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Prosiding Seminar Kontribusi Fisika 2013 (SKF 2013)

2-3 Desember 2013, Bandung, Indonesia

arXiv:1310.7196v3 [physics.pop-ph] 29 Jan 2014

A Simple Viscometer for High School and First Years Undergraduate

Program Students: Theory and Experiment
Sparisoma Viridi1,*, Sidik Permana1, Wahyu Srigutomo1, Anggie Susilawati2, and Acep Purqon1
Physics Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Physics Department, Universitas Padjajaran, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia

A simple viscometer consists of mineral water bottle and trink straw is used to predict vicosity of water. A
model is derived from Bernoulli's principle and Poiseulli's law. Value about 0.374 – 0.707 cP is obtained for
observation in room temperature. About 10 minutes of observation time is needed to get the data.
Keywords: equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s equation, viscosity coefficient, Poiseulli flow.

Introduction Equation of continuity

In discussing fluid flow, equation of continuity Through a circular pipe with inlet radius and
and Bernoulli’s equation are the most common outlet radius a relation between inlet velocity
discussed [1], while Poiseulli flow for real fluid and outlet velocity is known as equation of
with viscosity [2], that produces formula relating continuity
flow rate and pressure difference through a pipe
with certain length and radius [3] is rarely vi Ai = vo Ao . (1)
mentioned. In some daily life problem such as
with meaings of Ai = πRi and Ao = πRo
2 2
leakage on a water container, the latest concept as
is needed, since the two first concepts predict shown in Figure 1. The term debit
time for the container to be drained out is the Q = vA (2)
same for all fluids, through formula known as
Torricelli law [4, 5]. It seems that the drained out is also common used in Equation (1).
time is independent to fluid viscosity coefficient,
which is incorrect. A common method to Bernoulli’s equation
determine fluid viscosity coefficient is using a ball
falling in viscous fluid [6], which can be extended Bernoulli’s equation is derived from theorem
to buoyant ball experiment [7]. In this work the of work – kinetic energy, which considers only
Torricelli law will be extended using Poiseulli flow works done by external pressure and gravitation.
to include influence of fluid viscosity coefficient The equation is
and a robust experiment is performed to justify 1 1
the formulation in determining fluid viscosity pi + ρvi 2 + ρgyi = po + ρvo 2 + ρgyo , (3)
2 2
coefficient. Influence of temperature, such as in
an empirical formula [8], to fluid visocisity with ρ is fluid density, p is pressure, and y is
coefficient is neglected in this work. vertical position of pipe part as illustrated in
Required theories for building a simple Figure 2.
viscometer and sketch of the system are Equation of continuity in Equation (1) or (2)
explained briefly in theory part. Daily small things, and Bernoulli’s equation in Equation (3) are
that can be found easily at home, are derived for non-compressible fluid. And in its
components of the viscometer. They will be derivation, the last also neglected fluid friction.
listed in experiment part. The next two parts are
results and discussion part and conclusion part. Poiseulli flow

Theory In a horizontal circular pipe with length L and

radius R , fluid with viscosity coefficient η can
Three concepts are used in this work,
flow with flow rate Q due to pressure difference
equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s equation, and
Poiseulli flow, where each of them is brief ∆p that follows [3]
reviewed and illustrated as in the following 8ηL
subsections. In these subsections index i ∆p = Q. (4)
means inlet, while index o means outlet.
πR 4

ISBN xxx-x-xxxx-xxxx-x 1
Prosiding Seminar Kontribusi Fisika 2013 (SKF 2013)
2-3 Desember 2013, Bandung, Indonesia

as illustrated in Figure 3. Components of the simple viscometer and after

they assambled are given in Figure 5.
Results and discussion
A fluid container with form of a cylinder with
radius is placed standing that its axis is parallel Plots of data from Table 1 in linear and
to direction of gravitation. Near bottom of the logarithmic scale for h againts t are given in
container small pipe with radius and length is Figure 6 (left) and (right), respectively.
attached perpendicular to container axis. From Figure 6 (right) value of gradient m from
Distance between fluid surface in the container the regression line can be obtained. This value
and position of the small pipe is defined as . The and Equation (11) will give
system is illustrated in Figure 4.
1  πRo 4 ρg  6.361 × 10 −5
Using Equation (3) the relation between inlet η=  = . (12)
point and Z point can be written as (− m )  8Lo Ai 
  (− m)
1 1
PA + ρvi + ρgh = p Z + ρv Z ,
2 2
(5) Table 1. Experiment data.
2 2
h (cm) t (s)
with pi = PA , where PA is air atmospheric
22 0
21 5
It can be assumed that v Z ≈ 0 since fluid only 20 9
flow from inlet to outlet and only disturbs point Z 19 13
slightly. Then it can traight forward found that 18 26
1 17 34
p Z = PA + ρgh + ρv i 2 ≈ PA + ρgh , (6)
2 16 41
2 15 50
if it is also assume that vi small and then v i ≈ 0 .
14 56
Height change of water surface h is 13 65
dh 12 72
− = vi . (7) 11 78
10 91
Then substitute Equation (1) and (2) into
9 104
Equation (7) will give
8 115
dh Q 7 130
=− 0 . (8)
dt Ai 6 139
Equation (4) can also be written for outlet as 5 155
4 169
p Z − PA = Qo . (9) 3 188
πRo 4 2 215
with p o = PA . Substitution Equation (6) into 1 248
0 313
Equation (9) and the result into Equation (8) will
give a first order differential equation Using parameters from the experiment it is
found that η has value about between 0.374 –
dh πRo ρgh

+ =0, (10) 0.707 cP. Two gradient values are obtained,

dt 8ηLo Ai since the results are not too linear, even in
logarithmic scale. It is quite good results consi-
which has solution
dering a very rough approximation used in
  πR 4 ρg   deriving theory for the experiment.
h(t ) = ho exp −  o t .
 (11) From references it can found that ηwater ≈ 1 ×
  8η L A 
o i   –2 2
10 N—s/m or 1 cP at about 20 °C [3] or 0.894
cP at 25 °C [9]. At room temperature it was
Experiment obtained 0.868 cP, 0.707 cP, and 0.782 cP for
buoyant ball experiment, falling ball experiment
Value of parameters in experiment are
in Fisika Dasar Lab, and Haake Falling Ball
Ri = 4.25 cm , Ro = 1.75 mm , L0 = 10 cm , Viscomenter (Type C, Thermo Electron Co.) in
g = 9.8 m/s 2 , ρ = 1000 kg/m 3 , and h0 = 22 cm . Kimia Fisika Lab, respectively [7].

ISBN xxx-x-xxxx-xxxx-x 2
Prosiding Seminar Kontribusi Fisika 2013 (SKF 2013)
2-3 Desember 2013, Bandung, Indonesia

Conclusion [7] M. N. Tajuddin, “Eksperimen Bola Bergerak

Using a very simple hand-made viscometer, Mengapung di dalam Pipa untuk Menentu-
water viscosity can be measured with obtained kan Viskositas Fluida menggunakan Alat
value is still in the same order as it is measured Bantu Kamera Digital”, Tesis Magister, Ins-
by better or standard viscometer, which is also titut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 2009.
confirmed by a recent result [10]. Further formula [8] A. Soedradjat, “Mekanika-Fluida & Hidroli-
simplification is still needed for better use in high ka”, Nova, 1983, pp. 12-13.
school, and for university student assumption to [9] V. L. Streeter dan E. B. Wylie, “Mekanika
produce Equation (6) can be still debatable. Fluida”, Erlangga, Jakarta, 1986, p. 175.
Extension of this work is already implemented in [10] L. N. Qomariyatuzzamzami dan S. F.
Kompetisi Sains Madrasah 2013 in Malang, Husen, "Komentar pada 'A Simple Visco-
Indonesia, 5 - 9 November 2013. meter for High School and First Years
Undergraduate Program Students: Theory
Acknowledgements and Experiment'", Jurnal Pengajaran Fisika
Sekolah Menengah 6 (1), 1-3 (2014).
This work is partially supported by RIK ITB
2013 (contract number 248/I.1.C01/PL/2013). Sparisoma Viridi*
Nuclear Physics and Biophysics
Referensi Institut Teknologi Bandung
[1] D. Halliday, R. Resnick, and J. Walker,
“Fundamentals of Physics”, John Wiley and
Sidik Permana
Sons (Asia), Hoboken, 8th, Extended, Nuclear Physics and Biophysics
Student Edition., 2008, pp. 371-376. Institut Teknologi Bandung
[2] P. M. Fishbane, S. Gasiorowicz, and S. T.
Thornton, “Physics for Scientists and
Engineers”, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle Wahyu Srigutomo
River, 2nd, Extended Edition, 1996, pp. Earth Physics and Complex System
452-453. Institut Teknologi Bandung
[3] W. E. Gettys, F. J. Keller, and M. J. Skove,
“Physics Classical and Modern”, McGraw-
Hill Book, New York, International Edition, Anggie Susilawati
1989, p. 343-344. Physics Department
[4] D. Halliday and R. Resnick, “Fisika”, Universitas Padjajaran
Erlangga, Jakarta, Jilid 1, Edisi 3, 1985, pp.
[5] P. A. Tippler, “Fisika untuk Sains dan Acep Purqon
Teknik”, Erlangga, Jakarta, Jilid 1, Edisi 3, Earth Physics and Complex System
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Cetakan 1, 1998, pp. 404-405.
[6] A. F. Abbott, “Ordinary Level Physics”,
Heinemann Educational Books, London,
*Corresponding author
4th Edition, 1984, pp. 146-149.

vi vo
2Ri 2Ro

Figure 1. A circular pipe with inlet radius Ri and outlet radius Ro .


pi yo


Figure 2. Bernoulli’s equation relates inlet (index i ) and outlet (index o ) physical parameters.

ISBN xxx-x-xxxx-xxxx-x 3
Prosiding Seminar Kontribusi Fisika 2013 (SKF 2013)
2-3 Desember 2013, Bandung, Indonesia

pi po

Figure 3. Poiseulli flow through a horizontal pipe, where ∆p = pi − po is pressure difference between inlet and




Figure 4. System consists of fluid container with radius Ri and small outlet pipe with radius Ro and length
Lo , a point Z is defined near the bottom of fluid container and vectically aligned with joint point of the
container and the small pipe.

Figure 5. Left: Components to construct simple viscometer are marker (M), transparent tape (T), ruler (R),
small drink straw as the small pipe (P), scissor (S), 2-liter mineral water bottle as the fluid container (B), and
a piece of paper as label (L). Right: the system after assembled.
0.25 0

0.2 ln h = -0.009t - 1.492
-1.6 R² = 0.993
h (m)

ln h

ln h = -0.017t - 0.326
0.1 R² = 0.993

0.05 -4

0 -4.8
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320
t (s) t (s)

Figure 6. Experiment result for h (left) and ln h (right) as function of time t , where h is represented in m.

ISBN xxx-x-xxxx-xxxx-x 4

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