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The development of writing (56) ___ a huge difference to the world and might see it as the beginning of the (57) ____.
Pieces of pottery with marks on that are probably numbers have been discovered in China that date from around 4000
BC. Hieroglyphics and other forms of "picture writing" developed in the (58)_____ around Mesopotamia (modern-day
Iraq), where the ancient Sumerian civilization was based, from around 3300 BC onwards. However, the first (59)
_____ alphabet was used by the Phoenicians around 1050 BC. Their alphabet had 22 letters and it is estimated that it
lasted for 1000 years. The first two signs were called "aleph" and "beth", which in Greek became "alpha" and "beta",
which gave us the (60)____ word "alphabet"
The modern European alphabet is based on the Greek and (61) ____ to other European countries under the Romans. A
number of changes took place as time passed. The Romans added the letter G, and the letter J and V were (62) ____ to
people in Shakespeare's time.
If we (63)____ the history of punctuation, we also find some interesting facts. The Romans used to write quaesto at
the end of a sentence in (64) _____ to show that it was a question. they started to write Qo in (65) ____ of the whole
word, and then put the Q above the o. In the end, that became the mark "?"
56. A. did B. had C. made D. took
57. A. media B. bulletin C. programme D. journalism
58. A. distance B. area C. length D. earth
59. A. true B. accurate C. exact D. precise
60. A. new B. trendy C. modern D. fashionable
61. A. spread B. appeared C. was D. occurred
62. A. infamous B. unpopular C. unknown D. hidden
63. A. look into B. bring on C. make off D. hold up
64. A. turn B. fact C. order D. intention
65. A. position B. space C. spot D. place
Read the passage and choose the best option to fill in each gap
If you're an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl. It has become a symbol of
our wasteful, throw- away society. But there seems little doubt it is here to stay, and the truth is, of course, that plastic
has brought enormous ( 41)_____even environmental evil- it's the way society chooses to uses and ( 42)______them.
Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or coal- non-renewable natural
(43)_____. We (44)_____well over three million tones of the stuff in Britain each year and, sooner or later, most of it
is thrown away. A high ( 45)_____ of our annual consumption is in the form of packaging, and this (46)____about
seven per cent by weight of our domestic refuse. Almost all of it could be recycled, but very little of it is, though the
plastic recycling (47)____is growing fast.
The plastics themselves are extremely energy-rich- they have a higher calorific (48)_____than coal and one
(49)___of "recovery" strongly favoured by the plastic manufacturers is the ( 50)___ of waste plastic into a fuel.
41. A. savings B. pleasures C. benefits D. profits
42. A. abuse B. endanger C. store D. dispose
43. A. processes B. resources C. products D. fuels
44. A. import B. consign C. remove D. consume
45. A. amount B. proportion C. portion D. rate
46. A. makes B. carries C. takes D. constitutes
47. A. industry B. manufacture C. plant D. factory
48. A. demand B. effect C. value D. degree
49. A. medium B. method C. measure D. mechanism
50. A. melting B. conversion C. change D. replacement
The first traffic signal was invented by a railway signaling engineer. It was installed (41) ___ the Houses of
Parliament in 1868. It (42)_____ like any railway signal of the time, and was operated by gas. (43) ____, it exploded
and killed a policeman, and the accident discouraged further development until cars became common.
(44) ____ traffic lights are an American invention. Red – green systems were installed in Cleveland in 1914. Three -
color signals, operated (45) _____ hand from a tower in the (46) _____ of the street, were installed in New York in
1918. The first lights of this type to (47) ____ in Britain were in London, on the junction between St. James’s Street
and Piccadilly, in 1925. Automatic signals were installed (48) ____ year later.
In the past, traffic lights were special. In New York, some lights had a statue on top. In Los Angeles the lights did not
just change silently, but would ring bells to (49) _____ the sleeping motorists of the 1930s. These are gone and have
been (50) ____ by standard models which are universally adopted.
41. A. outside B. out C.out of D. outdoors
42. A. resembled B. looked C. showed D. seemed
43. A. However B. Therefore C. Although D. Despite
44. A. New B. Recent C. Modern D. Late
45. A. by B. with C. through D. in
46. A. middle B. heart C. focus D. halfway
47. A. show B. appear C. happen D. become
48. A. a B. in the C. in a D. the
49. A. rise B. raise C. wake D. get up
50. A. reproduced B. replaced C. removed D. remained
How men first learnt to (51)____ words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a (52)___. All we really
know is that men, unlike animals, (53)___ invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things
so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed (54)____ certain signs, called letters, which
could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. These sounds, (55)___ spoken or
written in letters, are called words. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these
thoughts in words that (56)____ powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is
what we call literary (57)____. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can (58)____ his meaning in words
which sing like music, and which by their position and association can (59)_____ men to tears. We should, therefore,
learn to choose our words carefully, (60)______ they will make our speech silly and vulgar.
Câu 51: A. invent B. create C. make D. discover
Câu 52: A. story B. secret C. mystery D. legend
Câu 53: A. whatever B. however C. somewhat D. somehow
Câu 54: A. at B. upon C. with D. to
Câu 55: A. if B. however C. whether D. though
Câu 56: A. interest B. appeal C. attract D. lure
Câu 57: A. prose B. work C. form D. style
Câu 58: A. carry B. convey C. transfer D. transmit
Câu 59: A. take B. send C. break D. move
Câu 60: A. or B. so C. although D. because
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the blanks from 56 to 65.
There are many superstitions in Britain, but one of the most (56)____ held is that it is unlucky to walk under a ladder
even if it means (57)___the pavement into a busy street! If you must pass under a ladder, you can avoid bad luck by
crossing your fingers and keeping them crossed until you have seen a dog. (58)____, you may lick your finger and
make a cross on the toe of your shoe, and not look again at the shoe until the mark has dried.
Another common superstition is that it is unlucky to open an umbrella in the house - it will either bring (59)____
to the person who opened it or to the whole (60)___. Anyone opening an umbrella in the fine weather is unpopular, as
it inevitably brings rain!
The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some, and when the 13 th day of the month (61)____ on a Friday, anyone
wishing to avoid a bad event had better stay indoors. The worst misfortune that can happen to a person is caused by
breaking a mirror, as it brings seven years of bad luck! The superstition is supposed to (62)____ in ancient times,
when mirrors were considered to be tools of the gods.
Black cats are generally considered lucky in Britain, even though they are (63)____witchcraft. It is (64)____
lucky if a black cat crosses your path – although in America the exact opposite belief prevails.
Finally, a commonly held superstition is that of touching wood (65)____luck. This measure is most often taken if
you think you have said something that is tempting fate, such as “My car has never broken down, touch wood?”
56: A. broadly B. widely C. quickly D. speedily
57: A. jumping off B. keeping from C. stepping off D. running from
58: A. Consequently B. However C. Comparatively D. Alternatively
59: A. difficulty B. tragedy C. loss D. misfortune
60: A. house B. household C. home D. member
61: A. happens B. arrives C. fallsD. drops
62: A. be originated B. be originating C. have originated D. originate
63: A. concerned about B. related with C. associated with D. connected on
64: A. specially B. rarely C. frequently D. especially
65: A. as B. in C. for D. of
Human beings have a strong need to (1) _____ their experiences and problems into words. That is why everyone
appreciate a ‘friendly ear’ - someone who is (2) ________ to listen to their troubles and joys. But few people realize
what a complex skill listening is. (3) _______ a good listener requires great power of concentration, which can only be
gained (4) _______ practice.
There are two reasons why listening is often such hard (5)___. The first is simply that people much prefer to
speak. How often have you missed what someone has said because you were thinking about (6) ___ you were going
to say in reply? The second reason is that people speak too slowly. The average speed is about 125 words (7) ___
minute, which is not fast enough for the human brain. It allows too much time for the concentration to fail, as the brain
tries to (8) ____ itself busy with others, irrelevant thoughts.
Next time you are in a listening (9) _____, try to predict what the speaker is going to say. Ask yourself questions
about what is being said, and see (10) _____ the speaker answers them. Finally, make quick summaries in your head
of the main point that have been made. All of these things will help you to concentrate and make you a better listener.
1. A. lay B. put C. place D. set
2. A. agreed B. accept C. capable D. willing
3. A. Be B. Being C. To be D. To being
4. A. with B. at C. through D. in
5. A. job B. work C. task D. action
6. A. which B. what C. when D. that
7. A. each B. every C. per D. one
8. A. keep B. stop C. maintain D. hold
9. A. condition B. case C. atmosphere D. situation
10. A. as if B. whether C. if only D. if not
If you want to prepare yourself for great achievement and have more to (31) ______ to your education or your
work, try reading more books. (32) ______ up some of the interestingly informative books and search for well-
researched materials that can help you grow.
We should (33) ______ our children to read more books and (34) ______ less time watching TV. Some people
have commented that this is inconsistent. "Why is the written word a superior way to get information than television?"
That is (35) ______ interesting point of view worth further (36) ______. Reading is a skill that is in much greater
demand than the demand for watching TV. There are no jobs that (37) ______ a person to be able to watch TV but
reading is an integral part of many jobs. The written word is an incredibly flexible and efficient way of
communication. You can write something down and, in no time, it can be (38) ______ to many different people. Not
only that, we can (39) ______ vast amounts of information through reading in a very short time. A good reader can
acquire more information in reading for two hours than someone watching TV can acquire in a full day. You are able
to gain a lot of information quickly because you are a fast reader with good (40) ______ skills. It will save you
massive amounts of time and you will be able to assimilate vast quantities of information.
31. A. contribute B. gather C. collect D. gain
32. A. Make B. Set C. Take D. Pick
33. A. discuss B. encourage C. suggest D. define
34. A. spend B. apply C. train D. waste
35. A. a B. an C. the D. X
36. A. explore B. explorer C. exploration D. explorative
37. A. inquire B. tell C. require D. ask
38. A. submitted B. handed C. sent D. communicated
39. A. inhale B. breathe C. eat D. digest
40. A. apprehension B. enjoyment C. comprehension D. entertainment
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word(s) for
each of the blanks.
From the seeds themselves to the machinery, fertilizers and pesticides - The Green Revolution regimen depend
heavily on technology. One (71) ___ , however, depends much (72) ___ on technology - organic farming. Many
organic farmers use machinery, but (73) ___ chemical fertilizers or pesticides. (74) ___ chemical soil enrichers, they
use animal manure and plant parts not used as food -,natural,organic fertilizers that are clearly a renewable (75) ___.
Organic farmers also use alternatives for pesticides; for example they may rely (76) ___ natural predators of certain
insect pests. (77) ___ the need arises, they can buy the eggs and larvae of these natural predators and introduce them
into their crop fields. They use (78) ___ techniques to control pests as well, like planting certain crops together
because one crop repels the other's pests. Organic farmers do not need a lot of land; (79) ___ organic farming is
perfectly (80) ___ to small farms and is relatively inexpensive. Finally, many organic farmers' average yields compare
favorably with other farmers' yields.
71. A. alternative B. alternate C. alteration D. alternation
72. A. more B. less C. better D. worse
73. A. also B. for C. not D. all
74. A. In spite of B. On account of C. In favour of D. Instead of
75. A. resource B. source C. matter D. substance
76. A. of B. to C. on D. in
77. A. Then B. If C. Because D. Though
78. A. others B. another C. the others D. other
79. A. instead B. in one way C. on one hand D. in fact
80. A. suitable B. open C. likely D. suited
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that
best fits each of the numbered blanks from 17 to 26.
In “Cerealizing America”, Scott Bruce and Bill Crawford remark that the cereal industry uses 816 million pounds of
sugar per year. Americans buy 2.7 billion packages of breakfast cereal each year. If (17)___ end to end, the empty
cereal boxes from one year’s consumption would (18) ___ to the moon and back. One point three (1.3) million
advertisements for cereal are broadcast on American television every year at a(n) (19) ___ of $762 million for airtime.
Only automobile manufacturers spend more money on television advertising than the makers of breakfast cereal.
(20) ___ of the boxed cereals found in supermarkets contain large amounts of sugar and some contain more than
50% sugar. Cereal manufacturers are very clever in their marketing, making many cereals appear much healthier than
they really are by “fortifying” them with vitamins and minerals. Oh, (21) ___ - you now have vitamin-fortified sugar!
Before you eat any cereal, read the ingredient list and see how (22) ___ sugar appears on the ingredient list. Then
check the “Nutrition facts” panel.
There are actually only a small handful of national commercially-branded cereals that are made (23) ___ whole
grains and are sugar-free. If you shop at a health food store instead of your local supermarket, you (24) ___ to find a
healthy, whole grain, sugar-free (or very low sugar) cereal. But (25) ___! Some of the health food store boxed cereals
are sweetened with fruit juice or fructose. Although this may be an improvement (26) ______ refined white sugar, this
can really skyrocket the calories. From “Foods That Burn Fat, Foods
That Turn to Fat” by Tom Ventulo
17: A. to lay B. laying C. lay D. laid
18: A. reach B. prolong C. stretch D. contact
19: A. charge B. everage C. costD. expense
20: A. Most B. Mostly C. Almost D. Furthermost
21: A. charming B. lovely C. gorgeous D. beautiful
22: A. tall B. large C. high D. many
23: A. by B. from C. at D. in
24: A. are more likelier B. are much more likely C. would be able D. could more or less
25: A. see through B. keep alert C. watch out D. look up
26: A. at B. from C. with D. on
Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (26)___ many species of animals are threatened,
and could easily become (27)___ if we do not make an effort to (28)___ them. There are many reasons for this. In
some cases, animals are (29)___ for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots,
are caught (30)___, and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat- the place where
they live- is (31)___. More (32)___ is used for farms, for houses and industry , and there are fewer open spaces than
there once were. Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better (33)___, but these chemicals pollute the
environment and (34)___ wildlife. The most successful animals on earth- human beings- will soon be the only ones
(35)___, unless we can solve this problem.
26. A. problem B. vanishing C. threat D. danger
27. A. empty B. disappeared C. extinct D. vanished
28. A. serve B. protect C. defend D. harm
29. A. game B. extinct C. chased D. hunted
30. A. alive B. for living C. lively D. for life
31. A. departing B. exhausting C. disappearing D. escaping
32. A. land B. area C. soil D. earth
33. A. products B. fields C. crops D. herbs
34. A. wound B. wrong C. harm D. spoil
35. A. staying B. survived C. over D. left
Circle a letter A, B, C or D that best fits each numbered gap:
Oxford is a city with such a ____(66) reputation that many who come here find themselves intimidated by
the place and can’t wait to leave. While others, taking to it like a ____(67)to water. Find themselves return again and
again, the college lawns provide a gorgeous ____(68) to serious study, and in the light night, on a sunny winter’s
morning says, one feels as if one is ____(69) on air, such is the sense of unreality. Oxford may like to ____(70) that it
is at the intellectual ____(71) of things but in many ways , it is no more than a sleepy ____(72) where to mix
metaphors, transitory students, the ____(73) their generation, wait in the ____(74) allowing their talents to ____(75)
before moving off into the industrial or political ____(76). Much of this is a myth, of course. Hardship and hard work
are very much part and ____(77) of student life .The ____(78) get through the three years’ hard ____(79) by simply
putting their shoulders to the ____(80) before going on to fairly average jobs. Only for the tiny minority is Oxford the
first step on the ladder to fame and future.
66. A. mind- blowing B. clearheaded C. backhanded D. broken- hearted
67. A. fish B. duck C. boat D. swimmer
68. A. backdrop B. curtain C. scene D. screen
69. A. flying B. gliding C. floating D. swimming
70. A. pretend B. act C. resemble D. produce
71. A. wheel B. engine C. spoke D. hub
72. A. backwater B. stream C. tributary D. watershed
73. A. from B. cream C. fat D. caviar
74. A. pavilion B. dressing- room C. wings D. foyer
75. A. flourish B. open C. spread D. float
76. A. beak B. abattoir C. dead-end D. fast-lane
77. A. package B. section C. province D. parcel
78. A. level- headed B. hot- headed C. hot- blooded D. kind-hearted
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the near future because they have
been (1) _______ to such low numbers. Approximately 90 percent of Hawaii's plants are found nowhere else in the
world but they are (2) ____ by alien invasive species such as feral goats, pigs, rodents - loài gặm nhấm and (3) _______
plants.The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (4) _______ the extinction of the 182 rare Hawaiian plants
with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the (5) _______ . Since 1990, (6) ___ a result of their "Plant Extinction
Prevention Program", sixteen species have been brought into (7) _______ and three species have been reintroduced.
Invasive weeds have been removed in key areas and fencing put up in order to (8) _______ plants in the wild.In the
future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims (9) _______ collecting genetic material from the remaining
plants in the wild for storage as a safety net for the future. They also aim to manage wild populations and where
possible reintroduce species into (10)____.
Question1. A. reduced B. increased C. disappeared D. developed
Question2. A. guarded B. invested C. threatened D . conserved
Question3. A. national B. native C. non-native D. international
Question4. A. encourage B. stimulate C. influence D. prevent
Question5. A. atmosphere B. hole C. sky D. wild
Question6. A. so B. as C. due D. but
Question7. A. contamination B. cultivation C. production D. generation
Question8. A. derive B. vary C. protect D. remain
Question9. A. for B. with C. on D. at
Question10. A. reserves B. shelters C. gardens D. halls
Read the passage and use ONLY ONE suitable word to fill in each gap (1 p).

Some time ago, scientists began experiments to find out (1)______ it would be possible to set up a “village” under the
sea. A special room was built and lowered (2)______ the water of Port Sudan in the Red Sea. For 29 days, five men
lived (3)______ a depth of 40 feet. At a (4)______ lower level, another two divers stayed for a week in a smaller
“house”. On returning to the surface, the men said that they had experienced no difficulty in breathing and had
(5)______ many interesting scientific observations. The captain of the party, Commander Cousteau, spoke of the
possibility of (6)______ the seabed. He said that some permanent stations were to be set up under the sea, and some
undersea farms would provide food for the growing population of the world. The divers in both “houses” spent most
of their time (7)______ the bottom of the sea. On four occasions, they went down to 360 feet and observed many
extraordinary (8)______ of the marine life, some of which had never been seen before. During their stay, Commander
Cousteau and his divers reached a depth of 1,000 feet and witnessed a gathering of an immense (9)______ of crabs
which numbered, perhaps, hundreds of millions. They also found out that it was (10)______ to move rapidly in the
water in a special vessel known as a “diving saucer”.
1: A. how B. which C. what D. whether
2: A. underneath B. down C. below D. into
3: A. at B. in C. from D. on
4: A. more B. any C. much D. some
5: A. caught B. done C. made D. exercised
6: A. implanting B. transplanting C. growing D. cultivating-canh tac
7: A. enquiring B. imploring C. exploring –kham pha D. inquiring
8: A. breeds B. forms-hinh thanh C. systems D. castes
9: A. herd-dan ( gia suc) B. flock-dan ( chim ) C. school –(nhom dong vat o bien- school of fish)
D. pack –dan ( soi…)
10: A. hardly B. able C. possible D. capable
In recent years, there has been a remarkable increase into happiness. The researchers have come up a number of
factors which contribute to a definition of happiness.
First of all, there is, in some people, a moderate genetic predisposition to be happy, in other words, happiness
(1)_______ in families. And happiness seems to correlate quite strongly with the main dimensions of personalities:
extroverts are generally happier, neurotics are less so.
Second, people often report good social relations as a reason for their happiness. In particular, friends are a great
(2) ______ of joy, partly because of the agreeable things they do together, partly because of the way friends use
positive non-verbal (3) ______ such as caressing and touching, to affirm their friendship. Marriage and similar (4)
______ relationships can also form the basis of lasting happiness.
Third, job satisfaction undoubtedly (5) ______ overall satisfaction, and vice versa - perhaps this is why some
people are happy in boring jobs: it (6) ______ both ways. Job satisfaction is caused not only by the essential nature of
the work, but (7)_____ by social interactions with co-workers. Unemployment, on the contrary, can be a serious cause
of unhappiness.
Fourth, leisure is important because it is more under individual (8) ______ than most other causes of happiness.
Activities (9) _____ sport and music, and participation in voluntary work and social clubs of various kinds, can give
great joy. This is partly because of the (10) ______themselves, but also because of the social support of other group
members – it is very strong in the case of religious groups.
1. A. runs B. arrives C. goes D. descends
2. A. source B. origin C. base D. meaning
3. A. movements B. signals C. slogans D. motions
4. A. near B. tight C. close D. heavy
5. A. consists of B. applies to C. counts on D. contributes to
6. A. works B. effects C. makes D. turns
7. A. too B. as well C. also D. plus
8. A. check B. power C. choice D. control
9. A. so B. such C. like D. thus
10. A. facilities B. activities C. exercises D. amenities
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct ans
Crime Prevention
You can make life more difficult for thieves by (1)_________ your wallet in an inside pocket instead of a back pocket.
But make sure that you still have it if someone bumps into you in a (2)_________. Most pickpockets are very skillful.
Never let your handbag out of your (3)_________. On public transport, (4)_________ hold of it. You are also (5)
_________ to take travelers’ checks rather than cash when you go abroad, and to use cash dispenses which are on
(6)_________ streets, or are well lit at night.
A quarter of all crimes are car thefts or things from cars, like radio and cassette players. If your car is (7)_________,
you may not get it back. One in four are never found, and even if it is, it may be badly (8) _________. Always lock
all doors and windows and think about fitting a car alarm too. If you are buying a new radio cassette player, it is
(9_________ choosing one that is security-code or removable by the drive. These precautions will help to
(10)_________ thieves.
1. A. taking B. holding C. carrying D. bringing
2. A. mass B. band C. crowd D. group
3. A. view B. sight C. visibility D. vision
4. A. keep B. catch C. take D. have
5. A. suggested B. told C. informed D. advised
6. A. main B. important C. principal D. major
7. A. robbed B. burgled C. stolen D. hijacked
8. A. hurt B. damaged C. spoilt D. injured
9. A. beneficial B. practical C. worthwhile D. sensible
10.A. put off B. put down C. put out D. put back
There is a new (1) ______ of people identified by market reseachers and these are teenagers aged 13 – 18 who are
active and use every (2) ______ type of modern technology to stay in touch with their friends. These people are called
Superconnectors. They use cell phones, text messaging, the internet, e – mail, instant messaging and internet (3)
______ engines to find information and connect with their friends. They also use several things (4) ______ once so,
for example, they may be sending texts and (5) _____ the internet at the same time. However, this is only for their
friends. If they want to (6) _____ with their family then they do this in person. The activities they (7) ____ in haven’t
changed, though. For example, students may still be (8) _____ notes in class but now they do it by sending texts to
several people at the same time! The need to (9) ____ each other remains the same but technology has (10) _____
them to do much more of it.
1. A. group B. pack C. mix D. company
2. A. vacant B. ready C. available D. likely
3. A. search B. look C. seek D. discover
4. A. about B. for C. only D. at
5. A. playing B. surfing C. swimming D. waving
6. A. announce B. connect C. communicate D. declare
7. A. practice B. involve C. occupy D. engage
8. A. reaching B. handing C. passing D. conveying
9. A. contact B. join C. touch D. link
10. A. made B. allowed C. left D. granted

1 – A ; 2 – C ; 3- A ; 4 – D ; 5 – B ;6 – C; 7 –D ; 8 – C; 9 –A ; 10 – B.
Read the following passage carefully and then choose best option to fit each space.
In the United it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the
day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the (1) ________shows that the matter is very important and
requires immediate attention. The same meaning is (2) ________to telephone call (3)________after 11:00 p.m. If
someone receives a call during (4) ________ hours, he assumes it is a matter of life and death. The time chosen for the
call communicates (5) ________importance.
In social life, time plays a very important part. In the USA guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the
invitation (76) ________ a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in
all countries. In other areas of the world, (7) ________ may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in
advance (8) ________plans which are made for a date more than a week tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time
differs in different parts of the world. (9) ________, misunderstandings arise between people from cultures that treat
time (10) ________.
1: A conversation B call C talk D phone
2: A drawn B shown C attached D taken
3 A dialed B done C sent D made
4 A sleep B sleeping C slept D sleepy
5 A it’s B it C its D the
6 A to B for C of D about
7 A that B they C it D he
8 A because B except C even D though
9: A However B In contrast C Otherwise D Thus
10: A alike B variously C differently D opposite
With the (6)____the motor car at the end of the last century a new era (ki nguyen) in personal transport was born. The
early motorist had his problems _ the biggest one being (17)___ his vehicle would start or not. This problem has
completely disappeared today, but others have taken its (18)__. More traffic and faster vehicles mean that  (9)_____  a
car may be, its driver has to have much greater driving skill than before.
 Today drivers cant neglect their own personal 1)____ for the accidents that happen on the road every year. A good
driver has many things in his qualities. Some of them, such as experience and skill, will come only (11)__, but attitude
_just as important _ must be part of him from the beginning. These qualities are a sense of responsibility for the safety
of others, a determination to (12)__ the job of driving, patience and courtesy (sun ha nhan, lich su). Together, these
become (13)____ is generally known as the drivers attitude.  (14)_____, every driver must make a real effort to
develop these qualities and this effort must start from the very beginning of the first driving (15)___ .
1. A. coming      B. going      C. arriving      D. getting
2. A. when      B. how      C. whether      D. why
3. A. place       B. part       C. turn       D. back
4.  A. however safe and reliable        B. however safely and reliably 
C. how safe and reliable (dang tin)         D. how safely and reliably
5. A. right       B. responsibility       C. fault       D. concept
6. A. on time       B. from time to time  (thinh thoang, doi luc)      C. in one time       D. in time
7. A. choose       B. focus on       C. take       D. pursue
8. A. that       B. it      C. what      D. there
9. A. Moreover       B. Yet       C. Therefore       D. So far
10. A. lesson       B. test       C. licence       D. practice 
The interview is one of the most important (1) _____ in the job search process. When an employer invites you to an
interview, he/she is indicating an (2) _____ in yourself. The interview gives both of you the opportunity to (3) _____
enough information to determine if you are a good "fit" for each other. Think of an interview as a highly focused
professional conversation. You should (4) _____ the limited amount of time you have learning about the employer's
needs and discuss the ways you can meet these needs. In many cases, you will interview at least, twice before being
employed for a (5) _____. Once in a brief screening interview and at least once again in a (6) _____ serious meeting
when you may also talk to many of your potential coworkers.A job interview is a strategic conversation with a
purpose. Your goal is to show the employer that you have the (7) _____, background, and ability to do the job and that
you can successfully fit into the organization. The interview is also your (8) _____ to gather information about the job,
the organization, and future career opportunities to figure out if the position and work environment are (9) _____ for
you. Most employers do not hire people based on certificates or diplomas alone. Personality, (10) ______, enthusiasm,
a positive outlook, and excellent interpersonal and communication skills count heavily in the selection process.
1.A. parts B. roles C. fields D. facts
2.A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestingly
3.A. fill B. change C. exchange D. translate
4.A. make B. spend C. post D. apply
5.A. condition B. location C. satisfaction D. position
6.A. most B. mostly C. more D. more than
7.A. skills B. aspects C. appearances D. weaknesses
8.A. fates B. feasts C. lucks D. opportunities
9.A. fit B. right C. accurate D. exact
10. A. confide B. confidence C. confident D. confidently

The first traffic signal was invented by a railway signaling engineer. It was installed (41) ___ the Houses of
Parliament in 1868. It (42)_____ like any railway signal of the time, and was operated by gas. (43) ____, it exploded
and killed a policeman, and the accident discouraged further development until cars became common.
(44) ____ traffic lights are an American invention. Red – green systems were installed in Cleveland in 1914. Three -
color signals, operated (45) _____ hand from a tower in the (46) _____ of the street, were installed in New York in
1918. The first lights of this type to (47) ____ in Britain were in London, on the junction between St. James’s Street
and Piccadilly, in 1925. Automatic signals were installed (48) ____ year later.
In the past, traffic lights were special. In New York, some lights had a statue on top. In Los Angeles the lights did not
just change silently, but would ring bells to (49) _____ the sleeping motorists of the 1930s. These are gone and have
been (50) ____ by standard models which are universally adopted.
1. A. outside B. out C.out of D. outdoors
2. A. resembled B. looked C. showed D. seemed
3. A. However B. Therefore C. Although D. Despite
4. A. New B. Recent C. Modern D. Late
5. A. by B. with C. through D. in
6. A. middle B. heart C. focus D. halfway
7. A. show B. appear C. happen D. become
8. A. a B. in the C. in a D. the
9. A. rise B. raise C. wake D. get up
10. A. reproduced B. replaced C. removed D. remained

In Part Three of the Speaking Section you work with a partner. You have to do a (1) ____ task which usually
( 2)_____ about 3 minutes. One possible task is “ problem (3) ____”, which means you have to look at some (4) ____
information and then discuss the problem with your partner. You maybe show photos, drawings, diagrams, maps,
plans, advertisements or computer graphics and it is (5)_____ that you study them carefully. If necessary, check you
know exactly what to do by (6)_____ asking the examiner to repeat the instructions or make them clearer.
While you are doing the task, the examiner will probably say very little and you should ask your partner questions and
make (7)_____ if he or she is not saying much. If either of you have any real difficulties the examiner may decide to
step in and ( 8) _____ . Normally, however, you will find plenty to say, which helps the assessor to give you a fair
mark. This mark depends on your success in doing the task by (79) _____ with your partner, which includes taking
(10)_____ in giving opinions and replying appropriately, although in the end it may be possible to “ agree to

Question1. A. single B. lonely C. unique D. once

Question2. A. exists B. lasts C. stays D. maintains
Question3. A. solving B. working C. making D. finding
Question4. A. optical B. obvious C. noticeable D. visual
Question5. A. essential B. needed C. helpful D. successful
Question6. A. formally B. officially C. politely D. sincerely
Question7. A. ideas B. statements C. speeches D. suggestions
Question8. A. complain B. help C. suggest D. fail
Question9. A. competing B. struggling C. opposing D. co-operating
Question10. A. changes B. sides C. turns D. sentences
Polar bears are in danger of dying out. (41)___ some other endangered animals, it's not hunters that are
Theproblem, it's climate change. Since 1979, the ice cap at the Arctic Circle where the polar bears has reduced in
size.(42)_______ about 30 per cent. The temperature in the Arctic has slowly been (43)_______ and this is
(44)_______ the sea ice to melt, endangering the polar bears' home. The polar bears' main (45)_______ of food
are the different types of seals found in the Arctic. They catch them by waiting next to the air holes seals have
(46)_______ in the ice. (47)_______ the bears are very strong swimmers, they could never catch seals in water.
This means that the bears really do rely on the ice to hunt.Polar bears also need sea ice to travel. They can
(48)_______ a huge territory and often swim from one part of the ice to another. They have been
(49)_______toswim up to 100 km, but when there is less ice, they may have to swim further and this can
(50)_______ fatal to the bears. A number of bears have drown in the last few years and scientists believe that it is
because they were not able to reach more ice before they became too tired and couldn't swim any further.
1. A. Different B. Compared C. Opposite D. Unlike.
2. A. for B. by C. in D. within.
3. A. lifting B. gaining C. rising D. advancing.
4. A. causing B. resulting C. making D. turning.
5. A. origins B. materials C. means D. sources.
6. A. set B. placed C. made D. brought.
7. A. Although B. As C. Despite D. Even.
8. A. spread B. cover C. pass D. extend.
9. A. known B. experienced C. learnt D. noticed.
10.A. prove B. end C. come D. happen.

An American professor who studied the Mayas has come up with a new theory about the sudden end of their
empire. (0) ______ to Professor Richard Hansen, an archaeologist at the University of California, the (1) ______ of
the Mayan civilization in Central America was (2) ______ about by the Mayas themselves.
Their object was to display their wealth and power by making their buildings and decoration as beautiful as
possible. This (3) ______ using large quantities of lime, which they put on the walls to make them smooth.
Unfortunately, the creation of lime is a process which requires intense heat, and they therefore (4) ______ to cut down
huge numbers of trees. This affected the quality of the soil, and it became almost impossible to farm.
Professor Hansen, who has (5) ______ returned from an excavation in the El Mirador region of northern
Guatemala, told a meeting of archaeologists in Philadelphia that the Mayas, having (6) ______ this mistake in the 3 rd
century, repeated it 600 years later, at which time it proved fatal. Increasing food (7) ______ among the Mayas created
a Central American equivalent of the Peloponnesian War which ravaged ancient Greece. However, (8) ______ the
Greek civil war, which only (9) ______ for 27 years, the Mayas wars went on for many centuries and left many of
their great cities and temples in (10) ______ .

0. A. Referring B. Relating C. According D. Respecting

1. A. collapse B. drop C. crash D. stop
2. A. made B. came C. turned D. brought
3. A. depended B. needed C. involved D. requested
4. A. obliged B. forced C. must D. had
5. A. still B. just C. already D. yet
6. A. done B. had C. taken D. made
7. A. lack B. shortages C. droughts D. failures
8. A. unlike B. apart C. without D. unless
9. A. stayed B. spent C. lasted D. longed
10. A. injuries B. damages C. spoils D. ruins
The word theatre comes from Greek and literally means seeing place. The theatre has been popular in ancient times.
People did not go to the theatre simply to see an interesting ........(21)........ for the plays formed part of religious
festivals. ........(22)........ early Greek theatres consisted of no more than a flat space with an altar at the foot of a
hillside. ........(23)........ that time, there were no........(24)........ as there are in modern theatres, so the ........(25)........
stood or sat on the slopes of the hillside. Gradually, special theatres were made by building large stone or wooden
steps one ........(26)........ another up the hillside. In later times, a hut was built at the far side of the acting area where it
formed a background for the actors ........(27)........ the parts of the different characters. Eventually, a ........(28)........
platform was built so that the actors could be seen more clearly. This was the first appearance of anything ........
(29)........ our modern stage. As well as these permanent theatres, there were simple wooden stages .........(30)........
around by actors wandering from one place to another. There was also a hut with curtains that served both as
background scenery and as a dressing room.
21. A. scene B. performance C. scenery D. stage
22. A. Whole B. Complete C. Full D. All
23. A. In B. For C. At D. On
24. A. chairs B. benches C. seats D. stools
25. A. watchers B. players C. viewers D. audiences
26. A. among B. between C. around D. behind
27. A. playing B. making C. doing D. being
28. A. lifted B. raised C. moved D. pulled
29. A. as B. like C. equal D. similar
30. A. carried B. held C. brought D. fetched

Television has changed the lifestyle of people in every industrialized country in the world. In the United States, where
sociologists have studied the effects, some interesting observations have been made.TV, although not essential, has
become a(n) (16)_ part of most people’s lives. It has become a baby- sitter, an initiator of conversations, a major
transmitter of culture, and a keeper of traditions. Yet when what can be seen on TV in one day is critically analyzed, it
becomes evident that TV is not a teacher but a sustainer-chống đỡ The poor (17)_____ of programs does not elevate
people into greater (18)__, but rather maintains and encourages the status quo.The (19)_ reason for the lack of quality
in American TV is related to both the history of TV programming development and the economics of TV. TV in
American began with the radio. Radio companies and their sponsors first experimented with TV. (20)_, the close
relationship, which the advertisers had with radio programs become the system for American TV. Sponsors not only
pay money for time within programs, but many actually produced the programs. Thus, (21)_ from the capitalistic,
profit- oriented sector of American society, TV is primarily (22)_ with reflecting and attracting society (23)_ than
innovating ( in) tiến hành những đổi mới and experimenting with new ideas. Advertisers want to attract the largest
viewing audience possible; to do so requires that the programs be entertaining rather than challenging.TV in America
today remains, to a large (24)_, with the same organization and standards as it had thirty years ago. The hope for some
evolution and true achievement toward improving society will (25)_ a change in the entire system.
1: A. integral B. mixed C. fractional (thuộc) phân số D. superior
2: A. quantity B. quality C. effect D. product
3: A. preconception nhận thức trước B. knowledge C. understanding D.
4: A. adequate B. unknown C. inexplicable khó giảiD. primary
5: A. Therefore B. Yet C. Although D. Nevertheless
6: A. going B. leaving C. coming D. getting
7: A. interested B. concerned C. worried D. connected
8: A. more B. rather C. less D. better
9: A. extent B. degree C. size D. amount
10: A. collect B. rise C. require D. complete

Health is something we tend to (1) _______ when we have it. When our body is doing well, we are hardly___ (2)
________ of it. But illness can come, even (3) _______ we are young. In fact, childhood has been a very susceptible
time. Many diseases attack children in particular, and people know very little ___(4) ______ to cure them once they
struck. The result was that many children died. About a century ago,____(5) _________, scientists found out about
germs, and then everything changed. The (6) _____ of many diseases was found, and cures were developed. As this
medical discovery spread, the world became____ (7) _____ safer for children. The result is that (8) _________ a
hundred years ago, the average man lived for 35 years, nowadays, in many areas of the world, people can ___(9)
_______ to live for 75 years. And what do we expect by the year 2020 ? Undoubtedly, medical science will continue
to_____(10) ________. Some people will be able to avoid medical problems that are unavoidable today.

1. A. forget B. ignore C. give up D. throw away

2. A. awake B. keen C. aware D. concerned
3. A. if B. so C. when D. while
4. A. how B. what C. whichD. when
5. A. therefore B. however C. although D. moreover
6. A. reason B. origin C. source D. cause
7. A. more B. much C. very D. quite
8. A. where B. when C. why D. whereas
9. A. desire B. hope C. want D. expect
10. A. speed up B. advance C. accelerate D. run
The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people’s( 1) …………..are affected by IT. Twenty years
ago, few people had access to a computer whilst today ( 2)………..people use them at work, home or school and use
of e- mail and the Internet is an every day event.
These developments have brought many ( 3) ………to our lives. E-mail makes communication much easier and more
immediate. This has numerous benefits for business, commerce, and education. The World Wide Web means that
information on every conceivable subject is now ( 4) …….to us. Clearly, for many people this has made life much
easier and more convenient.
However, not all the effects of the new technology have been beneficial. Many people feel that the ( 5)……….. use of
e-mail is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face -to –face
conversation. With ever increasing use of information technology these ( 6) elements are likely to increase in the
In addition, the huge size of the Web means it is almost ( 7) …… control and regulate. This has led to many
concerns regarding children( 8) unsuitable websites. Yet perhaps the biggest threat to IT in years to come will be the
computer ( 9) …………..- more sophisticated or more destructive strains are almost inevitable.
In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, ( 10) ………..I believe developments relating to new
technology in the future are likely to produce many negative effects that will need to be addressed very carefully.
1. A. live B. lives C. living D. life
2. A. most B. most of C. most of the D. almost
3. A. services B. uses C. benefits D. effects
4. A. free B. convenient C. unused D. available
5. A. widespread B. immediate C. particular D. continued
6. A. positive B. negative C. careless D. trivial
7. A. possible B. impractical C. likely D. impossible
8. A. accessing B. approaching C. entering D. getting
9. A. disease B. program C. virus D. software
80. A. so B. moreover C. therefore D. yet

Read the following passage on social issues in American schools, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 71 to 80.
In addition to the challenge to be excellent, American schools have been facing novel problems. They must
(71)________ with an influx of immigrant children, many of whom speak little or no English. They must respond to
demands (72) ________ the curriculum reflect the various cultures of all children. Schools must make sure that
students develop (73) ________ skills for the job market, and they must consider the needs of nontraditional students,
such as teenage mothers.
Schools are (74) ________ these problems in ways that reflect the diversity of the US educational system. They
are hiring or training large numbers of teachers of English (75) ________ a second language and, in some
communities, setting up bilingual schools. They are opening (76) ________ the traditional European-centered
curriculum to embrace material from African, Asian, and other cultures.
Schools are also teaching congnitive skills to the (77) ________ 40 percent of American students who do not go
on to higher education. In the (78) ________ of a recent report by the Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, “A
strong back, the willingness to work, and a high school diploma were once all that was necessary to (79) ________ a
start in America. They are no longer. A well-developed mind, a continued willingness to learn and the ability to put
knowledge to work are the new keys (80) ________ the future of our young people, the success of our business, and
the economic well-being of the nation.”
(Extracted from InfoUSA-CD Version)
71: A. do B. stay C. fight D. cope
72: A. that B. who C. whether D. what
73: A. base B. basis C. basic D. basics
74: A. addressing B. delivering C. distributing D. discharging
75: A. as B. from C. with D. like
76: A. on B. into C. for D. up
77: A. slightly B. mostly C. fairly D. nearly
78: A. minds B. directions C. wordsD. ways
79: A. make B. take C. get D. bring
80: A. to B. at C. in D. for

Advice for travelers who may fall ill while abroad

Most British people go abroad on holiday, to visit family, or on short business trips. People are....(1) to find out
how to get urgent treatment before leaving the UK. They have to .....(2) a form which explains what they.....(3) do if
they fall ill or.......(4) an accident, and what arrangements exist in .....(5) country for medical treatment. The
regulations are fairly simple but........(6) people do not have this information, they may .....(7) that private medical care
is extremely expensive. It is not unusual for people to discover that they do not have....(8) money with them to....(9)
the total cost and .....(10) such circumstances an already difficult situation becomes even more complicated.
1. A. advised B. suggested C. said D. spoken
2. A. put B. bring C. fill D. get
3. A. ought B. will C. should D. may
4. A. have B. get C. happen D. take
5. A. their B. each C. one D. this
6. A. because B. whether C. as D. if
7. A. look B. want C. find D. know
8. A. enough B. little C. few D. full
9. A. pay B. give C. spend D. have
10. A. on B. in C. at D. up

1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B
6. D 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. B
The mathematics of the Mayas of Mexico was (89) _________ when compared to that of (90) _________ cultures.
They were (91) _________ with the idea zero nearly 1,000 years before anyone in Europe had (92) _________ . Arab
traders opened up caravan routes (93) _________the desert of the Middle East and brought with them to Europe the
(94) _________ of zero as a number. The Greek wrote numbers by using (95)________ of alphabet, and with the
Roman number system, it was difficult to add or subtract (96) _________ sometimes four figures (for example, VII)
were needed to express one number (for example, 7). Neither the Greeks (97) _________ the Romans could (98)
_________ with large numbers. (99) _________ contrast, the Mayas could express any number by using three
symbols: the dot, the bar, and the dash. For zero, they used a shell (100) _________ .
1. A. over B. super C. superior D. inferior
2. A. the B. others C. another D. other
3. A. famous B. familiar C. coincident D. annoyed
4. A. them B. Sone C. it D. ever
5. A. through B. throughout C. across D. along
6. A. concept B. viewpoint C. understanding D. learning
7. A. characters B. letters C. numbers D. lists
8. A. although B. because C. even if D. which
9. A. nor B. and C. as well as D. or
10. A. acquaint B. familiarize C. deal D. tamper
11. A. On B. For C. From D. ln
12. A. shape B. size C. form D. picture

Choose the correct preposition/ particle for each gap of the passage.
The Moscow metro system is over sixty years old. Sometimes called “the people’s underground palace”, it has stood
(1) ____ well to the passing of time. It carries nine million passengers a day at an average speed of 42 kilometers per
hour, and now, even though it has run (2) ____ of money, it still offers impressive examples of past splendor. Tourists
from all over the world come to look at the stations lined with granite and marble and decorated with mosaics and
chandeliers. Some of the names have changed: for example, Marx Prospekt has turned (3) ____ Hunter’s Row. Some
Muscovites find it hard to take (4) ___ the changes, but they are justly proud of their underground and want to look (5)
____ it. Recently a strike was threatened, to force the government to invest in the system. The plan came (6) ____, and
so a new line and new stations will be built.

The Moscow metro stands (7) ____ among its international competitors for being almost completely free of
advertising. Although that will change soon, transport managers have promised to see (8) ____ it that any advertising
will be done tastefully. Wherever you go in the world, you won’t come (9) ____ a grander or more impressive
underground system. Whether you’re a local, seeing your friends (10) ____ or traveling to work, or a tourist, visiting
Moscow for the first time, spare a moment to appreciate the works of art all around you, before going on with your

1. A. up B. out C. by D. in
2. A. away B. down C. up D out
3. A. back B. into C. out D. against
4. A. up B. down C. in D. on
5. A. round B. into C. for D. after
6. A. off B. out C. up D. in
7. A. over B. out C. up D. for
8. A. through B. to C. off D. round
9. A. up B. out C. across D. to
10. A. forward B. off C. out D. away

1.C; 2.A; 3.A; 4.D; 5.B; 6.A; 7.B; 8.D; 9.C; 10.C

In 1973, when the tiger appeared to be facing extinction, the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Indian Government
agreed to set ( 51)... “Operation Tiger”- a campaign to save this threatened creature. They started by creating nine
special parks ( 52)....that tigers could live in safety. The first was at Ranthambhore, a region ( 53)...was quickly
turning into a desert ( 54)....too much of the grass was being eaten by the local people’s cattle. At the time there were
just fourteen tigers left there. The government had to clear twelve small villages, which meant moving nearly 1,000
people and 10,000 cattle so the land( 55) handed back to nature.
Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall ( 56)...for tigers to hide in, and there are now at
least forty of them ( 57)....the park, wandering freely about. Other animals have also benefited. For example, there are
many ( 58)....deer and monkeys than before. The people ( 59)....were moved are now living in better conditions. They
live in new villages away ( 60)....the tiger park, with schools, temples and fresh water supplies. There are now sixteen
such tiger parks in India and the animal’s future looks a little safer.
51. a. in b. down c. up d. on
52. a. for b. order c. such d, so
53. a. in which b. with which c. for which d. which
54. a. because b. although c. despite d. but
55. a. can b. could c. will d. might
56. a. much b. enough c. too d. so
57. a. near b. outside c. within d. leaving
58. a. fewer b. more c. better d. less
59.a. that b.which c. whose d. by who
60. a. off b. to c. far d. from

These is now increasing concern about the world’s energy resources, particularly about those involving fossil (1)
______.In less than a hundred years we shall probably (2) ______ all the present (3) ______ of oil and gas. The
world’s coal (4) ______ should last longer but, once used, these cannot be (5) ______. It is important, therefore, that
we should develop such (6) ______sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy a well as water and wind (7)
______ (classed as (8) ______energy). Until these energies (9) ______ are widely used, it is important for the
developed countries to reduce energy (10) ______ as much as possible.
1. A. fuels B. powers C. forms D. energies
2. A. end B. complete C. total D. exhaust
3. A. findings B. productions C. amounts D. sources
4. A. reserves B. stores C. mines D. contents
5. A. updated B. repeated C. renewed D. produced
6. A. traditional B. alternative C. surprising D. revolutionary
7. A. force B. strength C. power D. motion
8. A. repeatable B. continual C. renewable D. continuous
9. A. goods B. supplies C. provisions D. materials
10. A. exhaustion B. destruction C. waste D. consumption
KEY: 1.A 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. D

4.Choosing clothes can be difficult. Some people want to be fashionable, but they don’t want to look exactly (1) ____
everybody else. Not all clothes are (2) ____ for work or school, perhaps because they are not (3) ___enough, or
simply not comfortable. It is easy to buy the (4) ___size, and find that your trousers are too tight, especially if you are
a little bit (5) _. Very (6) __ clothes make you fell slim, but when they have (7) _ in the washing machine, then you
have the same problem! If you buy light cotton clothes, then they might not be (8) __enough for winter. If your shoes
are not (9) _, and if you aren’t (10) _ for the cold, you might look good, but feel terrible!
1. A. alike B. like C. similar D. same
2. A. fitted B. suitable C. comfort D. equal
3. A. formal B. strict C. uniform D. suited
4. A. false B. mistake C. wrong D. error
5. A. slim B. overweight C. thin D. enormous
6. A. loose B. lose C. loosened D. lost
7. A. lessened B. reduced C. decreased D. shrunk
8. A. warm B. cold C. hot D. cool
9. A. tight B. enclosed C. firm D. waterproof
10. A. worn B. clothed C. dressed D. fitted

5.The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international (1) _____- governmental organization for the (2)
_____, research, and restoration of the environment. The organization was (3) _____ as a charitable trust on
September 11, 1961, in Morges, Switzerland, under the name World Wildlife Fund. It was an initiative of Julian
Huxley and Max Nicholson.
It is the world's largest independent conservation organization with over 5 million (4) _____ worldwide, working in
more (5) _____ 90 countries, supporting 100 conservation and environmental projects around the world. It is a charity,
with (6) ____ 9% of its funding coming from voluntary. (7) ___ by private individuals and businesses.
The group says its mission is "to halt and reverse the (8) _____ of our environment". Currently, much of its work
focuses on the conservation of three biomes that contain most of the world's biodiversity: forests, freshwater
ecosystems, and oceans and coasts. Among other issues, it is also concerned (9) _____ endangered species, pollution,
and climate change. The organization (10) ____ more than 20 field projects worldwide. In the last few years, the
organization set up offices and operations around the world.

1. A. non B. not C. no D. nor

2. A. challenge B. keeping C. conservation D. awareness
3. A. produced B. discovered C. used D. formed
4. A. supporters B. residents C. inhabitants D. citizens
5. A. as B. than C. to D. as to
6. A. generally B. individually C. commercially D. approximately
7. A. deposits B. donations C. refunds D. loans
8. A. destroy B. destructive C. destruction D. destroyed
9. A. on B. by C. with D. upon
10.A. goes B. walks C. reaches D. runs
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C
6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B
6. A 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. C
56. A. non B. not C. no D. nor
57. A. challenge B. keeping C. conservation D. awareness
58. A. produced B. discovered C. used D. formed
59. A. supporters B. residents C. inhabitants D. citizens
60. A. as B. than C. to D. as to
61. A. generally B. individually C. commercially D. approximately
62. A. deposits B. donations C. refunds D. loans
63. A. destroy B. destructive C. destruction D. destroyed
64. A. on B. by C. with D. upon
65. A. goes B. walks C. reaches D. runs


After two weeks of worry, a farmer in the north of England was very happy yesterday. James Tuke, a farmer
who (1) ............. sheep, lost his dog, Sally, when they were out (2) ........... together a fortnight ago.
" Sally was running (3) ............. of me, " he said, "and disappeared over the top of the hill. I whistled and called
(4) ............ she didn't come. She is young, so I thought perhaps she had gone back to the farmhouse (5) .......... her
own. But she wasn't there. Over the next few days I (6) ......... as much time as I could looking for her. I was afraid that
I would never see her (7) ........... Then a neighbour said she had heard an animal crying while she was out walking
near the (8) ............ of a cliff. I rushed out and found Sally on a shelf of rock halfway down. She was thin and
(9) ............ but she had no (10) ............ injuries. She was really lucky ! "
1) A goes B grows C keeps D holds
2) A working B worked C work D works
3) A behind B beside C ahead D around
4) A but B so C and D even
5) A by B on C with D of
6) A used B spent C gave D passed
7) A more B again C further D after
8) A edge B side C border D height
9) A poor B dull C weak D broken
10) A strong B hard C rough D serious

1) C - keeps 6) B - spent
2) A - working 7) B - again
3) C - ahead 8) A - edge
4) A - but 9) C - weak
5) B - on 10) D - serious

Around the age of sixteen, you must make one of the biggest decisions of your life. Do I stay on at school
and hopefully go on to university (61)_____? Do I leave and start work or beginning a training (62)_____?The
decision is yours, but it may be (63)_____ remembering two things: there is more unemployment (64)_____ who
haven’t been to university, and people who have the right (65)_____ will have a big advantage in the competition for
jobs. If you decide to go (66)_____ into a job, there are many opportunities for training. Getting qualifications will
(67)_____ you to get on more quickly in many careers, and evening classes allow you to learn (68)_____ you earn.
Starting work and taking a break to study when you are older is (69)_____ possibility. This way, you can save up
money for your student days, as well as (70)_____ practical work experience.

Câu 61: A. after B. later C. then D. past

Câu 62: A. school B. class C. course D. term
Câu 63: A. worth B. necessary C. important D. useful
Câu 64: A. between B. among C. with D. through
Câu 65: A. notes B. papers C. arts D. skills
Câu 66: A. straight B. just C. direct D. rather
Câu 67: A. make B. help C. let D. give
Câu 68: A. where B. while C. when D. what
Câu 69: A. also B. again C. another D. always
Câu 70: A. getting B. making C. taking D. doing

The tourist industry is (71)_____ to be the largest industry. Before 1950 one million people traveled abroad each year
but by the 1900s the figure (72) _____ to 400 million every year. (73) _____ large numbers of tourists, however, are
beginning to cause problems. For example, in the Alps theskiers are destroying the mountains they came to enjoy.
Even parts of Mount Everest in the Himalayas are reported to be covered (74) _____ old tins, tents, and food that have
been (75) _____.
But at a time when we have (76) _____ freedom to travel than ever before, more and more people are asking how they
can enjoy their holidays (77) _____causing problems by spoiling the countryside. Now there is a newholiday (78)
_____called "Holidays That Don't Cost The Earth". It tells you (79) _____you can help the tourist industry by asking
your travel agent the right questions (80) _____you go on holiday.
Câu 71: A. regarded B. considered C. seen D. figured
Câu 72: A. had risen B. rose C. has risen D. were rising
Câu 73: A. The B. Those C. These D. Such
Câu 74: A. by B. with C. under D. beneath
Câu 75: A. disposed B. littered C. thrown away D. launched
Câu 76: A. greater B. bigger C. larger D. better
Câu 77: A. apart from B. instead of C. without D. hardly
Câu 78: A. guidance B. guide C. direction D. instruction
Câu 79: A. where B. what C. when D. how
Câu 80: A. before B. when C. as soon as D. after

Some time ago, scientists began experiments to find out (1)______ it would be possible to set up a “village” under the
sea. A special room was built and lowered (2)______ the water of Port Sudan in the Red Sea. For 29 days, five men
lived (3)______ a depth of 40 feet. At a (4)______ lower level, another two divers stayed for a week in a smaller
“house”. On returning to the surface, the men said that they had experienced no difficulty in breathing and had
(5)______ many interesting scientific observations. The captain of the party, Commander Cousteau, spoke of the
possibility of (6)______ the seabed. He said that some permanent stations were to be set up under the sea, and some
undersea farms would provide food for the growing population of the world. The divers in both “houses” spent most
of their time (7)______ the bottom of the sea. On four occasions, they went down to 360 feet and observed many
extraordinary (8)______ of the marine life, some of which had never been seen before. During their stay, Commander
Cousteau and his divers reached a depth of 1,000 feet and witnessed a gathering of an immense (9)______ of crabs
which numbered, perhaps, hundreds of millions. They also found out that it was (10)______ to move rapidly in the
water in a special vessel known as a “diving saucer”.

1: A. how B. which C. what D. whether

2: A. underneath B. down C. below D. into
3: A. at B. in C. from D. on
4: A. more B. any C. much D. some
5: A. caught B. done C. made D. exercised
6: A. implanting B. transplanting C. growing D. cultivating
7: A. enquiring B. imploring C. exploring D. inquiring
8: A. breeds B. forms C. systems D. castes
9: A. herd B. flock C. school D. pack
10: A. hardly B. able C. possible D. capable

More and more people are discovering that sharing and talking about their favorite books with others can be as
rewarding as the act of reading (1)_____. For people who feel that they are too busy to sit down with a book, a book
club helps them schedule time to read, others have gained self-confidence by (2)_____ in or leading a discussion. And
most people enjoy the chance to (3)_____ new friends.A successful book club should have a group that is small
enough so even the quiet people can be heard but also big enough for many different (4)_____. The best arrangement
is a (5)_____ of ages, sexes, and backgrounds for more reading variety and livelier discussions.The book club could
(46)_____ in one subject or type of book, like mysteries, science fiction, or biographies. Or the members could read
books of all types, as long as the book is highly recommended by someone who thinks it would be (7)_____
discussing.Some book clubs meet in places like bookstores, public libraries, or restaurants, but most have their
meetings in members’ homes. This approach simply (8)_____ more privacy and time for longer meetings.To make the
meeting go smooth, a leader should be (9)_____ . The leader will usually start the discussion by asking what the
author’s main idea was. Book club members should never be afraid to offer their opinions, even if they don’t like a
book. They just need to be prepared to explain (10)_____they didn’t like something.
1. A. it B. itself C. themselves D. oneself
2. A. participating B. taking C. talking D. sitting
3. A. do B. make C. form D. gather
4. A. characters B. issues C. attitudes D. opinions
5. A. mixture B. range C. number D. lot
6. A. focus B. talk C. specialize D. concentrate
7. A. valuable B. busy C. worth D. useful
8. A. offers B. supplies C. encourages D. takes
9. A. called B. named C. suggested D.
10. A. what B. why C. how D. where

We are using up the world’s petroleum. We use (1).............. in our cars and to heat our building in winter.
Farmers use petrochemicals to (2)................. the soil rich. They use them to kill insects (3)...................... plants.
These chemicals go (4)............. rivers and lakes and kill the fish there. Thousands of pollutants also go into the air and
pollute it.Winds carry this (5)................. air to other countries and other continents.
Poor farmers use the same land over and (6).............. . The land needs a rest so it will be better next year.
However, the farmers must have food this year. Poor people cut down forests (7) ................... firewood.In some areas
when trees are gone, the land (8)............. desert. Poor people can’t save the environment for the (9)................... . This
is not a problem for one country or one area of the world. It ia s problem for all humans. The people and the nations of
the world must work together to (10)................ the world’s resources.

1. B. them C. that D. those

2. A. enrich B. change C. make D. let
3. B. eaten C. eating D. ate
4. A. to B. toward C. at D. into
5. A. pollute B. polluting C. polluted D. pollution
6. A. over B. again C. repeated D. repeating
7. A.of B. for C. with D. at
8. A. gets B. changes C. turns D. becomes
9. A. future B. time C. times D. period
10. A. recycle B. conserve C. keep D. use
Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But the pollution (1)……is as complicated as it is serious. It is complicated (2)
……much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example, (3)……from automobiles causes a large
percentage of all air pollution. But the automobile (4)……transportation for millions of people. Factories (5)……
much of material that pollutes air and water, but factories give employment to a large number of people.
Thus, to end (6)…… greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that (7)
…… them. Most of the people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be (8)……reduced in several ways.
Scientists and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that such things as automobiles and
factories cause. Government can pass and enforce laws that (9) ……businesses and (10)……to stop or cut down on
certain polluting activities.
1. A. work B. problem C. accident D. event
2. A. because B. so C. that D. while
3. A. exhaust B. fire C. gas D. liquid
4. A. carries B. takes C. affords D. provides
5. A. offer B. bring C. discharge D. cause
6. A. to B. or C. so D that
7. A. benefit B. harm C. motivate D. encourage
8. A. little B. gradually C. so D. that
9. A. require B. forbidC. prevent D. request
10. A. commercials B. surroundings C. individuals D. traffic


British parents are always complaining that their children spend too much time gluing to the telly and not
enough(1)..................other activities like sports and reading. A survey recently carried out on people’s viewing habits
(2).................. not disapprove it. It shows that young people in Britain spend on (3)...................twenty three hours a
week in front of the television, (4) out at over three hours every day.
What is surprising, however, is the fact that the average adult watches even more: an incredible 28 hours a week.
We seem to have become a nation of telly addicts. Just about (5)...................household in the country has a television
and over half have two or more. According (6)...................the survey, people nowadays don’t just watch television
sitting in their living room, they watch it in the kitchen and in bed as well.
The Education Minister said a (7).....................weeks ago that Britain’s pupils should spend more time reading.
Unfortunately , parents are not setting a good example: adults do (8)................reading than young people. In fact,
reading is (9).....................the bottom of their list of favorite pastimes. They would(10) ......................listen to the
radio, go to the cinema or hire a video to watch on their television at home.
1.A. at B. on C. for D. in
2.A. does B. do C. is D. has
3.A. time B. Sunday C. weekend D. average
4.A. which B. what C. who D. where
5.A. none B. neither C. every D. all
6.A. for B. to C. with D. on
7.A. lot B. little C. number D. few
8.A. more B. better C. less D. most
9. A. on B. to C. at D. in
10. had better B. prefer C. like D. rather
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C
6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. D

1.A 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B

6.D 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.C
Two boats, engines paralysed are drifting helplessly towards rocks in a raging sea. Gale-force winds are blowing
as a distress message is relayed to the (1 )...............The west coast search – and- rescue helicopter takes off from
Shannon; its destination is Clew Bay in County Mayo.
The terrified crews on Sundancer and Healther Berry are only half a mile from disaster when Hotel Oscar, the
Irish Marine Emergency Service helicopter arrives and the winch crew
( 2 ).............saving their lives. There is no hope for the boats – the conditions are too bad for that. The threatening
rocks will make matchwood of them.
It’s not easy to get the rescue line down on the pitching, rolling decks as the pilot, Captain Al Lockey hovers
directly ( 3 )...............By the time the exhausted winchman has picked up the two crew members of Healther Berry ,
the helicopter is running ( 4 )........................on fuel. The pair on Sundancer will have to be abandoned if
( 5 ).....................else is to survive. As if that decision isn’t difficult enough, screaming winds make for a treacherous
flight out of the bay.
For Captain Locky, 25 years a helicopter pilot and veteran of typhoon conditions off oil rigs in the South China
Sea, this was the worst experience in a distinguished ( 6 )...................In fact, a change in wind direction was to spare.
Sundancer its horrible face, much to the ( 7 ).............of the rescue crew whose hearts were breaking as they were
forced to turn their backs and ( 8 )............for home. Medals, it is said should be given to those who have to make that
most painful decision to say “ no ”. Fortunately, most crews can and (9 )...............say “ yes ” in all conditions and at
all ( 10 )..............of night and day.
That was Mission 47, accomplished just over three months after Hotel Oscar’s contract began in July 1991.
1. A. shore B. land C. beach D. seaside
2. A. set off B. set up C. set out D. set about
3. A. above B. higher C. ahead D. over.
` 4. A. low B. clown C. short D. out
5. A. no one B. everyone C. someone D. all
6. A. job B. role C. profession D. career
7. A. satisfaction B. comfort C. relief D. gratitude
8. A. go B. fly C. head D. lend
9. A. should B. do C. may D. need
10. A. periods B. moments C. hours D. minutes

If you're an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl. It has become a symbol of our
wasteful, throw- away society. But there seems little doubt it is here to stay, and the truth is, of course, that plastic has
brought enormous ( 41) ________even environmental evil- it's the way society chooses to uses and ( 42)
Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or coal- non-renewable natural
( 43) ____________. We (44) _____________well over three million tones of the stuff in Britain each year and,
sooner or later, most of it is thrown away. A high ( 45) __________ of our annual consumption is in the form of
packaging, and this (46) _________about seven per cent by weight of our domestic refuse. Almost all of it could be
recycled, but very little of it is, though the plastic recycling (47) _______is growing fast.
The plastics themselves are extremely energy-rich- they have a higher calorific (48) _________than coal and one
(49) ____________of "recovery" strongly favoured by the plastic manufacturers is the ( 50) __________ of waste
plastic into a fuel.
41. A. savings B. pleasures C. benefits D. profits
42. A. abuse B. endanger C. store D. dispose
43. A. processes B. resources C. products D. fuels
44. A. import B. consign C. remove D. consume
45. A. amount B. proportion C. portion D. rate
46. A. makes B. carries C. takes D. constitutes
47. A. industry B. manufacture C. plant D. factory
48. A. demand B. effect C. value D. degree
49. A. medium B. method C. measure D. mechanism
50. A. melting B. conversion C. change D. replacement


Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and became a very famous man. He also wrote an article which he
presented in 1883. His research paper was about deaf people.In his article, Dr. Bell explained why there were so many
deaf children. He believed that when deaf adults married each other, they would have (21)_______ children. He
thought that this was bad. Bell blamed the schools for the deaf for causing marriages between deaf people. He did not
like the idea of these intermarriages and tried to think of ways to (22)__ them. He would have preferred that deaf
children be taught at hearing schools. He did not (23)__ schools or the deaf. Bell felt that deaf people would not mix
with hearing people if they went to (24)__ schools.Bell was (25)____ about other things, too. He noticed that deaf
people socialized with other deaf people. He felt that socializing with other deaf people was bad. Deaf people should
socialize with hearing people, he thought. Bell tried to start a new law that would make it illegal for deaf people to
marry each other. He (26)_______ up his idea when he realized that such a law could not be enforced.Bell also had
strong feelings about the (27)__of deaf children. He wanted deaf children to be with hearing children in school. He
thought that the deaf children could learn normal behavior from the hearing children. Bell was against the use of deaf
teachers, too, because he thought this added to the (28)_______ of a deaf "race" in America.Bell had another theory
which he never proved. He believed that deaf children who signed would not have good English (29)_______. He
could never prove this, and now many people have tried to prove the opposite! A lot of new research shows that many
deaf children whose parents sign (and are deaf) do (30)__ schoolwork than deaf children who do not sign at home!
21 : A. blind B. dumb C. deaf D. dead
22 : A. stop B. support C. help D. encourage
23 : A. observe B. describe C. support D. visit
24 : A. larger B. separate C. nicer D. worse
25 : A. selfish B. upset C. shy D. careless
26 : A. fixed B. gave C. wrote D. talked
27 : A. discipline B. health C. safety D. education
28 : A. ability B. loss C. problem D. cost
29 : A. skills B. language C. knowledge D. vocabulary
30 : A. better B. more C. easier D. slower

1. c 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. a
Choose the word that best fits each of the blanks in the following passage. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate your
answer. (2,0 points)
Few people now the reality of global warming and its effects on the world's climate. Many scientists (1)_________
the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase (2)_________ the world's temperatures and are convinced that,
more than ever before, the Earth is at (3)_________ from the force of the wind, rain and sun. (4)_________ to them,
global warming is making extreme weather events; such as hurricanes and droughts, even more (5)_________ and
causing sea levels all around the world to (6)_________. Environmental groups are putting (7)_________ on
governments to take action to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide which is given (8)_________ by factories and
power plants, thus attacking the problem at its source. They are in (9)_________ of more money being spent on
research into solar, wind and wave energy devices, which could then replace existing power stations. Some scientists,
(10)_________, believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere
tomorrow, we would have to wait several hundred years to notice the results. Global warming, it seems, is to stay.
1. A. give B. put C. take D. have
2. A. in B. at C. by D. to
3. A. threat B. danger C. risk D. harm
4. A. Concerning B. Regarding C. Depending D. According
5. A. strike B. strong C. severe D. heavy
6. A. raise B. arise C. lift D. rise
7. A. force B. pressure C. persuasion D. encouragement
8. A. off B. away C. up D. over
9. A. belief B. request C. favor D. suggestion
10. A. because B. however C. despite D. although

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C
6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B
Read the following passage and circle the most suitable word for each space.
Several years ago while I was visiting Athens for a few weeks, I decided to spend a whole day on a nearby island. The
weather (1) ______ had predicted that it would be a scorching hot day so 1(2) ______ off early in the morning.
Even though I arrived at the port in plenty of time, I was forced to sit on the top (3) ______ because other passengers
who had got to the boat earlier filled the lower ones. Soon after the boat had departed, somebody came round with
raffle tickets. There were, as far as I could make (4) ______ two prizes: a bag of fresh fish and several (5) ______. of
chocolate. I bought a ticket, not expecting to win as I had never won anything in a raffle (6) ______
Some time later the person who had sold the tickets announced the winning numbers. To my great surprise, I had won
the chocolate. I was naturally delighted, but (7) ______how I could prevent it from (8) ______ in the intense heat.
Realising that I could not possible eat it all myself, I (9) ______ it with the passengers sitting near me. In return, they
offered me sandwiches and (10) ______drinks.
All in all, it was a pleasant start to a memorable day with my new acquaintances.
1 A. prediction B. prophecy C. forecast D. foresight
2 A. went B. left C. departed D. set
3 A. deck B. layer C. floor D. storey
4 A. up B. out C. for D. over
5 A. bars B. slices C. cartons D. packets
6 A. again B. before C. since D. already
7 A. thought B. questioned C. wondered D. regarded
8 A. dissolving B. liquefying C. melting D. spreading
9 A. separated B. divided C. distributed D. shared
10 A. soft B. light C. bubbly D. sparkling
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. C
9. D 10. A

Probably the most…..(1)…….recognized conversational convention is that people take……(2)….. speaking. But
how do they know when it is their turn? Some…..(3)…..must be present, otherwise conversations would be
continually breaking down into a disorganized jumble of interruptions and simultaneous talk.
Turn-taking cues are usually quite subtle. People do not simply ….(4)….. talking when they are ready to yield
the floor. They usually signal in advance that they are about to conclude. The clues may be semantic “ So anyway,…”
or “Last but not least,…”; but more commonly the speech itself can be modified to show that a turn is about to …..(5)
….. typically, by lowering its pitch, loudness, or speed.
Body movements and patterns of eye……(6)……are especially important. While speaking, we look at any away
from our listener in about equal……(7)……; but as we approach the end of a turn, we look at the listener more
Listeners are not passive in all of this. Here too there are several ways of …(8)… that someone wants to speak
next. One way is through an observable increase in body tension by learning forward or producing an audible intake of
breath. A less subtle approach is simply to…..(9)…… a strategy that may be tolerated, if the purpose is to …..(10)
….what the speaker is saying, but that more usually leads to social disapproval.

1. A. widely B. completely C. easily D. largely

2. A. sides B. care C. interest D. turns
3. A. regulations B. rules C. norms D. laws
4. A. stop B. end C. start D. give up
5. A. end B. stop C. complete D. final
6. A. movement B. contact C. look D. appearance
7. A. parts B. shares C. turns D. proportions
8. A. signing B. signaling C. hinting D. saying
9. A. break B. cut C. interrupt D. interfere
10. A. clear B. paraphrase C. repeat D. clarify

1. A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.D

8.B 9.C 10.D
The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people’s( 71) ………………..are affected by IT.
Twenty years ago, few people had access to a computer whilst today ( 72)………..people use them at work, home or
school and use of e- mail and the Internet is an every day event.
These developments have brought many ( 73) ………to our lives. E-mail makes communication much easier and
more immediate. This has numerous benefits for business, commerce, and education. The World Wide Web means
that information on every conceivable subject is now( 74) to us. Clearly, for many people this has made life much
easier and more convenient.
However, not all the effects of the new technology have been beneficial. Many people feel that the ( 75)………..
use of e-mail is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face -to –face
conversation. With ever increasing use of information technology these ( 76) elements are likely to increase in the
In addition, the huge size of the Web means it is almost ( 77) to control and regulate. This has led to many concerns
regarding children( 78) unsuitable websites. Yet perhaps the biggest threat to IT in years to come will be the computer
( 79) …………..- more sophisticated or more destructive strains are almost inevitable.
In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, ( 80) ………..I believe developments relating to
new technology in the future are likely to produce many negative effects that will need to be addressed very carefully.
71. A. live B. lives C. living D. life
72. A. most B. most of C. most of the D. almost
73. A. services B. uses C. benefits D. effects
74. A. free B. convenient C. unused D. available
75. A. widespread B. immediate C. particular D. continued
76. A. positive B. negative C. careless D. trivial
77. A. possible B. impractical C. likely D. impossible
78. A. accessing B. approaching C. entering D. getting
79. A. disease B. program C. virus D. software
80. A. so B. moreover C. therefore D. yet
71. B 72. A 73. C 74. D 75. A 76. B 77.
D 78. A 79.C 80. D
Thirteen-year olds do not spend as much money as their parents suspect at least not according to the findings of a
(1) ………survey, Money and Change. The survey (2) …three hundred teenagers, 13-17 years old, from (3) …Britain.
By the time they (4) …their teens, most children see their weekly allowance rise dramatically to an amazing
national average of $ 5.14. Two thirds think they get (5) … money but most expect to have to do something to get it.
Although they have more cash, worry about debt is (6) …among teenagers. Therefore, the (7) …of children (8) …
an effort to save for the future.
Greater access to cash (9) …teenagers does not, however, mean that they are more irresponsible (10) …a result.
The economic recession seems to have encouraged (11) …attitudes to money, even in the case of children at the ages.
Instead of wasting what pocket (12) …they have on sweets or magazines, the 13-year-olds who took (13) …in the
survey seem to (14) …to the situation by saving more than half (15) …their cash.
1. a. late b. recent c. latest d. fresh
2. a. included b. contained c. counted d. enclosed
3. a. entire b. all over c. complete d. the whole
4. a. reach b. get c. make d. arrive
5. a. acceptable b. adequate c. satisfactory d. enough
6. a. gaining b. heightening c. increasing d. building
7. a. most b. maximum c. many d. majority
8. a. make b. do c. have d. try
9. a. among b. through c. between d. along
10. a. like b. as c. for d. in
11. a. aware b. knowing c. helpful d. cautious
12. a. cash b. money c. change d. savings
13. a. part b. place c. share d. piece
14. a. reply b. answer c. respond d. return
15. a. from b. as c. of d. for
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. c 7. d
8. a 9. a 10. b 11. d 12. b 13. a 14. c
15. c
Choose the best options to complete the following passage. Write your answer in the space provided. (0) has been
done as an example.
It is the nature of athletic records that they are broken and their place is taken by (0) others.
Yet many in sports (1)………………., there is a mark which is not (2)……….. in itself, but
which becomes a legend as athletes (3)………… to break it. The most (4)…………. of these is the attempt to run a
mile in (5)…………. than four minutes.
In 1945, the mile record was (6) ………….. to four minutes, 1.5 seconds. And there, for nine years, it stuck. Then, in
1954, a medical student (7)………….. Roger Bannister decided to try and break the record. He had been (8) ………..
for this day since running the mile in 4 minutes, 2 seconds the (9)…………….year.
Two other runners set the pace for him and (10) ………… 250 yards to go he burst ahead for the finish. He wrote
(11)…………..: ‘ My body had exhausted all its energy, but it (12)………… on running the same…. Those (13)
…………. few seconds seemed never-ending. I could see the line of the fishing tape…like a man making a desperate
attempt to save himself from danger...’
Bannister’s time was three minutes, 59.4 seconds. (14) …………. This record has been broken on many (15)……….
since, Bannister’s achievement will never be forgotten.
Example: (0) A others B other C one other D another
1. A. happenings B. events C. games D. matches
2. A. central B. major C. significant D. considerable
3. A. try B. try on C try out D try for
4. A. known B. public C noticeable D famous
5. A. smaller B. less C lower D under
6. A. broken down B. lessened C decreased D brought down
7. A. entitled B. called C nicknamed D known
8. A. trying B. studying C running D training
9. A. early B. previous C past D. former
10. A. on B. in C with D after
11. A. afterwards B. then C next D first
12. A went B. continue C ran D got
13. A large B. late C latest D later
14. A But B. In spite of C However D Although
15. A times B. opportunities C occasions D incidents
Q# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Key B C A B B A B D B B A A A D C
The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today cotinues to expand .This (41)____ many problems,
including serious air pollution ,lengthy delays , and the greater risk (42)_____ accidents . Clearly , something must be
done , but it is often difficult to persuade people to change their habits and leave their cars at home.
One possible (43)____ is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by increasing charges for parking
and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who(44)___ the law . In addition , drivers cuold be required to pay for using
particular routes at different times of the day . This system,(45) _____ as ‘road pricing’ is already being introduced in
a number of cities,using special electronic card(46)____ to windsreenof the car.
Another ways of (47)_____ with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the outskirts of the city, and strictly
control the number vehicles allowed into the centre.Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus service for the
(48)____ stage of their journey .
Of course, the most important (49)____ is to provide good public transport.However, to get people to give up the
comfort of their cars, public transport must be felt to be reliable ,covenient and comfortable,with fares(50)_____ at an
acceptable level.
41. A. causes B. results C.leads D.invents
42. A. of B. for C. about D. by
43. A. manner B. approach C. custom D. style
44. A. crosses B. refuses C. breaks D. racks
45. A. named B. seen C. called D. known
46 . A. fixed B. joined C. built D. placed
47. A. doing B. handling C. dealing D. solving
48. A. late B. end C. complete D. final
49. A. thought B. thing C. work D. event
50. A. taken B. kept C.given D.stood

The families (56)…our street are slowly being (57)…mad by the refusal of the habitants of N 013 to have any
(58)…of communication with them. The trouble started over what is (59)…as noise pollution. Every evening, the
thoughtless neighbors used to turn up the volume on the TV so (60)…that no one in the neighbourhood was able to
hear anything else. Not (61)…what action to take, the local residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any
suggestions as how to (62)…with the problem. A decision was made to send a number of people to talk to the family
in N013 and ask them politely to (63)…their music down after six in the evening. (64)….the visit did not turn out to
be successful, as the inhabitants of N 013 refused to talk to them. So, (65)….the advice of local police, the matter is
now in the hand of the court.

Câu 56: A. on B. from C. at D. in

Câu 57: A. caused B. driven C. turned D. made
Câu 58: A. form B. kind C. level D. range
Câu 59: A. known B. referred C. called D. regarded
Câu 60: A. loud B. aloud C. strongly D. deafening
Câu 61: A. aware B. realizing C. understanding D. knowing
Câu 62: A. put up B. deal C. solve D. tackle
Câu 63: A. lower B. soften C. reduce D. turn
Câu 64: A. Mercilessly B. Sadly C. Pitifully D. Unfortunate
Câu 65: A. on B. with C. by D. from
Read the following text and decide which word best fits each blank.
The point at which physical decline with age begins adversely to affect a driver’s capability has not yet been
thoroughly studied. A survey of more than 3,000 road accidents in Michigan involving drivers aged over 55 showed
that in eight out of ten (43)………………… it was a driver over the age of 71 who had (44)………………… a
collision by failing to yield, turning carelessly or changing lanes.
Older drivers are obviously more (45)……………….. to injury in vehicle crashes, as well as being a potential
higher (46)…………………. through their own driving (47)………………. .
Reaction (48)……………….. in an emergency involves many different physical (49)……………….. such as the
production of the nerve impulse, perception of the signal, (50)……………. of response and transmission to the
Some of these (51) ………………… more than others with age, but the overall effect increases the time it takes
to respond for more (52)…………….. drivers.
43. A: users B: points C: cases D: attempts
44. A: avoided B: prevented C: caused D: activated
45. A: likely B: susceptible C: possible D: common
46. A: degree B: chance C: factor D: risk
47. A: practice B: activity C: experience D: behaviour
48. A: period B: time C: process D: system
49. A: events B: parts C: factors D: forms.
50. A: choice B: suggestion C: section D: preference
51. A: improve B: deteriorate C: reduce D: increase
52. A: mature B: ancient C: older D: elderly
43: C 44: C 45: B 46: D 47: D 48: B
49: C 50: A 51: B 52: D
Crime Prevention
You can make life more difficult for thieves by (1)_________ your wallet in an inside pocket instead of a back pocket.
But make sure that you still have it if someone bumps into you in a (2)_________. Most pickpockets are very skillful.
Never let your handbag out of your (3)_________. On public transport, (4)_________ hold of it. You are also (5)
_________ to take travelers’ checks rather than cash when you go abroad, and to use cash dispenses which are on
(6)_________ streets, or are well lit at night.
A quarter of all crimes are car thefts or things from cars, like radio and cassette players. If your car is (7)_________,
you may not get it back. One in four are never found, and even if it is, it may be badly (8) _________. Always lock
all doors and windows and think about fitting a car alarm too. If you are buying a new radio cassette player, it is
(9_________ choosing one that is security-code or removable by the drive. These precautions will help to
(10)_________ thieves.
1. A. taking B. holding C. carrying D. bringing
2. A. mass B. band C. crowd D. group
3. A. view B. sight C. visibility D. vision
4. A. keep B. catch C. take D. have
5. A. suggested B. told C. informed D. advised
6. A. main B. important C. principal D. major
7. A. robbed B. burgled C. stolen D. hijacked
8. A. hurt B. damaged C. spoilt D. injured
9. A. beneficial B. practical C. worthwhile D. sensible
10. A. put off B. put down C. put out D. put back
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D

6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A
Not long ago, people only use the telephone to(1)………phone calls. Now, (2)……computers, people use their phone
to do(3)…….. more. They (4)…… bank by phone, rent videos by phone, and even shop by phone. It is also(5)….. to
send letters and report by faxing them over telephone lines. People can even use their phone lines to send (6)……
from one computer to another computer by(7)……. Mail or email
But you don’t(8)……. To be at home or at the officeto use the telephone any more. You can carry a cellular
phone in your pocket or keep in your car. With a cellular phone, (9)…… who can talk and walk can also phone and
walk. You don’t have to look for a pay phone to make a call any more. Now you can(10)…….your calls with you
everywhere. B.send C.make D.prepare
2.A.thank B.thanks to C.thanks for D.without B.any C.some D.much
4.A.can B.must C.should D.have B.likely C.possible D.capable
6.A.messages B.messengers C.communication D.announcement
7.A.election B.electric C.electronic D.electronics
8.A.want B.need C.agree D.manage one B.anything C.something D.anyone
10.A.take B.give C.fetch D.bring
1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C
6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A
Read the text below and then decide which word(s) below best fits each space. Write your answers in the spaces below:
Many parents believe that they should begin to teach their children to read when they are scarcely more than
toddlers. This is fine if the child shows a real interest but (1) ……a child could be counter – productive if she isn’t
ready. Wise parents will have a (2) ………. attitude and take the lead from their child. What they should provide is a
selection of (3) ……books, and other activities . Nowadays, there is a plenty of good (4) ….. available for young
children, and of course, seeing plenty of books in use about the house will also (5)….them to read.
Of course, books are no longer the only (6) ….. of stories and information. There is also a huge range of videos,
which can (7) …… and extend the pleasure a child finds in books and are (8) ……. valuable in helping to increase
vocabulary and concentration. Television gets a bad (9) ….. as far as children are concerned, mainly because too many
spend too much time watching programmes not intended for their age (10) …….
1. a. insisting b. forcing c. making d.starting
2. a. cheerful b. contented c. hopeful d. relaxed
3. a. bright b. thrilling c. stimulating d. energetic
4. a. material b. sense c. amusement d. produce
5. a. provoke b. encourage c. provide d. attract
6. a. source b. site c. style d. basis.
7. a. uphold b. found c. reinforce d. assist
8. a. properly b. worthily c. perfectly d. equally
9. a. review b. press c. criticism d. result
10. a. set b. band c. group d. limit
1. B 2. D 3.C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8.D
9. B 10.C
Without transportation, our modern society could not (46)………….We would have no metal, no coal and no oil
nor would we have any (47)………….made from these materials. (48)………….., we would have to spend most of our
time (49)….…….. food and food would be (50) ………….. to the kinds that could grow in the climate and soil of our
Transportation also (51) ……… our lives in other ways. Transportation can speed a doctor to the (52)
…………... of a sick person, even if the patient lives on an isolated farm. It can take police to the (53)
…………………of a crime within moments of being notified. Transportation (54) …………….teams of athletes to
compete in national and international sports contests. In time of (55) ………….transportation can rush aid to
. person in areas stricken by floods, mines and earthquakes.
46. A. happen B. exist C. take place D. establish
47. A. production B. producers C. productivity D. product
48. A. Besides B. However C. Although D. Even
49. A. buying B. taking C. raising D. paying
50. A. related B. limited C. focused D. connected
51. A. makes B. influences C. affects D. effects
52. A. side B. way C. body D. part
53. A. location B. scene C. place D. site
54. A. brings B. gets C. fetches D. enables
55. A. disasters B. wars C. accidents D. problems
46. B 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. C 51. D 52. A 53. C 54. A 55. D
Music is universal – it is produced by all cultures. Some scientists believe that music came before speech and (61)
_________ as a development of mating calls. In fact, there is (62) _________ theory that the (63) _________
languages were chanted or sung rather than spoken. Indeed, in some cultures, music is a form of (64) _________
history. The Aboriginal Australian, for example, use music as a mean to (65) _________on stories o the land and
spirits to the next (66) _________.
New evidence suggests that music does not just (67) _________ the feel – good factor but it is also good for the brain.
A study of intellectually (68) _________children showed that they could recall more (69) _________after it was
gi\ven to them in a song than after it was read to them a story.
Researchers also report that people (70) _________ better on a standard intelligence (71) _________after listening to
mazart. The so called “Mozart effect”, has also been (72) _________by findings taht rats (73) _________up on
Mozart run faster through a complex network of paths or passages, (74) _________as a maze. Overall, it seems that in
most instances who suffer from any form of metal (75) _________ benefit from listening to music.
61. A. was B. swelled C. reacted D. arose
62. A. one B. every C. such D. that
63. A. earliest B. newest C. easiest D. simplest
64. A. enjoying B. making C. recording D. stating
65. A. move B. pass C. hand D. happen
66. A. children B. people C. tribe D. generation
67. A. convince B. satisfy C. please D. prefer
68. A. disabled B. inactive C. incapable D. disordered
69. A. facts B. knowledge C. memory D. information
70. A. examine B. prepare C. score D. achieve
71. A. form B. scheme C. demonstration D. test
72. A. supported B. given C. marked D. remembered
73. A. held B. brought C. stood D. set
74. A. called B. heard C. regarded D. known
75. A. badness B. hurt C. illness D. pain 61. D
62. A
63. A 64. C 65. B 66. D 67. B 68. A 69.
D 70. C
71. D 72. A 73. B 74. D 75. C
Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat (1) ________
in the middle of the day. In Britain schools have to (2) ________ meals at lunchtime. Children can (3) ________ to
bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.
One shocking (4) ________ of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents.
There are strict (5) ________ for the preparation of school meals, which have to include one (6) ________ of fruit and
one of vegetables, as well as meat, a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. Lunchboxes (7) ________ by
researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolate bars. Children (8) ________ twice as much sugar as they
should at lunchtime.
The research will provide a better (9) ________ of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has (10)
________ in the last decade. Unfortunately, the government cannot (11) ________ parents, but it can remind them of
the (12) ________ value of milk, fruit and vegetables. Small changes in their children’s diet can (13) ________ their
future health. Children can easily develop bad eating (14) ________ at this age, and parents are the only ones who can
(15) ________ it.
1. A. appropriately B. properly C. probably D. possibly
2. A. take B. provide C. make D. do
3. A. prefer B. offer C. prepare D. choose
4. A. finding B. number C. figure D. outcome
5. A. standards B. procedures C. conditions D. regulations
6. A. piece B. portion C. helping D. amount
7. A. examined B. eaten C. taken D. investigated
8. A. take B. contain C. consume D. use
9. A. view B. knowledge C. understanding D. opinion
10. A. increased B. expanded C. raised D. added
11. A. criticize B. instruct C. order D. tell
12. A. nutritional B. healthy C. mental D. physical
13. A. kill B. effect C. destroy D. affect
14. A. behaviors B. styles C. attitudes D. habits
15. A. prevent B. cancel C. stop D. delay
1. B 6. B 11. A
2. B 7. A 12. A
3. D 8. C 13. D
4. A 9. C 14. D
5. A 10. A 15. A
Many parents believe that they should begin to teach their ......(1)..... to read when they are more than todders. This is
fine if the child shows a real interest bujt ......(2)..... a child could be counter- productive if she isn`t ready. Wise
parents will have a relaxed attitude and take the ....(3)...... from their child . What they should provide is a selection of
......(4)...... toys, books, and other activities. Nowadays, there is a plenty good .....(5)..... available for young children,
and of course, seeing plenty of books in use about the house will also .....(6)...... them to learn.
Of course, books are no longer the only .....(7).... of stories and information. .....(8)....... is also a huge range of
videos , which can reinforce and extend the pleasure a child finds in a book and are .....(9)...... valuable in helping to
in crease vocabulary and concentration . Television gets a bad .....(10).... as far as children are concerned, mainly
because too many spend too much time watching programs not intened for their are group.

1. A. children B. adults C. off- springs D. babies

2. A. insisting B. forcing C. making D. starting
3. A. guide B. way C. lead D. part
4. A. bright B. thrilling C. energetic D.
5. A. material B. sense C. produce D. amusement
6. A. provoke B. encourage C. support D. attract
7. A. source B. site C. style D. basis
8. A. it B. that C. there D. this
9. A. properly B. worthily C. perfectly D. equally
10. A. review B. press C. criticism D. result

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. D
The world’s first film was shown in 1895 by two French brothers, Louis and Auguste Lumiere. Although it only (66)
…………. of short, simple scenes, people loved it and films have (67) ……….. popular ever since. The first film was
silent, with title on the screen to (68) ……….. the story.
Soon the public had (69) ……… favorite actors and actresses and, in this (70) ……., the first film stars appeared. In
1927, the first “talkie” film with sound, was shown and from then on, the public (71) ………… only accept this kind
of film.
Further improvements continued, particularly in America, (72) …………produced 95% of all films. With the arrival
of television in the 1950s, (73) ………….. people went to see films, but in (74) ………… years cinema audiences
have grown again. More countries have started to produce films that influence film- making and there are currently
(75) ………… national film industries.
66.A. consisted B. contained C. belonged D. held
67.A. gone B. been C. made D. kept
68.A. join B. read C. explain D. perform
69.A. your B. his C. our D. their
70.A. reason B. way C. method D. result
71.A. should B. would C. might D. will
72.A. who B. where C. when D. which
73.A. other B. each C. fewer D. any
74.A. recent B. now C. modern D. present
75.A. many B. lots C. much D. plenty
66.A 67.B 68.C 69.D 70.B 71.B 72.D 73.C 74.A 75.A
I finished university six months ago, and I’ve got a (1)_____ in business administration. I enjoyed the course very
much although I realize I (2)_____ have studied a lot harder! A few of my friends have already got (3)_____ jobs but
most, (4)_____ me, are still waiting for something suitable to (5)_____.(6)_____, I make sure that I keep myself busy.
I look through the job advertisements (7)_____ the newspapers every day and I also ask all the people I know to tell
me if they hear of any (8)_____ where they work. What I’m looking for is something challenging, and I would
certainly be happy to move to another city or even work (9)_____ for a while. The salary is not so important at this
stage, (10)_____ I earn enough to live on, because I don’t want to continue having to depend on my parents, although
they are very (11)_____ to me. At the moment, I’m working in a (12)_____ restaurant two evenings a week, washing
up and generally helping out, (13)_____brings in a little money. The other people (14)_____ there are very friendly,
and many of them are in the same (15)_____ as me, so we have lots to talk about.
1. A. degree B. certificate C. diploma D. course
2. A. might B. must C. should D. could
3. A. full-hour B. full-time C. salary D. wage
4. A. for B. as C. such as D. like
5. A. turn over B. turn up C. turn on D. turn in
6. A. Meanwhile B. However C. Furthermore D. Moreover
7. A. on B. in C. upon D. at
8. A. positions B. blanks C. vacancies D. posts
9. A. abroad B. domestically C. foreign D. aboard
10. A. unless B. provided C. even if D. though
11. A. kind B. good C. important D. generous
12. A. close B. near C. nearby D. next
13. A. that B. which C. this D. it
14. A. worked B. are working C. were working D. working
15. A. situation B. circumstance C. plight D. condition
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.B
11.D 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A
Some years ago, my daughter was studying English at a university on the south coast. One evening she phoned to
tell me that what she really wanted to do was (51) ____ round the world, so she was looking (52) ____ the possibility
of working in another country. She had seen several (53) ____ in the newspaper for student teachers of English
abroad, and she was (54) ____ in one in Italy, which she was desperate to visit. She decided that this would be a good
(55) ____ to achieve her ambition, so she was writing to (56) _____ for the job. The reply (57) ____ a long time to
arrive, but eventually she received a letter asking if she (58) ____ go for an interview in London the following week.
She was so excited that she immediately (59) ____ in touch with the school owner and agreed to attend the interview.
She was determined that nothing would prevent her (60) ____ doing what she had set out to do. A (61) ____ days
before the interview she had a very strange dream in which she (62) ____ birth to a beautiful baby. She was a little
nervous and (63) ____ about the dream and phoned to ask me what I thought it might (64) ____ . As I knew
something about dreams, I was able to assure her that it only symbolized her (65)____ to do well in the interview.
51. A. journey B. travel C. voyage D. trip
52. A. up B. over C. into D. round
53. A. notices B. posters C. advertisements D. announcements
54. A. interested B. keen C. attracted D. enthusiastic
55. A. path B. route C. manner D. way
56. A. claim B. inquire C.. request D. apply
57. A. was B. took C. spent D. passed
58. A. should B. would C. must D. will
59. A. got B. came C. went D. became
60. A. of B. from C. in D. about
61. A. some B. several C. few D. little
62. A. made B. had C. gave D. produced
63. A. bored B. worried C. offended D. annoyed
64. A. intend B. mean C. interpret D. realize
65. A. desire B. request C. want D. demand
One of the hottest topics on the international development agenda is how to harness the power of International
Monetary Fund for the benefit of developing countries. What is sometimes called ‘the death of distance’, brought
about by the ___(11)___, allows professional services such as ___(12)___ education and training to be provided easily
and quickly to ___(13)___ areas. Some of the gains can be seen in countries as diverse as India and Morocco, where
innovations range from ___(14)___ government announcements to local craftsmen selling their wares to a ___(15)___
market. But already a huge and expanding ___(16)___ divide is opening up between developed and developing
nations. The major task facing world leaders at present is to ___(17)___ everybody on the planet with clean water,
basic education and the drugs needed to fight preventable diseases. Installing a ___(18)___ in every classroom and
linking us all to ___(19)___ must be a lesser ___(20)___, for the time being at least.

11: A. computer B. telephone C. modem D. internet

12: A. stationery B. software C. hardware D. equipment
13: A. far B. uninhabited C. remote D. secluded
14: A. programmed B. broadcast C. recorded D. online
15: A. global B. technical C. village D. shrinking
16: A. physical B. digital C. electrical D. economical
17: A. supply B. give C. donate D. administer
18: A. plug B. video C. mobile phone D. modem
19: A. the real world B. cyberspace C. virtual reality D. outer space
20: A. priority B. advantage C. importance D. criteria
Why do people like to chew gum? Some people say they like the taste____ 71 ____say they can think better if they
chew gum. Some people chew it when they have some boring work to ____72 ____.Others chew gum when they are
Gum is a ____73 ____of things. For many years gum companies made gum from chicle. Chicle is a natural gum from
a tree in Mexico and Central America. Now companies use plastic and rubber made from petroleum ____74 ___of
Gum must be soft ____75____ you can chew it. A softener keeps it soft. The gum company makes the softener from
vegetable oil. A sweetener makes the gum sweet. The sweetener is usually sugar. Then the company ___76___ the
Thomas Adams made the first gum from chicle in 1836. ___77___, chewing gum was not new. The Greeks chewed
gum from a tree ____78___ 2,000 years ago. Mayan Indians in Mexico chewed chicle. Indians in the Northeastern
United States taught Europeans to chew gum from a tree there.
People first made bubble gum in 1928. Children like to ___79___ bubble with bubble gum. Some university
students do ___80___.
71: A. The other B. Others C. The others D. Other
72: A. make B. get C. do D. carry
73: A. mixture B. roll C. fix D. connection
74: A. aside B. apart C. inside D. instead
75: A. so that B. then C. for D. that
76: A. puts B. places C. adds D. fits
77: A. However B. More C. But D. Though
78: A. more B. over C. above D. than
79: A. turn B. set C. pass D. blow
80: A. so B. too C. then D. same
71B 72C 73A 74D 75A 76C 77A 78B 79D 80B
Technology is used for the (51) ______ of human needs and production is increased by technology. Science and
technology, the (52) __________ concerned with know- what and latter with know- how, are continuously
conditioning man’s world view and have (53) ______ material standards beyond any earlier vision of man’s potential.
However, in this science and technology are too much concerned with quantity at the expense of (54) ________.
technology has made (55) _______ the mass production of articles and mass production seems to have reduced the
quality of goods. If a motor-car in the past was made to last, today it is made to be thrown away and (56) _______.
While the quality in terms of new features has improved, (57) __________is of little concern to manufacturers. In
their drive to expand markets and be competitive, manufacturers ignore quality and are concerned with quantity or the
number of products that can be sold. Evolving technology encourages the economy of economy of transience which is
fast replacing the economy on permanence of the old world. Medical technology prolongs life and reduces the
mortality rate, but the quality of life (58)_______ . Genetics has increased agricultural productivity, and the Green
Revolution that it set in motion had resulted in high- yielding variety of wheat, rice paddy, etc., but they (59) ________
the quality which the traditional variety, through low- yielding, had. Alvin Toffler in his Future Shock considers the
lowering of costs of manufacture and increased demand as factors (60)_________ for the sacrifice of quality. Science
and technology should be concerned equally with quality and quantity. This concern is of great importance since
science and technology are to make further strides.
51. A. satisfaction B. requirement C. disappoinment D. demand
52. A. before B. older C. former D. first
53. A. raised B. risen C. lifted D. aroused
54. A. number B. value C. evaluation D. quality
55. A. it possible B. possible C. available D. impossible
56. A. replaced B. refunded C. repaired D. refilled
57. A. endurance B. strength C. duration D. durability
58. A. deteriorates B. diminished C. loosens D. devastates
59. A. insufficient B. shortage C. lack D. miss
60. A. used B. responsible C. asking D. explaining

In the United States and Canada, it is very important to (56)______ a person directly in the eyes when you are having
a conversation (57)______ him or her. If you look down or to the side when the (58)______ person is talking, that
person will think that you are not interested in (59)______ he or she is saying. This, (60)______, is not polite. If you
look down or to the side when you are talking, it might (61)______ that you are not honest. However, people who are
speaking will sometimes look away for (62)______ seconds when they are thinking or (63)______ to find the right
word. But they always turn immediately (64)______ to look the listener directly in the eyes. These social "rules" are
(65)______ for two men, two women, a man and a woman, or an adult and a child.
56: A. talk B. notice C. get D. look
57: A. with B. to C. for D. about
58: A. others B. another C. one D. other
59: A. which B. what C. that D. where
60: A. yet B. in addition C. of course D. although
61: A. become B. come C. seem D. turn
62: A. a little B. a few C. little D. few
63: A. trying B. looking C. achieving D. managing
64: A. up B. back C. down D. over
65: A. like B. the same C. likely D. such as
The warming of the Pacific Ocean has created weather patterns (1)______ strongly affect the world. When the water
is warm, the (2)______ of rainfall in Indonesia and the surrounding regions decreases. Australia could (3)______
experience a drought in many parts. On (4)______ hand, Chile (which borders the Pacific Ocean) is preparing for
(5)______ rainstorms. In Pakistan and northwestern India, the weather pattern makes the rainy season weaker and
makes the area much drier. This happening is called El Nino and is used (6)______ weather forecasters to make long-
range weather predictions. They also know that El Nino will (7)______ unusually heavy rains to the southwestern part
of the United States and make the central part of the country drier at the same time. According to research, weather
forecasters (8)______ know about the coming weather with certainty. Now everything has become completely
different. El Nino itself used to be (9)______. It would occur every two to seven years. But now, this weather pattern
is becoming more frequent. We cannot say when and how often tornadoes or cyclones(lốc xoáy) occur. Scientists are
unsure of the reason for this (10)______ on a global scale either.
1: A. that B. what C. when D. whether
2: A. amount B. figure C. number D. deal
3: A. even B. ever C. nevertheless D. however
4: A. others B. other C. the other D. another
5: A. severe B. cruel C. strict D. angry
6: A. on B. by C. to D. at
7: A. carry B. fetch C. bring D. take
8: A. used to B. get used to C. are used to D. used to be
9: A. notable B. remarkable C. predictable D. incredible
10: A. change B. transfer C. transformation D. shift
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from
31 to 40.
Health is something we tend to (31) _______ when we have it. When our body is doing well, we are hardly (32)
________ of it. But illness can come, even (33) _______ we are young. In fact, childhood has been a very susceptible
time. Many diseases attack children in particular, and people know very little (34) ______ to cure them once they
struck. The result was that many children died. About a century ago, (35) _________, scientists found out about
germs, and then everything changed. The (36) _____ of many diseases was found, and cures were developed. As this
medical discovery spread, the world became (37) _____ safer for children. The result is that (38) _________ a
hundred years ago, the average man lived for 35 years, nowadays, in many areas of the world, people can (39)
_______ to live for 75 years. And what do we expect by the year 2020 ? Undoubtedly, medical science will continue
to (40) ________. Some people will be able to avoid medical problems that are unavoidable today.
31. A. forget B. ignore C. give up D. throw away
32. A. awake B. keen C. aware D. concerned
33. A. if B. so C. when D. while
34. A. how B. what C. whichD. when
35. A. therefore B. however C. although D. moreover
36. A. reason B. origin C. source D. cause
37. A. more B. much C. very D. quite
38. A. where B. when C. why D. whereas
39. A. desire B. hope C. want D. expect
40. A. speed up B. advance C. accelerate D. run
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the numbered blanks.
Everybody has heard about the Internet, do you know what an “intranet” is? It is this: just as the Internet connects
people around the world, intranets connect people within a (51) _______ company. In fact, intranets make use of the
same software programs as the Internet to (52) _______ computers and people. This (53) _______ that you do not
have to buy a lot of additional programs to set up an intranet service. If your intranet is working properly, it can link
together a huge amount of (54) _______ which is stored in different places in the company. In this way, people can
get the information they need, regardless (55) _______ where it comes from. A company intranet can, of course, be
used for unimportant information like office memos or canteen menus. But an intranet should (56) _______ important
information which people need to make decision about new products, costs and so on. The intranet is (57) _______ to
share their information with other people. (58) _______, many departments don’t want to share their specialist
knowledge with others. Another problem which often occurs is (59) _______ top managers like to use the intranet to
“communicate down” rather than to “communicate across”. That is, they use the intranet to give orders, not to (60)
_______ information between themselves and others working in the same organization.
1. A. branch B. jointed C. single D. large
2. A. contact B. compare C. distinguish D. introduce
3. A. indicates B. is C. means D. is said
4. A. information B. properties C. elements D. parts
5. A. to B. on C. with D. of
6. A. provide B. take C. giveD. bring
7. A. going B. willing C. likely D. happened
8. A. However B. Luckily C. Unfortunately D. Consequently
9. A. which B. it C. what D. that
10. A. enjoy B. provide C. share D. divide
The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write, or the ability to use language
to read, write, listen, and speak. In modern contexts, the word refers to reading and writing at a level (6) _____ for
communication, or at a level that lets one understand and communicate ideas in a literate society,' so as to take
(7)_____ in that society. The United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has
drafted the following definition: “Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and
compute, using printed and written' materials (8) _____ with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of
learning to enable an Individual to achieve his or her goals, to develop his, or her (9) _____ and potential, and to
participate fully in the wider society."
Many policy analysts consider literacy rates a crucial measure of a region's human capital. This claim is made on
the (10) _____ that literate people can be trained less expensively than illiterate people, generally have a higher socio-
economic (11) _____ and enjoy better health and employment prospects. Policy makers also argue that literacy
increases job opportunities and access to higher education. In Kerala, India, for example, female and child mortality
rates declined (12) _____ in the 1960s, when girls who were educated in the education reforms after 1948 began to
raise families. Recent researchers, (13)_____, argue that correlations such as, the one listed above may have more to
do with the effects of schooling rather than literacy in general. Regardless, the (14) _____ of educational systems
worldwide includes a basic (15) _____ around communication through test and print, which is the foundation of most
definitions of literacy.

6: A. adaptable B. suitable C. adequate D. important

7: A. comfort B. control C. part D. honor
8: A. associated B. worked C. appropriated D. related
9: A. ability B. knowledge C. performance D. behavior
10: A. foundations B. ways C. grounds D. basics
11: A. condition B. request C. state D. status
12: A. dramatically B. extremely C. actually D. accurately
13: A. additionally B. however C. therefore D. consequently
14: A. focus B. demand C. majority D. main
15: A. content B. concept C. contact D. context
6 B
7 C
8 A
9 A
10 A
11 D
12 A
13 B
14 B
15 D

Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of
the blanks.
The Mediterranean has been described as (51) ___________ largest swimming pool. (52) ________, it can also be
described now as the world’s dirtiest sewer, full of rubbish, oil, chemicals and waste of all kinds. Unfortunately, (53)
___________ countries bordering the Mediterranean differ greatly in their (54)___________ to this problem. While
some countries want to start cleaning up the Mediterranean, (55) _________have begun building new ports to
develop their oil wells and natural gas fields. Industries have now grown in all the countries (56) ____________ the
Mediterranean. It will (57) __________ a century for all the water in the Mediterranean to drain into the Atlantic
Ocean, and (58) ___________ by clean water. Three great rivers, the Nile, Po, and Rhone, all (59) ________ into the
Mediterranean, carrying lots of pollutants into the sea and making (60)__________ very dangerous for everyone who
swims in the Mediterranean and who eats fish caught there.
1. A. world’s B. the world’s C. world D. the world
2. A. Therefore B. However C. On the contrary D. Whereas
3. A. a great deal of B. Most of C. most D. a large amount of
4. A. bias B. views C. attitudes D. opinions
5. A. other B. another C. the others D. others
6. A. surrounding B. around C. in D. on
7. A. spend B. need C. take D. last
8. A. replace B. replaced C. to replace D. be replaced
9. A. flow B. blow C. flowing D. blowing
10. A. them B. people C. it D. all

If you want to prepare yourself for great achievement and have more to (31) ______ to your education or your work,
try reading more books. (32) ______ up some of the interestingly informative books and search for well-researched
materials that can help you grow.
We should (33) ______ our children to read more books and (34) ______ less time watching TV. Some people
have commented that this is inconsistent. "Why is the written word a superior way to get information than television?"
That is (35) ______ interesting point of view worth further (36) ______. Reading is a skill that is in much greater
demand than the demand for watching TV. There are no jobs that (37) ______ a person to be able to watch TV but
reading is an integral part of many jobs. The written word is an incredibly flexible and efficient way of
communication. You can write something down and, in no time, it can be (38) ______ to many different people. Not
only that, we can (39) ______ vast amounts of information through reading in a very short time. A good reader can
acquire more information in reading for two hours than someone watching TV can acquire in a full day. You are able
to gain a lot of information quickly because you are a fast reader with good (40) ______ skills. It will save you
massive amounts of time and you will be able to assimilate vast quantities of information.
31. A. contribute B. gather C. collect D. gain
32. A. Make B. Set C. Take D. Pick
33. A. discuss B. encourage C. suggest D. define
34. A. spend B. apply C. train D. waste
35. A. a B. an C. the D. X
36. A. explore B. explorer C. exploration D. explorative
37. A. inquire B. tell C. require D. ask
38. A. submitted B. handed C. sent D. communicated
39. A. inhale B. breathe C. eat D. digest
40. A. apprehension B. enjoyment C. comprehension D. entertainment

Read the passages and decide which answer A,B,C or D best fit each space.
Do you ever wish you were more optimistic, someone who always (51) ............. to be successful? Having
someone around who always fears the worst isn't really a lot of (52) …...... - we all know someone who sees a single
cloud on a sunny day and says, 'It looks like rain.' But if you catch yourself thinking such things, it's important to do
something about it.
You can change your view of life, according to psychologist. It only takes a little…(53)….., and you'll find life
more rewarding as a..(54)................ . .Optimism, they say, is partly about self-respect and confidence but it's also a
more positive way of looking at life and all it has to (55) ………….. . Optimists are more (56) ............. to start new
projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.
Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your (57) ………..... to the world. Some people are brought
up to depend too much on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything (58)……..... wrong. Most
optimists, on the (59) ……….. hand, have been brought up not to (60.) …….... failure as the end of the world - they
just get on with their lives.
Do you ever wish you were more optimistic, someone who always expected to be successful?
Having someone around who always worries -we all know someone who sees a single cloud on a sunny day and
says." it looks like rain" .But if you catch yourself thinking such things ,it's important to do something against it.
You can change your view of life ,according to psychologists. It only takes a little effort, and you 'll find life more
rewarding as a result .Optisism,they say,is partly about self_respect and confidence but it's also a more positive way
of looking at life and all it has to offer .Optisism are more hopeful to start new projects and are generally more
prepared to take ricks .Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your attitude to the world .Some people are
brought up to depend too much on the others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything goes wrong.
Most optimists ,on the hand ,have been brought up not to suppose failure as the end of the world _they just get on with
their lives...

51 A. counted B. expected C. felt D. waited

52.A. amusement B. play C. enjoyment D. fun
53. A. energy B. effort C. work D. effect
54. A. result B. reason C. purpose D. product
55. A. supply B. suggest C. offer D. propose
56. A. possible B. likely C. hopeful D. welcome
57. A. opinion B. attitude C. view D. position
58. A. goes B. falls C. comes D. turns
59. A. opposite B. others C. other D. far
60. A. regard B. respect C. suppose D. think

The Industrial Revolution in Britain was built on the use of machines in factories. Since the 1950s, Britain's
(36) have replaced machine operators with computers, and this (37)......has led to a decline in the number
of (38) many factories. Goods are bought and used much more than ever before but a lot of these goods are
imported. By the beginning of the 20th century, other industrial countries like the USA were (39).......with Britain's
exports, and countries in the Far East have been able to provide cheaper (40)......since the 1970s. Areas located with
heavy industries are suffering high unemployment. During the last 30 years, there has been a constant rise in smaller
industries (41) "light industries". These ones use electricity and are not (42) .........on raw materials such as
coal so they are "footloose", i.e. they can be located anywhere. They produce such things as washing machines or
spare (43) .......... Some of these industries produce nothing at all, but provide services like distribution. The consumer
boom of the 1980s and the increased leisure time of most Britons have led to rapid (44) ........ in service industries like
banking, tourism, retailing and information processing, and in industries which distribute, maintain, and repair
(45).........consumer goods.
36. A. manufacturing B. big C. large D. running
37. A. replacement B. change C. exchange D. automation
38. A. employers B. employees C. labors D. servers
39. A. working B. familiar C. competing D. fed up
40. A. things B. products C. produce D. imports
41. A. considered B. regarded C. known D. worked
42. A. dependent B. reliable C. dependable D. command
43. A. details B. parts C. sections D. gadgets
44. A. growth B. increase C. expansion D. extension
45. A. everyday B. home C. household D. expensive
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of
the blanks.

Looking for an unforgettable way to celebrate that special occasion? Well, the ….(1)of options open today’s youngster
– or even “ oldster” for that matter, is a far cry from the traditional party or restaurant visit. No longer is it ….(2)
sufficient to invite your friends round , buy some food and get a barker to produce a cake. No, today’s birthday boy or
girl is looking for something out of the ordinary, ranging from the ….(3) expensive to the downright dangerous.
Anything goes, as long as it is unusual and impressive.

Top of this year ‘s popular …..(4) are as follows: taking some friends rally driving , helicopter lessons, plane trip and
parachuting , and hot air ballooning . Then there is always group bungee jumping or taking your buddies on a stomach
– churning , while water rafting ……(5) down rapids.

The desire of adventurous celebration is not restricted to the ….(6) . I recently met an octogenarian who celebrated
…..(7) the milestone of eighty by having a fly lesson.

Of course, if you have money the world is your oyster. A very rich relation of mine flew fifty of his friends to a
Caribbean island to mark the passing of his half century. Unfortunately I was only a ….(8) relation.

Undoubtedly, the more traditional forms of celebration do continue to ….(9) the less extravagant or less adventurous
among us. However, with my own half century looming on the horizon I would not say no to a weekend in Paris and a
meal at the Eiffel Tower. I can …(10)dream. Perhaps by the time I’m eighty I’ll be able to afford it.

1: A. scale B. degree C. range D. variance

2: A. hoped B. decided C. marked D.
3: A. perfectly B. dearly C. outrageously D. explicity
4: A. experiments B. extravagances. C. exposures D. expenses
5: A. ride B. travel C. voyage D. crossing
6: A. adolescents B. teenagers C. youth D. young
7: A. attaining B. arriving C. reaching D. getting
8: A. distant B. remote C. faraway D. slight
9: A. pacify B. satisfy C. distract D. absorb
10:A. however B. but C. nevertheless D. anyway

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