HLTAID003 Theory Assessment ASSESSOR

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HLTAID003 - Provide First

Aid (Theory Assessment)

1. Four ways you would recognise an emergency are:
• Sight, smell, sound and unusual behaviour.
• Sight, smell, feel and unusual behaviour.
• Sense, touch, sound and sight.
• Taste, unusual behaviour, smell and feel.

2. After you have identified and assessed a hazard, you can minimise the
hazards using the hierarchy of control.
• The first level of control is Elimination
• The second level of control is Substitution.
• The third level of control is Isolation
• The fourth level of control is Engineering
• The fifth level of control is Administration
• The sixth level of control is PPE

3. Which one of the following would you commence CPR on?

• A person who is suffering a suspected heart attack.
• A child having an asthma attack.
• An unconscious, not breathing person.
• An un conscious, breathing person.

4. Four ways to show respectful behaviour towards a casualty include being

culturally aware, communicating effectively, aware of potential impairments
and being sensitive.
5. Three people that you can discuss a casualty’s personal information or
medical information with during or after an incident include
• Ambulance officer / Paramedic.
• Bystander.
• Nurse / Doctor at the hospital.
• Co-worker.
• Another first aider on scene

6. Select the four items or precautions that should be used to minimise the
risk of infection to you and the casualty.
• Gloves.
• Sun screen.
• Moisturiser.
• Washing hands before and after.
• Reusing equipment.
• Wearing safety glasses.
• Using a face mask during CPR.

7. Most industries require employees to hold a “current” Provide

CPR (HLTAID003) qualification. How often must a re-qualification be
undertaken for this qualification to be current?
• Every year.
• Every two years.
• Every three years.
• Never.
8. Debriefing is important because it:
 Helps you deal with the stress from a traumatic incident
 Helps you improve future first aid
 Tells emergency services about what happened
 All of the above

9. You have a duty of care to help an injured person in the street if you
hold a first aid certificate.
10. You are a designated first aid officer in your workplace, and hold a duty of
care to your co-workers, are you required to provide first aid if asked?
11. Based on your own skills and limitations, once you have received your
qualification you can:
• Perform a tracheotomy.
• Become a Doctor.
• Do what you want in a first aid situation.
• Stay within your training and do what is reasonable within the given

12. Before administering any first aid to a conscious casualty, you must first
gain their Consent.

13. The most common cause of an airway obstruction in an unconscious

casualty is their tongue.

14. Draw a line to match the following to the correct answer

15. Four situations where you may legally stop CPR once you have started
• They recover / Start breathing.
• Physically unable to continue.
• Continuing will place you in Danger.
• An ambulance officer / paramedic instructs you to stop.
16. Complete the following resuscitation chart

Adults & Children Infants

Head Tilt Full None / Neutral
Hand Placement Centre of Chest Centre of Chest
Ratio 30:2 30:2
100-120 100-120
Rates Per Minute
1/3 depth of chest 1/3 depth of chest
Technique 2 Hands 2 Fingers
Breaths Breaths Puffs

17. Only trained health professionals are allowed to use an Automated

External Defibrillator (AED)?

18. Place a circle in the correct position on the picture for adult defibrillator
pad placements.

19. Place a circle in the correct position on the picture for

paediatric defibrillator pad placements.
20. The location point for compression’s is
• Above the centre of the chest.
• Directly over the heart.
• The centre of the chest.
• The bottom of the rib cage.

21. How often in minutes is it recommended to swap with someone else, if

available during CPR to reduce fatigue and ensure adequate compressions?
 1 minutes
 2 minutes
 4 minutes
 Never

22. Is the following picture correct for the chain of survival?


23. Indicate what sounds you may hear if a casualty is not breathing normally:
Slow Even
Wheezing Effortless
Gurgling Harsh
Quiet Shrill

24. Why is it important to keep an adult casualty’s head tilted?

 Helps with stopping infections

 Stops the tongue from blocking the airway
 Part of the debriefing
 So they can give you consent for treatment
25. A conscious person who is experiencing breathing difficulties should be
placed into a sitting position.

26. An allergic reaction is

Generally localised and may be associated with pain, swelling, a rash or hives.
An anaphylactic reaction is

Is a life threatening emergency that involves swelling of the airway / tongue and is associated
with difficulty breathing.

27. The basic principle for bleeding control is

Pressure & Rest

For a minor wound such as an abrasion such as this the treatment would be
Clean with soapy water / iodine, cover with a non-stick dressing & seek medical attention if
Bleeding from a vein or an artery should be dealt with initially by
a. Direct pressure, rest and if uncontrollable bleed call 000
b. Call nothing and call 000
c. Use a tourniquet

28. Chest pain may be associated to angina or a heart attack.

The general principle for the management of a casualty suffering chest pain would
1. Rest & reassurance
2. Ask if they have any prescribed medication
3. Call 000
4. Position the casualty in a position of comfort (usually sitting)


29. The treatment for a casualty with a complete airway blockage is to

d. Encourage coughing for 1-2 mins.
e. Place in the recovery position and monitor.
f. Call 000, give 5 back blows then 5 chest thrusts.
g. Call 000, give 5 chest thrusts then 5 back blows.

30. The correct initial procedure for dealing with someone suffering an
asthma attack is:

Place in a position of comfort (usually sitting), if they are unable to, assist them with their
reliever. Instruct them to take 1 puff of their Ventolin, then take 4 breaths. Repeat this 4 times,
wait 4 mins and see if there is any improvement in their condition.

Name of document: RLSSWA 1285 – HLTAID003 Provide First Aid Theory Assessment – ASSESSOR ONLY
Version Number: 1.1 Location: Standard 1
Reviewed: 13th August 2018 Next review due: July 2019
RTO Number: 0854 Written by: RLSSWA Page 5 of 9
31. The correct treatment for shock is:
i. Follow basic life support.
ii. Treat the cause.
iii. Call 000 if required.
iv. Place in a position of comfort.

32. Identification of a casualty suffering a suspected stroke can be

summarised as F.A.S.T.

F.A.S.T. stands for Face, Arm, Speech, Time

Treatment for a stroke consists of
1. If conscious sit casualty upright.
2. 000.
3. Monitor ABC.
4. Treat any injuries.
5. Talk and reassure.

33. The correct treatment for a casualty who has an embedded object in their abdomen is

Primary survey, do not remove object, lay casualty down, pad around object,
reassure, keep warm.
Primary survey, do not remove object, have casualty sit in a chair, pad around
object, reassure, keep warm.
Primary survey, do not remove object, have casualty walk to shade or first aid
room, pad around object, reassure, keep warm.

34. The correct treatment for burns is:

Cool the area with running water for a minimum of 20 minutes and apply a sterile non
stick dressing.

35. Poisons can enter the body through absorption, inhalation, injection or ingestion.

36. Employees must take reasonable care to protect themselves and others in the workplace.

37. The correct treatment for a casualty suffering hyperventilation is rest and reassurance, instruct
to try and lower breathing rate, remove from cause and call 000 if condition worsens.

38. A casualty has been bitten by a snake. The correct treatment is:
Using compression bandages at least 10-15cm wide, bandage the entire limb,
immobilise the limb.
Using compression bandages at least 10-15cm wide, bandage the extremity
towards the torso, immobilise the limb.
Suck the poison out using a commercially available sucker.
Cut the skin around the bite site and encouraging bleeding.

Name of document: RLSSWA 1285 – HLTAID003 Provide First Aid Theory Assessment – ASSESSOR ONLY
Version Number: 1.1 Location: Standard 1
Reviewed: 13th August 2018 Next review due: July 2019
RTO Number: 0854 Written by: RLSSWA Page 6 of 9
39. A casualty suffering from heat exhaustion needs
Fluids in small amounts to prevent dehydration.
A massage to prevent muscle cramps.
An ambulance immediately.
Salt tablets.

40. Hypothermia is a serious medical condition that occurs when the body temperature
falls below 35 degrees.

Hyperthermia is a serious medical condition that occurs when the body temperature rises above 40

The correct treatment for someone who is in hypothermia is:

1. Move to a dry place.
2. Remove all wet clothing and replace with dry clothing.
3. Call 000 if temp does not raise.

41. You come across a casualty who is having a seizure, the correct treatment is to immediately
restrain them as to protect them from further injury.

42. The correct order of treatment for someone who has suffered a minor soft tissue injury is:

Referral – Ice – Compression – Elevation – Rest


43. You come across a casualty who has suffered a crush injury over their abdomen. It is a
tree branch that you can safely lift and move yourself. You should:
Leave it and call an ambulance.
Leave it and have them wiggle free.
Remove it as soon as possible.

44. The correct treatment for a head injury that results in blood coming from their left ear is to place
a wound dressing lightly over their left ear, and have them if required lay injured side down.

45. You have a casualty that has a penetrating eye injury. The correct treatment would be:
Pull it out and cover the eye.
Leave it in and have them sit up.
Do nothing, eyes heal fast.
Leave it in, bandage around the object, 000, lay them down with head tilted slightly up.

46. The correct treatment for a needle stick injury is to wash the site with warm soapy water,
apply an antiseptic and dressing, seek medical aid as soon ass possible.


47. A casualty has dislocated their shoulder, they ask you to pop it back in. You are able to do this:


Name of document: RLSSWA 1285 – HLTAID003 Provide First Aid Theory Assessment – ASSESSOR ONLY
Version Number: 1.1 Location: Standard 1
Reviewed: 13th August 2018 Next review due: July 2019
RTO Number: 0854 Written by: RLSSWA Page 7 of 9
48. Three types of fractures include:
Open, closed and complicated
Dislocated, open and closed

The general principle for their treatment is

1. Control any bleeding.
2. Splint / immobilise.
3. Support / sling.

49. A febrile convulsion is caused by:

Extreme body temperatures, generally seen in children up to the age of 6.

A seizure is generally caused by

Excessive and abnormal brain activity.

50. What is the treatment for a responsive casualty suffering from hypoglycaemia?
Give them nothing.
Monitor their condition.
Give them their insulin.
Give them something sugary and seek medical assistance.

51.Drowning is a process that has the results in either a fatality or a non-fatality drowning.
Drowning is defined as a breathing impairment due to immersion in a liquid.
Common signs and symptoms of someone that has suffered a non-fatal drowning include:
Shortness of breath.
Breathing difficulties.
Altered conscious state.
Discolouration of skin.
Vomiting / regurgitation.


52. A secondary survey is a systematic head to toe check looking for other injuries. During this
process the first aider should be feeling for deformities, looking for blood and asking questions.

Name of document: RLSSWA 1285 – HLTAID003 Provide First Aid Theory Assessment – ASSESSOR ONLY
Version Number: 1.1 Location: Standard 1
Reviewed: 13th August 2018 Next review due: July 2019
RTO Number: 0854 Written by: RLSSWA Page 8 of 9

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