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Expressing a sentence in different words

What is paraphrasing Read the sentence or paragraph clearly to understand it

To put someone else's ideas in your own words using
your own interpretation Write down important points

Change happy to glad

Use synonyms Examples
When putting ideas in your own words you tend to Change running to sprinting
understand it better
PARAPHRASING Write down paragraph or sentence in your own words Change "The strawberries were big and juicy because of
It is better then quoting a lot of information Why is paraphrasing important the warm and wet July" to "It was a nice, warm and wet
July, so we got big juicy strawberries"
When you don't quote as much you have more room for How to paraphrase Change the structure Examples
your own ideas Change "Neil Armstrong returned to Earth eight days
after launch" to "Eight days after launch. Neil Armstrong
returned to Earth".

To borrow information from other sources

Check your paragraph with the original paragraph
What is paraphrasing for
To take an idea and use it in your work without Compare both and make sure that the meaning of
plagiarizing it. paragraphs are the same

Use quotation marks for phrases you take directly from


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