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tot Loe MONE auger Sag en CH-3 ON de @& The Tw body central fe force ~prob\ts a Sake per uper SIPS e nap ulle et ayy ya Wn & BIAS IO yi ces EY BR wes (well know faetion) 22-7 3-)) Recluction to. the equivalent ont- body “problems ay mr: ad two mass points - ow potential uU- particles (re-) * monogentre system weThe farce are due te an inderach' ru TS ony fanetion ob the veetor between 2- ov Wah) . He Such asy stems hag 6 - Legrecs A freedom awol hence 6- inedlep- generalized coord eR [The velivs vector te the center A three ompe pus 3- Component 5 ot ai therence vector yy. oe Tha Leghengien: ee © Le a Urn) —O gum a ke of the motion ob Fem potion abet the Cow a the KE of } . ot o 1 Gey ema) ROE TT As wrk vit Whee T= tayk + ben where Yio te ave the vaoléd veetor® of 2-particles relative to the Center fh mass fo u+ See . meme ( @ Voy, vy an ' 82 Sineay momentum is conserves! Sate 4 ant by ave. related, we have a Single clagre of Freedom _ Lets reoluce olown ty 9 Sig eS? 0 Crohn, ancl utr exaression for (ts kinehe energy L ‘ . ay Teter, mkr 8 Sron@ when mm) I rm, =z-¥¢o% q { CBh any: oe es my tie . Cortes ys -¢ me yr tiny yo Ware ‘ m, . > ? % . ae ren-r- m SY a Vy Mare M1, v9 5 - yy — VS Cie He may AR ~ Ny ke t Yet uae * S -- Luyrm Zee dr out equal avert in equal times. aveel velocity rsageneral prper yo TRE Conserve tion ot tHe anol *$ not ves trretecl to an of centyal Force motion inverse Square low of force - The vemaininn, Lanny e equotion s fev the Corctiaée © tt Wt VY, & - 2?) 4. 1 4 Cav) —mr dF YY Lo a) ee zy kippler’s law 5 Sf. The Naw of orbits; “ All plmets move in elhiptics 4 proite , untr, the sun of one foens 2 - Te las of areasy ” A Line that connects a Planet to the sun sweeps ok eouall aveas tA te plane of He planets orbit in equal times: Anet is, The vate JA/At ok wliel ik sweeper oak oven A Ys constant” 3. TR law of periods 5 TEE square of He period of ann qlanet vs proportional te whe cube af Me Semone fo axis of was orbit . o 2s wT (Er Claws ef peniaal s C Ge b.Caxre! NF /ey Designating the valucet the hyee alow x , ~9V by tor the equation anbe yewritten as: . xe xs 32 __ @ (at we 82 @,) wh byy es 22 myo mr = fivd \ % ad pee (23 te fom the first Interrat A 4-@ £8 Cm clin inated From the equation oh mation , Yielding ascand order hi fheventiel equation invelvive, vy only - +6 0 mem Ae =f —@ 2 There ave another first Intenral of motion Cory) since the forces ave conservative: we bn the \pasised the genernl energy, co KSevvab rons thesres We cam immediately stute thatthe constmé of instrow iS * as : rs th Ee be (Pa EO a Ve) —@) (els aeons The first Integral Gould be oferivedt again civectly from th 4. +4.) onal can be written a4 “ LL nied evan) OS Dlne Mere aphid by Fp Phen the lebbloned side beesmes= QO The vight hanel sicle Combe wri then ag a total ti, dtivakive if 9600 15 omy Gametton PX then the totel bine devivetive of 9 has the form of dy dr be IO" Te ee cs lence 4G 's equivelodt to: @ fant) =~ £(V +E) i= at ov £ (twee x v) probes iw wreck apartrde of manss In 18 subj - = to abrce- a“. em 6) 5 at SP are ge ite —@& “ve? 6 trom eq-@) the motion ot the particle th r of 1 laa pravlen wrek patentret energy’ a Y = yet a Ee feree Ve TF me . - - ar ; sa _ w= f+ Whreh agrees “ faye mee mes The enerny) conservation theaV ern 4 S Gm be written 2g + Cs)” Ba Ve Lat —Us 8) Te examining the moti Consii . @ bee snore equ =n! der apt eh agaist 5 es peciFre Gage on attrective inverse ‘Squore law of force - __k ON fe ye (Cve) mens that the force # oward the center $A force - The potential megy for thes force Ts- ~-K _- a Ve eT and the cavvesyp onslin) fe ctitions Potential is ek An : v ~ tm the solid curve = Vie te aot Covve Ar ae theo t cae —& v (Feg- The equiva toot 1D poteneral for attractive inverse Square Naw of force a € & Gnsider now tHe medion et particle having the energy Fi in bys) anel (f9-9) Clenvly this particle an never Gme v Closer than vy otherwise with ror * V exceeds, anol by tA. (15-0) , Ee Ue bee Ey the kinetic Crergy world have to ve ‘ 3 ; ° . unbowndet mation 4 negative corresponcliny to am inaginar's velouty positive, eneraics ives wore jy te other hamel 4 there is ho Upper limit to Far oe ee e possivle value of E- $0 that the ovbit & rg-t) 1s not —\pounoledt. fe Aporticle will Come Iw from infinidy , shake the (repulsive conto; fog barrier Lbe repelled’ ame travel back out te infinrey y sec(frg-3) a - 2 & The distence vedi Bev is tbr that's proportional to the squowe of the vadial velocity ane beames Zero naturally (Tiare pict at the turning point 5: of- the orbit for - Ev corresponding te Heree the olistanse between the Vol V bo unbouraled Oarves 75 Lint notion we Thege curves therefore supply the magni tule of the parbiclk velocity amd rts Components fer omy cligtamce +, at the given energy anol angular prom artim we hrs information 0S suffrcient to prove ow apprexinat picture of the form of the orbits - ® For the enemy E,so (figay araughly similar picture of the other \ehavior is obtatned- + Bt for amy lower energy such as Ey inolicated vm (Fig) We have aclifferamt story: In acddition to alower bonne ¥ » there iS also amaximum value Ye that Gunot be exceeded by - with positive k-E- a “ owned motivn 4 (Pyay WH heqetive energies A The motion 15 then (bouncledl) anol there ove two turning Points, Vitrx atso ‘krown as ap sical distmees. This deos rat necessar mean that the orbits are Close. . os # A thé com be sare is thet they are bounoledl, Con taineol between two circles of radius Ho tre with fuming points always Wing on the civelee (fig-5)- BUF Ee emergy 65 Ey just at te minivetm iM LA othe fictitious potenti es Shawn th (419-46) then the two bounds Coinerde: : (Fy) In such case motion is possible at only Schemabic jiustnd Ont radius; Yoo, anel the ov bit of the nadie a) acirche. the orbits Ser \ a K Remenberinn Hed the effective [ force] uncecl me Bn 1S the wepadive af the slope of the Vewne Ff the vequivement toy civenlar eV biés is simply thet P be ere ov: 1 . fone - 2 = mv" my TErs- & The equivalert 1d . potentiat of inverse ait Squre law of Sorce. jilusty wtih the condition Lar etread J- wy ae & The Fart \ier Clemen ter, Condition Yer acivcalar orbrty thet the applil force equal camel opposite to the (reverse fective fore Centripetal gece leration The E amel civcalay- oybits will be truc Ser aw attrockive potential that CD falls off slower than ©, as ror. @© eeomes infinite Slower than tas we The first cnoltin ensures Ehet the potenbrel over the Centrifugal term tor large xy while the Secone/ condibon TE such Hat for Small y f4i5 the Combrifugel torm tat is the impirtent ome- P ol ominate / Ee “ qualitative nature of the mation will be altered F potential eos tat satis ty these veguivements 5 ut we mmo still use the methed of te equivalad potential to examine Lentuves of the orbits & As an example, Gusider the attractive potuottal « iS 38% wens Sp with FT & The energy diagram in -7) w For an energy E theve ave tue possible types af. motion oltp Cusding fra) the equiveleat upon the initial Value ef v. Libim potential to ¥ 8 if ve 5 bess than the motion will cn ott active J firth low & force. be Voumdeds - will always remain Ness than ame the particle wilt even tually poss thrown the center ob force we ify is inftially grecter then Fe then it will always Yematn Sor The motion 1s unvounoleel ans the particle cm never ged thnk the (potential) hele. The initial condition S¥eSha fs agth Me Physicably possible. % Another Tn deres tiny eXanple et the methecl oteurs for alineow ves toriny Loree (isotropic larmohtc oscillator) - fe-ke 2 vetke ao For Zero angular imamentvom coyresponaliney fe motion alo astrotyht line, ViVi one He sitration re tn hig-8) fr ong positive eneryy the motion 7s bonneleal anol as We know simple harman’cs Heo we have the stot of affairs shown im (ia-)° € The motion tenis always bowelec! fay “All physically possible, energies and does not pass through the Center of force- In this particular case it is easily Seen Hat the orbit 1S chiptic, for if Ze-ky , the % anol 4 Component & of the force aver . bcs -kx » bye-ky we The tetee motionts Hus the yerultad of dwe simple harmonte oscillations at right annles amed of the Some Frequency which in gemevad — Ieaols bo an ebliptre otbt- fe Awell - known example is the spherical penolulirwn Lor sma am pli tudes. athe familiar Lissajous Frouves ave ov tained a4 the Composition of two Sinusordal oscillations at right angles where the vatic of the frequencies fs aratinel humber- & Central force motion unoler atinear vestering force theredr Constitutes the Simplest of the Lissajous Aiqures - aD ase GY $4} The en + Another property ef central forte motion can be olerived as aspecil Case ot aneneval thesrm valid for atarge VIR\AL Theorem - Vovredy a4 Systems — the virial theerem- & lt differs in character From the — theorems previously diScassed in vein Stetistral im natures I: TL TS Concerned with the time averages of Varions mechanccel quantiffes - % Consider agenerl System o4 mass paints with postion vectors v amel applied Forces fF; Cinclnoling omy forces of ¢ constraint) - The funclamenrtel eanetrons of wo tion are then: PR =F ——© Ge =F. —e where the Summation 5 over all the partictes inthe system the totel tine clevivetive of ths quondity is 6 eRe bh —G The tivst derm cm be trang formesl to Cie le Eopke hs EmevieeT rs- While the secsnel term from ea-© <. b.¥ eb —& cf e 2 tq. becomes af 2 weve de —@ dh Cpr 22Te ERR at 3 CICA, | The time averane eof 09(€ over atime interval © rs ob dnincel by tnkegvatiny oth sides with vesped to + Sin ot ame dividiney by TO ORS Kirra aber nll oY ar + & Fert 2 Lecr)-Gel —S é Cc «IE He motion 7s pervedic [abl coord. vepest efter acertain time anol ot T fs chosen to be the periael then the Wht — henel cicle oF ea-G vanishes Be Asimilar Conclusion Con be veacheel even if the motte is not periodic, provided tad the cord. aml velocities fey alt particles remain finite So thed there Us an upper Vound tu G. & By choosing t sufficiently lony the vight- hand siete of a con Ve made 0 Small as desiverd In both cases re then follow thed - 24-€ 5 known as the virrak thesrem - The right -~hanol stole rs collect (Ghe vivrat of clausius) In this form the theorem is very usedul sh the kinetic tes of ges It can ute te olenive pyoyic’s lw for perfect gers chomples . @ - 7 Consider ages Gusrsdin N atoms Cf ine within acon tainer YS 3 2d a a oth LE ot volume Vi The gass assumed te be at atenperature T [notte be cnfused with the symbol for k-E)- & Then by the exuipartition thesvem af k-E theary the average SPE: eb each atom is given by CLKT) sk = Bolttmann Cnstont the reletion 7s the defini of denperature- Me The VeAt hamol side 4 a@ 15 (2vkr) sonthe vight hanol side the forces (Fe)imclule oth the foveces’ of interaction between atoms anol the forces ef Gnstrarnt on the System « pr Aperfeet gas rs clebined as one for which the forces of intent Contribute hegiigivly to the vivral. This occurs if the gas is $e denuoms Hat collisrons between éhins OCenr varely. Comp owed to Collisvons with the walls 4 the Gutainer- bm Itis these walls tat anstrtute the cnstrant on the 5 SE tin « omol the forces ad ans traind Fes ore localizedt at the wath ono Come into eX stene Whenever ayas atom Collivles with the Wall te The sum on the right hamel side af. e-Gean therehre Ve replace in the averaye by om integral over the surface of the Container: the The force of Constrains veprerents the veaetion of the giell go the catiigten frees pyetibeal by He gifmd oh the wall. c-e to the prassure P - » WDGTKe unit veeter 8 in the divection of the normal te the surface We wr wr te - pulticls bath én 4 dfc-—PrdA voakleby bath roleg OY 9%, "vg gee Ef rll ow . 7 t wy 7 2ukT = = ee - but by Gouss theorem: Sher d= (vir dV=3V ge The virial theotem en for the System yepresetinn a perfect 988 Cam be weitten : Bure 2% pv we get Bowles law (PyenRe) Se The interparticle farces contribute to the viriad » the perfeet gn low et Curse ho honger holds - c)& The viveal theorem is then He principe feel te classi cel KE theory for caletetiny the cavetion of srtete GvvesPondingn to such imperfect gas: Tm In other stde we can Show tf the forces Fr ove the L We ve The motion of the Sum ot non brictional forces ff ond fyectiont forces fe PYefor-tionat te te wloeity then the Virvel clepeneds oly onth FO there FS he tom tripubion tram the fe- System must not be ellowesl to dre down as arvesult to maintain the motion , otherwise alk time averayes wonlel vanish at T imcreases thelefinite ee (ft the forces awe clevivable From ape tentieg ther the thesrem beemes Tag wy —< and foy asinple '% veduces to 1 T= particle mevinn uneler acentrat force tw, > Sear fv \f Ves apower- low fimetion of ic - Weary —@ Where the LxPonent Fs chosen So thar the force law goes as eM yp en eV oO 2Y So em. CH) becomes: = —- _¢G wk yest v Vis ahomonencans Turetin Wo af degree (nm for special case eh inverse Square law forces % sD amal the virrwl theoren takes on awell-known form by applrcbion of Euler's thesvem Fev. —G me ay eh) 3-5) The ele fferen til equation forthe orbit Pa a3 and Inteyrable power-law potential.” meer PRES UAW,., poeen diab In centrat force problems , solving aproblem has meant Finding y 6B a5 abunction of dime with EFL ana! sock as acnsdaunts of rntegradion- But most o Hlen what! we really seek Mn dhe cauadtion of orbit the dependence of r upon B elimvead the parmeter £ . & for central force proslems the elimination is pardicularly simp since £ occurs th the equations + modvoh only as averiable of ai tfeventintion Ab, fe Equation [mete JP of motion 15 simp provides aal€ Finite relation between differentia€ chamye dt md the arresporeliiy change do EE Oo oy TE boll 1 pO d lo , —@ io 2 1 ud £ of bdtemrd At mr TO oH mr ol & The carres poncling vetatron between divivetives with respeet to End 9 is. d.f£4 _6@ mv be These relations may be seed to Gnvert the = — de” ga dv . ti! J ade 2 ©: G9) can be writden > aldernatiy ly wodermst potent om Exe is adifferential oyation for the or bit if dhe faree law f ov the potenti V) 1s known Gwversely rf the equation 4 the orbst is Known tat ts evs given as afuct of @ the one can werk boek anol obtain the force law fer af dep upe —— & Te obiain ageneral vesults. for example We am show from OG that the orbit 1s symmetrical about the turning poiri bo prove that statement fe will ve noted that (iF the orbyt 7S symmetrical it should be possible to vefleet rtabeut the diveetion ot the turnin angle without prodluciney any change | ae If the coovelrhades are se Chasen that the durniny point eccars for Bee then the veflecton Carte cfecreol mathematically by the substitution of 8 for 8 . then the MHerertial “4G for the orld is inverPont amoler Such a Substitution further che inditrel Gnoftrns here. =a + oer oti ’ Z Do» GEV “Hence the orbit cqyation must be the some whether expresses in terms ot 8 or 8 which is the desived Cuchaien- we The ovb/t is there fore invariant umoler veflection about the apsidel veutors. [This means thet the amplete orbit con be traced if the portion of the orbit between amy tue tuyning porkts 15 knows: & Refleetion ot the given portion about onc ot the apsiclal vectors produces Aneighboriny stretth of the orbit ond this process ay be vepeateof inele finitely unt) fhe orbit ts Completed as in tng. @ La ; Brg.) {Extension of the orbit by reflectin . ch eportion about the apsielal vect For omy particday force Jaw the actual rquatyon of ¢ orbit must be obtained by tntenratiun the aidferentral emation(S) sn either ef sts forms. & Te climate £ from the Solution mt oq- ¢ by memset eg @O resulting in - de> itr Ge with veavrany ements the Intern rat eA en Gd vs - ‘te ade ae J (E-v- ES) ae ; —*+ ___ +8. —@ yo 1 fame amv ee Menged to (usb) 62 Oo.- J et aX 4~ i cab) ee This results iredhia bn are pet always the prratiiabd, Solutton: becense the integral offen Gunot be expresteal sn terms of well known Fumetions -omlvy certain types #4 farce laws have been inves tratel + The most smportantare the power law f ee ee: ©. wel ° saw $0 that the forces varies asthe nth powtr of ¥ The (2 beames- O20 - § atu wo PME wR Ye tb This ajain will be imtenrable ih terms of Simple tuedrons only in cerdmin Cases. IF the quantity sn the veolcal *5 of ne Wegher power “rh uo thaw quad tre, the clenemmnatrey ha the form Saga amet the intenration can be directly eHeeted in tems of ciren\ ay fmetion s . % The vesterctron is equivalent to vequiving tat. —n-' = 01,2, — > mAet : — hed This corres ponding Eo Inverse Sqnave or inverse cube Porce Laws - or -w-1=0 —> ne-\ — nd & note: (na-\) tnthe potential Viar™” 15 corvesponeling to aconstont potentiol (ne force at atl). since the force vargrnn as 7! correspencling to aleqarithmre jabratral (tine @ ‘For net this Gee $5 carly fntenrable (The linear force ) a4 @ can be writtmas . du —@ da @=90 - This 1s aselution in terms ob asimple faretrns which eb tminest for the exponents - wake at 2% This dees not mean ether powers are hat Integrable, mevelu tht leak £0 functions net os well knwn for example there. avonne ef Cxponents for which ea GO involves eUlip de ¢ duteyres With the Slaton expressed ia terms <4+ elhiptre fuctrons & by definition an elliptre suteyrel is (RC xs ox where Rois omy vatronal function od x Ome Wy Oma wis ofetined as. We J KBP, ¥x4 Sx4y where x amel B can hot be Zero . tor then the tuteg rad Cowl be evalrated in terms of civeulay fametion s - thad- omy such inteyral Can be veelucesl to forms Iavelviing circulay Fmetions as the Leyenclre edie tre Vateyrals of the firsts Steond omel third hing. : (3) (8 cee 3-6) The Keple previe a * peyl Enverse square | aw of dy. The inverse square \ow 15 the most Smportaat 6h abe the central force laws omol id oleserurs detailed fretment g Fer this Gre the Force ewol potential Cam be written a5: kK f2-4 a y? r There ave several ways be thégrate the equation forthe or bid - The simplest bermy te substitute en: @ in the differentia? eqution forthe orbit <9 G=% Ate -e FG? mk CO. ATMA us FO do~ et alt ye unk the at Herentink 0° by wsiny dhe variable ae y Ceome ss ae wy 2B which had He immedi sohebten. ys Bes (0-6) 0 Where © 5B being the twa Sng tet s rh integration. In toms e+ » the solution iS = . - A Lome pi caste 65] © where C= B TE rN 1k is instructive to obtain te orbit equation also Fron he formal, solution aq.un) while His procedure is Tanger Hae he sie i r the simple intesration of the differential e4@ rif has te ones tat the srqniKiant Gngtut of integretton SIF automat; cthy evaluated’ in terms of the ene ae ny & andl the momentim L of the system. © golly Le e+ @ Fy. GO “Gan be writltn in the form - - it 6-6 - S de EE pre 4 emt - = -* is cans tant of. integration The quantity 6 appaviny wa) nee|e sarily determindd oy the rntial conditions anol will not be the Some ag the patial angle G2 at tine tee The indefinite tbat ts cf the standarol form. as arecs - BEX _@ \ ee ae where (42 pt-4Aas Ze 4G we must set? Te apply this te ee tee ph Be ee 4£* and the discriminant 4 75 there fore- Ce AN @+ 2) __@ 2 © beames: : Ae ore 7 ree Tae —Ce, Je tee mk™ finally by solving Rev Us BE 35 fomel to be- aes Ci for ws (0-9) | AR wick agrees with 4.6 > Fr £ fu lr—ky - @ Except tet He & here fs cveduated in terms of EL the as ne A the tammy angles ef the orbit enptont of integration 6 Ga maw bE polentibiel from en] inet Ble wih Ye noted thet wy three of the four Gnstenz’s A ov bid opations anel this os adwrags acharacterisere property oF the orbit the fourth Constort on of the partrele om the orbit- be supplied ifitrs r if 8 as funch's intepradion — appeav in the jocedes the eThe fourth or missy Gnstant has to Tesivedl to complete the solder by finding of time: ke. nserver theayes ter If one cheese te intagrete 7X \ eunglane Ina nen tad + mr dé -Ltdt we must spec Oo- co + hice ov a tiny i The cefficied of the liner form ie aquacl retic equation ij the negative of the sum ch te veods. Hence the semimajr axis |S gen by: ac ¥owes . Kk ——& Ts equation is agrees oe with eg (4 the eccentricity of the elMpse cm ve wren. = = rate nko from 8 we hve 42t 2ac-&) mk z In terms of the semimager axis cy 5 The elliptical ovvit earetion D imV4) Gm be written <* ye 2 oo — oe y+ e (8-8) from e4-@ We Can get thet the two apsrteh distances (whrel oceure when (@- 6) 5s (0 ann) respectively } ove equal to a (ine) aml AL4E) asi iste be expected Srom the propert ote ellipse - ‘ ae

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