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Republic of the Philippines Week 2A

Department of Education
Region x-Northern Mindanao
Santa Monica Institute of Technology

PR Andrada Building Cabili Avenue Iligan City

AC Practical Research 2
Senior High School

2nd Semester of A.Y. 2020-2021

TI Introduction

CA Nature of Inquiry and Research

There are many things you want to know in this world. People, things, places, events—
L their characteristics or qualities make you wonder continuously, frequently, or
intermittently. Marveling at them, you tend to immerse yourself in a situation where you
RE seem to be grappling with a problem or a puzzle. Questions after questions on the many
aspects of the object of your curiosity prod you to move, act, or do something to find
SE answers to your questions or to discover truths about your inferences or speculations on
such object. Behaving like an investigator, asking and seeking answers to some questions
AR about the thing you find puzzling indicates the true nature of inquiry or research.

CH Intended Learning Outcomes

After studying this unit the students are expected to be able to:
2 1. increase your vocabulary by giving the meanings, characteristics, and
examples of terms used to explain some concepts about experimental
MO research;
2. obtain a thorough or an in-depth understanding of experimental research;
3. justify the link between scientific thinking and experimental thinking;
DU 4. identify the reasons behind the differences between experimental research
and quasi-experimental research;
5. sequence the events to take place in any quasi-experimental research; and
LE 6. synthesize your understanding of experimental research through a specific
graph or a topical outline.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region x-Northern Mindanao
Santa Monica Institute of Technology
Andrada Building Cabili Avenue Iligan City

Module 1
Week 2A

PR Activity

AC Directions: NO ERASURES.Using your experience or background knowledge about the given words
that were used in the reading selection for this lesson, know the meaning

TI of such words situated in the middle of the Frayer Model Map. Explain your
understanding of the word by writing some details about it in each quadrant of
the map. Be guided also by the clues in the sentence below each graph. The first

CA one serves as an example.

AR .

L 2.

LE 3.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region x-Northern Mindanao
Santa Monica Institute of Technology
Andrada Building Cabili Avenue Iligan City

PR Module 1
Week 2A

AC #2


TI Directions:Name some famous(atleast 5) and great inventions you have known since birth. What

CA makes you say they are great? How do you think did the inventors come to discover
the value or greatness of their creations? NO ERASURES.

L ►1.___________________________________________________________________________________

RE 2._____________________________________________________________________________________

SE _______________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________

AR _______________________________________________________________________________________

CH 4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2 5._____________________________________________________________________________________
MO _______________________________________________________________________________________



Definition of Experimental Research

Experimental research is a quantitative research that treats or deals with the object
or subject of the research in a definite or exact manner and determines the extent of the

PR effects or influence of the treatment on the object/subject, then discovers the causes of
such effects. Two groups are involved in any experimental research: the experimental
group, the one on which the treatment or influence is applied, and the control group, which

AC does not receive any treatment. The objects or subjects involved in these types research
are chosen randomly or selected by chance, rather than by the decision of the researcher.

TI Classification

Experimental research is categorized into two: true experimental research and

CA quasi-experimental research. Based on where the experimental research is done, it is

either laboratory research or field research. Your manner of selecting the participants
indicates whether it is true experimental or quasi-experimental. The true experimental

L research absolutely uses random selection in determining who among the participants
should compose the experimental group or the control group. The quasi-experimental
research adopts a comparative technique in choosing the subjects.

RE The experimental group on which the treatment or condition is applied is not

chosen randomly but matched or compared with another group whom you, the
researcher, believe as having the same characteristics as the experimental group
SE under treatment. Employing researcher’s influence in sampling or subject selection,
quasi-experimental research fails to qualify as a genuine experimental research.
Hence, discoveries or findings resulting from this kind of experimental research are
AR susceptible to doubts. (Sharp 2012; Gray 2013)

Research Design of Non-Experimental Research

CH Any plan you have about a non-experimental research must have the following
aspects that take place in a sequential manner:
2 1. Specify the problem or topic of your research.
2. Formulate the research problem or hypotheses.
3. Determine the dependent and independent variables.
MO 4. Select the participants or subjects.
5. Decide on the specific type of experimental research; meaning, whether it
will be a true experimental or quasi-experimental research.
DU 6. Conduct the experiment.

7. Collect, analyze, and interpret the results.

In conducting an experimental research, first, give a pre-test to examine the

initial condition of both groups in relation to a variable, condition, or factor; second,
apply to the control group a new condition; and third, give the latter group a
post-test to determine the effects or influence of the treatment or condition applied
on them.
There are many ways of letting a variable, factor, or condition intervene or have
an application on the subjects, and of later determining the effects of such intervention.
Here are some of these methods: (1) treatment evaluation; and (2) pre-test and post-test
of multiple treatments or conditions. The first one is also called ex post facto or after
the fact; meaning, evaluation comes after the treatment. Multiple treatment, on the
other hand, makes you apply on the subjects, not just one, but also varied treatment

PR methods like using books, interview, or social networking. You resort to this method
when you want to discover the extent of student learning by means of these sources of
data. (De Mey 2013; Creswell 2013)

AC Quasi-Experimental Research

TI Usually, participants chosen in a quasi-experimental research are those forming

a class that remains as one group incapable of disintegration. The not randomly
chosen participants are subjected to any of these types of quasi-experimental research

CA (Muijs 2011):

1. matched comparison – choosing a treatment group and another group that has

L similarities with the treatment group

2. time-series quasi-experimental research – giving them series of pre-tests and

RE 3. single-subject quasi-experimental research – controls treatment and condition

applied to just one individual or a group
In which field of knowledge does a true experimental research usually take place?
SE People in hard sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy, and the like) love to
do this kind of research; those in soft sciences (Psychology, Sociology, Humanities,
Literature, Education, and other subjects falling under Social Sciences) usually do
AR quasi-experimental research. (Gray 2012; Laursen et al. 2010)

LE Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region x-Northern Mindanao
Santa Monica Institute of Technology
Andrada Building Cabili Avenue Iligan City
Module 1
Week 2A

Directions: INDIVIDUAL WORK. Explain your understanding about the text by
answering the following questions on the given lines.NO ERASURES.

1. Compare and contrast the two basic types of experimental research.


PR _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. Why is an experimental research also called a scientific method?

AC ►_____________________________________________________________________________________
3. What is the primary factor in determining whether a research is true

TI experimental or quasi-experimental?

CA 4. What are the implications of declaring what is true by means of a

quasi-experimental research?

L _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. Which is better between the two types of experimental research? Justify

RE your choice.
SE 6. How do you know when one is doing a true experimental or a
quasi-experimental research?
AR _______________________________________________________________________________________
7. Do you know somebody who has already done an experimental research?
CH Describe this person including how he/she carried out his/her research
2 _______________________________________________________________________________________

DU Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region x-Northern Mindanao
LE Santa Monica Institute of Technology
Andrada Building Cabili Avenue Iligan City

Module 1
Week 2A


Directions: NO ERASURES.INDIVIDUAL WORK. Make a written outline of all the ideas you
have discovered from the reading selection of this lesson about experimental research.


PR _______________________________________________________________________________________

AC _______________________________________________________________________________________

TI _______________________________________________________________________________________

CA _______________________________________________________________________________________

L _______________________________________________________________________________________

RE Rubrics:

SE Handwritten,neatness,clarity of writing the texts - 10

Conventions in writing(proper capitalization,
correct usage of punctuation marks,proper writing - 20
AR Of the words,grammar,content) 30 total points

MO Resources

DU Argyrous, G. 2011. Statistics for research. Los Angeles: Sage.

Badke, W. B. 2012. Teaching research process: The faculty’s role in the development of skilled
student researchers. New Delhi: CP Chados Publishing.
LE Babbie, E. 2014. The basics of social research. 6th ed. USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Bernard, R. 2013. Social research method: Qualitative and quantitative approach. Los
Angeles: Sage.
Burns, A. and Bush, R. 2012. Basic research methods. 3rd ed. New York: Pearson.
Canavor, N. and Meirowitz, C. 2010. The truth about the new rules of business writing that
you mean. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Clow, K. and James, K. 2014. Essentials of marketing research: Putting research into practice.
Los Angeles: Sage.
Coghan, D. and Branneick, T. 2014. Doing action research in your own organization. 4th
ed. Los Angeles: Sage.
Corti, L. et al. 2014. Managing and sharing research data: A guide to good practice.
Los Angeles: Sage.


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