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Watch the trailer and fill out the blanks.

○ Hi, how can I help you today?

■ Hi, I can't seem to leave a wink for someone.
○ Okay, I'm looking at your profile...

You left a lot of this stuff .

■ Well, I haven't really been noteworthy or mentionable.

○ Have you done

noteworthy or mentionable?

We have ahead of us, the privilege of publishing the very last of Life magazine. And, for the

final we just received negative 25 from Sean O'Connell for the .

■ Where’s 25?
● It’s not there.
■ I know.

○ Look what I found!

● What’s that?

■A journal dad gave me.

□ Hey!
■ Hey!
□ How was your weekend?

● I had an weekend.

■ The ice, yes, she moves like a woman.

□ I'd like to climb your .

● What is it you call it, when he goes into one of his little places?
○ Zoned out.

● You do that now and .

□ What’s the ?
■ I lost a picture.
□ I like mysteries.

You should go, the case!

You were Sean’s partner. You finish his work.

■ Where do we ?
● We don’t!

■ There’s a fin here!

● You are safe!

That's a !
■ That’s what I said!

□ Life is about and going into the unknown.

○ Hey, man, where are you, now?

■ Himalayas. I'm gonna keep this . I have to make oxygen choices.

Watch the trailer and fill out the blanks.

○ You've known for 24 hours that an unregistered

set magical beasts loose in New York?
■ Yes.
○ Where is this man?

● So, you’re the guy with the full of

monsters, huh?

□ News travels fast.

Mr. Scamander, do you know anything about the wizarding community in America?

We don't like things .

Hey, Mr. English guy! I think your is hatching.

■ You wiped his , right? The No-Maj.

□ What?
■ No magic! The non-wizard!

□ Sorry, we them Muggles.

● I don’t think I’m .

□ What gave it away?

● I ain’t got the to make this up.

Something is our city. Reaping destruction, and then disappearing without a


live among us!

We’ve lived in the for to long.

I ask all of you, who does this ? Us or them?

. He senses .

If this is related to Grindelwald’s attacks in Europe, this could mean .

We've got a plan, right guys?

They need our help.

Was that everything that came out of the case?

I won’t let another one .

I refuse to down any longer.

Time is out, Mr. Scamander.

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