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’ 2 shy Oe aernce ep hie ct fer ee Variational principles sy H Lagranges equations. 040s) 2) Hanibess principles CE RB Were. | : - oe i taindltvem (differential equation) equti 5 sho alo ahopessible te hein Le egly LL “Lomronge’ : suchas (D’alember ts principle), Mlédetan si ofa _ “ entire ution ofthe system vetween times Hr 7 ind ¢w all viv tual varbibion TH the vendre mation fromthe achat mation. principle Uke Hrs 75 known 95 am [Integral principle }- The insdon taneous Configuration of a System is deseribecl bY the values of the te grmorad zed gordinates (4,---In) omol Corresponds to Aparticuley pot th a Car testan hyperspace where the 4’s Porm the n Govedlinnte axc5- ae A-dimensional space is known as = (ontigurntion space) oh The System point moves in Gnfiguration Space tracing out acne described a3 (The path of motion of the system ) % Tine Gn be Grsiderd a4 a param eter of the curve: to enh point on the path dheress associated one ov move values ot the time. - The path of motion in Gn figuradrdh Spare will Ao have anes necessary resemblance to the path in space of amy actual partirl [each point on the path vepretats the endive System Configuration ot Some given ingtank of tine) - py The integral (Homi lb outs principle ) elescrives the motor of those mechaniad systems for Which alt forces [except He fortes of constvat are clerivable from agencrali ted scala — potentiol that may be aPurctivn of the Gordinates, Velo cites, DS Aan ee es ¥ The dimensionality of confyguretion Space / alias equal to tee nanber of degrees of Freedom . Tf N partic les moving tn tree Olimens’oS Ware, ke hobmouic Constants , So he number of olegrecs of freedom i, (nz 3W-k) - LYrolowouce ¢ iotroduceol Piet |= 1824 by Hert Prom Greek meeni liple 5 exttire anol meauin fav). gy While 5 9 a) cued He Such systens olenoted as (monogenic) Where the Ps is anexplicit fmetion of po sitish Gordinates only» then Amenogenie system is also conservative + — (Hamilton: principle): The motioned the system from time 1 be time ers such Hed the tre \ntegrel: 4, ‘ 1 I= \ lu _ oe a Hi al of the. Lagremng'& Pathe tH spelen pont = otefrate tategri of th. Lagrang'an TA'texl guration pe Where i ae has Thabane value For the arreet p “ofthe motion - s hie Gon sumaarite Wo ertrcigle logs) , The mation is such Yat the vervation oF the Mine Integ red L fv fined ty mdb is Zero = H- principle - = fre : ; oL=$ Sb a,- ar Aer Art) etme -@ ti Variation operator's £27 constant t , — More important Lheovem 15 that Lagrange’ follow from Hamiléen“® grincipre - _ Theeq uations ot tno ton” mgd always howe the Lag yanny ren form ho matter how the generalized Gordinades are trans fav meet 2K UA Ag Wot, anccessary onc eWRicier conrctition Gr Laigranged os.“ one can Sho rthed Hemi Horas principle necessary Rolloos Pro Laeyranepen “9s Tisteac! wieStabl prove the Converse , that Legranepes <7 Potlow Grom Howrtto u's Prinerpa . equation Vote. y . . 4 Stodlonery Value Yor eg © implies a7 Cfdvemum By Whe action purine. but ta alnast p nob necessari/y a all important application tn Aynamrcs a minvewrum occu >. (3/ ont) Some techniques of te coltulus of Vaviritions : the chief problems of this cabtalus (5 te Find the carve for which some given Vine indeginl es ¢ Séoblonayry valor = problem of ohne colimensional form: We hare adumedtion £(4 249%) de fin eof on apath yay vetween we values X ane Xx» where 4 1S the dlevivadive ot 4 with respect to x ~ wie ish fo Final apartrcalar path gis) suck thet the Vine integral 7 ot the fmedon L between x, cred X2 - ye fd (X29 92) “dx we « xe ff godx Garlad path +3 e Lelem 2 Genk. garth: Se dethare integral ef extenum proble [rot aan path) has Sogiotooy Vabae relative to paths di flerivy infinitesimally fam the covet Sumetion YO | The variable x plays He vote ot the parameter & where te Varieot paths for Whee UNS seryede —— In one- olin . cond: space pot the correct anol varied paths ure the sefjnent of dhe sdmigit Ihe Grnectiig +4, amd yz. The path dither only in the Lmetioual relation etween 4 and H+ _ ov examgle we select omy furedion 100) that vans hes at ¥2%, omel xera then apossible set of variet parts (S$ given by: variation) Varied path Cia calenlas yxy L02 9K 0) + Hog since > must he astationamy value Sor the correct 2) bath veladive ts ony neighboring pecth the voxcation must be oa" labetel bY an infinitesimal parameter od- Kr ‘ TeH= $f yoga) 199) dx Ss Xy The cvrect path yoo # ausiliars) fimetion o (x) 2v& WH Vehavee Pumetions. (On tinwors ome hon singular vetrtin Ar amel Xr) ~ 43 obtain the stationary point 15 the familrar ohe Ahad ds : Caz), = —E > post eremeder Cin cabealusdvariation ) ar {2b abs Yar —G ax x, = WY PL By De Considpe We eecond ofthese integrals. |) — y Xe od xu - { ie al 4 wt Hy = j 2h 2S olx — my Py 3H - mo ty KOH \ integrating by parts we per: k x jt 2tD dye wh ry m (oq Gh3e “, ay WXOH ry we Pe * _@ The Gncitions on all the varied Cmrves ave thd Hey pass throws the poiwts (4, 5) 7X22) mol hence the partial olevivative of 4 With vespeet to a ok xX anol Xa must vanish. Tore Lve te Fistterm % AE vanishes one 4G Yeoluces to: tr (ek of DEY PD ee poled ‘ ae 5 By eH Tho der Wedive. of ee © ke Bud the exbemmen Conelihn,, - : . j of 5) (22 ydwed Pod PPC BY) clecols tn mies ¥%..24 off DY The Gnditin for astatronary value dT) 20 By 1s Herefore — equavalnt to the equatidw (wares : con ot i - ) (2h - dS, HP (Feta sini ES a — xy 4) dd= $4 Ge This equation vepreset S the infinitesimal ol epay ture sath Brom ths covrecd patd Y(t) at the point X ane to the Virtual displacemat tntreclaced -Mn (Ch-')- The infin'desimel varration oh about the avreet path Om be designated : i oA the varieel P tars, vies Poreds dv ce & (ae ), alas $5 “ Then the J is stationary fer the cowvect path On P&. mr 2 ws 4 2h zo {> ss TUR -% ey Sadece Ly cxy pliaadiom of 2a: (10) \edween two points ih aplowe : pet shortest oli stance th im aplawe tS = an Clement oh ONE feny ds Jdee ey — Fome o . ev wm potnts Pe we drol the tote length of amy Carve goin betwee Save dy A te - co 4 I. Sides J fy the shortest poth tht as 2 Ze J Ey wdx nO ah fe Jing setini’ “ete When the cue be Aminimum: we we aG by wey a. @ any : SG 3 nil, | REL DL , . ey 3S an a L (bys, a ae) “hg Solution cam Ve vabrd ony Tf (4 =O & Where & is aconstant velated to h bg oe but this rs the equation 4 astra Vine - ansther Crgtent + Y caxre: Where b is The constants ath ave oleter mined by the Gnolition that the curve pass through He two ols potuts (%54,), Carona: — Ingeneral oases that give the shortest aisdance betwen two ports on agiven surface ave Called the Bee cdesicslet the surface. ( shortesl div taree between tws pothts on 4 Sphere) - by using) O -copred- xy. 5 @ Sie wea ge Chg Sqraning) (2D = a (ity? ) ays ay ay a RY ayraa™ Yt Ce aaa he a i J (td) - YY = AL JI. a ay S#- a / . a duimum suvfoee of vevolutron :, es ee 7 Suppose sasurface eof vevolubion by ta kins Some curve paste pastes tur Fixed points (1 59)) cme (xe Ye) anol evolving 12 / about the y-axis. So i, The problem then ts te fined thet curvedor Seo Which He. Surface area is aminimum : mins surbece of tniP ins Surface The aveatof the surface 's + 1 vevehetion 2ax(ls)= 2nx IT¥5® ed “27 Serge lx The extremum of this integral is aivéh by 6 -O fe x Jixye | 1 2feo , BEL AY a > T+ y® p Jd a” In this case A-@ b cemes eg 3 fd ( Ad y= oy AM re Lx Weg: ae Where a fs some Cngdenit of integration Charly smaller than the mininum velar of xX. by squariny the above equation ano Paetoriney we Jove - PUK) -at or Solving, dy _ a AX Gre The gesera€ solvtron of ths D-E+ rx Mnght A the nature 4 ais: yeas dx : sh A 4b ¢bs a are As _ (he equadion of a catenary ) adh are Cheansdmts of Inteymtion Which oletermind th principle by vequivementsr that the curve pass trongh the two ven en (9) ponds - Gee pairs of end pores paique Gung tants of th tegration ath can incceol be forinel - + But for other enol pots, two Grcnar While in sti other regions no possible yatucs Cam be foul for ab - te IL Shawl be vemembered’ that eg \@ vepresent s aconditvon for contrnurs through the Seconol derivatives solutvons resuld Finding curves 9005 thet verster the integral statronary* ge The catenary solutions therefore de net always Vepresend - minimon values but heay sive (pends of intlexion) for certain Gmbinations of chet points. & The abselite Minimum in the surface of revolution i's prouided by acurve composed of 5 traryht line sequents — from the firsé enol point parallel te the x-axis until the y-axis i's reached. then along the y-anX/s until the point (0541) ann then out iy astraight Whe to the secmol enol folwke such acurve has 15 ontrn uous first ferivatives aol one ould not expect te Fins it ag asolutron te CO This example valuable jn emphasrzing the resérvetrons rk Surrourel the derivation cmol meanihay of the stationary Cnolition. v meant ” Shortest time “vom Greek, > The brachis tech one problem - BY a nh oH s - i te this problem ws te Pinol the carve jereibg dive porkt s along Which pay tick fotdinay from vest uncer the rh fluence travels Pram a higher te the lower point rn the 0 P of gravity Jenst bre: iB vis the spel along the carr’ y then He time vequrired fo fulton ave length bs is ds/y- aud the prvien © 4 Fined aminimum of the tnteqrad - t > tire f &. YY x Gy 1s measured down from the invired porné af velease the easervation Heaven far the energy oF the partele Ge be written aS x ¥ es —> mrs my CO? 2. we Vevagg J 4 brachisbochrone _— The biz veemes se SCG abe 7 ry Y tite J var ao x \ vaQy and f£ is jolen t Fieel ag 3 t: Jae of ca zt sel with this The thtegration tor €- (10) pt ” Rog as form for f rs straight foward and will be left as one of nit exercises fir dis chapter This problem is famous ix history Bab mathematics. The aualdsis ot cé 15 b4 Bernoully 84 atcul Se tn ye . - As seal + ay. AS a ole + oly? = [yards ole =f ‘ee dss Jag etx k Brocluistochrone /br 9: ky's “ta:kyon/ oles Th og TH Line oF mobion ahong wobich a partite cg) upon by a Constranining force enU move. [row one given promt to Anthea i 4 Shortest ting . 1-3) Derivation af Lay ranges equations trum Hamildoks prikesple+ The problem of the calculus of variations (5 easily és jeneralicedl do the cage where £ rs afuretion of mami Independent variables 4; > anal their olerivatives a [ate these quantities ave Chsiderel as ons of the parametyr variable x) Then the Variation 4 the dategrel r sz § FE ym: yl, aan YlXd5 9,0) ---x dex Tis afmedion of aparmneter x that labels a possrble set af curves 4; (X20) (Thus we may introdece & by setting . . “0 oa 08 . yah DCCs 4, Code 4], 0) “" __@ Ye Come Sr (xs,0) 4 Ly Oe) | ' \ \ : ' \ Where 9,09 5 41 00@) are the Solutions of the extremum problem (tobe obtwhed) anol psp, ave tholepenteat fictions of Kk thet Vanish ot te end points aml Hat ave con tinugus throu, He Setonol oerivative s. but other ur'se are Gupleddy arbitrary - . The variation of Fis given in terms of t( see a Ss at The’s fellow Lrom H- principle for mronog eure Syste with holonomrc chs tracts (for ConserVetive ey ictews) < *o-127 D SY 2-4) Extension Homiton’s principle te Aomholonsmic Sy ftens: hig possible bv txtenl H- principle zo cover cevtain £4pes ot nonholnomrc Systems — Jn honholonomic systems the gemeralizest coordinate ave mt idepenclent cf cack other anol it's hot possible te reoluce them by means of equations of consdrated ot He form £6, 4,4) hence itts no borgty twue thé qe'8. are ell inole penotent - — Another WHerence that must be cansiderenl jn treatihs, the variational privciple is the manner in whrch the varied paths ave cnstructed: The $4 or ($4) represents avirdnal olisplacement from apoint on the aetual path to some point onthe neighboring varied path. Bat wrth tholependent Gord snares itis the final varied path that is stgnibicant nol ne t how (EIS constructed: “g vivdual olisplacement in particular mow or may ned satisfy the crstrants . — It appears that areagonabe straight forward brtatmet of Honholonomic Systems by AVAL iat ronal principle 1S possible only When the equations of ans tratnt Gon be put inthe form . Sa Oop #4, + aglt= © —G, (ai fireatial for) hve constraints - Oi tcp a delet ConA the as. The index (2). inclicetes there mary be more Ham one such eavation. 5 dhere owe (Wm) equations matl- 50 he \st33-—-m IE shoul be noted tat the coefficients Cp 1 ye OY be Fumedions of the 4’s omol time- wre tgs k Lyman are summation Wmdice s ww A, BR The vavieol paths 5 the Aisphecmnent sans trading the varied path. should satishy the constrrits a) ‘anal thas beeh prover that po such varied path cam be ens tvucted unless e4-© are integrmble. in which case the Ghstraints are aetuatty = polomomic - — Avoriatienat- principle leading te the correct equatrons of imobion com ppesgchlgietts ve obtaineed When the varied paths ave anstructedl trom the actual matron by viv tual cfisplaceands m © The(o}ton $ braid equations valid fey the viv tual cdisplacemmes ater Z % 54 =e —e so the vavied path will k then in general net sadisty 4.6 Now We Gn use CAG do veluce the no-of virdal Ais placements te inolepenclent ones. The proceoluce for eliminating these extra virtual displacements i$ the methed [ Lanrange uncetermrned yultipliers ] - if 4-@ holed then rt rs tvucthad - wy Bee 8 Ii so. -—-@ where) poiy.s3—m . are Some wundetermic, C constants nati ties cfm obiae In Ae principle - e of time in general be S =% Slide zo is agsument to holof for the gi ronholonoms ¢ Systun- jure Lt) 6% co —& k a sy bod sp des Cet WO? ConStroiat equations zB . 240) Se ton holomowic. unless (4 can be irtegraled (unless (hore an exact hifferet'ah yi athic Case it iS holomor!'c ) ah ey a, =k /at? k ft ) % dw by summinny a @ over Z and in deg rating, the vesulh wth respect to time Frew goin L amol L with m equations A custratnt on the - sivtal od Splacement 5 we an comvive Ye Say: * Combi & ar 1& od, tn *4 dice —®D ‘a . ab Se, ¢ Spel dd > sd Sq co —& ) dt =( ne sat 3 seu) 4ke The 64, % stil tnolepenclent then we cheese g's & bE such that - zl _ . zd, % anti BA, ae AK a a 2 eek ~ “SG for the last BAK vewra bles: - L d ee Gay te @) \ae = = (AG wea Ey App) Mk wreve | feve chly Sys inclepenclent ones - the Gd Ut Ede tse Ke rane @ a aE aa To ge complete set of Le equations for wonhkenomrc systems - we Combinin 9. Dank D A(z SL 2 Ee ks to --K cm Sal 7% * € “e) whe 4 — i Ho Lagrange undukermined mulhiplicr (@ we have nem unknowns Where = curdinetcs 4], amol L. muldipliers Lee hs md 4. (0 giver He toh of ony Tae first-order M-E- 4 eo —& Sate % ~ . wn) equations far (KH) eg.( Ce together consis dut (rire) ea vy opuations. unknown 5 + LO what is he Pusteal omportance of ML Als ? \ — Suppose one removed the Gnstrarnts on the systtn but | Tas bead applicel externel forces Qq as to keep fhe motion of te equations A mation umer Qy the equatins A notion ave . yf oe J Th such Atntonet Systtm Unchangte: The vemain the Sane- ae - -6 —@ Da we . ; Qo) 450 We Gn inlet eg. (DO must be Lane with M1 F consraty | Ere tk with QE 5 So we net Climate forces of constraint from the formulation - \ from H- principle delopteol here for. vequires that the Gnstvaints obo ho di PALemenrk s+ \ holonsumce systins This can Wy < seem in ye S ide=sf a - ff tdlgiee s ty . LA ee é. ave d § ) Tdee§ = sae — £ (35, ~ ac 2%) Sq, ole cass > 4k te . £ 6 Tele- ue -n ee! a, = 2k &) “y 1 Se SE — mk - The L. multiplier method cam be used also or halenome Gnstraints When - inconvemant 1— ltrs ionveniedd bo vedice. all te vs to fneleprrolent Coord nates . or ze We might wish to obdmis the forcesef anstmaint- _ Exemple + Consrdey ahoop volling witheud Lippi dow an inclined plane: In this example the on straint of (rolling) 5 actualy) holohnomec , onthe other bane the hulonomic cons trarnd tht the hoop be om the inclrneol Plane will be contarhed tmplicrty th the Chaite 4 — genevelizecl Govdinates - The two genertilired Gordin. ave x56 The equat ron af vallingy cons drat test . ~ 9:2 xO 2 beet ( dx= ree OF jeer dO Ts ywR* The k-E SKE ot motion of Com ve constitutes three As. for tyee unknown 5 (@,x,)) boy lHevendrating eg (0) wrth vespect to tine - an sens Dee yG=xX GC papby ee wey ae 2 (Sx > from eq. (3 , Mx d —E ame. | epee ~ - — 1 py g 7 AT : ax - “ mye = d¥ O = _— tds ye no MK Mg sib + I=0 and AK = A LAK Mg aAPr Mx 20 aMx 2 Mg SP Kee Map _ d Sin D aM 2 ot = De Masingbt A= © 2Ae MgnnP og. Mg ep Rh Rbk md MED 2 MrO=I . Mr Mg Bin MrO= ° 2M B= Mg Bagh Oe BE. 2 hoop vols down the incline with only one half the accelevmtren t would have slipping down afyrcdtioniess plane: emel the firvetion vce of constvaint 7s x r 7 Mp et from Hy 2 vel gh ime at the bottom. Which Can be dbtainer( by the Clemomtavy means eso - y “yi coozny se ab , rb) Gnservation thenvems anal symmetry ee. ee — Asystem Bn dered f freedom willhave hi theventirel equations tint ave the Setorel order rh dime The of each equstion an canst s- In aspecifre problem these Constants will be determined wy the tnitio€ Grolitions initred . so the ini vated Qt nay’ solution will require tie inteshitrons ve sul#tag in of intenration « — Sometines the eg. et imstion willbe tm teqgrmble in terms of known — funetions. even When a complete Solubion Cannot y obturned then (#7 possible to extract alarge mount inkarmation appt the physial nature of the system motion — In many problem s of motion Cum be anumber ct first intenvals of equation Immediately wy the vedations = Grptet —CO obtaineet Liyang marie © sGig The ist-ovder of fherential equations 1 These tivsd Wteprels ave af interest veeane they te us Somthinn phy svertly avowt the system They ineluale (the Gnsevvation laws) ce agider = Fer examples Aasystem ed mass goints wroler wh hence, of forces derived from potentials deptrolent ow posttien. only - bloat 2 at 3k camo Bi ~ ke 7 ee mee . hich © the amp ni = Pe KR bX 1 Component of the \inenr marnen tim associated with the ith parti ck “) iss Ff: of? = he genera lizcel momentum iS * Sh: cn \ LL OO a4; a The term § Canonical Momentum o¥ Gnyegte Momentum are i Lestan Goralinal es also used for Boe 45 js net Gar besran Gor pj dees mt nese sarily have the dwrgions efalixeay momen tar - even wrth

Ké PRE J momtetnn exjnagte to Xv This isthe vee henal momentimn plus ada) trowel berm: HIE the Laprannian of asystem oleas rot Gntuin Agiven Gord. Catthough it may contain the corres paneling, eee a \ then nat ate aot 4 Hy Lees the coordinate is said to be ear or rghovab\e Lamvense equation of motion. energy T- & re nL =o - This veeluces Jenga Ve ‘3 _@ coordinate to a vagenoral conservation Cheorm [| The genera neal OP os tam Gnjugate to acycli ¢ ey-@ is a tir st integral of the’ AC far the <4- of medion Cyclic corel cmol selveel in genera li Zeel cord: eordinate 75 conserved \- We Gam eliminate the _ This procecture originated by(Routh) consists in modi tying the Lagvana ian Soe Cain eanera izesl—tke 50 adumetion A the gerevarizet veloc ty corresponding to the eyclie coordinate wut instead involves onty the njugate momentume= we an cosider Py ont of constants + ju tegration amd the yemaininy jucvive only the rancyele coordinate s+ — Ifwe bve asingjle particle in abielol which nether F eyelic Mm Le inten tions herve TS rar A depents om A So — be So the Cancnial wma anti, Ps an served farm 4@ wer momentum 1S 3 Pye mx * As sented —& seal Vinenae einen stain gener ali eed poten the (m ) f5 not the mechant thet 75 conserved but jzs sum with. 14 which bes vad tt Pe eae ny eer xken Abe ig exactly Nhe : ec ete bre manedic Linear moment, oe, Rel associated! ott ERE appear in T for velocetres ove wot flecter/ : es ashift i# the origin omd thretire the M20 Assume asysten, Rov whieh *4y (Vs nod rn 4 velvety « electromanctre forces the node: z ane te Slimivate ey wv) fT eg Beh —G@ . The equation of 4 4 motion for the totel SS Mcay moment ion - Cy io the competent of the total Force abengt He divectio oh the translation wie Pj 5 the comporerted the otal Iineay momentum afong ths Aivection : < Vom €0):(4> PARE 2 Ore ZF Song, [ Homey © , da, covrespocals fo tras P Mi slatibs of the systems along Some gus asi oe : i Ete eve related! as Shon fatlee Fig - See iin ees TINO) AB ay —= ve fy ST 5 — = a4; = 4S 445 0 44; d Where nis the wt veetar abn the aivectirn of. translation: Qs2 Efe Ew [The component of the to tel fq force tn the ofivecti vection o4 Vy J Te remy “ He The cnjuyate mementiar i$ dajh P Felt MH) ome in apesiHen veetr - SZ sags - oe under trrslatron ot tha system: 2s Wing emy(= 19) -rftcen na BD 2 JeAG- tA) | froe 3 | 2, a ee OP stil ‘ be tnt System Vinca \ oF J Ino mentewrn alory suppose thet the translehron coordinate 4 which diseussing, Sm ( sj cycle 5045 Suh sptenr V and theredeve- ~ = - 2M s @ ee 4; ‘ ponent Go nsevvation theover foy Viner momention =L If the Qiven @mpowen of the total applica force Vanishes » the coyvesponoting Gnponcaite of dhe lineny momentum is consevved:| — The cyelie coovelinete 4; 15 such as the 4; arves pores te _arotution of the system of particles arounel Some SA\% then the cansevvation ofits conjupate momentum covves pohas te ais eV atm ok am Onna iromention - cy Cannot contain 45 So = eo ool J vos indlepenclent a4. a. i 2 Mow vee with t Show that WIth, 7 The 45 cure tortion coordinate the qenevalizent force VS the component ofthe fatal applied borane al out the ais A votation: Gp y's He Gnponent of the tin’ Grawher momentum abonss ‘the S$ Ame AXTS* - akive in \ onby whe Hert? Qj- S Fe PS thes ey ew ewe ame ther é PAS mtaniny } Here the Chamne in Aj wmuwt covresponol to Am iwhins bes ined botedion oF the vectow Ye keqpihy the mas ns title oA He veeter hs taut: From Ye Bore Xe Aerivede 8S yy =F ae . “ ) ) (dve] = ve SO 4; —4 hg serail teley vi ae _ 7 re Cay solaj) Ran vector of a gasition vetlor under rotation system = hegeef position veutoy Ont veration mt the syeden. a = snxei [Thedivection 4 divivetive|- > Loon wm aml UTA, Has est He generalized fovee : © Qy= Z& Fecha = 'S Se ‘ ‘ we Ky Yemen leecomes oe ee co 2 Qjen- © Nis Wliel proves He £ Grek part . A sinilay maaniouraien of Pi provided. ee eo condk pact AL th ehahemen Pye Ms Emi ME EO (rexmeve swieli = WE Conguer eno wenn) _ / This vesuits means: Lif the vedotiow cooval wht Ww eye then GS whichis — the @mponent of the appeet orque along nt _Vamni shes camel the Component of L olen w Fs eset] Y [iF te system 1's Dnvertand —uneter translation along, aniven diveetion the cavresponsing Vinee pro rntnttiin VS conserved |. / endive [The enjuyate omguliare de The Yotution _ coordi a paamtets conseved ) inalicates that the System davartot under votation about the given axis: The momentum Conservation heavens art Connecteat "eth the symmelv properties + the System ) if the 545 ttm sphevicelly symmetric —s all Componend 5 of aang (or mowertum aye cnsevveed - +) IE tHe system is symmetyre only about z-axis / then ony Li wi be Gnseved anol So om fey He another AKaS* 2 — f xemple if wehave asystem 1s symmetric /on'y about the 2-as then only ly will be cansewveds [system consisted of aset of mass! points moving "h afehatiy field generate by firecf soyrces wns form dy AVS tri bubd on am infin(te plane (He Zero plane) {he Sources may be among oles bb vicbcom if the forces \ were grav! tational ov Phas Asti butiron foy electro stedrc forces %- / rees ¥ / 2 The symmetry oF the/ problem is such thad the Lam rangin rs invariond nel gf atrans\ation ot the system e+ parties th the x or 4 divections. (but ned th ze): 2 The & al of components of tle Hebel Vinca mame Px anol Py Jove Onstants ob metien AUN with La. the Fp wh belal angular momentin « IP the sop were vestricteel onty tothe half plane Zo then the! symmetry for trams lation along the A-AH'5 anal fee yotution about the 2-2%'5 wowd be des troyeot Pe andl L, ood wt on sevved but Py would Yemain 4) Aloustat of ins tion . Another onservation therm (Conservaron obichalenergy er @ Consern nkve systems The conservation ot total Herqy for asystems ” Tare the forces ave deivable $yom potentials cepenctent only ov poss tren ' ~Gnsider ageneval Lagmngian as adimetion <4, ceoved- 4y and the velocity 4; gud may clepenel explrerty on time. (time variation ot external Potentials ov from tme— deperclent cm Strand s) 2 The tott tine derivate ef Lis > al > a a xt yok g OL * eh nage Then 4 Saale wile as e PA toe 2 2 f a ~ Gab. Mi — we ae ° 24; 4, e por ” al, J f= 22 jh. 82h, dg ae toate | HL is nals explert fog IEE cloes nat affrear in dh aE] wot opr Ee? “25 be time’ etm platy — uate" ) hay @ Hen *s entered. 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