Writing Application Letter & Curriculum Vitae: Subjects

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Writing Application Letter & Curriculum Vitae

1. The type of letters
2. The tips on writing letters
3. The form of business letters

By knowing and understanding the type, form, tips and examples of letters, especially
application letter, the students can be able to create their own application letter and CV

I. The type of letters

1. Friendly Letters: informal, casual, personal
2. Social Notes: informal, casual, personal
3. Business Letters: formal

II. The tips on writing letters

1. Make your letter clear.
Remember that when your letter is read, you will not there to explain what you mean.
2. Write an attractive letter.
Take pride in the appearance of your letter. A letter represents you. If you send a neat
and clearly written letter, the receiver will respect you as a considerate person.
3. Use correct English, punctuation, and spelling.
A letter filled with errors in writing will not only lead the reader to believe that you are
uneducated but will also mar the clear expression of your ideas.
4. Be yourself.
Above all else, be natural! Originality is always better than imitation.

III. The form of business letter

A. Semi Block Style

B. The Block Form
C. Modified Block Form

Lesta-English for Mining Engineering-2020 1

A. Semi Block Style

Heading: Applicant’s Address

The Date


Salutation: Dear Mr. …(name)

The content of the letter

Closing: Truly yours,

Signature: Full Name

(≠ Mr. / Ms.)

B. The Block Style C. Modified Block Style

Lesta-English for Mining Engineering-2020 2


Al Maskari, Khaled Muhamed. 2013. A Practical Guide to Business Writing: writing in English
for Non-native Speakers. UK: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Bly, Robert W. 2004. Webster’s New World: Letter Writing Handbook. Indiana: Wiley
Publishing, Inc.

Deign, Jason. 2008. How to set up a Freelance Writing Business. UK: How to Books, Ltd.

Hood, J. H. 2013. How to Book of Writing Skills (Improve your English Report, Email or
Business Writing Skills. US: Word Craft Global Pty Ltd.

Talbot, Fiona. 2012. How to Write Effective Business English. UK: Kogan Page.

Thank You


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