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Lab 1: Identification of Laboratory Equipment and Basic Materials

Objective: To identify and understand the operations of all lab materials and equipment, and some
basic materials relevant to the programme of study.

Materials and equipment

1. All Lab Materials and Equipment
2. Some basic materials

Introduction and Theory

If you work in a laboratory setting, you undoubtedly encounter many kinds of expensive and
complicated instruments and machines. Knowing how to use these tools can only benefit you. This is
especially true if you are expected to use them while pursuing your area of research and testing. Not
knowing what you are doing can set you back in a variety of ways.

You should always know your lab equipment well before you do any type of experiment because
without the proper knowledge of your equipment you will not know how to use your materials or
how to correct a mistake that you could make with your equipment. Working with any kind of material
(metals, ceramics, plastics, composite etc.), chemicals, or minerals that may be able to harm you or
someone else. You must know your lab equipment and how to use it for not only your experiment
but also faults that may occur during or after the experiment.

An equipment can have dangerous side effects if not handled properly. Something as simple as a
Bunsen burner can light surrounding objects on fire, cause property damage and potentially harm
your fellow lab denizens if it is handled incorrectly or carelessly. More complicated machines that
use high-powered magnets, for instance an MRI scanner, can harm the subject or surrounding area if
the technician operating it allows metal objects within its scanning range. Knowing how to safely
operate all lab equipment in your purview will limit these kinds of accidents and create a safe working

Procedure and Precautions

From end to end of the laboratory, students should
1. identify every equipment and material available in the lab
2. state all its uses
3. describe how it operates
4. how results are obtained and analysed and
5. all other relevant information that can be provided for that device.

Precautions and Regulations

1. Read labels carefully.
2. Do not use any equipment unless you are trained and approved as a user by the lab manager.
3. Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) before using an equipment.
4. If you have long hair or loose clothes, make sure it is tied back or confined.
5. Disposal - Students are responsible for the proper disposal of used material if any in
appropriate containers.
6. Equipment Failure - If a piece of equipment fails while being used, report it immediately to
your lab assistant or tutor. Never try to fix the problem yourself because you could harm
yourself and others.
7. Clean up your work area before leaving.
8. Wash hands before leaving the lab and before eating.
9. Never do unauthorized experiments.

METE/MSE 357/359, Metallurgical/Materials Laboratory I, Materials Engineering Department, KNUST, Kumasi

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