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Career Essay

When I think back to my childhood, I remember sitting in front of the television with my

three sisters next to me, all of us fully focused and entertained. Television shows and movies

were more than just entertainment for us, it was how we managed to master the English

language. I was only five years old when my family decided to move from Puerto Rico to

Massachusetts. I knew from a very young age that I wanted to pursue a career in the television

and film industry and as graduation approaches, I am more certain than ever that I have chosen to

pursue the right career path for me. I want to help bring joy and laughter to people all over the

world. I want to be part of a team that brings entertainment to people’s lives.

There are various reasons I chose this career path. The main reason is because I truly

admire the work that goes on behind the scenes, as well as on screen, to create, produce, and

release television shows and movies. While attending Worcester State University, I was fortunate

enough to complete two Television Production courses. In those courses I was able to not only

learn more about production but work with the equipment in the television studio including the

audio board, cameras, and other equipment. I was also part of the team that helped create an

episode of “The Beat” which is a show produced on the Worcester State University campus. The

episode, “The Beat_featuring Derek Canton,” can be found on the “Center for Community

Media at WSU” YouTube channel.

I want to start my career by working in an entry-level position where I will be able to

assist my employer as well as learn from them. My career goal is to one day become an amazing

producer. I know that in order to reach my goal I have to work hard and work my way up in the

industry. I am driven, determined, motivated, passionate, and look forward to working hard and
reaching all of my goals. By starting in an entry-level position, I will be able to gain relevant

experience, move up in the industry, and be one step closer to reaching my career goal.

After I graduate, I hope to land a job within the industry. I know that getting a job and

starting a career in the television and film industry may not be easy, but I am fully prepared to

take on any challenges that come my way. I am extremely passionate about the television and

film industry, from behind the scenes to on screen, I see myself giving it my all and succeeding

in my career.

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