing a lamp

SOLAAR can monitor and record the usage of your lamps. To do this,
you must register the lamp’s Serial Number in the Lamps database, so
that SOLAAR can identify which lamps are being used. The next steps
show you how to do this. Go to Step 16 if you do not want to register
the lamp.
8. Click on Lamp Usage to display the Lamp Usage dialogue box:

9. Click on Add Lamp to display the Add Lamp Serial Number

dialogue box:

10. Click in the Element(s) box to display the Lamp Elements

dialogue box:

11. Click on the lamp’s elements in the periodic table to select them.
You can select more than one element by clicking on them in turn.
If you accidentally select an incorrect element, click on it again to
deselect it.

4 - 14 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Setting up the lamp

12. Click on OK to close the dialogue box and return to the Add Lamp
Serial Number dialogue box.
13. Enter the lamp’s Serial Number.
14. Click on Add to close the Add Lamp Serial Number dialogue box
and return to the Lamp Usage dialogue box.
The new lamp will be added to the list of lamps showing its
Element(s) and Serial Number – as it is a new lamp the usage (mA
Hours) will be 0.
15. Click in the new lamp’s row to select it and click on Close to
close the Lamp Usage dialogue box and return to the Lamp
Configuration and Status dialogue box.
The Lamps grid will show the selected Serial Number with 0 mA
16. Click in the State field for the new lamp to set it to On and confirm
that the lamp has come on.
17. Click on OK to close the Lamp Configuration and Status
dialogue box.
The hollow cathode lamp is now installed and ready to be aligned with
the Spectrometer optical system.

Setting up the lamp All Thermo Scientific AA Series spectrometers provide automatic lamp
alignment facilities. Before setting up the lamp, check the Spectrometer
Sample Compartments to confirm that the optical path is clear of
obstructions. We recommend that you remove any Sample Compartment
accessories before attempting to align a hollow cathode lamp.
1. Set up a Method using the default parameters for copper as
described above, or load the previously saved Method.
2. Click on the Lamp button or click on Lamps… in the Edit
menu to open the Lamp Configuration and Status dialogue, and
confirm that the Automatic Lamp Alignment checkbox is checked.
3. Click on the Optical Setup button .
– confirm that the System Status changes to BUSY during the
optical setup.

– provided that Automatic Lamp Alignment is checked in the

Lamp Configuration and Status dialogue box, the lamp will
be aligned automatically as part of the setup procedure.
– when the optical setup is finished, the System Status will
return to ON LINE.
The lamp is now aligned and ready for use.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 15

Lighting the flame and optimising the burner parameters

Lighting the flame and It is good practice to optimise the burner position and the nebuliser
impact bead before starting work. The Optimise burner and nebuliser
optimising the burner
positions wizard can help you to do this.
parameters The best procedure to follow is to light the flame, then aspirate a test
solution and monitor the absorbance signal while adjusting the burner
position and impact bead controls to obtain the maximum possible signal.
Before lighting the flame, you must first check that:
• an intact explosion disk is fitted in the back of the spray chamber.
• the correct gases are:
– connected to the Spectrometer.
– set to the correct pressures.
• the drain trap is full.
• the drain is flowing freely.
• the burner is clean and fitted correctly.
• the Spectrometer Sample Compartment door is fitted and closed.
Refer to the Hardware manual to learn how to carry out these checks
and note the relevant safety warnings.

Lighting the flame To light the flame:

1. Set up a Method using the default parameters for copper as
described above, or load the previously saved Method.
2. Check the Flame Status Bar at the bottom of the screen and:
– confirm that the burner is Present and that the correct Burner
Type is displayed.
– confirm that the Gas Pressures for the necessary gases are OK.

3. Confirm that the IGNITE switch on the Spectrometer front panel

is flashing.
4. Press and hold the IGNITE switch until the flame is established.
5. Confirm that the Flame Status Bar displays are updated.

6. Click on the Flame Setup button to set up the flame

parameters specified in the Method.
The flame is now established. It is good practice to aspirate deionised
water through the flame system while a flame is burning. So when the
flame is established you should place the nebuliser capillary tip into a
container of deionised water.
It is important to allow the burner to warm up and stabilise before
taking measurements, but the alignment procedure below can be
carried out after a few minutes.

4 - 16 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Lighting the flame and optimising the burner parameters

Optimising the burner position You will need:

• a test solution containing the appropriate analyte at a concentration
of 25 – 200 x the characteristic concentration given in the
Cookbook. The 5.00 mg/L copper standard solution mentioned
above will be suitable.

WARNING. Do NOT attempt to carry out this task while a nitrous

oxide-supported flame is burning. ±

To set up the burner and nebuliser:

1. Set up a Method for flame copper analysis using the default
parameters. Set up the optics and light the flame as described above.
2. Open the Spectrometer Status window and confirm that the
absorbance signal display is active.
3. Aspirate deionised water.
4. Click on the Autozero button and confirm that the absorbance
display shows 0.000 ± 0.002.
5. Aspirate the test solution.
6. Refer to the Hardware manual and:
– open the Sample Compartment door.
– locate the burner position adjustment controls.
– adjust the angular and transverse positions of the burner to
obtain the maximum absorbance signal from the test solution.
– after each adjustment, aspirate the blank solution and autozero
the instrument.
– locate the impact bead adjustment control.
– adjust the control to move the impact bead back towards the
nebuliser as far as it will go.
– the absorbance signal will decrease.
– carefully adjust the control to move the impact bead away from
the nebuliser until the signal reaches a maximum.
– close the burner compartment door.
7. Click on Burner Height on the Action→Optimise submenu to
optimise the burner height automatically – the Burner Height
Graph window will show the optimisation results as they are
The burner and nebuliser system is now correctly adjusted and the
Spectrometer is ready to make measurements. Turn off the flame until
you are ready to carry out the analysis.
The Optimise burner and nebuliser positions wizard can also be used.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 17

Running the analysis

Running the analysis Before running the analysis you should install and align the lamp, and
set up and optimise the burner and nebuliser as described above.
The analysis uses the Current Method – you can see the definition of the
Current Method by opening the Method property sheet. If you do not
want to use this method, use the Method property sheet to define the
required Method or to load a previously saved one.

Before starting, turn on the lamp and light the flame. Aspirate
deionised water for at least ten minutes to allow the instrument to
warm up and stabilise.
Ensure that your blank, standard and sample solutions are available and
clearly labelled.
To run the flame analysis:
1. Open the Results window so that you can see your results as they
are measured, and the Calibration window to see the calibration
plot as it is built up from the standard solution results.
2. Click on the Analyse button to display the Start Analysis
dialogue box:

3. Type in an Analysis Name for the analysis – this will be used to

identify the results.
4. If required, edit the name in the Operator field – it shows the name
of the logged in user by default.
5. Type any notes that you want to save with the results of the analysis
in the Analysis Notes field.
6. Click on Analyse to start the analysis and confirm that:
– the System Status shown on the right of the Status Line
changes to BUSY while the Spectrometer is set up.

4 - 18 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Running the analysis

7. As the analysis proceeds you will be prompted to aspirate the

solution required for each stage, for example:

or for samples:

(This dialogue box allows you to set or edit the Sample Details as the
analysis is run.)
Aspirate each solution as you are prompted and click on OK.
The solution will be measured, and the result will appear on the
Results window.
8. When all the solutions have been measured, a prompt will be
displayed for you to specify your next action:

Select the Stop action by clicking on the Stop button.

– the System Status changes to ON LINE.
You have now carried out a simple flame analysis.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 19

Viewing the results

Viewing the results When you run an analysis the results are saved automatically in the Results
database. You can view any or all of the results stored in the database in the
Results window in any combination. However, when you run an analysis
SOLAAR automatically restricts the results shown in the Results window
to the results for the current analysis (this is the default; if you wish you can
add results from other analyses as the current analysis is running).
To view the results of your analysis:
1. Open the Results window – the mean results for each solution will
be displayed in the upper table:

Note: SOLAAR allows you considerable flexibility in choosing what

data to show in the Results table so your results window may not be
the same as in the example picture – see the Help system for details.

2. Use the scroll bar to the right of the upper table to scroll through
the results.
3. To display the resample results for a sample, click on its mean result
in the upper table – its resamples will be displayed in the lower table.
4. Open the Calibration window. Confirm that the calibration graph
is displayed in the upper part of the window and the Calibration
Details are displayed in the lower part of the window.

4 - 20 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Printing the results

Printing the results Before printing from the SOLAAR application, ensure that your printer is
correctly installed in Windows, that it is turned on and that it is loaded with
paper. Make sure that the printer is ready to accept data – most printers
have an indicator labelled ON LINE, which should be illuminated.
You can print results at any time, even while another analysis is in progress.
Note: Printed SOLAAR Reports contain details of the results
currently displayed in the Results window. Immediately after you
have run an analysis these will just be the results for that analysis,
which is what we want for this example. However, you can click on
Options in the Results menu to display the Results Display Options
dialogue box to select which results to include from the whole
Results database – see the Help system for details.
To print a Results Report:
1. Click on Print Setup on the File menu to open the Print Setup
dialogue box, then:
a. make any necessary changes to the parameters displayed in the
dialogue box to match those of the printer that you want to use.
b. Click on OK to close the Print Setup dialogue box.
2. Click on Print Options on the File menu to display the Report
Printing Options dialogue box:

3. Click on the options that you want to use and click on OK to close
the dialogue box.
4 Either:
a. Click on Results in the File→Print Preview menu, to check
that the Report contains the information that you want to print.
b. Click on the Print button on the top left corner of the Print
Preview display to print the Report as it is shown, or click on
Close to return to the normal display.
Click on Results in the File→Print menu to send the report to
the printer.
Your report containing the results of the analysis will be printed.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 21

A simple furnace analysis

A simple furnace This section will guide you through the process of setting up and
performing a simple graphite furnace analysis. This is in many ways
analysis similar to setting up a flame analysis and we suggest that you first read
Section 2.1 above, if you have not already done so.
To carry out a simple furnace analysis, you must:
¬ set up a Method
¬ install and align a hollow cathode lamp
¬ install and align the Graphite Furnace
¬ install and align the Graphite Furnace Autosampler
¬ load the sample solution into the Autosampler.
You can then run the analysis, save the results and print a Report of the
To work through the example described below, you will need:
• a manganese hollow cathode lamp
• three manganese standard solutions containing 1.0, 5.0 and
10.0 µg/L of manganese in 0.1% v/v nitric acid
• sample solutions containing unknown manganese
concentrations in the range 0 – 10 µg/L of manganese
• a blank solution containing 0.1% v/v nitric acid
• a ridged, coated cuvette for the Graphite Furnace.
It is usually accepted that the use of an Autosampler for Graphite
Furnace analysis is essential to make full use of the capabilities of
modern furnace designs. We have assumed in the following section
that a Furnace Autosampler is available.
There are a range of Graphite Furnace systems available for Thermo
Scientific AA Spectrometers. Although the furnaces differ in
mechanical design, the principles involved in using them and the
software that controls them are identical. The Hardware manual covers
the details of the mechanical controls of all designs of furnace.

Before starting Check that your AA Spectrometer system, Graphite Furnace accessory
and Furnace Autosampler have been correctly installed, and that
the necessary services are correctly connected and adjusted to their
normal operating conditions. Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption
Spectrometry is an inherently safe procedure, as no inflammable
or explosive gases are used. However, you should still review the
appropriate sections of the Hardware manual and ensure that you
understand the hazards involved and the precautions necessary.
Graphite Furnace analyses are always carried out in the left-hand
sample compartment of dual atomiser spectrometers.
Start the SOLAAR application, and log in as described in the SOLAAR
Installation / Starting the SOLAAR Application and SOLAAR
Installation / Logging into SOLAAR sections.

4 - 22 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

A simple furnace analysis

Setting up the Method Set up the Method using the Method property pages provided on
the Method property sheet. For this example analysis you will use the
default values for most of the parameters, then save the Method in the
Methods database.
To set up the furnace Method:
Click on the Methods button to open the Method
property sheet.
The following subsections describe how to set the parameters on the
Method property sheet pages.

General Method parameters To set general analysis parameters for the method:
1. If the General Method property page is not displayed, click on the
General tab.
2. Set the Technique to Furnace:

3. Type in a Method Name for the analysis Method.

4. If required, edit the name in the Operator field – it shows the name
of the logged in user by default.
5. Type a description of the analysis in the Description field.
6. Set the remaining controls to the following values:
Autosampler = Furnace
Rack Code = this is disabled when
is set to Furnace
Shared Standards = Checked

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 23

Sequence Method parameters

Sequence Method parameters The next step is to specify the element for which you want to run
the analysis, the actions to be carried out during the analysis and the
Sample Details. You do this in exactly the same way as for a Flame
See the instructions for setting the Sequence Method parameters
in Section 2.1.2 and set up a Sequence for a manganese analysis
containing a Calibration action, and at least three Sample Actions.
Additional actions are available for you to use in a Furnace Method. In
particular, it is good practise start the Action List with a Cuvette Clean
action, which will cause a Cuvette Clean cycle to be run automatically
before making any measurements. This will ensure that the cuvette is
clean and that the components in the Graphite Furnace have reached
their normal operating temperatures.

Spectrometer Method To view the Spectrometer parameters for manganese analysis in the
parameters method:
1. Click on the Spectrometer tab to display the Spectrometer
property page:

2. Confirm that the Background Correction technique is set to D2


3. Confirm that the other settings are set to their default values, as in
the picture above.

4. Click on Cook Book to display a Help window with the Cook

Book information for manganese.

4 - 24 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Calibration Method parameters

Furnace Method parameters To view the Furnace parameters for the method:
1. Click on the Furnace tab to display the Furnace property page:

2. Review the default parameters, but do not change any at this stage.

Calibration Method parameters To set the Calibration parameters for the method:
1. Click on the Calibration tab to display the Calibration property page:

2. Confirm that the Calibration Method is set to Normal Segmented

Curve Fit.
3. Confirm that the Concentration Units field shows µg/L.
4. Set the Number of Standards to 3 – the first three fields in the
Standard Concentrations table will become enabled.
5. Set the first three fields in the Standard Concentrations table to the
concentration values of the standard solutions you have prepared.
6. Set the Master Standard Conc: field to the concentration of your
top standard.
7. Confirm that the other calibration parameters are set to their default
values, as in the picture above.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 25

Sampling Method parameters

Sampling Method parameters To set the Sampling parameters for the method:

1. Click on the Sampling tab to display the Sampling property page:

2. Set the Working Volume to 10.0 µL.

3. Confirm that the other Sampling parameters are set to their default
values, as in the picture above.
Note: Since we have not included any QC Test actions in the
sequence, the settings on the QC Method property page are

Installing and aligning the This completes the definition of the Method – see Getting Started / A
lamp Simple Flame Analysis / Saving and Loading Methods Section for how
to save the Method in the Methods database.
Ensure that the optical path in the left-hand (flame) sample
compartment of your dual atomiser instrument is clear. If you have a
tilt mounted furnace you can ensure that the optical path in the right-
hand compartment is also clear while aligning the lamp by tilting the
Furnace Head forward towards the front of the instrument. If you have
a furnace on the fixed mount, confirm that a cuvette is correctly fitted
and that the furnace windows are clean.
If you have a single atomiser instrument, the combined Autosampler
and Furnace System will be fitted in the sample compartment. If you
are not confident that the alignment of the Furnace is approximately
correct, remove the furnace before attempting to align the lamp. Refer
to the Operators Manual for instructions as to how to do this.
See Getting Started / A Simple Flame Analysis / Installing the Lamp
and Getting Started / A Simple Flame Analysis / Setting up the lamp
sections for how to install and align the hollow cathode lamp.

4 - 26 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Installing and aligning the Graphite Furnace

Installing and aligning the Your Furnace system will have been installed on to your dual atomiser
Spectrometer by the Thermo Scientific Service Engineer.
Graphite Furnace
When the Furnace on a dual atomiser instrument has been installed
in the Spectrometer, it will have been aligned with the optical system.
Once aligned, the Furnace should not go out of alignment during
normal use.
However, you may have cause to remove the Furnace to use another
accessory in the Right Hand Sample compartment of the spectrometer.
You can remove and refit the Furnace System without losing the
alignment; nevertheless, it is good practice to check the alignment at
regular intervals.
A trained Service Engineer will install and align the Furnace system on
your single atomiser instrument. You can remove and refit the Furnace
System without losing the alignment; nevertheless, it is good practice to
check the alignment at regular intervals.
Alignment procedures for all types of Furnace system are provided in
the Operators Manual.

Aligning the Graphite You must align the Graphite Furnace Autosampler so that the capillary
tip enters the injection hole in the cuvette vertically, without touching
Furnace Autosampler the sides of the injection hole. This adjustment may have been set up
on installation, however you should check it at regular intervals and
whenever you change the autosampler Capillary Tip.
You must then set the vertical position of the tip inside the cuvette, so
that the sample solution is deposited correctly on to the floor of the
The GFTV accessory will greatly simplify this process. If this is not
available you can use a small dental mirror, positioned to the right of
the furnace head, to view the capillary tip inside the cuvette.
You will need:
• either:
– the GFTV accessory fitted,
– a small dental mirror.
• a small torch or desk lamp positioned over the furnace head will also
be useful if the lighting is poor.
Before starting to align the Autosampler, you should:
• install and align a hollow cathode lamp.
• install and align the Graphite Furnace in the Spectrometer.
• install and align a cuvette.
• check that the communications, power, cooling and gas supply
services are properly connected to the Graphite Furnace.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 27

Aligning the Graphite Furnace Autosampler

To align the Graphite Furnace Autosampler:

1. Check the Status Line and confirm that the System Status is ON
2. Refer to the Hardware Manual and:
a. Fit the Autosampler to the Spectrometer and locate the
position adjustment controls.
b. Confirm that the capillary tip is fitted correctly and is not bent.
c. Confirm that the electrical and gas connections are correct.
d. Confirm that the Autosampler wash reservoir is full.
3. Click on the Methods button to open the Method property
sheet at its General page dialogue box and confirm that the
Autosampler is set to Furnace (this may differ depending upon
your instrument type). Close the Method property sheet.
4. Click on the Align Capillary Tip button to move the
Autosampler arm into position over the furnace head.
5. Adjust the position of the Autosampler until the capillary tip enters
the cuvette injection hole.
6. To adjust the height of the capillary tip until it is just above the
cuvette ridges:
Position the dental mirror to the right of the furnace head, to
view the reflected image of the capillary tip inside the cuvette.
a. Click on the GFTV button to display the GFTV dialogue

b. Set the Camera Mode to Analysis.

c. Click on OK to display the GFTV image (note: the GFTV
image appears in the Spectrometer Status window. You must
have this window open to view the GFTV video):

d. Finally, optimise the height of the capillary tip by observing a

sample injection and adjusting the height to obtain a smooth,
complete deposition of the sample in the bottom of the cuvette.

4 - 28 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Aligning the Graphite Furnace Autosampler

You have now correctly aligned the Furnace Autosampler.

It is good practice to purge the Autosampler after fitting and aligning
it, to remove any contamination from the capillary tip and ensure that
there are no bubbles trapped in the liquid handling system.
To purge the Autosampler:
Click on the Autosampler Purge button .
It will take approximately two minutes to purge the Autosampler. The
System Status will be BUSY while the Autosampler is being purged and
will return to ON LINE when the purge has finished.

Loading the sample After you have defined a Method, SOLAAR determines the default
solution on to the positions for the solutions on the Autosampler. You can find out what
these are using the Autosampler Loading Guide, usually abbreviated to
Autosampler ASLG. If you need to change the positions of any samples or standards
you can simply drag them from their original place on the schematic of
the autosampler (right-hand side of the screen), and drop them in a new
location. The list view on the left-hand side of the screen will automatically
update as you modify the locations of samples, standards or blanks.
To look at the Autosampler Loading Guide:
Click on ASLG in the View menu:

Note: You can also open the Autosampler Loading Guide by clicking
on ASLG on the Sequence property page of the Method property

To print the Autosampler Loading Guide:

Click on the Print command on the File menu and then click
on Autosampler Loading Guide.

Refer to the Autosampler Loading Guide and place your solutions in

sample cups in the correct positions on the Autosampler carousel, then
replace the carousel on the Autosampler.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 29

Running the analysis

Running the analysis Before running the analysis, you should install and align the lamp, the
Graphite Furnace and the Graphite Furnace Autosampler, as described above.
The analysis uses the Current Method – you can see the definition of the
Current Method by opening the Method property sheet. If you do not
want to use this Method, use the Method property sheet to define the
required Method or to load a previously saved one.

Before starting
1. Turn on the lamp and allow the instrument to stabilise for at least
ten minutes.
2. Confirm that your solutions have been correctly loaded into the
3. It is good practice to carry out an Autosampler Wash and a Cuvette
Clean cycle immediately before starting the analysis by clicking the
Autosampler Wash button and Cuvette Clean button . If
you have included these as Actions in your Sequence, they will take
place automatically when you start the analysis.

To run the furnace analysis

1. Open the Results window to see your results as they are measured.
2. Open the Signal window to monitor the absorbance signals through
the furnace cycle.
3. If you have the GFTV accessory fitted:
a. Click on the GFTV button to open the GFTV dialogue
b. Set the Camera Mode to Analysis.
c. Click on OK to display the GFTV image so that you can
monitor the sample injections.

Note that the absorbance signal will only be displayed on the Signal
window for the Atomise phase of the furnace program when the
GFTV accessory is in use.

4. Click on the Analyse button to start the analysis.

The analysis will then be carried out automatically. The results
will appear in the Results window and the displays on the Status
windows will be updated as the results are measured.
5. When all the solutions have been measured, a prompt will be
displayed confirming that the analysis has been completed. Click
on OK to acknowledge this.
You have now carried out a simple furnace analysis.

4 - 30 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

A simple vapour analysis

Viewing and printing the The procedures for viewing and printing the results of a furnace analysis
are identical to those used to view and print the results of a flame
analysis – see Getting Started / A Simple Flame Analysis /Viewing the
Results and Getting Started / A Simple Flame Analysis / Printing the
Results sections.

Viewing absorbance When you select a resample result in the Results window, the
signals absorbance signal peak recorded during the atomise phase will be
displayed in the Signal window. Examining the shape of this peak is
often a good way to identify problems with furnace analysis.
You can adjust the display in the Signal window using the commands
and options available in the Signal Options dialogue box.
To adjust the signal display:
1. Right-click in the display area of the Signal window to display the
Signal window context menu.
2. Click on the Options command to open the Signal Options
dialogue box:

3. Set the options that you want to use and click on OK to adjust the
Signal window display.

A simple vapour This section will guide you through the process of setting up and
performing a vapour analysis.
Vapour analyses can be carried out using either flame or electric heating
(mercury analysis can be carried out without heating).

Flame heated Vapour analyses are always carried out in the left-
hand (flame) sample compartment of dual atomiser spectrometers.
Electrically heated vapour analyses and mercury vapour analyses
can be carried out in either sample compartment, provided that the
appropriate mounting kits for supporting the atomisation cells are

If you are using flame heating, the procedure is in many ways similar to
setting up a flame analysis and we suggest that you first read the Getting
Started / Simple Flame Analysis section, if you have not already done so.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 31

A simple vapour analysis

To carry out a simple vapour analysis using flame heating you must:
¬ install and align a hollow cathode lamp
¬ install and align the VP100 Vapour accessory
¬ set up a Method
If you want to use electrical heating, you must also:
¬ install and align the EC90 Electrically Heated Atom Cell
You can then run the analysis, save the results and print a Report of the
To work through the example described below, you will need:
¬ an arsenic hollow cathode lamp
¬ two arsenic standard solutions containing 10.0 and 20.0 µg/L
of arsenic in 5% v/v hydrochloric acid
¬ sample solutions containing unknown arsenic concentrations
in the range 0 – 20 µg/L of arsenic, also containing 5% v/v
hydrochloric acid
¬ a blank solution containing 5% v/v hydrochloric acid
¬ at least 500 mL of sodium borohydride reductant reagent
containing 0.5% m/v of sodium borohydride in 0.1% sodium
hydroxide – this reagent should be freshly prepared
¬ at least 1 L of acid blank reagent containing 5% v/v of
hydrochloric acid
Before starting
Refer to the Safety notices concerned with Flame and Vapour operation
in the Hardware manual and ensure that you understand the hazards
involved and the precautions necessary.
Start the SOLAAR application and log in as described in the SOLAAR
Installation / Starting the SOLAAR Application and SOLAAR
Installation / Logging in to SOLAAR Software section.

Setting up the Method

Set up the Method using the Method property pages provided on
the Method property sheet. For this example analysis you will use the
default values for most of the parameters, then save the Method in the
Methods database.
To set up the Vapour Method:
Click on the Methods button to open the Method property
The following subsections describe how to set the parameters on the
Method property sheet pages.

4 - 32 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Sequence Method parameters

General Method parameters

1. If the General Method property page is not displayed, click on the
General tab:

2. Set the Technique to Vapour.

3. Type in a Method Name for the analysis Method.
4. If required, edit the name in the Operator field – it shows the name
of the logged in user by default.
5. Type a description of the analysis in the Description field.
6. Set the remaining controls to the following values (as shown in the
example picture above):
Segmented Flow Injection = Unchecked
Autosampler = None
Rack Code = this is disabled when
Autosampler is set to None
Shared Standards = Unchecked

Sequence Method parameters The next step is to specify the element for which you want to run
the analysis, the actions to be carried out during the analysis and the
Sample Details. You do this in exactly the same way as for a Flame or
Furnace Method.
See the instructions for setting the Sequence Method parameters in the
Getting Started / A Simple Flame Analysis / Setting up the Method
section, and set up a Sequence for an arsenic analysis containing a
Calibration action and at least three Sample Actions.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 33

Vapour Method parameters

Spectrometer Method To view the Spectrometer parameters for arsenic analysis in the
parameters Method:
1. Click on the Spectrometer tab to display the Spectrometer
property page:

2. Confirm that the settings are set to their default values, as in the
picture above.
3. Click on Cook Book to display a Help window with the Cook
Book information for arsenic.

Vapour Method parameters To set the Vapour parameters for arsenic analysis in the Method:
1. Click on the Vapour/SFI tab to display the Vapour/SFI property page:

2. If you are using flame heating:

a. Select Flame Heating as the Vapour Mode:
b. Confirm that the Acetylene Fuel Flow is set to 1.0 L/min.

4 - 34 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Vapour Method parameters

If you are using the EC90 accessory:

a. Select Electric Heating as the Vapour Mode:
b. Confirm that the Furnace Temperature is set to 900ºC.
3. Select the appropriate vapour accessory from the Vapour Kit drop-
down list box.
4. If you are using the EC90 accessory on an dual atomiser
spectrometer, specify the compartment it is fitted in by
selecting Left Hand or Right Hand from the Vapour Sample
Compartment drop-down list box.

Calibration Method parameters To set the Calibration parameters for the method:
1. Click on the Calibration tab to display the Calibration property

2. Confirm that the Calibration Method is set to Normal Segmented

Curve Fit.
3. Confirm that the Concentration Units field shows µg/L.
4. Set the Number of Standards to 2 – the first two fields in the
Standard Concentrations table will become enabled.
5. Set the first two fields in the Standard Concentrations table to the
concentration values of the standard solutions you have prepared.
6. Confirm that the other calibration parameters are set to their default
values, as in the picture above.
Note: Since we have not included any QC Test actions in the
sequence, the settings on the QC Method property page are
This completes the definition of the Method – see Getting Started / A
Simple Flame Analysis / Saving and Loading Methods section for how
to save the Method in the Methods database.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 35

Installing and aligning the lamp

Installing and aligning the lamp

To ensure that the optical path is clear while aligning the lamp, install
and align the lamp before fitting the vapour system Atom Cell in the
Spectrometer sample compartment.
Now see the Getting Started / A Simple Flame Analysis / Installing the
Lamp and Getting Started / A Simple Flame Analysis / Setting up the
lamp sections for how to install and align the hollow cathode lamp.

Installing the vapour accessories

Refer to the Hardware manual for full details of how to install the
VP100 and the EC90 Electrically Heated Atom Cell accessory.

Aligning the VP100 Atom Cell

The VP100 Atom Cell will be fitted either in the Atom Cell Holder
fitted to the normal burner, or in the EC90 furnace head.
In either case, refer to the Hardware manual to locate the controls that
allow the position of the Cell to be adjusted. Then ensure that the Cell
is in its normal operating position and, using a piece of white card to
locate the light beam, adjust the position of the Cell until the light
from the hollow cathode lamp passes along the axis of the cell.

To align the VP100 Atom Cell:

1. Check the Status Line, and confirm that the System Status is ON
2. Click on the Methods button to open the Method property
3. Set up a Method for arsenic as described above, or load the
previously saved Method.
4. Click on the Spectrometer tab to display the Spectrometer
Method property page.
5. Set Background Correction to none.
6. Click on OK to close the Method property sheet.
7. Open the Spectrometer window.
8. Click on the Optical Setup button to set up the Spectrometer
optical system.
9. When the optical setup is finished and the System Status has
returned to ON LINE, refer to the Hardware manual and:
a. Adjust the Atom Cell position to give the maximum deflection
of the upper optical energy bar graph displayed on the
Spectrometer window.
- If the bar graph goes off scale, click on the Autozero button
to reset it to centre scale.
b. Make small adjustments to the Atom Cell to give a minimum
in the absorbance signal displayed on the Spectrometer
The Atom Cell is now correctly aligned.

4 - 36 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Lighting the flame

Lighting the flame Unless you are using the EC90 Electrically Heated Atomisation Cell
accessory, the Atom Cell is heated by a normal air/acetylene flame.
Before lighting the flame, you must first check that:
¬ the right gases are:
– connected to the Spectrometer
– set to the correct pressures
¬ the drain trap is full.
¬ the drain is flowing freely.
¬ the burner is clean and fitted correctly.
¬ an intact explosion disk is fitted in the back of the spray
¬ the Spectrometer Sample Compartment door, window and
chimney are correctly fitted.
¬ the Atom Cell is in the parked position, away from the flame.

Refer to the Hardware manual to learn how to carry out these checks
and note the relevant safety warnings.
1. Set up a Method for arsenic analysis, ensuring that you have
selected the Vapour Technique with the Vapour Mode set to Flame
Heating, as described above, or use the Load command on the
General page of the Method to load a previously saved Method.
2. Look at the Flame Status Bar and:
– confirm that the correct Burner Type is displayed.
– confirm that the Gas Pressures for the necessary gases are OK.

3. Click on the Flame Setup button to set up the Spectrometer gas

control system.
4. Confirm that the IGNITE switch on the Spectrometer front panel
is flashing.
– If you are using a spectrometer with a semi-automatic gas box
refer to the Operators Manual and set the fuel gas flow rate to
the correct value before attempting to light the flame.
5. Press and hold the IGNITE switch until the flame is established.
6. Confirm that the Flame Status bar is updated:

The flame is now established.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 37

Lighting the flame

Setting the EC90 Furnace Temperature parameter

If you are using the EC90 Electrically Heated Atomisation Cell
accessory, you must set the Furnace Temperature using the accessory
front panel control before you can carry out an analysis. Furnace
Temperatures suitable for the different elements are given in the Cook
Book; for the experiment described below 900ºC is suitable.
Refer to the Operators Manual and:
1. Set the EC90 Furnace Temperature to 900ºC.
2. Turn on the power to EC90 Furnace Head.
The EC90 Furnace will take approximately five minutes to reach its
operating temperature.

Before running the analysis

Before running the analysis, you should install and align the lamp and
set up the VP100, and if necessary the EC90 accessories as described
The analysis uses the Current Method – you can see the definition of the
Current Method by opening the Method property sheet. If you do not
want to use this method, use the Method property sheet to define the
required Method or to load a previously saved one.
Before running the analysis, you should also refer to the Hardware
manual and perform the following steps:
1. Put the reagent solutions in the appropriate VP100 vessels, and
ensure that the uptake tubes are in the vessels.
2. Turn on the VP100 Carrier Gas, and confirm that the flow rate is
approximately 200 mL/min.
3. Turn on the VP100 Peristaltic Pump and adjust the pump cassettes
until the reagents are pumped smoothly into the Gas Liquid
4. Either:
– Light the flame, then move the Atom Cell holder to its
operating position so that the Atom Cell is supported in the
– Turn on the EC90 Furnace and wait until it reaches its
operating temperature.
5. Ensure that your blank, standard and sample solutions are available
and clearly labelled.

4 - 38 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Running the analysis

Running the analysis

To run the vapour analysis:
1. Open the Results window so that you can see your results as they
are measured, and the Calibration window to see the calibration
plot as it is built up from the standard solution results.
2. Click on the Analyse button to display the Start Analysis
dialogue box:

3. Type in an Analysis Name for the analysis – this will be used to

identify the results.
4. If required, edit the name in the Operator field – it shows the name
of the logged in user by default.
5. Type any notes that you want to save with the results of the analysis
in the Analysis Notes field.
6. Click on Analyse to start the analysis and confirm that:
– the System Status shown on the right of the Status Line
changes to BUSY while the Spectrometer is set up.
7. As the analysis proceeds you will be prompted to aspirate the
solution required for each stage, for example:

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 4 - 39

Viewing and printing the results

or for samples:

(This dialogue box allows you to set or edit the Sample Details as
the analysis is run.)
Aspirate each solution as you are prompted and click on OK.
The solution will be measured, and the result will appear on the
Results window.
8. When all the solutions have been measured, a prompt will be
displayed for you to specify your next action:

Select the Stop action by clicking on the Stop button.

- The system status now changes to ON LINE
You have now carried out a simple vapour analysis.

Viewing and printing the The procedures for viewing and printing the results of a vapour analysis
results are identical to those used to view and print the results of a flame
analysis – See Getting Started / A Simple Flame Analysis / Viewing the
Results and Getting Started / A Simple Flame Analysis / Printing the
Results Sections.

4 - 40 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Chapter 5 Dual Analyses

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 5 - 1

A simple dual analysis

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A simple dual analysis

A simple dual Dual atomiser systems can automatically run a Method in the left-hand
sample compartment, followed by a Method in the right-hand sample
analysis compartment – this is known as a Dual Analysis.

Before starting
To carry out a Dual Analysis you must first set up the Methods and
save them in the Methods Database, then install and align the necessary
lamps and finally, set up each sample compartment, as described above.

Setting up and running a The most common combination of methods in a Dual Analysis involves
Dual Analysis running a Flame Method in the left-hand sample compartment,
followed by a Furnace Method in the right-hand sample compartment.
The following example shows you how to run the copper Flame Method
and manganese Furnace Methods that you have created as a Dual
To set up and run a Dual Analysis:
1. Refer to Getting Started / A Simple Furnace Analysis and Getting
Started / A Simple Furnace Analysis section for details of lamps,
sample solutions and installation and alignment procedures for
these Methods.
2. Set up and align the lamps and the atomisers in each sample
3. When you are ready to run the analysis, click on the Run Dual
Analysis button or click on Run Dual Analysis in the Action
4. The Setup Dual Analysis dialogue box will be displayed. The box
at the top-right corner of the dialogue box lists the Methods saved
in the Methods Library.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 5 - 3

A simple dual analysis

5. Locate the copper flame Method that you created and saved earlier
and drag it to the box at the bottom of the picture of the left-hand
sample compartment:
6. Drop the method in the box – the method name will be shown in
the box.
7. Similarly, locate and drag the manganese furnace Method to the
right-hand sample compartment:

8. Complete the Analysis Details on the lower part of the dialogue

9. Click on Run.
The flame analysis will start and run through to completion. When the
flame analysis has finished, the furnace analysis will start automatically.
Note: You cannot save a Dual Analysis as an entity in itself
– only the two individual Methods that are used in it can be saved
separately. This means that when you want to run a Dual Analysis
you have to go through the above process each time.

Dual Analysis Results Results from a Dual Analysis are saved in the Results database as two
separate analyses, and can be viewed, edited and printed using the
normal commands and facilities.
Note: There is no automatic indication in the Analysis Results that
the results were obtained from a Dual Analysis. If it is important that
this information should be saved, use the Description fields for each
method on the Dual Analysis Setup dialogue to record it.

5 - 4 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Chapter 6 The OQ Tests Software

The OQ Tests Software package is included with the main SOLAAR

software and will be installed automatically on your Data Station.

This software package contains a suite of automatic Operational

Qualification tests that require the use of the Calibration Validation
Unit (CVU), supplied as part of the Validatorplus product, which can
only be used if the CVU is available.

This software also contains a suite of User Diagnostics and functionality

for the Gas Box Leak Test, both of which can be used without the
presence of the CVU.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 6 - 1

Starting the OQ Tests application

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6 - 2 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Starting the OQ Tests application

Starting the OQ Tests During installation, a SOLAAR Series submenu is added to the
Program section of the Start menu – this includes the Oqtests item,
application which will start the OQ Tests software.

1. Turn on your Data Station, and wait until Windows has started.
2. Turn on the Spectrometer and its services if required.
3. Click on the button to display the Start menu.
4. Click on All Programs to display the list of program groups, then
Thermo SOLAAR to display the SOLAAR icons:

5. Click on Oqtests to start the OQ Test software. This will

display the login dialogue box. The OQ Test software uses the
same Security system as is used by the main SOLAAR software
and described in the SOLAAR Installation / SOLAARSecurity
Software section of this manual. You must set this up using
the SOLAARsecurity Admin program (not through the main
software), before using the OQ Tests and will then be able to log-in
in your usual way.

Using the OQ Tests The use of this software for performing the OQ Validation Tests
is described in detail in the Validator Log Book supplied with the
Application Validator product.
The OQ Test application can also be used to run a suite of Customer
Diagnostic Tests to check your instrument for simple faults. The
Customer Diagnostics Tests include a manual Gas Leak Test. It is
important for your own safety that you run the Manual Gas Leak
Test at regular intervals and whenever the gas connections to your
instrument have been disturbed.
The OQ Test application also includes a Wizard that will re-calibrate
the Burner Height mechanism and/or the Monochromator mechanism
of your spectrometer. It is unlikely that you will need to use this
Wizard regularly, but if you suspect that either the Burner Height
mechanism or the Monochromator are not working correctly it may be
possible to solve the problem by using the re-calibration Wizard.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 6 - 3

Customer Diagnostics

Customer Diagnostics To run the Customer Diagnostics:

1. Start the OQ Tests application and confirm that it connects to the
2. Select the View→Customer Diagnostics command to display the
Customer Diagnostics Window.

This window provides access to the individual Diagnostics Tests and

displays detailed information about the sensors in your instrument, the
version numbers of the software and your spectrometer configuration.
If you have to call a Service Engineer, be sure to have this information
available, as it will help him to diagnose and solve your problem.
The upper left section of the window provides access to four Diagnostic
Tests. The first three of these are concerned with the various
communication links in your system, while the fourth tests for leaks
in the Flame Gas System. The button below this area provides access
to the Calibrate Wizard, so that you can recalibrate the Burner Height
mechanism and the Monochromator mechanism of your spectrometer.
To run the Diagnostics Tests:
The Diagnostic Tests are run by Wizards. Click the button to start each
test and then follow the instructions given on each page of the Wizard.
When you have completed the instructions, click the Next button to
move on to the next page.
To run the Calibrate Wizard:
You must have a calcium/magnesium multi-element hollow cathode
lamp available to run this Wizard, and there must be a working
connection between the Data Station and the spectrometer.
The Calibrate Wizard starts with the OQ Test software disconnected
from the spectrometer. If the Calibrate button is greyed out, use the
Actions→Disconnect command to disconnect the OQ Test software
from the spectrometer.
Click on the Calibrate button to start the Wizard, then follow the
instructions displayed on-screen. When you have completed the
instructions, click the Next button to move on to the next page.

6 - 4 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

Appendix 1 – Upgrade Considerations

If you are upgrading an earlier installation of SOLAAR software

to SOLAAR version 10 or higher, there are some issues of which
you should be aware. The development of the new features in the
SOLAARsecurity package has involved substantial changes in both the
software itself, and in the databases that are used to store the electronic

Database considerations
Databases created by earlier versions of the SOLAAR software will
appear as READ ONLY when opened with the upgraded SOLAAR
Data Station software. You will be able to view, print and export the
records contained in these databases, but you will NOT be able to add
new records, nor change existing records.
If you want to bring such historical data into the same databases that
are available for the new records created by the upgraded software, you
must copy the records from the old database into a new database created
by the new version of SOLAAR. Analysis Results records copied in
this way will take their existing Audit Trails with them and a new entry
will be added showing where the record has been copied from. Other
records created in earlier versions of SOLAAR do not have audit trails.
When these are copied, a new audit trail will be created for each record.
The first entry in the new audit trail will record that the record has been
copied and the source database from which it was copied.

Earlier versions of SOLAAR Data Station and SOLAAR OQ Tests
applications had a limited security system that allowed users to be
identified and granted permission to use certain facilities. This security
system has been removed from the SOLAAR software and replaced
by the upgraded and improved security facilities provided by the
SOLAARsecurity package.
If you previously used these security features and would like to continue
to have them available, you must upgrade to the full SOLAARsecurity

Thermo Fisher Scientific SOLAAR Series Software Manual 6 - 5

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6 - 6 SOLAAR Series Software Manual Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Annex 1

SOLAAR Software Manual

(9499 400 30011)

Using GFTV with a Microsoft VISTA Operating System

Occasionally when using the GFTV feature on iCE 3000 Series AA

Spectrometers with a PC using a Microsoft VISTA Operating system a slow
refresh rate of the picture may be experienced.

This can be rectified by altering some of the settings as described in this


1. Ensure that the SOLAAR Software is open and connected to the

spectrometer. Open or create a Furnace Method and perform an
optical set up. The main SOLAAR Software Manual (9499 400 30011)
details how to do this.
2. Click on the GFTV icon (or Select Edit / GFTV from the toolbar).

3. In the GFTV window which appears select the Analysis radio button
and OK.

4. This GFTV image will now appear in the Spectrometer Status window.

5. Double click on the image and wait for the Video Source box to appear
(this could take up to 20seconds). Click OK.
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6. In the Video Format box select 640x480 from the Resolution drop
down menu (could be the only option available). Click OK.
(These operations could take up to 20seconds after each click to

7. The GFTV image should now be updating as normal.

If you are logged into VISTA as a local administrator this setting change
should be remembered on the next log in.
If you are logged into VISTA as a user with limited rights then you may have
to repeat this procedure on the next log in.
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Adobe Acrobat Reader

The Support Documentation provided on the SOLAAR Software CD is in

Portable Document Format (.pdf) files. To access these files you must have
Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 installed on your PC. This program can be freely
downloaded from the Adobe website.

There is no download available directly from the SOLAAR software CD.

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