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1 Conservation of Energy (Integral Form)

The law of conservation of energy states that “energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can
only change its form”. Consider the CV shown in Fig. 2.1 as the thethermodynamic system. Let
amount of heat δq be added to the system from the surrounding. Also let δw be the work done on
the system by the surroundings. Both heat and work are the forms of energy. Addition of any
form of the energy to the system, changes the amount of internal energy of the system. Lets
denote this change of internal energy by de. From the principle of energy conservation.

δq + δw = de

Therefore in terms of rate of change the above equation changes to



If the system to be considered as a open system then the change will take place for all the forms
of energies owed by the system, like internal energy and kinetic energy. Hence right hand side of
the above equation is just the representation of change in energy content of the system.

Lets first concentrate on first term on left hand side of above equation and evaluate the same.
There are various sources of heat addition in the system some of which are external heat addition
from the surrounding, heat addition by chemical energy release, heat addition by radiation etc.
Lets consider some of those sources of heat addition and derive the energy equation. If is the
amount of heat added per unit mass, then rate of heat addition for any elemental volume will be
. Summing over the complete control volume gives us total external volumetric heat
addition. Heat might get added by visous effects like conduction. Hence net rate of heat addition
can be,


Consider the second term on left hand side of equation (4.1) and evaluate the same. There are
various ways by which work transfer can be achieved to or from the system. Main source is the
surface forces like pressure, body force etc. Considering the elemental area ds of the control
surface in Fig. 2.1. The pressure force on this elemental area is -Pds and the rate of work done on
the fluid passing through ds with velocity V is (-Pds).V. Hence, summing over the complete
control surface, rate of workdone due to pressure force is,

In addition, consider an elemental volume dυ inside the control volume, as shown in Fig. 2.1.
The rate of work done on the elemental volume due to body force is (ρFbdu).V. Here Fb is the
body force per unit mass. Summing over the complete control volume, we obtain, rate of work
done on fluid inside υ due to body forces is


If the flow is viscous, the shear stress on the control surface will also do work on the fluid as it
passes across the surface. Let denote the work done due to the shear stress. Therefore, the
total work done on the fluid inside the control volume is the sum of terms given by (4.3) and
(4.4) and that is


Now consider the right hand side of equation (4.1) and eveluate the rate of internal energy
change of the fluid. However since we are considering the open system we will have to consider
the change in internal energy as well as the change in kinetic energy. Therefore right hand side of
equation (4.1) should deal with total energy (sum of internal and kinetic energies) of the system.
Let, e be the internal energy per unit mass of the system and kinetic energy per unit mass due to
local velocity V be V2/2. Hence the rate of change of total energy is


Total energy in the control volume might also change due to influx and outflux of the fluid. The
elemental mass flow across ds is (ρV.ds). Therefore the elemental flow of total energy across the
ds is (ρV.ds)(e+V2/2). Summing over the complete control surface, we obtain net rate of flow of
total energy across control surface as,


Hence the net energy change of the control volume is,


Thus, substituting Equations (4.2), (4.5) and (4.8) into (4.1), we have

This is the energy equation in the integral form. It is essentially the first law thermodynamics
applied to fluid flow or open system.

4.2 One dimensional form of Conservation of Energy

Consider the control showin in Fig. (2.2) for steady inviscid flow without body force, Then the
equation (4.9) reduces to,

Let us denote the first term on left hand side of above equation by to represent the total
external heat addition in the system. Thus, above equation becomes

Evaluating the surface integrals over the control volume in Fig. 2.2, we obtain



Here, /ρ1u1A is the external heat added per unit mass, q. Also, we know e + Pu = h. Hence,
above equation can be re-written as,


This is the energy equation for steady one-dimensional flow for inviscid flow.

4.3 Conservation of Energy (Differential Form)

As the control volume is fixed, the time derivative in this equation (4.9) can be taken inside the
integral. Hence, this equation can be written as


Applying the divergence theorem to the surface integrals given in the above equation, we get




Substituting Equations (4.12) and (4.13) in Equation (4.11) we get,


where and give the representation of viscous work and heat transfer. We know



This is the energy equation in differential form. This equation can also be written as,


This is the form of energy equation written in terms of the substantial derivative.

4.4 Crocco’s Theorem

Crocco's theorem gives the relation between the thermodynamics and fluid kinematics. Consider
an element of fluid in the flow field subjected to translational and rotational motion. Let the
translational motion be given by velcoity V and rotational motion be denoted by the angular

velocity ω. The curl of the velocity field, i.e. , at any point is a measure of the rotation
of a fluid element at that point. The quantity is the vorticity of the fluid which is equal to
twice the angular velocity. For the inviscid flow with no body forces, the momentum equation
expressed in Equation (3.25) reduces to




From first and second law of thermodynamics, we know,

Combining Equations (4.18) and (4.19), we get



Introducing the total enthalpy, which is expressed as



Substituting above equation into equation (4.20) we get



Using the vector identity


Equation (4.21) becomes


This equation is called Crocco’s theorem. For the steady flow this equation becomes



or V x Vorticity = Total enthalpy gradient - Gradient of entropy

This form of Crocco’s theorem has an important physical interpretation for the presence of
vorticity behind the bow shock due to entropy gradient.

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