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Nr 6,
January 1981

Adventures on
Unknown Worlds

d/ / \ / A


-^. jkC PANDORA Tech Manual

DragonQuest Notes
olus NEW Fast Combat Svstem

sW.m ^^^Mk\
«m| a^i^9C^
^f^^SjW \

EDfTOH and art director Redmond A. Simonsen SIMULATION GAME:

manaqiim editor Michael E. Moore Voyage of the Pandora JOHNH.BUTTERFIELD
managing art director Manfred F. Milkuhn
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Howard Barasch, John Board
man. John H. Butlerfield. Greg Costikyan, Jan Pandora Tech MICHAEL E.MOORE 4
Ounnigan, Eric Goldberg, Brad E. Hessel, Christopher
Vincent Misiano. David James Ritchie, Susan Shwarti. NON-FICTION
GRAPHIC PRODUCTION: Carolyn Fslder, Rosalind P. Facto for Fantasy SUSAN SHWARTZ. PhD 6
FULFILLMENT: Paul Bandholdlmgr), Rick DiNardo, Michael SCIENCE FACT
George. Rebecca Greenberg, Sahdra Hudgson, Kenneth W.
Johnson, Yvette Mlddleton, Angie Pugliese. WHOLESALE
Science for
FULFILLMENT: Theresa Canto Imgr.). Richard Horn, Anna Science Fiction JOHN BOARDMAN, Ph.D. 8
Lombard o. finance: Jennifer Charles, Oonagh Neal.
WAREHOUSE: Howard Reisen Imgr.l, Henry Sarnowski. DRAGONQUEST
Quick Combat II JUSTIN LEITES 33
Magazine Printing: WeHastoy Press, Framrngham, Masucbuaatts
Gone Cunaontrrt Printing: RaHei Offset. Garden City. Long Island DRAGONQUEST

ARES Magazine







ENCLOSURES: Voyage of the PanHon,™ p and centers; Feedback card; subscript to

#SPI 257 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10010(212)673-4103

adventiure game based on a hostage

scenario; Asgard, a dear to my Scandinavian
Looking Ahead to Next Time
Ares nr. feature Rescue from the
7 will
Hive, a game in which the Space Marines
Muse; heart operational game of Ragnarok, the
the gods and the frost
final battle of giants;
and LaserBurst, a pilot's eye view of ship to
breach the spaceship of an insectile
this issue we mark the end of the
With ship combat in space.
species to rescue an Earth ambassador
firstyear of Ares. As regular readers can Later in '81, we'll have a game based
and his daughter. There will also be fic-
detect, the content of the magazine is orient- upon Harry Harrison's well known Stainless
tion, Science for Science Fiction, Facts
ing itself more toward the game in the issue Steel Rat series (as well as, delightfully, a
for Fantasy, and our other regular
and toward games in general. This particular story by Mr. Harrison to accompany the
features. .plus some new features.

issue sees the introduction of a very distinc- game).

When to Expect Nr. 7 tive and novel games system. The technique This issue also sees the start of a regular

Domestic Subscribers: If you have not

f programmed paragraphs (to the best of and notes on Dragon-
series of short articles

received your copy of Ares by 6 April

my knowledge) has never been organized as Quest. SPI's centerpiece fantasy role playing
the heart of a game to the measure and ex- game. We're also asking a series of feedback
1981, notify our Customer Service
tent found in Voyage of the Pandora It pro- questions ir this issue to determine where

Department. Please include your

mises to provide an avenue of approach to in DragonQuesi lies.
Customer Code and issue of expiration, t

many such treatments (and not only sf and f And Now a n Important Message:
both of which should be found on this
adventure subjects) heretofore impossible. promised last issue that I'd share my
issue's mailing label, just above your I

Because the rules paragraphs require so secret hangover prevention routine with you
name. Foreign Subscribers: Add eight
many pages (16), we've not given you a story all in this issue, so here goes. When come
weeks to the above date to allow for the I

to go along with the game - but we have

indolent pace of international mail. home after indulging in an excessive amount
given you some technical background on the of JP-4 or whatever, take the following

On the Cover Pandora itself. More than any other game steps:
I've seen. The Voyage literally writes its own
John Butterfield, designer of Voyage of 1. Drink 16 to 32 ounces of water, juice, Pep-
story as you play it, so perhaps you won't
the Pandora, portrays an encounter with si,or whatever non-alcoholic liquid can bear I

feel the lack of a separate piece of fiction

the Unithalo (1 072); based upon a con- at2:30a.m.
too acutely.
cept by Redmond Simonsen. 2. Taketwoorthreeasprin.
3. Two vitamin B tablets (options i.
From the World of *j)ragoni)ue;i


golden days of the

In [he
palace, the first floor was a
center of much activity. Guests
were received in ihe main hall ai

r. of
ihe front entrance
There were frequently
ts in
the Great Hail (120-K)

troubadours entertained in

flntoncle East

:m completely abandoned.

The Palace of Ontoncle is a faniasy role-playing

adventure scenario thai can be used in conjunction Available in
wilh SPI's DragonQuesl. The gamesmaster uses retail stores
this booklet to describe the missions for the players for$4.95
and 10 guide them through ihe palace of an evil
magician and his henchmen.

The DragonQuesl Gamesmaster Screen is the

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lired of looking through rule booklets for that one
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color screen folds down to fit inside the Dragon-
Quesl box.

Now available
through retail dealers
na tion wide for $3. 50

The Blade of Alice tus, ihe second DragonQuesl adven-

ture, a playing aid for the Gamesmaster. The adventure

turns upon a rescue attempt by a band of adventurers,

who to an island to save a kidnapped Duke. The

Blade of Allectus contains a rules booklet with ton maps

and complete descriptions of ihe island and the various
Available nationwide in structures upon ii.
retail outlets for$4.95!

Pandora Tech
by Michael E. Moore

Ares Corporation Long Range Cruiser {Titan Class)

Biological Survey Mission "Pandora"
DESCRIPTION: lower; see Emergency Operations Manual
K- 146/3, Sections 74- 196.)
The Area Corporation BSM Pandora is a stan-
dard long range cruiser, Titan class, specifically Primary Power Module consists of sixteen
equipped to study new planetary systems and col- separate operations {see accompany fng diagram;

Although the pro-

lect extraterrestrial lifeforms.
figure 23B-22). Individual power modules are
totype BSM cruiser was originally designed in as follows:
2688 A.D,, the first ship was not completed until P-1: FTL Drive Selector. Sub-system processor
2753; the Pandora's hull was originally laid down (Huron 7600-3AJQ) ties directly to Fuji
in 2773, but it was not launched until 2784 (the 5500. prepares primary drive for FTL mode shift.

third BSM crusier to come off the line). There a re 24 readouts, arra nged in six rows of f ou r
The Pandora uses the standard binary LRC outputs; each readout gives the following
design. The FTL module {70x28x26 meters) information:
uses the module 31 FTL drive (Monopole Corp,). P-1 {A): Reactor Coolant, Perhaps the most
The STL module (46x27x26 meters) uses the important readout, this telemetry defines
model HB2 STL drive {FRG AG). The main com- coordinates between matter/anti-matter
puter is a Fuji 5500 (AMC Ltd.), with sub-system degeneration In magnetic bottles
processors belonging to the Huron 7600 series P-2; FTL Drive Acquistion Radar. Sub-system systems for crew stage and specimen stage. Each
(General Electric). processor (Huron 7600-7AJR) detects and plots system has secondary controls (see T179.776:
The Pandora's FTL drive gives the ship an any matter/anti-matter lying in flight path while EMod2/3 [A,B C,D,E,F and sub-systems 1-99]).

almost limitless operational range; the standard ship is in FTL mode,,,. Only the PL-6 light is of EMod2 controls alf crew habitable space aboard
tour of duty is ten years, thus limiting the ship to primary importance to Navigation; a flashing red Pandora; EMod3 (A,B,C, etc.) controls all
an effective operational range of 112 light years PL-6 Jight indicates massive matter/anti-matter specimen stage areas, each of which may be con-
(34.35+ parsecs). object path of FTL transfer too large for ship's
in trolled independently through sub-systems (and

The standard BMS mission consists of two laser/subsoner weapons to disintegrate. When tertiary systems, as listed in T179-766: EMod3
parts: first, a survey of planetary systems for po- the PL-6 alarm appears, the following sequence Section, pp. 396-488),
tential human habitats (either G2 — 2-5 readily must be followed exactly ....
habitable or Geneva Treaty 2096, Section IMA,
T179.77e: Welcome. Crew member space aboard the
Subsection 4 — Terraformible Class habitable),
NAVIGATION MODULE: Pandora Jot the duration of the tour of duty con-
and second, the collection of extraterrestrial bio-
Main Sequence tains the following standard equipment:
logical specimens for study aboard ship or later
The Navigation Module (Main Sequence)
transfer to Biological Mission Control, Arestia 1, Wardrobe cabinet
contains the primary processors for determining
City, Mars.... 2, Bunk
celestial position during FTL mode. Sub- system
3, Desk chair
PANDORA OPERATIONAL MANUAL series Huron 7600-NA4 separates red/ blue shifts
4, Computer terminal
(Sefec irons: Dedassifie Se c tio n4-A} to correct and visualize star field on GE-3400 CRT.

(Note: Navigation system suffers from time-space 5, Environmental control

warp effect of FTL mode; see "Heldigger Uncer- 6, Switch controllable overhead light
POWER MODULE: Main Sequence tainty Effects in FTL Mode" — Using Sextants in 7, Switch controllable desk lamp
The Power Module {Main Sequence} con- Space: Deimian University Press, 2559; Arestia,
While on tour of duty, all crew members will
tains the primary controls for FTL and STL drives. Mars. Pages 21 2-36.),...
observe the following strictures:
Each drive can be controlled from the secondary
modules (see T179,776; PMod2/3), only if main T179.776: EModl 1. No crew member will bring any lifeform
Power Module becomes inoperative. (Note: ENVIRONMENT MODULE: into cabin.
Secondary modules gain maximu m operational ef- Main Sequence 2. must be kept clean.
Individual cabins
ficiency only when Power Module (Main Se- The Environment Module (Main Sequence) 3. Occupancy by more than two crew members
quence) declines to 79% power efficiency or contains the primary environmental control is expressly forbidden..,.

BSM 'WNtIiCfi V\ 0*^1-02^ :




3/ <~Seierv\ce C^rricer L/L G^epido^>
. W
Planetary Shuttle iPromvttwus) Weight empty 312,456kg
SPECIFICATIONS Max Payload 42,659kg
Length vera It 70.0m Weight of propeHant 39,0OOk B
Width overall 13.3m Operational TemperatureJ -270"Cto+250°C
Height overall 11.0m Range max 9x10«km
Cabin/Control Center Speed max 1,000km/sec
Length 10,0m Main propulsion Trainer K-Diive

Width 8.0m Secondary propulsion Solid chemical

Height 5.0m Crew 1 to 7

Main Storage Max acceleration 15g

Length 42.8m
Width 12.1m
Height 10.0m cPcsrsofrttf?
Propulsion (BRS-AG80STL drivel
Length 13.0m
Width 9.3m
Height 8.4m

'jy>a J&:


Transcript of Transmission from SPECIMEN TRANSFER (SOP)

Eriduni6-K Mission: After sub-Titan shuttle safely docks with
H00! LOOK AT THAT ONE! IT'S A BIG Titan-class cruiser, the following operational
SUCKER ALL RIGHT! HESSY, checklist will be adhered to in the transfer of
ARE YOU COPYING? specimens into the Stage area.
1 All crew members will evacuate Stage area.
Roger, Skraaling. Subject appears marsupial to
me. Perhaps an early mammal,... 2. ALL airlocks to Stage area will be secured.
IT 3. Collecbot will be activated.
EVER SEE ANYTHING JUMP LIKE THAT? 4. Collecbot will open specimen Store Space.
MUST LEAP 15 METERS AT A TIME! 5. Collecpod will move energy cage to Store
Skraaling, stop looking and use your tranqs, for Space lock,
Christ's sake! Environment
6. differential will be adjusted to
READING YOU. BIO. COLLECBOT IS TRYING minimum between cage and Store Space.
TO STEER TTHE BUGGER MY WAY. SEEMS 7. Collecbot will transfer specimen from cage to
Skraaling.,.. Gedipus here. Prowler at 5 o'clock. 8. Collecbot will secure Store Space.
Come on, you jerks, keep awake. Where there's
9. Collecbot will administer anti-tranq
herbivores, there's carnivores....
10. Specimen will be allowed to waken. INote:
11. Specimen will be allowed to test
OH, MY GOD.... Store Space.
OH, GOD JESUS. ...HESS, TRACK BACK 12. If all specification prove safe (see Securing
TOUS....SKRAAUNGS IN TROUBLE.... Specimens), crew members will be allowed to
enter Stage area.
13. If specification proves safe, collecbot will
tranquilize specimen and transfer it to
hibernation chamber (see Hlbemetion
«>wrft<5UMJ 136+'
. )

Dying and Reviving Gods: Osiris The quest for Nirvana also affects a
Facts for Though neither creator nor ruler of the creature of Malay mythology, the A Bao A
universe in Egyptian mythology, Osiris is one
Qu. This beast lies dormant on the stairway
of the Tower of Victory. Only when a person

Fantasy of the most prominent members of the Egyp-

tian patheon. He is the victim who suffers,
dies, and returns to life.
attempts to climb that stairway to the terrace
(where the most beautiful landscape in the
In over three thousand years of worship,
world may be seen) does the A Bao A Qu
Osiris has gained kinship with the other dy-
come to consciousness. It follows the visitor
Edited by Susan Shwartz, Ph.D. ing and reviving gods of the Near East: Tam-
and, as he climbs, it gives off a bluish light of
increasing brilliance. But only if the climber is
muz, condemned by the prophets in the Old
Dear and Glorious Physician a person who has attained Nirvana will the A
Testament; Adonis, whom later mythology
made the doomed lover of Aphrodite; and Bao A Qu reach the top with that person and
Greatest of doctors in the ancient world
god of Phrygia. some form assume its most perfect form. Otherwise,
were the Egyptians. Homer and Herodotus Attis, a In or
the pilgrim fails, and the A Bao A Qu moans
praise them, and the earliest medical records other, each of these gods is connected with
fertility cults: for Osiris, that aspect of his
and tumbles down the steps to wait for the
in Egypt, preserved on papyrus, were believ-
next visitor.
ed to be written by the god Thoth himself. worship is bound up with the cyclic floods of
Since only people who do not believe in
One of the centers of medicine in early the Nile, which are all that protected Egypt
this legend dare climb the Tower of Victory,
Egypt was the shrine of Anubis, god of the from dwindling into desert. As a fertility
symbol, Osiris's death and rebirth sym-
and since very few people ever attain Nir-
dead and of mummification. This association
vana, only once in centuries has the A Bao A
between healing and death may possibly bolizes the pouring out of the floodwaters
over the earth and the simulation of the life-
Qu ever reached the terrace.
have arisen because the doctors kept the em-
Book of Imaginary Beings.
balmers so well supplied with patients due to force in the seeds of plants. One of his par-
Jorge Lu is Borges. E. P. Dutlon and Company, 1968
their faulty knowledge of anatomy. The ticular gifts is the harvest.

Egyptians' respect for the human body, But who was Osiris? He was one of the The Egyptians' Thick Heads
which was preserved to entitle a person to an fourth generation of the Egyptian deities. Herodotus reports that, coming upon a
afterlife, prevented Egyptian physicians from First was Atum or Re, the sun god, who pro- battlefield on which lay both Egyptian and
dissecting, and hence they could not treat in- duced Shu, the air, and Tefnut, or moisture. Persian bodies, he noted a curious thing.
ternal disorders. However, they were skilled This pair brought forth earth and sky who, in The skulls of the Persian dead were so thin
in the treatment of broken bones, in per- turn, brought for the brothers Osiris and that a blow from a pebble might split them.
forming amputations, and even in a form of Seth and the sisters Isis and Nephthys. Isis The skulls of the Egyptians were hard,
brain surgery, called trephining. married Osiris, and Nephthys, Seth. As the however; a blow from a stone did not break
Because Egyptian women frequently elder brother, Osiris ruled Egypt and taught them. According to Herodotus's informants,
bore their first children at the age of twelve, his people the arts of civilization. This Egyptians had thicker skulls than Persians
these doctors were skilled gynecologists — Golden Age was interrupted when Seth because the Egyptians shaved their heads
and skilled cosmeticians as well tempted Osiris to lie in a chest, which he then from childhood. Since their bare heads were
Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Persians threw into the Nile. Thereafter, various texts exposed to the hot sun, their headbones
all borrowed from Egyptian medical tellvarious stories. The theology of Memphis hardened. (Incidentally, Herodotus claims
knowledge. claims that Horus, Osiris's son, commanded that this constant head-shaving made
Ancient Egyp!; lis Culture and History, his mother Isis and her sister to rescue Osiris, baldness rarer in Egypt than anyplace else.
J.E. M.inchip White. Dove. Press, 1970 after which Seth, turning into an insect, This claim is somewhat of a paradox, since,
poisoned his brother. Plutarch claims that if the Egyptians did shave their heads, they

Osiris's body was washed up upon the shore were, in fact,

Runic Graffiti of Syria at Byblos. The chest containing it
The Persian skulls were thin, said
During the period of Viking expansion grew up into an enormous tree, which Isis Herodotus, because they always wore felt
- from the 8th to the 12th Century — adven- found. skull-caps to protect their heads from the
turous Scandinavians carried their runic All sources agree that Seth, after burning sun.
alphabet (called a futhark from its first six murdering Osiris, cut up his body and scat-
characters! from the Arctic to the Mediterra- tered the pieces all over Egypt. Isis set out in , Penguin Books, 1972
nean and left traces of their journeys in the search of them and, in reassembling her hus-
form of graffiti etched into rocks with knives band's body, created the first mummy.
The Shamans of Lapland
or axblades. Most such inscriptions are Images of Osiris always present him as For the Finns and Lapps, magic lay at
naturally enough found in Sweden, but mummiform, his body swathed in wrap- the heart of primitive religion. During the
others exist in Norway, Denmark, and even pings. Frequently he has a black or green middle ages, Norwegian kings forbade jour-
in Greenland. It is thought that the Vikings face, representing the life-spirit of the earth neys to Finnmark to consult sorcerers, and
expanded even further west: several "runic" or vegetation. Succeeded on earth as Finns were considered unlucky on board
inscriptions have been found in Nova Scotia Pharaoh by Horus, Osiris became a sort of ships. In the sixteenth and seventeenth cen-
and Minnesota, but scholars have declared god of the underworld. turies, Swedish authorities confiscated the
them forgeries. Following Osiris, all Pharaohs married quodbas, the drums to which Lappish sor-
Runic inscriptions have been found on their closest female relatives and ruled under cerers, or shamans, chanted their magical
one marble lions whioh guard the port
of the a "Great Horus Name" which demonstrated exorcisms. Even into the 20th Century such
of Piraeus near Athens in Greece. Not con- that they became divine as they ruled. After drums were being used by shamans, who
tent with seeing this statue defaced, later their deaths, Pharaohs were said to become were thought to have inbred and acquired
adventurers carried it off to Venice. A tomb Osiris, sharing in his rule and his rebirth as a power over the heavenly and demonic
has been found near the Black Sea with an spirit that protects the land. beings who — for Finns and Lapps —
inscription that teHs passers--by that Grarri Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt. governed nature.
made a grave-vault for his friend Kali, R.T, Rundle Clark, Thames and Hudson, The shamans were the intermediaries
Runes might have started out as spells, between mankind and the spirits found in all
but they degenerated into boasts and scrib- things: forest, seas,game, and plants. Im-
bles. Carved into the barrow at Maes Howe, portant among these spirits, and among the
in the Orkneys, are runes dating from the
The A Bao A Qu few gods actually given personalities among
twelfth century. They tell how Earl Rognvald To reach Nirvana means to achieve the Lapps, were Mader-Atcha and Mader-
Kali stopped here on his way to Jerusalem release from the circles of death
and rebirth Akka. These were husband and wife.- Mader-
and record that a woman named Ingebjorg is on the Wheel: the human who does so is Atcha, the male, created the soul and
the fairest woman in all the islands. perfect and has no need to be reborn. But Mader-Akka the body of each human being.
achieving Nirvana does not affect only that But Mader-Atcha and Mader-Akka had
one person. other aspects too. As Ukko, the sky or

thunder-god, he was the supreme deity of Giraldus Cambrensis (Gerald of Wales) food. There are also special posting houses
the Lapp pantheon, corresponding to Zeus. reports that Glastonbury was thought to be for the king's messengers who were trained
Shamans invoked him only after appeals to Avalon, so called because of the number of to travel at high speeds in the thin at-
all other gods had failed. Mader-Akka was apple trees Kauai, in Welsh) that grew there. mosphere of 13,000 feet above sea level.
also known as Rauni. In addition to creating According to Giraldus, Morgan, Arthur's Near cities, the roads were paved with stone
the human body, she also saw to the success sister, carried Arthur there after his last battle blocks laid without mortar and fitting
of the harvest and to the fertility of women. at Camlann. together so perfectly that a knife blade coutd
Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology Giraldus also explains that the name not be placed between two blocks. The
Glastonbury itself comes from words that Bridge of San Luis Rey, which fell in 1714,
The Wild Hunt give Avalon its supernatural overtones. The was a remnant of this road system which car-
Saxons translated the Welsh Inis Gutrin, or ried llama trains laden with golden treasure
People in the Middle Ages peopled the
"island of glass" as Glastinge Buri, or "city from one part of the empire to another.
great forests with wild men and women,
of glass." "America's Oldest Roads,
savage and covered with hair. These wild in New World Archeology,
However, Giraldus, who was Henry ll's
people were often associated with the super- Victor W. von Hacjon.W.H. Freeman
chaplain, was not recording these names just
natural, and in particular with the Wild Hunt. and Company, 1974.
because he enjoyed archeology (although he
Primarily, however, the Wild Hunt was a
did). His royal master was making very
pack of spirits or ghosts who roamed the The Order of the Garter
shrewd political use of Glastonbury. In 1170,
countryside destroying things and
celebrating. Its leader was sometimes male
the year in which he had his son Henry the Honi soil qui mat y pense! "Shame to
and sometimes female. The male leader of
Young King crowned to ensure orderly him who thinks evil!" proclaimed Edward III
succession, he ordered that a tomb in as the motto of his Order of the Garter, one
the Wild Hunt was often called Berthold,
Glastonbury Abbey be opened. This tomb of the oldest and greatest of the British
Herlechin, or Heme; the female leader was
was considered to be Arthur's. Inscribed on chivalric orders. According to legend, the
often called Holda, Holle, or Holt, especially
it was the message: "Here lies buried the King was dancing with Joan, Countess of
in north Germany, where she was regarded
renowned king Arthur along with his wife Salisbury (and later, the mother of Richard II)
as the wife of Wotan, or Odin. In the south,
Guinevere in the island of Avalon." When when she lost her garter, which he then pick-
she was known as.Perchta, Berhta, or Berta,
the tomb was opened, the bones of "Arthur" ed up. In order to restore her to calmness,
"the bright one" (from Old English beorftt or
revealed that he had been an extremely tall the king held up the garter, proclaimed what
"bright"). Because of her association with
man. Guinevere allegedly had long golden became its motto, and the dancing went
the hunt, trjie night, and the brightness of the
hair which fell into dust when someone on. ..though the laughter stopped. Twenty-
moon, she was frequently associated with
touched it. five knights were elected to the Order, and
Diana Trivia's darkest aspect: Hecate, god-
Subsequently, these bones were the King himself presided over it. This
dess of death and black magic who led witch
reburied in an impressive marble sar- episode was not the only time that Edward III
cophagus until Edward had the tomb indulged his love of chivalry. Early in his reign
The wild huntsmen and women were

reopened in 1272. Destroyed during the he hoped to set out on a quest for the Grail.
believed to suck blood and devour babies.
Perhaps the entire idea of the Wild Hunt
dissolution of the monasteries, the site of He supported crusades and tournaments.
this tomb was rediscovered in 1934. Also during his reign was constructed the
came from prehistoric sympathetic magic.
great Round Table — long believed by gul-
Paleolithic cave-drawings depict stag-
lible people to date from King Arthur's time
dancers — people dressed as stags who The Road Goes Ever On And On — which hangs in Winchester. Edward 111
were symbolically and ritually killed to insure Greatest of the roadbuilders in the New saw himself as a sort of Arthur.
plenty of game. During the Middle Ages, World, the Inca people had a network of
stag dances were held every January 1 until 10,000 miles of highways which stretched
the Church outlawed them (and probably in from Chile to Colombia and from the Pacific
Heme, the leader of
secret thereafter}. Like across the Andes to the headwaters of the Seventy miles north of Crete lies the
the Wild Hunt, and Cernunnos, consort of Amazon. These roads are matched only by island of Thera, also called Santorini. It is
the Great Goddess and himself called the the road systems developed by the Persians shaped like a crescent which encloses a bay
Horned God, the Stag Dances were con- and the Romans. which has two volvanic inlets called Kameni,
sidered diabolical. The Inca roads, unlike the Roman roads or Burnt Ones. However, in the 15th Century
A History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, which fell into disrepair after the fall of B.C., an eruption of a volcano almost five
Jeffrey B. Russell, Thames and Hudson, 1980
Rome, lasted into the 16th Century. After the thousand feet high blew the mountain apart
coming of the conquistadors, however, the and left in its place a huge crater, or ca/dera,
The Return of the King roads deteriorated rapidly. thirteen hundred feet deep and almost com-
According to Sir Thomas Malory, the What made the Inca roads unique was pletely filled with water. The island of Thera,
author of the great fifteenth-century Mone their efficiency: infive days couriers could as it exists today, is what is left after the

D'Arthur, "sum men say in many partys of carry messages 1,500 miles... without eruption. For more than three thousand
Inglonde that Kynge Arthur ys nat dede." benefit of wheeled vehicles, since the Incas years, this disasterwas forgotten. In the
Where these men said he went for the heal- had never heard of the wheel. 1860's, French archeologists investigated
ing of his wounds was the island of Avalon, Inca roads consisted of two parallel ruins that had been uncovered by workers
identified either as a sort of Celtic Never- turnpikes, coast, the other
one along the extracting pumice from the volcanic rock,
Never-Land, like Tir n'a N'og, or as along the mountain ranges. The coastal road and discovered that these ruins were more
Glastonbury. was 30 feet wide and was bordered on each significant than might have been expected.
Glastonbury Abbey was one of the great side by a waist-high adobe wal) which held They were found to be similar to the ruins of
Abbeys of medieval England. As early as the back drifting sands. For 800 miles it ran a highly sophisticated Bronze Age culture
10th Century, it had a Saint - Dunstan - through desert so dry that rain fell only once discovered at Knossos on Crete by Sir Arthur
for its abbot. Its great thornbush had every twenty-five years. The mountain road Evans. This culture had apparently spread
allegedly grown from the staff of Joseph of was 15 feet wide and crossed territory so dif- from Crete to neighboring islands around
Arimithea, the trader in tin who removed ficult to build in that roads along similar 2500 B.C. and then, mysteriously, disap-
Christ from the Cross and placed him in his routes were not created until the 19th Cen- peared in 1500 B.C. — around the time of the
own tomb. At the time when Joseph was tury, Much of the mountain road ran across Thera eruption.
supposed to have visited England and lakes and abysses which the Incas traversed In the 1920's, a Greek archeologist

planted his thorn staff in the soil of Glaston- by building pontoon roads and bridges. They discovered pumice, a light stone formed by
bury, he was also supposed to have brought tunneled through solid rock, or built steps so volcanic activity, in Knossos and noted as
the Grail to England. So Glastonbury has they would not have to deviate from the well that many huge stones in the ruins look-
been long hallowed in English mythology. shortest overland routes. ed as if they had been knocked out of place
As Avalon it assumed great importance
, Every four to twelve miles along the by huge waves. This man, Spyridon
in Arthurian legend. As early as 1170, road were wayside houses stocked with Marinatos, suggested that the Thera erup-

tion devastated the Knossos, or Minoan, species are related, the more strongly an-
civilizationby generating a tsunami up to tibodies produced in one will react with pro-
two hundred feet high. In the 1960's, another teins produced in another. For example, the
Greek archeologist, Angelos Galanopoulos, chimpanzee qualifies by this test as
theorized that Thera was a fragment of the "humankind's closest living relative. (The
lost continent of Atlantis, first described by chimp and the gorilla are more closely related
Plato in the fourth century B.C. Ten thou- to each other than either is to humans.
sand years ago, Plato wrote, Atlantis had Edited by John Boardman, Ph.D Three years ago, a baby mammoth in
been a powerful state located on an island. It Siberia was thawed out from the ice in which
has overrun all the Mediterranean lands ex- it had been frozen some 40,000 years ago.

cept for Athens, and had finally been Sir Fred Hoyle is a highly respected, if Albumin from this carcass was injected into
destroyed by the sea in a day and a night. somewhat unorthodox astronomer. He first rabbits, which produce antibodies that
This legend, Galanopoulos maintained, was came into the public ken about 25 years ago reacted strongly with a similar protein from
a distorted picture of the Thera disaster, through his idea that the universe did not ex- the living elephant species of India and
which he also tried to connect with the pand from a state of extremely high density Africa.These same antibodies reacted weak-
plague of darkness inflicted on Egypt in the and temperature, but has always had about lywith albumin from manatees. You have to
15th Century B.C. — recorded in the book of the same appearance that it does now. As go back to fossils some 50 million years old to
Exodus. Certainly, ash from such a powerful galaxies move further away from one prove it, but the elephant and the manatee
eruption could drift as far as Egypt and another, the mean density of the universe is do have a common ancestry which had
darken the sky, but there is no way of prov- maintained as a constant by the continuous already been established by other evidence
ing Galanopoulos' highly imaginative spontaneous appearance of new matter in before the serological tests became possible.
theories. empty space. New York Times, 1 1 July 1980
Disaster! When Nature Strikes Back, This "steady-state" theory of the
prepared by the Editors of Encyclopedia Briiannica. universe predicted distributions of distant Name Your Own Star
Barrtam Books. 1978
galaxies which did not agree with subse- Some stars were named in ancient times
quent measurements, and as a result almost by the Greeks (Sirius), Romans (Arcturus),
Witch's Cat-astrophe all astronomers have abandoned Hoyle's
or Arabs (Altair,Aldebaran, and a great
In 1591 , whom people
Agnes Sampson, idea. But in addition to his expertise in many more). But systematically assigned
called a witch, confessed that while King astronomy, Hoyle also writes science fiction, star names were first introduced in 1603 by
James VI was in Denmark, she took a cat and one of his science fiction novels. The In- Jphann Bayer, who combined a Greek letter
and christened it. Then she bound to each ferno (1973, not to be confused with Niven indicating the star's relative importance with
part of the cat the limbs of a dead man and, and Pournelle's Inferno) is now causing a lit-
the possessive form of the name of the con-
the very next night, she and other witches tle trouble by promoting a misconception stellation in which it was located. (Alpha
took the cat — still tied to assorted arms and about quasars. Centauri is a good example of such a name;
legs — into the middle of the sea and left it Hoyle's The Inferno presumes that the others are the Sun's near neighbors, Epsilon
right before the town of Leith in Scotland. nucleus of our galaxy "goes quasar" and Eridani and Tau Ceti.) Nearly a century later,
The presence of this christened cat and fries the earth. Immensely distant, quasars
John Flamsteed, England's first Astronomer
dismembered corpse caused such a storm are little understood objects that pour out Royal, expanded Bayer's system and replac-
that a boat coming to Leith with jewels huge amounts of radiant energy. There are ed letters with numbers. (The first star
which were designed as gifts for the new two problems with Hoyle's supposition. whose distance was measured was 61
queen of Scotland lAnne of Denmark) sank, Those quasars that are hundreds of millions Cygni.) Finally, in the 19th Century, the
and the king's own ship was driven off of light years away are seen as they existed massive Bonn Durchmusterung and its
course by a contrary wind while the other hundreds of millions of years ago. None are southward extension the Cordoba Durch-
ships in the fleet were untouched. It was nearer, so presumably they are something
musterung gave BD or CD numbers to
thought that witches delighted in brewing from out of the early life of the universe, every visible star and to a great many below
storms: Mistress Sampson and her cat did which now no longer exist. If a quasar is a the limits of visibility of the human eye.
not have a monopoly. Folklore considers the phase in the existence of the center of our Now, Name a Star Immortality Inc., of
Finns and Laplanders as preeminent in the galaxy, it would have existed in the distant Tarzana, California, is getting into the act.
sale of winds; it was considered bad luck by past rather than in the future. For S25 you can have a star named after
sailors to have a Finn on board ship. Tradi- Furthermore, even if a quasar were to Name a Star, and a comparable
tionally, a man buying a wind from a Finn come into being in the center of our galaxy, Toronto firm called International Star
received a handkerchief into which was tied earth would be unaffected by its energy out- Registry, are advertising in such important
three magical knots: the first, untied, pro- put. The astronomer A. P. Fairall has calcu- Cosmopolitan and Na-
scientific journals as
duced a good gale, the second, a strong lated that a quasar at the galactic center
They have brought the highly
tional Enquirer.
wind, and the third, a severe tempest. would appear to us on earth as a star of ap- respectable Smithsonian Astrophysical
Folklore of Shakespeare, parent magnitude —11. That is indeed far Observatory into their profitable act by citing
Rev. Thistleton Dyer, Dover Press brighter than almost anything else in our it as the authority for the existence of "some
skies — but it is but merely comparable to 250,000 stars that are as yet unnamed." The
the full Moon. gullible are informed that the new name they
MUSE wedfrom P t The Observatory. Feb. 1980 buy for the star will be "registered in the

Library of Congress" - which simply means

4. Washface with cold water and sit up for Prehistoric Genetics that the sucker list will be copyrighted.
20 minutes before retiring.
Not all extinct animals come to us solely The Smithsonian has indignantly repu-
The above should not be considered a in the form of bones. In the past century, diated attempts to link it with this operation.
prescription indulge at your own risk)
Another governmental body more
several frozen mammoths have been thawed is taking
and is proven effective only by personal effective action; the US Postal Service is fil-
out in Siberia and Alaska, while a pickled
Irather than clinical) experience. When do I
ing mail fraud charges against Name a Star.
rhinoceros has been extracted from a Polish
this, wake up clear-eyed, headache-free,

swamp, and New Zealand swamps have New York Times. 29 July 1980
and ready to face New York City at 8:30 a.m.
yielded up specimens of the giant moas that
See you next time. — Redmond Big Big Birds
once grazed those islands.
The presence of soft tissues has made In popularized science books written
possible the development of a science of more than a decade ago, you may find the

A fossil genetics, in which proteins from the

extinct animals can be compared with those
from living
of relationship.
animals to determine any degree
The more closely two animal
statement that 12 or 14 kilograms is the up-
per weight limit for a flying creature. As the
size of a flier increases, the weight that must
be lifted by the power of bone and muscle,
and sustainedin the air bv updrafts against would soon be followed
learned that the deer manufactured from sodium acetate and
the wings, increases. Geese, albatrosses, by dogs — nice, compact animals without other substances on which the termites feed.
and condors are about at this upper limit. In bothersome horns or hooves, which had Like other soldier termites, these missile war-
fact, an albatross cannot take off if its craw is their minds on other things and could riors are sterile.

too full, and it must wait for the digestive therefore be grabbed and dragged off before New York Times, 9 September 1980
process to lighten it before it can take to the the hunters came up.
air. Even then, air currents must be just right A few years ago, hide hunters had made
in order to give it the necessary boost. such great inroads upon the US Alligator
Widening Thlngvellir
population that the animal was placed under The current exhibit of Viking Age art
There certainly an upper limit to the
the legal protections for an "endangered which is touring the United States, and the
ability of bone and muscle to lift a flying
species." Since then, the absolute ban on public television lectures of the distinguished
creature into the air. But fossils have been
the hunting of alligators or sale of alligator- Icelandic scholar Dr. Magnus Magnusson,
discovered which seem to indicate that this
hide articles has led to a population explo- are causing a sort of Viking vogue. Iceland, a
limitis well above 14 kilograms. First a
sion among these reptiles. They are ranging bleak, damp island in the north Atlantic, has
pterodactyl fossil was found in the
further afield, and have taken many dogs and two claims to fame. One is its unique
Cretaceous strata of Texas, twice the size of
even one or two human beings. As a result, geology, with numberous glaciers, fjords,
the biggest previously known flying reptile.
southerners are asking that alligator hunting and active volcanoes and geysers. The other
The old record-holder, the Pteranodon, had
be allowed again. They aren't the only ones, is the epic and poetic literature composed by
Ihe size and probably the life-style of the
either; recently a newspaper columnist in
modern albatross. Its newly discovered the Norwegian settlers between their first
New York interviewed the former owner of a landing in 870 and the annexation of the
relative, given the name Quetzalcoatlus, had
local shop which processed alligator hides in-
a wingspan of 15 meters, and apparently liv- island by Norway in 12(32.
to shoes or handbags. Nor surprisingly, the These two distinctions meet in one
ed on land rather than going to sea. It is
presumed to have been a carrion-eater, since
entrepeneur expressed a desire to get back Icelandic location - the fertile valley of
into business. Thingvellir, east of Reykjavik, the capital.
itslong neck, like that of a modern vulture,
But another use for the alligator has The Althing, the oldest legislative assembly
could reach between the ribs of a carcass.
been suggested The meat is said to be excel- in the world, began meeting at Thingvellir in
But eating dead dinosaurs implies that Quet-
lent eating, comparable to the white meat of 930. Many of the disputes which met such
zalcoatlus hung around predatory dinosaurs,
a chicken. The commercial raising of bloody conclusions in the sagas took place
and therefore might have had to take to the
alligators for the table might prove a useful here, during the annual summer meetings of
air in a hurry. How it may have managed to
do thisnot altogether understood.
way of settling the question of whether they the chieftains and their dependents.
are an endangered species or a menace. Geologically, Iceland a part of the
California tar pits have given abun-
The is
Domestic animals do not become extinct. Mid- Allan tic Ridge, a part which extends
dant evidence not only of the modern,
Alligators are combative, especially dur- above the surface of the ocean. This ridge
severely endangered California condor, but
ing the mating season when the males bel- marks where new material, exuding upward
of a larger relative called the Teratornis, or
"Monsterbird." This youngster became ex- low their message all over the swamp. But from the interior of the earth, spreads to the
the selective breeding of a more docile al- east and to the west, causing the continents
tinct a mere 10,000 years ago, by comparison
ligator has been attempted by a would-be
with the Quetzalcoatlus, which disappeared of North America and Europe to move apart
rancher. Hopefully alligators can be from one another. Down the middle of this
some 70,000,000 years ago. Recently, in
Argentina, remains of monsterbirds larger
developed that won't eat each other until ridge is a rift valley.

than any previously known were found. The we're ready to eat them. This sea-floor spreading has been going
wingspan of the condor is about 3 meters at on for over 200 million years, and the process
Insect Artillerists
a maximum, and that of the California continues. Thingvellir is a part of this steadily
monsterbirds around 4V4 meters. But the In Ares 2 this author described a pos- widening rift valley. The present rate of in-
Argentine monsterbirds, dating back sible "extra-terrestrial" life form called the crease is about one centimeter per year.
5,000,000 to 8,000,000 years, had wingspans Xylophage. Xylophages were specialized in- Since the valley is about 10 kilometers wide,
of 7"A meters. They measured over 3 meters to workers, fighters, and breeders, and the the assumption of a constant rate leads to
from beak to tail, and the estimated live reader may have been fooled into believing the conclusion that the rift began to separate
weightwas over 70 kilograms! that an intelligent life form was being de- about a million years ago. Thingvellir is now
Biological theories of flight are ap- scribed — a life form that had learned to con- about 10 meters wider than it was when the
parently going to have to be considerably trol its own heredityand develop professions sons of the chieftain Njal went from tent to
revised. A less likely alternative is the the into biological specializations. tent at the Althing, vainly trying to get sup-
Earth's atmosphere was appreciably denser The "Xylophage" was actually the ter- port against the enemies who were to burn
then, giving the wings of these birds a larger mite, described accurately if somewhat el- them alive in their own house a few months
lift. An evenless likely alternative is the liptically.lTheword "xylophage" is scientific later.
speculation of some German physicists, that Greek for "wood-eater. ") This extremely an-
gravity has slowly increased its strength over cient insect is not closely related to the ant,
geological ages, and that it would have been despite a similarity in appearance and the
easier for ancient flying creatures to get into communal life-style. As you might expect,
the air for this reason. the termites' nearest living relatives are the
New York Times, 16 September 1360 equally noxious cockroaches, which retained
an individualistic rather than a communal Important Notice
Jaws III way of life when the two stocks separated
back in the Paleozoic.
Address all correspondence
Of the crocodilians, the alligator is
to SPI's New York office!

the best adapted to prey upon land mam- A team of scientists at the State Univer-
mals. Instead of chasing fish like the gavial, sity of New York at Stonybrook has recently All mail including orders and sen/ins; corn

or lying in the water waiting for its prey to discovered another termite specialization, plaints, and any return of merchandise for

come drink as the crocodile does, the which would have made the "Xylophage" whatever reason must be addressed to SPI's
alligator will walk around on the land hunting sound even more impressive. Some tropical New York address [not the New Jersey ad-
something to eat. Its jaws are broader than species have developed a soldier caste dress on the mailing lablel. Please send all cor-
respondence to:
those of the crocodile, which thus enable it capable of firing toxic chemicals from their
to hunt better on dry land. heads. Most soldier termites have heavy SPI
Furthermore, the alligator is adaptable. mandibles, but these have smaller ones, and 257 Park Avenue South
When white men began hunting game with apparently rely on missile warfare rather than NewYork, N.Y. 10010
dogs in the American south, the alligators jaw-to-jaw combat. According to Dr. Glenn Note: This notice applies to direct mail service.
learned to lie and wait when a deer came Prestwich, leader of the research team,
dashing through a shallow stream. They various species use different chemicals,
. )

Mongo City, the central court of Ming the Cast

Rlm& Merciless. Ming's court is a Wizard of Oz-

type circus, a sort of running joke in the film
(one of many) which only distracts the
audience rather than enhancing their
William Hurt
Bob Balaban
Ctiarles Haid
Dr. Jessup
Emily Jessup
Dr. Parrish

Altered States is a hard film to classify.

Television enjoyment.
Ming (Max Von Sydow) goes through
his standard motions, condemning Flash to
On the surface, its plot is a thin blending of
old cliches supported by dialogue not much
death, sending Zarkov to his laboratories,
more poignant than better-than-average
FLASH GORDON and Dale to his harem. His daughter, soap opera. This situation is rare for anything
Princess Aura (Ornella Muti), saves Flash
which Paddy Chayefsky has had a hand in,
Producer: Dtno De Laurentiis
Director Michael Hodges from death, in the hopes of seducing him. As but as many novelists have discovered, there
Screenplay: Lorenzo Semple. J are a lot of steps between the printed page
usual, they end up retreating to the domain
Spacial Effecti: Glen Robinson George Gibbs

of Prince Barin (Timothy Dalton). Here, the

and the screen. Luckily, not all of the steps
Cast taken by the creators of Altered States were
jealous Barin sets trap after trap for Flash,
Sam Jones Flash Gordon who manages to escape them all. bad ones.
Melody Anderson DaleArden
Finally, Flash unites the feuding princes
MaxVon Sydow Emperor Ming
ChaimTopol Dr HansZarxov
of Mongo, and leads them on to topple
Ming's evil reign. If it seems the Story has
Timolhy Dalton Prince Barin been related sketchily, it is because there is

not much more worth telling. As in Super-

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Dino De
man, Flash Gordon and his friends have been
Laurentiis has done it again. Despite millions
brought into the 80's. In Superman, how-
of dollars, a superb corral of behind the
ever, this updating was done with warmth
scenes talent, and a dazzling gallery of
and a great amount of respect for the
special effects, Dino has concocted a vile
character. Superman himself was made as
compost cinema which, given even the
believable as possible. The audience was
is an insult to
quality of the original serials,
shown that maybe was possible for him to
the legend of Flash Gordon,
keep tricking everybody just by slouching
Hiding behind the patina of yesterday,
and by wearing those dull blue suits and
Flash Gordon is supposedly a carefree excur-
horn-rimmed glasses. It was right all up
sion into the past, a return to the less com- The story simple. Although tries to
front, and it worked. is it

plicated days of the Saturday morning serial. present itself as a complex blending of
Unfortunately, Sam Jones, as tall,
This is not the case. If anything, it is just handsome and athletic as Christopher philosophy and science, it quickly bogs into
another vehicle for delivering bosoms and something half resembling the Incredible
Reeve, is no actor. His sole film experience
bottoms to the American public, in the thin Hulk and half an unfinished Kafka piece. Pro-
has been playing Bo Derek's non-speaking
guise of science fiction, and thus cashing in fessor Jessup (payed by William Hurt), a fair-
husband in "10." Jones clumsily wanders
on the only craze/fad left in town. through the role of Flash Gordon, flubbing ly intact member of the 60's drug scene, is
The screenplay was written by Lorenzo more lines than Robert Wagner did when now attempting to discover the root of
Semple, Jr. (veteran of the Batman TV. playing Prince Valiant. reality, and the roots of man. There are quick
show). Occasionally, the story does remain Surrounding Jones with people like Von mentions that he showed psychic abilities as
faithful to the Alex Raymond story line, but a child. Guided by his powers (one
Sydow, Chaim Topol, Timothy Dalton and
the net result is a vulgar collection of televi- Brian Blessed was a mistake. All things are assumes), Hurt leaves New York for a
sion pseudo-pornographic dialogue, large and small through comparison only. Boston College isolation chamber and a dose
blended with weak action and campy Putting Von Sydow next to Jones only of a mushroom-based drug he has obtained
violence. makes the newcomer's lack of talent all the from Mexican Indians. The drug, working on
The story is quite familiar. Flash ISam more obvious. him in the dead stillness of the isolation
Jones) still rescues Dale (Melody Anderson) Such a clash of excellence with in- chamber and augmented by his psychic
from a prop-drive aircraft which has been hit competance makes this kind of movie abilities, transforms Hurt into an
by a meteor — a rather nice scene. They unbearable. Unlike such films as Starcrasfi, Australopithecus. This change is followed by
meet up with Zarkov whose ship is as art- which have nothing to recommend them, a mad spree of savage destruction Unable to.

deco and anachronistic as ever. The trio blast Flash Gordon does have a great number of control his changes either into monster or
off, only to hit a black-hole vortex which things in its favor. The sets and special ef- professor. Hurt lives in continual fear of kill-
takes them to Mongo. Once again, the spe- fects are excellent. Much of the acting is very ing his loved ones, killing anybody at all, be-
cial effects, throughout the film, are con- good. A number of the innovations and devi- ing killed, and so forth. (In a particularly
sistently good. But one swallow does not a ations from the old story are very clever. But gruesome scene, the professor's alter-ego
spring make, and special effects, no matter in the end, the story is weak, the jokes are shows us that there is indeed something to
how good, cannot redeem a terrible film all demeaning, and once again, the audience is worry about when the regressed Hurt enters
by themselves (witness Star Trek — The forced to accept half a movie as a whole. the Boston Zoo at night, driven by the scent
Motion Picture) Traditionally, Hollywood has seen of the animals to track down prey.
As in the original story, Flash and his science fiction as a second-class citizen. For Finally, the professor decides to attempt
friends are captured by Ming's guard robots every Them, the sf buffs have been force-fed his experiment again, in the hopes of both
upon landing on Mongo They are taken to a dozen Black Tarantula's. As long as finding what he originally wanted, as well as
enough people continue to see anything a cure for his condition. His success can only
churned out by the cash-crazy producers, be measured by the individuals in the
such trends will always continue. Flash Gor- audience.
don could have been a good film, but the There is little to lift this movie above its
cheap shots, uneven acting, and too familiar genre, other than the reputation of its direc-
story have destroyed what could have been a tor. Ken Russell. The acting is mostly
new classic. Christopher John pedestrian; Charles Haid steals most of the
scenes he is in; but unfortunately, he is not
the star. The musical score is passable, as are
ALTERED STATES the sets and the special effects. There is
nothing outstanding, except, as mentioned
Producer: Howard Gottfried
earlier, the direction.
Screenplay: Sidney Aaron
Novel: Paddy Chayef sky Altered States is a very tame, very
Director: Ken R jssell straight film for the man who directed The
Devils. Russell's style shows, however. He Although a more than merely competent episodes with Cliff Robertson and David Mc-
has not changed; he has only gotten better. director, Penn's harshly realistic style would Callum spring readily to mind). It is only
While most people have had a hard time tak- have sounded the death knell for this already Russell's imagination and heavily non-
ing his films seriously, they will agree that at weak film. When the property was sold, realistic approach which both save the pic-
his worst he is still an artist, a sort of "silly" Warner Brothers realized this fact. Penn was ture and make it more than merely inter-
genius whose talent for conflicting imagery quickly replaced with Russell. esting fun. It is a highly entertaining movie

is at times unequaled. His best playgrounds It was a wise move. (though this bill of fare can never be more
have always been those films with at least Truly, we have seen it all before. Just as than entertaining), stylish and yet surreal in
one foot in unreality. Altered States is Ster Trek — The Motion Picture is reminis- both mood and presentation.
Russell's Disneyworld. cent of several episodes of the television Simply put. Altered States is very good
At first, Chayefsky's friend, Arthur series strung together. Altered States seems at what it proposes to do — luckily it pro-
Penn, was to direct the picture for Columbia. to harken back to The Outer Limits (the posed to do very little. Christopher John

sist on a guaranteed run of ten weeks — Naturally, everyone wanted Empire in June,

Mediq whether the film attracted viewers, made

money or not, theatres were obligated to
keep it running for ten weeks. Exactly one
but that need was contingent on giving up
80% of the candystand to get it, which
means the prices have got to go up some-
year later, Close Encounters of the Third where. Don't be shocked if admissions are
THE FILM EMPIRE Kind became the first to demand the now- up again for 1980's Christmas features. Of
twelve-week guarantee — three solid
familiar course, if one theatre turns down the deal,
STRIKES BACK... AGAIN months. With a film like Star Wars, which no another can always be found.
Everyone knows that films become hits one, including the studios, predicted as a hit, Proof that the temptations of Empire
through the byway of box office intake - it there are hurried renegotiations of the were sufficient incentive for theatre owners
was how Star Wars became the highest- original short-run contracts in order to pro- is the fact that, during the summer of Alien
grossing film of all time. And by now every- long the box office life of a moneymaker (and (1979), The Empire Strikes Back had already
one knows that its sequel. The Empire not just in the boondocks: among the accrued $30 million in guarantees. Since it
Strikes Back, was the hit of this past summer theatres that reshuffled in order to keep Star cost $18 million to produce and at that time
and going strong. What may come as a
is still Wars was the Chinese Theatre, formerly still had an entire year to reap even more
surprise that Empire was already a hit over
is Grauman's, in Hollywood). But more often guarantees, Empire was home free before a
a year ago, during the brief reign of 20th Cen- the guaranteed-run policy ties the theatre- single normal person ever saw it.
tury-Fox's other epic sf motion picture, owner's hands... unless, of course, he wants Meanwhile, the derivative dumbness of
Alien. to buy out of the contract. The Empire Strikes Back has made the Star
The film industry rule-of-thumb requir- Star Wars also heralded 1977's jump in Wars saga flush for the next eighteen
ing a picture to earn two-and-a-half times its base admissions Ithe price you pay for a months, the time it will take to produce the
cost in order to break even is soundly rooted ticket) to $3.50 in the outback and up to $5 or third in the series, Revenge of the Jedi, after
in things like inflation, "production $6 in Los Angeles or Hollywood. George which the middle trilogy (of the proposed
overhead," padded distribution deals with Lucas was quoted as saying people were wil- triplet, equaling nine films) of the Star Wars
hyperthyroidal publicity, in addition to ling to pay more to see Star Wars because it series will be complete. Empire seems to
negative cost Ithe cost of actually making was a "bigger film" (whatever that meant); have hurdled the two-and-a-half-times-cost
the movie itself, up to the point where prints not even Dino De Laurentiis attempted so bar with ease.
are manufactured). When you consider that outrageous a justification for his much- It does seem tragic that the faithfulness

a single 70-millimeter print with Dolby sound damned remake of King Kong, whose cost of the viewers who will certainly make
costs $8,000 to make, and multiply that by dwarfed Star Wars by two-and-a-half times. Revenge of the Jedi a hit during Christmas of
the number of prints used during release One of the reasons base admissions 1981 counts only for profits. The Star Wars-
(Alien, for example, used over a hundred of keep spiralling upward is that theatres need saga takes great pains never to extend
them plus $6 million-worth of promotion dur- to be able to cover themselves for the beyond the scope of the kiddie matinees of
ing its first week of release — bear in mind astronomical amounts they advance dis- the 1930's; why Fox can't recognize this ap-
that the average "A" feature today has a tributors via blind bidding, which works like peal and go an extra inch, making the admis-
price tag of about $6 million, meaning a this: simply,you must offer them an amount sions a little more old-fashioned as well, is
whole additional film or two might have been huge enough to shut out other theatres that the tragic part. At, say, $3 a head (for walk-
produced with the advertising tally for Alien), also want the film, but without knowing ins, recognizing of course that many people
even the most lavish ad campaigns seem what their offers will be, much like a sealed- have already been driven to discount -ticket
justified in terms of getting revenues back to bid auction. And those advances are getting schemes via credit unions and other special
a studio. bigger. The studios/distributors have this arrangements), the film would still reap a
But when it comes to getting these films money in the bank even if the exhibitor's potload and repeat admissions would be
into the movie-houses, omnipresent industry business peaks out at five winos on a Friday staggering - but to even suggest such a
insecurity — paranoia — raises its true head, night. The forced economization that this plan to a studio executive would only earn
the one with the Mr. Hyde face. Massive ad- practice has fostered in other areas is the back a lightly indulgent chuckle at one's
vances, "blind bidding," and guaranteed reason more and more theatres are be- idealistic naivete.
three-month runs, along with newer and coming multiple-screen crackerboxes, and Star Trek, that killer that needs to gross
more nefarious practices, are strangling the why you can't get real butter on your pop- back over $110 million just to break even,
film industry by placing the crushing weight corn anymore. might also have benefitted from such an ap-
of financial loss on the theatres instead of the Which brings us to the good old snack- proach, but if you were the Paramount ex-
studios. Thanks to governmental meddling bar. Since admissions are traditipnally tun- ecutive handed the $42 million dollar mash-
some years ago, the reciprocal ties between neled off to the studios, the place where a note for that film, would you think about giv-
theatre-chains and owner-studios were theatre used to earn back its own overhead ing the moviegoers a wallet break? It all
severed, signalling the beginning of the end and wages is the snackbar. Expenses have heightens the impression that the fellowship,
for both "Hollywood" and the studio issued forth the dollar Coke in most houses fair play and good will expressed in films like
system. Many of the developments bleeding already; butter has been supplanted by an Star Wars or Star Trek - as far as the
further life out of an entire moviemak- orange, vegetable-oil glop that comes in studios are concerned — are themselves
ing/moviegoing culture are of considerably gallon cans and solidifies at room firmly in the province of escapism and fan-
more recent vintage. When you hear rumors temperature, like candle wax. Coincidental- tasy. In short, they have nothing to do with
of film possibly being an art form confined to ly, this also brings us back to The Empire the real world, where the PR is frantic, the
the 20th Century alone, there may be more Strikes Back, a film that is taking for itself, as admissions are on their way into
truth there than you think. did Alien before it, an eighty-percent cut of
1976's King Kong was the first film to in- the snackbar revenues, or "concessions."

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S&7and Ares games analyzed in every MO VES! An original game in every issue!

OFTHEB.S.M. [1.0] Introduction
is a solitaire game of
Voyage of the Pandora
interstellar exploration.The player controls the
Biological Survey Mission Pandora as it travels the
starways in search of extraterrestrial life forms.
The player uses ihe crew, robots, and equipment
of the Pandora to collect exotic specimens while
attempting lo minimize the loss of human life and
return home wilh the Pandora intact.
Copyright © 1981, Simulations Publications, Inc., New York, N.Y., 10010
Voyage of the Pandora is played in two time
scales. The lengih of the game (or tour of duly) is

measured in tour months. When a single planet is

being explored by an expedition to its surface, time

ismeasured in expedition hours. The passage of
hours has no effect on the passage of months.
Voyage of the Pandora does not use a repeat-
ing sequence of play, as many SP1 games do.
Rather, ihe player refers to a series of events,
represented by ihe 232 paragraphs following these
rules, to determine the occurrences and outcomes
of the journey. The player goes from event toevent
as a result of his decisions and as a result of chance
(i.e., i he roll of a die or the instructions of a chart).
In thisway, a chain of evenls is formed that gives
play a narrative qualiiy not found in other games.

[2.0] Game Equipment

The game equipment consists of the rules, in-
cluding 232 paragraphs, charts, tables, and logs;
the game-map; and 100 playing pieces. Two six-
sided dice (included in the boxed version only) and
a pencil with a good eraser are also required in
order lo play the game.
{2.1] The game-map portrays eight
different environs that may be explored
and other displays used during play.
Each environ is a distinct playing area, only
one of which is used at any one time. A hexagonal
grid is placed over the terrain feaiures of each en-

viron lo facilitate the placemen! and movemem of

ihe playing pieces. Each hexagon (or hex) has its
own identity number and represents an area one
kilometer across.
The is used to record the
Interstellar Display
movemem of the Pandora from planet to planet.
It too is overlaid wiih a hex grid. Every planet ihe
Pandora may explore is shown. Each planet oc-

cupies a different star system (not shown)

separated from others by many light years. Also
included on Ihe map are the Time and Supply
Track, Planet Aiiribuie Track, Expedition
Display, and Environ Terrain Key.

[2.2] The charts and tables are used to

summarize and resolve certain game
These charls and tables include the In-
terstellar Event Table, Planet Tabic, Port Capacity
lowed by numbered paragraphs calltu <;)(.
Read This First: which give the specifics of the rules. Note that
Chart, Terrain Effects Chart, Exploration Matrix,
Encounter Strategy Table, Creature Rating Table,
The rules lo Voyage of Ihe Pandora are the numbering of trie Case- is a decimal term
Combal Results Table, Pandora Crew Log, and
organized by major topics arranged in the of Ihe Major Section number. Players should
Creature Attribute Log. Phoiocopies of the two
order in which they occur in the play of ihe examine Ihe map and counters and then quick-
logs must be made for repeated play.
game. Each such major lopic is given a number ly read the rules (Million! iryina to memorize
and a name below which is given (usually) a ihem). Then Ihe game should be set up lo play [2.3] The paragraphs represent all the
General Rule or De.a pi ion n liich summarises
i and a "trial run" made. Voyage of ihe events that may possibly occur during
ihe rules in lhat section. This is usually fol- Pandorals designed lobe played solitaire. the game.
The paragraphs are numbered from 001 to
232. These numbers merely identify each

Open (he magazine to the ci it the rules and close slaples.

ed to the character's weight when in the rover or appears on certain creatures that give the player
shuttle. When wearing an Armorig, all other extra VP's when they are captured and returned to
ratings are used instead of the character's cor- the Pandora.
[2.4] The playing pieces include seven
responding ratings.
characters, four tiots, 21 tools, 39 SAMPLE ARTIFACT COUNTER
creatures, five artifacts, and 24 game Stun bomb. May be used in combat against
creatures. Its Combat Ratings replace those of the
character using it. Once used, the Stunbomb is

[2.5] The characters, bots, and tools considered destroyed.

are aboard the Pandora at the start of Natgun. May be used in combat against yPolm
play and are controlled by the player. Its Combat Ratings replace those of the character
These three types of counters are using The Netgunmaynot be used underwater.
Each artifact brought into play when found

collectively called units. (in accordance with the paragraph listed on the
Cllmbkh. Reduces the time expended to enter
back of the counter). If the player succeeds in
SAMPLE CHARACTER COUNTER mountain and cliff hexes in an environ when an ex-
returning the artifact to the Pandora, he keeps the
pedition is on foot (see Terrain Effects Chart).
counter and receives the listed VP's. Note: The
Neuroecan. May aid an expedition when en- Alien Weapon possesses five ratings like those of
countering intelligent life forms, as described in a tool, and may be used as such once acquired.
certain paragraphs.
[2.7] The game markers are used on
Turbolaaer. May be used in combat against the game-map to show variable
-+3 2656* creatures. Its combat ratings replace those of the attributes of planets and environs, and

/ N~ t
character using

Both It. May be used


to repair damaged hots dur-

to record the status of the Pandora and
her expeditions.
ing an expedition (see 6.9).
Pandora. Used to show the current position of the
Toolkit. May be used to repair damaged tools (ex- Pandora on the [nsterstellar Display,
cept itself) during an expedition (see 6.9). Shuttle. Placed in the environ currently being ex-
Madklt. May be used to heal wounded characters plored to show the location of the expedition's
MedO during an expedition (see 6.9). lending hex.
•Enviong r. Reduces chance of surprise attacks by Tour Time/Tour Time Exceeded. Used on the
321065 when exploring a hex (see 8.1). Time and Supply Track to record how many
Holographer. May be used to create a three- months have passed in the Pandora's tour of duty.
dimensional analytical image of a life form when When the tour of duty is exceeded, the counter is
flipped over (see 4.6).
Each character is named for the posilion he capture is prohibited, as described in certain
holds aboard [he Pandora. A character's posilion
paragraphs. Expedition Time. Used on the Time and Supply
has no direct effect op his use. However, a Rover. May be used to transport the expedition in Track to record the passage of hours when an ex-
character filling a certain position may be more an environ. Its Weight Rating is used only when in
the shuttle. Its Port Rating is listed on the Port
paragraph. In addition to the five numerical Capacity Chart.
ratings listed on their counter, each character has E-cage. May be used to contain and port a cap-
an Intelligence Rating (see 3.3) and an En- tured living creature. Its weight is always one, Shuttle Supply. Used on the Time and Supply
durance Rating of S. These are listed on the Pan- regardless of the type of creature (if any) contain- Track to record how many Supply Points arc
dora Crew Log, The back of each character ed in it. One creature (only) may be con rained in a aboard the shuttle in an environ.
counter is used when the character is in an environ given E-cage at a time,
that requires the use of an enviorig (see 5,2), and Underground /Submerged. Placed atop the On
the ratings thereon are modified to show the ef- [2.6] The creatures and artifacts are Fool marker when the expedition is in a cave hex,
fects of wearing an enviorig. encountered in the environs during the or atop the rover or On Foot marker when the ex-
course of play. The player may attempt pedition is underwater (see 6.7).
SAMPLE HOT COUNTER to capture or acquire them for Ex plored / E xplored U n derg rou nd / Su bme rg -
purposes of victory. ed. Placed in each hex in an environ and on each
planet on the Interstellar Display that has been ex-
SAMPLE CREATURE COUNTER plored. The hack is used uulcnuic exploration of a

Coml Gravity, Atmosphere, Hydro Quiet/Hydro

Active, Life Support, Climatn Climate Fog.
Each bot (robot) has five ratings identical in Used on the Planet Attribute Track to record the
type 10 those of the characters. Bots do not have an and environ cur-
specific attributes of the planet
Intelligence or Endurance Rating. The back of rently being explored.
each bot counter is used when the boi is damag- 3 11 3«4.Sf>Md Modifier
ed. When this side is face-up, none of the bot's
ratings (except weight) are used until the bot is \Pr
repaired. [3.0] How to Start Play
After reading these rules and examining all
the playing pieces, the game-map is spread out on
-007 a flat surface. The instructions of the following
Cases are then conducted in order.
+5 VP-+»?
Each tool has five ratings identic [3.1] The player chooses how long the
those of each bot. The back of somen Pandora's Tour of Duty will be.
The name of each creature is recorded on the
are used when damaged. Other tools (those with He may choose a 10-month Tour of Duty
Creature Attribute Log when the creature is en-
blank backs) may not be damaged, only destroyed. (which takes about 45 minutes for an experienced
countered. Each modi fie is used when determin-
Each tool with a Supply symbol is considered a player to complete), a 20-month Tour of Duly
ing a specific rating for a creature (see 8.4). Once
supply user (see 7.1), All tools are listed in the (which takes about two hours to play), or a
determined, each rating is recorded on the log. If a
following paragraphs, with any special attributes. 30-month Tour of Duty (which takes about three
bullet (•) appears instead of a modifier, the rating
Armorig. Must be worn by a character when hours to play).
in a is automatically zero. The paragraph number cor-
corrosive atmosphere. Its weight is not ported responds to the paragraph describing the initial en- [3.2] The playing pieces are set up on
(carried) by the character that wears it, but is add- counter with the creature. The Victory Point Value and next to the game-map.
The pieces are punched out and sorted accord- ment to put the Pandora in orbit around the ding one month of Tour Time. However, no more
ing to type. All creature and artifact markers chosen planet. Interstellar Movement is also used than two Endurance Points may be regained by a
should be placed to the side, in view, so that they to move the Pandora from or to the Pandora En- single character in a month. If the medical officer
Box. In addition, w hen is aboard (and is not being healed), a total of six
may be brought into play as called for. The Gravi- try eligible to conduct In-
ty, Atmosphere, Hydrograph, Life Support, and Movement, the player may perform On-
terstellar Endurance Points may be regained by characters
Climate markers are placed in the leftmost space board Actions before moving. in one month (no more than three Endurance

of the Planet Attribute Track. The Tour Time Points may be regained by a single character in a
PROCEDURE: month in this case). The medkit has no effect on
marker is placed on ihe space of the Time and Sup-
After choosing a planet to travel to, the player healing characters aboard the Pandora. The gain
ply Track corresponding to the chosen Tour of Du-
moves the Pandora hex by hex from its current
ty length (see 3.1). The Expedition Time, Shuttle of Endurance Points by healing is indicated by
position to its destination, making note of how
Supply, and Expedition Supply markers are plac- erasing the appropriate marks from the Pandora
many hexes were entered during the move. The Crew Log.
ed in the leftmost space of the Time and Supply
Pandora may be moved through any number and
Track. The Explored, Shuttle, On Foot, and Study Creatures. The player may determine the
type of hexes on the Display (including hexes con-
Underground/Submerged markers are placed ratings of any unknown attributes belonging to all
taining other planets). After completing the move,
aside for use during each expedition. The Pandora creatures he has captured and placed aboard the
the player moves the Tour Time marker a number
marker is placed in the Pandora Entry Box on the Pandora (see 8.4). If the science officer is aboard,
of spaces to the left (toward zero) on the Time and
Interstellar Display. All other pieces are placed no Tour Time is expended to do this. If he is not
Supply Track equal to the number of hexes entered
directly in front of the player; these represent the aboard, one month of Tour Time is expended
in the move (including the destination hex but not
characters, bots, and tools aboard the Pandora (regardless of how many ratings are determined).
the hex of origin). He then rolls two dice. If the
that the player uses during the game.
number rolled is less Than or equal to the number All the preceding actions may be performed
[3.3)The Intelligence Rating of every of hexes entered during the move (including the simultaneously. Thus, the number of months re-
character is determined. destination hex and the hex of origin), an In- quired io complete the longest action determines
The player rolls one die for each of the seven terstellar Event occurs. If the number rolled is how many months total are spent on all the ac-
characters separately. If the die result is 1, the greater than the number of hexes entered during tions.For example, if one month were spent
character has an Intelligence Rating of 6; if the the move, the Planet Table is referred to. repairing,two months were spent healing, and no
result is 2 or 3, he has and Intelligence Rating of 7; CASES: months were spent studying, two months total
if the result is 4 or 5, the Rating is 8; and if the would be spent on all these actions. Time spent on
result is he has a rating of 9. As each Intelligence
[4.1]The Interstellar Display shows the these actions is in addition to time spent conduct-
Rating determined, it should be recorded in the
size ofeach planet, and the relative ing Interstellar Travel; none of these actions may
appropriate space of the Pandora Crew Log. Once distance of each planet from its star. be performed while moving the Pandora. Time
a character's Intelligence Ruling i> determined, it A planet may be one of four sizes: tiny, small, spent conducting these actions is recorded by mov-
is not changed for the remainder of the game. large, or giant. Size affects the type of gravity that ing the Tour Time marker the appropriate number
a planet may be assigned. A planet's distance from of spaces to the left on the Time and Supply Track.
[3.4) Refer to paragraph 201 to begin its star may fall in one of four categories: close,
the voyage. [4.6] If the Tour Time marker is moved
biosphere, far, or remote. Distance affects the type
This paragraph requires the player to move to zero (off the Time and Supply
of climate that an environ on a planet may be
Pandora any planet on the Interstellar Track) before the end of the game, it
the to assigned. The player may use this general informa-
Display by inlciMcllar movement and possibly is flipped over.
tion when choosinc which planei(s| the Pandora
resolve an Interstellar Event, as explained in 4.0. will be moved to. The marker is then moved along the Track lo
After the movement is completed, the Planet Table the right, to show how many extra months the
consulted to determine the next paragraph. Each [4.2] The Interstellar Event Table is
is Pandora remains in space.
paragraph that lollows will describe a situation used if an event occurs during

and lead the player to another paragraph as a interstellar movement to determine the
result of a siaiemeni or procedure in the next paragraph referred to.
paragraph, a result obtained from a chart or table
[4.3] The Planet Table is used after
[5.0] Preparing
that the paragraph instructs the player to refer to,
or a procedure in tliC'C rules that lite paragraph in-
interstellar movement to a planet hex an Expedition
structs the player to conduct.
on the Interstellar Display has been
The entire voyage is carried out in this wav
completed, to determine the next GENERAL RULE:
paragraph is reached that declares the game paragraph referred to. Each time the Pandora is moved to a planet,
until a
over (for better or worse). Often the player the Planet Table will direct the player to a
[4.4]The game begins by moving the paragraph that states the planet's attributes and
find that he is directed to the same paragraph Pandora from the Pandora Entry Box, the types of environs that might possibly be ex-
many limes (paragraph (150, lor example).
and ends by moving the Pandora to the plored. After perusing this information, the player
[3.5] Often a paragraph will instruct the Pandora Entry Box. must decide whether or not he will explore the
player to choose a character, bot, or At no other limes during play may the Pan- planet, if the player chooses not to explore the
other item at random. dora be moved to or from the Entry Box, An In- planet, he refers to paragraph 050. If he does wish
When instructed to do so, he may blindly terstellar Event may occur when moving to or to explore the planet he prepares an expedition by

draw one counter from among those eligible, or he from the Entry Box. and the Box counts as a hex carrying out in order the instructions of the
may assign each counter a die result and roll to see when calculating the distance travelled. When the
which counter chosen. For example, if one of player completes interstellar movement of the
three bots in an expedition must be chosen at ran- Pandora from a hex on the Interstellar Display to
dom, the player could mix their three counters the Pandora Entry Box (thus ending the game), [5.1]The player places markers on the
together and draw one without looking; or assign pai agraph 232 is referred to, Planet and Environ Attribute Track
one a die result of or 2. another a die result of 3 or according to the attributes listed in the
[4.5] Whenever the player is at
4, and the third a die result of 5 or 6, and roll one planet paragraph
paragraph 050, he may conduct any or
die to see which one is chosen. The Gravity, Atmosphere, Hydrograph. and
allof the following Onboard Actions
Life Support Value markers arc each placed on the
before conducting interstellar
space of the track corresponding to the nature of
that attribute on this planet. The planet's geology
[4.0] The Pandora and Repair Tools and/or Bots. Four damaged tools (quiet or active) is shown by placing the ap-
and bots aboard tke Pandora may be repaired propriate side of the Hydrograph marker face-up.
Interstellar Movement (flipped over from their damaged side to their The Climate marker is not place at this time.
operative side) by expending one month of Tour
GENERAL RULE: [5.2] The player chooses the
Time, If the maintenance officer is aboard, all
The Pandora mav be moved from one planet characters, bots, and tools that will
damaged tools and bots may be repaired in one
hex to another on the Interstellar Display by using explore the planet.
month, A slash is erased from the Pandora Crew
Interstellar Movement whenever the player is at
Log for each tool or bot repaired (see 8.8).
He may select any units from among those
paragraph 201 or 050. The player chooses any aboard the Pandora, as long as at leasi one
planet on the display thai has not yet been moved character is included. As the player chooses units,
to or explored and conducts Interstellar Move- he adds together their Weight Ratings,


If the planet to be explored has no at- in [he landing hex. Any number of Supply Points A hex containing an explored marker may not
mosphere or a poisonous atmosphere, any may be laken with the expedition, in the manner be explored again. Exceptions: A liquid hex or a
character that the player plans to send outside the described above. The total Weight Rating of the hex containing a cave may be explored above Ihe
shuttle must be equipped with an enviorig (the tools and Supply Points in the expedition may not surface and below the surface. If an alien city hex
character counter is flipped over). If the planet has exceed the total port capacity of all the characters is explored, and no intelligent life or artifact is
a corrosive atmosphere, any characler that will be and bots in the On Foot Box (see 5.8). found, it may be explored a second time (only);
sent ouiside the shuttle must be equipped with an two Explored markers are used in the hex to
armorig (an armorig counter placed atop each
[5.7]The expedition comprises all the
is denole this occurrence
such character). units placed in the Rover Box or the On
The player is not limited by the number of Ex-
total Weight Rating of the units chosen Foot Box of the Expedition Display.
plored markers provided with ihe game. If they are
may not exceed the port capacity of the shuttle may not be placed in both boxes; the ex-
exhausted, any markers of the player's devising
(see 5.8). All the counters chosen are considered pedition may be on fool or in the rover, not boih. may be used.
aboard the shuttle and ready to descend to the At one characler or bot must be in an expedi-

planet's surface, lion at times. If this requirement is not met, all

all [6.3] The expedition may be moved
tools and Supply Points in the expedition are con- from any hex in the environ
[S.3] The playor chooses how many sidered deslroyed. to any other hex In the environ
Supply Points will be placed aboard the The player uses an expedition to conduct all by hasty movement.
shuttle. movement and exploration in an environ. The The player places the expedition in the
Each Supply Point has weight of 1. Anywhere Rover or the On Fool marker (whichever is in the destination hex and totals the number of hours ex-
from one to 30 (maximum) Supply Points may be on) i rxpcdit pended (as shown on the Terrain Effects Chart) lo
placed in the shuttle, as long as its port capacity is expedition's first action (as stated in the landing iraverse a route of hexes connecting the hex of
not exceeded (including all the units already hex paragraph) must be to explore ihe landing hex origin lo the destination. For example, an expedi-
aboard). The number of Supply Points chosen is (see 6.1). Note: Bols may port but may not use any tion on fool that moved from hex 03 10 to 061 us- 1

shown by placing the Shuttle Supply marker on the tools except on E-cage. ing hasty movement would expend six hours. Ex-
appropriate space of the Time and Supply Track. ploration may not be conducted during hasly
[5.8]The Port Capacity Chart lists the
movement. However, the Exploration Mairix
[5.4] The player determines which
port capacity of the shuttle and rover
used to determine the next paragraph referred lo
environ hex the Shuttle marker is ineach gravity type, and how the Port after the move is completed (see 6.4).
placed in and which paragraph is next Rating of s character, bot or tool may
referred to. in accordance with the be altered by the gravity type. [6.4) The Exploration Matrix
used is
planet paragraph. after exploring a hex or conducting
He rolls one die and places the Shuttle marker hasty movement to determine which
in thehex listed for the die result. This hex is called expedition encounter paragraph is
the landing hex. If the player is not pleased with referred to.
the environ the shuttle has landed in, he may roll Instructions for use and important die roll
the die and refer to the planet paragraph again. [6.0] Expedition modifiers lhat may be on the
applied are listed
However, he must expend one Tour Month to do
so (move the Tour Time marker one space to the
Movement and matrix. See charts and tables.

left) and must abide by the result of the second die [6.5] Each expedition encounter
Exploration paragraph lists three or four
roll. He may inspect the next paragraph before

GENERAL RULE: statements that might possibly match

The moves the expedition abot h the (
the expedition's position or some other
[5.5] The paragraph referred to when player
situation in the environ.
the shuttle is placed in a landing hex viron, explor' '

If one of the siatements is true, the player

describes the environ. by conducting expedition actions.

Whenever a paragraph requires that Ihe player refers lo paragraph. If none of ihe
Ihe listed
The paragraph slates which space of the siatemenis are true, the player must choose
choose an expedition action, he may have the ex-
Planet and Environ Attribute Track the Climate another expedition action. The statements are
pedition explore a hex, conduct hasty move-
marker is placed in. An environ that may only be checked in order; if one is true, those that follow
explored underwater has no climate. If fog is in the
ment, or conduct one of the actions listed in 6.9.
are ignored.
environ, the Climate marker is flipped over (see An expedition action may also be chosen after
It a hex thai the expedition moved through
checking an expedition encounter paragraph or
the Terrain Effects Chart). In addition, the during hasty movement applies lo a statement, the
after conducting combai. An expedition action
paragraph may state special changes that must be expedition is moved back to that hex and only
usually requires the expenditure of expedition
applied to the terrain in the environ or an altera- enough expedition hours to reach the hex where
tion to the Life Support Value (however, the Value the interruption occurred arc expended. If more
may never exceed 5). CASES; than one hex entered during hasty movement ap-

[5.6] The player chooses which [6.1] The expedition may explore plies lo a single statement, the applicable hex

the hex occupies or may move closest to the destination hex is used. A hex con-
characters, bots, and tools will remain it

into and explore any adjacent hex taining an Explored marker lhat is entered during
aboard the shuttle, and which will be
in a single move. hasty movement is not considered when checking
sent forth as an expedition.
Every type of terrain in the hex "costs" a cer- the expedition encounter paragraph.
The Expedition Display is used to show the
deployment of all the units brought down to the
tain number of hours to explore. If the hex is also
planet in the shuttle. Any units that will stay
being entered, additional costs for each terrain [6.6] The Terrain Effects Chart
aboard the shuttle are placed in the Shuttle
type must be paid. These costs are detailed on the summarizes the number of expedition
Terrain Effects Chan. For example, eight hours hours that must be expended to enter
If the rover has been brought to he planet, are expended to explore a hill hex with heavy
each hex on foot or by rover,
and will be used to transport the expedition about vegetation. If the same hex were being moved into
and to explore each hex.
the environ, units of the player's choice are placed and explored, a toial of twelve hours would be ex-
The chart also lists the Supply Modifier for
in the Rovar Box and the rover counter is placed pended. When a hex is explored, an Explored
each terrain type. See charts and tables.
in the landing hex. Any number of Supply Points marker is placed there and the player uses the Ex-
(up to the amount shown by the Shuttle Supply ploration Matrix to determine the next paragraph [6.7] Many hexes contain more than
marker) may be placed in the rover; place the Ex- referred to (see 6.4), one terrain type or special terrain.
pedition Supply marker on the space of the Time For example, hex 1620 contains flat lerrain,
and Supply Track matching the number chosen, Eiplored light vegetation, and a pond. All lerrain in a hex is
and move the Shuttle Supply marker an equal considered when calculating the number of hours
number of spaces toward zero. The total Weight expended to enter and/or explore a hex. Terrain in
Rating of the units and Supply Points in the rover [6.2] An Explored marker is placed a hex in addition to terrain lhat satisfies a slale-
may not exceed the Port Capacity of the rover (see ina hex after expending ment in an expedition encounter paragraph does
5.8). expedition hours to explore it. not negate that statement. Thus, if a statement
If the expedition will move about the environ If a ca\e he\ i- being cplurcd undcri; round, a flat hex, 1620 fulfills the requirement.
on fool, units of the player's choice are placed in or a liquid hex is being explored underwater, the tt hex may be enlered or exited only
the On Fool Box and the On Foot marker is placed Exploration markes i- placed late-down. i hexside crossed by the cave. The
placed on ihe expedition total port capacity of the expedition reduced by • The Life Support Value of the planet is added to
Underground marker is is

lost character Endurance Points or damaged bots. all the terrainSupply Modifiers in the hex that the
A liquid hex may be entered and/or explored If ihe rover is abandoned, the Rover marker is expedition occupies (see the Terrain Effects
on the surface or submerged. The Submerged replaced wilh the On Foot marker in the environ, Chart). If this sum is positive, it is divided by the
marker is placed on the expedition when under- [f a tool or bol is abandoned, it is recorded on the die number and the result is rounded down to
water. Vegetation in a liquid hex is considered Pandora Crew Log, asifdeslroyed (see 8.8). These determine ihe number of additional Supply Points
submerged (unless specifically slated otherwise in actions do not require the expenditure of hours. expended. Exception: No more than four Supply
a landing hex paragraph) and is considered in an Points are expended in this manner. If Ihe sum is
Raorganlza the Expedition. If the expedition is
statement only lhai siate- not positive, no additional Supply Points are ex-
:r if
in thesame hex as the shuttle, the player may re-
also ir
position any and all unils in the Expedition

[6.8]The expenditure of expedition Display. Units, arlifacts, and crealures may be Example: A 3 is rolled for a supply check. The
moved from the expedition to the shuttle and vice- Supply User Total is ten. Three Supply Points are
hours is recorded by moving the
versa. A creature placed aboard the shuttle must expended. The expedition occupies hex 1705 on a
Expedition Time Marker to the right,
remain in an E-cage. Supply Points may be ex- planet with a Life Support Level of iwo. Adding
along the Time and Supply Track.
changed between the expedition and the shuttle by the Level to all the Supply Modifiers in the hex
The marker is never moved beyond ihe Sup- results in a sum of two. Two divided by three is less
adjusting the two Supply markers. The port
ply Check space on the track for ihe gravity on the than one, so no Supply Points (in addition to
restrictions must be met when the reorganization is
planet being explored. When the marker reaches
completed. These actions do not require the expen- three) are expended.
this space, it is returned to the beginning of the
track and its movemem is continued. For example, [7.3] The expenditure of Supply Points
if ihe gravity is heavy, the marker is on the 10 space Ratum to the Pandora. If the expedition is in the is recorded by moving the Expedition
and an expenditure of five hours is required, the same hex as the shuttle, exploration of this environ and/or Shuttle Supply markers the
marker is moved to the 3 space and a supply check may be terminated. AH units, crealures and ar- appropriate number of spaces to the
lifacts that survived ihe expedition and are in the
is conducted before performing any other func- left on the Time end Supply Track.
tions (see 7.0). If the gravity were earth-like in this hex are removed Trom the Expedition Display. All
The Shuttle Supply marker may be moved a
case, the marker would be moved to the 15 space counters in the environ are removed. All couniers
number of spaces per Supply Check less than or
instead (and no supply check would be on the Time and Supply Track (excepi the Tour equal lo the number of characters in the shuttle on-
conducted). It is possible (especially in an op- Time marker) are removed. An Explored marker is All other supply expenditure must be satisfied
pressive gravity) that the Expedition Time marker placed on Ihe planet on the Interstellar Display
by moving the Expedition Supply marker. When
would be moved into Ihe supply check space twice that the expedition is leaving. The shuttle and all
Supply Poinls for the expedition are exhausted,
in a single expenditure. In this case, two supply aboard are considered to have returned to the
the required expenditure of Supply Poinls must be
checks are conducted, one after the other. Pandora; go lo paragraph 050.
satisfied by expending Endurance Points belong-
ing to characters, bots. and tools that use supply in
[6.9] When a paragraph states that
the expedition (see 8.8). The first such Endurance
the player may choose
Point must be laken from a character (if any), the
an expedition action, he may conduct [7.0] Expedition Supply second from a bot or tool (if any), ihe ihird from a
any of the following.
GENERAL RULE: character, the fourth from a bol or tool, and soon.
Repair a Tool or Bot. The player chooses a Each time Ihe Expedition Time marker is
damaged tool or bol in the expedition that he moved into the Supply Check space of the Time
wishes to repair and expends from one to six ex-
pedition hours (his choice) in the attempi. He then
and Supply Track corresponding lo the gravity of [8.0] Creatures, Combat
the planet being explored, Ihe player must conduct
rolls one die; if the die result is less than the a supply check. Anywhere from zero to eighi Sup- and Damage
number of hours expended, the tool or bot is ply Points are expended in a single supply check,
repaired (it is flipped over from its damaged side lo
depending on the supply users in ihe environ, the GENERAL RULE:
itsoperative side and a slash is erased from the ap- Life Support Value of lie planci. and the terrain in
Mosl paragraphs thai the player is directed to
propriate box on the Pandora Crew Log). If the the hex occupied by the expedition. If Ihe Expedi- by an expedition encounter statement describe a
maintenance officer is in the expedition, two is tion Time marker is moved through the Supply creature, artifact, or intelligent alien that the ex-
subtracted from the die result. If the toolkit is pre- Check space and back lo the beginning of the track pedition has encountered. Unless specifically ex-
sent, and a tool (other than the toolkit) is being re- (see 6.8), the supply check occurs in the hex Ihe ex- cepted paragraph, each creature and artifact
in the

paired, two is subtracted from the die result. If a pedition occupies at the end of iis current expedi- that is found has a corresponding counter; in-
bot is being repaired, and the botkit is present, two tion action (before proceeding to the next telligenl aliens have none. When encountered, the
is subtracted from the die result. Each bot or too! paragraph). player finds Ihe counter wilh a number on iis back
is repaired one ai a time. Regardless of whether a side matching the paragraph number and places it
repair attempt is successful or not, the number of
CASES: the I s the ( The

hours committed lo the attempi may not be [7,1] Characters, bots and certain tools name is recorded on ihe Creature At-
reduced. are considered supply users. tribute Log. The instruclions in the paragraph are
Each character is a double supply user. Each Ihen carried out.
Heal a Charac tar. The player chooses a character bot is a single supply user. Each tool with a supply CASES:
in the expedition that has lost at least one En- symbol is a single supply user. The rover is a dou-
durance Point and expends from one to twelve ex- ble supply user. When a supply check is required [8.11 If a paragraph states that the
pedition hours (his choice) in an attempt lo regain (see 6.8), Ihe player determines Ihe Supply User expedition may be surprised, conduct
one of the character's lost Endurance Points. He Total by counting each character in Ihe environ the following check.
then rolls two dice. If the dice result is less than the twice, and each bot and tool not in the shuttle once Roll one die. If the expedition is exploring
number of hours expended, Ihe character gains an or twice (as appropriate). Tools and bots in Ihe and has the scanner, they are surprised on a result
Endurance Point (erase one mark on the Pandora shuttle are not counted (but characlers are). For of 6. If they are exploring and do noi have the
Crew Log). If the medical officer expedi-
is in the example, if two characters, a bot, and Ihe tur- scanner, hey are surprised on a result of 4 to 6. If

tion (and is not being healed) or Ihe medkit is pre- bolaserarein the rover, and one character is in the Ihe expedilion is conducling hasty movement
sent, three is subtracted from the dice result. If the shuttle, the Supply User Total is ten. A damaged and has the scanner, they are surprised on a result
medical officer and and the medkit are present, tool or bot, or a capiured creature is not con- of 3 10 6. If they are conducting hasty movement
one die is rolled (instead of iwo, with no subtrac- sidered a supply user. and do not have Ihe scanner, Ihey are automatical-
tion). Each heal attempi is used to regain one En- ly surprised. After finding whether Ihe expedilion
[7.2] When a supply check is required,
durance Point for one character only. A heal at- is surprised or not, follow Ihe appropriate instruc-
tempt may be made only if at least one character
the result of a single die roll is
tions in the paragraph.
(other ihan the one bcinr healed) is in the expedi- applied to both of the following
tion. Regardless or whether a heal attempt is suc- calculations to determine the total [8.2] When the player is directed to
cessful or not, the number of hours commilted to number of Supply Points expended. choose an encounter strategy, he
ihe attempt may noi be reduced. declares that he will attempt to
• The Supply User Total (see 7. ) is divided by ihe
communicate, capture, kill, or flee and
Abandon Equipment. Tools, bots, Expedition die number to arrive at a result (rounded down). A
refers to the Encounter Strategy Table.
Supply Points, and creatures (bul not characters) number of Supply Points equal to this result is ex-
The table will direct the player lo ihe next
may be abandoned; simply remove ihe counter pended. Exception: No more than four Supply
Points are expended in Ihis manner.
paragraph. The die resull used may be adjusted by
from the expedition. This may be necessary if Ihe


the creature's attribute modifiers (see charts and E-cage. Once aboard the Pandora, the creature
tables). need not be kept in an E-cage. A
captured creature [9.0] Victory Conditions
may not be encountered again (if directed to its
[8.3)An asterisk (') result on the paragraph, choose an expedition action instead). GENERAL RULE:
Encounter Strategy Table denotes that Victory in Voyage of the Pandora is determin-
If a creature escapes kill or capture, the player
a special instruction may be applied. ed by the number of Victory Points (VP's) the
must choose an encounter strategy again (see
If the creature paragraph has an asterisk player accumulates. During the course of the
8.2), after applying any Damage Points to the
followed by the chosen encounter strategy, carry game, the player records VP's he has gained and
out the special instructions listed. For example, in lost on the Creature Attribute Log, At ihe end of
After resolving combat and applying any
paragraph 145 a special instruction is carried out if play, these VP's are totaled to determine how well
Damage Points incurred to the expedition, choose
(he communicate or combat strategy was chosen the Pandora fulfilled its mission,
another expedition action.
and a "*" was achieved on the Encounter Strategy
Table. If a "*" is achieved on the Table, and the
[8.8] When the expedition receives
creature paragraph no special instruction for
Damage Points as e result of combat, [9.1) The player gains VP's for the
that strategy, the paragraph number in the result is following:
the player must remove Endurance
Points from units involved in the e One VP earned for each creature attribute

combat and/or Expedition that is recorded on the Creature Attribute Log

Supply Points. (regardless of whether the creaiure was captured

[8.4) When a paragraph instructs the The player may use any combination of En-
or not). Note: Allhough the player always knows
player to determine a creature rating, rhat a "•" attribute modifier denotes a zero at-
durance Point loss and Expedition Supply Point
he uses the Creature Rating Table to tribute rating, he does not earn a VP unless he
Damage Point result.
loss to fulfill the incurred
calculate the rating and records It on Shuttle Supply Points and Endurance Points would have had an opportunily to determine Ihe
atiribute normally.
the Creature Attribute Log. belonging to units not involved in the combat may
A creature rating is determined only if a not be removed. e One VP is earned for each creature that is cap-
paragraph requires it, or if the creature is being One Damage Point equals one Endurance lured and returned to the Pandora. Cerlain
studied (see 4.5). Each rating is determined Point or two Supply Points. creatures are worth additional VP's if captured
according to the instructions on Ihe table (see An Endurance Point is removed from a and returned to Ihe Pandora (as noiedon the back
charts and tables). character by placing an X in one of the character's of their counter). These VP's are recorded on the
endurance boxes on ihe Pandora Crew Log. An VP line for each creaiure.
[8.5] When a paragraph requires the Endurance Point is removed from a tool or bot by e Artifacts that are acquired and returned to the
player to conduct combat, he flipping its counter over (to the damaged side) and
Pandora are worth a number of VP's listed on the
undertakes the following steps: placing a slash through one box for that unit type back of their counter. This is recorded on ihe Ad-
on (he Log. Exception: Damage to a character's ditional VP's line.
1. already declared, choose whether the ex-
If nol
enviorig is shown by flipping his counter over.
pedition will attempt to capture or kill the
Two Endurance Points are removed from a (ool or e One VP is earned for each planet that is ex-
bot by removing its counter from the expedition plored, regardless of what is found there. This is
2. Calculate the total Combat Rating of the ex- and placing an X in one bos for that unit on the recorded on the Additional VP's line,
pedition, using the Capture or Kill Combat Rating Log considered destroyed). Expedition Sup-
(it is • Certain paragraphs describe other methods by
of each eligible unit in the expedition, as ap- which the player may gain VP's. If earned, these
ply Points are removed in accordance with 7.3.
propriate. Each bot contributes its Rating. Each are recorded on the Additional VP's line.
Occasionally, Ihe expedition will incur
character contributes his Rating or the Rating of
Damage Poinls as a result of an occurrence in a
any one tool in the expedition.
paragraph (nol as a result of combai). Any units in
3. Determine the Combat Rating of the creature the expedition may lose Endurance Points to [9.2] The player loses VP's for the
(see 8.4), saiisfy such an event. following items. All lost VP's are
4. Subtract the creature Combat Rating from the [8.9] A
character with lost Endurance recorded on the VP's Lost line.
expedition's total Combat Rating to determine the Points has a reduced Port Rating. A e Ten Victory Points are losl for each character
combat differential. damaged tool or bot may not be used. who is killed.
5. Use the combat differential to locate (he col- A character's Port Rating is reduced by the • One VP is lost for each Endurance Point thai a
umn referred to on the Combat Results Table. If number of Endurance Poims he ha; lost (even if surviving characier has lost at the end of the game.
any column shifts must be applied (according to wearing an armorig or enviorig). When all six En- Endurance Points lost during play thai are subse-
the instructions in a paragraph) move to the right durance Boxes for a character on the Pandora quently regained by healing are not counted for
or lefl the appropriate number of columns. Crew Log are marked, that characier is dead; this purpose.
remove him from play.
6. Roll one die and cross-reference (he die result
wiih the proper column to yield a letter result. A damaged tool or bot may not be used at all
(but may beported) until repaired (see 4.5 and
[8.6] The Combat Results Table is 6.9). Exception: A damaged enviorig or armorig
used when the player Is required to may be worn by a character. A characier wearing a
conduct combat. damaged enviorig in an environ with no at-
The lettered combai results are explained on mosphere or a poisonous atmosphere loses two
the table. See charts and tables. Endurance Points each Supply Check. A characier • One VP is lost for each bot or rover that is

wearing a damaged armorig in a corrosive at- damaged or destroyed at the end of the game.
[8.7) A
creature will be killed or mosphere dies during the next Supply Check. A • One VP is lost for each type of tool listed on the
captured or will escape, and the characier in an environ thai requires an armorig or Pandora Crew Log that is totally expended (all
expedition will suffer Damage Points enviorig (see 5.2) immediately dies if thai rig is de- available of (hat type are damaged or destroyed) at
as a result of combat. stroyed. A destroyed tool or bot may not be the end of Ihe game.
Each letter result has two corresponding out- repaired.
comes; one is used if the player declared "Kill"
O Five VP's are lost for each month beyond the
The Pandora Crew Log shows how many of chosen Tour of Duty that the Pandora remains on
and the other is used if the player declared "cap- each tool and bot is aboard (he Pandora at the the Interstellar Display.
ture." In some cases, a paragraph may alter the start of play, depending on the length of the Tour
meanings of the letter combat results. A paragraph of Duly. For example, the number of specibols (9.3) The number of VP's lost is
always takes precedence. available in a 10, 20, or 30 month lour are three, subtracted from the number of VP's
five, and six, respectively. Note lhai the counter- gained determine the VP total.
mix does not include all the tools and bots aboard. If the VP total is more than twice the number
The countermix limits what the player may include of months in the chosen Tour of Duly, (he player
in a single expedition. If a tool or bot is destroyed wins. The voyage has been a financial and scien-
A killed creature is removed from the en- in one expedition, its counter may still be used in tific success.
viron. A
captured creature may be placed in an the next expedition. However, if all the tools or If ihe VP is twice the number of months
E-cage. If the expedition does not have an empty bots of a particular type are damaged or de- in theTour of Duty or less, the player loses. The
E-cage, the creature must be immediately released. stroyed, none of that type may be included in an voyage have not pleased the Galactic
results of the
Survey Commission
expedition immediately suffers 10 Damage Points. After
EXPEDITION EVENT applying the result, ctioosean Expedition Action.

PARAGRAPHS 009. The expedition discovers a

Choose an encounter strategy.
• Communicate: Determine the
tortoise-like creature.

creature's Intelligence
Aggression modifier is -2, -1,0or+1,
successfully captured in the energy cage (s

These paragraphs, arranged numerically from I regardless of its Intelligence Rating!, conduct combat.
001 to 232, are the heart of the game. It is recom- is in the expedition, an intelligent, peaceful message is
020. Conduct combat. Add together the creati ire's in-

d Speed modifiers. If thi

Three Victory Points are earned. If the holographer is also
Paragraphs section, to preserve the element of positive, two colur

surprise that the game entails. Note that the sym- negative, shift two colum is to the right.

bol! 1) means paragraph. 021 The creature chases the expedition. Determit

Speed Rating.
Go to 1201 010. Creature infuria ] by c * If the Speed Rating is equal to or greater than the s
(s Aggre:
* If the Aggression Rating is four or less, determine the

creature's Speed Rating. If this Rating is higher than the

ravelled in the current interstellar single highest Speed Rating among the members of the idRating is less than the slowest Speed in th
or greater (including the hen of
reature cannot keep up and the expeditio
or has out the Pandora slightlv off- action. If the creature's Speed Rating is equal to or less
ree hours are expended. Choose another e>
than the highest Speed Rating in the expedition, conduct

io Aggrei
002. As the shuttle sets down mechanic- il problems Twelve Endurance
and unexpected terra ir
30 to 1 070.
d1148. 011. Thecreatur

1, Determii 's Aggression Rating.

a member of the expedition. The ar
(he Aggre;
s Speed Rating. If this Rating is equal to or
tuallva irgantuan living bt greater than the single highest Speed Rating among the
i,:sll, m members of the expedition, the creature escapes; choose
another expedition action. If the creature's Speed Rating
s Speed Rating is equal tc is less than the highest Speed Rating, conduct combat.
rarthatit resents being disturbed. Communication with " If the Aggression Rating is five or higher, conduct com-
bat. Shift a number of columns to the left equal to the
ly attempt to flee Igo to 11S7) or fight Igo to 1193J. creature's Intelligence or Speed modifier (whichever is

005. The expedition di ill flying inse.

014. Determine the or

y combat is and the expedition i

umn to the le

esult is implemented!. Roll one die to determine how the creature is unharmed; combat is th

Dse. Subtract two from the die result if the medical of- column shifts, capture isnotallowedl.

015. The creature follows the expedition warily. Deter-

than the Speed of the rover (it preseni
mine its Speed Rating.

rover, if present), combat is conducted.

• If the Speed Rating is one greater, equal to, or less than

(he slowest speed in the party, the expedition eludes the

e expended. Choose

016. All communication attempts fail. If the commander

ine, he correctly determines that the weapon is a hig gence Rating is eight oi
hours are expended. In either case, use the Encounter
Strategy Tab lea gain, choosing only Combat or Flee.
d byany character forthe remainder of the expedition,
017. Determ iature's Aggression Rating.
iqual to the Rating, (he workings of the weapon a


Combat Results Table. I 018. The creature trails t

Speed Rating. t. Choose another e
" If the Speed Rating is grei west speed of

o the left, no

An energy cage is
again. Roll two dice. If the dice result is less than the

1 020. If the dice result is equal to or greeter than the

Rating or the scanner is not in the expedition, the

;hing the expedition's

magma spurting toward the party. The intense heat and
cause the expedition to lose 12 Endurance Points
fiery rain a Tour Months
(assigned as the player sees fit). If all characters are wear-
ing armorigs, the expedition loses six Endurance Points

ers, bots, tools, captured

either case, if the rover is present, it is damaged. After ap- cts are safe aboard the Pan-
ib performed (see 4.5). Then
039. The expedition encounters an amphibious swamp
itanding vine-like growth suddenly
creature. The strong-legged beast blinks benignly at the
partyas they approach. Chposean encounter strategy.
Any Strategy: Roll one die. On a result of 1 through 4.
go to the 1 indicated on the Encounter Strategy Table.
However, after resolving the encounter, go to 1 197. On a
result of5or 6. go 101205.

W0. The expedition is greeted by a group of friendly rep-

embedded in a pillar A thick liquid glows inside the tilian sentients who communicate telepathically. The
sphere. The expedition may pass it by (choose an expedi- aliens gladly provide the characters with a short lesson in
their physiology and social history in exchange for an
in the expedition and compare his Intelligence Rating to
the roll of two dice. hours are expended. A number of VP's equal to the
• the dice result is less than the rating by more than
If Commander's Intelligence Rating (if in the expedition! is
one, the beautiful orb is successfully removed from the earned. If she is not present. 5 VP's are earned. Four extra
VP's are earned if the holographer is in the expedition. No
back to the Pandora. If the expedition does not have a
cage, implement the next result instead.
" If the dice result is one less than, one greeter than, or

Endurance Points when acidic liquid spurtsout of the <uC

o column shift to the left on the Combat Results Table.

: lea:Gotol'216.

054. A feline-like predator let

Combat Results Table. If not

055. A ma/function in the jump-sleep revival mechanism

causes permanent brain damage to one crew member
(determined at random). All his Ratings are reduced by
morigl. Choose an encounter strategy. I
one, except for his Intelligence Rating, which is reduced
choose an encounter strategy.
043. The expedition encounters an immense, :o the roll of one die. If his Intelligence
• Combat: The Combat Ratings of the netgun and the silicon-
1 VP's
le of fulfilling his

nany Damege P required to port it.

Any Strategy: One bot (determined at random) is

destroyed (if any are in the expedition) the encounter is

ationship with the flow St rategy Table.

during hasty movement: 1 004.
044. The .merstellar jump puts an unexpected strain on
the Pgndo'a* FTL systems. If the maintenance officer is entered during hasty movement: 1 027.
abnarfi. io» two dice. If the result is less than or equal to
his Intelligence Rating, one Tour Month is expended explorer
men! and the hi
Rating, a number
Tour Months equal to the difference
.s expended (up to a maximum of fourl If the
nontenant*, officer is not aboard, four Tour Months are
bling i- sug .

i. is no visible m
Although there
each alien few inches above the ground. One
is floating a
045. The expedition discovers a large tunneling insect.
member group raises an appendage holding a
of the
Its heavy carapace makes the stunbomb, reconbot and
glowing prism toward the expedition. The expedition may in the >

iolve the £
attempt to communicate (go to 1 195), to fight (go to Combat Ratings of zero). Chposean encounter strategy.
1 I99),ortoflee<go1o1204). " Communication or Combat: The creature disappears

035. The expedition discovers a herd of mammoth. 058. Exposure

strains drives tl officer space crazy
046. I
been visited, ignore this event (proceed to use of the
ie extra Tour Month Planet Table). Otherwise, roll one die and subtract the

number of Endurance Points equal to this number must
047. The Fuji 5500 Central Processor is on the blink.
Before the planet that the Pandora is orbiting can be
surveyed, the system must be put right. Subtract the In- go to 1 067; on a result of 4 or 5. go to 1 073; on a result of
telligence Rating of the science officer, the maintenance 6, go to 1144.
officer or the ground survey officer (whichever is higher)
resembles an elegant gill-breathing life form 059. Expedition encounter.
from nine. This represents the number of extra Tour Mon-
viously beyond price. It may be ported back t
dors [weight of 3). Chooseanothet expedition i during hasty movement; 1 028.
jf the Planet Table. • A hex with a pond or marsh is being explored or was
037. The expedition discovers a sloth- ike ere 1
. The expedition disc a butterfly-ID entered during hasty movement: 1 039.
munching on tree bark. Choose an encounter si
* Combat: The creature suddenly vanishes.
1 5


Rating; the shuttle cash-lands. The expedition im-

After applying the results of the accident lif any).

It. Choose at

:lawswildiyasittriestodefenditseH. Gotol 1B0. 071 Expedition rvnu ter.

ehex lored: 1 042.
061. After •nn ...
nut of FTL. the Pan torn Is Inl for human flesh. Rolltwodice and compare the result
cepted by a
on inspect! u h ryo If
free trat
the weapons «T IS n
• Th
veightles. gravity: 1051
shere: 1 043. 7 :hever is higher. If the dice r«
Intelligence Rating,

istioyed without doing

"H the dice t fe -.,. than his r»R Itinn tn in the Rating, the dif-
skillfully use tlM H nee represents the number ol
ippling andom) that are killed before th """"'"• "-'""•
jumping av t.T i. 1 the expedition is surprised (see 8. 1 1, conduct com-
If Pic
bat, with a shift of one column to the left on the Combat
Planet Tabfe Results Table. If the expedition is not surprised, choose vw. ijroiung homren. Gravity: Light. Atmosphere:
« lard, ot the c
Polion. Hydrograph: 75%. Geology: Quint. Life Sup-
is equal toe yre Ih n his Intelligence HatJr g go to

062. Exp
MO: seppeer underground, never to be seen again. The re-
minder of the expedition escapes Choose an expedition

pressive:! 179.
" A hill hex with no vegetation
being explored or was Is hex 0806,1 115; result 6. hex 1404, 1 11B.
entered during hasty movement, and the gravity is heavy:
lor- is than the Intelligence 087. Orbiting Suvvathe. Gravity: Earth lika. At-
mosphere: Corrosive. Hydrograph: 76%, Geology:
063. T e r-,p e d Quiet. Life Support Value: 2. If the planet will be ex-
use of the Planet Table.
-eptne the long extinct jlesiosa ur. this
"!%' If
" If the die result is great e Intelligence Rating of
plored, see 5.0. Roll one die: Die result 1-3, hex 1803,
1 134; result 4.5 hex 1520. 1122; result 6. hex 0306,1 132.
088. Orbiting Opoplo. Gravity: Haavy. Atmosphere;
Normal. Hydrograph: 50%. Geology; Quiet. Life Sup-

sion regulations require that the Pandora investigate. The

074. Expeditionencounter.
course of the Pandora must be altered (if necessaryl from

and Tour Time expended is altered to fit the new destina-

explored, the die: Die result 13, he* 1109,
planet, then organije an expedition to the planet' 5 surface 1 124; result 6. hex 0806. 1 116.
lored: 1 057.

expedition is placed instead place the party in hex 0817

and proceed to 1 076. If the interstellar jump route does
not pass within one hex of Opoplo, no inter

1 ,-hle.

065. Exp idition encounter

d, or was en ered dur-
ovement: 1 030.
x is being explored or w s entered du ing hasty 076. The shuttle has landed on a plain dotted wi
1 170. 092. Orbiting Mephisto. Gravity: Light. Atmosphere:
Normal. Hydrograph: 0%. Geology: Active. Life Sup-
nt: 1 075. underground in hexes 0715 and 1016. The c port Value:2. If the planet will be explored, see 5.0. Roll
temperate. Deploy the characters, bots, am one die: Die result 1-3, hex 1613, 1 11B; result 4,5 hex
expedition display (see 5.61. Exploration o 1002." 133; 0. .0413.' 128...

093. Siting Ne >v Alto Gravity: Light Atmosphere

+ 2, Combat, +1. Aggression, +3, and Speed, +3. If 0%. G
0715 or 1016 has been explored underground
the expedition is surprised (see 8. II, conduct combat, Value: 3 5.0. Roll one
077. The expedition discovers a large su- 1 3 hex 0412, 1 119; resul 4,5 hex 0806,
creature splayed across a rock. Choose i " 124; re 1909.1 126.
Iwhether it surprises the expedition or notl. If the holo- • Communicate: If tl
094.0 biting K orkrati. Gravity: Ea th like. At
grapher is in the expedition, four Victory Points are earn- : Norm. raph; 50%. G
edlunlesstheexpeditio chooses to fleet. 0. If th
5.0. Rollnedie L 3, hex 1803,1 134: result 4,5
067. The science offic orary. hex 1520,1 122; re 1117.1 138.
month additional To r T mi
095. Or liting Picole. Gra vrty: Near w
rxltou le of
the Planet Table.
Nona. Hvd-ocr ph: 25%. Geology: Quiet.

Life Sup 3. If th
068. Exp 5.0 Roll nedie i: 3, hex 0806,1 124; result 4,
5 137; re ull6. be 1502, 1 125.
during hasty movement; 1 004.
096. Orbiting Su vathe. G avity: Heavy Atmosphere:
• A heavy vegetation hex is being explored: 1 173.
Poison. Hydrograph: 100%. Geology; Active. Life Sup-
port Value; 1. If the planet will be explored, see 5.0. Roll
080. Immediately after coming out of FTL, one creatui one die: Die result 1-3, hex 0302, 1 123; result 4,5 hex
aboard the Pandora (determined at random) sudden 0306.1 132: result 6. hex 0504,1 114.
069. The expedition discovers a long spindly humanoid evolves into a highly aggressive, powerful, intelligent t>
creature. Its gurgling innards can be seen through trans- ng. If the creature's Intelligence and Combat Ratings ai
lucent skin Choose an encounter strategy
• Roll one die On a result of 1 to 3 goto
Communicate: and its Intelligence Rating is less than six, go to 1 82. If r
1 onaresultof4to6, gotol 217.
213; Combat Rating is 6 or 7 and its Intelligence Rating is le:
-- -
• Combat: Roll one die. On a result of 1
to 4, go to 1 220:
• -o 1 83. r =-
on a result of 5or 6. go to 1217.
Thin. Hydrograph: 26%. Geology; Quiet. Life Support
070. Rolltwodice. Ifthedice result is...
• two or more less than the Navigator's Value: 2. If the planet will be explored, see 5.0. Roll one
die: Die result 1-3. hex 1109. 1 117; result 4,5 hex 0806,

l,i ]: ling with no structural damage. ]

124; result 6, hex 0412.1 119.

099. Orbiting Paleo. Gravity; Heavy. Atmosphere:

Normal. Hydrograph: 25%. Geology: Active. Life Sup-
port Value: 1. If the planet will be explored, see 5.0. Roll
one die: Die result 1-3. hex 1513, 1 118; result 4,5 hex
1120,1 129;result6. hex 0413. ' 128


(see 5.6) and explore the landing hex. e climate is temperate. Deploy the
100. Expedition encounter.
and tools in the Expedition Display (sae
• The landing hex is being explored: 1 002. 117. The shuttle has set down on hard, cold ground
• 5.61 and explore the landing hex.
An alienstructure hex is being explored: 1
006. shielded from a glacier originating far to the east by a
• A
vegetation hex is being explored and the gravity small hill. All alien city hexes are considered glacial ice 132. The shuttle is floating on the surface of an ocean
heavy or oppressive: 1 207, hexes. The climate is arctic. Add one to the life support surrounded by tall growths of vegetation shooting out of
' A heavy vegetation hex is being explored and the i the water. All heavy vegetation hexes are considred heavy
pedit ion Display |see5.6l and explore the landing hex. vegetation above the surface, as we* as below the sur-

118. The shuttle has set down on the edge of a solidified

lava flow. To the west, an active volcano spills across the
landscape. The climate is saharan. Add one to the life
die: Die result 1-3. hex 1109. 1 117; result 4.5 hex 1712, support value. Deploy the characters, bots, and tools in
1 127; results, hex0909.1 126. the Expedition Display (see 5.6I and explore the landing
102. Orbiting Mephiato. Gravity: Earth like. At-
mosphere: Poison. Hydrograph: 0%. Geology: Active-. 119. The shuttle has landed at the foot of a massive
Life Support Value: 4. tf the planet will be explored, see mountain with a flat top. The alien structure in hex 0310 5. SI and explore the landing hex.
5.0. Rollonedie: Dieresult 1-3. hex 1002, 1 133; result 4.G does not exist. Patches of low bushes can be seen around
hex 1613. 1 118; results, hex 1411. 1136. the mountain. The climate is temperate. Deploy the 134. The shuttle has set down atop an ivy covered

103. Orbiting New Alto. Gravity: Earth Ilka. At-

characters, bots, and tools in the Expedition Display (see slope. A heavy mist over the region prevents further visual
landing hex. information. The climate is tropical. Deploy the
mosphere: Normal. Hydrograph: 25%. Geology: Ac-
characters, bots, and tools in the Expedition Display (see
tive. Lite Support Value: 1. If the planet will be explored, 120. Expeditic
5.61 and explore the landing hex.
see 5.0. Roll one die: Die result 1-3, hex 0412, 1 119; ' An alien strut ling explored: 1 0t
result 4,5 he. 1106, 1 141; result 6, hex 1620, 1 122. • A cave hex is 136. The shuttle has set down on a snow field surround-
or normal: 1 18 ed by hills and ice patches. Conglomerations of colorful
104. Orbiting Korkran. Gravity: Heavy. Atmosphere:
is being explore* metal and stone-like structures run south and west to the
Normal. Hydrograph: 100%, Geology: Quiet. Life Sup-
is not arctic: 1 Of horizon. They appear to converge far to the east. The
port Value: 0. tf the planet will be explored, see 5.0. Roll
climate is arctic. Add one to the LSV. Deploy the
one die: Die result 1-3, hex 0306. 1 132; result 4,5 hex 121 . The shuttle has set down on a perfectly flat. en.
characters, bots, and tools in the Expedition Display (see
0302. 1 123: result 6, he. 0604, 1 114. less plain, disturbed only by a canyon to the east. I»
vegetation is in the area. The climate Is saharan. Add o<
105. Orbiting Picole. Gravity: Light. Atmosphere:
to the LSV. Deploy the characters, bots. and tools in tl 16. The sh
Thin. Hydrograph: 50%. Geology: Quiet. Life Support
Expedition Display Isee 5.6) and explore the landing hex. i. The glow of motten rock
Value: 1. If the planet will be explored, see 5.0. Roll one
mate is tropical. Deploy tl
die: Die result 1-3, hex 1520, 1 122; result 4.5 hex 1404. 122. The si a dry clearing si
in the Expedition Display (sr
1 116; results, hex 0213.1 137. rounded by sluggish ri 5.6) and explore
Suwethe Heavy. Atmosphere: these waters flow into a large lake, The climate is tropical.
106. Orbiting Gravity:
Deploy the characters, bots, and tools in the Expedition 137. The shuttle has set down o a plain d.
Corrosive. Hydrograph: 50%. Geology: Active. Life
Display laaa 6.6) and explore the landing hex. crawling vines. The giant mesa-like
Support Value: 3, If the planet will be explored, see 5.0.
istopped with an artificial dome. The climate is tropical.
Roll one die: Die result 1 -3, hex 1502, 1 126; result 4,5hex 123. The shuttle is floating on the surface of an ocean Deploy the characters, bots. and tools in the Expedition
1712, 1 127; result 6, hex0413, 1 128. stretchingbeyond sight in all directions. Lush vegetation Oisplay (see 5.6) and explore the landing hex.
o. Gravity: Oppressive. At
and some artificial structures are detected below the sur-
face by the shuttle's instruments. All alien structures in 138. The shuttle has set down on a plain, west of a can-
. Hydrograph: 0%. Geology:
the environ do not exist. The alien city hexes (0204 and yon. Areas of grass-like vegetation break up the area's
0304) are considered alien structure hexes. All exploration The climate is temperate. Deploy the characters,
must be conducted while submerged Isee 6.7). Deploy bots,and tools in the Expedition Display (see 5.6) and ex-
the characters, bots. and tools in the Expedition Display
108. Orbiting Mezo. Gravity: Heavy. Atmosphere: (see 5.6), and explore the landing hex. 139. The shuttle has landed on ice-covered ground next
Poison. Hydrograph: 50%. Geology: Active. Life Sup
port Value: 3, If the planet will be explored, see 5.0. Rol
124. The shuttle has set down on a hare to a frozen river. Thick fog blankets the area. Far to the
ren hills and mountains rising to the wes' Thecl west an ocean is heard. All rivers are considered frozen
one die: Die result 1-3, hex 0412. 1 119; result 4.5 he)
temperate. Deploy the characters, bots, and all marsh hexes are considered glacial ice. The climate
1411, 1136; result6. hex 1320,1 139.
Expedition Display (see 5. 61 and explore tr is arctic. Add one to the LSV. Deploy the characters,

109. Orbiting Paleo. Gravity: Heavy. Atmosphere: bots, and tools in the Expedition Display (see 5.6) and ex-
Corrosive. Hydrograph: 0%. Geology: Active. LifeSup
125. The shuttle has set down on a f*
Thick foliage surrounds the hill and a rive.
port Value: 4. If the planet will be explored, see 5.0. Rol

one die: Die result 1-3, hex 0B1B, 1 121; result 4,5 he> steep slope. The "

is in the Expedition Display [•

1002. 1 133; results, hex 1411. 1 136.

110. Expe
is being explored, c

aljuts from the whiteness. All alien city

hex 1012 are considered glacial ice hexes, 141. The shuttle has set down on a
.arctic. Add one to the LSV. Deploy the A dense fog covers the area. The cl
its, and tools in the Expedition Display Isee Deploy the characters, bots, and toe
111. Orbiting Birss. Gravity: Heavy. Atmosphere: Display (see 5.6) and explore the land!
Poison, Hydrograph: 0%. Geology: Active. Life Sup-
127. The shuttle has landed on a
port Value: 4. If the planet will be explored, see 5.0. Roll
one die: Die result 1-3. hex 1712. 1 127; result 4,5 hex
from a small hole to the east
1109, 1 117; result 6, hex 0808. 1 136.
west. The climate is temperate. Deploy the chara, left on the Combat Results Table. If the creature does not
112. Orbiting Mephisto. Gravity: Heavy. Atmosphere: bots, and tools in the Expedition Display (see 5.61 ar surprise the expedition, choose an encounter strategy.
Poison. Hydrograph: 26%, Geology: Active. Life Sup- plore the landing hex.
port Value: 3. If the planet will be explored, see 5.0. Roll
143. Expedition encounter.
one die: Die result 1-3, hex 1120. 1 129; result 4,5 hex
• An alien city hex is being explored: 1 006.

1513.1 118; results, hex 1411,1 136.

A flat hex with light vegetation is being explored and the
hydrograph is 50% or 75%: 1 003.
leavy. Atmosphere: vegetation exists in the area. Th
e Sup- one to the LSV. Deploy the char
the Expedition Display Isee 5.61

144. The science off ice

129. The shuttle has set dowi despite extensive treatn
how many additional Tour Months are expended in the
futileattempt to save his life (treat a roll of 5 or 6 as no
Deploy the characters, bots. an months expended). Furthermore, if the medical officer's
Intelligence Rating is six or less or he is not aboard, the

r weightless or op-
fected character for the science officer. If the medical of-
;<; Ratine
An alien city hex is being explored, or wa sPiane
ig hasty movement: 1 042.
An underwater hex is being explored o

counter strategy.
116. The shuttle has set down on a grassy clearing sur-
* Communicate or Combat: The creature attempts tr.
rounded by a dense forest. The sound of running water is flee.Determine its Speed Rating. Only those character!
heard to the southeast. The climate is temperate. Deploy
and bots with Speed Ratings greater than the creature';
the characters, bots, and tools in the Expedition Display
: "


must be applied to it first; if any Damage Points remain,

156. The expedition spots a large winged mammalian
they are assigned as follows:
* If the characters are wearing Envirorigs. all Damage
ground. Choose an encounter strategy.
• Communication or Combat: If the ambot or the
Points must be taken as character Endurance loss. The
• A hill he* with light vegetation is being explored or was Envirorig of each character that loses Endurance in this
turbolaser is present, the frightened creature soars away;
entered during hasty movement, and the gravity is heavy:
manner is considered damaged.
• If the characters are not wearing Envirorigs, all Damage
1179. present,goto1223.
Points must be taken as supply loss or bot and tool En-
147. The expedition suddenly discovers that they are 157. Expedition encounter.
surrounded by a colony of tiny, meat-eating tunnel- After applying the incurred result, choose an expedi-
worms. If the expedition
surprised (see 8.11, each
is ing hasty movement: 1 030,
character not wearing an armorig immediately loses a * A glacial ice hex is being explored, or was entered dur-
number of Endurance Points equal to the roll of one die ing hasty movemant:1 072.
(roll once for each such character). If the character is " A light
wearing an envirorig. subtract one from the die result (the /ement. and the atmosphere is normal: pending one hour to inspect the seemingly lifeless statue,
envirorig is considered damaged if the character loses any 1064. it wakes up. Choose an encounter strategy. The netgun

Endurance Point*). If the science officer is present, sub- • The geology of the planet is acme. 1032. and the stunbomb have no Combat Strength (capture or
tract two from each die result. If the ground survey officer killl against this creature.
is present, subtract two from each die result. All these
re is intelligent and friendly. It tele-
pathically relates i sad tale of a great civilisation that once 168. Expedition encounter.
subtractions are cumulative. After implementing the
above results, or if the expedition is not surprised, go to
•The Supply Modifier of a pond has been used at any
itional VP's are earned for each of the
:xpedition: the commander, the neuro- • Analiencityhexisbeingexplored:1 036.
148. Roll two dice and compare the result to the single holographer. The alien is left to his • A glacial ice hex is being explored or was entered during
memories. Choo;* an expedition action. Any other in- hastymovement:1041.

159. The expedition discovers a large insect-lik*

creature entirely covered with a hard, reflective carapace . and the atmosphere is

• If equal to or greater than the intelligence Rating, the

Choose an encounter strategy If combat is conducted
the creature's exterior repels the beam of the tu unregistered fleet a
shuttle crashlands and skids. ThS expedition immediately
its Combat Ratings may not be used-
suffers twelve Damage Points.
After applying the Damage Points, choose an Ex-

149. The expedition is suddenly confronted by a ten- • If the di s than I

foot tall fur-covered multi-limbed humanoid. If the ex- «t by a gift

•' printouts, and go their rr
;eeu to use or me Planet Table,
161. The expedition confronted by a group of five
is the dice result is less than, equal to, or oi
foot tall bipedal insects. There is no counter for these sen i her Intelligence Rating, gotol 203,

tients and they are not recorded on the Creature Attribute

it). Expediti<
e than one greater than her Intelligence Rat
the group Itreat a die result of 1 or 2 as3l. Each individua
A cave is beir +3 f or <
e-1046. tributes. TheexpedStion may attemptto_.
to 12221 or to fight (go tol 2251. Escape is impossible.
162. The expedition encounters a two-foot tall d. Choose an encounti
large eight-legged humanoid creature. Its unhingeable jaw allows its mouth
(ore. Long shaggy fu toopen to a size twice as large as itself. The orifice is lined
i 8.11, conduct combat with a s with row upon row of teeth and other sharp protrusions.
ie left on the Combat Results T. lfsurprised(see8.1l,goto1226. If not surprised, and the 171. Expedition encounter.
Ground Survey Officer is present, choose an encounter
• An alien city hex is being explored;! 036.
strategy.If the ground survey officer is not in the expedi-
" A light vegetation hex is being explored an
tion rolltwo dice. If the result is less than the single is light: 1 145.
highest Intelligence Rating of a character in the expedi-
tion, choose an encounter strategy. If the result equal
expedition. Choose an expedition at is
to or greater than the rating, goto 1 226.
• If the medkit and the medical officer (unless the victim] _^____
) organisms are successfully 163. The shuttle is about to be devoured by a colony of
removed from the vict hardy metal -loving insects. If a character werepresent, he
Points. Two hours are i
could easily drive them off with magnetic repellant. Alarm
• If the medkit orthe medical officer systems in the shuttle send an alert to the expedition. If as not flee at the sight of the explorers, t
the organism is controlled and the vi they are able to return to the shuttle before the next sup- expedition's approach. Roll one die. On
ply check, the creatures are repelled before serious ough4, go tc_1_ 1 56 . On e result of 5or6. gi
damage is done; choose an expedition action. If this
move cannot be made in time, the shuttle is eaten. The
153. A hideous glob of glowing jelly, propelled by
powerful tentacles rears up in front of the expedition. If Pandora by rescuecraft. Go to 1 050. No further planet
the expedition is surprised (see8.1 1, conduct combat with exploration is possible at all.

a shift of one column to the left on the Combat Results

Table. If the expedition is not surprised, choose an en-
counter strategy. If any combat is conducted with this
creature (whether surprised or not) and a or E Combat inspects it, tentacles suddenly sprput from its sides
There is no counter for this creature. Its modifiers are: In
+ 2; Combat, + 1; Aggression, + t; Speed.
154. Expedition encounter. The ci i. Choose one of the
" An alien city hex is being explored: 1 040.
• A flat hex with light vegetation is being explored and the " 9° ° tropical: 1048.
atmosphere normal:
is 1 156. 1214;onaresultof5or6,goto1221.' " '

* Combat: Roll one die. On a result of 1 or ""

2, goto 1 218; t he environ: 1167.
on a result of 3 or 4. go to 1 221 on a result of 6 or 6, the ;

175. Roll two dice and compare the result to the single
highest Intelligence Rating among the characters in the
Flea:Goto122). " "_

165. Expedition encounter.

" An alien structure hex is being explored: 1 036.
• A light vegetation hex is being explored and the gravity arefully. I *iing n
i. noil 04
expended analyzing the object. It may be ported back to
idthehydrographis25%:1 151. the Pandora (weight of 1).
- If the dice result is one less than, one greater than, or
166. I

rmbers of the party tumbling near and equal to the Rating, the plain looking object is left alone
far. If the gravity
" If the dice result is more than one greater than the
is oppressive, a deceptively gentle slope fells members of
" If the atmosphere
corrosive and the MntO is nor in the
is Fating, careless tampering causes the object to backfire
expedition, six Endurance Points must be removed from n.Rolltv
many Damage Points the expedition incurs the Ground
any bots during each supply check for the remainder of
Survey Officer or the Reconbot nany 9amage Points are immediately
is in the expedition, only
198. Expedition encounter.
176. The expedition discovers a massive nel
dril and wab-like strands stretching from rock * An underwater hex is being explored: 1 077.
tsce. The multi-colored crazily-organiied o

as they don't wane er into the strands ) II the holographer

is in the expedition three VP's are ea

177. Expedition a icounter

•An alien city hex is being explored. or was entered dur-
ing hasty movemer it: 1 042.
• If the die result is 4 or 5, tl
it. and the gravity s near weightless or
light: 1 007. Supply Points
and all in tf

ing hasty movemei it, and the climate explodes. Gotol 210
178. The objecti at breaks open soorn after it
saving the hex. Choo 200. Expedition encounter.

.1 142; ona result t

190. Expedition encounter.
• An alien city hex is being explored:! 172.
gotol 159;onars suit of 5 or S. gotol 162.
' A heavy vegetation hex isbeing explored: 1 037. plored: 1 077.
• A
light vegetation hex is being explored and the at-
mosphere is thin or normal: 1 035.

201. checked and rechecked, the Pandora

departs from the Watkins Memorial Exploration Depot in
the Creighton System. The FTL drive is activated and the
random! are killed. One of every typ« of tool at
possesses a kill Combat Rating is lost (cross c a shown in the Interstellar Display!.
for each on the Pandora Crew Log). Roll oned
the display and conduct Interstellar
180. One character (determin
poison dew claw. Roll two die to determine
ol Endurance Points the char)
the medical officer is in the expedition, subtract three
from the dice -esui:. If the medkh la n rde expedition, sub- 202. Expedition encount

It (the .

virorig is then damaged).

loses no Endurance Points. After applying the requirc

result, gotol 017.
203. The p .rates will dep art if thay are given one of. rverv
181. The expedition discovers a small creature that a

Choosean encounter strategy.

Rating (only) of any one character in the expedition to Pandora Cr
go determine the column that is referred to on the Combat Table, If this Hl-easo'iaoie. gotol 133.
tion. go to 1 230 Otherwise, to 1 016.
204. The a o sign of movement as th sex-
Expedition encount, with only kill results possible. After applying any required
• The ccupied by a
esult is 1. th ; aliens do not pursue. Th
:te"l 163.
explorations. However, r

; inthe environ is subsequ antlv
lountain or cliff hex i:

entered by 1 he expeditior i, immediately go to 1 210.

>ed. Choose)
esult is 2 or 3.

194. Expedition encounter. lions, block of escape. If the rover is ll

An alien city hex is being explored: 1 172.

A liquid hex is being explored; 1 063. • If the die D ned
to determin w many -ice Pi
othacl "*%
player sees fit). Or xpendi tion^and'a'r ;
"^'^j 1

; ap'tu'IedMrth^shunirb
slight damage Supply Poii its are confi seated Five VP's are ea ned.
196. The aliens are obviously of a far superior intellect
ind quickly discern the nature of the expedition. They
• Or r» f| otol 191. • If the die r ! glowing prism explodes; ju lu
ommunicats together in high-pitched tones for a mo-
•o> thai mdor. 1210.
orknTal'lchara "Thega™ nsove" nent. Roll one die. Subtract one from the result for each
205. The creature's Aggression Rating is actually +2.
1B4 . Expedition encoi nter.
proper column of the Encounter Strategy Table again, to
ion:l 155. determine the nextl referred to. IgnorealM'l.
206. Combat with the Unithalo is resolved in two
(after leaving the currently occupied one). If this I

broken while in the environ, the player must imme

* A heavy veget. .ltion hex is t eing e> plored gotol 210. Seven VP'sare earned. Choosean exp • proceed to the second round of combat.
it: 1 029.
A: no effect,

185, The object is an alienee mmjnication device that is

vhen disturbed by the ex- S CiH-ll
jltof 1 to 3, gotol 161; on
C: one character (determined a
The creature's Combat Rating is
the second round of combat.

sumed The creature's Combat Ri

normal: 1 027.
After completing the first

combat diffe rental. Then condi

the gravity is light: 1 051.

187. Roll two dice once for

expedition. If the dice result
or bot's Speed Hating, that

lidon. The character will lose one Endurance

j each Supply Check until the expedition
le Pandora (where sophisticated equipment
i). If the character is wearing an armorig. the

is not occur. Choose an expedition action.

206. If the science officer it in the expedition, the larval ff the holographer is in the expedition two VP's ere earn- two dice. If the result'
form may be taken back to the Pandora at no risk; two ed. Roll one die to determine how many expedition hours any one character ii

Victory Point! are earned. If the science officer is not in are expended then choose an expedition action. three extra VP's are e
the expedition, roll one die. If the die result is 1-3, the lar- lured (one expeditiorn hour is expended). If the result is
220. The Glassman attempts to escape; determine its
vel form dine,no VP'e era earned. If the die result it 4-6, an the rating, the neuroscanner and
Speed Rating, Rating is equal to or greater than the
ff this
the larval form suddenly metamorpbosisee Into a deadly, royed by the creature's brain waves
ingle highest Speed Rating among the hiembers of the
ferocious manta-like creature. Choose a iracter immediately loss* two En-
expedition, the creature escapes; choose another expedi-
it rendered unconscious. Roll two
tion action. If the creature's Speed Rating is less than the
v many expedition hours past before
208. One character (determined at random) suddenly high Speed Rating, conduct combat.
sd. ff the science officer is chosen to
goes into convulsions. The creature lumbers off whito the
221. The a i powerful psioni field o is subtracted from the initial dice
expedition attempt* to aid the stricken character, who
that renders i the expedition
has bean infected by a germ indigenous to the alien herd.
Roll one die i many expedition
The character immediately loses two Endurance Points
pass before
and each time a Supply Check occurs during this expedi- 231. The race to which the encountered c
Rating of every character in the expedition is permanently
tion, the infected character loses an additional Endurance belong are now awi
reduced to six (adjust the Pandora Crew Log). The
a medical officer is in tha expedi-
creature has vanished. Choose an expedition action.
ing friendly. Each me the expedition enters an alien
x, or is required to undergo a Suppty
in the expedition may gain Endurance Points (by being 222. Determine the Aggression Rating of one of the Check in this enviri i, one die must be rolled. It the die
heated, sea 6.9) until aboard the Pandora C •
result Is a 1 or 2, tf
the medkit the expeditio
is in If the ratingfour or less, all the creatures leave in a
is destroyed by local s cy forces. Choose an expedition
infected character may gain Endurance Points). Choose hurry. Four VP'sare earned. Go lol 231.
If the rating is 5-8, the creatures are open to com-
munication, A number of VP's equal to the commander's
210. 1 Intelligence Rating is earned. If she is not in the expedi-
transported to the shuttle, which is reedy for lift-off. A» '"
l, four VP's are earned instead. One VP is ear ""
bots, tools, captured creatures and Supply Points in
the environ have vanished. Five VP'e are earned (unless grapher is present, r. xploration of alien city or
already earned for encountering these aliens). Choose en structure nexes m
tnis environ is allowed. Choose a»- i
Inventory of Game Parts
expedition action (return to Pandora is strongly recom- padrtion action.
mended). * Ifthe rating is nine or higher, two more creatures join Each game of Voyage of the Pandora should
211. The Garbrist contacts the expedition tele path ically, the hostile- looking group. Go to 1225. contain the following pans;
requesting that the explorers move on. Four Victory 223. The aoron swoops down, grabs a bot (determined OnelTx n"mapsheet
Points are earned. If the holographer it in the expedition, at random) and zooms away. If there are no bots in the ex-
an additional two VP's are earned. Choose an expedition pedition, the creature decks one character as it soars by
One sheet of die-cul counlers (100) pieces)
lone character, determined at random, loses two En- One rules folder (bound into Ares version)
212. The expedition may attempt to capture one of durance Points). The creature disappears in the distance;
choose an pxpedition action.
Two dice (not in Ares version)
these pests. If the science officer is present, a worm is
successfully captured. If he is not present, roll two dice. If 224. The character chosen to investigate the mushroom
One game box (noi in Ares version)
the dice result is less than the single highest Intelligence is sprayed by a corrosive, deadly poison. If he is wearing If any of these parts are missing or damaged,
Rating in the expedition, a worm is successfully captured. anenvirorig, it is damaged. Until returned to the Pantfors. noiify SPI's Customer Service Department. Note:
Unless actually captured, no VP's may be earned for the character will lose three Endurance Points during each
learning the creature's attributes. After attempting cap-
The process used in Ihe manufacturing of ihe die-
Supply Check. If the medical officer or the medkit is in the
ture lor if capture was not attempted), choose an expedi- expedition, the character loses only two Endurance cut counters used in SPI games sometimes results
Points each Supply Check. If the medical officer end the in colors from one counter overlapping ihe color

213. The Glessman's attempts at communication make medkit are in the expedition, tha character loses only one of a neighboring counter, or in the slightly off-
Endurance Point each Supply Check. If the character is center priming of the letters and/or numbers on a
telligance. The Galactic Survey Commission Code pro- wearing an armorig, the poison has no effect. Choose an
counter. SPI cannot replace counters displaying
these minor manufacturing inaccuracies. Only
expedition, four Victory Points are earned. If the Holo- 225. Determine the Combat Rating of each creature in
grapher is in the expedition, two VP's are earned. If the
counters thai are illegible can be replaced by SPI.
the group and add all these ratings together. Conduct kill
science officer is in the expedition, two VP's are earned. combat (only) using this combined total as the creature
These VP's are cumulative. The creature wanders off. Combat Rating. All Damage Points incurred as a result of
Rules Questions
Where it came from and where it goes remains a mystery. combat must be taken as Endurance Point Loss. If an "E" Should you have any difficulty interpreting
Choose an expedition action. combat result is incurred, the creatures are killed at a cost the rules, please write to SPI, phrasing your ques-
214. The creature slowly fades away, from the bottom of twelve Damage Points. If the expedition survives the
tions so thai they can be answered by a simple
up. Finally, all that remains is its apex, which glitters combat, five VP's are earned. Go to* 231.
sentence, word, or number. You musi enclose a
before it too disappears. If the holographer is in the ex- 226. jickly
pedition, three VP's ere earned, tf the neuroscanner is in
1 r,|
stamped, self-addressed evelope. We cannol
the expedition, two VP's are earned. Choose an expedi- guarantee a proper answer should you choose to
phone in your question (Ihe right person is not
216. The Garbrist emits always available —
and since SPI has published
damages all bots and tools n the i expedition. If already 227. Conduct combat, with the following chan hundreds of games, no one individual is capable of
damaged, a tool or hot isno the combat results: ring all questions). Write to:
ting the required results, coneluct combat. * A,B: No change. All Damage Points incurred m SPI
taken as character Endurance Point loss.
216. The Abomnid bounds quickly after the expedition. Rules Questions Editor for
Ifthe rover is being used, or all the characters are wearing glosper tears one character to
idom). The listed result is then ai Voyage of ihe Pandora
armorigs, conduct combat. If the expedition is on foot
the character with the lowest Speed Rating that is not
i incurred must betaken aschara 257 Park Avenue South
New York, N.Y. 10010

217. The Glassman is much more hostile and intelligent

to blame for the demise of its world, and I
Voyage of the Pandora
than assumed, It suddenly produces a high-energy trap. An unseen lever is pulled and the w
weapon and destroys one character and one bot in the ex- ing of the hallway collapse inward. Roll n Design Credits
pedition (determined at random). If there are no bots in bot and character in the expedition. If t
the expedition, one character (only) is killed. After apply- less then or equal to the bot or character' Gama Design:
ing these losses, kill combat with the creature must be he/ she/ it escapes the falling structure. If John H. Bullerfield with Edward J. Woods
conducted. The Glessman's combat modifier is con- greater than a hot's Speed Rating, ii
Physical Systems and Graphics:
sidered to be +3 (instead of -t-1 as printed on the dice result is greater than a character's Speed Rating, h
immediately loses a number of Endurance Points eq
Redmond A. Simonsen
the difference. If the rover is present, it may not be
Game Develop rnont:
218. Conduct kill combat. I
to aid escape, and is automatically destroyed. I
John H. Butter field
pedhfon, all "B". "C" and "D" combat resultsare treated
e VP's Rules Editing; David J. Ritchie
as an "A"
result with the following exception: The turbo-
Choose ar PlaytBsting:
laser is considered destroyed. All "A" and "E" combat
results are treated normally. If the turbolaser is not in the Scott Laiken, Edwin Lyman, Tony Rosario
expedition, shift two columns to the left on the Combat Blind tenting:
Results Table. All Damage Points incurred must betaken keeps up easily but shows absolutely no signs of he
James Mulligan, Michael Corney,
as character Endurance Point loss. The friendly critter allows itself to be easily capti
Robert Corney, Sean Woods
the player wishes. One expedition hour is exp.
219. Careful study of the rnushro- Choose an expedition action. Production:
Carolyn Felder, Rosalind Fruchtman,
230. The expedition finds that the radrod has son
of mental powers. If further study is not desired, lea
Kate Higgins, Ted Roller, Manfred F. Miikuhn,
creature and choose an expedition action. Otherwi Michael Moore, Bob Ryer

[4.2] Interstellar Event Table [6.4] Exploration Matrix Roll one die to determine the column used.
DIE 1*« Each time interstellar movement Roll one die again to determine the row used.
is conducted, the player The column and row are cross-referenced to
yield the number of the next paragraph
3 061 event occurs (see 4.0, 1 053 056 059 062 065 068 referred to.

Procedure). If one does occur, 2 071 074 078 120 100 110 Die Modifiers: (1) If hasty movement has
two dice are rolled and the result just been conducted, one is subtracted from
is applied to this table to 3 [30 140 143 146 150 154 each die result. A modified result of less than

6 046 determine the next paragraph (1) 4 157 160 165 168 171 174 1 is treated as 1. 12) If an alien city hex is

being explored for the second time (see 6.2),

5 177 182 184 186 188 190
one is added to each die result. A modified
8 044 6 192 194 196 198 200 202 result of greater than 6 is treated as 6.

9 047
70 052
[6.6] Terrain Effects Chart
77 058
12 064

+ 1 Flat 1 Vi 2
[4.3] Planot Table
+ 1 Hill 2 1 3

+2 Mountain 3
A 2 5
+3 Cliffs 5 8
Korkran 085 094 104
-1 Light Vegetation 2



Heavy Vegetation
m 2

IHI aval


Paleo 090 099 109
-1 Pond - 1
Birss 091 101 lil
-1 Liquid Surface 4 1 5
Mephisto 092 102 112
+ 1 Liquid Submerged 4 1 6
New Alto 093 103 113
-1 Marsh 2 p 5

fter [he Pandora is moved to a planet by +3 Glacial Ice 2 1 3

terstellar movement, the player rolls one
e and cross-references the die result with IHi Flowing Lava P p P
e planet the Pandora is now orbiting to +4 Solid Lava 2 2 4
:tcrmine the paragraph next referred to.
- Alien Structure - - 2
+2 -i City 1 li!

[5.8] Port Capacity Chart When a hex is entered, the on foot or rover column is used to
calculate the number of hours expended. When a hex is explored,
theexplore column is used. When a hex is entered and explored, the
on foot or rover column and the explore column are used. The
Near Weightless 120 so Px2 supply modifier column is used whenever a supply check is
Light UK) 40 P+2 conducted. P: Entry prohibited. (-): No effect or not applicable. A:
If the expedition has the cKmbkit, a mountain hex costs 2 and a cliff
Earth-like 80 30 P hex costs 3 (no effect on rover movement and exploration). If fog is
Heavy 60 20 P-2
Oppressive 30 - Vi?
When preparing an expedition, use this chart
to determine how the gravity of the planet
[8.2] Encounter Strategy Table
affecis the port capacity of the shuttle, (he
rover, and each unit with a Port Rating.
Notes: (1) P: The printed Port Rating of the When directed to use this table, choose one
unit. A tool with a ;ero Port Rating always DIE 0° cW <? of the listed strategies and roll one die.
has a zero Port Rating. (2) The rover may -1 Cross- referencing the die result with the
010 011 012
not be used on a planet with oppressive chosen strategy will yield ;he next paragraph
gravity. (31 When [he expedition is
013 014 015 that is referred to. 'See 8.3
submerged (see 6.7), or the rover is being 1 013 014 015 Modifiers to Die Result: ID If
used on [he surface of a liquid hex, [he communication is chosen, add the creature's
gravity is considered to be one category 2 016* 017* 018*
Intelligence modifier and subtract the
lighter than listed for the planet lor purpose-; 3 019 020 018 absolute value of its Aggression modifier.
of determining port capacity (e.g., heavy (21 II capture or kill is chosen, add the
4 019 020 018
gravity would be considered earth-like). 14) creature's Intelligence and Aggression
When a character is wearing an enviorig or 5 016* 017* 018* modifiers to the die result. (3) II" flee is
arm or' is;, his Port Rating is considered to be chosen, add the creature's Aggression
6 016 023 021
that of the rig. (5) The Port Rating of a modifier to the die result.
character in a ihin atmosphere K reduced h> 7 022 023 021
one (the character is wearing a respirator).
025 026 024
3 "


[8.6] Combat Results Table

Combat Differential
-4 -2 + 2 -4 + 7 +11
[8.4] Creature Rating Table or or or or
die less -3 - 1 +1 +3 +6 + 10 more
2,3 1
Roll two dice and add (he modifier 1 D C C B B A A A A
for the rating to be determined
(found on the creature's counter)
2 D D C C B B A A A
to the dice result. If the modifier 3 E D D C C B B A A
is underscored, it is subtracted
4 E E D D C C B B A
from the dice result instead. The
number listed under the modified 5 E E E D D C C B B
8 6
dice result is the rating for that 6 E E E D D C C C B
attribute. "Roll one die again
9 1 (the modifier not applied). On
is Determine the combat differential <se S.S). Rollo icdic
a result of 1 or 2, the rating is 9; cross -re fere it arm the die result with the prof er differential
10 8
on3or4,it is 10; ona5,it is 11; column to yield a result. Any column hit'ts ight
// 9 ona6.itis 12. beyond the +11 column, or to the left be so rid !he -4
column are ignored.
12 *
Combat Results (see 8.7 for further xplanaiion)
A: Creature is killed or captured (a- declared), l Damage
Crusher Point is incurred.
B: Creature killed, 2 Damage Point ;orc eatur
captured, 4

Damage Points.

NonihttunHaricBnid C: Creature is killed. 4 Damage Point ; ore eatur is

captured, 8 Damage Points.

D; Creature is killed, 8 Damage Point ; ore escapes
capture, 8 Damage Points.
E: Creature escapes kill, 8 Damage Pi nts; ( r crea urc
escapes capture, 12 Damage Points.

Voyage of the Pandora C ounte nPJr. 1 (100 pieces): Front

Voyage of the Pan ioraC Sectio n Nr. 1 (100 pieces): Back

ifi Jlflf 10' 4*H .:;..

X 3—C *b* t^, eX

5. iil >*1 4 T 1 ft l 0^0 iL e!!^

Tr d£c T rs ,« - „
2 fit n\ :2: .*; 8*1 !$! nibs
„r,. »r„ £nr.

* 3
m -jfe
m si; !#; §#; g#- s#-
OS, 007
-5 UP +3VP
029 039

2S **
.If. 3113 1 ."5*3
,7*3 *2VP *3VP 'ivp *2VP +3VP .5VP

5? ^j5 # jfh „
1 • 2VP

M V m mK t^v
*r BVP b . :

•IIP *;vp *3vp

"5? "* «" *mr 4H-

4 JL sw iw + 2VP

m ~
\\y "Moji C*m» Effltaal E.mored uwy E.plorM E.pBrtd :.


Sd ™* >
U»» V -1
S '1

"S"e ^ ;
. ;:.:.: [< D lnrtd .,;„.„,. luknt EnM
Subnfgd : ;
—-s _„ .... -



CO"*" AS«'»" SP«° vf"' Commander ICO) D D D a n
Medical Officer (MedO) D a
Navigator (Navl D D D D n
Maintenance Officer (MntO) D a n
Ground Survey Officer IGSO D D n n
Science Officer (SO) Zi D a n
a d n d a a

Sp.cibot d n D a D
fleconbot a a
Ambot a a
Imrebot D z J a D
Botkit J D
Toolkit D a
Medkit D a
Scanner D a
Enviorig DDonnnn nana DDD
Armorig D D D a a a d
Turbolaser D a a
Netgun D u D
Holographer a 1 a
Climhkit a d a a
Additional VP'a
Neuroscanne r; D

SP1 grants permission lo copy the Creature Attribute and Victory

Point Log and Pandora Crew Log for personal use (only).
The name is misleading

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One remarkable aspect of The Devil's blurb makes it sound like a horror novel
Game is that it contains only, one feature ("Now they were after his soul...") which it
Books which could be considered a science fiction
or fantastic element
- a strange ghost-like
who sometimes manifests itself to the
most emphatically is not. If it is science fic-
tion at all, it is science fiction only
a story of ideas, which is supposed to be the
in that it is

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, old man, and who has aided him in gaining essence of science fiction. The novel deals
Douglas Adams, Harmony Books, wealth and power. But even this spirit can be with a minor television director, Jack Weller,
$6.95 (hardcover) interpreted as a manifestation of his near- and his wife Annie. Annie becomes a Trans-
The Devil's Game, Poul Anderson, insanity. In truth, the novel belongs in the formationalist, a member of a religous cult
Pocket Books, $2.50 mainstream, even though written by one of closely modeled — even to
on Scientology
Leviathan's Deep, Jayge Carr, our genre, and is quite powerful. Anderson making the founder of the religion a science
Playboy Press, $2.25 certainly has not let himself stagnate; in- fiction writer in the mold of L. Ron Hubbard.

Star Driver, Lee Correy, deed, his metamorphosis is all the more Strik- Annie is given a "life directive" by the cult to
Del Rey Books, $1.95 ing in a writer of settled style. It is to be induct her husband into its ranks, but Jack is
Malafrena, Ursula K. Le Guln, devoutly desired that The Devil's Game too much a freethinker to become a cultist.
Berkley Books, $2.50 receives the attention it deserves from the This ploy failing, the cult orders Annie out to
Beyond Rejection, Justin Leiber, mainstream audience. its private experimental preserve, and she

Del Rey Books, $2.25 In a strange reversal, Ursula Le Guin's leaves her husband. Jack, desperately in
Antinomy, Spider Robinson, Malafrena is purely a fantasy novel, but is love and desperately angry, eventually joins
Dell Books, $2.25 published by Berkley with the sole word Transformationalism in an attempt to in-
The Mind Game, Norman Spinrad, "novel" on its Spine; either Le Guin is more filtrate its ranks and find his wife.

Jove Books, $2.50 concerned than Anderson about type-cast- The idea which forms the basis for the
ing, or Berkley is better able to identify novel concerns the concept of mental "pro-
At Lunacon in 1974 Ron Goulart told the novels by members of the science fiction grams" - world-views and behavior pat-
audience that he had found his niche as a fraternity which can appeal to mainstream terns — which can be changed both con-
science fiction writer, and had no ambitions readers. Le Guin, in truth, is quite a remark- sciously by an individual and by an outside
to write anything but the sort of novels he able author, and has already received some force. It is an exploration of the nature of
had written to that date — mediocre science substantial attention outside the genre. consciousness, and of brainwashing — and
fiction comedies. Itold myself "That man is Malafrena takes place in the land of Or- to what extent simple persuasion can be
dead as an artist." Goulart had complacently sinia during the age of Metternich. The only considered brainwashing and brainwashing
accepted that he was a successful writer of real fantasy element is the location; the con- persuasion. This may sound pretentious; it
science fiction comedies, and had ceased to and external history are real enough.
flicts should not, because the novel is not at all
develop as a writer. The purchase of a few of Presumably Le Guin did not want to be tied pretentious. Rather, it is a gripping, tense
his books after that time convinced me that too closely to historical events, nor to do too thriller to which these ideas form an intricate
he was stagnating, and I have purchased much rigorous research. The protagonist, backdrop. Norman Spinrad, who has unfor-
none of his work in the last few years. Itale Sorde,is a country nobleman who at his tunately not written much in the last few
A good writer, it seems to me, never university is exposed to Jacobins and similar years, is a writer of considerable skill.
stops experimenting. After the first few revolutionaries. At the time of his studies, his Jayge Carr, whose work has been
years, most writers develop a smooth, com- country, though an ally of France during the featured in several issues of Ares, is a
petent, and saleable style; many, at that Napoleonic era and at one time a hot-bed of relativelynew writer. Leviathan's Deep takes
point, become lazy and continue to exploit republicanism, has subsided into comfort- place on a planet of quite humanoid aliens
that style without exerting further effort at able Metternichian apathy. Uncomfortable who have developed a matriarchal society,
improvement. upon his return to his estate, Sorde decides something along the lines of the Arabian
Poul Anderson has so long been a to go to the capital city to fight for liberty and Nights with sex-roles reversed. Naturally,
feature of the science fiction community that to free his country from Austrian oppression. the major conflict in the Story centers on the
Iam surprised when reading critical works of There is a certain charm in this period of relationship of the aliens with the generally
the sixties which refer to him as a "young" history (or,in this case, pseudo-history)
- patriarchal Terrans. Thankfully, Carr does
writer. True, he hasn't been around as long an erain which Austria is the greatest power not use her novel as a vehicle for shrill
as Asimov, Heinlein, or the old Astounding in the world and juggles the destinies of feminist rhetoric, as have too many female sf
crew, but he seems to be respected as an old Europe, in which individual liberty and free- writers in similar circumstances. Indeed,
master of the field. His style has been honed market capitalism are deemed subversive, although the sexual conflict is important to
to a fine steel cutting edge through years of and in which the mild Austrian tyranny is the novel, perhaps more important is the
practice at his craft, and his novels are hated as ferociously as any Soviet or Nazi aliens' attempts to resist cultural assimilation
among the best of the "hard" sf genre. But oppression. by theTerrans.
The Game is something startlingly
Devil's Malafrena is not, however, an adven- The Kimassu Lady, protagonist of the
different for Anderson; it is not a tale of in- ture story of patriots overthrowing an op- novel, has been assigned the job of dealing
terstellar intrigue or the angry, slow death of with Terrans who have violated the customs
pressor; indeed, the revolution is not suc-
magic in a Christian land — the two themes cessful in the course of the novel, though it of her home planet. As a result, she, of all her
for which Anderson is best known. Instead, seems that Metternich will not be able to people, has the greatest experience in deal-
it is an essentially mainstream psychological
stave off the inevitable in the long run. If ing with Terrans, and she is most concerned
novel. Though it is marketed under Pocket's anything, it is a story about how the status in finding a way to prevent either cultural
"Science Fantasy" imprint, and though its quo and the inertia of humanity destroys the assimilation or genocide for her people. The
blurb makes it sound like a horror story, The visionary. Le Guin's sympathy with her revo- Terrans, on the other hand, are moving
Devil's Game is nothing of the kind. It is the
lutionary characters — and, presumably, quickly to take control of her planet one way
story of seven quite different human beings, or another. Her problems are complicated by
with the less reasonable leftists of our cur-
brought together by a strange old man, who
rent era — is apparent, but she holds out no the fact that she falls in love with a Terran.
participate in a no-holds-barred game with a The result is a gripping and powerful novel,
hope for their salvation. Malafrena seems to
stake of a million dollars. As the novel pro- portending good things to come from a
say that visionaries are often or usually
gresses, the civilizing veneer is stripped layer
destroyed, and though tragic, this must remarkable novelist.
by layer from the characters as they slowly
always be the case, for humanity cannot pro-
come to manipulate and even kill one Spider Robinson is one of the p/easant-
gress without them.
another for the money. Eventually, however, est writers know. His stories are inevitably

their humanity Wins out, quite contrary to Norman Spinrad's The Mind Game is fullof good cheer, have happy endings, and
the expectations and desires of the man who yet another mainstream novel by an sf writer. display his humanist philosophy in an ad-
runs the game. The closest analogy to The Like Malafrena, the dread words "science mirable They do all this, moreover,

Devil's Game, perhaps, is The Lord of the fiction" appear nowhere on the cover; it is, without becoming insipid. Antinomy is a col-
Flies. instead, "Jove Fiction." If anything, the lection of Robinson's short stories, songs,
and execrable puns, and makes exceedingly bell concentrated on injecting the element of nore the elements of good writing. His
good reading. Those who are familiar with good writing into sf, the sub-genre pretty characters are quite interesting, the plot of
his excellent Stardance (written in collabora- much died out, because its concentration on the novel is gripping and by no means secon-
tion with his wife Jeanne) and the Callahan's gadgets generally precluded much charac- dary, and Correy's description of how
saloon stories will need no prompting to pur- terization or plot. technological research works in a small in-
chase his latest volume. One of the developments of recent dustrial firm is entirely fascinating. Correy is
In many ways, Robinson writes tradi- science fiction which find most interesting
a good storyteller, and if Star Driver is super
tional, Campbell-style science fiction. His is the rebirth of super science. True, not science, it is good super science. If, in some
style is clean and readable, shunning the many stories which fit the super science sense, Spider Robinson represents the syn-
rococo stylisms of some other recent writers. mold are published, but there are a few and thesis of "New Wave" with Campbell-era
His stories are tightly plotted, exciting, and they have developed something of a follow- writing, Correy represents the synthesis of
generally solidly grounded in science, not- ing. James Hogan is perhaps the best exam- super science with the hard, clean writing of
withstanding Robinson's lack of academic ple of a writer of this kind of fiction; his re- the Campbell era.
experience science. However, the stories
in cent Thrice Upon a Time\$at\ examination of One of the most distressing features of
deal primarily with human experience rather the theory behind a working time machine, Western civilization is the false, but univer-
than ideas, and the characters are fully flesh- how it functions, its effects on his main sal, dichotomy between science and the hu-
ed out —something not always true of tradi- characters' lives, and its implications for the manities. Certainly the specialization which
tional sf. Because of this emphasis, Robin- future of humanity. Whatever plot Hogan the complexity of our civilization demands is
son's stories are fully part of the new era of superimposes and however his characters sad state of affairs,
partly responsible for this
science fiction which can be said to have interact are purely secondary to his explica- but that complexity cannot be blamed alone.
started in the late 60's; furthermore, his tion of the wonders of the machine. Students of the humanities, for instance,
writing representsan improvement upon the Lee Correy's Star Driver is another ex- however strongly they may specialize in one
Golden Age tradition rather than a departure ample of this sort of fiction. The gadget area, are generally expected to know
from it. Anyone who likes science fiction which Correy dwells on is the reactionless something of disciplines outside their area of
cannot fail, think, to enjoy Robinson's
I thruster, a device which converts rotary mo- specialization; conversely, a scientist is ex-
work. tion into forward motion without expulsion pected to know something of science out-
There used to be a form of science fic- of reaction mass. Such a device is, naturally, side of his specialty. But the line dividing
tion whichmostly died out when Campbell impossible under currently accepted theories science from the humanities is much more
came into his own —
often labeled "super- about the universe, but will be familiar to evident — students of the humanities rarely
science." Super-science fiction was a fiction those who know something about the Dean know much of science and indeed often hold
of gadgets; long paragraphs were devoted to Drive. Correy, however, derives an entirely science in contempt, while many scientists
detailing the wondrous interior workings of reasonable theory to explain how such a know little of art, literature or history. This is
futuristicmachines, and the traditional story device might work. a false dichotomy; the same creative well-
dealt with a heroic engineer or scientist who Although Correy's story concentrates springs which make good artists make good
saved the day by inventing a new gadget to on the theory behind, construction of, and scientists, for science is above all a creative
defeat the aliens or whatnot. When Camp- development of his device, he does not ig- activity.


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Justin Leiber's Beyond Rejection, The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy is an
among other things, is self-evident ly written extremely popular radio series in Britain
by a supremely educated and civilized (and, understand, is soon to make an

human being. Its prose is reminiscent of American debut). It is also one of the best-

nothing so much as 19th Century British fic- selling referenceworks in the galaxy, filled Ares Subscription Prices
tion in its concern for and references to the with myriad interesting, but not necessarily
art and science of our civilization. Beyond true, details about life on some millions of Are Going UP!
Rejection is an excellent novel, and all the worlds. Now also a novel by Douglas
it is

mora remarkable because it is Leiber's first. Adams, telling the story of Arthur Dent, who You can still subscribe, extend, or renew

The protagonist of Beyond Refection, awakens one day to discover that his world your subscription to Ares at the old
Ismael Forth/Sally Cadmus, has a fatal acci- (Earth) has just been condemned by the sec- subscription prices. You must send
dent while vacationing on a remote planet. tor government to make room for an inter- your subscription order to SPI before
His mind, recorded on tape against just such stellar superhighway. The human govern- February 13, 1961. If your are renewing
an eventuality, is played into the body of a ments protest, but the authorities destroy or extending your subscription, make
"zombie" — apersonwho, foronereasonor the planet anyway; after all, the plans for the sure to include your expiration issue
another, is mindless but whose body remains new highway have been on file at sector number. Note: Please write your name
functional. Unfortunately, no male bodies headquarters at Alpha Centauri for the last exactly as it appears on your magazine's
are available for Ismael at the lime of the ac- several years and a protest could have been mailing label. For example, if your label
cident, and he awakens in Sally Cadmus' filed at any time. Dent is the only human who reads John Jay Doe, do not refer to your
body — a rather distressing experience for survives the catastrophe, since he knows a self as J. Jay Doe, John J. Doe, etc. If

him. Moreover, something is afoot; Forth person who has (unbeknownst to Dent) you have a military rank, please write it
has a severe fear of space travel, indeed, of been collecting new material for the Guide after your name. For example, John Jay
aircraft as well, and he believes that his on Earth, and hitches a ride with him on the Doe, Lt., not Lt. John Jay Doe. This
reported death on another planet is impossi- destroying fleet. courtesy will speed up the fulfillment of
ble. Under no circumstances would he have The Hitchiker's Guide is written with your order.
gone on a space journey. Naturally, he does superb English wit, far more humorous than 1 year sub to Ares now costs $14,
not remember his death, since the tape of his any American sitcom. The Guide is even going up to $161
mind was recorded considerably before his worth the S6.95 of the hard-cover edition, a
2 year sub to Ares now costs $26,
death. As a result, he and a Federation agent recommendation do not often make.

going up to $301
journey to that planet to investigate the Greg Costikyan
suspicious circumstances surrounding the
3 year sub to Ares now costs $36,
going up to $421
On one level, then. Beyond Rejection is 5 year sub to A res now costs $49,

a fast-paced thriller; on another, it is a psy-
going up to $651
chological novel detailing Forth's gradual Please make sure to send in your order
acceptance of his new body; on still another, before February 13, 1981.
it is a superbly written and thoroughly civiliz-

ed book. If Leiber continues to write, he can-

not fail to find an important place in the
science fiction genre.

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All rights reserved.


20-Sided Die Resul'
Dm. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
-90 or
Quick lass


Combat 111
2 2
2 2

2 3

by Justin Leites
1 112 2 3 3 3 3

222333344 5 5 6 6 7

12 2 3 3


12 2 3 3
None None Roll again,
add 10% 12 2 2 3 3 4 55556677
1 2% 1 None 1 60% 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5

2 4% 2 2% 2 50% 4 5 5 5 5 6 6

3 6% 3 4% 3 40% 5 5 5 5 6 6 6

4 8% 4 5% 4 30% 555566667777
5 10% 5 7% 5 25%
6 12% 6 10% S 15% 55566677777
7 14% 7 14% 7 10% 5 5 5 5

8 16% 8 16% 8 5% 7 7 7 8 1

or of the defends

The DragonOuest combat system may well LONG ATTACK:

be the most realistic system on the market today, (2xAPAI + ll4FT) phase. After both sides have maneuvered, the
but the price of such realism is often exacted in phase ends,
playing time. Combat can go on for hours, even in
FT + fWEN) II. Spell Casting Phase: Spell-casters from both
cases where the players may want to spend
Note that, unless the creature has some form groups announce which spells they want to cast
minimal time on the intricacies, of battle in order to
during combat. The GM determines whether each
complete an excursion or expedition in one sitting.
long range attacks. If the creature may not melee spell is successfully cast and whether it backfires.
This simpler combat system is designed as a
according to the DO rules, he may not attack at Backfire results are the same as those listed in the
less precise, briefer alternative to the full-blown
DO combat system. It is published here as a field
short range. DragonOuest rules. The GM
then applies the
results for each spell, in the order of the time it
test, and we hope you, the reader, will let us know
what you think of it via letter and feedback before Combat Sequence of Play takes to prepare them. In general, any charm,
Maneuver Phase: The gamesmaster sleep, or other spell that would instantaneously
we make it an "official" variant. I. ascer-
tains whether either party wishes to avoid combat remove a combatant from fighting {not such spells
(i.e., run away). If either party declines combat
as wall of fire, meteor swarm, hellfire. etc.)
eliminates that combatant's attack and defense
The System (unless special circumstances apply — such as
one group being much faster, or one group being points from the party. Any being affected in this
Each creature has a rating for close range and way gets a free shot on the Maneuver Table before
trapped), then the group that accepts combat is
short range, and two ratings (attack and defense) being removed. All other spells have the effect of
allowed one shot at the fleeing party using the Flee
each for medium and long ranges. In general, modifying the differential on the General Combat
combat results are determined by subtracting the
Table. After damage is applied, the should GM
Table when the final combat result is being deter-
decide whether the fleeing party is out of range. If
defender's Defense Rating from the attacker's At- mined. Note that both sides are subject to spell
so, combat is over, if not, the procedure is
tack Rating, at the appropriate range between the resistance, range limitations, and all other effects
repeated until they are out of range, or completely
combatants. Once this Combat Differential is detailed in the Magic book of DragonOuest. After
established, the General Combat Table is con- all spells have been cast, the phase ends.
If neither group flees, the parties should
sulted, and a number from through 9 is in-
decide whether it will close, stani or fall back. III. Final Combat Phase; Each player getsa shot
dicated. By using this number in the appropriate
Damage Table, combat is resolved. Note that, for
A party wishing to close moves tov ird the second on the General Combat Table. Then, the differen-
party. The second party is allowed ie shot on the tial of the two results is figured. The group with
close and short range combat. Attack and
Defense Ratings are not distinguished: the same
Maneuver Table. The deckGM the smaller result is completely destroyed. The
shots should be taken at the pa / before they other group checks on the Final Results Table, us-
number is used for both at each combat range.
reach their desired distance from 1 ing the differential of the results. If the two results
Ratings may be found for characters by using
the party stands, move on to the second party's are the same, roll again on the General Combat
the following formulas:
maneuver period. If the party decides to fall back, Table, adding 10% to the final casualties.
CLOSE COMBAT: the same procedure should be used as in close, ex- In many cases, the GM
will have to make

f2xPS> + EN + (2xAPA(+(J4FT) + fV4MD) cept the party is moving away. decisions as to how much of a modification should
The second party should then decide whether be made for spells. Also, weapons should be taken
SHORT COMBAT: they wish to close, stand, or fall back. The pro- into account in the same way as spells, with good
PS + < Vi EN) + FT+ (2 x APA) + MD + « AG) 1
cedure is the same as for the first party. Note that ones giving additions to the differential and bad
MEDIUM ATTACK: neither group may flee, close, or fall back and fire ones subtracting from it. Once the gamesmaster
FT + (3xAPA) + MD + AG any shots during the maneuver phase. Thus, if the has used this system for a while, he should be able
MEDIUM DEFENSE: second party wanted to c/ose during his maneuver les for the monsters, which
(2xFT> + AG + (2xAPA) phase, he would have to pass up any opportunity ocedure considerably.

A regular feature for

flragonflotes DragonQuest Players t,,D a .,dR„d,c.

One of the components included in each last four months since SPI has been straining Available shortly after The Palace of On-
copy of our fantasy role playing game every nerve and muscle to get Dallas out. toncle will be The Blade ofAI/ectus. Here the
DragonQuest was a feedback questionnaire However, there is now available a GM's setting is not a sinister pile of broken stone,
similar to the one in the back of this issue. screen which includes the Weapons Table, but a mysterious island where dwell a great
One of the questions asked on that question- the Action Point Expenditure Chart, the mage and his lovely daughter. Somewhere
naire was how DragonQuest owners would Ranged, Melee and Close Combat Modifiers on the island is also the rightful master of a
feel about our publishing a magazine Tables, the Grievous Injury Table, Backfire far-off duchy, held by the mage against his

devoled to FRP's in general and Dragon- Table, Special Damage Table, Magic Cast will. The characters' mission is to rescue the
Quest in particular. The response to that Chance Modifiers List, Magic Resistance duke and capture the mage and his daughter
question was overwhelmingly favorable and Modifiers List, Fright Table, Reaction Table, (who are more dangerous than they look).
as soon as we have a large enough base of Fatigue and Encumbrance Table, Grievous The adventure is constructed much like a
potential subscribers we will look into the Injury Range Table, and a Permissable Ac- story, however, and only the GM knows the
possibility of doing just that. In the interim, tions List. Almost all of this material ap- many twists and turns it can take. Unlike
though, we would like to have some means peared in DragonQuest, but having it on a most adventures currently available, A/lectus
of keeping in touch with DragonQuest screen in front of you is certainly a help (cut- will not reward simple "smash and bash"

players and sending and receiving informa- ting the time necessary to resolve combat by freebootery. There are a dozen separate
tion on the way the game is developing. as much as a third). The screen also contains puzzles built into the game, and only the
Accordingly, Drag on Notes will appear more of John Garcia's nifty artwork and is to serious application of some skull sweat on
in each issue of Ares. In DragonNotes, the the best of my knowledge the first such pro- the part of the characters will solve them.
game's designers will answer questions duct which has been printed in four colors. It The beginning of the year will see the
about DragonQuest, provide new material is really quite beautiful. In fact, it is so eye- publication of the first DragonQuest supple-
and suggestions to enhance play and an- catching and the use of additional color to ment, Arcane Wisdom, dealing primarily
nounce news of interest to DragonQuest highlight information makes it so much with. the research of new spells and rituals,
players. The following types of material are easier to read than the standard one-color the manufacture of magical items and the
requested from our readers: screens common in the industry that expect
magical properties of the environment.
1 Questions regarding play of DragonQuest, most other companies to convert their own Three new Colleges will be introduced in the
the sources of DragonQuest research, and the screens to four-color process in the near supplement: The College of Lesser Sum-
rationale behind the design decisions future. moning, The College of Rune Magics, and
incorporated into the game. Another DragonQuest product current- The College of Shaping Magics.
ly is a sheet of Tournament Combat
available Also included in this supplement will be
2. Announcements of tournaments,
rules written to satisfy the desire of some of sections on magical gems and stones, plants
related to DragonQuest. Note: such our more active GM's for a quick means of with magical properties (and how to use
announcements should be received three to four resolving a combat they didn't want to lavish them) and a complete index of DragonQuest
months in advance of much time and attention on (like, say, a ran- magic by book and page number. One of the
dom encounter with a bunch of rats). This most frequently heard complaints about
particular aid is being assembled in every new DragonQuest magic was the lack of magical
3. Hot tips from GM's on special techniques
they may have developed for enchancing we have made
copy of DragonQuest, and items for use as treasure. Arcane Wisdom
DragonQuest play, every effort to get it distributed (even in-
manipulating the rules for will redress this omission by adding a list of

better "balance," etc. cluding it as a stuffer in Ares), but, if you mythological and literary magical items (as
haven't managed to lay hands on a copy, well as some items of our invention) as a sup-
drop me a card care of this column and will I
plement to the College of Shaping Magics,
send you one. which is majorly concerned with the creation
DragonNotes c/o David J. Ritchie Our Origins 80 adventure. The Palace of of such items.
Simulations Publications Inc. Ontoncle, has been completely reworked, in- The second DragonQuest supplement,
257 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10010 creased in size, and sent off to the printer. appearing shortly after Arcane Wisdom, will
We expect copies to be available about the concern itself with providing additional
Update time you read this. Basically, Ontoncle takes monsters and NPC's which we weren't able
Currently DragonQuest is undergoing a the characters through the brooding portals to cover in DragonQuest. We are currently
thorough post-publication edit to remove the of a once great palace which in other times conducting a quest of our own for such
typos, incorporate the existing errata into the served as the abode of an infamous family of monsters (see the MonsterQuest ad in Ares
game, and generally clean things up. Even- demon worshippers. When the family was all #5) and anyone who has a favorite monster
tually, we plan to incorporate the results of but wiped out as a result of one of their foul from mythology or literature that didn't ap-
this edit into a new printing of the game. In rites, the palace fell into decay and became a pear in DragonQuest is encouraged to let us
the meantime, we will publish anything that den of robbers and a place of nameless hor- know about it.
seriously affects play in DragonNotes. ror. The characters' mission is to cleanse the Finally, by early spring, we expect to
There hasn't been much in the way of palace and prepare the way for the return of have available a map for wilderness adven-
new DragonQuest products published in the the last heir of Ontoncle. tures containing four pages of rules and de-
scriptions of key landmarks. Even non-
DragonQuest players will be interested in this
product since it is useable with any FRP
currently on the market. More on that in the

That's about
it so far as upcoming
DragonQuest material is concerned. Farther
down the road are a flock of other projects
including a supplement on World Genera-
tion, a randomized dungeon kit, two more
adventures, and a "bowed world," which will
be the setting of future DragonQuest adven-
tures. As these come closer to fruition, we
will have more to say about them.

used by both the US and USSR is a develop- the components, which provide the only

Games ment of the X-15 and its primary weapon is

the laser battery. There are many reasons
why laser weaponry is likely to be useless in
space combat, especially involving expen-
possible reason for willingly purchasing this
game. The map is the usual hexgrid laid over
a star pattern; while space may be the fina)
frontier, it has yet to give map-makers any
Shooting Stars sive pieces of hardware, but Yaquinto is reason to be excited. The counters contain
J. Stephen Peek hardly the first to exercise questionable judg- several cute illustrations in a field of bright
Man order and retail sales ment in predicting weaponry developments. color bordered by black. Each ship type has
Yaquinto, 916.00 its own data card, which gives the usual
The Yaquinto design philosophy bor- What is maddening the paradox caus-
is plethora of game-related data on perfor-
rows heavily from the principle behind the ri- ed by the ship design and the map layout. mance characteristics.
release enough games and a few
fle volley: Fighters styled after the X-15 should only be All of the above components elicit a
are sure to succeed. Regretably, while a useful in near earth orbit, because their main "nice, but who cares?" reaction by them-
country at war can afford to waste a large asset is and will be their adaptability to condi- selves.The control consoles, on the other
number of bullets, not too many gamers can tions prevalent between and 1 atmosphere. hand, are an improvement of the graphics
weather a plague of turkeys. In most cases, a However, all of the equipment and debris The look of these consoles
company name on a box guarantees a cer- man has placed in orbit around his planet is mimics the control panels of any number of
tain type of game; with Yaquinto, the pur- curiously missing (with the exception of a spaceships seen in sf movies, and the con-
chaser is only sure of a flood of paper and a lone space station) from the scenarios, in soles serve as the indicators for all status in-
twisted sense of humor in the rules. Not sur- which case combat takes place in deep dices. A player can tell, at a glance, the
prisingly, the company image varies between space. The would-be detective, on the verge energy, missiles and torpedos remaining, the
established firm and something peculiar of making gibbering sounds, proceeds to the status of the laser batteries, computer pro-
which crawled ou t of the Texas swamp exotic technology. grams, electronic gadgetry, and life support
Bad games know no one company. No The individual ships have on-board systems, plus the speed and current position
talentis needed to produce such games, so it computers, long-range scanners and elec- of each of his ships. All this information is
seems a waste that Steve Peek used his con- tronic cloaking devices. If a pilot needs some compactly and concisely displayed, allowing
siderable skills to produce Shooting Stars. razzle-dazzle, he can pull out missiles and a play to flow much more smoothly.
Most of the seven deadly sins of wargame plasma-based energy bolt. Okay, we can buy Taking leave of the one feature with
design have cameo and starring roles that. Some clever research scientists then in- redeeming social value in the package, we
throughout the system; there is a rationale vent a tractor beam, a push wave (a reverse reluctantly return to the Advanced Game.
shakier than a Presidential campaign plat- tractor beam), a vampire field (which steals The Advanced Game is a half-hearted adap-
form, play mechanics which work ten times energy from its targets), and an energy web. tation ofLou Zocchi's Alien Space to a hex-
as effectively as Nyquil, and no coherent Our strained credulity marvels at a rate of grid,though it manages to lose some of the
design structure. scientific progress parallelled only by the flavor of the earlier game. The combat
Peek harkens back to the balmy days of period between 1875 and 1950. Then these system has been expanded from the Basic
the 1950's, when every God-fearing compactly-designed ships start tossing Game: now, a hit is targeted at one part of
American knew Communist Russia as the space and time warps around. Political en- the ship (e.g., the life support system). If fire
enemy. Other nations occupied spaces on a tities which can easily twist the fabric of penetrates a shield, the angle of fire deter-
world map, but only the big, bad Soviet space and distort time would hardly be in- mines which part is hit. The last is vintage
Union mattered worth a damn. The scenario terested in advanced versions of the X-15 Alien Space, and any enjoyment derived
here projects us 20 to 75 years into the fighter. The Wehrmacht didn't bother with from play of the Advanced Game is due to its
future, sweeps away the cobwebs of pikes when it had tanks and planes at its direct ancestor.
detente, and reminds us who America's true command. For that matter, if time and space The Optional Rules might have been
enemy is. There are also space pirates, have been conquered, why hasn't man gone useful if they had been designed to be
aliens, and other nasty varmints, but they're to the stars? played. The first few optional rules are exten-
only so much window dressing. There is a school of thought which sions of the Advanced Game, at which point
The reader has by now concluded that argues that a fun-to-play game is good, no an attempt at three-dimensionality is made.
Shooting Stars is a science fiction game. He matter how fuzzy or outrageous its back- In this day and age, it is almost unheard of
is correct, but only because the term science ground literature. In deference to that not to use all three dimensions in a space tac-
fiction is elastic enough to include any school, this review will not arrive at its sum- tical game, but perhaps this news has not
future, regardless of its plausibility. From mation quite yet. Shooting Stars is divided penetrated to the heart of Texas. The utility
clues scattered throughout the rules, we can into a Basic Game, an Advanced Game, a set of this rule is dubious, because the Z-axis is
deduce that the near Solar System has been of Optional Rules and a set of Optional Ad- one-half the scale of the X- and Y-axes.
colonized at least as far as the asteroid belt. vanced Weapons. These build upon each Therefore, not even the Pythagorean
The US and USSR goat each other hammer other, though the player is not instructed as Theorem can rescue the adventurous players
and tongs during the early part of this future to which level of complexity is best for the who dare this rule.
history, and then are supplanted by some- various scenarios.
thing called the United Earth Federation. The Basic Game is a two-dimensional The optional rules were clearly included
so that the game could be as completist as
Whether this federation includes one or both shoot-out. The mechanics are liberally bor-
possible. Some, like the computer pro-
of the superpowers, or whether it represents rowed from recent air warfare games. A ship
grams, do seem to work. Others, such as a
the less fortunate technologically-oriented can have a speed from to 16 (any faster and
cumbersome hidden movement mechanic,
countries, remainsa mystery. itself-destructs). Movement is broken down
The presence of the United Earth into 16 phases, so a ship moves one hex a
show a minimum of thought. And some
have no visible means of support: defy
Federation presumably indicates peace on phase for as many phases as its current I

speed. A ship must be faced in one direction,

anyone to justify the inclusion of a black
Earth, but outside the atmosphere the condi-
hole. Black holes may be the second hottest
tion is not so tranquil. The first villains are the must move in that direction, and can only
trendy item in sf (after Star Wars), but we
Belt Pirates, who are succeeded by the Outer turn in 60° increments.
don't need Carl Sagan to tell us that none ex-
Satellites Confederation. What satellites? Is
Combat is quite simple. Ifan enemy ship ist in the Solar System.
this a collection of squatters on Telstar?
is within a friendly ship's field of fire, the The jury-rigged scenarios don't really
After the UEF (the UN obviously has gone
player must roll a number equal to or greater help the players get into the game. Of
the way of the League of Nations) disposes
than the range in hexes between the two to course, given the general slipshod state of
of these mundane foes, our fair planet is
hit. Each hit reduces a ship's capabilities, un- the rules, this would be too much to expect.
menaced by aliens. What else can one ex- til it is destroyed. This system might have The designer piously hopes that "making up
pected from cheap melodrama? been interesting (though it isn't) if it hadn't your own Scenarios can be a lot of fun." In
The ships and weaponry of this near been seen in so many other games before. other words, you're on your own, folks. The
future are very odd. The main type of fighter The Advanced Game makes use of
full only interesting facet of the scenarios is in
thoroughly bad taste: a special epilog (sic) to can really consider the possible drawbacks in batis an extension (and simplification) of the

a nuclear missile interception scenario, in those names, he has turned the page. A system found in Snapshot.
which the players determine which great city crew member of one of those two ships The game is interesting more for the
was hit, and how extensive was its devasta- might be embarrassed when asked from scenarios and those gorgeous deck plans
tion (not that this has anything to do with the what ship he hails, though they sound than for the rules. When a player is
play of the scenario). grander than a conventional name such as maneuvering his characters through the
Every new space tactical game suffers the"Enterprise". "Azhanti High Lightning," he can appreciate
because of the stiff competition. The basic More importantly, designers Miller and the enormity of the ship.The scenario con-
situation does not lend itself very well to a Chadwick have a sympathy for science fic- ceptualization was well thought-out; each
game, at least given the perceptions of each tion. The Imperium is a construct which has scenario presents the players with a different
and every designer who has tackled the prob- been a part of a space opera saga begun five viewpoint on the ship and a new problem
lem. Perhaps a design which concentrates years ago, and it is internaily self -consistent. to solve.
on the spectacular aspects of ship-to-ship The designers care about their creation and, This game is not above having prob-
combat can succeed, but it's probably better because their concern evident, so does the
is lems. Miller and Chadwick have a fascination
to give this genre a rest for a while. gamer. The'lmperium pleasing contrast
is in with boarding actions and, no matter how in-
None of this excuses the uniformly poor to the typical shabbily drafted plots which genious the justification for each situation,
quality of the Shooting Stars design. The ra- fail to support the majority of science fiction it's sometimes hard to believe. If boarding is

tionale is as flimsy as French women's under- games in current circulation. as common as we are supposed to believe,
wear, the word "organized" does not apply The "Azhanti High Lightning" is a huge then the Imperial Navy should have each ship
to the game, and it plays poorly. Shooting ship. The major game component is a series better prepared to repulse boarders, but that
Sfare shows little or no work, and is an insult ofdeck plans, each of which is the size of a would take all the fun out of it.
to the intelligence of any purchaser. Yaquin- normal wargame map. These deck plans are The designers are certainly ingenious in
to and Steve Peek should be ashamed that actually only a small fraction of the whole their defense of constant pitched battles in
their names are associated with it. If the cruiser, though each of the rest of the decks the corridors of a battle cruiser. There is a
reader is unlucky enough to have purchased is identical to one of those included. A ship left with only a skeleton crew to guard it,
a copy sight unseen, may suggest that he
I square grid is overlaid on each plan, which is which is assaulted by enemy marines with an
put the game out of its misery by using it as necessary to the play of the stand-alone eye toward gathering information on the ship
kindling on a cold winter's night? game. The graphic design of these plans is design. At another time, protoplasmic
outstanding; they are both attractive and "blobs" sneak onboard, and must be re-
Azhantl High Lightning functional. pulsed before the ship suffers the indignity of
The counters come out of the Traveller
being captured by a first encounter. Hi-
Dnlfln: Frank Chadwick and Ma r
c Miller
series mold: silhouettes jackers stow away to gain a valuable ship-
on the front, data on
Game Designers' Workshop. 521 .98 the back. The two booklets bear the distinc-
ment of wine ("take this starship to Cuba").
tive Traveller logo. The first is a And, to complete this admixture of unlikely
No, Azhanti High Lightning is not a rules book,
and the second gives far too much informa- events, there is the traditional piracy ("make
game of contests between African tribal
tion on the "Azhanti High Lightning" class 'em walk the air lock, mateysl").
witch doctors. The marvelous title refers to
ships. Play resolves itself in a massive firefight.
the lead ship in a line of Imperial star cruisers.
This lead ship thoroughly dominates the en-
The two opposing sides tread carefully
The game system is remarkably similar through the ship, and then have a terrific
tire package, which is made up of an adjunct to the one designed for Commando. Each
pitched battle from which the victor

to the Traveller role-playing system and a character or figure has a certain number of
emerges. The scenarios given do not seem to
self-contained game. points to expend on actions per turn. These
be very balanced, but there is ample instruc-
GDWhas developed a knack for actipns include movement of all varieties,
tion forhome-brews. An ambitious player
authentic-sounding science fiction names. combat, and anything appropriate to the
couldgame out a full-scale assault, taking in
They obviously draw their inspiration from scenario being played.
many decks at once.
the author Jack Vance, a master of the art of The sequence of events requires that The background information, which
making the offbeat appear natural. The ships characters be committed to some actions comprises the second booklet, is useful only
"Dolorous Hauberk" and "Loathesome before actually executing them. Observation to the Traveller aficionado. The extensive in-
Reverie" seem real, and before the reader is handled very cleanly and simply, and com- formation includes the history of every ship

a multi-player, hidden movement, Play-by-Mail strategic space game

a game of interstellar conflict and intrigue
fifteen star-spanning empires clash for control of 225 worlds
Pirates plunder and foul shipping lanes, Apostles convert populations to their "true"
faith, Empire Builders conquer huge sections of the galaxy, Berserkers run amuck
and destroy planets, Artifact Collectors scramble for ancient treasures, Merchants
maintain the balance of trade ... sometimes ...

For a copy of the rules and more details, send $1 (US) to:
Flying Buffalo inc. • P.O. box 1467-S • Scottsdale, Arizona 85252
\ D Play-By-Mail since 19701


Eu uo
Date. a- < % 5- Trtaa Pub
Dart* i
3 t
< lit
% 8 * *
39 Worttflaar SPI 6 55 59 35 1 45 9. Dwine Right TSR 7J 10 55 IB U 4 65
40, Double Star 3T7B ID 55 15 55 5 55 16. Swwtb b Sorcery' SP 7778 IB 65 & U 3 50
Pub 5 o 41. Cartons TFG 6/79 4 55 7 np na na 11. Rushiky TYR na 10 65 7 65 5 10
Title Pub Date D- < % a I 1 42. Alpha Qmaga AH 7/77 15 55 11 ne na na 12, Nomad Gods TC 5777 10 6.4 12 5i 3 ao
1. Traveler KM
Tff? 12 7S 38 6.2 5 5.5
43, Chrtin: 1 MGC 77 3 54
28 5B 1 3.5 13. DeathMaza SP 11/79 4 6.1 40 5.1 2 55
1 Impanum GOW
IOW wn
12TJ7 10 n 32 6.1
&.1 6 2.5
44, Vector 3 SPI 4/79 4 30 55 2 35 14, TunnaJi b Trofc Ffl 75 i
6 61 18
It 6.6 5 15
1 Oeatuni . Sheboygan SR
5P 4,79
4V79 4 7.1 S3
S3 50
5.0 1 65 45. Than Strike SPI 479 4 53 29 10 2 55 15 Bandar SR 11/T7 4 65
65 38 5.5 4 45
7B 3 7.1 41 50
5.D 1 6JS
4E Gamma World TSH n 10 53 21 na na na ib. empire or ruuH i nrana GS 6777 f
25 55
5J 21 7.4 9 15

5, Freedom in the Galaxy SP1 6779 20 7.1 36 75 7 55 47. Hot Spot MGC 79 3 53 12 55 1 2.5 17. Sauron SP 11/77 4 55 39 D.Q 4 55
48. Starahips h Spammer FGUI na 7 53 8 na na na 18. Sticks and Stones 5.7 23 5.D 2 as
6. Qjjrc
Ojiti MGC 5^77 3 7D 52 45
IB 1 65
7. Starfleet Batties TF5 11J79 13 7.0 23 in
na n n 4y, dbck Hon Tl UL 1
7B 3 5,2 23 55 2 6,5 19. Waanf s Quest AH 79 15 5.6 21 45 2 2.0

8, Crane Encounta
Crane Encounters H> 76 12 7.0
7.0 23 3i
35 1 U 50. Rivals rm& 79 3 U 30 5.2 1 2,1 20 Damons SP) 11779 4 55 32 5.2 2 75
S. Drt Nebula
Dark GOW 2N 8
6 y
6.6 11 55
5.6 2 15 51. Invasion of Air Eaten Hruu 79 3 5.2 18 55 1 14 21. Brie TC 7f77 5 55 9 45 3 35
10. BarrJeflaat Man SPt w 15 6J 32 as 6 35

Strange Nbw
Aneroid Zero-Four

na 10



Monsters Monsters



11. John Carter of Man SPI 5T79 20 6. 32 6.0 4 55
MGC 67 55 84. MetamorphrasiAlphB TSH 76 5 55 23 6.0 9 1.0 24 Beast Lord YP 6779 15 54 6 7X1 5 45
12. Staiar Conquest ins 13 22 6 35
11 Objective: Moscow SPI 3/76 27 15 IB 50 30 55 55. Star Fighter &L na na 4.7 5 na na na 25, Stompl TC 11/79 3 54 10 na na na

GOW 56. Star Probe TSR na na 44 12 6.0 5 25 26, Lords & Wizards na 12 55 8 na na na
14. Tnpianel»ry 9r73 10 05 12 57 2 4.

15. Wans & Vigiontes PGU1 na 6 8.5 5 na na na

57. Annihitator'One Work! MGC 79 3 4.4 IB 2.5 1 15 27, King Arthur's Kraotm TC 7J78 10 51 na na na

16. Snapshot GOW 0779 3 6.3 19 53 1 4X 58. Hory War 79 3 U 16 55 1 25 28, Speemaltar BL na na 50 7 na ng na
17. After the Holocaust SP 1J77 14 6.3 22 75 7 n 59. Star Lord rtj 972 5 4.3 5 4 4.5 29, Dragon Lords FGUI na na 4.9 4 na ne na

18, Mayday GOW 276 5 6,2
6.2 21 45
4,9 2 4J0
60. RrftTroopar AW 7J76 7 4.3 5 na na na 30, Magic Raabn AH 679 15 45 35 75 1,0

AH 55 61 Starquesl OSG na 4 4.1 7 na na na 31, Bunnies b Burrows PGUI na 6 4.7 8 na na na

19. Starshp
Starcttp Troopers 7(76 15 &2
L2 53 5.0 2 15
35 i

62. Coiony Data FGOI na 4 na na na 32- Unkhmat TSH 8/76 12 45 12 na na na

20. Starweb
StBWSt) re 76 10 62
6,2 12 55
5,5 na
ia na I

11 45 63. Dixie SP 1'7B 5 3.7 32 5.5 2 65 31 War of the Wizards TSR na na 4.5 10 na na na
21. America
21, Invasion: AjTwrica SP! 12f75 IB 6.1 30 55 6 4.5

21 BJoodtree Rebefcon GOW 11/79 13 6,1 28 50 5 25 84, formaiwt AW na 7 n 6 na na na


34. Battle of 5 Armies 3SR na na 4.4 9 na na na

23, Barter SOW 6/79 12 6.0 11 55 4 2J

ES. Amu Race DC na na 14 3 na na na 35 Venerable Destruction EG na 6 4.1 4 na na na

24, Starforc* SPI 9r74 12 U 45 50 4 4,5

66. Qiiazar GG 7S 12 3.1

5 ao 12 25 36 Wadocks & WamOr? TSH 77
7 3.4

na na na

Dmnach 67. StaaV-1 4/7E 12 1 na na na 37. AtiantH EG 4 1 10

25. Outreach SPI 11,76 12
12 60
6.0 36 6.0 5 45

26. Dune AM &V79 15 6.0 25 na na
ia na
66, Warriors of Dade Star TSR na na 2.6 3 na na na

69. War of Star Slavers AvV na 13 U 4 na na na KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS AH = Avalon Hill; AW = Attack
27. Star Fal YP 879 13 5J « na a
na na
Wargaming; 8L - Battle line; C-C = C-in-C Metal casting;
28. War the
in fr
in Ice SPI 1/79 12 5.9
5.3 26 6.9 5 45
70 r DC m na 2.0 ne na N OC = Dava Casciano Co.; EG = Encalibra Games; EP*Eon Pro-
29. Star $<*** SPI w 12 55 27 7,1 2 35
ducts; FB - Flying Buffalo Inc.; FGUI = Fantasy Games Unlimited
Int., GOW = Gome Designers' Workshop; GG = Grimoire Games;
30. Goctefirs MGC 79 16 55 14 7.1 8 15
GS = GameScience; J G -Judges Guild; MGC = Metagaming Con-
31. W
Warp War MuC 77 3 55 37 i,5
i.5 1 55 1, fiunaojunt TC &78 12 7.4 IB 75 7 15
cepts; OSG = Operational Studies Group; SPI = Simulations
32. Feme War
Wi YP B,'79 13 5.9 9
1 na na na MGC 79 3 ?JQ 52 53 1 65 Publications Inc.; TC = The Chaosium; TFG Task Force Games;
33. StBTfire ire 5V79 4 5,7 1
I ng
na na n 3. War of the Ring SP 1WI 18 7.0 9 11 6 45 TSR -Tactical Studies Rules; TYR Tyr Gamemakers; YP=Ya-
34. StarGate
34, StarGatc SP 4,'79 4 5.7 30
30 55 2 6.0 4. Wizard MGC 79 3 6,9 39 5,6" 1 6.0
quinto Publications. Acceptability Bating is the games overall

JL Olympics MGC 3 55 24 55 2,0 White Had Moon TC 11/76 10 6.7 16 55 6.0

populariry. %
Pfay&d\% the percentage of readers who have played
1 5. Bear.' 3
the game within the lest twelve months. Complexity Rating is the
36 Space Quest TYR na na 55 5 na na na 6. ChwairY & Sorcery PGUI na 10 6.7 27 7,0 6 1.0 relative complexity of the game on a scale of 1 (simplest) to 9,
J', ice vnar MGC 78 3 56 23 5.0 2 6,5 7. Dungeons & Dragons TSfl 1Z74 10 6,7 62 65 5 15 So/ftB/ra is the solitaire payability of the game on a scale of 1

3d. Lwds of MiJdte Sea TC 7i7B 10 56 6 na na na B. Oealfi Tart MGC 79 3 66 35 58 1 15 (lowest! to 9,

in this class,and a detailed explanation of the professor, and a radio conversation

brilliant The meat of Asteroid
the special rules. is
uses of every deck. This booklet is no more between the ace reporter and the crusty The computer, its robots, and the features of
than a curiosity for the purchaser who does USAF [Atr Force?) commandant, who the station (such as doors) are handled in
not eat, sleep, and breathe the parent game. presumably has a heart of gold. straightforward fashion. What is really in-
Since Azhanti High Lightning has many A mad scientist programmed the com- teresting {and side-splitting) are the provi-
resemblances to a design of which am I puter on an asteroid station, and then ex- sions for each of the expedition characters,
proud obviously believe it to be a good
I pired before anyone could determine exactly Nichofle (the daughter) will fall in love; Carter
game. It has a unique flavor which allows the what he had done. Professor Delacroix was hates Sasha, so Sasha will not go through a
players to feel they are fighting across the the first to notice that the asteroid would im- door opened by Carter; the robots will try to
decks of a gigantic spaceship. The package pact with Earth, ending tife as we know it. abduct Nicholle (the computer, which pro- is

is also, because of the supplementary mate- The only ship in position to intercept the grammed with the mad scientist's personali-
too expensive. Unless the reader is also
rial, runaway asteroid (and disgorge a team to ty, is in lust with her), etc.
interested in the Traveller universe, he is pay- destroy the computer run amok* was that of The victory conditions follow this
ing a good deal of the purchase price for Scoop Phillips of the World News Service. tongue-in-cheek line, There is a World
something of little or no value to him. A team is quickly assembled, including Preservation victory, in which the computer
Perhaps GDW
will see fit to break off the every cliched character one could ever want. is destroyed; a romantic victory, wherein
stand-alone game into a separate package. There is Muscles McGhee, the strongest Nicholle and her lover escape alive (neither
man the world; Lucky McGhee, the
in will abandon the other); an SPCA victory

Asteroid luckiest man in the world (he kicks the most (Sasha survives), which is increased if Carter
Detign: Marc Miller and Frank Chadwick complicated piece of equipment, and it im- doesn't; and so on. If anyone truly cares
Marl order and retail sales mediately works properly); the sneak thief; whether he wins or loses this game, he is in-
Game Designers' Workshop, S& 96 the professor's beautiful daughter; a capable of properly enjoying it.
Game designers have a tendency to be psychic; the explosives expert; and Sasha Designers Miller and Chadwick are very
heavy-handed and sophomoric when it the loyal mine-dog, who is, of course, the sensitive to criticism about the accuracy tor
comes to humor. What seems funny to the mascot of the local mine. This picture is lack of it) of their games. They have taken
playtestersoften boring or offensive to the
is presented quickly and deftly, and gets great pains to document their characteriza-
gamer not conversant with the proper in- everyone in the proper mood. tions, The psychic is based on a local
jokes. The team and Chadwick, who of Miller of course, a game system, but
There is x palmist, for instance. However, they erred in
just keep doing a good job, have produced a that's not important. The computer player citing one of the role models for the Pro-
very amusing game in Asteroid. They're go- arranges eight geomorphic research station fessor as Guatermass of 50 Millions Years to
ing to give the general design community a tiles to make the area in which our heroes will Earth fit's 5 million years). What's 45 million
bad reputation. perform desperate mission. The basic
their years between friends?
The title has absolutely nothing to do rules are a stripped-down version of those There is absolutely no truth to the rumor
with the game, or at least the interesting found Azhanti High Lightning; combat,
in that Roger Gorman bought the movie rights
part, The background is a standard B-movie for instance, has been reduced to a single to the game, and plans to release a film en-
plot, conveyed to us in a letter from the die-roll. titled Project Normal. Eric Goldberg

fantasy subject (e.g., dragons, unicorns, etc.), 4 = Eco- science fact magazine. 8 = An ad in another kind o
magazine not mentioned; 9 = Other (please specify oi

Feedback nomic/ socio logical/ political articles as related to fantasy;

5 = Articles on mythologies
= Articles
to simulation
on weaponry and
games in
le.g.. Greek, Norse, etc.); 6
= Articles relevant
tactics; 7
general; 8 = Articles relevant to
the Feedback card).

subscription: 2 = by mail, as a sin

I = by

Reader Survey, Area nr. 6 fantasy issue games in Ares. 9 = Other (please write in
Your opinions directly affect the editorial content of Ares category description!
(please specify on the Feedback c<
Magazine. We invite you to participate in this, our regular 27. What percentage of the games you buy do you ex-
survey of teaders. pect will be SPI games? 1 = 10%; 2 = 20%; 3 = 30%;
9 = 90%
How to use the Feedback Response Card: After you've
finished reading this issue of Ares, please read the Feed- 28. Picktheonech oice which most closely matches your yoi ir interest were mainly fantasy bi it nclu ded some sf.

back questions below, and give us your answers by writ- feelings about fictii >n in Ares. 1 = I would like all fiction i might write "2" or "3"; evenly di
ing the answer- numbers on the card in the response removed from Are
boxes which correspond to each question number See relates to the issurs game; 3 = I would like to see two
44. How many persons, including yi >L.rse

f. will read this

centerfold for card Please be sure to answer all Questions
lyoMnss/M = 1;2 = 2.. .8-8; 9 -Sot
(but do not write anything in the box (or question-num-
bers labelled "no question") Incompletely filled-out o relate to the issue game; 5 = I would 4S. Do you own, or plan to buy, c the following
locomputer systems M
= lowna lodore PET: 2
the issue game; 6 jlan to buy a PET; 3 = own a Radio Shiick TRS-80; 4
What the numbers mean: When answering questions,
"0" always means NO OPINION 01 NOT APPLICABLE novelette length str. •» h -*"" = 3lantobuyaTRS-80:5 = own so er microcom-

When the Question is a "yes or no" question. "1" means p ul' er; 6 = plan to buy some other r i-'crof.,'
YES and "2" means NO When the Question is a rating 77ie following que::tions concern other magazines. Pick ha.e no plans to buy a microcomputt• fceca. jsel'mnotin-
question. "1" is the WORST rating, "9" is the BEST ra-
ting. "5" is an AVERAGE rating, and all numbers in be- a copy; 2 = I almost never buy a copy

ccesstoacomputer;9 = have no
from a newsstand; 3 = I occasionally buy a copy, butldo
not have a subscription; A - I did have a subscription to to buy, a Radio Shack TRS-80
SECTION A this magazine in the past, but I do not read it anymore; 5

if the following configurations do

The following Questions ask you to me the articles in this - I did have a subscription to the magazine in the past, K level I, 2 = 16K level I; 3 = 4K
issueon a scale of 1 1paorl through 9 /excellent); = no 6-
5 = 16+ K level with disk; II

subscription to the magazine for one year or less; 7-1 rinter;7= 16 + K level II withdisk
le other co n I Igu ration.
= have subscribed to this magazine for 3 to S years; 9 -

I have subscribed to this magazine for over 5 years.

oi nl I Systt
29. TheSpaceGamer s = c
e. Facts for Fanta?
enjoyable. 2 = marginally useful; 3 = moderately useful:
7. Science tor Sci.
4 = definitely useful in speeding play; 5 = highly useful
S. Quick Combat 31. The Dragon
and enjoyable
9. DragonNotes 32. Different Worlds
48. you have played the experimental DragonOuest

10. FilmandTelevi: 33. Gryphon Combat System m this issue, indicate your opinion of its
;xity =
s, 2 = s id useful. 3 = greatly
12. Books (Review
13. Games (Review complex and lengthy
14. No question
15. This issue overt
si Utopia' dystopia); 6 = Alternate history:
one? = Yes: 2 = N. d up through 9 indicating a definite
el; 8 = Soft science fiction la.k.a. "new
1 inti

Other please write in the category


•rworld. A unique role-playing game sr

IB. Your age: 1 = 13 yea ounger; !

> = 14-17; i Based on Philip

3 = 18-21:4 = 22-27:5 = 28 tt?-ae c L-rjr

ihip);3 =
= Male; would challenge each player
2 = Female.
19. Your sen: 1 rmy), 4
Tactical planetbound conflict (man against manl; 5 = Rive rworld by following the r
20 Education: 1 = 11 yean i or less. 2 = 12 years, 3 = 13-15
Alternate history conflict; 6 = Conflict in a contemporary frozen polar regions Players
is: 4=13-15 years am 1 still in sc hool; 5 = 16 years;
setting; 7 = Role-playing adventure; 8 = Economic/
famous. ..or infamous. ..indivi
21. ren playing Sir Richard Francis Burton. S
the category description)
gar nes? = less than a year 2 = 2year s 8=8 Bergerac) or they could ge
yea rs; 9 -9 or more years. 37. How many science fiction games do you own (in- characters Adventures land
cluding the game in this issue)? = 1; 2 = 2; 3 = 3; 4 =
22 What is the average m end play-

4;5 = 5 to 10, 11 to 15:7 = 16 to 20; 8 = 21 to 25; 9

= 26 or more.
i; 2 = 2-5 hours; 3 = 6-9 hours: 4=10-1!
5- 16-20 hours; 6 = 21-25; 7 = 26-30; 8 = 31-40; 9 = 40 or 38. Pick the one area of fantasy that you most enjoy ie effects of combining
reading: 1 = Sword and Sorcery: 2 = Mythological fan-
13. tasy; 3 = Ouest adventure. 4 = Classically- based fantasy
(e.g., Arthurian legend); 5 = Fantasy in a contemporary
i possess? 1 = 1-10; 2 = 11-20: 3 = 21-30; t = 31-40;
5- 41-50;6 = 51-6O;7 = 61- 70;8 = 71-80;9 = aio setting; 5 = Superhero' heroic adventure; 7 = An- which they died, and the effects of the C£
thropomorphic fantasy (e.g., Watership DownV.Z = Hor- ing to overthrow the rulers of the world. The game would
2*. What level of complexity do yoi j prefer in games?
ror/occult; 9 = Other (please write in the category
Rai e your preference on a 1-9 scale, v,
convenient storage. S10.
icating increased complexity. Uset he (ol lowing games
BattleFleet: Mars. Across the Warp ol Time. Someone in the future is
disturbing the flow of time on Earth. Wehrmacht panzer
columns are seen streaming toward modern Dallas; huge
. ;
ner. herds of Triceratops are roaming through France; the

articles. = Speculative (beyond the bounds

Quest /adventure boaidgames; 4 = Sword'and sorcery
:t 2
role-playing, 5 = Quest/ adventure role-playing; 6 = devastated China. A time war is in effect. Two future
Classically- based fantasy; 7 = Anthropomorphic earths are trying to reshape time to favor their particular
it Going to the Stars"); 4 = Historical overview oi
time lines. Both sides determine that certain turning
the category description) points in history are vitally important and seek to secure
>n games in general; 6 = Science f;
these points to inlluence the luture. Time armies are sent
3 '-liit 40. How many fantasy games do you own? = 1 1 ; 2 = 2;
3 = 3, 4 = 4; 5 = 5 to 10, 6 = 11 to 15; 7 = 16 to 20: 8 =
= 26 or more, futuristicweapons to alter, it necessary, the course of
articles; 9 = Other (pli 21 to 25; 9
history;not all the armies nor their weapons will make the
41. you are a subscriber to Ares, indicate how you
If time jumps successlully. Across the Warp of time will
which you would like to came to be one; 1 = An ad in Strategy 6 Tactics; 2 = An include four geomorphic maps of different terrains on
tasy 1 - I don't like <

le will already be over a,
wn as each species attempted to gather more habitable 56 character cards, 400 playing pieces, and a 22"x34"
irlds into its fold. Star Wanderers recreates this epic map of England. Tosell for $16.
mansion of rival races; though transport across wide ex- game
f3. A character in which players would become
nses of space is relatively quick. The last few light years
knights and go out on quests Would contain 56 cards,
a star musl be travelled at sub-light speed. Players a 22" x 34" map of the area around
dSt carefully balance their economies - both teie-
t To se i'2
rters and space fleets are expensive. Teieport your fleet
the wrong 84. An army game which would center on the ebb and
flow of kingdoms in the Arthurian world. No cards. 400
y S» i

p,200rx i'J fc counters, and 22' x 34" map of England. Tosell for $10.
The following questions I6S to 331 concern SPt's fantasy
Foundation and Empire. Based on Isaac Aslmov'si
Camo from Outer role-playinggame, DraoonQuest. When answering these
They Space. On a warm summer tal"Foundation Trilogy," this game would simuli
questions, J = Yes; 2 = No;0 = Not applicable.
collapse of the mighty stellar Empire and the atten
Fotks in the aree flocked to the sight to gawk at whet they 1 Second Foundations to survive and tr i. fioyt a cony of DragonOuest/
mistook for a smoldering meteorite. It was the last thing mit the extent ot the new Dark Ages. One pla' er played a fantasy role- playing game?
they were ever wrong about; the spaceships ties just land- Id direct the course of the Empire, a migl
ed. Survivors of the first massacre spread panic lo you play fantasy role-playmg games?
throughout the town. As the extraterrestrials stepped .out:while trying to hold back invaders, the Emp
forth from their crafts with their machines of destruction, t seek out to destroy the Foundations The Foum

seemed nothing could stop them. First the focal every month; 5 = at least mce every 2 weeks; 6
r ,-e <
it player must keep his bases secret until the Empire
end B B guns, then the police
citizenry with baseball bets a threi d then
with their SWAT teams, then the National Guard with the 68. Was your first gaming e<per
their armored cars,andfinaHy the full resources of the US rd games (write 2).
Armed Forces fell prey to the rampaging alien death porated into the play of the game. Foundation and Empire
69. Do you consider yourself primarily a role-playing
hordes. Total subjugation ol the earth is their goal. They would contain a 22"x34" map of the Empire. 56
g a- d gamer write 2).
Cams from Omar Spaca would be a game for one or character/ event cards, 200 counters, and extensive rules

tyro players, simulating this classic extraterrestrial inva- chrome To sell for $15.
with lots of Availability subject to 70 Do you prefer lobeagamesr naster?
sion theme, showing everything from the in. agreement with theGood Doctor. 71. Do you prefer to bean adven turer-player?
0. The Final Frontier. When the Space Shuttle becomes 72 If you play fantasy games, do you r also play science
go nuclear against the invaders. Spec
the president to
operational, the real race for space will begin the race
ruleswould provide the aliens with different attribut
thatmust be discovered each game. Thay Cams fro allowing questions, we would like to know if you
Outar Spaca* could be done one of two ways. Rate esi e indicated role-playing game and whether or not
Solar powered satellites, laser battle stations, and orbital
separately. re or intend to buy OraoonQueBt. - don't have
I With 100 ;
22-x 17* map of the New Jersey/Nev
jssible^/es game.

54. ith200i counters, 8 lo 12 pages :hese possibilities will be cony erted into reality. Each
IrY <

game and DQ but think the other game is better; 5 - have
and 28 ;t goals, technical
the game and DQ and think they are roughly equal; S =
r weapons To sell for SI
have the game and DO and think DQ is definitely better.
operat.i, deploying his im tad •
esources to expand his
Allan City. 73. RunequesilTCJ
discovers the ruins of alien cities, re
cessful achievement will tend to Increase your budget,
civilizations. Small teams of asti 74. Dungeonsand Dragons ITSfi; Basic Setl
allowing further development, but the actions of others
will also have an effect. Thus, a Soviet breakthrough in 75. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (TSB)
ol exploring and recording these extraterrestrial habitats. the development of an orbital system could trigger ABM
Alien City would allow one or two players to create and
increased funding tor the US military; while a second
77. Chivalry and Sorcery IFGUI1
explore an otherworldly cityscape in great detail. The
nature of the city would change from game to game, af- 78. ArduinGnmoirelGG)
fits of the first. The game will cover the period from 1982
fected by the gravity and atmosphere of the planet and by
to 2020 in three-year game turns. Military actions would 79. BunmesandBurrowslFGUII
the size and location of the city Iin the jungle, mountains,
underground, submerged, orairborneJ. Success of an ex- 22"x17" SO. AdventuresinFantasylEGI
conflict Will include two displays, 400
pedition would be measured by new technology. counters, and 20 pages of rules in a one-inch box. SI 2. 81. Empire of the Petal Throne (C

depending on the type of party organized by the player. t\. The Great Rumble Hunt. They came from Battersea 82. IntheLabynnihlMGC)
Special rules would cover random encounters with life There were ten of them all told, the eight nameless ones.
83. Melee IMGCI
forms, automated devices, environmental hazards, uni- the historian, and the eccentric German, Adolf Wolfgang
84. Wizard IMGCI
que building attributes and, of course, the possibility that
the city is still inhabited. Allan City could be produced in tribes, they had taken weeks to traverse the treacherous 86. K nig hts of the Round Table 1

one of three ways. Rate each separately.

e Deathmaze and Citadel of Blood gamt If you have or definitely intend to buy DragonQueat,
Cr.ll vvhich of the following accessories and additions do you
rate as highly desireable? - not interested in Dragon-
-e '

. of tr Quest; I = definitely don't want it; 2 - probably don't

Rumble warriors. The Great Rumble Hunt want it; 3 = marginally desireable; 4 - desireable; 5 -
the climactic battle inside the Great Bur highly desireable.
subiect of the latter part of Michael 87. World Generation Handbook to cover social system.
underground classic. The Borribles The
elude an H'xl7' map of the bunke
counters, and eight to 12 pages of rules, c
programmed adventured approach to re;
on DragonOuest v
great rats For one to three players. Note: This
age book, map; S7.
is a
ble A res game, and availability would be subject to isleland Advenlvri

-e !);)! I

The Once and Future King. King Arthur's knights ha

to prove the worthiness of their calling. In addition to th
jousts that measured a knight's strength, there were als 91. DragonOuest Miniatures 25mm miniature fit.

quests — the rescue of a fair lady from a foul knight, fc be used on DragonOuest Tactical Display 6 figure!

92. DragonOuest Character Cards. Prege

for the Holy Grail. In addition, there were also greet cor

done in one of three possible ways tplease rate each on

separately!. 93. DragonOuest Sohw;
82. A full-sized game that would cover everything Iror
Ask your SPI game dealer
about these sf /f game titles!

-< 6(

PadB3 ile

V .V -

*" yss.4
st >
— - Mmm y^r '. Htffc > ( ™

.'. *

The Wreck of


BSM Pandora




"/Bi \w»/


Vietnam accidentally creates

soldier in
^ 7
/«\ u

HEROIC ADVENTURE a time warp that sends him back to some

An sf adventure in deep space, From one A unique fantasy adventure game for one
of the must famous battles in history and
The leading edge product of complete
a K> live players, beet) me ere* members of lo six players in which (hey create their
ahead to fantastic adventures in ihe
fantasy role-playing line. Players assume a biological survey mission and allempt own dungeon room by room from the
future. From one to four players become
the roles of characters in an advcniurc sci to keep their ship from erne ring cold shut- playing pieces, Ai the party wanders
TimeTrippefs. searching to return to their
inside a fantasy world created by a down. As hey anempt to restart ihe
through the tahyrimh in search of
present;Timemaster game also included.
"gamesmaster."' Discrete game sysiems ship's sy5lems they mu-st also recapture h
treasure, ihey encounter monsters,
control such fund ions as combat, magic magical potions and statues, and unex- 2970, $5.95.
or destroy the alien life forms now run-
use and monsier generation, ning loose in the ship's corridors. pected raps,

2S20, S9.95 2960,55.95, 281)0, S5.95 boxed.



mi ft

Barbarian Kings The Creature that War of the Ring John Carter,
From two lo five players become provin- Ate Sheboygan BASEDON J.R R,TOLKEIW'S
Warlord of Mars
cial kings and an cm pi in gam mysier> of LORD OF THE RINGS Character adventure game in which each
the island comment of C'asiaton. Armies
Science fiction monsters gianl gorillas — t
Two games systems in one. Ln character player portrays a hero and a villain, who
must be raised, laxes levied, and alliances
spiders, dinosaurs and the like attempt — game, the Fellowship tries to elude sieals the hero's true love and attempts lo
to ravage a typical American city before
concluded. Heroes lead llie armies and Sauron's evil minions and destroy (he of Barsoom.
flee across ihe wilds hree I

police and National Guard can react.

wizards casi poieni spells in ht^ game of
e One Ring in the Crack of Doom; in cam- levelsof play from duel game lo army
Monsters have special abilities to choose
economic/ political conflict. paign game, the armies of Middle Earth campaign game. Faithful adaptation of
from; human player musl balance mobile
3030, $5 -95 boxed. clash inacontineni wide campaign. Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter of
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1790,518.00, Mars series.
2330, $5.95 bo*ed.
Here are the rest ofSPf's great science fiction <£ fantasy releases,,
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Titan Strike! (53.95) Vector3($3 95) War in the lce(Si200) WorldKillen$595)
Voyage of the Pandora Counter Section Nr. 1 (100 pieces): Front
Quantity of Sections of this identical type; 1 . Total quantity of Sections (all types) in games: 1.

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32656 32766 43778
6^7 If 3 1
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32669 42656
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Mirror Fly Qralorri Ironliorn Monoke Glosper Radrod

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t) Ground
Copv'i ht e 1981, S mula lions Publ :aiions, Inc., N ew York, M.Y., 10010

3331 >41
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4- -1-

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Damgd +5 VP +3VP

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FLaL Hill \lnillir;iii C11B Atmosphere: NoiiL 1:1111 1. <,r, ,>!,,


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Life Support 1


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§ Marsh

Alien, Cily

Kstei 1'i'ini
Cirinate: Arctic Temperal Suits rfci

Expedition Display


Check [

£M [Shi FBI Heavy

Vegetal ion Vegetation 3l n^L ^r

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