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Smart Cities

Smart City

• “A developed urban area that creates

sustainable economic development and high
quality of life by excelling in multiple key
areas; economy, mobility, environment, people,
living, and government. Excelling in these key
areas can be done so through strong human
capital, social capital, and/or ICT infrastructure”.
Smart City
Smart City
What is a 'smart city'?
• A city equipped with basic infrastructure to give a
decent quality of life, a clean and sustainable
environment through application of some smart
solutions. (Public information, grievance redressal,
electronic service delivery, citizens’ engagement,
waste to energy & fuel, waste to compost, 100%
treatment of waste water, smart meters &
management, monitoring water quality, renewable
source of energy, efficient energy and green
building, smart parking, intelligent traffic
management system.)
What is a 'smart city'?
What is a 'smart city'?
• Smart City: A smart city is one that has
digital technology embedded across all
city functions.
• Smart City Mean of (smarter city) A
Smart City equipped with basic
infrastructure to give a decent quality of
life and clean and livable environment to
live smarter.
'smart city'
What is a 'smart city'?

• Smarter City uses digital technology and

information and communication technologies (ICT)
to better quality and performance this engage more
effectively and actively with its citizen. The Smart
City includes government services, transport, traffic
management, energy, health care, water and waste.
• The smarter city applications are major goal of
improving the management and transforming the
urban areas. The major technological, economic and
environmental changes have generated interest in
smart cities.
'smart city'
Smart City
• The concept of smart cities must be
seen in the Indian context and without
the biases of techno-centrism and one-
size-fit-all solutions.
Smart City
• After analyzing the initiatives globally,
certain common themes do emerge for
formation of smarter cities and communities,
Smart City
• Integration: Energy, transport and information
and communication technologies (ICT) seen
as parallel and interdependent factors for
smartness in urban areas.
Smart City
• Smart Governance: This aspect is the
backbone of smart solutions. Smarter
governance is enabled through more informed
decision making and participation of disparate
opinions and agendas towards overall
betterment of cities and communities.
Smart City
• Innovation and Technologies: World over,
technologies are enabling smarter solutions.
Technology innovation is helping better
collection, processing and analysis of data
through conventional and crowd/social media
Smart City
• Interpreting 'Smart Cities' in the Indian
context, following prima-facie impressions
Smart City
• Energy: Although not within the urban local
jurisdiction, energy is very much an urban
concern. While fossil fuel fed mechanized
transport remains the biggest head in
energy consumption in cities. Increasing and
inefficient electricity usage is also a cause of
concern. Moreover, the fast growing cities of
India also consume tremendous amounts of
energy through real estate construction and
infrastructure expansion activities.
Smart City
Smart City
• Cities, globally, use more energy than the
industrial and rural hinterlands, implying
that energy efficiency is not just a regional
but also an urban responsibility. Particularly
in India we all suffer from scheduled and
unscheduled power cuts.
Smart City
Smart City
• Contributing to peaking of grid loads and fossil fuel
needs is our erratic usage pattern where a few hours
of use trumps the overall consumption across a day.
This impacts the overall urban economy, having direct
impacts on the revenues of any city and its potential for
• Better energy management can not only help with
the national level Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission
goals on efficiency, but can also contribute towards
better management of distribution and as a result
more plentiful availability of energy, across the 24
hours, for growth and development.
Smart City
• Traffic and Transport: As discussed above,
transport is a major concern from energy and
carbon perspectives. Moreover, mobility is the
basic need for any urban economy. Time lost
due to traffic congestion has a direct impact on
the overall efficiency of any city, including that
of the businesses and economic activities.
Congestion management is also critical for
provision of essential and emergency services.
Good quality public transport system not only
helps curb the use of personal vehicles and the
resulting pollution but also has benefits in
terms of safety and accessibility.
Smart City
Smart City
• Internet and Communication Technologies:
ICTs help cities connect better to their citizens,
enabling better feedback and cross fertilization
of ideas. Technological solutions help model
and analyze urban issues, incorporating multiple
factors and generating solutions that have
multiples co-benefits. However, pursuing
technologies for the sake of technology
introduction is never fruitful. Technology is
merely the means towards the desired ends and
not the other way round.
Internet and Communication
Need of Smart Cities
What is a Smart City?
• It’s a city outfitted with high-tech
communication capabilities. It uses digital
technology to enhance performance and well
being, to reduce costs and resource
consumption, and to engage more effectively
and actively with its citizens.
Need of Smart Cities
• The idea of smart city came into formulation
owing to the need to accommodate rapid
urbanization of the age. Interest in smart cities
continues to grow, driven by a range of
socioeconomic and technological developments
across the globe. It is due to the increasing
number of smart cities that established
suppliers from energy, transport, buildings,
and government sectors are moving into the
smart city market, while startups are
addressing a range of emerging opportunities
in the same field.
What is the Scope of Smart Cities in
• India is drawing on the development of
smart cities at the global level. Prime
Minister Narendra Modi’s vision ‘Digital
India’, has a plan to build 100 smart cities
across the country. Modi in his speech said,
“Cities in the past were built on riverbanks.
They are now built along highways. But in
the future, they will be built based on
availability of optical fiber networks and
next-generation infrastructure.”
Need of Smart Cities
Good infrastructure – The main aim of constructing a smart
city is to provide good infrastructure to the residents, such as
water and sanitation services, 24*7 electricity supply etc. The
information will be collected through the detectors – gas,
electricity and other government analytics, which will be
carefully complied into small grids and then, will be fed into
the computers. This process can focus on making the city

Smart solutions – Smart cities are

required as it would also provide smart solutions such as
providing public data, electronic service delivery, 100%
treatment of water waste, monitoring water quality etc.
Good Infrastructure
Smart Solutions
Need of Smart Cities
3. Promotes development – Smart cities enhance the developmental activities
of a region. A lot of developmental activities such as building schools,
organizations, shopping malls can take place. These activities benefit
everybody including citizens, businesses, government and environment.

4. Housing for All – The main aim of a smart city is “housing for all”. More
than 70% of the Indian population would be living in cities by 2050. Due to
the rising urbanization, a better standard of living is required. To support this
rising shift, a sustainable model of housing should be developed.

5. Provides employment – A smart city is an economy of agglomeration. It

provides various opportunities and advantages to its residents. India is
expanding rapidly and the emergence of smart city can provide employment
for many. The construction of a smart city requires a lot of manpower.
Need of Smart Cities
Components of Smart Cities
Components of Smart Cities
• SMART CONNECTIONS is about being connected.
A smart city is one that meets the needs of its citizens by providing the
necessary connections:
• Transportation --ensuring adequate access and means of
transportation, whether it’s through well planned bus routes, installation
of bicycle lanes or the provision and maintenance of bike trails
• Online Access – understands the need for mobile technology and
access to the internet through Wi-Fi or public computer space and the
need to ensure broadband availability for local businesses to compete
globally at affordable rates
• Technology -- adapts to technology and the need for innovation for
• Community –ensures inclusion of all citizens by providing
opportunities to get involve, become part of the very fabric of the
Components of Smart Cities
Components of Smart Cities
• Being connected allows the citizens and businesses to:
• Move throughout our community effortlessly; ship and
receive goods easily
• Research, access information and take online education
courses/watch “how to” videos; reach a broader consumer
• Instantly connect with loved ones, friends, customers or
business partners
• Shop online worldwide; reach new markets
• Share files online instantly increasing faster responses to meet
customer demands
Components of Smart Cities
• SMART ECONOMY provides high quality high
paying jobs while supporting local business to
compete globally by:
• Promoting innovation
• Supporting the very foundation of
entrepreneurship and fostering leadership
• Providing an environment in which businesses are
productive, efficient and can remain competitive
• Collaborating and working together to reach
Components of Smart Cities
• SMART PEOPLE are really the foundation of
what makes a smart city. Having access to a
knowledgeable workforce that:
• Meets the needs of employers tomorrow
• Has access to information and technology
• Embraces creativity and innovation
• Explores new ways of doing things
• Are supported by community leaders, mentors,
services and programs that encourage
development and forward thinking
Components of Smart Cities
• Creating a knowledgeable workforce means
developing partnerships between education,
employers and citizens that provides for:
• Access to quality, trained employees
• Training based on needs of employers
• Increased career guidance and employment
• Job shadowing and mentoring opportunities
• Access to diverse range of education/training
opportunities locally or online
Components of Smart Cities
• SMART GOVERNANCE ensures that what we have as a
city we use well and effectively. It’s about planning for and
delivering services while maximizing resources whether it
• Making sure information and services are available and
accessible to everyone
• Planning and maintaining infrastructure such as roads and
bridges or underground systems
• Providing safe drinking water and waste management
• Ensuring it remains open, transparent
• Valuing the input of its citizens and encourages engagement
• Embracing technology to provide information to you when
and where you want it
Components of Smart Cities
• SMART ENVIRONMENT is one that is built
on providing a balance between planning for
growth and protecting resources.
A smart city is diligent in:
• Protecting our natural environment while
planning for the future
• Harmonizes living and workspace
• Balances energy supply and energy use
Components of Smart Cities
• The City of Brantford enjoys a well-balanced
community, one that provides:
• Open spaces
• Parks and Trail
• Balances residential growth with business growth
• Recognizes the need to protect our water and
local environment
• Commitment to redeveloping brownfield sites
• Community involvement in creating green spaces
Components of Smart Cities
• SMART LIVING is about providing
opportunities for a healthy lifestyle for all
citizens including quality healthcare, education
and safety.
Components of Smart Cities
• A smart city is one that:
• Features environments, services and opportunities for
• Recognizes the need for affordable housing
• Plans for and supports an aging population
• Is culturally vibrant
• Supports sports for all ages
• Promotes diversity
• Recognizes its heritage, its current and past leaders
• Reaches out to everyone to ensure inclusion
• Is positive and takes pride in its community
Benefits of Smart Cities
• A Smart City is at heart, a city; the reason for a
city to exist is to provide a place for people to
live, work, and play with others who want to
do the same. A Smart City helps people to
live, work, and play while requiring fewer
• A Smart City is therefore an extension of a
sustainable city: creating the most benefit for
the most people while minimizing the impacts.
Benefits of Smart Cities
Benefits of Smart Cities
• In simple terms, a Smart City offers these
benefits by making life easier for members
of the community. That ease is provided by
operating the community’s systems efficiently,
including physical systems (such as transport
and power) as well as administration (such
as applications for assistance).
Benefits of Smart Cities
Benefits of Smart Cities
• The benefits accrue to the entire community
by reducing energy consumption, reducing
costs, and simplifying the time and energy an
individual needs to expend to live, work, and
play. Cost savings are also realized by
community services being able to increase
the pace by which they adapt to changing
condition; the more one department learns
how to better serve the community, the faster
all departments can learn the same lesson
Benefits of Smart Cities
Benefits of Smart Cities
• Reducing the cost (in terms of dollars, time, and energy), offers
two additional beneficial spinoffs: individuals with more time
and money have more time and money to spend on their
individual pursuits. More freedom for personal choice of time and
money offer an improved quality of life. At the same time, reduced
time and money also spur economic growth, with businesses
requiring fewer resources to be financially successful.
• Smart Cities also offer the members of the community more
venues to participate in their community. By providing
connections, Smart Cities allow people to provide input on the
direction of their community; learn about goods, services, or
volunteer activities; and connect to other people with similar
interests, all on their own time and in manners that encourage
• The primary benefit of Smart Cities, therefore, is to create a
more connected community
Barriers in Development of Smart
• Most smart initiatives involve the use of new and disruptive
technologies that allow things to be done that weren’t possible

• As a result, smart technologies require the creation of new

markets with new ways of working and new financial and
governance models.

• These markets also need the right conditions to emerge: a new

innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem where stakeholders
interact effectively and where new business models and ways of
working can be created so that new technologies can be adapted.
Without this ecosystem, the smart technologies industry is
unlikely to grow and mature.
Barriers in Development of Smart Cities
Barriers in Development of Smart
• Constrained demand from cities for smart
• Recent cuts to budgets are forcing most cities
to concentrate on providing statutory services
rather than ‘thinking outside the box’ and
testing high-risk smart initiatives, even if
these might actually save money
Barriers in Development of Smart
• Business models for rolling out smart technologies are still
• Even if money was available for investment, most of the smart
technologies are still in their pre-commercial stage of development
and the risk-sharing mechanisms and business models needed to take
them forward are yet to be tested and developed.
• These mechanisms need to be available before smart technologies
can be publicly procured, mainly because they represent a higher-
risk investment for the cash-strapped public sector. The lack of
business models also restricts the availability of private sector
financing, since the uncertain financial returns and long payback
periods of many smart initiatives makes capital markets and
traditional commercial financing rather inaccessible.
Barriers in Development of Smart Cities
Barriers in Development of Smart
• Cities lack technology-related skills and
• Cities need to understand which technologies
are available and how they might benefit their
places in order to be effective co-designers,
commissioners and clients of smart city projects.
This requires specific ICT and technology-
related skills and expertise which are often
scarce within cities
Barriers in Development of Smart
• Cities find it difficult to work across departments and
• Many of the smart cities initiatives include integrating
different policies and information systems such as linking
cycling with carbon reduction or integrating data relating
to unemployed individuals from different departments onto a
single platform. This requires breaking down silos and joint
working between departments and across boundaries.
• At present, budgets and strategies are seldom coordinated
across departments and data is rarely shared.
• For example, funding for roads, rail, and sustainable transport
is set separately
Barriers in Development of Smart
• Concerns about data privacy, security and value.

• Data needed for initiatives such as open data platforms and the
integration of health services is not always accessible. This is
mainly due to privacy and security issues or other difficulties such
as the lack of technical knowledge to generate or manipulate data.
For example, the launch of care. data, a database which
integrates data gathered from GPs with hospital medical files
was postponed due to concerns over data privacy and possible
• Moreover, the techniques to analyze data, communicate it and
use it are yet to be fully developed and its monetary value is yet
to be understood.
• As a result, councils, businesses and other involved parties do not
fully understand the value and benefits that data can generate,
which makes the business case for releasing it hard to establish.
Barriers in Development of Smart
• Increasing citizen take up and participation is difficult. Currently,
cities and the private sector are finding it difficult to increase citizen
participation in the smart agenda beyond the committed few. This is
due to some people having limited access to broadband or not having the
skills and confidence to use the internet – especially in low income
communities and among older people.
• With e-services and online consultations becoming more popular, this
creates the risk of social and political exclusion among these groups.
Moreover, people might not have enough information on how the
technology (such as smart meters) can be used or see it as irrelevant to their
daily lives.
• Issues around what kind of data citizens value, whether they
understand the privacy and security implications of sharing their data
and how smart technologies can benefit them are yet to be fully
explored and understood.
"Smart cities are those who manage their resources efficiently.
Traffic, public services and ... increase performance." -
Eduardo Paes

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