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Thematic Calendar

U.S. & International Events

February 2021

This document, prepared by the Public Affairs Section (PAS), is a guide for Binational
Centers (BNCs) in Peru to create programs and activities based on dates celebrated in
the United States and internationally, as well as events organized by (or in direct
collaboration with) the U.S. Embassy in Peru.

Due to COVID-19, more BNCs are running virtual programs. We encourage your
audiences to continue to connect with the BNC community, to explore the United
States, to learn, and to enjoy U.S. culture, through your different areas: academic,
cultural, libraries, social media and EducationUSA.

Join the American Spaces Facebook Group to find and share new resources and
virtual programming ideas.

This guide is divided in five sections:

1. U.S. & International Events
2. U.S. Embassy in Peru and USG Alumni Virtual Activities & Events
3. Virtual Programming Resources
4. Relevant Information for BNCs
5. 2021: Plan Ahead

NOTE: All hyperlinks to online resources are marked in blue text.

Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

1. U.S. & International Events

African American History Month February 1–28

African American History Month, also known as Black History Month, is an annual celebration of
achievements by black Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of African Americans
in U.S. history. This year’s theme is “The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and Diversity”.
 American Spaces: Black History Month Resource Toolkit (PDF)
 American English at State: Black History Month (PDF)
 American Spaces: African American History Poster
 Smithsonian Institution: Black History Month Resources
 American Spaces: National Museum of African American History and Culture Program Package
 GPA Photo Archive: Black History Month
 GPA Photo Archive: 1963 March on Washington
 Library of Congress: African American History Month
Movie Programming Kits:
 Green Book
 Hidden Figures
 Race
 Selma
 Alice's Ordinary People: The Chicago Freedom Movement
 Emancipation Road: 1963-1968 - The Civil Rights Era
 Finding the Gold Within: Black Men in College - Challenges and Success
 Gumbo
 Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes
 In Remembrance of Martin
 King in the Wilderness: The Final Years of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
 Martin Luther King, Jr: I Have A Dream
 Quest: An Intimate Portrait of an African-American Family
 Something from Nothing: The Art of Rap (This film is classified - R: (18+) Restricted)
 Soul Food Junkies: A Film About Family, Food & Tradition

World Wetlands Day February 2

This day raises global awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and our planet. The
2021 campaign will highlight the contribution of wetlands to the quantity and quality of freshwater
on our planet. Water and wetlands are connected in an inseparable co-existence that is vital to life,
our wellbeing and the health of our planet.
 World Wetlands Day

World Cancer Day February 4

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is partnering with organizations from across the globe to
observe World Cancer Day (WCD). Sponsored by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC),
WCD enables individuals and partners across the cancer community to jointly raise awareness
about cancer and the impact of cancer control efforts. The United States government supports
international efforts to raise cancer awareness and encourages continued endeavors to prevent,
treat, and cure cancer. The U.S. also applauds the many governmental and private organizations

Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

that work tirelessly to develop and deliver safe and effective cancer diagnostics, therapies and
prevention strategies for all patients – especially minorities and medically underserved populations.
When drafting your messages in social media, use this year’s themed hashtags: #WorldCancerDay
and #IAmAndIWill. Learn more about the campaign theme here.
 World Cancer Day: 2019-2021 Campaign
 American Spaces + Smithsonian: Jack Andraka's Pancreatic Cancer Breakthrough Video and Discussion

National Prayer Breakfast February 4, 2021

Every year, usually on the first Thursday in February, thousands of religious leaders, policymakers,
businesspeople and the president of the United States gather in Washington to talk about faith. The
event — which includes meetings and seminars before and after breakfast — is an opportunity for
the religious community to build productive relationships with political and business communities
 ShareAmerica: The U.S. tradition of breakfast, presidents and prayer
 Smithsonian: The History of the National Prayer Breakfast

World Pulses Day February 10

Pulses, also known as legumes, are the edible seeds of leguminous plants cultivated for food. They
are important crops because of their nutritional value, food security, and environmental benefits.
 United Nations: World Pulses Day

International Day of Women and Girls in Science February 11

This United Nations’ day recognizes that women and girls play a critical role in science and
technology communities as well as in sustainable development and that their participation should
be strengthened.
 American Spaces: Podcast Discussion Guide: 22.33’s podcast Season 1, Episode 64: Spaceship Earth with
NASA astronaut Cady Coleman (PDF)
 American Spaces + Smithsonian: Pardis Sabeti's New Look at Infectious Disease Video and Discussion
 American Spaces + Smithsonian: How to Grow a Human Arm in a Lab by Nina Tandon Video and
Discussion Guide
 American Spaces + Smithsonian: Teaching Coding, Empowering Girls Video and Discussion Guide
 American Spaces + Smithsonian: Why STEAM Matters (PDF)
 American Spaces: World Space Week and STEM Programming Resources (PDF)
 U.S. Department of Energy: U.S. Women in STEM Posters
Movie Programming Kits:
 Hidden Figures
 Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
 Big Dream: Young Women Entering STEM Fields
 The Computers: Great Unsung Women of Computing - The Past, Present and Future of Women in STEM
 Women in Space

World Radio Day February 13

This holiday aims to raise awareness about the role that radios play in society.
 Fun Holiday: World Radio Day

Presidents Day February 15, 2021

Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

Presidents Day, officially Washington’s Birthday, in the United States, is a federal holiday observed
on the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington (born on February 22), the first
president of the United States. The holiday is popularly recognized as also honoring Abraham
Lincoln (born on February 12), and sometimes all the U.S. presidents. Federal holiday.
 American English at State: President’s Day (PDF)
 GPA Photo Archive: Presidents of the United States
 GPA Photo Archive: White House Images
 National Archives: Lesson plans on teaching the U.S. Constitution
 Abraham Lincoln
 George Washington
 Theodore Roosevelt
 Thomas Jefferson

Random Act of Kindness Day February 17

A day to practice kindness and pay it forward.
 Fun Holiday: Random Act of Kindness Day

World Day of Social Justice February 20

This day, observed by the United Nations (UN), promotes poverty eradication, full employment, and
social integration.
 United Nations: World Day of Social Justice
 ShareAmerica: Civil Equality

International Mother Language Day February 21

A day to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.
 United Nations: International Mother Language Day

Women’s History Month March 1–31

This annual declared month highlights the contributions of women to events in history and
contemporary society in the United States. This year’s theme is “Valiant Women of the Vote:
Refusing to Be Silenced.” BNCs may use the following materials throughout the year to recognize
women's rights globally and the struggle of U.S. women to achieve greater equality.
 American Spaces: Women’s History Month Resource Toolkit
 American Spaces: Feminism Debate Kit (PDF)
 American English at State: Women’s History Month (PDF)
 GPA Photo Archive: Extraordinary Women
Movie Programming Kits:
 A League Of Their Own
 Audrie and Daisy
 Erin Brockovich
 Hidden Figures
 I Am A Girl (Kanopy documentary, available on eLibraryUSA. Ask your BNC library)
 Joy
 Norma Rae
 Alice's Ordinary People: The Chicago Freedom Movement
 Big Dream: Young Women Entering STEM Fields
Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

 East Side Sushi

 Half The Picture - Female Directors Speak Out
 In the Game: An Inner City Soccer Team in Chicago
 Lessons of Basketball and War
 Perfect 36: When Women Won the Vote
 The Computers: Great Unsung Women of Computing - The Past, Present and Future of Women in STEM
 To Educate a Girl: Empowering Women and Girls in the Developing World
 Women in Business
 Women in Space

Zero Discrimination Day March 1

This United Nations’ campaign of solidarity stands up to racism and discrimination as drivers that
reduce people’s ability to participate fully and meaningfully in society.
 World Health Organization: Zero Discrimination Day

World Ocean Summit March 2–4, 2021

The Economist will bring together political leaders and policymakers, heads of global business,
scientists, NGOs and multilaterals from across the globe, and will aim to provide a forum for
discussion amongst a more diverse and representative participation on the future of the ocean than
ever before.
 World Ocean Summit 2020
 GPA Photo Archive: Oceans
 American Spaces + Smithsonian: Can Ocean Optimism Save our Seas? Video and Discussion Guide
 American Spaces + Smithsonian: Saving the Coral Reef One Stitch at a Time Video and Discussion Guide
 Smithsonian: Ocean Portal

World Wildlife Day March 3

This United Nations’ annual day celebrates and raises awareness of the world’s wild animals and
plants. The U.N. resolution also designated the CITES Secretariat as the facilitator for the global
observance of this special day for wildlife on the UN calendar.
 GPA Photo Archive: Wildlife
 World Wildlife Day Official Site

International Women’s Day March 8

This global day celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present
and future. The United Nations began observing International Women’s Day in 1975 – the
International Women’s Year.
 American Spaces: A Taboo-Free Way to Talk About Periods (TED Talk) Video and Discussion Guide
 Additional related material and movie programming kits to celebrate this day can be found in
section Women’s History Month.

Pi Day March 14
A day to celebrate the mathematical constant pi (π) and to eat lots of pie.
 Fun Holiday: Pi Day

2. U.S. Embassy in Peru and USG Alumni1 Activities & Events

USG: United States Government
Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

Embajadores Literarios Book Club with Laly Arce

Join IVLP2 Laly Arce’s Instagram Embajadores Literarios Book Club! In February, we are reading Una
Tierra Prometida (A Promised Land) by Barack Obama. Every Sunday at 6:00 PM, Laly will host
Instagram Lives to talk about the book. The last Saturday of the month is the final virtual meeting to
discuss the entire book via Instagram. To join the Book Club, just follow Laly on Instagram!
@lalyarce1110. This initiative is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy.

February Final Virtual Meeting

 Book: Una Tierra Prometida (A Promised Land) by Barack Obama
 Date: Saturday, February 27, 2021
 Time: 6:00 – 7:00 PM

For more information, contact:

 Giuliana Urbina:

February Classes with English Language Fellow Rachel Martin

Backward Design for English Teachers

 Dates: February 1-12
 Live sessions will be held via Zoom on February 2, 5, and 10, at 10 AM and 6 PM Lima time
 Plan for seven hours of asynchronous work, through Google Classroom
 A digital certificate of participation will be available for those who complete all the assignments

Adapting Our Practice for Online Teaching

 Dates: February 1-12
 Live sessions will be held via Zoom on February 16, 19, and 24, at 10 AM and 6 PM Lima time.
 Plan for seven hours of asynchronous work, through Google Classroom
 A digital certificate of participation will be available for those who complete all the assignments

Sign-up here:

(Includes a video with more information about both classes)

For more information, contact:

 Marcela Raffo:
 Karina García:

International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) 2019: Digital Influencers Inspiring Youth Engagement
Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

RELO Andes Webinar

Professional development opportunity for English teachers! This online seminar led by Virtual
English Language Fellow Rachel Martin covers a variety of topics intended for teachers of English or
future teachers of English. At the end of each event, participants have the opportunity to ask
questions to the speaker. We encourage BNCs and other educational institutions to invite their
teachers and English teachers in the community to participate!

 Topic: Six ways to give corrections

 Date: Thursday, February 18
 Time: 2:00 PM (Peru time)
 Link:

For more information, contact:

 Karina García:

3. Virtual Programming Resources

English Language Teaching and Learning: Course, Webinars and Lives

American English Live Series 10

 Facebook Live professional development sessions for English language teachers.
 All sessions will be related to the theme of making the transition to online or hybrid classrooms.
 Every other Wednesday from January 27 through April 7, 2021 at 8 AM and 1 PM (Peru time).
 Register here.
 Follow American English for Educators on Facebook to stay updated.

Tech Tips for Teaching Today: Recorded Webinars

 Find the December 8 recorded webinars in YouTube:
 Flipped Instruction in the Virtual English Language Classroom : Martha Ramirez explained the concept
of flipped learning and examined how to apply it during courses that include live virtual
sessions. Participants discovered how flipping has become an effective practice for
differentiating learning during online instruction.
 New Frontiers in Classroom Management: Effective Practices for Live Online Instruction: Justin Shewell
shared a selection of practical strategies and accessible tools that can help teachers manage
their e-classrooms during live online sessions

English for Journalism MOOC

 Increase your ability to read, research, and develop local and global news stories.
 Enrollment open date: January 11, 2021
 Enrollment close date: March 26, 2021
 Course end date: April 5, 2021

English for Media Literacy

 You will examine how diversity representation in media influences individual identity and
society, and you will develop a broader understanding of the role media plays in everyone’s

Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

lives while building the vocabulary and language skills needed to analyze what we read and
 Enrollment close date: March 19, 2021
 Course end date: March 29, 2021

English for Business and Entrepreneurship

 Improve your English language abilities to communicate ideas about business.
 Learn how to write a business plan, conduct market research, and communicate with clients
and customers.
 Self-paced course.
 Enrollment close date: March 12, 2021
 Course end date: March 26, 2021

For all upcoming MOOCs promotion

 Promotional graphics, information about course start and end dates, and enrollment links can
be found here in Box.

Integrating the Arts into English Language Teaching

 Professional development playlist on YouTube.
 Seven full-length arts-focused webinars from the American English Live Teacher Development
 Topics: Using digital storytelling, photography, reader's theater, songs, and more.
 Watch the videos here.

Downloadable Webinar Discussion Guide on E-Learning Best Practices amid COVID-19

 Can be used for watch parties and virtual programs.
 Includes background information, relevant links, and possible discussion questions.
 Organized by the Office of the U.S. Speaker Program.

American English Webinars

 Find the recordings from previous professional development sessions for English teachers.
 Includes downloadable presentations and other resources.
 Link here.

English for STEM Fields MOOC

 Increase your English vocabulary and understanding of grammar structures used in the STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.

English for Career Development

 Learn how to write resumes, cover letters, and professional email messages.

English Language Teaching and Learning: Social Media

American English at State Graphics

 All Binational Centers can share these American English at State graphics on their social media

Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

 Note: Please do not share this link with external contacts, it’s for official American Corners,
American Centers, and Binational Centers only.

American English for Educators Facebook Page

 Interactive platform with useful resources, creative teaching ideas, and professional
development opportunities for English language teachers.
 #WordyWednesday features theme-related vocabulary.
 #ScenarioSaturday posts ask educators how they might best respond to a classroom scenario.
 Like and follow us here.

American English at State Facebook Page

 Interactive platform that engages English language learners with content and opportunities for
language practice that support the English language acquisition process.
 Please share it widely with relevant audiences in your area!
 Like and follow us here.

Access Teachers' Corner Facebook Group

 Dynamic space that aims to support teachers who work with English Access Microscholarship
Students, but all other educators are welcome! Please invite interested educators to join.
 Join the Facebook group here.

Online Activities for English Language Students and Teachers

“The Hill We Climb” NEW!

Use Amanda Gorman’s poem “The Hill We Climb” to talk with students about creative expression as
a commentary on democracy:
 “The Hill We Climb” and the 2021 Inauguration by Teaching Tolerance
 Lesson Plan: Discuss 22-year-old Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem “The Hill We Climb” by PBS

2.0 Periodic Table Challenge

Ever wonder which car logo used to be an element symbol? The new Periodic Table Challenge is a
great educational game with over 350 questions with players from 150 countries. It's available in
English, Arabic, Chinese, and Spanish.

Bamboozle Education Games

 These free games are easy to use in virtual environments, such as clubs and discussion groups
with numerous options for English language learners.

GET FIT Series

 Join us to move your body, engage your mind, and have a conversation with professional U.S.
 Every Wednesday at 10:00 am (Peru time). If this time doesn’t work for your BNC, consider
hosting a watch party around the webinar.

Scholastic Learn at Home

 Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing.

Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

iCivics Games
 Learn about U.S. politics, history, and democracy.
 Just download and then play without the internet.

Tips on Connecting with Virtual Presenters

Based on an American Spaces Live with American Center Jerusalem, here are some tips on how to
find virtual presenters:
 Reconnect with previous presenters - Consider reaching out to dynamic presenters, but keep in
mind that not all presenters are comfortable conducting virtual presentations.
 Work with your alumni networks - Reach out to your PD sections to see about having alumni or
alumni contacts present virtual at the American Spaces.
 Do your research - If you are looking for a speaker on a particular subject, research experts on
that subject and make sure to keep your PD informed.
 Connect with American that you or your networks already know - Americans are friendly
people, and now more than ever, are more willing to connect virtually. This can be Americans
that you or your networks already know and/or it could be Americans from your Embassy or
Consulate. They could run English discussion groups, exchange cultural information, or share
personal stories, such as favorite recipes, hobbies, etc.
 Be creative and bold - These are unique times. Think outside the box and reach out to other
American Spaces colleagues or your PD sections to talk about your great ideas.

NASA on social media

NASA always has great social media that you can share on your pages! Learn how to follow NASA
here. Also, check out their educational resources for educators that include lesson plans,
challenges, and games.

English Teaching Forum

The new issue of English Teaching Forum (Volume 58, Number 3) is available on the American
English website. Download it for ideas about teaching vocabulary reinforcement for kinesthetic and
visual learners. Find it here:

Creating your own Virtual Resources

The new issue
Design Resources for your Virtual Activities:
 American Spaces logo: As you create your programs, feel free to use the American Spaces logo.
 American Spaces Zoom/Virtual Conferencing Backgrounds: Six different backgrounds for you to
use and customize however you want.
 Canva: Excellent free tool that allows you to create engaging content.
 Design Templates to Advertise your Virtual Events. Created by ECA for American Spaces:
▪ Powerpoint Files
▪ Font: Barlow (Regular), available for free download
 Hashtag Reminder: For all BNCs virtual programs on public facing social media, please put
#AmSpacesAtHome in your posts, so we can better track all the great work you’re doing.

Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

Maximizing and Measuring Virtual Programs

 Webinar from the American Library Association.

Virtual Programming Resource Roundup

 These resources include webinars, articles, and program planning guides from the American
Library Association. Although focused on libraries, there are many resources such as this virtual
story time program guide that would be useful for American Spaces.

Virtual Interview Guide

 This short video gives tips on how to conduct interviews virtually.

 Online tool for interactive presentations, including slides, polls, forms, and quizzes for real-time
engagement with your virtual audience. See this American Spaces live video with Narjess from
American Center Tunis for more.

Tips and Best Practices for Virtual Events

 From American Center Tunis

Reading and Storytelling for Children

Storyline Online
 U.S. actors read children’s books aloud for K - 4th graders.
 Close captioning and activity guides for teachers available.
 Videos are not downloadable but are shareable.
 Organized by the Screen Actors Guild.

The Big List of Children’s Authors Doing Online Read Alouds and Activities
 Over 50 authors of children’s books offer read aloud storytime.
 Some books include activity guides.

Story Time From Space

 NASA astronauts read children’s stories from the International Space Station!
 Kids can even read with the astronauts and practice their English reading and listening skills.

Virtual Libraries

 Digital collection of newspapers, magazines, journals, books, and award-winning films and
videos curated by the Office of American Spaces.
 BNCs in Peru can now provide their audiences with access to eLibraryUSA from home. This
account will remain active until BNCs are fully operational again.

American Children’s Publishers

 Access hundreds of books that ordinarily would be restricted due to copyright laws.

Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

 Educators can read stories in live or pre-recorded videos.

Images and Virtual Posters

Smithsonian Open Access

 Download, share, and reuse millions of the Smithsonian’s images for free!
 Includes images and data from across the Smithsonian’s 19 museums, nine research centers,
libraries, archives, and the National Zoo.

U.S. National Landmarks and Natural Landscapes

 May be posted on websites and social media.

NASA Image and Video Library

 NASA’s entire collection of images, sounds, and video are publicly accessible and copyright free.

American Spaces Downloadable Posters

 Posters complement a range of programming topics and create a strong visual connection with
the United States.

Videos and Podcasts

22.33 - A Podcast of Exchange Stories

 Weekly audio podcast that features first-person narratives from alumni of ECA 3 exchange
 With a combination of survival, empathy, and humor, it delivers unforgettable travel stories
from people whose lives were changed by international exchange.
 Recommended: Connecting through Isolation Podcast Series Discussion Guides
▪ Part 6 – A backyard musician and a quarantine reading list
▪ Part 8 – Musical inspiration from all over the world and original songs by Giselle Felice & Erik
Abernathy, Wordsmith, Seth Glier, Stela Botan, Tony Memmel, Just Wade Tam, and more.
Turn this one up loud!
▪ Part 9 – Gratitude for those in our lives and those keeping us safe

 Over 100 documentaries that explore the most inspirational and interesting contemporary
topics in the United States.
 Available on eLibraryUSA, ask your BNC library for access.
 Run a virtual program with Kanopy! BNCs can show their films online in closed social media
groups or online platforms. Instructions here.
 Eyes on the Prize: This 14-part PBS documentary on the civil rights movement is now available
to stream on Kanopy! It tells the story of how ordinary people took extraordinary actions to
fundamentally change the U.S.

Free Netflix documentaries

 Selection of documentary features and series available on the Netflix US YouTube channel.
 Full list of documentary films and series here.
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

Ken Burns’ documentaries

 Historical documentary films that give the opportunity to pose thought-provoking questions for
students, and introduce new ideas, perspectives, and primary sources.
 Free access thanks to PBS LearningMedia.

Smithsonian Videos and Discussion Guides

 Short topic-driven downloadable videos organized into four themes: Entrepreneurship,
Education, Environment & STEM, and Civil Society.
 Each video comes with suggested discussion questions.

American English at State YouTube Channel

 Resources for both English language learners and teachers.
 New videos uploaded every week.

Video Series: Let’s Learn English! by Voice of America (VOA)

 Each lesson includes instruction in speaking, vocabulary and writing.
 Printable worksheets, assessments and lesson plans for individual learners and English teachers.
 Videos are distributed in four levels: Basic 1, Basic 2, Intermediate, and Advanced.

Library of Congress: Engage!

 Videos, resources, and upcoming events

American Spaces Video and Podcast Discussion Guides

 Discussion content from sources such as Ted Talks, Public Broadcasting, Voice of America,
ShareAmerica, and ECA’s 22.33 Podcast.

American Spaces Virtual Resources

American Spaces Website

 Find information and ideas for programs that can be used by all BNC areas (academic, cultural,
libraries, EducationUSA, social media, management).

American Spaces Virtual Programming Kits

 Find resources and tips to help you create online programs at your BNC.

American Spaces Programming Kits

 Series of programming resource toolkits, activity guides, and debate kits.
 All kits may be used to encourage the free expression of ideas and to foster discussion in English
conversation groups.

Virtual Tours
 U.S. National Parks
 Guggenheim Art Museum in New York
 National Museum of Art virtual exhibit
 National Museum of Natural History exhibit
 360 Video Tours Playlist from ShareAmerica
Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

 Hidden Worlds of U.S. National Parks 360 tours

 NASA’s Explore Mars
 National Women’s History Museum exhibit
 Campus 360
 YouVisit (over 600 college campus virtual tours)
 Virtual Disney rides

4. Relevant Information for BNCs

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information

White House + Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) + Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC)
 Basic information, resources, latest news, and U.S. Government response

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

 Video 10 Things You Can Do to Manage COVID-19 at Home. Available on Facebook and
 COVID-19 handouts and posters (most of them are also available in Spanish)
 COVID-19 graphics and images (in English and Spanish)
 Life is Better with Clean Hands National Campaign. Posters, fact sheets, and social media posts
and graphics (in English and Spanish)

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

 Enfermedad del Coronavirus (COVID-19) [in Spanish]

 The U.S. Fights Coronavirus Worldwide: Rolling collection of photos, tweets, and articles in
English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

BNCs/American Spaces in Peru in the U.S. Embassy Website

If you need to consult information about the BNC/American Spaces network in Peru or to refer your
audiences to other American Spaces in Peru, please use and share this U.S. Embassy page:
American Spaces en el Perú (English version here) or this Facebook post.

Suggested reply in social media when asked about another BNC/American Space:
El [nombre(s) del BNC] no es una sede del [nombre del BNC que recibe la consulta], pero somos
parte de la misma red de centros binacionales peruano-estadounidenses (American Spaces), aliados
oficiales de la Embajada de los EE.UU. Para más información visita:

U.S. Exchange Alumni as Program Resources for BNCs

● Each year, outstanding Peruvians take part in exchange programs in the United States.
● BNCs can provide opportunities for them to share the insights and experiences they gained.
Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

Alumni at BNCs can:

● Share knowledge and insights acquired during their exchange experience, since they are
generally experienced professionals and often experts in their fields.
● Provide firsthand accounts of what it’s like to live in the United States and study at a U.S.
academic institution.
● Create programs to increase understanding of U.S. culture.
● Teach English or lead conversation clubs.

Finding Local Alumni

Send an email with your alumni speaker request to Alfredo Giraldo (

Grants and Funding Opportunities (Fiscal Year 2021) Deadline: February 2, 2021
Find all current grants and funding opportunities in the U.S. Embassy website:
 Spanish version
 English version

Upcoming BNC Anniversaries

Day Anniversary Founded
ICPNA Chiclayo (Chepén branch) February 2 17 2004
ICPNA Región Centro (Huamanga branch) March 6 8 2013
ICPNA Región Grau (Sullana branch) March 28 18 2003

5. 2021: Plan Ahead

February 3 World Wildlife Day

1–28 Black History Month 6 ICPNA Región Centro (Huamanga branch)
2 ICPNA Chiclayo (Chepén branch) Anniversary
Anniversary 8 International Women’s Day
2 World Wetlands Day 14 Pi Day
4 World Cancer Day 19 Let’s Laugh Day
4 National Prayer Breakfast 20 International Day of Happiness
10 World Pulses Day 21 International Day for the Elimination of
11 International Day of Women and Girls in Racial Discrimination
Science 21 International Day of Forests
13 World Radio Day 21 World Down Syndrome Day
15 Presidents Day 21 World Poetry Day
17 Random Act of Kindness Day 22 World Water Day
20 World Day of Social Justice 23 World Meteorological Day
21 International Mother Language Day 24 World Tuberculosis Day
25 International Day of Remembrance for
the Victims of Slavery and the
March Transatlantic Slave Trade
1–31 Women’s History Month 28 ICPNA Región Grau (Sullana branch)
1 Zero Discrimination Day Anniversary
1–5 World Ocean Summit
Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

31 World No-Tobacco Day

1–30 Jazz Appreciation Month
1–30 Arab-American Heritage Month June
1 ICPNA Chiclayo (Cajamarca branch) 1–30 LGBTQ Pride Month
Anniversary 1–30 National Caribbean-American Heritage
2 World Autism Awareness Day Month
4–10 National Library Week 1 Global Day of Parents
4 International Mine Awareness Day 2 ICPNA Anniversary
5 International Day of Conscience 3 World Bicycle Day
6 International Day of Sport for 4 International Day of Innocent Children
Development and Peace Victims of Aggression
7 World Health Day 5 World Environment Day
10 Siblings Day 7 World Food Safety Day
12 International Day of Human Space Flight 8 World Oceans Day
18 International Day for Monuments and 8 Best Friends Day
Sites 12 World Day Against Child Labor
20 Look Alike Day 14–20 National Flag Week
21 World Creativity and Innovation Day 14 National Flag Day
22 Earth Day 15 Elder Abuse Awareness Day
22 Girls in ICT Day 16 International Domestic Workers’ Day
23 English Language Day 17 World Day to Combat Desertification
24–30 World Immunization Week 19 International Day for the Elimination of
25 World Malaria Day Sexual Violence in Conflict
26 World Intellectual Property Day 20 World Refugee Day
28 Cultural (Arequipa) Anniversary 20 Father’s Day
30 International Jazz Appreciation Day 26 International Day against Drug Abuse
and Illicit Trafficking
27 Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized
May Enterprises Day
1–31 Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month 29 International Day of the Tropics
1–31 Jewish-American Heritage Month 30 Meteor Watch Day
1 International Labor Day and Workers’
3 World Press Freedom Day July
3–7 Air Quality Awareness Week 1 International Joke Day
4 Star Wars Day 4 Independence Day
9 Mother’s Day 4 El Cultural (Trujillo) Anniversary
15 International Day of Families 8 Video Games Day
15 Chocolate Chip Day 11 World Population Day
17 International Day Against Homophobia, 11 ICPNA Cusco Anniversary
Transphobia, and Biphobia 15 World Youth Skills Day
17 Cultural (Tacna branch) Anniversary 17 World Emoji Day
20 ICPNA (Pucallpa branch) Anniversary 18 Nelson Mandela International Day
20 World Bee Day 20 Space Exploration Day
21 Founding of the American Red Cross 21 ICPNA (Ica branch) Anniversary
22 National Maritime Day 26 Americans with Disabilities Act
28 Hamburger Day 28 – 29 Peru’s Independence Day
31 Memorial Day 28 Milk Chocolate Day

Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

28 World Hepatitis Day 28 ICPNA (Iquitos branch) Anniversary

30 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 28 ICPNA Cusco (Puerto Maldonado branch)
30 International Day of Friendship Anniversary
July 31 – TESOL Annual Convention 28 Ask a Stupid Question Day
Aug 2 29 World Heart Day

August October
1 ICPNA Región Grau (Piura) Anniversary Sep 15 – National Hispanic Heritage Month
1 Sisters’ Day Oct 15
2 ICPNA (Surco branch) Anniversary 1–31 National Cybersecurity Awareness
2 ICPNA Región Centro (Huancavelica Month
branch) Anniversary 1–31 National Disability Employment
8 ICPNA Región Centro (Huancayo) Awareness Month
Anniversary 1–31 TeenTober
9 International Day of the World’s 1 International Day of Older Persons
Indigenous People 4–10 World Space Week
12 International Youth Day 4 National Child Health Day
12 ICPNA (Miraflores branch) Anniversary 4 World Habitat Day
16 Tell a Joke Day 11 International Day of the Girl
19 World Humanitarian Day 12 Columbus Day
21 International Day of Victims of Terrorism 13 International Day for Disaster Reduction
22 International Day Commemorating the 16 World Food Day
Victims of Acts of Violence Based on 17 International Day for the Eradication of
Religion or Belief Poverty
23 International Day for the Remembrance 24 United Nations Day
of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition 26 Intersex Awareness Day
26 Women’s Equality Day 27 International Religious Freedom Day
26 National Dog Day 29 Internet Day
29 International Day against Nuclear Tests 30 ICPNA Región Centro (La Merced branch)
29 Cultural (Puno branch) Anniversary Anniversary
31 Halloween

1–30 National Wilderness Month November
7 Labor Day 1–30 National Entrepreneurship Month
8 International Literacy Day 1–30 National American Indian and Alaska
10 Swap Ideas Day Native Heritage Month
11 Patriot Day & National Day of Service 3 One Health Day
and Remembrance (9/11 Anniversary) 3 Sandwich Day
Sep 15 – National Hispanic Heritage Month 4 ICPNA (Huaraz branch) Anniversary
Oct 15 6 International Day for Preventing the
15 International Day of Democracy Exploitation of the Environment in War
17 Constitution Day and Armed Conflict
18 International Coastal Cleanup Day 9 World Freedom Day
21 International Day of Peace 11 Veterans Day
22 World Rhino Day 15–21 Global Entrepreneurship Week
24 World Maritime Day 15–19 International Education Week
25 Comic Book Day 16 ICPNA Chiclayo Anniversary
27 World Tourism Day 16 International Day for Tolerance
Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

18–24 U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week

Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

19 Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 20 Transgender Day of Remembrance

Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

20 Universal Children’s Day

21 World Fisheries Day
23 Eat a Cranberry Day
25 Thanksgiving Day
25 International Day for the Elimination of
Violence Against Women
28 ICPNA (Chimbote branch) Anniversary


Thematic Calendar for Binational Centers – Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Peru

1 World Aids Day

1 ICPNA (Lima Norte branch) Anniversary
1 ICPNA Chiclayo (Jaén branch)
2 ICPNA (San Miguel branch) Anniversary
2 International Day for the Abolition of
3 International Day of Persons with
5 International Volunteer Day
6–12 Computer Science Education Week
7 Letter Writing Day
9 International Anti-Corruption Day
10 International Human Rights Day
10 ICPNA Región Centro (Huánuco branch)
17 Tarapoto El Cultural Anniversary
18 International Migrants Day
20 International Human Solidarity Day
25 Christmas Day


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