Governance Profile For Mauritius Under CSP - 10 EDF: Annex B

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Annex B

Governance Profile for Mauritius under CSP – 10th EDF


Mauritius was placed in the TIER 2 Watch List category in the United States
Trafficking in Persons Report 2005. The fact that Mauritius has progressed
in the TIER placement in 2006 is a testimony of various actions taken by the
Government to combat child prostitution. Moreover, the African Report on
Child Well-being 2008 has made the following observations as regards

(a) The Government of Mauritius emerged out as the most child-

friendly government in Africa as a result of:
(i) appropriate legal provisions to protect children against abuse
and exploitation;
(ii) high commitment in allocating a relatively higher share of
national budgets to provide for the basic needs of children; and
(iii) the efforts and success in achieving favourable well-being

(b) Mauritius ranked 11th for its effort to put in place appropriate
legal and policy frameworks for children e.g free primary education and a
National Plan of Action and a Government body for coordinating the
national strategy for children.

(c) Mauritius ranked 3rd in the combined index for provision of basic
services for children. e.g infant mortality rate, immunization and
enrolment rate in primary and secondary school.

The following measures are taken by the Government to deal with child

1. International Instruments

The Government of Mauritius has agreed to the ratification of the Optional

Protocol to the CRC on Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict on 9
January 2009. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is making necessary
arrangements to deposit the instrument of ratification with the Secretary-
General of the United Nations.

Moreover, the Government of Mauritius is making necessary arrangements

to introduce new legislations and amending existing ones prior to ratifying
the Optional Protocol on Sale, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography.

2. Legislation

• The Ministry is in the process of preparing a consolidated Children’s Bill.

The aim of the Bill is to provide for a comprehensive Children’s Act to
consolidate the various pieces of legislation on children’s rights and to
harmonize all laws in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
especially in the areas of adoption and juvenile justice. The assistance
of UNDP and Law Reform Commission has been sought.

3. Institutional Mechanism

Child Development Unit

The Child Development Unit of the MWRCDFW was set up in 1995. It is the
executive arm of the Ministry to intervene in cases of child abuse and
neglect. It is also responsible for the implementation of policies and
programmes pertaining to the development, participation, protection and
survival of children. This Unit works closely with other agencies such as the
Police Department and hospitals, to provide 24-hour service through hot
lines to children at risk as well as free legal assistance and psychological
counseling to children. Adequate Social Support Systems are also in place
to cater for the needs of children in distress.

A Child Protection Unit has been set up in collaboration with the Police
Department to provide immediate assistance, as appropriate and protection
to children, victims of abuse, especially sexual abuse.

Drop – in – Centre
• A Day Care/Drop–in–Centre was launched in December 2003 in Bell
Village. Its purpose is to assist those children victims of sexual abuse
and exploitation, who can be or are indulged in Commercial Sexual
Exploitation of Children activities and help them to re-integrate in society.
A hotline (113) has also been made available to the public for the referral
of cases of child prostitution.
• The Construction of a Residential Drop-in Centre at GRNW is being
envisaged. With a view to removing victims of CSEC from their living
environment, where they are exposed to the risk of being engaged in
prostitution by family members and peers. Care, psychological support
and group therapy are being provided for their successful rehabilitation
and reinsertion in the society.

4. Information, Education Campaigns

• To create public awareness, sensitization and awareness campaigns

targeted towards children are carried out on a regular basis through
media by way of radio and television programmes. Talks are delivered
to school children at primary and secondary levels and to parents, in

regions at risks; and to the community at large with a view to sensitizing
them on the protective needs of children against all forms of harm and

• There is a standing arrangement between the Ministry of Women’s

Rights, Child Development and Family Welfare and the Mauritius
Broadcasting Corporation for radio programmes on different issues
including Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Mauritius.

• Information, Education and Communication Campaigns which are

ongoing will be further enhanced in primary, secondary and tertiary
educational institutions with a view to educating children about the
problems associated with commercial sexual exploitation.

• The National Parental Empowerment Programme which was launched

on 30 May 2007, provides guidance to parents regarding the sexual
education of their children.

• The Community Child Protection Programme was launched in August

2007 to ensure that local communities are also closely involved in the
protection of children. Communities are being sensitized on the
phenomenon of child abuse with a view to enabling them to initiate
actions at their end when children are at risk. A surveillance mechanism
has also been set up in high risk areas. A Capacity Building programme
has been launched in May 2008.

• Police Officers visit schools and deliver talks and lectures on a regular
basis on child abuse and services available for the protection of children.

5. Capacity Building

• Professionals such as Family Welfare & Protection Officers, Child

Welfare Officers, Police Officers, Probation Officers, Medical Social
Workers and NGOs working with children have been trained by a local
consultant with a view to providing better services to victims of CSEC.
The training progammes are ongoing.

• A Training Programme for Trainers and Community Leaders on CSEC

has been carried and is ongoing.

• So far, a total of 831 Police Officers (both male and female) have been
trained in courses including Trafficking in persons and Sensitisation
against sexual exploitation and abuse of minors.

6. Other Measures

• The “Brigade pour la Protection des Mineurs” works with the Ministry of
Women’s Rights, Child Development and Family Welfare on the
protection of the child from all forms of abuse including CSEC.
• Since January 2008, crackdown operations have been conducted
islandwise at regular intervals by Officers of this Ministry, National
Children’s Council, Brigade des Mineurs (Police Department), in
collaboration with NGOs to ensure that young persons and students are
attending schools during normal school hours. Such operations are seen
to contribute in an efficient way to prevent young persons from playing
truancy and loitering thereby getting involved in illicit activities.

• Group Therapy for rehabilitative needs of CSEC victims is being carried

out on a pilot basis for both CSEC and rape victims.

• With a view to promoting Mauritius as a safe family destination, the

Ministry of Tourism has embarked on a sensitization campaign on the
impact of CSEC.

• The Police in collaboration with the Social Workers of the Ministry of

Education and the Child Development Unit also redirect children who
are cut off from schools to the education system.

• Police Officers refer children who have been abused to the Child
Development Unit for psychotherapy and placement to shelters, if

• In addition, the Police provide the following services:

- A 24 hour hotline service.

- At divisional level, an Operations Room is open on a 24 hour basis.
- Likewise, at line barracks the Operations and Information Room is
open on a 24 hour basis.
- A protocol of assistance to child victims ranging from protection to
counselling exists, whereby all Police Officers serving in any part of
the country know how to deal with reported cases of child abuse

Nm/Yr09/Jan09/Annex-Human Rights Council Resoultion

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