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Personal Development Plan

Leadership Track

Name Shabeen Samnani

Team Team - 11
Cohort MBA Cohort
Hult DNA – Competencies & Skills

You have received feedback throughout this term from peers, colleagues and family. What
insights do you have about how others perceive you?

Behavioral Practice My Interpretation of the Messages From My Peers

Thinking Divergent & open minded in all situations.

Communicating Clear, Persuasive, Friendly and Polite.

Team Building Works considerately and cooperatively with others. Detail

Oriented and keeps the team focused on the agenda

Overall Eloquent, tolerant in unexpected situations. Friendly


How do you evaluate the alignment between how you see yourself and how others see you?

What were you already aware of? What surprised you?

I was aware of being soft spoken as I know I I did not know that was detail oriented as I always
cannot raise my voice or talk sternly among overthink everything and then worry about not giving
my colleagues and peers. enough time to the task at hand.

I also knew about being open minded since I Being focused on the agenda is another feedback that
try my best to think from different surprised me as I tend to diverge from the topic of
perspectives and take into considerations discussion and talk a lot.
others needs and concerns.

Priorities, Goals, and Vision
Which of the Hult DNA skills represent your three most important development priorities?

Development Shows Self Awareness

Priority #1

Development Influences Confidently

Priority #2

Development Resolve Conflict Constructively

Priority #3

List and describe a specific, measurable, and actionable goal for each development priority and
the ideal timeframe by which you will achieve it.

Goal for To take up more responsibilities and getting out of comfort zone
Development by building my network and reaching out to minimum 3 new
Priority #1 people every month and at least 20 people until August ’21.

Goal for Be more assertive and learn to assert a vision or idea however
Development unclear about how it might benefits others. Practice introducing
Priority #2 at least 1 ideas in all the courses unknown to me for all the next
courses till Aug ’21.

Goal for Not shying away from uncomfortable situations and learn to turn
Development conflicts into opportunities to create high quality outcomes and
Priority #3 results by learning to be diplomatic and negating skills.

Action Plan

Identify at least three potential barriers to achieving your goals. You might think about barriers
that would be specific to each goal or overall barriers. What might make the development
process difficult for you?

Barrier COVID is a barrier in going out and meeting new people outside of
the college and community environment.

Barrier The courses are noticeably short duration to practice this


Barrier Uncomfortable while facing difficult situation.

List at least two meaningful actions you can commit to in order to achieve your goals for each
development priority. Initially consider actions that you can practice each day and/or each
week. The Hult Development Guide can be a “thought starter” for your action plan.

Actions for 1. Reaching out to people via LinkedIn and other platforms
Priority #1
2. Writing a journal with new insights I learn about me when going
out of my comfort zone.

Actions for 1. Join Toastmaster and practice influencing people through my

Priority #2 visions in subjects unknown to me

2. Make sure to raise my hand more in the class and participate in

courses not in my area of expertise.

Actions for 1. Rehearse for difficult situations in mind before confrontation.

Priority #3
2. Being proactive and asking for what I want.

Describe how you and your team will benefit when you achieve your goals and make your
visions a reality.

Benefits of Making Your Visions a Reality

Being able to Communicate my visions and opinions with much more confidence leading
to more discussions and learning in the group from our diverse knowledge and
experience form various parts of the world as we are all here to learn and Hult is the
best opportunity due to availability of Global perspective!

How will you know when you have been successful? For each developmental priority identify
the evidence that could be offered.

Priority Evidence

Shows Self Awareness Growing my network to reach and learn more diverse
perspectives and gain more insights.

Influences Confidently Gaining the confidence to be more assertive and

respecting myself.

Resolve Conflict Facing awkward situations and being able to resolve

Constructively them without avoidance and bettering relations.

You will be more successful if you invite others to hold you accountable for your action plan.
Consistent reinforcement of new behaviors is needed to improve, but there might be many
innocent reasons why things slip. These might include lack of comfort with new behaviors,
simple lack of awareness of all the ways that old behaviors kick in, procrastination, or declaring
victory before the game is won.

A good way to invite others to hold you accountable is to give permission to ask simple
questions every week that will cause you to reflect on your actions and (re)commit to your
vision. Name the person/people who could ask you the two questions below.

Accountability 1 Accountability 2

Person/People: Tram Nyugen Person/People: Nikhil Lohar

Question 1: Question 2:
Are you writing journal every day? Have you connected with any new people?


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