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is « Negatives Grammar. arn/are/s BGs a5 Vocabulary Jobs» Pesoral information Everyday English: Social Expressions (!) HE ISN'T A STUDENT STARTER > Negative - he isn’t 1 Match the jobs andthe pictures [adoctor amuse student eteacher asalesastant 1 Look and read | Rburdiver "sbuinessman "apeleeofer” wate GOIBD Listen and repeat « 2 GUE Read the questions and answers. Listen and repet Renee re Whatshisjob? He's a teacher GUID Listen and repeat What's her job? She's adoctor. 2 Look at pictures 1-9 again. Make more Look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions with a partner. negative and affirmative sentences, We/shelevta... — He/she'ea. 3. What's your job? Ask and answer. What's your job? fodiens. CN (ma stent Sheisn'tanurse. isn't =is not 14 Unit3 + All about you PERSONAL INFORMATION Questions and answers 1 Look at the photos and read Erics’s profile Last name: First name: Country: Address: Phone number: Age: Job: Married: 2 Complete the questions and answers 1. What's her astmame? Jones. 2. What's her 2 Erica. 3. Where’ she 2 Canada, 4, What’ her 2 29 College Street, Toronto. 5. What's her _t I's416-593-7028. 6, How old is she? Shes _ 7. What's? Shes _ 8. Isshe 2 No, she isnt. GEIBD Listen and check. Practice the questions and answers Erica Jones Jones Erica canada 29 College Street, Toronto 416-593-7028 20 Student No 3 GOIBD Read and listen. Then listen and repeat IsErica from England? X_ No, she ist. IsshefromtheUS? —-X No,sheisnt. Isshe from Canada?” Yes, shes. 4 Ask and answer questions about Erica. 1, Is she from Montreal? Vancouver? Toronto? 2. Is she 16? 18? 20? 3. Is shea teacher? a nurse? a student? 4, Is she married? 5. Complete the sentences. 1, Erica font from the United States. She's —_ from Canada, 2. Her phone number _ 416-553-7028. It 416-593-7028. 3.She___ 18. She_20. 4, She__ married. Unit3 + Allabout you 15 METRO 5 - THE AUDITION Negative -'m not, they aren't Look at the picture. Where are the people? IE Listen to and read The Audition interview n again and complete the questions 3. Answer the questions about the band 1. What’ the bands name? Are Paul and Danny brothers? Are they from Canada? Are the other boys from Vermont? Are they all waiters? Are they all singers? GIBB ister anc check, Practice the questions 1 Negative Vm not from Canada, (im not = lam net) They aren't from Vermont (They arent» They ae not) 2 Short answers ‘Are you from Canada? Yes, lam./No, I'm not. 's this your band? Yes, it is,/No, it isnt. ‘Are they from Vermont? Yes, they are/No, they aren’. >> Grammar Reference 31-3.2 pp. 119-20 NTERVIEW Witte yourband, Metro 5? Pests 4 Practice The Audition interview in groups of three Great! And Danny MeNeil? No,t'm not. tm Paul McNeil. This is Danny. He’s my brother. 1 Ab, yes, sorry. Hi, Danny. You're a waiter from Canada, right? Talking about you 5 Ask and answer the questions about you. ‘Are you from Japan? L ©, Well. yes, 'am a waiter, but 'm not from Canada, 1 Ohwhere_ from? P&D We're from Vermont in the US, \ 1 _the other boys from Vermont, too? Are you amuse? Yes, lam. © No, they aren't. They'e all from different countries. j D No, they aren't. Paul's a bus driver and .. ib i ‘Are you married? 1 Interesting!And Danny, the singer inthe F band? A D Yes, 1am. Well, we'te all singers ‘Are the other students trom Brazil? | Oh. right Nice to meet you, Good luck toyou alt All Thank you very much. 16 Unit3 + All about you PRACTICE Is he a businessman? 1 Look atthe pictures of Diego and Sarah. Where are they? | rs | Diego Lastname | Hernandez | Mexico | Country [Meco | | city/town Phone number | again and check 3 Askand answer the questions with a partner. + IsDiego rom Mexico City? + [sSarahfrom the United tats? Yes, heis. + Isshe a nurse? + Ishea businessman? + Isshe thirty-three? + Ishe42? + Isshe married? + Ishemarried? 4 Talk about Diego and Sarah. Diego Is from Mexico City. His last name is ... ‘Sarah is from ) Ce Talking about you 5 Complete the questions. 1. What's your __ first name? 2 last name? 3 you from? 4._______ phone number? 5, How old 6 ____job? 7 7 married? In groups, ask and answer the same questions. Writing 6 Write about another student. Read it aloud. Her name's... She'strom Korea... Her phone number is... Check it 7 Puta check (V7) next to the correct sentence. She's name's Anna. Her names Anna. Her job is teacher, She a teacher Hes phone number is 879-6542. His phone number is 8 Tim not a doctor Tama't a doctor They aren't front 1 ‘They're no from ‘Taiwan, 6.0) She is no married, 1 She isn't married, Unit3 + Allabout you 7 READING AND LISTENING Wete in Las Vegas! METRO 5 lied iene ee ae ON TOUR IN LAS VEGAS This is the boy band Metro 5, The Audition winners. They are from different countries. Paul and Danny McNeil are from the US. They are brothers. Bo Owens is from Canada, Ronan Wilson is from Australia, and Edson Melo is from Brazil. Now they are on tour in the United States. PAE i! we're in Las Vegas Interviewer Hi, guys, how are you? S MOEEEEY we're al fine. i's fantastic here! Interviewer Are you tired? No, we aren't. We're very happy. na4_and excited Interviewer Creat! Good luck with the tour! 1. Areall the boys from the US? 2. Are they all brothers? 3, Where are they? 4, Are they happy? We arent tired we aren't = we are not >> Grammar Reference 3.2 p.120 3. Read about the band again. Correct the information. Interview with the band 1. The boys are in Brazil. 4 GBD Listen. Answer the questions tin Brazil, Theyre in 1. How old is Ronan? 2. They're in New York 2. How old are Paul and Danny? 3. Who is 21? 4. Who is married? Who isn't married? 3. Bo’ from Australia. Role play 4. Edson’ from Canada, : 5 Work in groups of four. You are a band. Ask and ai Scien a the questions with another group. arg Se eee er ‘+ What are your names? + What's the na — | tien? - tun Listen and check. Practice the answers. + Where are you now? 18 Unit3 + All about you EVERYDAY ENGLISH Social expressions (I) 1 GOIDD Listen and took at the pictures 2 A Acofiee, . Where’ the station? B That's $2.25, A very much, ene 4A Thank you 3 A

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