Pressure Testing in Main Pipeline

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Pressure testing in a water pipeline is also called as HYDROSTATIC TEST.

A hydrostatic test is a way in which pressure vessels such as pipelines, plumbing, gas cylinders,
boilers and fuel tanks can be tested for strength and leaks. The test involves filling the vessel or
pipe system with a liquid, usually water, which may be dyed to aid in visual leak detection, and
pressurization of the vessel to the specified test pressure. Pressure tightness can be tested by
shutting off the supply valve and observing whether there is a pressure loss. The location of a leak
can be visually identified more easily if the water contains a colorant. Strength is usually tested by
measuring permanent deformation of the container. Hydrostatic testing is the most common method
employed for testing pipes and pressure vessels. Using this test helps maintain safety standards and
durability of a vessel over time. Newly manufactured pieces are initially qualified using the
hydrostatic test. They are then re-qualified at regular intervals using the proof pressure test which is
also called the modified hydrostatic test. Testing of pressure vessels for transport and storage of
gases is very important because such containers can explode if they fail under pressure.
Hydrostatic tests are conducted under the constraints of either the industry's or the customer's
specifications, or may be required by law. The vessel is filled with a nearly incompressible liquid –
usually water or oil – pressurised to test pressure, and examined for leaks or permanent changes in
shape. Red or fluorescent dyes may be added to the water to make leaks easier to see. The test
pressure is always considerably higher than the operating pressure to give a factor of safety. This
factor of safety is typically 166.66%, 143% or 150% of the designed working pressure, depending
on the regulations that apply. For example, if a cylinder was rated to DOT-2015 PSI
(approximately 139 bar), it would be tested at around 3360 PSI (approximately 232 bar). Water is
commonly used because it is cheap and easily available, and is usually harmless to the system to be
tested. Hydraulic fluids and oils may be specified where contamination with water could cause
problems. These fluids are nearly incompressible, therefore requiring relatively little work to
develop a high pressure, and is therefore also only able to release a small amount of energy in case
of a failure - only a small volume will escape under high pressure if the container fails. If high
pressure gas were used, then the gas would expand to V=(nRT)/p with its compressed volume
resulting in an explosion, with the attendant risk of damage or injury.
Small pressure vessels are normally tested using a water jacket test. The vessel is visually
examined for defects and then placed in a container filled with water, and in which the change in
volume of the vessel can be measured, usually by monitoring the water level in a calibrated tube.
The vessel is then pressurised for a specified period, usually 30 or more seconds, and if specified,
the expansion will be measured by reading off the amount of liquid that has been forced into the
measuring tube by the volume increase of the pressurised vessel. The vessel is then depressurised,
and the permanent volume increase due to plastic deformation while under pressure is measured by
comparing the final volume in the measuring tube with the volume before pressurisation. A leak
will give a similar result to permanent set, but will be detectable by holding the volume in the
pressurised vessel by closing the inlet valve for a period before depressurising, as the pressure will
drop steadily during this period if there is a leak. In most cases a permanent set that exceeds the
specified maximum will indicate failure. A leak may also be a failure criterion, but it may be that
the leak is due to poor sealing of the test equipment. If the vessel fails, it will normally go through a
condemning process marking the cylinder as unsafe.
The information needed to specify the test is stamped onto the cylinder. This includes the design
standard, serial number, manufacturer, and manufacture date. After testing, the vessel or its
nameplate will usually be stamp marked with the date of the successful test, and the test facility's
identification mark.

A simpler test, that is also considered a hydrostatic test but can be performed by anyone who has a
garden hose, is to pressurise the vessel by filling it with water and to physically examine the
outside for leaks. This type of test is suitable for containers such as boat fuel tanks, which are not
pressure vessels but must work under the hydrostatic pressure of the contents. A hydrostatic test
head is usually specified as a height above the tank top. The tank is pressurised by filling water to
the specified height through a temporary standpipe if necessary. It may be necessary to seal vents
and other outlets during the test.
After completing the installation of a water main, or a section of the line, and before the joints are
covered, a hydrostatic test of the line shall be made by the Contractor. A sufficient time for the
curing of concrete thrust blocks must be allowed before the test is made. All backfilling and
compaction over and around the pipes and thrust blocks must be completed except for the pipe
joints to be left open for observation of any leaks, before the test is made.
The Contractor will receive already prepared Pressure Test Protocols (format) according to DIN
EN805 from the Engineer's Representative.
This detailed procedure for performing hydrostatic pressure tests of installed pipes, fittings and
valves as instructed by the Engineer must be used. Procedures for performing the hydrostatic
pressure test shall indicate the location and capacity of the test pump for each test section, test
pressure at the pump, procedure for venting the air from the pipeline, procedure of filling the pipe
with water, length of the pipe section, and procedure for discharging water after test, flushing,
drying and cleaning of the pipeline.
Primary pipes shall be tested to a maximum of 1,000 m each section.
Secondary pipes and tertiary pipes (ISO 63) shall be tested to a maximum of 500 m each section.
The pressure tests must be performed with adequate pressure loggers or recorders.
Pressure testing of mains must be carried out to:
• Reveal the occurrence of faults in the laying and assembly procedures and test the installed
structural integrity of the pipeline, and
• Determine that the pipeline will sustain a pressure greater than its design pressure without
Procedure: -
1. In this testing of water pipeline system consists of joining flange, short bend at
starting point of water supply system, end flange, rubber gasket, spanners with
different sizes, range, nuts, bolts, washers, Teflon tapes are required for laying off
main line water supply.

2. To continue this test procedure, we have already installed 6meter long pipes are
arranged two in numbers along with long bend and also end flange is fixed at the end
of the pipe line.

3. Now at the starting of main pipeline a short bend is fixed, and in between these two
pipelines a rubber gasket is placed.
4. With the help of all the nuts & bolts as required for the connection to the short bend is
fixed to the 6meter long main pipeline so that to avoid leakages of water from that
joint. And are tightened with the help of spanners.

5. Now at the other end of the 6meter long main pipeline, end flange is connected with

the help of rubber gasket, spanners, nuts and bolts and the same above step procedure
is followed for connections in 27 nos.
6. Before conducting the test of main water pipeline these are the installations are
required to be made.

7. By using hose pipe, the water is filled & supplied to the main pipeline from the short

bend to end flange in 12-15 minutes with a water volume of 280 litres
8. After filling the pipeline, the joining flange is attached with the help of rubber gasket
in the joint to the open end of short bend along with nuts and bolts in 8 nos.
9. For the joining flange, it consists of two small pipes one is left for air vent and the
other one is connected to the pressure gauge in order to find the pressure within the

10. Again, fill the water up to the brim of the sir vent pipe by using hose pipe. And after
filling the water then close the air vent pipe with the help of nob.

11. After completing the set-up, hand pressure is applied and we can observe the pressure
deflections from the pressure gauge. The pressure gauge consists of two units with
Kg/cm2 and TSI. So that to attain 12 kg/cm2 and also to observe any leakages in
between the pipelines.

12. While performing the test there can be human errors/ material defects, but we must
ensure again by tightening the nuts & bolts of pipelines with the help of spanners in
order to avoid those leakages in the system.
13. Again, hand pressure is applied to the pipeline to attain the 12 Kg/cm2 in the total
pipe line length of 13.22 meter with 280 liters of water.

1) Pressure (reading of pressure gauge) = 7.0 kg/

Length of the 2-straight pipes = 6.04 m
Length of short bend taking average of inner and outer circumference length = 30.5
= 0.305m.
Length of long bend taking average of inner and outer circumference length = 71.5
= 0.715m.
Therefore, Total length of the pipe (h) = 0.305+6.04+0.715+6.04 = 13.10m
Inner Diameter of the pipe (d) = 16.5 cm = 0.165 m.
Radius (r) = d/2 = 0.165/2 = 0.0825m
Volume of water in pipe = 𝜋𝑟2ℎ
= 0.28m3 i.e., 280 liters of water (Since 1m3 = 1000 Liters)
Height of main pipe level from Ground Surface
At start of Pipe line: 38.00 cm
At the end of Pipe line: 28.50 cm
Difference: 38.00-28.50 = 9.52 cm=0.095m
Length of Pipeline across: 13.1m
Gradient = 0.095/13.10 = 0.0075
Hence, Slope can be Defined as = 1/0.0075= 1 in 133

 There should be no leakages at the bends or along the length of the pipe.
 The workmanship should be skilled.

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