TAIEG 7-8 Weeks

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Founded in 1965 by the Oblates

Owned by the Archdiocese of Cotabato
Managed by the Diocesan Clergy of Cotabato (DCC)
“Service for the Love of God through Mary”
Amare Est Servire

ARTS-Teaching Arts in Elementary Grades

BEED – 3
Week 7 and 8

Course Instructor: Rosalie M. Blanca

Mobile #09300351868

This course deals with the educational foundations of Arts as these apply to teaching and learning in the
elementary grades. Various teaching strategies and assessment appropriate for each area shall be given
emphases in the course.


1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the concept, elements and principles of arts in the elementary
2. Employ varied teaching strategies in teaching arts in the elementary level.
3. Design assessment tools in assessing learning arts in the elementary level.

WEEK 7-8

Topic Coverage:
 Technology as a Teaching Tool
 Physical Environment and Play
 Brainstorming
 Conference
 Cooperative Learning

At the end of these weeks the learners are expected:

 know the different strategies in teaching arts in elementary grades
 perform one teaching strategy in teaching arts through video presentation

I. Technology as a Teaching Tool

Name:_________________________________________Teaching Arts in Elementary Grades 1
Take a look with these pictures

Process Question:
1. As an Art teacher, how can you successfully infuse technology into your art classes that enhances the art
content and also helps your students develop 21st Century Literacy Skill?

o n

Technology Integration:
Art Production:
 Students can create art with drawing and paint programs. Students can create film art with video
presentations that express their feelings that are solely created as a form of art. Students can use images they
create digitally and access other images online as a resource to be inspired to produce art. Student can create a
form of performance art.
Art Criticism:
 Students can use internet to critically look at art, ask and answer questions about art, and make
comparisons about artworks. They can use digital cameras to create visual responses to their inquiry.
Art Aesthetics:
 Students can use internet resources to research aesthetic and beauty to understand the nature and question
of aesthetics. They can use software to document and present their information. They can use digital cameras to
create visual response to their inquiry.

Art History:
 Students can use internet resources to learn about the history of art, to make comparisons about art styles,
art periods and artists. They can use digital camera to create visual response to their inquiry.

Name:_________________________________________Teaching Arts in Elementary Grades 2

 Students can also include any and all of this work and research on wikis, blogs, and websites. They can
collaborate with other students globally through education friendly websites.

Technology for Use in Art Class:

 Students can use a variety of software that include drawing and paint program, movie maker, as well as
document and presentation programs. These can be used for creating art projects as well as documents and
presentation about art and art history.
 Students can use the internet for research and interactive art websites. They can also use the internet for
online collaborations and to share their art globally.
 Students can use digital cameras to create art, art presentations, digital storytelling, slide show
presentations and movies.
 Students can create audio files to enhance presentations through voice or music, and even performance
 Students can use computers for access to the internet and software to create and produce art projects and
presentations for art class.

What Students Need to Know to Use Technology in Arts Class:

Students need to have a basic knowledge of how computers work and how to use technology to enhance their
Students need to have a basic knowledge about how to use software and how to access tutorials and help files.
Student need to know to do intelligent research on the internet.
Student need to know about ethical use of computers and the internet.

What teachers Need to Do to Infuse Technology in the Content Area:

Teachers need to design pre and post tests about technology so they can assist their students better.
Teachers need to guide students in the technology learning process
Teachers need to provide ethical guidelines for students to follow.
Teachers need to inform students on the issue of cyberbullying.
Teachers need to get professional development as needed to stay current on emerging technologies and
educational uses.
Teachers need to be models for their students to emulate.
Teachers need to remain curious and learn from their students.

II. Physical Environment and Play

Study the pictures below. What have you observed? Do you think this kind of learning environment will help learners for
honing their talent, skill, and interest in arts?

Name:_________________________________________Teaching Arts in Elementary Grades 3

Process Question:
1. Why is the physical environment important for learning especially in teaching arts?

Why is the physical environment important for learning?

A well-arranged environment should enhance children’s

development through learning. It facilitates classroom management
and supports the implementation of curricular goals and
objectives. The way the physical environment is designed and
configured influences how children feel, act, and behave. The
physical environment allows growth and
development through activities and materials in defined art areas.
Room arrangement for art
activity plays an important role in students’ creativity and
interactions. Poorly designed classrooms can cause disruptions and
negative social interactions among students and/or between students
and the teacher.
Students can become frustrated when they do not have an organized
environment to call their own. The physical environment is a direct
image of the teacher’s planning and the student’s
learning. It is where both teachers and students will spend most of
their time and a place, they can call their own and relate to. It should be well organized, comfortable, and personable and
offer a variety of manipulates for cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development

Definition of the Environment

Some people may see the environment as insignificant, but for teachers, parents, and
educators it is something that needs to be considered a high priority. Environment is defined as the physical environment,
its surroundings, and a specific setting. The physical environment will vary depending on the age and number of children
in the classroom, as well as the goals of programs and specific activities in the classroom.
However, the most important space in which activities will be performed is the play area.
Having a cozy, warm, and homelike environment in the classroom provides learners with a
healthy social/emotional environment.

Name:_________________________________________Teaching Arts in Elementary Grades 4

The physical environment for a toddler classroom has eating, napping, diapering, toileting, and playing areas. Play
continues to be very important, and learning centers become more obvious for this age-group. Areas are subdivided into
dramatic, block, art, library, manipulative, and science learning centers. Toddlers need spaces that allow them to
experiment, explore, and discover things around their environment. They are constantly moving or on the go and need
many opportunities to practice newly emerging skills.
The preschool classroom will have similar physical space needs to the toddler classroom. The
only difference is the diapering area, no longer needed in the preschool classroom.

Classroom Environment
Classroom environment plays a crucial role in cultivating creativity and confidence in students. Teachers can make
classroom environment where each student’s voice matters a lot. Getting involved with the students in the community is
the best way to give push to their creativity. Here how teachers can make classroom environment more effective for their

Permit frequent discussion and interaction amid students in the classroom.

Make time for informal class opportunity for the students.
Memorize each student’s name meanwhile ensure every student knows everyone’s name.


Study the pictures given below. What do you think do the pictures trying to convey?

Teachers can use brainstorming as a thinking strategy to help students generate questions, ideas, and examples
and to explore a central idea or topic. During brainstorming, students share ideas that come to mind and record these ideas
without making judgements about them. When introducing a topic, teachers can use brainstorming sessions to determine
what students already know or wish to learn, and to provide direction for learning and reflection. Brainstorming stimulates
fluent and flexible thinking and can also be used to extend problem-solving skills.

IV. Conference
During a student–teacher conference, students can report on their progress, consider problems and solutions, and note
strengths and areas for improvement. Teachers can discuss students’ work with pairs or small groups of students in order
to facilitate learning. Conferences therefore require an inviting and supportive atmosphere to encourage open discussion,
as well as a high level of trust between participants. Conferences provide teachers with an opportunity to guide and
support learners and a forum for students to demonstrate their learning through discussion, sketchbooks, or portfolios.

Name:_________________________________________Teaching Arts in Elementary Grades 5


Group Activity: Five Members per group

Choose one of the strategies given in this lesson and apply it to real classroom setting. There must be someone
who will act as a teacher and as students. It helps to have a topic in mind that you are going to be performing about. The
topic should be related to arts. Be as specific as possible. Use digital camera to create visual evidence of group

Individual Activity: Poem

Objective: Value the significance of Methods of Teaching Art Education to assist in the intellectual, emotional,
and social growth of the learners according to their needs and capacities.
1.Make a poem about Method of Teaching Art Education to assist in the intellectual, emotional, and social growth
of the learners according to their needs and capacities.
2. Create your own title.
3. Create your output creatively and imaginatively.
4. Write your poem on a short bond paper.



Name:_________________________________________Teaching Arts in Elementary Grades 6

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