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Pharmacokinetic principles 9

is said to be restrictive or capacity limited. This results guidelines. Therefore, compartmental or physiologi-
in a simplification of equation 6: cal model-dependent analysis is mandatory.

Cl ≈ fu · Clint (11)
Changes in free fraction may occur during critical pharmacokinetic analysis
illness and will result in alterations of clearance of Model-independent pharmacokinetics represents a
low extraction drugs. When substituting equation straightforward approach based purely on mathe-
11 into equations 9 and 10, it is clear that for low ex- matical descriptions of blood or plasma profiles of
traction drugs changes in protein binding are in- drugs or metabolites without invoking a particular
versely related to CSS, but have no effect on CSS,u. model. In many situations, such as during drug de-
velopment, it is sufficient to characterize plasma pro-
Intermediate extraction drugs files in terms of maximum plasma concentration
The clearance of drugs with intermediate extraction levels, Cmax, time of maximum level, tmax, and area
is dependent on hepatic blood flow, the intrinsic under the plasma curve, AUC. These parameters can
metabolizing capacity of the liver and free drug be obtained by simple inspection of the plasma or
fraction. blood concentration of the drug versus time, as seen
in Fig. 1.1. From AUC, one can determine the clear-
ance and volume of distribution [12].
Pharmacokinetic analysis of the
The AUC, representing the change in concentra-
time course of the drug
tion (C) during time (t) (starting at the moment of
drug administration) can be calculated by using the
Pharmacokinetic analysis in the integral:
individual patient ∞
The study of the time course of drug concentrations AUC = ∫ C(t) ⋅ dt (12)
in plasma, urine and other sampled sites has been 0
helped by the development of sensitive analytic In practice, the AUC can be estimated using the
techniques such as high performance liquid chroma- ‘trapezoidal rule’. Because the total amount of drug
tography (HPLC), mass spectrometry and radioim- eliminated between the moment of drug administra-
munoassay. Changes in measured drug concentra- tion and infinity must be equal to the dose, we can
tion in relation to time are used to derive pharma- rewrite equation 12 as follows:
cokinetic constants that describe the behaviour of
Dose = CL · AUC (13)
drugs in the body. The two most important pharma-
cokinetic constants to describe the characteristics From equation 13, we can calculate the drug clear-
of a drug are the volume of distribution (Vd) and ance (CL) as:
clearance (Cl). The volume of distribution represents
the apparent volume available in the body from the CL = Dose/AUC (14)
distribution of the drug. The clearance represents
The second basic pharmacokinetic parameter, vol-
the body’s ability to remove drug from the blood or
ume of distribution (Vd), can also be determined as:
plasma. Both Vd and Cl can be determined from a
decline in their plasma concentration after drug Vd = CL · MRT (15)
Two methods to determine Vd and Cl are discussed Whereby MRT stands for the ‘mean residence time’,
in this chapter. Although model-independent analy- calculated as the ratio between the total area under
sis still represents the gold standard by which the es- the first moment of the plasma concentration–time
timates of other techniques should be compared, this curve (i.e. the area under the plasma concentration ×
approach does not offer sufficient information to time versus time curve, extrapolated to infinity) or
facilitate the development of rational drug dosing AUMC and the AUC:

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