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UNIT 4 Possessive pronouns

(iyelik zamirleri)
Possessive pronouns

It's His book. It's his

İYELİK ZAMİRLERİ de aynı şekilde, BİR ŞEYİN KİME AİT OLDUĞUNU ANLATIR ama tek başlarına kul-
lanılırlar. Özne ve nesne olabilirler.

possessive pronouns
örnek cümleler
(iyelik zamirleri)
mine benimki This is my car, it's mine (O benimkidir)
yours seninki This is your car, it's yours (O seninkidir)
his onunki (erkek) This is his car, it's his (O, onunkidir)
hers onunki (bayan) This is her car, it's hers (O, onunkidir)
its onunki (hayvan ve cansız) This is it's cottage (O, onunkidir)

ours bizimki This is our car, it's ours (O, bizimkidir)

theirs onlarınki This is their car, it's theirs (O, onlarınkidir)

Is this pen mine or yours? (Bu kalem benimki mi, seninki mi?)
It is our problem. Not theirs. (Bu bizim problemimiz. Onların değil.)
Are those girls friends of yours? (Şu kızlar sizin arkadaşınız mı?)
This is my car. (Bu benim arabamdır.) This is mine. (Bu benimkidir.)
This is your book. (Bu senin kitabındır.) This is yours. (Bu seninkidir.)
This is our house. (Bu bizim evimizdir.) This is ours. (Bu bizimkidir.)

Exercise "possessive pronouns"

I looked everywhere for your key. I found John's key but I couldn't find yours.
My flowers are dying. Yours are lovely
All the essays were good but his was the best.
John found his passport but Mary couldn't find hers.
John found his clothes but Mary couldn't find hers.
Here is your car. Ours is over there, where we left it.
Your photos are good. Ours are terrible.
I don't like this family's garden but I like yours.

4.1 Fill in each blank with the “possessive pronoun “

1. This is her office. This is hers 2 .That is my pen. It is...............

3. These CDs belong to me. They are ..........4. Is this your hat? Is it..................?
5. That is my cat. That is ................ 6. This is your pencil. This is ...................
7. This is her present. This is ................. 8. This is our house. This house is ..............
9. That book belongs to me. It is ........... 10. This chair belongs to my mum. This chair is........

4.2 Complete the sentences with the “Possessive pronoun”

1. It is Jane's car. It’s hers

2. It isn't my book .................. is in my bedroom.
3. Oh no! I have forgotten my book. Can you lend me ...............?
4. I met Ken yesterday. My bicycle is more beautiful than ...............
5. I like my job but Lucy doesn't like ....................
6. Whose pen is it? David, is it ....................?
7. No, it isn't ................... it must be Jenny's.
8. Mary went to the cinema with her children last Sunday. We visited a museum with .............
9. This house isn't the Smiths ................. is in Market Street.
10. It isn't Mary's birthday today ............... is on February 10th.
11. Mark's car is not red. ............. is blue.
12. The Biggs haven't got an old car ................ is new.

UNIT 5 Definite article “the”
(belirlilik tanıtıcısı)

DEFINITE ARTICLE: THE (Belirli artikel)

The house we've just visited is the most expensive one.

İngilizcede “The”, Definite article belirlilik tanıtıcısı’dır. Belirlilik ifade eder. DAHA ÖNCE BAHSEDİLMİŞ
BİR ŞEYDEN BAHSEDERKEN KULLANILIR. Yani bir kelimenin başına “the” tanıtıcısı gelmesi için, o keli-
menin, söyleyen ve dinleyen tarafından BİLİNEN BİRŞEY OLMASI GEREKİR.

Where is the book? (Kitap nerededir?)

Diye sorulduğu zaman soranın ve dinleyenin BİLDİĞİ BİR KİTAP vardır.
The book is on the table. (Kitap masanın üzerindedir.)
Şeklinde bir cevap verilirse BILINEN BIR KITAPTAN bahsedildiği anlaşılır.
The player is very good. (Oyuncu çok iyi.)
Did you clean the car? (Arabayı temizledin mi?)
There's a man at the door. He wants to see you. (Kapıda bir adam var. Seni görmek istiyor.)
The apple you ate was rotten. (Yediğin elma çürüktü.)
"Did you lock the car?" (Arabayı kilitledin mi?)
Does the artist live near here? (Sanatkâr buralarda mı yaşıyor?)
"She's got two children; a girl and a boy. The girl's eight and the boy's five."
(Onun iki çocuğu var; bir kız ve bir oğlan. Kız sekiz ve oğlan beş yaşındadır.)


DEFINITE ARTICLE Superlative (en üstünlük karşılaş.) yapı ile kullanıldığı zaman sıfattan önce gelir;
He is the tallest boy in our class.
DEFINITE ARTICLE Ulus isimlerini the ile kullanarak, bütün bir ulusu ifade eden çoğul bir anlam verebiliriz.
The Japanese are very industrious people.
DEFINITE ARTICLE East, west, north gibi yön bildiren sözcüklerle bölgeleri belirtirken the kullanılır.
the Middle East, the Far East, the east of Turkey
DEFINITE ARTICLE Okyanus, kanal, deniz, nehir İsimleri ile kullanılır.

the Black Sea, the Mississippi, the Nile , the Pacific Ocean
DEFINITE ARTICLE Takım adalar, dağlar çoğul bir isimle kullanıldıklarında the alırlar.
the Canary Islands, the Andes, the Alps, the Thames
DEFINITE ARTICLE The + adjective bir insan sınıfını ifade eder.
the old people in general
DEFINITE ARTICLE Ülkelerin çok azında ve birlik isimlerinde kullanılır.
the Philippines, The Netherlands, The Sudan
DEFINITE ARTICLE Tek olan şeylerden ve müzik aletlerinden söz ederken;
the sun the moon the earth the sky the trumpet the piano the guitar
DEFINITE ARTICLE Sayılabilir tekil bir ismi the ile bütün bir türü ifade edecek bir şekilde kullanabiliriz;
the monkey likes bonona,
DEFINITE ARTICLE Tren, uçak, gemi ve benzerlerinin isimleri ve tarihi olaylarda;
the Concorde the Titanic the Ascension
DEFINITE ARTICLE The +çoğul soyad, ‘ailesi’ demek için kullanılır.
The Browns came = Mr and Mrs Brown (and children) came.

Exercise " definite articles"

It's a beautiful day. Let's sit in the garden.

I like living in this house but it's a pity that the garden is so small.
We had dinner in the most expensive restaurant in town.
What's the name of that man we met yesterday?
We stayed at a very nice hotel - I can't remember the name now.
Our plane was delayed. We had to wait at the airport for three hours.
Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to the airport?
Are you going away next week? ‘No, the week after next.'

5.1 Fill in the blanks with “ the” or leave them empty

............. Rick is one of ............. ___ Smiths who live on our street.
Rick is one of the Smiths who live on our street.
1 ............. Hawaiian Islands are in the middle of ............ Pacific Ocean.
2 ............. Salt Lake City is the capital of Utah.
3 .............. London lies on ............. Thames River.
4. ............. Suez Canal connects ............. Mediterranean Sea with Red Sea.
5. ............. Lake Huron and ............ Lake Erie are two of ____ Great Lakes.
6. ............. Calcutta lies north of ............. Bay of Bengal.
7. ............. North Sea separates British Isles from ............ Norway and ____ Denmark.
8. ............. Bay of Biscay lies to the west of ............. France.
9. ............. Orkney Islands are in the north of ............. Scotland.

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