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Assignment 2

The Maritime Cluster

Based on the journal :

Rasa Viederyte. 2013. Maritime Cluster Organizations : Enhancing Role of Maritime Industry
Development. Elsevier Ltd.
Maritime Cluster
Definition, type, sectors
Cluster itself means groups of companies, linked by a network
of related products and/or services. Maritime Cluster
Organization likewise, with various industries like shipping,
port operations, marine industries, etc, to enchance the
strength of the network.

the benefits itself are increase of efficiency,

competitiveness, research improvement,
development, and innovations.
Top-down, Bottom-up
Cluster Organizations
everything is determined sectors tend to be more
by upper management autonomous and are put
(government) and is together based on
passed down the chain of functions and
command similarities.

Source: own reading of Martin Stopford.(2007), Maritime

Economics. 3rd edition.
Subcategories, sectors
J. Hansen, Jacob K. Clasen (2010); The Economic Significance of Maritime Clusters
Lessons Learned from European Empirical Research Working

The table above shows the sector contents of the clusters and the
subcategories used in the research considered.

The graph above provides the added value in traditional maritime sectors.
here we can see that the sector shipping, seaports, and marine equipment
dominates the maritime sectors in Europe.

shipping and maritime services for the wellbeing of citizens and the functioning of society. The
authors argue that “the maritime clusters also play a key role in facilitating the functioning of the
entire economy, e.g. by means of maritime transport, facilitating international trade, and in generating effects through purchases in the supply chain”.
The Maritime transport
and international
seaborne trade
Based on the journal :
Vincent F. Valentine, , Hassiba Benamara a & Jan Hoffmann. 2013. Maritime transport and
international seaborne trade. London. Routledge.
-transportation/seaboard-trade-cargo-type/ refloat-bulk-carrier-off-mauritius/

Seaborne trade is heavily influenced by the socio economic trends. Since 2000, there are more
activity on manufacturing, supply chains, while intra-company trade expands with regional flows.

World seaborne shipments developed at annual average rate of 3%, with 8.7 billion tons in 2011.
Based on the graph above, raw materials continue to dominate trade. According to the graph above,
trade can be expected to double by 2035.
The trade is created by the three
superpowers of economy in the regions
of NA, EU, and Asia.

Based on the graphic on the right, Netherlands,

Spain, Italy, and UK are the leading countries of
seaborne goods based on gross weight.

Countries are ranked based on the gross weight of goods handled in

main ports during the second quarter of 2020.
Some of the countries specialize in many
variety of maritime industries. ships may
be built, owned, manned, and also
registered in different multiple
Source: own reading of Martin Stopford.(2007), Maritime
Economics. 3rd edition.

The table above shows the region and also the

economy characteristics also their focusing of
seaborne trade. Europe, North America, and Asia still
dominate the economy.

The figure on the right expresses the share of foreign

flagged deadweight tonnage from 1989 to 2012. We
can see in the graph that over the years, it has been
growing continuously.

Source: Compiled by the UNCTAD secretariat on the basis of data supplied by Lloyd’s Register—
Fairplay. Cargo carrying vessels of 1000 GT and above.
Maritime Transport Chain
Choice by Carriers, Ports,
and Shippers

Based on the journal :

Wayne K. Talley, ManWo Ng. 2012. Maritime transport chain choice by carriers, ports and
shippers. Norfolk. Elsevier B.V, Ltd

A maritime transport chain is a network where

carriers, ports, and shippers, are all working together
to move one cargo from point A to point B.

Variable that affect the port choice by shipping lines

are : port location, distance, availability, cargo, prices,
services, efficiency, infrastructure, and also transport
a port can have an effect to the number of ship calls
by a shipping line. They can make long term contracts
with the shipping lines and control the minimum
amount of cargo per period of time.

A port can have an effect by giving incentives for

shippers so the amount of cargo that the shippers are
willingly to have transported by shipping lines to and
from the port.

The table above shows that in the 20th century,

maritime transport grew exponentially, the same with
international trade, and also seaborne trade that
become interrelated.
A mathematical model of a maritime transport chain
choice was configured to find the optimum choice for
chain profit, port chain throughput, and also shipper
chain logistics cost.

The figure on the upper left shows the connection

between port , shipper, and the coopetition of the
The graph on the left shows the relevance between
the TEU costs and the capacity of transshipment,
inland transportation, and maritime shipping.

The decrease of maritime shipping costs per TEU is

caused by the ration of maritime container shipping
companies will have larger ships to lower the costs per
TEU, by increasing the capacity of ships.

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