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artificial workers

The entelligence artificial is reality for the humans so what is this?.The entelligence artificial is a
branch of computer science that it are systems and machine that imitate human intelligence to
perform tasks and can iteratively . Maybe you have Heard about robots so it is an option
entelligence artificial,now it is used in different áreas for example in the industries , we knew that
the humans have been changed by machine

Some advantage about entelligence artificial are

reduces failures caused by human limitations. In some production chains.

The best advantage it entelligence artificial Reduces the time spent. , It is the reason why
industries use it .

It increases productivity at the machinery level, it also increases worker productivity and the
quality of the work they do

Artificial intelligence enables robots to perform repetitive, routine, and process optimization tasks
automatically and without human intervention.

But not everything is good there are also some disadvantages

The substitution of machines for human labor will lead to unemployment of people and loss of
creativity. This is worrying and also affects.

It is very expensive get entelligence artificial , only the best industries can buy it., The creation of
artificial intelligence requires enormous costs, since these are very complex machines. Its repair
and maintenance require great costs.

I think that is a good option it , there have many disavantage and advantage but I think is only
necessary for industries that we know that they operate and produce large quantities of products
for humans. but you have to think when creating the artificial intelligentsia and placing it on an
object also contaminates the world,it can be used in a bad way to such an extent that it causes
enormous damage to civilization

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