Week 1 Plant Physio

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week 1 Plant Physiology

Thursday, October 6, 2016

What is a Cells?
structural and functional unit of living organisms

unicellular and multicellular

bring nutrients in

change nutrients to energy

specific functions


store information to carry out all activities

Thursday, October 6, 2016

History of cell discovery
In  1663  an  English  scien-st,  Robert  Hooke,  discovered  cells  in  a  piece  
of  cork,  which  he  examined  under  his  primi3ve  microscope

The  word  cell  is  derived  from  the  La3n  word  'cellula'  which  means  
small  compartment

Hooke  published  his  findings  in  his  famous  work,  Micrographia:  

Physiological  Descrip-ons  of  Minute  Bodies  made  by  Magnifying  
Glasses  (1665).

Ten  years  later  Anton  van  Leeuwenhoek  (1632-­‐1723),  a  Dutch  

businessman  used  his  own  (single  lens)  monocular  microscopes  and  
was  the  first  person  to  observe  bacteria  and  protozoa.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Characteristic of Cells
Size & shape

Fig 1: © Dr. David M. Phillips/Visuals Unlimited

Fig 2: © David B. Fankhauser, University of Cincinnati, http://biology.clc.uc.edu/Fankhauser/
Fig 3: © Dr. Fred Hossler/Visuals Unlimited
Fig 4: © Michael Abbey/Visuals Unlimited

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Characteristic of Cells

Cells   comprise   of   many   membrane-­‐bound   structures   called   organelles.  

The   membranes   surrounding   these   organelles   serve   as   barriers   that  
divide  the  cell  into  compartments.

This  helps  cells  perform  specific  func3ons  in  dis-nct  regions  of  the  cell

Allows   eukaryo-c   cells   to   perform   incompa-ble   chemical   reac3ons  


Sustains  the  concentra3on  of  materials  &  catalysts  for  cellular  processes

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Characteristic of Cells
Compartmentaliza-on  is  a  means  of  increasing  membrane  area  without  increasing  
the  size  of  the  cell,  which  are  necessary  for  obtaining  nutrients  and  excre-ng  waste

Eucaryotes  have  organelles  membranous  internal  compartment  &  specialized  for  

specific  func3on

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Characteristic of Cells
In  general  there  are  4  main  cellular  compartments:

1.The  nuclear  compartment  comprising  the  nucleus

2.The  intercisternal  space  which  comprises  the  space  between  the  membranes  of  the  
endoplasmic  re-culum  (which  is  con-nuous  with  the  nuclear  envelope)

3.  Organelles  

4.The  cytosol  (The  cytosol  is  the  soluble  part  of  the  cytoplasm,  not  included  within  
any  of  the  subcellular  organelles  where  a  large  number  of  metabolic  reac-ons  take  

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Characteristic of Cells
cell  specializa3on

an  adapta3on  to  do  a  par3cular  task  in  a  cell

The  life  cycle  of  a  cell  consists  of  a  growth  phase  (interphase)  followed  by  a  division  
phase  (either  mitosis  or  meiosis)

A  cell  specializes  while  in  interphase,  the  process  in  which  a  cell  becomes  specialized  
is  called  differen3a3on  and  occurs  when  the  cell  selec-vely  ac3vates  or  inac3vates  
specific  genes.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Characteristic of Cells
cell  specializa3on

Melanocytes:   specialized   skin   cell   which  

produce   melanin,   the   pigment   that   gives  
skin   color   and   protects   the   DNA   in   skin  
cells  from  UV  radia-on

Red   Blood   Cells:   specialized   cell   of  

circulatory   system.   The   most   common  
component   of   blood.   RBCs   carry   oxygen  
from  the  lungs  to  body  cells.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Characteristic of Cells
cell  specializa3on

Sperm   cells:   specialized   cell   of   male  

reproduc-ve   system.   The   func-on   of  
sperm   cells   is   to   deliver   the   paternal  
(father)   contribu-on   of   chromosomes   to  
the  ovum  (egg)

Adipocytes:   They   are   fat   cells   located   under   the  

skin  (subcutaneous   fat),  above  the  kidneys,  and  in  
the   liver   and   muscles.   They   insulate,   provide  
cushion,  and  most  importantly  store  energy  in  the  
form  of  triglycerides

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Basic Structure of Cell
cell border, regulates cellular
internal environment

consists of semi-fluid medium
(cytosol) where organelles are

consists of genetics materials of
the organism

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Prokaryotic Cell
Greek   word  Pro  means  “before”   and  karyon  means  

They   are   the   most   abundant   organisms   on   earth  

and   fall   into   two   dis-nct   groups,   the   bacteria   (or  
eubacteria)  and  the  archaea  (or  archaebacteria).

A   prokaryo-c   cell   does   not   contain   a   membrane-­‐

bound   nucleus   and   other   membrane   enclosed  

Each   prokaryo-c   cell   is   surrounded   by   a   plasma  


Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Prokaryotic Cell
The  cell  has  no  subcellular  organelles,  only  
infoldings  of  the  plasma  membrane  called  

The  deoxyribonucleic  acid  (DNA)  is  condensed  

within  the  cytosol  to  form  the  nucleoid  

Size-­‐  Smaller  (1-­‐10  um)    

Do  not  undergo  endocytosis  and  exocytosis  


Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Eukaryotic Cell
Greek   word   Eu   means   “true”   and   karyon   means  

They   have   a   membrane-­‐bound   nucleus   and   a  

number   of   other   membrane-­‐bound   subcellular  
(internal)   organelles,   each   of   which   has   a   specific  

The   plasma   membrane   surrounds   the   cell,  

separa-ng  it  from  the  external  environment

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Eukaryotic Cell
The   nucleus   stores   the   cell’s   gene-c   informa-on  
as  DNA  in  chromosomes.  

The   nucleolus   within   the   nucleus   is   the   site   of  

ribosomal  ribonucleic  acid  (rRNA)  synthesis

Besides,  it  also  have  specialized  organelles   such  as  

endoplasmic   re-culum,   golgi   apparatus,  
mitochondria,   chloroplast   (plant),   lysosomes  
(animal),   peroxisomes,   cell   wall   (plant),   vacuole  

Size-­‐  Bigger  (10-­‐100  um)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cell

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cell

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cell

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cell

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cell

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cell

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cell

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics: Plant Cell

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics: Plant Cell

Tissue System Component

and Functions Tissues

Dermal Tissue System

-Protection Epidermis
-Prevent water loss

Ground Tissue System

-Photosynthesis Paranchyma
-Food storage Collenchyma
-Regeneration Sclerenchyma

Vascular Tissue System

-Transport of water and Xylem
-Transport of nutrient

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Cell Wall Membrane

Cell wall Chemical composition

Biological membranes of Plant cell are phospholipid

bilayer that contain proteins

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Nucleus
diameter  5  um,  nucleus   is  bounded  by  two  membranes,  the  inner   and  outer  
nuclear  membranes.  Semifluid  in  nucleus-­‐nucleoplasm

These  two  membranes  fuse  together  at  the  nuclear  pores

The   outer   nuclear   membrane   is   o^en   con-nuous   with   the   rough  

endoplasmic  re-culum  (RER)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Nucleus
Within  the  nucleus  the  DNA  is   3ghtly   coiled  around  histone  proteins  and  organized  
into  coiled  complexes  called  chromosomes  -­‐helps  in  Cell  division  &  cell  replica-on

nucleolus,  a   subregion  of  the   nucleus  which  is  the  site  of  ribosomal  ribonucleic  acid  
(rRNA)  synthesis.

Synthesized   molecules   [messenger   ribonucleic   acid   (mRNA),   proteins,   ribosomes,  

etc.]   can   move   between   the   nucleus   and   the   cytosol   through   nuclear   pores  
(transport  regulatory  factor  &  gene  products)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Endoplasmic Reticulum
The   endoplasmic   re3culum   (ER)   is   an   interconnected  
network  of  membrane  vesicles.

a  network  of  tubules  &  membranous  sack  called  cisternae

There  are  2  types  of  ER:    

Rough   ER   -­‐   studded   with   ribosomes;   sites   of   membrane  
and  secretory  protein  biosynthesis,
Lumen   of   the   RER   have   enzymes   involved   in   the  
posWransla3onal   modifica-on   (glycosyla-on,   proteolysis,  
etc.)  of  membrane  and  secretory  proteins

Smooth   ER   -­‐   without   ribosomes;   site   of   phospholipid  

biosynthesis   &   metabolisms,   carbohydrates   metabolism,  
&  detoxifica3on  reac-on

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Golgi apparatus

a   stack   of   flaWened   membranous   sacs   (cisternae)  

center  for   produc-on,  storage,  sor-ng   &  transport  of  
ER  products

vesicles   from   the   ER,   containing   membrane   and  

secretory   proteins,   fuse   with   the   Golgi   apparatus  
and   release   their   contents   into   it   through   Cis   face  
(reciever),  further  posWransla3onal  modifica3ons  to  
these   proteins   take   place   and  they   are   then   sorted  
and  packaged  into  different  vesicles

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Golgi apparatus
A^er   modifica-on,   these   vesicles   bud   off   from   the  
Golgi   apparatus   through   trans   face   and   are  
transported  through  the  cytosol
eventually  fusing  either   with   the  plasma  membrane  
to  release   their  contents   into  the  extracellular  space  
(a   by   exocytosis)   or   with   other   internal   organelles  
(e.g.  lysosomes).

Golgi   apparatus   helps   in   forma3on   of   plasma  

membrane  and  lysosome  membrane

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Mitocondria
Called   as   “Power   house  of  the   cell”  1-­‐10   um  
in   length   (site   of   cellular   respira-on)   and  
Semiautonomous   organelle   -­‐   own   DNA,  
ribosome,  enzyme

Has   intermembrane   space   between   the  

inner   and   an   outer   membrane.   The   outer  
membrane   contains   porin   proteins   which  
make   it  permeable  to   molecules  of  up  to  10  

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Mitocondria
The  inner  membrane,   less  permeable,   has  large  
infoldings   called  cristae   which  protrude   into   the  
central  matrix  (fluid  filled)

In   the   matrix,   the   mitochondrial   DNA   encodes  

some  of  the  mitochondrial  proteins

The   inner   membrane   is   the   site   of   oxida-ve  

phosphoryla-on   and   electron   transport  
involved  in  ATP  produc3on

The   central   matrix   is   the   site   of   numerous  

metabolic   reac3ons   including   the   citric   acid  
cycle  and  fafy  acid  breakdown

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Mitocondria
The  inner  membrane,   less  permeable,   has  large  
infoldings   called  cristae   which  protrude   into   the  
central  matrix  (fluid  filled)

In   the   matrix,   the   mitochondrial   DNA   encodes  

some  of  the  mitochondrial  proteins

The   inner   membrane   is   the   site   of   oxida-ve  

phosphoryla-on   and   electron   transport  
involved  in  ATP  produc3on

The   central   matrix   is   the   site   of   numerous  

metabolic   reac3ons   including   the   citric   acid  
cycle  and  fafy  acid  breakdown

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Chloroplast
5-­‐10   um   in   length,   Chloroplast-­‐green   plas3d   (for   photosynthesis).   The   Chromoplast-­‐
colored  plas3d  (for  pigment  produc-on-­‐yellowish  autumn  colour,  young  leaves)

have   inner   and   outer   membranes,   They   have   separate   internal   membrane  
(interconnected  vesicles  flafened  to  form  discs)  called  thylakoid.

The  thylakoid  vesicles  stacked  upon  each  other  to  form  grana.   The  space  surrounding   the  
thylakoid  vesicles  called  stroma

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Chloroplast
The  func-ons   of  chloroplast  include  conduc-ng   photosynthesis,   faWy  acid  synthesis    
and  lipid  synthesis  (in  some  algae)  and  involved  in  a  plant's  immune  response.

Within   the   thylakoid   vesicles   is   the   green   pigment   chlorophyll   along   with   the  
enzymes   that   trap  light   energy  and  convert   &   store   it  into  chemical  energy   in  the  
form  of  ATP  +  NADPH  +  release  O2  from  water

Stroma   is   the   site   of   carbon   dioxide   (CO2)   fixa-on   –   the   conversion   of   CO2   into  
organic  compounds-­‐Calvin  cycle

Chloroplasts,  like  mitochondria,  semiautonomous   contain  own  DNA  which  encodes  

some  of  the  chloroplast  proteins

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Chloroplast
The  func-ons   of  chloroplast  include  conduc-ng   photosynthesis,   faWy  acid  synthesis    
and  lipid  synthesis  (in  some  algae)  and  involved  in  a  plant's  immune  response.

Within   the   thylakoid   vesicles   is   the   green   pigment   chlorophyll   along   with   the  
enzymes   that   trap  light   energy  and  convert   &   store   it  into  chemical  energy   in  the  
form  of  ATP  +  NADPH  +  release  O2  from  water

Stroma   is   the   site   of   carbon   dioxide   (CO2)   fixa-on   –   the   conversion   of   CO2   into  
organic  compounds-­‐Calvin  cycle

Chloroplasts,  like  mitochondria,  semiautonomous   contain  own  DNA  which  encodes  

some  of  the  chloroplast  proteins

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Ribosome
without   membrane,  30   nm   in  diameter  (in  procaryotes   it  
is  much  smaller)

In   eukaryotes   ribosome   is   60%   RNA   and   40%   protein.  

Each  ribosome   has  2  subunits  which  differs  in  size,  shape  
&  composi-on
eukaryotes  -­‐  80S  (big  subunit-­‐60S  &  small  subunit-­‐40S)
prokaryotes  -­‐  70S  (big  subunit-­‐50S  &  small  subunit-­‐30S)

Ribosomes  are  assembled   in  nucleoli  of  nucleus,  and  all  

ribosomes   provide   sites   for   protein   synthesis   called  
Transla3on  (protein  processing  factory)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Vacuole
A  single  layered   membrane   (tonoplast)  enclosing  fluid  in  
a  sack.  

Func-on:   temporary   stores   materials   such   as   starch,  

glycogen,  or  fat  for  energy  produc-on  &  transport

Plant  cell  also  contains   vacuole  to  store  water  -­‐   produces  
hydrosta3c   pressure   (turgor   pressure)   against   cell   wall  
for  rigidity  &  support

Plant   vacuole   store   nutrients   (e.g.   sucrose),   ions   and  

waste   products   (especially   excess   nitrogen-­‐containing  

Loss  of  this  water  causes  wil-ng  of  plant  stuctures

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Cytoskeleton
fibrous  network  in  cytoplasm   that   controls  the  shape  and  movement  of  the  cell  and  the  
organelles  within  it.

The  cytoskeleton  consists  of  microfilaments,  intermediate  filaments  and  microtubules.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Plasmodesmata
40  to  50  nm  in  diameter,  are  tubular  extensions  of  the  plasma  membrane.

Material  traverse  the  cell  wall  and  connect  the  cytoplasms  of  adjacent  cells.  

Intercellular   transport   of   solutes   through   plasmodesmata   is   thus   called   symplas3c  


Thursday, October 6, 2016

General characteristics:
Plant Cell - Cell cycle regulation

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thank you

End of week 1

Thursday, October 6, 2016

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