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Do you remember what it was like to have regular sex with the woman sleeping
next to you? Do you love your wife but can’t help but wonder what happened to
the sex life you once bragged about to your friends? Well, it’s not just you.
Marriage statistics show there are over 40 million couples in the U.S. living in
sexless marriages or relationships today. 

Bottom line? Women really do want to have sex — great sex— but the men in
their lives just can’t make it happen sometimes. Because for women, as a
collective whole, they want a man who makes them feel sexy, wanted and most
importantly, appreciated. They don't want to be deprived of sex, just like you
don’t. But they do want the men in their lives to step it up.

The following text will show you how you can have more sex with your wife. All
you have to do is apply any of the principles in this text and your wife will be
yanking you into the bedroom in no time.

This is not a text for how you can pick up women at the bar and leave with 3 or 4
women in each arm. And to be honest, any product promising that is a load of
B.S. This text is specifically designed for men who want to regain the sex life they
once had with their partner. Without the awkward “sex” conversations or the
possibility of feeling rejected over and over again when your lover says “not

Stick closely with this guide and you can triple the amount of sex you are having
right now. Just be sure to stay hydrated.


Spencer Fields



Discover The Silent Secrets That Will Give You 3X More
Sex Within The Next 7 Days. The Following Tips Are
Provided By Recognized Female Doctors, Sexologists,
And Relationship Experts. Pay Close Attention And DO
THESE If You Want More Sex.

Think Like A Teenager And Make Out More

Logan Levkoff, Ph.D., a recognized expert on sexuality and relationships has for over
an entire decade been teaching couples of all ages and backgrounds about sex. She is
also a well-known author and sex expert. And she has one secret she wants to give you
about having more sex. “We want — scratch that — we need more kissing in our

Think about it. Kissing can be just as powerful and exhilarating as sex. I mean, it used
to be before you started having sex, right? According to Levkoff, kissing takes couples
back to a time when the relationship was new, when we couldn't keep our hands or
mouths off one another. At one point, that was all you wanted to do with one another.

Kissing was exciting and intimate and you didn't know what it could lead to next.
Here’s a note guy (all according to our expert); the little pecks on the lips or cheeks are
pretty pathetic. Sometimes what you really need is a good make out session — just like
teenagers. It's really invigorating and not done nearly enough. So if you want to have
more sex, put some more passion into your kissing. She will notice. And even though
it’s not going “all the way”, it’s something special to her and should be to you. Think
back to the days when you couldn’t stop kissing each other.

More Housework = More Sex (It’s Science)

Some may call it “choreplay”. Others just call it, well, does it really matter? Here’s the
truth, and again coming from expert, Logan Levkoff, Ph.D. “If you want us to relax
long enough to enjoy some serious intimacy, help us to manage the stressors in our
life. And whether you like it or not, housework stresses the crap out of us.” You don’t
have to say a thing. All you have to do is pick up around the house more. Empty the
dishwasher. Sweep the rug. Just basic, 4-minute per day tasks can triple your sex life.
And it’s not just speculation. It’s science.

A 2009 study in the Journal of Family Issues found that the more housework both
partners do, the more often they have sex with their partner. But how can this be?
Well, it shows women that their contributions are important and that they’re
appreciated. That instantly leads to more sex. And remember, it’ll only take a few
minutes of your day. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. But it will be well worth it
when you and your partner and enjoying more sex together.

Hugging For Morning Foreplay

This isn’t your typical, everyday, casual, “nice to see you hug”. Give your woman a
serious full body hug. Coming from Logan Levkoff, Ph.D., sexuality and relationship
expert, a lack of affection in relationships starts in the morning. Sure, now that you
have perfected the Ancient ED Fix program and maybe even included the Bigger Penis
Cheat Sheet with the materials you purchased, you will most likely wake up with an
erection poking out your briefs. However, if you get out of bed, you don't kiss because
you haven't brushed your teeth yet. You make it to the sink, brush your teeth, and
then what? Now you kiss your wife? Probably not. If you're lucky, you manage to make
it out the front door with a peck on the cheek. The sparks definitely won’t be flying
anytime today.

Instead, Dr. Levkoff recommends hugging every morning. Research says that 30
seconds of hugging can boost the feel good hormone oxytocin, I would settle for 10
seconds. The more you get her to feel loving (and loved) in the morning, the more
likely she will be to show more loving in the evening. Get the picture? And hey, if you
both have no place to rush in the morning, you may spend the next couple of hours
rolling around naked before starting the day.

Touch Her Anywhere But There...

Have you flipped through The Ancient Stamina Secrets For Better Sex, yet? It was a
free bonus which came along with Ancient ED Fix. Did you notice how the “pleasure
points” in the text were not the genital area? And did you know that those same spots
were the same foreplay secrets used by Ghengis Khan who the Chinese can trace the
lineage to every 1 in 200 men being directly related to him? Clearly the “Yellow
Emperor” knew something that most men should take a lesson or two from. Women
are not like men. Let’s face it, if a man is touched anywhere near his penis, it’s “game
on” for him. Not for women. And this is all advice from the help of relationship
expert, Logan Levkoff. Women do not get turned on by the sneak around breast
grope. Or if you "accidentally" put your hands down their pajama bottoms.

And if you have small children groping your wife all day, sorry, but your grope feels
the same. It's not loving, it's annoying. According to Levkoff, “we should try to
connect with body parts beyond the obvious ones. Every man and woman has
erogenous zones beyond the explicitly sexual ones. Ask your partner what works for
him or her. Even if you've been with the same person for 20 years, there's no
guarantee that what turned them on then will still turn them on now. Start with
turning each other on mentally and go from there.” There you go. Plain and direct.

Make It About Her

9/10 guys who invested in the Ancient ED Fix program are more concerned about
pleasing their wife than they are about pleasing themselves. Which is commendable.
Because when you are in a sexless marriage, there is nothing more frustrating for the
both of you than to not satisfy each other in bed. However, I want to give you a quick
reminder about one of your missions in sex. The orgasm. And until now, you may
have been too afraid to “work” for your wife’s orgasm because you didn’t want to run
out of juice in your own manhood. However, now that we have your ED problem
solved, let’s focus on that important topic for her.

Our sex expert spells it out plain as day. If you want to have more sex, she needs to
have pleasure and — dare I say it — an actual orgasm. Don't let her get away with
faking orgasms. Be as concerned with her pleasure as you are with your own and no, I
am not suggesting that you're selfish.

All I'm saying is that if it's been a while since you BOTH have had any real pleasure,
then it’s no surprise as to why you may not be having a lot of sex. If she can have some
serious pleasure then she’ll want it a lot more. Win-win for the both of you.

Think About Sex On Different Terms

Men and women often feel obligated to measure their relationships against those of
our friends or neighbors. Which usually focuses on how many times a month do they
have sex. And how many times you do. Is the sex you and your wife are having better
or worse than the sex your friends are having? How long was it? Is it normal that it
was only five minutes? Should it be 30, like the Jones’ down the street? Sexual
intercourse can be wonderful and fulfilling but it is certainly not the only way to be
intimate with a partner.

According to relationship expert, Logan Levkoff, “I propose that we stop thinking of

sex as one particular act. There are many sexual behaviors that all have the possibility
of ending in a great female orgasm. Guess what? All of those count as sex. An orgasm
is an orgasm. It counts. So don't feel the pressure to have "sex."

So don’t feel like not having sex means... not having “sex”. You can pleasure your
partner and give her different kinds of sex and likewise, in your favor as well.
Exploring new avenues will allow you to not only mix it up a bit, but have even more.

For The Fathers...
Becoming parents changes everything. In particular, women get a change in title
whether they like it or not. She’s no longer, Jane Doe anymore; she’s Alex and Sara’s
mom. After hearing that for many years it’s hard for a woman to feel like the woman
she once was, which was most likely — a sex goddess at one point. And it’s hard for
women to feel like a sex goddess when they’re constantly picking children up off the
floor during a tantrum or when she has spit-up running down our dress.

Of course, your wife loves your kids. However, according to our relationships expert
panel, women need to have conversations about things other than strollers or potty
training. And she needs your help on this because it’s so easy to get wrapped up in
kids and forget that being a woman is important — even essential.

Show your wife she is more than just a mom. She is your partner; your lover. Remind
her that although she is "Mom," she is much more than just a title. Also, celebrate her
as a woman. It’s great that you tell her how awesome of a mother she is and she will
appreciate that. However, celebrate her sexiness as a woman. Don’t just say, “happy
birthday honey, you’re such a great mother to our kids.” She wants to know you notice
her as the woman you married, before the kids came along. Remind her of that. When
she feels sexy she is far more likely to desire showing you even more sexy.

The Obvious...

Tell her you love her. We all want to know that we’re appreciated, you included. It’s
as simple as that. After a while, we take each other for granted and it’s typically not
on purpose. It just kind of happens. And you may throw out a quick “love you" as
you’re hanging up the phone or as heading out to the office. We may even respond,
"me too" but think about it — does it sound sincere or like it’s just something you
“have” to say? It’s so obvious, but if you want more sex, it’s that simple. Knowing
we’re loved is important for all of us. It changes everything.

Listen, I’m not perfect. No man or woman is. We have issues of our own that
complicate our lives. Things come up, time passes, fights happen, complications
come up. But if you can reconnect emotionally with your wife, then it will pay off
physically. And it can all start with a simple and meaningful “I love you” before
anything else. Even if it’s a text message. Start somewhere. I guarantee it will pay off
for both you and her.

Like I said at the beginning of this guide. Any product which tells you, you don’t have
to show more affection, appreciate, and love to your woman and still expect to have
more sex, is a big FAT lie. The world doesn’t work that way and neither does your
lover. As a man, you need to put your best foot forward in your relationship, make
your woman feel sexy, respected, and appreciated and I guarantee you will have more
sex than you’ve had in a long time.

It takes a little bit of effort. Not much. As you can see in this guide, a meaningful, “I
love you”, or clearing the dinner table while you let your wife go lay down on the couch
and relax for the next five minutes. Hugging your woman for 10-seconds in the
morning or giving her a simple foot message during the commercial break of a football
game. These small acts take almost no time. Yet they are so meaningful. So why are us
fellas so shy about it? Do one of these small acts a day and be ready for more amazing
sex. It’ll be hot, passionate, and you’ll both be rewarded.


Spencer Fields


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