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CommRadio CTX-10 Software Release Notes: Package 1349 Release – 28 DEC, 2020

Previous Release: 1342.pkg (August 21, 2020)

Firmware Upgrades & Modifications.

1. New CW Keyer. The Standard CW Keyer has been re-written and tested by several dedicated
CW operators. Also, the modes Iambic-A and Iambic-B have been added. One of the problems
with the former software was the ability of the operator to get ahead (with a fast wrist action)
when forming (for example) the letter K or R. K could become M (di missed); R could become I
(dah missed). Basically, the keyer was redesigned to avoid missing a paddle release while
waiting for the opposite keyer-switch to be depressed or timeout occurring.

The Standard Keyer has been tested to 25 WPM with 100% satisfaction and others has reported
40 WPM with no issues.

This keyer still employs automatic character element timing (dit time = space time; and dah time
= 3 dits times.) and character completion (di and dah timing are perfect when a paddle is
released early.)

The Iambic routines have been tested, but we await technical input from all owners who can
report their level of satisfaction. Satisfaction is: never experiencing a problem syncing your wrist
action, side-tone and brain function.

When describing your keying experienced, please state the mode, (Standard, A, or B), keyer
speed, and type of paddles (single, dual, mechanical, electronic).

2. Emergency CW: This was requested by several CTX-10 owners. The ability to send CW with no
key attached. To support this, a new mode now appears: CWE when toggling through the
modes: AM, LSB, USB, CW.
a. When in CWE: the MEM key becomes a CW straight key. There is no need to turn-off
the keyer or change keyer speed since the keyer speed is bypassed in source code.

3. PTT-CW Keying. Now, the microphone PTT can also key the transmitter if the Mode is set to CW
or CWE. There is no need to turn-off the keyer or change keyer speed since the keyer speed is
bypassed in source code.

Your pleasure with the CTX-10 is my pleasure!

Best 73, Don Moore W0CTX

CommRadio CTX-10 Firmware Release Note for 1349.pkg 28 December 2020

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