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Appendix J – Connecting a Windows 7 Laptop Short Version

Networking Win 7 Laptop to 8200 Control

I. Configure a Static connection

1. From the Win. 7 start menu, select Control Panel
2. In Control Panel choose Network and Sharing Center
3. From the left column, click on Change Adaptor Settings
4. Right click on Local Area Connection and choose Properties
5. Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and choose Properties
6. Select Use the Following IP Address: and fill in the following:
• IP Address:
• Subnet Mask:
7. Click OK in this box and the next to resolve the settings

II. Create a new User with Password

8. Arrow back to the Control Panel and choose User Account
9. Click on Manage User Accounts
10. Select the Advanced tab and then click on Advanced in the Advanced User Management box
11. Highlight the Users folder and then select Action from the menu bar
12. Select New User… from the Action menu

**Use capital letters to fill in the following entries**

13. Enter MILL in User Name:

14. Enter MILL in Full Name:
15. Enter MILL in Password:
16. Enter MILL in Confirm Password:
17. Uncheck User Must Change Password At Next Logon
18. Choose Create

III. Create a shared folder named CNC

19. Create a folder named CNC on the root of the C: drive
20. Right click the CNC folder and choose Properties
21. Select the Sharing tab and click on Share…
22. Click the arrow and choose Everyone
23. Highlight Everyone and choose Read/Write
24. Select the Share button

Appendix J – Connecting a Windows 7 Laptop Short Version
25. A box should appear that says the folder is now shared, select Done
26. Under the CNC folder name it should now show Shared
27. Select the Close button

IV. 8200 Control network setup page

28. Accessing the Networking parameter page:
a. F7 Parameters
b. F1 Set Up
c. User: PROTO3
d. Password: 3
e. Network

29. Set the following in the Network Settings page:

Share Name: CNC
User Name: MILL
Password: MILL
Device: ETH0
Machine IP:
Subnet Mask:

30. Select F1 Save when settings are correct and cycle power for the settings to take affect

V. Laptop Normal Settings

31. When your finished verifying the connection to the control, simply navigate back to the adaptor on the
laptop and select Obtain an IP Address Automatically to return the laptop to its normal settings


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