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FS 6

Learning Episode

My Learning Essentials

What are some personal qualities of Good Teacher?

1. Intelligence- ability to make sound decision , analyze , make judgement, make

solutions, possess higher order thinking skills, and other types of intelligence. The
teacher is intelligent.
2. Compassion-natural quality to empathize, to feel what others feel, to be tolerant of
others. The teacher is compassionate.
3. Emotional Stability- ability to calm under pressure, cheerful and optimistic, level
headed. The teacher is emotionally stable.
4. Innovativeness- natural tendency to create new things, modify existing ones
imaginative, finds solutions to problems quickly, and makes use of available
materials. The teacher is innovative.
5. Fairness-natural attribute to look at both sides of the issue before making judgement,
gives equal chances for both sides to be heard, removes personal biases. The teacher
is fair.
6. Self-confidence- natural tendency to feel” I can do it”, works alone, determined to
succeed. The teacher is self-confident.
7. Cooperativeness- natural action to work together with others, willing to share. The
teacher is cooperative.
8. Buoyancy- ability to survive in difficult situation, balances life, optimistic and
cheerful. The teacher is buoyant.
9. Reliability- attribute demonstrated by dependability, sincerity and honesty. The
teacher is reliable.

My Learning Activities
Activity 1 Am I This Person?
Name: Jerick M. Lapurga
School:Who am I as
Sultan a person?
Kudarat StateDo I have personal qualities that will make a better teacher
someday? The
Semester: qualities listed are some of the many attributes but you will add to this later.
1st Semester
Look into yourself very well and
AM answer each item very honestly. All your answers are
correct, so you do need to Bilbao,
worry. 2010 (shortened version, 2014)
Below are indicators of personal qualities which may describe YOU. Place a check (/)
mark in Box if the indicator fits you most of the time or an ex (X) mark if the description does
not fits you most of the time. Identify your quality by choosing the appropriate label in Box C.
Write the letter in Box B. You may use the letter more than once for your answer; Just leave
the item that you marked X.
Box B
Box A Match the checked mark with
Personal Attribute appropriate Label in Box C (write
Box C
Indicator letter only)
Personal Quality Label
1. I am mentally  A. BOUYANCY/Buoyant
2. I very imaginative  H
for new ideas.
3. I like to try out  H B. INTELLEGENCE/ Intelligent
new things.
4. I appreciate other  D
5. I am tolerant other  D C. SELF-CONFEDENCE/ Self-
people. confident
6. I adjust to different  A
7. I look at the  A D. COMPASSION/
brighter side of Compassionate
8. I don’t consider  F
myself as better
than other.
Box A Box B Box C
Personal Attributes Match the checked mark Personal Quality Label
Indicator with appropriate Label in
Box C (write Letter only)

9.I share privileges with  D, E

10. I give personal time for  E Cooperate
the group.

11. I make it a point to do the  I

job well.

12. I make quick solutions to X

problems. F. FAIRNESS/Fair

13. I volunteer to do task for  E


14. I work for the group even  E

without affirmation in return.
15. I am calm in the midst of  G Emotionally Stable.

16. I am dependable on a  I
given task.

17. I give equal chance to  F H. INNOVATIVENESS/

the others to be heard. Innovative

18. I am sure of what I do. 

19. I hold my anger even  G

when provoked.

20. I am punctual in  I I. RELIABILITY/ Reliable

Activity 2
Personal Qualities of an Experienced Teacher Checklist

With the use of the interview checklist attached, get the information about the
teacher. Ask permission to observe the teacher in her/his classroom and add other
personal qualities that you have observed which are not included in the checklist.
Request for a picture of the teacher as part of your portfolio entry. Use the picture
as part of your photo Essay.
Identify and label the characteristics/attributes of checked indicators like
Compassion, Intelligence, Fairness, and others as shown in Activity 1. List other
observed attributes in the box to the right. With other attributes that you have added,
make a Photo Essay about the teacher. Place the picture of the teacher on top of the
photo essay.

Personal Qualities of an Experienced Teacher Checklist

Personal Qualities Check Put Labels of quality

those observed
The Experienced Teacher: 
1. Is mentally alert  INTELLIGENCE
2. Is very imaginative  INNOVATIVENESS
3. Tries out new things  INNOVATIVENESS
4. Appreciates other people.  COMPASSION
5. Tolerates other people.  COMPASSION
6. Adjusts to different situation  BUOYANCY
7. Looks at the brighter side of life.  BUOYANCY
8. Does not consider self as better  FAIRNESS
than others.
9. Shares privileges with others  COMPASSION
10. Gives up personal time for the  COOPERATIVENESS
11. Sees to it that she/he does job well  COMPASSION
12. Makes quick solutions to problems  INTELLIGENCE
13. Volunteers to do task for others  COOPERATIVENESS
14. Works for the group even without  COOPERATIVENESS
being affirmed return
15. Is calm in the midst of chaos  BUOYANCY
16. Is dependable on a given task  RELIABILITY
17. Gives equal chance for other to be  FAIRNESS
18. Is sure of what he/she does  INTELLIGENCE
19. Holds anger even when provoke  EMOTIONAL
20. Is punctual in attendance  RELIABILITY
Title: (Name of the teacher: Personal Qualities)

(Place the Photo of the teacher)

(Text of the essay)

The teacher is mentally alert because every time her students will ask her about their

lesson she automatically answers all the questions. She is also appreciating things done by

her students even though it is not worth the appreciation. She is always calm in front of her

students even she's already angry.

Portfolio Entry

My Reflection/ Insights

A. How do I use my personal qualities to become a good teacher? Write in at

least two (2) paragraphs.

I will use my personal qualities to become a good teacher by making myself as a

good example to my students. We all know that children are the great imitators, so as a

future educator i will do best thing and the right actions so that they will imitate that good

deeds and not the bad things.

As a future educator I need also to become faire to my students or else they will

not going to follow what I'm teaching in front because they feel that they are not belong

to the group so i need to be careful with that. I need also to avoid favoritism so that my

students won't feel the "OP" feeling so, as a future teacher i will evaluate my students

because they have diverse culture and i should be culture sensitive.

B. How does the experienced teacher, utilize his/her personal qualities to make
him/her a good teacher? Write in at least two (2) paragraphs.

The teacher utilized her personal qualities by making herself calm every time

she's teaching. She can control herself even though her students are very importunate,

at the same time she's also kind to her students.

The teacher has the eagerness to teach even she's not in the mood or she's not

feeling well. She didn’t let her students know that she is weak even though she look so

tired because she won't let her students going home without learning that they can

cherish and mark in their minds.

My Learning Portfolio

1. Picture of self and descriptions of personal qualities in a photo-essay and


“Work smart, not hard” this is the line that I always bearing in my mind,

because if you work hard you will just be tired in the last part of your success, but

if you work smart you just need to be wise and find another ways to solve the

problem and to make your success more fruitful.

I have this compassionate personality that if others are sad I am also sad

and if they are happy I am also happy because I can feel what they feel and

really appreciate those persons the always cares me and always there for me. I

like to try new things if I want to. I am also punctual in attendance because i don’t

want be late and I don’t want to be mention by our instructor.

2. Photo Essay of the experienced Teacher Personal Attributes or Characteristics
and Reflections.

Title: (Name of the teacher: Personal Qualities)

(Place the Photo of the teacher)

(Text of the essay)

The teacher is mentally alert because every time her students will ask her about their

lesson she automatically answers all the questions. She is also appreciating things done by

her students even though it is not worth the appreciation. She is always calm in front of her

students even she's already angry.

FS 6
Learning Episode

My Learning Essentials

As a teacher, one should have philosophy of education. A philosophy is a strong

belief that is translated into action. A philosophy will guide you on what you teach, how
you teach, why you teach among others. The different schools of thought or philosophies
were handed down to us by different philosophers. But as the world progress, other
philosophies emerged.

Below are major educational philosophies, presented in summary form.

Philosophy of Basic Features

1. Essentialism Aim: Promote intellectual growth of learners for competence
Teacher’s role: Sole authority in the subject matter
Focus: Essential skill, 3Rs
Trends: Back to Basics, cultural literacy, excellence

2. Perennialism Aim: To educate the rational person, cultivate intellect

Teacher’s role: Assist learners to think with reason (critical
thinking, HOTS)
Focus: Classical subject, Great Books, Enduring curriculum
Trends: Use of Great Books: Bible, Koran, Classical books

3. Existentialism Aim: Education of the whole being, as unique individuals

Teachers role: Helps students define who they are, their
Focus: Self-paced, self-directed, learner-centered
Trends: Individualized learning, values clarification
4. Progressivism Aim: Promote democratic social living
Teachers role: Develop lifelong learners
Focus: Learner-centeredness, interdisciplinary, outcome-based
Trends: Humanistic education, contextualized curriculum, equal
opportunities for all
5. Reconstructionism Aim: Improve and reconstruct society. Education for change
Teachers role: Agent of change and reform
Focus: Transformation of present of future landscape
Trends: Global education, convergence, transformative
6. Linguistic Aim: Develop communication skills in different
Philosophy languages(Multilingualism)
Teachers role: Provide experiential to learn language
Focus: Language and communication
Trends: Mastery of communication skills (verbal, non-verbal,
paraverbal or listening, speaking, writing, reading and viewing)
7. Behaviorism Aim: Modify and shape learners behaviour
Teachers role: Arrange environmental conditions to change
Focus: Learners’ and the learning environment that act as stimuli
Trends: Education for sustainable development; ubiquitous
classrooms, multi-sensory stimuli
8. Constructivism Aim: Develop intrinsically motivated learners
Teachers role: Teaching students learn, how to learn
Focus: Experiential learning
Trends: UNESCO’s Pillars of Education; multiple perspective

Activity 1
Know Thy Self: My Philosophy of Education

Use the Survey Instrument found below for yourself and for two teachers in the
school. Read each statement and answer honestly. Select among the choices from
Agree Strongly to Disagree Strongly.


(Based on Sadker and Sadker, 2nd Ed. Bilbao, 2014)
What is your Philosophy of education? To find out, read each of the following
statements about nature of education. Decide whether you agree or disagree with each
statement. Use the following numbers to express your response.

Legend: 4 Agree strongly 3Agree 2Disagre 1Disagree Strongly

2 1. The students learning should be centred around 3Rs only.

3 2. The school subjects should focus on the great thinker of the past.
4 3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world activities than reading.
3 4. The student should be permitted to determine their own curriculum.
3 5. Subject matter is thought effectively when it is broken down into small parts.
3 6.The school subjects should include only essential for all student to know,
Than develop social skills or acquire body of knowledge.
4 7. Schools above all, should develop students’ abilities to think deeply,
analytically and
Creatively than develop social skills or acquire body of knowledge.
3 8.Teaching should prepare students for analysing and solving the types of
They will face outside the classroom.
4 9. Reality is determined by each individual’s perceptions. There is no objective
Universal reality.
4 10.People are shaped much more by their environment than by the exercise of
Free will.
4 11. Students should not be promoted to the new grade until they have read and
mastered certain key material.
4 12. An effective is not aimed at the immediate need of the students or society.
3 13.The curriculum of a school should be built around the personal experiences
Needs of the students.
3 14. Students who do not want to study much should not be required to do so.
2 15. Programmed learning is an effective method of teaching information.
3 16. Academic rigor is an essential component of education.
4 17. All students, regardless of ability, should study more or less the same
4 18. Art classes should focus primarily on individual expression and creativity.
3 19. Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
3 20. Students learn best through reinforcement.
3 21. Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework.
2 22. Education should focus on timeless questions such as “ What is beauty or ”
is truth?”
2 23. Since student is learn effectively through social interaction, schools should
for more social gathering in the curricula.
3 24. The purpose of school is to help students understand themselves and find
meaning of their existence.
3 25. Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what students know.
2 26. Countries must become more competitive economically, hence schools must
bolster their academic requirements for more competition.
3 27. Student must be thought to appreciate learning primarily for its own sake,
than to help them into their careers.
4 28. Schools must place more emphasis on teaching about the concerns of
And women.
4 29. Each person has free will to develop as she or he sees fit.
2 30. Reward students well for learning so they will remember and be able to
what they learned, even if they were not able to understand why the
is worth knowing.
3 31. Philippine schools should attempt to instil traditional Filipino values in
3 32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key method of teaching
4 33. Students should be active participants in the learning process.
4 34. There are no external standard of beauty. Beauty is what and individual
it to be.
3 35.We can place a lot of faith in our schools and teachers to determine which
students behaviours are acceptable and which are not.
3 36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic facts regarding the
books, people and events.
3 37. Philosophy is ultimately a practical subject to study like computer science.
3 38.Teachers must stress to the students the relevance of what they are learning
to their lives outside and inside the classroom.
3 39. It is more important for a student to develop a positive self-c0ncept than to
learn specific concepts.
4 40. Learning is more effective when students are given frequent tests to
determinewhat they have learned.

Record your answer in the matrix below.

Now that you have responded to all 40 items, write the number of the response
to each statement in the matrix below. Add the raw scores in each column to determine
your PHILOSOPY. Record those for the teachers in T1 and T2.

My Philosophy of Education

Essentialism Perennialism Progressivism Existentialism Behaviourism

Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2

1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 2 2 5 3 4 3

6 3 2 2 7 4 4 3 8 3 4 3 9 4 4 3 10 4 4 2

11 4 4 3 12 4 3 3 13 3 3 3 14 3 2 2 15 2 2 3

16 3 3 2 17 4 2 3 18 4 4 4 19 3 3 2 20 3 3 3

21 3 3 3 22 2 2 2 23 2 3 3 24 3 4 3 25 3 3 3

26 2 4 3 27 3 3 3 28 4 2 3 29 4 4 3 30 2 1 2

31 3 2 2 32 3 3 3 33 4 4 34 34 3 3 3 35 3 3 3

36 3 3 3 37 3 3 3 38 3 3 3 39 3 3 3 40 4 4 4

Total 23 24 20
Total 26 20 22 Total 27 26 26 Total 26 27 22 Total 25 24 23

Legend; S-Self T- Teacher 1; T- Teacher 2

Based on the information taken, answer the following questions.

Rank your total raw scores for each category. Do the same for Teacher 1 and
Teacher 2.
1. What Philosophy is most dominant for you? Progressivism
Which is least dominant? Essentialism
2. For teacher 1, which is the most dominant? Existentialism

Least dominant Perrenialism

3. For teacher 2, what Philosophy has gained the highest score? Progressivism
4. This is the most dominant philosophy of the Teacher. What has the lowest
The lowest score was the Essentialism which she’s not only focuses on
the essential skills.

Activity 2 Application of Philosophy of Education in the Classroom

Step 7: Go back to the school where you surveyed the teacher. Identify from our
what is her/his dominant philosophy.
Step 8: Observe in at least three hours her class and activities. Record your
in your notebook. Write down at least 10 teaching actions that reflect her
Philosophy in Education. Describe in detail.
Step 9: Prepare this report as an entry to your portfolio.

Name of Teacher: Mrs: Margie A. Espigar Dominant Philosophy: Progressivism

Observations: Write at least 5 observations in narrative form that shows the

application of the dominant philosophy of the Teacher.

The teacher includes to her lesson what the students should to learn. She
don't let her student to promote to the next level they have read and mastered

certain key materials and she also gives an assignment that suited for her

students and she teach what are the values or manners that the studenys should

posses and gives facts when teaching.

My Reflection/ Insights

1. Have you discovered your dominant philosophy of Education? How do you feel
after knowing it? Is your philosophy or firm belief of education reflected in what
you are doing as a future teacher?

My dominant philosophy of Education is Progressivism

The practices that I do as a student and future teacher that reflect my philosophy
are: (describe in sentences)

I should engage myself in real world activities so that i can gain more

knowledge and can use it in my future career. Preparing myself in analyzing and

solving the types of problems that i will face outside the classroom. Enhancing

my capabilities and skills so that I will able to teach smoothly inside the class.

The practices that I will do, that I will reflect my Philosophy of Education will be:
(describe in sentences).

Since the students learn effectively through social interaction, I as a future

educator i will create more group activities inside the class so that they can gather
more information from their classmates at the same time they will able to develop

their social skills and communication skills. I will think more strategies that i can

apply in my lesson so that the student will not be bored, instead they will be active in

the teaching and learning process. As a future educator i will stress to my students

how important the eduation truly is and what are the relevance of what they are

learning to their lives outside and inside the classroom.

2. In your observations, does an experienced teacher practice what they believe in

(philosophy of education) in actual teaching? If yes, describe the
If No, what could be the reason?

Yes. The teacher practice what they believe in philosophy od education

because in my observation the teacher is really doing her job great and she

utilize some of the philosophy of education. She is the kind of a teacher that

won't give unnecessary learning. She gives the best for her learners.

My Learning Portfolio


1. The matrix of Survey Result

Essentialism Perennialism Progressivism Existentialism Behaviourism

Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2

1 3 2 2 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 2 5 4 4

6 3 4 7 4 3 8 4 4 9 4 3 10 4 4

11 4 3 12 3 3 13 4 3 14 2 3 15 3 3

16 4 3 17 3 3 18 4 3 19 2 3 20 3 3

21 2 3 22 3 2 23 4 3 24 4 3 25 4 3

26 4 3 27 3 4 28 3 3 29 3 3 30 2 3

31 4 3 32 3 3 33 4 4 34 4 3 35 3 3

36 3 3 37 4 4 38 4 4 39 3 3 40 4 3

Total 27 24 Total 26 26 Total 31 28 Total 25 23 Total 27 26

2. Observation of the Teacher and the Responses

3. Pictures

Learning Episode

My Learning Essentials
A regular school day is equivalent to 8 hours. It begins officially at 8:00 in the
morning and ends up at 5: 00 in the afternoon. Adjustments are sometimes made, but
the time spent in school is 8 hours. Majority (of the eight hours) is spent guiding the
learners in their lessons, which is called the contact period. Usually, the teacher is
assigned to teach for 6 hours. The remaining time of 2 hours is spent for co-curricular
and extra-curricular activities. Normally, there are five school days per week, Monday
to Friday.

Usually, a teacher is assigned to one class, as a class adviser. She is made to

teach one or more subject content areas depending on the population of the school
and the number of teachers. There are schools where the teacher teaches all the
subjects for the whole class while the bigger schools they have subject area specialist,
who teach the same subject in the same grade level or different grade levels.

Activity 1 Teacher in the School setting:

Encounter of the First Kind

1. Copy the class program of the Teacher

Name of the Teacher: Name of the school: QBES

District of: Lutayan II Division of: Sultan Kudarat


Time No. of Learning Areas

Morning class session
Flag ceremony

Afternoon session

Grade III-A

2. Record Observations

At the time you are in School. What significant observations have you made?

Areas of focus for

Observation in the School My observation (Describe clearly as you can)
Physical setting
The chairs are arranged well according in the pupils they
1.Classroom Arrangement
cater. The cabinets are also arranged well, even the

teachers’ tables and the reading corner. The room is also

clean. The room is pleasing to the eyes. The classroom is

conducive for learning, it can cater enough learners.

The displays on the bulletin board are arranged well

2.Bulletin Board Display
depending on its kinds. The displays are noticeable. It is

also updated. The bulletin board is also place in the right


The school playground was small. It has only one monkey

3.School Playground bars and broken swing. It is not clean and maintained.
Every classroom has a reading corner that the students
4. Learning Resource
will be able to utilize when they want to read. The books
are well organized and well placed.

Socio-Psychological Setting
The class schedule is well organized. Students are usually
1.Class Schedule
told to do cleaning every morning.

The teacher gives activities that the pupils will enjoy. The
activities are fun and engagingg.
2.Teachers’ Activities

The activities are different depending on the pupil’s moods

and needs. The class have a diverse learner that needs
special care and attention.

The school has a co- curricular activities that improves the

academic performance of the students
4.Co-curricular Activities

. They are having extracurricular activities for the students

to have fun and gain more knowledge.
5.Extracurricular Activities
My Reflections/Insights

1. Would you consider teaching as a fulltime job? Why? Why not?

Yes because if you are a teacher specifically in elementary you have to

think what are the needs of your students even you are at home. If you are a

teacher you are busy making a good lesson plans and thinking strategies to

be used in teaching learning process.

2. Are the conditions in the classroom conducive to the welfare of both the
learners and teacher? How will you improve on it?

Since the classroom that I have entered don't have TV and projector I just

want to add it to catch the interest of the students and to make the classroom

more conducive and the teaching learning process will be more productive.

3. After closely observing the teacher in the school setting, you motivated to
continue on becoming a teacher? What in the teacher’s practices inspire
you to become a professional teacher? How will you improve on it?

Yes. I am motivated to continue on becoming a teaching after seeing the

teacher doing her best just to make her students satisfy with her lesson and

to make them more knowledgeable that inspires me a lot. I learned that

teaching is not just a full time job, it’s a long life job, and that you need to

guide your students until they get into the top. Being a teacher is not an easy

task; it requires passion, dedication determination and love of children.

Without this requirement you will not able to teach and not deserve to be

called a "Teacher".

4. How can I improve the school setting that I have observed when I become
a teacher?

Classroom Management- I will make an L type of chair arrangement

so that the student and can move and feel comfortable

Bulletin Board Display- I will add more colorful things to make it more
beautiful and add more updates

School Playground- I will make it more neat and clean so that it is suited for the
students to play and add more facilities so that they can have more games to play.

My Learning Portfolio
1. Picture of the school site
2. Picture of the teacher’s classroom with the teacher and the children

3. Class Program

4. Observations in Activity
FS 6
Learning Episode

My Learning Essentials
Here are some key points in this episode:

 While the school is the official working place of the Teacher, the community in
the wider learning environment.
 Schools are often perceived to be the transformative agent of change; hence the
teachers are agents of change.
 The teachers are looked upon as important agents of change.
 Teacher’s roles and functions do not stop within the four walls of the school, but
extend beyond the community.
 The community provides the authentic resource for teaching and learning.

My Learning Activities

Activity 1 Rapid Community Survey

Permission to conduct the community survey should be secured from your

teacher. The same permission shall be asked from t9he Barangay Officials. It is
suggested that this activity will be done by groups of five (5), to facilitate the
collection of the data and to enhance your understanding the community
situation. Follow the suggested guidelines.

Guidelines in the Rapid Community Survey

1. Report to the Barangay Captain or Punong Barangay upon arrival in the
2. Peruse a community map to find out the area you are going to cover
3. Secure the available information from the records of the Barangay secretary
4. Provide the opportunity to go around the barangay for visual observation.
5. Interview some folks from whom you can secure or verify the data.

Name of the School in the Barangay: Quevido-Baptista Elementary School

Name of the Barangay: Brgy. Blingkong
Name of the Town/Municipality: Lutayan
Name of the Province/City: Sultan Kudarat

I. Barangay Location
1. Distance from the City (in km): 8 km Kor. / 2.5 Pob. Tamnag
2. Distance from the College/University where enrolled:
II. Demography
1. Population: 6134
2. Number of households: 1532
3. Number of school-going children:
III. Physical Features (circle the number of the type)
1. Lowland
2. Upland
3. Mountainous
4. Coastal
IV. Facilities ( circle the number of the facility that exist)
1. School
2. Community center
3. Plaza
4. Health Center
5. Market
6. Cooperative Store
7. Church/Chapel
8. Electricity
9. Drinking Water supply
10. Reading Center
11. Others(please list)
V. Agricultural Resources (please circle the number if existing)
1. Rice Fields
2. Corn Fields
3. Sugarcane fields
4. Coconut palm
5. Fruit tress (mango, jackfruits, etc)
6. Forest tress (mahogany, narra etc)
7. Bananas
8. Root crops
9. Livestock’s (Carabao, Cattle)
10. Fisheries (Ponds, Deep sea)
VI. Commercial Resources (please circle if existing)
1. Sari-sari Stores
2. Trading Center
3. Rural banks
4. Cooperative stores
5. Product Sales
Others (please list)

Activity 2 Classroom Utilization of Community Resources in

After making the inventory of the community resources, spend some time to
classes and find out which are being utilize by the teachers. Add the chart in
your portfolio.

VII. Development Programs in Barangay (Circle the number if it exist)

1. Brigada Eskwela
2. Clean and Green
3. Gulayan ng Bayan
4. Peace and Order
5. Others (please list)
VIII. Annual Community Activities (please circle if exist)
1. Barangay Fiesta
2. Community Festival
3. Sports Festival
4. Search for Miss Barangay
5. Christmas Celebration
6. Others (please list)
IX. Other Significant data of the Community
Community Resources Utilized in Classroom

Subject in School Community Resources Utilized

Science None

Mathematics None

Social Studies None

ActivityVisit the school inInterview
the communityof the
which youSchool
surveyed. Teacher
Interview a teacher


1. What school activities do you conduct that allow the participation of the
people in the barangay?
-The activities that allow the participation of the people in the barangay are

Nutrition Month Culmination, Family Day, Buwan ng Wika and Christmas


2. Are there community activities that you, as teacher join? Please name. Do
your learners join also these activities?
-Baranggay Fiesta and Kanduli festival. All learners are required to join this

activity especially during the parade.

3. What learning do your pupils/students gain from the participation?

-I think their social skills are developed. They are not only learning in the

classroom but also through the activities organized by the barangay.

4. What does the community benefit from joining in your school activities?
-The benefit of the community from joining school activities are they be

become united and produce good relationship between the two of them.

5. As per your observation, are the lessons that you taught in the school
transferred to the homes or the community?
-Yes, all lessons taught in school serve as their weapon in facing the world.
Activity 4
How is the Teacher Viewed by the Community

Community View of the Teacher

For Community Members:
Elected Official: Community Member:

1. Do you ask teachers’ advice for a solution of a problem?

80% of the respondents answered that they asked an advice for a solution

of a problem.

2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do something in school?

80% of the respondents answered that they cooperate when teachers

request them to do something in school.

3. Do you consider the teacher as a respected person by community


100% of the respondents answered that they consider that the teacher as a

respected person by community members.

4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?

100% of the respondents proved that teachers help in the improvement of

the community.

5. Does teacher serve as models in their behaviour in the community?

100% of the respondents see the teachers serve as role models in the


6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?

100% of the respondents describe that all teachers in school is very good.
My Reflections/Insights

After making a survey of the Barangay and interviewing the teacher, answer
the following questions:

1. How do you feel about the participation of the school, teacher and learners in the
celebration of the barrio fiesta?

I can see that they developed unity between the two of them. The school is very

participative during fiesta especially during parade, and likewise, barangay also gives

their all support to the school, teacher and of course to the learners.

2. How does the view of the people in the community improve the teacher’s status?

I can see that the view of the people in the community helps the teacher to

improve his status by teachers help in the activities and make the work easier because

of their guidance and suggestions.. They can also give their feedback about the

performance of the teacher that will be the bases of the teacher if his/her performance is

effective or not.

3. What realization that relates to your becoming a teacher, have you gained from
your concrete experiences and observations in the community?

I realized that teachers and learners need to be participative in activities in our

community because they also gain experiences from the activities. They can use these

experiences in their living.

My Learning Portfolio


1. Picture of the landscape view of the community

2. Narrative/essay about the community

3. Report of the community view of Teachers.

FS 6
My Learning Essentials
Learning Episode 5 THE GLOBAL TEACHER
Let us begin with ourselves, the Filipino THEWhy ST
teachers doing very well in classrooms and schools outside our country? Are
Filipino teachers doing well in our community as well? Many of them are
awarded as exemplar teachers, best teachers and models. They are
honoured by the school, parents and community as well. Would you like to be
a global teacher of the 21st century? As global teachers, you should be
excellent ones

Read some teaching skills and qualities needed of global teachers in

the 21 century.

A global teacher

 thinks and acts both locally and globally

 Have classroom management skills.
 makes content relevant and updated.
 have skills in critical thinking.
 uses technology in education.
 has a deep understanding at multiculturalism and
 has skills to collaborate with teams.
 brings the world into classroom, school and community.
 continuously grow professionally.
My Learning Activities

Activity1 NCBTS and the Global Filipino Teacher

If Give a brief explanation why you are rated
Domains HIGH, HIGH
Domain 1- Social
Regard for Learning

Domain 2- Learning Encourage pupils to come in school.

Environment  “Conducive for learners”

Domain 3- Diversity of

Domain 4- Curriculum

Domain 5- Planning
Assessing and
Domain 6- Community

Domain 7- Personal
Growth and  For self-improvement
Name of the Teacher: Mrs: Rhodora S. Lamintao
School: Quevedo-Baptista Elementary School
Grade level/Year level: Grade 3

Instruction: Based on your NCBTS-TSNA individual Profile, please check the Domain,
where you rated yourself HIGH give your explanation

No Frequency
/ Yes
Do I …………………………….. - B+ 0 1 2 3
1. Demonstrate values for lifelong learning?  

2. Teach considering that learning is of different kinds?  

3. Create an environment that is safe and conducive  

for learning?

4. Communicate higher learning expectations to each  

5. Accept learners’ diverse knowledge and experience?  

6. Demonstrate mastery of the subject matter?  

7. Make use of allotted instructional time? 

8. Recognize that each learner is unique?  

9. Demonstrate skills in the use of technology?  

10. Develop and use appropriate instructional plan?

11. Develop and use variety of instructional support  
12. Develop and use a 76 variety of appropriate  
assessment strategies?
13. Communicate promptly and clearly to learners,  
parents and superiors about learners’ progress?
14. Take pride in the nobility of the profession?  

Instruction: Below is a checklist for the teacher you requested to answer. I am a Global Filipino
Teacher. Do I practice/possess these qualities or competencies?
No or Yes Frequency: Never________0
All the time____3

15. Enhance myself through continuing professional  


How many competencies are rated as:

A. All the time 5
B. Often 7
C. Sometimes 1
D. Never 0

Activity 2

My Reflections/Insights

1. If the NCBTS is the measure of a global teacher, can the teacher you interviewed
be able to meet the challenges of global education? Why? Why not?

Yes of course. I think the teacher I’ve interviewed meet the challenges of a
global education because she has which encourage pupils to go in school, a place
which the teacher makes for conducive learning.

2. How would you prepare to become a global teacher of the 21 st century? How do
you see yourself?

To become a global teacher, I would possess a good personality to absorb

qualities of a 21st century teacher. I will apply those skills to encouraging my pupils go to
school not only to learn but also to become life-long learners.
FS 6
Learning Episode

My Learning Essentials

Some of the basic questions on the professionalization of teaching are the following:

1. What are the legal bases of considering teaching as a profession?

2. What are the requirements to become a Professional Teacher?
3. What is the career path of a Filipino Professional Teacher?

Consider these as answer:

1. Fundamental Laws and Policies

 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article XIV
 PD 1006- Professionalization of Teacher
 RA 7836- Regulation and Supervision of the Practice of Teaching and
Prescribing the Licensure Examination for Teachers’ or the Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994
 Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers’
2. Qualifications of a Professional Teachers
 Holds a Professional Teachers License
 Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education or any Bachelor’s degree with
18 units of professional education units
 Member of a Professional Teacher Organization
 Undertake continuing professional development
 Abide by the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
3. Requirements to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)
 Earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education or any Bachelor’s Degree with
18 units

of professional education units.

 Must be a Filipino citizen

 Other requirements as prescribed by the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC)
4. Career Path of Professional Teachers
 Beginning Professional Teacher- 1 to 3 years of teaching
 Young Professional Teacher- 4 to 10 years of teaching
Activity 1 Close Encounter with a Beginning Professional Teacher
(1-3 Years Teaching Experience)

1. Request to take picture of the teacher, as part of your report.

Narrative 1: Close Encounter with the Beginning Professional Teacher
(Picture of the Professional Teacher)
The Narrative will be based on the answers in your interview. A narrative is written in
paragraph form.

Mrs. Diannarah Galpito Cabasa is 26 years old. She is a teacher Chinese

School of Marbel under the advisory of grade three. She graduated at NDMU batch
2013-2014. She said that during her collage time she learned not only in their lectures
in class but also she learned through trainings conducted in their school to become a
good teacher in the future. August 2014 she passed her Licensure Examination for
teacher (LET) in a passing rate of 78%. At the same year she already starts teaching
as a professional. She makes happy through teaching knowing that her pupils learn a
lot from her but she makes disappointed as a teacher when she saw an
unmanageable classroom and also on the pupils behaviour. She is also member of a
professional organization namely the Yes Club(Young Educators Society)The code of
conduct she follow was being a good role model to her pupils and always be patient.
Her dream before she retired is to become a good mentor, teacher and worker.

Submitted by: -
FS 6 Student

My Reflection/ Insights

Based on the answers given by the teachers you interviewed, do they reflect a
true professional teacher?
1. Why do you think so?
Yes of course. I think she reflects a true professional teacher because
aside that she passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) she also has
behaviour that best fitted professional teacher. Aside of the lecture that she get during
her studies, she also undergoes training to become a good teacher.

2. Why don’t you think so?

I think besides of what she attained in the field of teaching and joined a

lot of organization. There’s something deficient on her being a professional teacher

because she has only short experience in the field of teaching.

Based on the interviews you conduct, is being a professional teacher a fulfilling

job? Why?
Yes, because she always makes sure that she is a good role model to

her pupils through possessing patience in every time and to learn her pupils a lot from


Considering that you will be a future professional teacher, what standards of

behaviour should you uphold based on the Code of Ethics for Professional

The behaviour that I should uphold based on the Code of Ethics for

professional teacher is being a virtuous person; I need to acquire good habits and

attitudes through practicing it in my daily life and also being a loving person in which I

cared for others in an unselfish and mature way.

My Learning Portfolio

Portfolio entries should include:

Narrative 1: Close Encounter with the Beginning Professional Teacher.

(Picture of the Professional Teacher)

The narrative will be based on the answers in your interview. A narrative is written
in paragraph form.

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