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Ly Thi Ngoc Linh

TEST 1: Complete the following sentences with one appropriate word.
Example: He turned out the light and went to sleep.
1. She _________ out of milk so she went to the shop to get some more.
2. You should write on the answer sheet in pencil so that you can _______ out any mistakes you make
with an eraser.
3. By the time the fire-engine got to his house, Jack had already managed to _________ the fire out.
4. Could you ring up the station and _________ out when the next train to Venice leaves?
5. He behaved so badly and was so lazy that in the end he was _________ out of school.

TEST 2: Put in the correct preposition(s) or adverb(s).

1. The soldiers fell _________ and marched off.
2. The mystery of his sudden disappearance was never cleared _________.
3. He didn’t dismiss the man; he let him _________ with a warning.
4. I hope the weather will clear _________ soon. I want to go out.
5. He let the rest of the team _________ by not turning up for the match.
6. Deaf people often feel very cut _________ from others by their disability.
7. When she got fatter her clothes were too tight and she had to let them all _________.
8. If the word-processor breaks down, we’ll have to fall _________ our old typewriter.
9. The survivors of the plane crash were able to hold _________ till help came.
10. Could you hand _________ the photographs so that everyone can see them?
11. You’ll need somewhere to keep your books. I’ll clear _________ this cupboard for you.

TEST 3: Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrasal verb in its correct form.
catch s.o out come across sth look out for sth work sth out
fill sth in mix sth up cut sth out stick to sth
take up sth work sth off work out keep up sth
make sth up turn sth off deal with sth get about
look after s.o put sth across talk s.o into sth go about sth

1. If you want to lose weight, _______________ potatoes, bread and sweet things for a week.
2. The oral examination was difficult. The examiner tried to _________ (me) by asking some tricky
3. My brother has _______________ karate. He trains three times a week.
4. Here are the visa application forms. You have to ______________ (them) and return them to the
5. Grandmother’s over eighty, but she still likes to _______________ . She’s going to Paris next week.
6. I’ve joined a health and fitness club. I go there even day to _______________ for an hour.
7. I don’t believe the story Bob told us. I’m sure he _______________ (it).
8. Who’s going to _______________ the dog next week when we go to Glasgow?
9. If you don’t want to lend Jeff money, just say “no”. Don’t let him _______________ (you) (it),
Ly Thi Ngoc Linh
10. We don’t know who’s staying where. The secretary has _______________ the hotel bookings.
11. If you see this sign in a shop window, you can pay by credit card. So remember, just ___________
the sign.
12. The iron — I’ve forgotten to _______________ (it). I must go back home at once.
13. If you’ve made a decision, _______________ (it). Don’t change your mind again.
14. If you jog every day, you’ll soon _______________ your surplus kilos.
15. Do you know what this word means? I haven’t _______________ (it) in our English books before.
16. - “Have you got the answer to number seven in the Maths exercise?”
-“No. I haven’t __________ (it) yet.”
17. I haven’t seen Michael for over twenty years, but we have ____________ our friendship by letter.
18. We would like to buy a holiday flat in Spain, but we don’t know how to _______________ (it).
19. George has seine very good ideas, but he sometimes has difficulty in _______________ (them) to
20. I’m sorry about the mix—up with tour order, Sir. I’ll _______________ (it) at once.

TEST 4: Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrasal verb in its correct form.
bring s.o round call on s.o drop sth off go over sth
pick s.o up put s.o up clear sth out sort sth out
finish sth off cut in hold s.o / sth up pull out
speed up turn off end up make off
slip out get up lie in set off

1. - “Where did the blue van go?” - “It _______________ to the right at the traffic lights.”
2. The old lads fainted, but the nurse was soon able to _______________ (her).
3. - “What are all these old books and photographs doing on the floor?” - “They were all in the attic —
we’ve been _____________(it)”.
4. Why don’t you _________ Aunt Man when you’re in Liverpool? She would be delighted to see you.
5. We almost had an accident on the motorway. A motor-cyclist ____________ in front of us so I had
to brake suddenly.
6. I don’t need to hook a hotel room in Manchester. Joan has offered to _______________ (me).
7. I really must _____________ these old newspapers. I want to keep some and throw away the rest.
8. I’m glad you’re coming to the party with me. I’ll _____________ (you) at seven o’clock. Be ready!
9. I don’t understand how to do this mathematics homework. Would you________ (it) with me, please?
10. I’ve still got some hooks of yours. If you’re at home this evening, I’ll ______________ (them) on
my way from the office.
11. I’m sorry I’m late. I was just leaving home when the telephone rang, so the call ___________ (me).
12. I go to bed late, so I don’t usually _______________ before eight o’clock.
13. If Jim doesn’t drive his sports-car more carefully, he’ll _______________ in hospital.
14. I had to leave the meeting half way through. I managed to ___________ without disturbing anyone.
15. If you want to him in London by lunch-time, you’ll have to ______________ from here early.
16. It’s Sunday tomorrow. I shall _______________ until ten o’clock!

Ly Thi Ngoc Linh
17. I’ll help you with the washing-up as soon as I’ve _______________ this letter.
18. “When the van driver realized that the police were following him, he started to _______________.
19. The little boy took an apple from the farmer’s tree, then he _______________ as fast as he could.
20. There’s no traffic coming at the moment, so it’s safe to _______________.

TEST 5: Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrasal verb in its correct form.
brush up on sth check in go off sth put up
stop over get over sth get sth over get round s.o
get through sth pass sth on see through s.o turn on s.o
bring sth in put sth up shut sth down break in
bring sth up come up with sth look on nod off

1. Have you ever _______________ at a really luxurious hotel?

2. At first Jane refused to lend me her car, hut I managed to _______________ (her).
3. I’ll phone you from the hotel as soon as I’ve _______________
4. We ought to discuss the matter as soon as possible. I’ll _____________ (it) at the meeting tomorrow.
5. Come and help me to earn the boxes! Don’t just stand there _______________
6. Be quiet, David. You really shouldn’t _______________ when s.o’s speaking. It’s impolite.
7. I’ve got a message for Peter from Linda. Could you ____________ when you see him this afternoon.
8. Why did you suddenly stop eating meat? What made you _______________ (it)?
9. If you could go to an English-speaking country to ___________ your English, which country would
you choose?
10. Saw is disappointed that she didn’t get the job at the research laboratory but she’ll __________ (it).
11. Marjory lied to me. She thinks that I don’t know what she’s planning. But I do. I can ______ (her).
12. Why did they _______________ the factory in king Street? There are hundreds of people out of
work now,
13. Governments should _______________ international laws against terrorism.
14. When we fly to Texas, we’re going to _______________ in Atlanta to visit some friends.
15. I wish the examination was tomorrow! I’m nervous, so I shall be glad to _______________ (it).
16. Grandfather must be tired. He’s _______________ in his chair.
17. I’ve got a lot of work to do. I hope I can _______________ (it) before the weekend.
18. I knew that Mr. Brown would be annoyed when I told him about my mistake, but I didn’t expect
him to _______________ (me) like that!
19. We haven’t got much time. ‘We’ll have to _______________ a solution to the problem soon.
20. They’re _______________ some new shops in North Street.

Test 6: Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrasal verb in its correct form.
put sth off do without sth put up with sth / s.o grow up
look sth up do with sth get on with s.o cut down on sth
run out of sth find out sth give up sth drop off
get off get on take off wake up
bring s.o up go into sth settle down take after s.o
Ly Thi Ngoc Linh

1. Did you _______________ what time the library open?

2. The plane from Dallas _______________ two hours late, so I missed my connecting flight from
Frankfurt to London.
3. If you have anything important to do, do it straightaway. Don’t _______________ (it).
4. I’m afraid I’ve _______________ sugar. We’ll have to drink our coffee without.
5. Kathy says that she would like to ____________ nursing. I think she would make a very good nurse.
6. I _______________ in the country, but I’ve spent most of my life living in cities.
7. Jane plays the piano beautifully. She _______________ her father who used to he a concert pianist.
8. Jeff is over forty and still a bachelor. I don’t think he will ever _______________
9. I’m trying to lose weight by _______________ bread and sweet things.
10. How do you _______________ Mrs. Brooks? Is she as unfriendly as people say?
11. I’m hot and tired. I could _______________ a cold shower.
12. The bus is coming now. If you don’t know where to _______________, ask the bus driver. He’ll
tell you.
13. I can’t ____________ the hammering from the flat above much longer. It’s giving me a headache.
14. Jim’s parents were killed in an air crash when he was very young. An aunt _____________ (him).
15. I missed the seven o’clock news on the radio this morning. I _______________ too late.
16. I don’t know what this word means, but I’ve got a Spanish dictionary here, so I’ll __________ (it).
17. I watched a film on television last night, but I can’t remember how it ended. I must have
_______________ before the end.
18. I use my pocket calculator every day. I couldn’t _______________ (it).
19. Here comes a bus. Before you _______________, ask the driver if he stops near the library.
20. Tom used to he a professional football player, hut he had to _______________ (it) because of a
knee injury.

TEST 7: Fill in the blank with the correct preposition or adverb:

1. The smoke curled ________ __________ the chimneys and melted __________ the morning air.
2. Are you brave and honest enough to say right ______ his face what you are saying ______ his back?
3. Before they hire anyone they should check __________ __________ his background.
4. __________ our very eyes he produced a puppy __________ the hat.
5. He was far _______ satisfied _____ the way things had turned out. He sat lost ________ thought.
6. She brushed ______ our advice and left school. We took it _______ granted that she was unhappy.
7. Many soldiers are __________ attendance __________ him.
8. The baby calmed __________ as soon as he was back __________ her mother’s lap.
9. Shall I make the cheque __________ __________ you?
10. She accused her husband of setting the children ____________ her.

TEST 8: Fill in the blank with the correct preposition or adverb:

1. Yesterday the children went ______ a walk and didn’t get back ______ 10 p.m. Their mother was
furious ______ them ______coming ______ so late.
2. If passports were done ______ ______ , travel would be much simple.
Ly Thi Ngoc Linh
3. She fainted but they brought her _________ by throwing cold water on here face.
4. The factory will have to close down if’ production is not stepped _____
5. Everyone drew _______ in alarm when smoke began to pour out of the parcel.
6. Contact lenses may feel uncomfortable at first but this feeling soon wears __________

TEST 9: Supply a correct preposition into the given space.

1. Do you know of a cure _______________ baldness?
2. Don’t sit _______________ for me. I shall probably be back very late.
3. Something went wrong _______________ my car yesterday.
4. Her parents don’t approve _______________ her.
5. Let’s push _______________ and try to reach the coast by tonight.
6. Put _______________ the cigarette, please. I don’t like the smell _______________ your tobacco.
7. _______________ the whole, I agree with you.
8. Milk and orange juice are good _______________ your health.
9. The thief made _______ ________ a valuable necklace.
10. Please, think it _______________ and you find it easy to find the solutions to the problems.

TEST 10: Supply a correct preposition into the given space.

1. He lost his job ______ no fault of his own.
2. Her bright red hair made her stand ________ from the others.
3. There should be some news ________ the hour.
4. Stop wasting time! Get to my office ________ the double.
5. I have already told her that I won’t go to Spain, but she’s still trying to talk me _______
6. Before they hire anyone they should check ________ ________ his background.
7. You must account _______ the manager for the money you used.
8. I met him at the party and he asked _______ you.
9. I applied for a part-time job at the supermarket. They’re going to take me ________
10. He had taken over an old company verging _______ liquidation.

TEST 11: Supply a correct preposition into the given space.

1. That song takes me _______________ 30 years.
2. Workmen arrived to take _______________ the scaffolding.
3. He was homeless, so we took him _______________.
4. The plane took _______________ an hour late.
5. She was taken _______________ as a trainee.
6. They took _______________ two enemy bombers.
7. The fine will be taken _______________ _______________ your wages.
8. It has been suggested that mammals took ____________ ____________ dinosaurs 65 million years
9. The director took us _______________ the play scene _______________ scene.
10. The police have taken _______________ a summons _______________ the driver of the car.

Ly Thi Ngoc Linh

Key of Test 7Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct preposition or adverb:
1. The smoke curled (1) _____up_____ (2) ___over_______ the chimneys and melted (3)
___in_______ the morning air.
2. Are you brave and honest enough to say right (4) ___in_______ his face what you are saying (5)
____behind______ his back?
3. Before they hire anyone they should check (6) ___up_______ (7) ___on_______ his background.
4. ( ____before______ our very eyes he produced a puppy (9) ____from______ the hat.
5. He was far (10) ____from______ satisfied (11) _____with____ the way things had turned out. He
sat lost (12) ___in_______ thought.
6. She brushed (13) ____aside______ our advice and left school. We took it (14) ____for______
granted that she was unhappy.
7. Many soldiers are (15) _____in_____ attendance (16) ____on______ him.
8. The baby calmed (17) _____down_____ as soon as he was back (18) ____in______ her mother’s
9. Shall I make the cheque (19) _____out_____ (20) ____to______ you?
10. She accused her husband of setting the children ____against_______ her.
TEST 8:Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct preposition or adverb:
1. Yesterday.the childen went ___FOR__ a walk and didn’t get back __TILL_/ UNTIL___ 10 p.m.
Their mother was furious __WITH____ them __FOR____coming __IN____ so late.
2. If passports were done __AWAY WITH ____, travel would be much simple.
3. She fainted but they brought her ____ROUND (TO)_____ by throwing cold water on here face.
4. The factory will have to close down if’ production is not stepped ___UP__
5. Everyone drew __BACK_____ in alarm when smoke began to pour out of the parcel.
6. Contact lenses may feel uncomfortable at first but this feeling soon wears ____OFF____
TEST 9:Direction: Supply a correct preposition into the given space.
1. Do you know of a cure _______for________ baldness?
2. Don’t sit _______up________ for me. I shall probably be back very late.
3. Sth went wrong _________with______ my car yesterday.
4. Her parents don’t approve __________of_____ her.
5. Let’s push _______off________ and try to reach the coast by tonight.
6. Put _______out________ the cigarette, please. I don’t like the smell _________of______ your
7. _______on________ the whole, I agree with you.
8. Milk and orange juice are good _____for__________ your health.
9. The thief made ___off_____ __with_____ a valuable necklace.
10. Please, think it _____over__________ and you find it easy to find the solutions to the problems.
TEST 10:Direction: Supply a correct preposition into the given space.
1. He lost his job __through____ no fault of his own.
2. Her bright red hair made her stand ____out____ from the others.
3. There should be some news __within_____ the hour.
4. Stop wasting time ! Get to my office ____ at / on_______ the double.
5. I have already told her that I won’t go to Spain, but she’s still trying to talk me __round___
6. Before they hire anyone they should check ___up____ _on___ his background.
7. You must account ___to___ the manager for the money you used.
8. I met him at the party and he asked ___after____ you.
9. I applied for a part-time job at the supermarket. They’re going to take me ___on_____
10. He had taken over an old company verging __on_____ liquidation.

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