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9 Gramma: he/she /they his/her fy vocabulary: Counties + Adjectives Everyday English: Numbers T-3C | STARTER 1 Find your country on the map on page 9. Find these countries on the map. s ited States [Australia Brazil Egypt China England France Korea Mexico Japan Canada_Spain_the Uni 2. GUE tisten and repeat SHE’S FROM JAPAN he/she, his/her 1 GED Revd andiven § GUE Read ste, an vepest Yuka Where are you from, Marie? 7 Mario I'm from Brazil, Where are you thon Yuka T'm from Japan, From Tokyo. ‘ Her name’ Yinka. She from Japan Listen and repeat 2 Stand up and practice. 8 Unit2 + Your world Nd he's = he is she's = shes DP Grammar Reference 2 p.i9 QUESTIONS = = Y Hie_names Kevin Where’ he from? eS fom the United States 1 Complete thes | — names Hector, ham’ Juliana, Hes She's GUID Listen and check. Repeat the sentences. 2 GIB Listen and repeat the questions. What'chic mame? Where's he from?” @ What'sher name? Where'e che from? 3 Ask and answer questions about the people in the photographs. (een) c= name's Simon, names Mi-young, She's & 1 name’ Hayle ——— She’ EO 1 Where's = Whereis 2 Complete the questions with or are Where she from? Where he from? Where __ you from? DP Grammar Reference 2.3 p.119 Unit2 + Yourworld 9 PRACTICE Cities and countries 1 Where are the cities? Ask and answer Miami S80 Paulo Beijing Sydney Seoul Tokyo Mexico City Montreal Los Angeles London Where's Miami? tea Grate (Where's Miami peat {W's in the United States, Listen and check ‘Work with a partner. Student B_ Look at the photos on page 132. Ask questions and write the answers What's her name? Where's che from? What's his name? Where's he from? Talking about you | Student A Look at the photos on this page. ' 3. Ask about the students in the class. Whats his name? Hie name's Fernando, \ Where's he trom?, | "from Peru. {From Lima. What's her name? Her name's Roca. — Where's she from?) She's trom Lima, too. a 10 Unit 2 + Your world ee ots Sees Questions and answers 4, GIBB Listen and complete the conversation. Practice it Juliana ello, 'm Juliana. What's your name? Bruno ame's Bruno. J Hello, Bruno, Where are you___ B _____ from Brazil. Where are you from? J Oh,T'm from Brazil, too, __ from Sao Paulo. B_ Really? I'm from Sao Paulo, too! ) ‘Oh, nice to meet you, Bruno. Listen and write the countries. 1 Luis: __Magigo Akemi: 2. Charles Mike: 3, Loretta and Jason’ 6 Match the questions and answers 1. [a] Where are you from? 2. Hisname's Bruno. What’sher name? b. He’ frm Sao Paulo | What's his name? «sin Canada | ey TE Where’she from? ein from Bra So » 5. What’sthisinéngish? Fine thanks. 6. How are you? { Hername's M-young 7, 1 Where's Montreal? | g:ttsa computer. Listen and check. With a partner, cover the answers, Practice the qu Then cover the questions. Practice again, jons and answers. Check it 7 Puta check (7) next to the correct sentence. 1. My name Yuka. 4.0 He’ from Brazil Y| My name's Yuka. His from Brazil. Cl What's he’ name? Where she from? What's his name? Where’ she from? 3.) “What's his name?” “Kevi 6.) What's her name? "Whats her name?” “Kevin” What’ she name? Unit 2 + Your world 1! READING AND SPEAKING Where are they from? 2. Complete the sentences, 1. Holly is from ___in Canada. 2. Shesa___ 3. Her isin the center of Montreal. 4. Claude is from —___ 5. Hesa__ 6. His hospital is in the of Montreal. 7. They __ in New York. 8. They are_ 3 Write questions with What... 2and Where ...? about Claude and Holly. Ask a partner. from? hospital? Where Where What Where school? GRAMMAR SPOT Write is or are. She__ateacher. He __adoctor. They__ from Canada, >> Grammar Reference 2.4 p.119 12 Unit 2 + Your world | emma yh of Claude and Holly Duval - da. They are on vacation in Canada and Claude is ‘ed. Holly isa teacher. ‘Montreal. Claude is a ‘enter of Montreal, too. ‘This is a photograp) from Montreal in Cana‘ New York City. Holly is from from France. They are mar Her school is in the center of doctor. His hospital is in the ¢ § GEIB Listen to Clavde and Holly 1 ro What’ this building HE lsthe Emit tate Building a ome C Oh, no! Look at the H Ughtits H Wow! Lookatmy Ws fantastic! © Myhamburgeris_____ toot im: mm © Wow! at Central Park! Hs GID Listen and check. Practice the conversations, EVERYDAY ENGLISH Numbers Il-30 1 Say the numbers 1-10 around the class, 2 IBD Listen, read, and repeat 11 12 13 eleven twelve _ thirteen 16 17 18 sixteen seventeen eighteen Say the numbers 1-20 around the class. 14 fourteen 19 nineteen 15 fifteen 20 twenty 3. Write the numbers your teacher says (between 1 and 20). Say the ‘numbers your teacher writes. 4. Match the numbers. 21 twenty-five 22 twenty-seven 23 twenty-one 24 twenty-eight 25 twenty-two 26 twenty-four 27 twenty-nine 28 twenty-three 29 thirty 30 twenty-six GEIBD Listen and repeat. Say the numbers 1-30 around the class. 1.22 @ 10 20 aa 15 16 14 3. 21 29 19 9 4.11 7 17 27 Gaga's ig) s0 Work with a partner. Student A Student B_ Write the numbers you hear. GID) Listen and Girci9 the numbers you hear. 4 24 ‘Write five numbers, Say them to your partner. 7. Look at the pictures. How old is he/she? fiend) te Unit 2 + Your world Tn ahs oo) B

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