Idioms & Phrases SSC 1997-2020

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This PDF contains all the IDIOMS & PHRASES asked in SSC exams from 1997 to 2020.
This compilation has been prepared by the experts of EK keeping in mind the role of previous year
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Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idioms.

1) Trying to find my lost ring in the college is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
1. Doing something impossible
2. Making a big deal of a large thing
3. Doing something secretly
4. Doing something unimportant
Solution : 1
Looking for a needle in a haystack- to search for something that is very difficult to locate.

2) Off and on I take a break from my hectic schedule to refresh myself.

1. Rarely
2. Seldom
3. Immediately
4. Periodically

Solution : 4
Off and on - periodically,intermittently

3) Left out in cold
1. to be ignored
2. to be criticised
3. to stand out
4. to be indecisive
Solution : 1
Left out in cold - to be ignored

4) Work against the clock

1. work late in the night
2. work against all problems
3. work in great hurry
4. work with concentration

Solution : 3
Work against the clock - to try to do something in a very limited amount of time.

5) Raju was playing with fire when he made speeches against the management.

1.taking a grave risk candies
3.smoking a cigarette
4.provoking the crowd
Solution: 1

6) Throughout his speech the crowd was all ears.

1.very attentive
2.talking loudly
3.covering their ears
4.making a lot of noise
Solution: 1

7) Since he secured the first rank Sudhir has become swollen-headed.

Solution: 3
Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

8) The man heaved a sigh of relief when he was sure he was out of the woods.

1.discharged from hospital

2.released from prison
3.out of danger
4.out of the forest
Solution: 3

9) His success at such a young age speaks volumes for his talent. enough proof

2.boasts a lot

3.publically announces
4.showers praise
Solution: 1

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

10) One must learn to prioritize in life. It never pays to put the cart before the horse.

1.perform many task simultaneously

2.postpone till the last moment things spontaneously last things first
Solution: 4

11) The boss is going to blow his top when he discovers the blatant mistake in the balance

1.dismiss from job very embarrassed very angry
4.attack fiercely
Solution: 3

12) A mountaineer has to walk the tight rope as a small slip can prove to be fatal. very nervous very cautious well trained an expert
Solution: 2

13) Due to increased number of lay offs in the industry, the sword of Damocles is always
hanging over the employees.

1.strict rules and regulations ill omen of death

3.a constant threat

4.threat of physical harm
Solution: 3

14) True friends stay by our side through thick and thin.

1.under all circumstances happy moments difficult times different weathers
Solution: 1
Click here for the compilation of frequently asked ERROR DETECTION RULES /GRAMMAR
RULES in SSC exams

15) The ambitious project to impart free books to all students ended in smoke.

1.exceeded the budget

2.was delayed
3.yielded no result
4.was successfully completed
Solution: 3

16) Extreme poverty made the poor woman wonder how long she could keep the wolf from the

1.avoid starvation on charity
3.keep wild animals away safe in her house
Solution : 1

17) When his envious competitor extended a hand of friendship, he smelt a rat.

1.detected something wrong

2.felt very pleased
3.became complaisant
4.behaved arrogantly
Solution: 1


18) Coming from an affluent family, she found herself a square peg in a round hole when she
married a poor farmer and moved to a small village. a favourable situation

2.unhappy and regretful
3.a misfit in the environment a financial crisis
Solution : 3

19) The loyal watchman was cut to the quick when he was accused of theft.

2.severely punished
3.hurt intensely

Solution: 3

Click here to download the pdf of 400 Most important previous year vocabulary(with syno,anto and
examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC

20) The heavy losses in business came like a bolt from the blue.

1.a thunderstorm unexpected disaster
3.a windfall ominous warning
Solution: 2

21) Lend an ear pay attention to not make trouble force someone to listen
6 not tell someone something

Solution: 1

22) On tenterhooks

Solution: 3

23) Lock, stock and barrel

Solution: 4

24) In the pink pink dress the limelight a happy mood good health
Solution: 4

25) Out of the woods longer in trouble longer in sight longer famous longer young
Solution : 1

26) Butterfly in the stomach


1.being excited
2.being nervous
3.being angry
4.being hungry
Solution: 2

27) Lead someone by the nose do the right thing force someone to take the blame dominate someone quarrel with someone
Solution: 3

28) Couch potato

1.a person who sleeps all day

2.a person who watches too much television
3.a person who remains relaxed and calm
4.a person who is simple in nature
Solution: 2

29) Pull yourself together

1.go to sleep
2.calm down
3.try to understand a good job
Solution : 2

30) Give someone the cold shoulder

1.ignore someone
2.give away a secret something pointless
4.pamper someone


Solution: 1

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

31) Pull someone’s leg someone
2.joke with someone
3.get upset with someone
4.tell someone a secret

Solution: 2

32) Actions speak louder than words

1.take up a task that you cannot finish

2.what you do is more important than what you say something without planning
4.look for solution in the wrong place
Solution : 2

33) Get out of hand

1.get out of control complete a task
3.give up something
4.get upset
Solution: 1

34) Costs an arm and a leg

1.easy to obtain
2.rarely available
3.nothing to lose
4.very expensive
Solution: 4


35) At daggers drawn

1.deceiving somebody
2.without hope
3.friendly with each other
4.bitterly hostile
Solution: 4

36) To play ducks and drakes use recklessly change places be friendly act cleverly
Solution: 1

37) Our PM is received with open arms wherever he goes.

1. Honourably
2. Promptly
3. Warmly
4. Harmoniously
Solution : 3
With open arms - enthusiastically,warmly,happily

38) In spite of her severe accident she took heart and moved forward.
1. Gathered courage
2. Felt depressed
3. Overcame problems
4. Acted promptly
Solution : 1
Take heart- to gather confidence, courage or happiness

39) The dog played in the pond to his heart’s content.

1.only upto his legs

2.till he was completely sick much as he wanted to


4.avoiding getting to wet

Solution: 3

Click here to download the pdf of 400 Most important previous year vocabulary(with syno,anto and
examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC

40) The idea of making a children’s park has been nipped in the bud by the local council.

1.encouraged strongly
2.changed completely
3.dropped at an early stage
4.included somewhere else
Solution: 3

41) We now have an ex-Minister in the running from our constituency for the post of Member of

1.contesting the seat.

2.teaching yoga speeches
4.jogging everyday
Solution: 1
Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

42) The authorities have turned a deaf ear to all our requests.



Solution: 2

43) Handle with kid gloves

1. to show someone your creativity
2. to accomplish something too ambitious
3. to remove all hurdles to start something
4. to treat someone with extreme care
Solution : 4
Handle with kid gloves - to treat someone with extreme care.

44) Run around in circles

1. to remain busy with your work
2. to keep running to set a record
3. to work excessively hard by keeping two jobs
4. to keep doing something without achieving much
Solution : 4
Run around in circles - to waste one's time and energy in futile things, to keep doing something
without achieving much

45) Up in arms
1. to be angry
2. to be rude
3. to be nervous
4. to be defensive
Solution : 1
Up in arms - to be angry

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

46) At the drop of a hat

1. Instantly
2. Normally
3. Frequently
4. Usually

Solution : 1
At the drop of a hat - instantly

47) Make a beeline for

1. Make a line for honey
2. Go straight to
3. Stand in a queue
4. Go for freebies
Solution : 2
Make a beeline for - go straight to

48) Till the cows come home

1. For a large part
2. For a long, long time
3. In the evening
4. Till the work is finished
Solution : 2
Till the cows come home - for a very long ,indefinite amount of time.

49) Touch and go

1. Unimportant
2. Undoubted
3. Uncertain
4. Unchanging
Solution : 3
Touch and go - uncertain
Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

50) Bed of roses

1. A state of perplexity
2. An unforgettable moment

3. An enjoyable state
4. A difficult situation
Solution : 3
Bed of roses - an enjoyable state

51) As the flood waters hit the coastal village, several families had a close shave.
1. to have no livelihood
2. a narrow escape
3. nothing to eat
4. to lose all possessions
Solution : 2
A close shave - narrow escape

52) The abrogation of article 370 was achieved in the teeth of tough resistance.
1. in a state of uncertainty
2. in direct opposition to
3. in collaboration with
4. in a short span of time
Solution : 1
in the teeth of tough resistance - in a state of uncertainty

53) He is completely at sea about where to invest his hard-earned money.

1. in shock
2. confused
3. sure
4. committed
Solution : 2
At sea - confused

54) Unless you are above board in your dealings, you will not be able to win the trust of
your clients.
1. smart and deceptive

2. honest and frank

3. bold and reckless
4. exceptionally talented
Solution : 2
above board - honest and frank

55) The thieves made off with all the cash and jewellery in the house.
1. squandered
2. ran away with
3. discovered
4. transferred

Solution : 2
make off - to run away
Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

56) My brother has decided to settle in Mumbai for good.

1. for better income
2. for new opportunities
3. for a while
4. forever
Solution : 4
for good - forever

57) In spite of the high sounding words, his speech fell flat on the audience.
1. failed to make an impact
2. impressed a lot
3. appealed to the sentiments of the audience
4. could not be heard clearly
Solution : 1
fall flat - fail to make an impact


58) Simran was under tremendous stress because she had too many irons in the fire.
1. She had made a lot of risky investments
2. She was suffering from many ailments
3. She was involved in many activities
4. She had too many clothes to iron
Solution : 3
Have too many irons in the fire - to be involved in many activities

59) The aged man preferred to die in harness than lead a rusted life.
1. to keep one's belongings safe
2. to live in perpetual slavery
3. to continue occupation till death
4. to lead a life of comfort
Solution : 3

60) The suspect made a clean breast of it during the enquiry.

1. confessed his crime
2. took off his shirt
3. blamed his companion
4. asked for a fresh shirt
Solution : 1
To make a clean breast of - to confess a crime

61) Come rain or shine

1. when it does not rain
2. in the monsoon
3. whatever happens
4. in bad weather
Solution : 3
Come rain or shine - no matter what happpens

62) To be thrown in at the deep end


1. learn to do the difficult things too soon

2. need to do one thing at a time
3. unable to do the given work
4. try to do too many things at the same time
Solution : 1
Be thrown in the deep end - to be forced to begin doing something very complex; to make
someone learn how to do a job or task by starting with the most difficult parts.

63) To read between the lines

1. to completely misunderstand the meaning
2. to read with great difficulty
3. to critically analyse a piece of writing
4. to understand the implied meaning
Solution : 3

64) To blaze a trail

1. to initiate something new
2. to set fire to something
3. to complete a project
4. to act impulsively
Solution : 1

65) A dark horse

1. an unknown genius
2. a horse of a fine breed
3. a well kept secret
4. an expected outcome
Solution : 1

66) Of the first water

1. of favorable opinion

2. of ancient origin
3. of the best quality
4. of no significance
Solution : 3

67) To make castles in the air

1. to be very ambitious
2. to create impossible dreams or hopes
3. to accomplish difficult tasks
4. to show signs of cowardice
Solution : 2

68) Ria has tried hard not to steal her brother's thunder but it was inevitable.
1. take away her brother's opportunities for jobs
2. get more recognition than her brother for their success
3. get a big reward from her brother for her achievement
4. pick up her brother's lucky charms to win prizes
Solution : 2

69) His family has supported him through thick and thin.
1. when there was a lot of work to be done
2. on occasions when he had a lot of money
3. even though he has put on weight
4. in times of good and bad fortune
Solution : 4

70) It was the last straw; she decided to quit the job when she was blamed without reason.
1. she picked the last option available for her
2. only one straw was available for drinking the juice
3. last straw available for anyone to pick up

4. final irritant that made the situation unbearable

Solution : 4

71) Be left in the lurch

1. be tired of doing the same thing over and over again
2. be deserted when one is in trouble
3. be sent to do work which one doesn't enjoy
4. keep repeating something till it is accepted
Solution : 2

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

72) Go down in flames

1. crash land an aeroplane
2. get hit by a burning cracker
3. fail completely
4. get completely burnt
Solution : 3

Click here to download the pdf of 400 Most important previous year vocabulary(with syno,anto and
examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC

73) Feather your own nest

1 make money unfairly

2 win a competition
3 be in a comfortable position

4 disturb others in their work

Solution : 1

74) Be an old hat

1 an superstitious
2 be outdated
3 be crazy
4 be foolish
Solution : 2

75) Head in the clouds

1 to daydream
2 to be very tall
3 to be very lazy
4 to feel giddy
Solution : 1

76) Green Thumb

1 to have talent in gardening

2 to be envious
3 to be angry
4 to have talent in painting
Solution :1

77) To grease the palm

1 to give support
2 to bribe someone
3 to cheat someone
4 to give a massage
Solution : 2

78) To bark up the wrong tree


1 to be wrong about the reason for something

2 to bury money under a tree and forget the place
3 to be mistaken about the name of a tree
4 to eat an unpalatable fruit by mistake
Solution : 1

79) To take the bull by the horns

1 to face danger boldly

2 to escape unhurt
3 to act foolishly
4 to enjoy risky sports
Solution : 1

80) Gift of the gab

1 receive a precious gift

2 achieve sudden greatness
3 have the ability to adapt
4 have the talent to speak well
Solution : 4

81) Turn a deaf ear

1 to pay attention
2 to listen carefully
3 to make someone deaf
4 to pay no heed
Solution : 4

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

82) Take a task

1 to assign work

2 to rebuke
3 to praise
4 to give an award
Solution : 2

83) Have one’s hands full

1 to be very rich
2 to be very clumsy
3 to be very busy
4 to be very generous

Solution : 3

84) Face the music

1 face the enemy

2 enjoy the harmony
3 get appreciation
4 face the criticism
Solution : 4

85) Pass the hat

1 to sell something
2 to collect money
3 to play a game
4 to avoid work
Solution : 2

86) As the cow flies

1 to be uncertain
2 a long winding path
3 the shortest route


4 to be directionless
Solution : 3

87) In a pickle

1 in great pain
2 in jubiliation
3 in trouble
4 in deep sorrow
Solution : 3

88) Red letter day

1 a very special day

2 a very hot day
3 a frightful day
4 a very cold day
Solution : 1

89) Through thick and thin

1 to be scared of small dangers

2 passing through a thick forest
3 support under all circumstances
4 to be hard- hearted in times of loss

Solution : 3

90) Rule the Roost

1 to make all the decisions

2 to be prosperous but generous
3 to frequently pick a quarrel
4 to blindly follow others

Solution : 1

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

91) At arm’s length

1 checking the length of fabric

2 as close as one can touch
3 avoiding too much closeness
4 using one’s arm to measure length
Solution : 3

92) Acid test

1 a malicious way of taking revenge

2 a test that shows how to harm someone
3 proof that an attack has been made
4 definitive proof of truth or falsehood
Solution : 4

93) Dark horse

1 someone who is fond of horse racing

2 some who has a wheatish complexion
3 someone who breeds race horses
4 someone who unexpectedly succeeds
Solution : 4
Click here to download the pdf of 400 Most important previous year vocabulary(with syno,anto and
examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC


94) Hand in glove

1 working together in the same office

2 wearing gloves while working
3 in partnership for something dishonest
4 doing work in the garden
Solution : 3
95) Late in the day

1 too old to work

2 too ripe to eat
3 too dark to see anything
4 too delayed to be of any use
Solution : 4

96) Draw a blank

1 be unsuccessful
2 be happy about something
3 be unable to sketch
4 be luck in a game
Solution : 1

97) Bolt from the blue

1 winning after losing a game many times

2 something sudden that happens unexpectedly
3 someone who runs fast and wins a race
4 locking the doors to keep the rain out
Solution : 2

98) Left- handed compliment

1 praise that is given directly

2 insulting someone in front of others
3 insulting remark appearing as praise


4 making fun of someone to tease them

Solution : 3

99) Put your best foot forward

1 take care to dress well

2 walk very cautiously
3 try as hard as one can
4 check every step
Solution : 3
Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

100) At snail’s pace

1 do something very carefull

2 be very persistent
3 do something very slowly
4 keep your moves secret
Solution : 3

101) Beat around the bush

1 avoid the topic

2 hide behind a bush
3 make excuses
4 accept defeat
Solution : 1

102) Make no headway

1 check if the head can pass through

2 unable to progress ahead
3 unable to overtake anyone
4 forced to fix a new goal
Solution : 2


103) Make shortwork of something

1 reduce the size

2 dispose of quickly
3 edit carefully
4 shorten some dress
Solution : 2

104) In a nutshell

1 add nuts into something

2 put everything in a shell
3 packed very tightly
4 express very briefly
Solution : 4

105) Be an open book

1 one about whom it is easy to know everything

2 one who advises others to be frank and unsecretive
3 one who is fond of reading even when travelling
4 one who has written an examination without preparation
Solution : 1

106) Cross the bridge

1 deal with something only when necessary

2 not even think about the problem
3 not deal with the problem at all
4 let someone else deal with the problem
Solution : 1

Click here to download the pdf of 400 Most important previous year vocabulary(with syno,anto and
examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC

107) Get a taste of your own medicine

1.make, taste and take medicines for others treated by the same doctor given the medicine meant for others given the same treatment that you have given to others

Solution : 4

108) Be the Devil’s advocate present a counter argument just for the sake of it present an argument in favor of a well-known evil man represent the devil as an advocate in witch trials represent an accused in a murder trial

Solution : 1

109) Put one’s card on the table be able to continue deal a game of cards be honest accept defeat

Solution : 3

110) It’s Greek to me



Solution : 1

111) To give someone the cold shoulder

1.dry someone comforting clothes

2.ignore or show indifference
3.serve cold meat to someone

4.bury someone in freezing cold

Solution : 2

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

112) There was no one in the team who could bell the cat and tell the producer the truth.

1.tame some animals

2.warm the owners the impossible task
4.ring the bells regularly

Solution : 3

113) My aunt has the gift of the gab and can socialize in any group.

1.ability to cook well

2.ability to criticize anyone
3.ability to spend time anywhere
4.ability to speak eloquently

Solution : 4

114) This problem is a hard nut to crack, it will take longer than they imagined.

1.involves breaking nuts

29 not interesting enough difficult to solve
4.needs a lot of work

Solution : 3

115) Their relationship has run into rough weather ever since they fell in love with the same

1.experienced difficulties
2.brought cool breeze and rains
3.become stronger and firmer
4.become pleasant and cordial

Solution : 1

116) You must have a concrete project and not build castles in the air if you want to submit and
application for a loan.

1.make unfaithful friends irresponsibly
3.have unrealistic ideas
4.make unplanned buildings

Solution : 3

117) Pradeep was so tired that he hit the sack as soon as possible.

1.Left work
2.went to bed
3.accepted defeat
4.kicked the sack

Solution : 2

118) I told you not to play the prank but you didn’t listen, now face the music.

1.accept the blame

2.put on earphones

3.listen to the songs

4.sing popular songs

119) The trouble makers took to their heels when they saw the police coming.

1. hid themselves
2. ran away
3. faced them boldly
4. prepared to fight

Solution: 2

120) When Rahul told everyone that he had resigned his job, all the members in the family were
at their wits’ end .

1. very serious
2. quite angry
3. quite perplexed
4. absolutely satisfied

Solution: 3

121) full of be

1. being upset
2. lively and energetic
3. full of crazy ideas
4. in good health

Solution: 2


122) This is strictly ______ but some changes are going to happen in the company in the
near future.

1. off the rails

2. off the key
3. off the mark
4. off the record

Solution: 4

123) For a long time he kept his wife in the dark about the true nature of his job.

1. in high position
2. in a dark place
3. in ignorance
4. in a locked room

Solution: 3

124) Pie in the sky

1. something very small
2. something not possible
3. difficult to find
4. an easy situation

Solution: 2

Click here to download the pdf of 400 Most important previous year vocabulary(with syno,anto and
examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC


125) sell like hot cakes

1. to face hardship
2. to sell quickly
3. to agree fully
4. to deal with a problem

Solution: 2

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

126) In the same boat

1. at the centre of attention

2. in a superior position
3. in the same situation
4. in disgrace

Solution: 3

127) Now that Mr. Krishna Murthy has retired from the company, his daughter is ______.

1. in the doghouse
2. in the driver’s seat
3. in the lap of luxury
4. in the pink

Solution: 2

128) Rohit was ______ when he took important decisions without consulting the family.

1. cutting the red tape

2. told to get a new lease of life
3. in the same boat

4. told to fight his own battles himself


Solution: 4

129) Radha is unable to continue working in this office. Hard work is ______ on her

1. making her meet both ends

2. blowing hot and cold
3. keeping an eye
4. taking a toll on

Solution: 4

130) He tries to perform well but good projects done by him are______. He needs to put in
extra effort.

1. on edge
2. walking on air
3. few and far between

4. going with the flow

Solution: 3

131) To take French leave

1. Acknowledge the host
2. Leave with written permission
3. Welcome the host
4. Leave without any intimation
Solution : 4

132) A hard nut to crack

1. Easily disappointed


2. Not restrained
3. Easily encouraged
4. A difficult problem
Solution : 4

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

133) On shank's mare

1. On foot
2. On an elephant
3. On a bicycle
4. On a lion
Solution : 1

134) A snake in the grass

1. A good friend
2. A secret enemy
3. A well-wisher
4. Difficult to find
Solution : 2

135) Spill the beans

1. Waste money
2. Perform magic
3. Give away a secret
4. Work hard

Solution : 3

136) Blow one's own trumpet

1. Condemn others
2. Follow others
3. Praise oneself


4. Be self-reliant

Solution : 3

137) Dead heat

1. Close contest that ends in a tie
2. A strong heat wave
3. A deadly blast of hot air
4. Strong opposition to one's ideas
Solution : 1

138) Back to square one

1. Draw a square
2. Come to the original point
3. Move ahead
4. Neglect something
Solution : 2

139) To throw a fit

1. Become unconscious
2. Faint and fall down
3. Express extreme anger
4. Caution someone about fitness
Solution : 3

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Click here for the compilation of frequently asked ERROR DETECTION RULES /GRAMMAR
RULES in SSC exams

140) The bee’s knees

1. Problematic
2. Extraordinary

3. Observant
4. Foolish
Solution : 2

141) Hold water

1. To be busy
2. To be valid
3. To be fickle
4. To be deep
Solution : 2

142) Bring to light

1. Praise in public
2. Cheer someone
3. Reveal clearly
4. Brighten up
Solution : 3

143) A bed of roses

1. A valley full of flowers
2. An easy and happy situation
3. A pleasant perfume
4. A difficult path
Solution : 2

144) A close-fisted person

1. A miserly person
2. A strong person
3. A cruel person
4. A kind person
Solution : 1

145) To flog a dead horse

1. To accept the challenge
2. To make the best use of resources
3. To complete the work
4. To waste the effort

Solution : 4

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

146) To take the bull by the horns

1. To handle difficulties
2. To murder someone
3. To surrender to the enemy
4. To speak arrogantly
Solution : 1

147) To add fuel to the fire.

1. Exploit someone
2. To make a bad situation worse
3. Simplify the problem
4. Calm down the situation
Solution : 2

148) Hobson's Choice

1. To be in an aggressive mood when facing a challenge
2. To exercise the choice to surrender before the enemy
3. To challenge an unworthy opponent
4. An apparently free choice where there is no real alternative
Solution : 4

149) Chicken-hearted
1. Selfish
2. Generous
3. Miserly
4. Cowardly
Solution : 4

150) By and by
1. Suddenly
2. By any means
3. Gradually
4. On the whole
Solution : 3

151) See eye to eye

1. See clearly
2. Be suspicious
3. Stare at someone
4. Agree with someone
Solution : 4

152) Pull a fast one

1. Progress fast
2. Take quick action
3. Trick someone
4. Believe someone easily
Solution : 3


Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

153) Like a dying duck in a thunderstorm

1. Daring
2. Confident
3. Dejected
4. Comfortable
Solution : 3

154) To paddle one's own canoe

1. To act in a childish way
2. Depend on oneself
3. To exercise hard
4. To take rest
Solution : 2

155) Look down upon

1. To look for somethingunderground
2. To consider someone inferior
3. To be full ofguilt
4. To look down from a height
Solution : 2

156) Keep abreast of

1. Keep ahead of
2. Keep oneself updated
3. Keep up the good work
4. Keep a watch on
Solution : 2

157) Give a piece of one's mind


1. To share one's ideas

2. To donate something valuable
3. To rebuke someone strongly
4. To advise someone
Solution : 3

158) Come to the point

1. To speak plainly about the real issue
2. To get reconciled to something
3. To unravel a mystery
4. To meet at a designated place
Solution : 1

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

159) The people were scared because the burglar was "at large".
1. very dangerous
2. very famous
3. not caught
4. behind bars
Solution : 3

Click here to download the pdf of 400 Most important previous year vocabulary(with syno,anto and
examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC

160) Cut and dried

1. Dead and gone

2. Badly hurt
3. Very old
4. Already decided
Solution : 4

161) Make off with

1. To understand
2. To run away
3. To discover
4. To transfer
Solution : 2

162) Kill two birds with one stone

1. To plan two murders simultaneously
2. To be an expert shooter
3. To try something impossible
4. To achieve two results with a single effort
Solution : 4

163) The acid test

1. A fact, event or situation that proves something
2. A critical situation or crisis
3. An unpleasant or offensive test
4. Throwing acid on someone’s face
Solution : 1

164) Blind alley

1. A state of deep thought
2. A person who comes to meet occasionally
3. A situation in which no further progress can be made
4. Taking first step after somebody’s approach
Solution : 3


165) To take a back seat

1. To go through a short but unpleasant period of time
2. To lecture or criticise the person who is actually in control of something
3. To be less successful in one’s efforts
4. To become less important or to give up control over things

Solution : 4
Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

166) A Red letter day – An important day

167) Bone to pick – Cause of quarrel/ Bone of contention

168) At stone’s throw – Very near

169) Struck a chill to the heart – Arouse fear/to make somebody afraid

170) End in a fiasco –A Total/Utter failure

171) Fall back – To turn or move back

172) Turn up one’s nose at – To reject/despises

Click here to download the pdf of 400 Most important previous year vocabulary(with syno,anto and
examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC

173) Turn one’s head – To feel proud in a way that other people find it annoying

174) High and dry – Neglected/ To leave someone helpless

175) Take for granted – To accept readily/ To pre-suppose as certainly true

176) Mince matters – To confuse issues/ to mix facts


177) Currying favour with – Ingratiating / trying too hard to get please somebody

178) Set one’s face against – Oppose strongly

179) Strom in a tea cup – Commotion (angry/worry) over a trivial matter

180) Putting one’s foot down – Asserting one’s authority/ take a firm stand

181) The man in the street – An ordinary man (common man)

182) To catch up with – To compete with

183) Fight to the bitter end – To fight a losing battle

184) Throw down a glove – To accept defeat

185) Read between the lines – Understanding the hidden meaning

186) Let the cat out of the bag – To utter a secret carelessly or by mistake

187) To have Too many iron in the fire – To get engage in too many enterprises at the same time

188) Fall through – To fail

189) Cut one off, without a shilling – Disinheriting / To expel from fraternal property

190) To smell a rat – To suspect a trick

191) Turn a deaf ear – Disobey

192) Have the last laugh – To be victorious at the end of an argument

193) Red letter day – Happy and significant day (Gala day)

194) To blaze a trail – To lead the way as a pioneer

195) To beat a retreat – To run away in fear

196) To steer clear of – Avoid

197) To get one’s own back –To get one’s revenge

198) To run across – To meet by chance


199) A dark horse – An unforeseen competitor

200) Put up with – Endure

201) Got the sack – Dismissed from

202) Herculean task –A work requiring very great effort

203) By leaps and bounds – Rapidly

204) Helter-Skelter – In disorderly haste

205) Go to the winds - Disappear

206) Make ducks and drakes of – Squander

207) On the level – Honest and sincere

208) Done for – Ruined

209) Make a clean breast – Confess

210) To end in smoke – To come to nothing; no outcome

211) To have something up one’s sleeve – Having a secret plan

212) To take to one’s heel – To run away

213) To turn a deaf ear – To be indifferent

214) At snail’s pace – To do things very slowly

215) To run one down – To disparage someone

216) To blow one’s own trumpet – To praise oneself

217) To face the music – To bear the consequences

218) To take someone to task – To scold someone

219) At one’s wit – Puzzled/Confused/Perplexed

220) At stake – In danger/ that can be lost or won depending on the success of a particular action To play
to the gallery – To behave in an exaggerated way to attract people’s attention

221) Read between the lines – Understand the hidden meaning Sitting on the fence – Hesitating which side
to take No love lost between – Not on good terms To have not a leg to stand on – Unable to prove or
explain why something is reasonable

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

222) A man in the street – An ordinary person / common man

223) Blood running cold – Become very frightened

224) Playing to the gallery – Befooling the common man

225) Come out of one’s shell – To appear suddenly

226) Lay down arms – To surrender

227) Making hay while the sun shines – Taking advantage of a favorable opportunity

228) Blow one’s own trumpet – To praise oneself

229) Bear with – Support / To be patient with some body or something

230) Give vent to – To emphasize

231) Turn a deaf ear – Pay no attention

232) Bone of contention – Matter of dispute

233) Stand on own feet – To be independent

234) By fits and starts – Irregularly

235) Over head and ears – Completely

236) To call it a day – To conclude proceedings

237) To put up with – To tolerate

238) To face the music – To bear the consequences

239) Yeoman’s service – Social work


240) To take to hearts – To grieve over

241) To smell a rat – To be suspicious

242) To move heaven and earth – to try everything possible

243) To take someone for a ride – to deceive (cheat) someone

244) In cold blood – Not intentional / Excitedly

245) A damp squib – A disappointing result

246) To bite the dust – To be defeated

247) To take to one’s heel – To run away

248) To be all at sea – Lost and confused

249) Cold Comfort – Slight satisfaction

250) A bolt from the blue – An unexpected and unpleasant event

251) To feather one’s nest – To make oneself rich (in position or in monetary terms)

252) To die in harness – To die while in service

253) To show a clean pair of heels – to escape/run away

254) To flog a dead horse –to waste one’s efforts

255) To strain every nerve – To make utmost efforts

256) A bolt form the blue – Unexpected problem

257) Sailing in the same boat – Being in the same difficult situation

258) Gift of the gab – Ability to speak well

259) To keep the wolf from the door – Escape starvation

260) Soft option – Easy and agreeable option

261) A little gush of gratitude – Excessive enthusiasm


262) To lose ground – To become less popular

263) To fall back on – to fail to do something important in time

264) Sweeping Statement – Thoughtless statement

265) All at sea – Puzzled

266) Enough rope – Enough freedom for action

267) By fits and start – Irregularly

268) Fell foul of – Got into trouble with

269) Token strike – Short strike held as warning

270) Face the music – Get reprimanded

271) Look down upon – Hate intensely

272) Flogging a dead horse – Wasting time in useless effort

273) Under a cloud – Under suspicion

274) Green thumb – To have a natural interest

275) Played havoc – Caused destruction

276) No love lost between – Not on good terms

277) Fair and square – Honest

Click here to download the pdf of 400 Most important previous year vocabulary(with syno,anto and
examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC

278) A white elephant – Costly or troublesome possession


279) Out and out – Totally

280) On the cuff – On credit

281) Does not hold water – Cannot be believed

282) A wild goose chase – Futile search

283) In a tight corner – In a difficult situation

284) Going places – Talented and successful

285) In cold blood – A murder done without intention

286) Off and on – Occasionally

287) Hard and fast – Strict

288) Took to heels – Run away in fear

289) To keep up – To keep in touch

290) Make a clean breast – Confess without reserve

291) Heads will roll – Transfers will take place

292) Make no bones about – Do not have any hesitation in anything

293) Take after – Resembles

294) To starve off – Postpone

295) To give a piece of mind – To reprimand

296) Rest on laurels – To be complacent

297) Pay through nose – Pay an extremely high price

298) Draw on fancy – Use imagination

299) Turn an honest living – Make an legitimate living

300) Give the game away – Give out the secret


301) Cheek by jowl – Very near

302) Give in – Yield

303) Run riot – Act without restraint

304) Go through fire and water – Undergo any risk

305) Talking through hat – Talking nonsense

306) Put up with – Tolerate

307) By fits and starts – Irregularly

308) Reading between the lines – Understanding the hidden meaning

309) Get the sack – dismissed from

310) In high spirits – Full of hope and enthusiasm

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

311) Shake in shoes – Tremble with fear

312) Fits and starts – Not regularly

313) Close shave – Narrow shave

314) Take with a grain of salt – To listen to something with considerable doubt

315) Hobson’s choice – No real choice at all

316) To eat a humble pie – To apologize

317) To give the devil his due – to give encouragement even to the enemy

318) Reading between the lines – looking for meanings that are not actually expressed

319) An open book – One that hold no secrets

320) An axe to grind – A private interest to serve

321) To blow one’s own trumpet – Praise one’s own abilities and achievements

322) Stand-offish – Indifferent

323) Sowing wild oats – Irresponsible pleasure seeking in young age

324) A bolt from the blue – Something unexpected and unpleasant

325) By leaps and bounds – Rapidly

326) Of no avail – Useless

327) On the verge of – On the brink of

328) A sore point – Something which hurts

329) Like a phoenix – With a new life/rebirth/reincarnation

330) To keep under wraps – Secret

331) Die in harness – To die at one’s work

332) Fair- weather friend – A friend that deserts in difficulties

333) Emerge out of thin air – Appear Suddenly

334) Cut no ice – Had no influence

335) Brought up – Introduce for discussion

336) Cannot hold a candle to – Cannot be compared to

337) Burn one’s boat – Leave no means of return

338) Make one’s flesh creep – Horrify

339) Pros and cons – For and against/ analysis of all the given facts

340) To take into account – To consider

341) Blow over – Pass off

342) Run into – Incurred/to experience difficulties

343) Blue-eyed boys – Favorites


344) Dropping names – Hinting at high connections/To mention famous people you know or have met in
order to impress others.

345) To make one’s blood boil – To make somebody furious

346) Wear and tear - Damage

347) To add fuel to the fire – To cause additional anger

348) Hand in glove – In close relationship

349) To make a mountain of a molehill – To give great importance to little things

350) To speak one’s mind – To be frank and honest

351) Maiden speech – First speech

352) At the eleventh hour – At the very last moment

353) Cope with - compromise

354) Go a long way – help considerably

355) Gift of the gab – talent of speaking

356) Standstill – Complete halt

357) Cross swords - Disagree

358) Pore over – Go through

359) Make both ends meet – To live a lavish life

360) Run down - Criticise

361) Grease anybody’s palm – To give bribe

362) Leave in the lurch – Abandon in the midway/difficult situation

363) Caught red handed – At the time of committing crime

364) On the brink of – On the point of

365) Face the music – Face the unpleasant consequences


366) Gift of the gab – Ability to speak impressively

367) Go down the drain – Lose forever

368) A close shave – Narrow escape from danger

369) Cool as cucumber – Not nervous or emotional

370) In high spirits - Cheerful

371) Scapegoats - A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings with arrogant reactions

372) A red letter day – A day memorable for joyful event

373) Wears heart on sleeves – Express feelings openly

374) To pay off old scores – To refund old dues

375) Man of letters – Proficient in literary arts

376) Turn down - Refuse

377) On good terms – Agree with someone

378) Stole the show – Win everyone’s praise

379) Measure up – Reach the level

380) Doctor the accounts – To manipulate the accounts

381) Dark horse – An unexpected winner

382) Face the music – To bear the criticism

383) In the red – Losing money/to owe money

384) In lieu of – Despite of

385) Beat about the bush – Speak in a round about manner

386) Bring about - Cause

387) Pull up - Reprimand


388) At sixes and seven – In disorder or confusion

389) Lose head – Panic

390) Take to task – To criticize severely/ to punish

391) Sit in judgement – To pass judgement(or comment on someone ) especially when you have no

392) Leave in the lurch – To desert someone

393) Cry over spilt milk – Cry over irreparable loss

394) Bad blood – Active enmity

395) Close shave – A narrow escape

396) Grease palms – To bribe someone

397) Carrot and stick – Reward and punishment policy

398) To cut teeth – To gain experience of something for the first time

399) Cut no ice – Had no influence

400) Close the book - Stop working on something

401) In fits and starts - Irregularly

402) Bird’s eye view – An overview

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here
403) Run in the same groove – Clash with each other

404) Keep your head – Remain calm

405) Pull strings – Use personal influence

406) Pot luck dinner – Dinner where somebody brings something to eat

407) To hit below the belt – To attack unfairly

408) All at sea - Puzzled


409) Sought after – Wanted by many people because it’s of good quality or difficult to find/Pursued by

410) Build castle in the air – Daydreaming

Click here to download the pdf of 400 Most important previous year vocabulary(with syno,anto and
examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC

411) On the spur of the moment – To act suddenly, without planning

412) To have something up one’s sleeve – To have a secret plan

413) A red letter day – An important or joyful occasion in one’s life

414) To explore every avenue – To try every opportunity

415) At one’s beck and call – Ready to follow orders/ To be dominated by someone

416) By fair or foul means – In honest or dishonest way

417) Status quo – As it is/ unchanged position

418) To burn candle at both ends – To be extravagant/ Spend without any worry

419) To hit the jackpot – To make money quickly

420) To bring to light – to reveal

421) At the eleventh hour – At the last possible moment

422) Go scot-free – To escape without punishment

423) To shed crocodile tears – To pretend grief

424) To look down one’s nose – To regard with contempt

425) To miss the bus – To miss an opportunity


426) A white elephant – Costly and troublesome possession, with much use to its owner

427) To fight tooth and nail – To fight heroically, in very determined way

428) Birds of same feather – Persons of same character

429) Take exception – To object over something

430) High handed – Using authority in an unreasonable way, overbearing

431) Too fond of one’s own voice – To like talking without wanting to listen to other people/Very selfish

432) By leaps and bounds – Rapidly

433) An open book – Straight forward and honest dealings

434) Fall short – Fail to meet expectation/ have no effect

435) Heart to heart talk – Frank talk

436) Give the game away – Give out the secret(unintentionally)

437) Take cue from – To copy what someone already did in past in order to be successful

438) Call for – To ask

439) Out of the question – Undesirable/ Not worth discussing

440) Run into – To meet someone accidently

441) End up in something – Come to nothing/ Useless

442) Spread like fire – Spread rapidly

443) Ins and outs – Full details

444) Dropping like flies – Collapsing in large numbers

445) Rat race – Fierce competition for power

446) Hard nut to crack – Difficult task

447) See eye to eye – To think in same way


448) Put across – To communicate your ideas, feelings, etc. successfully.

449) To have second thoughts – To reconsider

450) Not my cup of tea – Not what somebody likes or interested in

451) To break the ice – To start a conversation

452) To eat a humble pie – To say or show sorry for a mistake that one made

453) To add fuel to fire – To worsen the matter / To incite

454) To burn one’s fingers – To get physically hurt

455) At the eleventh hour – At the last moment

456) To feel like a fish out of water – Uncomfortable situation

457) To foam at one’s mouth – To be very angry

458) Send packing – To tell somebody firmly or rudely to go away / Terminate service

459) Kick up a row - Make a great fuss / To complain loudly about something

460) Wet behind the ears – Young and without experience / Naïve

461) To talk someone over – To convince over

462) Wear heart on sleeves – Express emotions freely

463) Bury the hatchet – To make peace / To stop being unfriendly and become friends again

464) Once in a blue moon - Rarely

465) Through thick and thin – Under all circumstances

466) Come to grief – To suffer

467) Eat anyone’s salt – To be anyone’s guest

468) Give a hand with – To help with

469) Take to heart – To be very upset by something that somebody says or does / Serious


470) Had better – used for telling somebody what you think he ‘should’ do

471) Strike a bargain – To negotiate a deal

472) Point blank – Very definite and direct

473) Scapegoat - A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others

474) Kicking heels – To be relaxed and enjoy / Waste time

475) End in smoke – Come to nothing

476) Die in harness – Die in service/ Die while working

477) On the horns of dilemma – In a situation where you have to make choice between things that are
equally unpleasant

478) Hold your tongue – To be silent

479) No hard and fast rules – Easy regulation

Click here to download the pdf of 400 Most important previous year vocabulary(with syno,anto and
examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC

480) Live from hand to mouth - Miserably

481) Turn a deaf ear – Refuse to obey

482) Take exception – To object

483) To hail from – To come from

484) To put an end to - Stop

485) By fits and starts - Irregularly


486) Bad blood – Feeling of hatred

487) Turn up – To appear

488) Die hard – unwilling to change

489) Turn down - Reject

490) To pass away - Die

491) Carry weight – Be important / Important influence

492) Fall flat – Fail to amuse people / Fail to produce intended effect

493) Under the thumb of – Under the control of

494) To get wind – Come to know about something secret or private

495) Part and parcel – An essential part of something

496) To give vent to – To express a feeling, especially anger, strongly

497) Stand by – To help/support somebody or be friend, even in difficult times

498) In black and white – In writing

499) At a loss – Unable / Not knowing about what to do or say

500) Lame excuse – Unsatisfactory explanation

501) Hand in glove – Working closely with someone / Very intimate

502) A hard nut to crack – A difficult problem or situation to solve or deal with

503) For better or worse - Always

504) From the bottom of one’s heart – To speak frankly

505) In a nutshell - Brief

506) A shot in the dark – An attempt to guess something

507) At the eleventh hour – At a last moment


508) Water under the bridge – Something that happened in the past and is now forgotten or no longer

509) Stick to guns – Hold on to original decisions

510) Out of hand – Out of control, at once, immediately

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here
511) The salt of the earth – Very good and honest/ Kind

512) Talking through hat – Talking nonsense

513) Looking forward to – To expect something or someone

514) Slip off – Leave quietly

515) Get on well – Have a friendly relationship

516) In a pickle – In an embarrassing or awkward situation

517) Under a cloud – Being subject to suspicion

518) As hard as nail – Emotionless / To show no sympathy, kindness or fear

519) Allow a free hand – Complete liberty

520) Lays out – To spend money

521) Break down – To lose control of your feelings and start crying / Could not proceed

522) Cut coat according to one’s cloth – Live within your means

523) Weal and woe – Ups and downs

524) Iron will – Strong determination

525) To take to task - Punish

526) Rack and ruin - Ransacked

527) Rides the high horse – Feel superior

528) By fits and starts – Irregularly


529) Has a bee in one’s bonnet – To be preoccupied or obsessed with something

530) See through – Detect / To realize the truth about someone or somebody

531) Take after – To follow / To take care of older members of family

532) Break up – Disband itself / The breaking up of relationship or association

533) Stand by - Support

534) Bull in a China shop – A clumsy person

535) Change colours – To turn pale

536) Spick and span – Neat and clean / Tidy

537) Give in – To agree to do something that you don’t want to do

538) Leaps and bounds - Irregularly

539) Wide off the mark - Irrelevant / Not accurate / Inadequate

540) Out of the world – Extraordinary

541) Sweep under the carpet – Keep hidden

542) By leaps and bound – Very rapidly

543) To toe the line – To follow the lead / To follow boss’s orders

544) Stick to guns – Maintain opinion

545) Take hat off – Encourage / To admire somebody very much for something he has done

546) Null and void – Empty

547) Break the ice – Initiate a talk

548) Keep the wolf from the door – Avoid starvation

549) Fish in troubled water – To make a profit out of troubled situation

550) Look into – To investigate


551) Smell the rat – Suspect that something is fishy

552) Let the grass grow under the feet – Delay in getting things done

553) Apple of discord – Cause of animosity

554) A fish out of water – In uncomfortable situation

555) In the long run – Over a period of time

556) Jumping down one’s throat – To react very angrily to somebody

557) Out of wits – Greatly confused

558) Call spade a spade – To speak in a straightforward manner (frankly)

559) Face the music – Accept the punishment

560) To play second fiddle – Take a subordinate role

561) Casting pearl before swine – Offering good things to undeserving people

562) Putting the cart before the horse – Doing things in the wrong way

563) Not fit to hold candle – Not so good as somebody or something else

564) Egg someone on – TO encourage somebody to do something

565) For good - Permanently

566) Achilles’s heel – Weak spot

567) Take a leap in the dark – To take risk

568) Cut the guardian knot – Remove difficulty / To solve problem

569) Blow one’s own trumpet – Self boasting

570) A cakewalk – An easy achievement

571) Not to look a gift horse in the mouth – Not to find fault with the gift received

572) Man of straw – A man of no substance


573) Born with a silver spoon – Born in a rich family

574) Let sleeping dogs lie – Not to bring up an old controversial issue

575) A month of Sundays – A long time

576) A closed book – A mystery

577) In apple pie order – In perfect order

578) Thick and thin – In spite of all difficulties

579) Wet one’s whistle – To have a drink / Moistens one’s throat

580) Bury the hatchet – Make peace

581) Cool one’s heel – To keep waiting

582) Live-wire – A person who is lively or energetic

583) Feel blue – In trouble / depressed

584) Above board – Legal and honest

585) Pour cats and dogs – Rain heavily

586) For good - Permanently

587) Iron fist – To treat people in severe manner / strictly

588) Time and again - Always

589) Eat humble pie – To say or show that you are sorry for the mistakes committed by you

590) Rule the roost – Exercise authority / To be the most powerful member in the group

591) Have something up your sleeve – Have an alternate plan

592) Take to task – Punished / Reprimanded

593) Feel one’s pulse – To find what one is thinking on some point

594) Donkey’s year – A long time


595) To make things done – To manage

596) Chicken out – Withdraw / To decide not to do something because you are afraid

597) Ice braking – Starting a conversation

598) Bad hats – People of bad character

599) Give and take – Adjustment / Willingness in relationship to accept what somebody else wants and
gives up some of what you want

600) Off and on – Irregularly

601) Man of straw – A man of no substance

602) Break down – Weep bitterly

603) Get down to business – To begin work seriously

604) Giving a piece of one’s mind – Speak sharply / To disapprove

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examples) asked in SSC CGL CHSL CPO exams (This compilation has been prepared by experts
and you can download it for free)

Click here to download the pdf of 120 Most Important Previous year PHRASAL VERBS (asked in SSC

605) Go about – Go around / TO continue to do something

606) Take exception - To object at something

607) Picking up holes in – Finding out faults with something

608) To cast a die – To take a decision

609) Put up with – Bear patiently / To bear or endure

610) The gift of the gab – Ability to speak well

611) See through – Detect / To realize the truth


612) Cordon off – Isolate / To stop people from getting into an area by surrounding it with police

613) Keep an open house – Welcome all members

614) Wet behind ears – Young and inexperienced / Naive

615) Pick on - Warn severely

616) Fight tooth and nail – Fight with strength and fury

617) Teething problems – Difficulties at the start

618) A wild goose chase – Fruitless pursuit

619) To get into hot water – To get into trouble

620) A bolt from the blue – A complete surprise

621) Plain sailing – Very easy

622) Take to one’s heel – Run off

623) To cut one short – To criticize one

624) Show the white flag – T o surrender

625) A cut above – Rather superior to

626) To throw dust in one’s eye – To deceive

627) Read between the lines – Know what the writer thinks / Know hidden meaning

628) Give vent to - Express

629) Bring about – Cause to happen

630) Husband one’s resource – Save / Economical

631) Foam at the mouth - Angry

632) Keep wolf away from the door – Keep away extreme poverty

633) Pin money – Additional money


634) The Alpha and Omega – Beginning and end

635) Salt of the earth – Good, honest and ideal

636) Bring the house down – Make the audience applaud enthusiastically

637) Gerrymandering way – In a manipulative and unfair way

638) Strain every nerve – Make all efforts / Try all tricks

639) Hard and fast – That cannot be altered / fixed

640) Turn up one’s nose at - To not accept something because you do not think it is good enough for you /
To treat with contempt

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

641) Down in the dumps – Sad and depressed

642) Dot one’s I’s and cross one T’s – Be detailed and exact

643) All moonshine – Superficial

644) Wild goose chase – A foolish and useless enterprise

645) Swan song – Last prayer (at funeral or farewell)

646) By the skin of teeth – By the narrowest margin

647) Bury the hatchet – Make peace / Forget the quarrels

648) Keep up with – Go at equal pace

649) 513. Flies off at a tangent – Start discussing something irrelevant

650) Batten down the hatches – Prepare for a difficult situation

651) Nail one’s colours to the mast – Refuse to climb down

652) All might and main – With full force


653) Red herrings – Clues intended to distract or mislead / An unimportant fact, idea, event, etc. that takes
people attention from the important ones

654) To cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth – To live within one’s means

655) White elephant – A costly but useless possession

656) Look sharp – Pay attention

657) Big draw – Huge attraction

658) Bear down – To move quickly towards something/someone in a determined or threatening way

659) To put a spoke in someone’s wheel – Destroy the plan / Cause hindrance / To prevent somebody from
putting their plan into action

660) At a stretch - Continuously

661) Know beans about something – Well informed and intelligent

662) To get into hot water – To get into troubles

663) Know the ropes – Learn the procedures

664) Barking up the wrong tree – Trying to find someone ay wrong place

665) In the swim – Well informed and up-to-date

666) Rub up the wrong way – To irk or irritate someone

667) Add fuel to the fire – Worsen the situation

668) In the loop – Informed regularly

669) Hold one’s horses – To keep waiting

670) Black out – Lost consciousness

671) Cut and dry method - Honest

672) Back to the drawing board – Plan it all over again


673) In the air – Certain / Able to be firmly relied on to happen or be the case / Specific but not explicitly
named or stated

674) On the same page – Thinks in a similar way

675) Pull no punch – Speaks frankly

676) Going places – Talented and successful

677) Stand/Hold your ground – Refuse to yield / To continue with your opinions or intentions when
someone is opposing you

678) Put your feet down – Take a firm stand / To be very strict in opposing what somebody wishes to do

679) Read between the line – To understand the inner meaning

680) To the letter – Paying attention to every detail / Doing or following exactly what somebody
something says

681) To carve out a niche – To work harder in order to have successful career / Develop a special position
for oneself (CGL T-2, 2014)

682) Wild goose chase – Useless search / Unprofitable adventure

683) In Dutch – In trouble

684) See eye to eye – To have the same opinion

685) Come to light – Been revealed / To become known to people

686) Around the clock – Day and night

687) Balloon goes up – The situation turns unpleasant or serious

688) Watching grass grow – Very boring

689) Nine day’s wonder – A dazzling short-lived spectacle of no real value

690) Beyond the pale – Outside commonly accepted standards

691) Took after – Similar to / to look or behave like an older member of your family

692) Throw dust into one’s eye – To deceive


693) Cool about working – Not tense about working / Reading to work

694) Salad days - Adolescence

695) All ears - Attentive

696) Maiden speech – First speech

697) Hold water – With logical backing / To stand up to critical examination

698) Other fish to fry – Some important work to attend to

699) A close shave – A narrow escape from danger

700) To tell in a nut shell – In a brief manner / Summarize

701) Within a stone’s throw – At a short distance

702) To feather one’s nest – To enrich oneself when opportunity occurs

703) A close-fisted person – A miser

704) To gather roses only – To seek all enjoyments of life

705) A black sheep – A person with bad reputation

706) To grease the palm – To bribe

707) For good – Permanently

708) An about turn – Complete change of opinion or situation

709) Make a mockery – to make something seem ridiculous or useless / No serious outcome

710) Eat like a horse – Eat a lot

711) Go to the dogs – To be ruined

712) Pay on the nail – Pay promptly / Payment without delay

713) Penelope’s web – An endless job

714) At draggers drawn - Enmity


715) Bury the hatchet – Make peace

716) Null and void – Not binding / Having no legal force / Not binding

717) Break in - To train somebody or something in something

718) Stir up a Hornet’s nest - To create a lot of trouble

719) Second thoughts – Reconsidering the original idea

720) Average out - Balance

721) Go to the dogs – Ruin / to go to in very bad situation

722) Floored – To surprise or confuse

723) Give way - Collapse

724) Tall tales - Boasting

725) Backseat driver – A person who gives unwanted advice

726) At random - Without any aim or target

727) Break off – Suddenly stop

728) Go haywire – Become out of control

729) Above board – Honest / Without any secret

730) 594. Feather in one’s cap – An achievement

731) Follow one’s nose – To go straight ahead

732) To latch onto – To promote

733) Fight shy of – To avoid someone/ something

734) Add fuel to the fire – Worsen the matter (CGL T-2, 2014)

735) Cock and bull story – Absurd an unbelievable story

736) Hold water – Seem logical


737) To be down to earth – To be realistic

738) In the nick of time – Just in time

739) To shun evil company – To avoid or give up bad company

740) Seamy side – Unpleasant and immoral

741) A sacred cow – A person never to be criticised

742) A dog’s breakfast – A total mess / A thing that has been done badly

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

743) Sail in the same boat – To be in same situation

744) Take the bull by the horns – to face a difficulty courageously

745) Shed crocodile tears – To pretend to be sympathetic

746) To be in a quandary – In a confusing situation

747) Take French leave – Absenting oneself without permission

748) To put in a nutshell – To state something very concisely

749) The genomes of Zurich – A slang term for Swiss bankers

750) To make up one’s mind – To decide what to do

751) To call it a day – Decide to finish working of the day

752) In two minds – To be undecided

753) Put something by – To save money for a particular purpose

754) On cloud nine – Extremely happy

755) The jury is out - No decision has been reached

756) Have a finger in every pie – To be meddlesome / To involved in a lot of different activities and
having influence over them


757) To take after – To resemble an older member of family

758) Flying visit – Very short visit

759) Telling upon – Showing effectively / Having strong effect

760) Kith and kin - Relatives

761) Part and parcel – Important part

762) Beat about the bush – Circumlocution / Does not talk specifically

763) Carry out – Complete something

764) Take fancy – To attract or please somebody

765) Snake in the grass – A hidden enemy

766) Make a mountain of a mole hill – Exaggerate a minor problem

767) Spill the beans – Reveal the secret information

768) Make amends for – Compensate the loss

769) Leave high and dry – In a difficult situation without help or money / Leave alone to work / A boat in a
position out of water

770) 634. Make believe – To pretend that something is true

771) Go for the jugular – Attack all out / To attack somebody’s weaker point during a discussion

772) Keep a level head – To remain calm and sensible in a difficult situation

773) Under the weather - Sick

774) At loggerheads – In strong disagreement

775) Go Dutch – Divide the cost

776) Alma mater – Institution where one got education

777) A closefisted man – A miser

778) As draft as a brush – Very silly


779) Rise with the lark – Get up early / To get out of bed very early in the morning

780) At one’s wit’s end – To be so worried by a problem that you don’t know what to do next

781) Make a beeline – Rush / To go straight towards something as quick as you can

782) Wild goose chase – Useless search

783) A man of letters – A literary person

784) Horse sense – Basic common sense

785) Shot in the arm – Something that gives encouragement

786) Catch time by the forelock – Seize opportunity

787) Get on nerves - Annoying

788) Clean hands – innocent

789) A golden mean – Middle course between two extremes

790) Vexed question – Controversial issue

791) Keep the wolf away from the door – To keep off starvation

792) Out of sorts – Ill or sick / Upset

793) Gut feeling – Strong instinct (based on feelings and emotions rather than thought and reason)

794) Finish with something – Be through / To have something at the end / To stop doin something

795) Red-letter day – An important day

796) A close fisted man - Miser

797) To set the Thames on fire – Do a heroic deed / To do such a work that needs a strenuous effort

798) Eat humble pie – To say sorry for mistakes / Suffer humiliation 663.

799) Play ducks and drakes – Spend lavishly / To waste or squander 664.

800) Be taken aback – Shocked or surprised


801) Lay it on thick – An exaggeration / To talk about somebody or something in a way than they really

802) Bird’s eye view – A overview / A general view from above

803) 6To win laurels – to earn great prestige

804) In the soup – To be in trouble

805) Draw the line – To set a limit

806) A bee hive – A busy place

807) To cut the Gordian knot – To perform a difficult task

808) Take a French leave – Being absent without permission

809) Arm-chair critic – A person who give advice based on theory not on practice

810) A chip of the old block – An experienced old man

811) Feather your nest – To make yourself richer, especially by spending money on yourself that should be
spent on something else

812) Throw up cards – To give in / To blow away the plan

813) Vote with your feet – Showing your disapproval

814) Dog in a manger – A selfish person

815) Chapter and verse – Providing minutes details

816) Bring down the house – Amuse the audience greatly / To make everyone cheer

817) Give a wide berth to – To stay away from or avoid someone

818) A hard nut to crack – A difficult problem to solve

819) In black and white – In writing

820) Beside the mark – Irrelevant / Not to be accurate


821) To give a piece of mind – Scolding / To tell someone that you are angry with them or you disapprove
of their behaviour

822) Give away - To distribute something

823) Fight tooth and nail – Fight with all strengths

824) Show a clean a pair of heels – To run away fast / To flee swiftly

825) All moonshine – Concocted / Superficial

826) Up to the mark – According to the required standard

827) A red letter day – An important day

828) Sit on the fence – To avoid becoming involved in deciding or influencing something

829) Shake off – Forget / To get away from somebody who is chasing or following you

830) Cock and bull story – A concocted or absurd story

831) Pull a long face – Look dejected / An unhappy or disappointed expression

832) Under a cloud –Under suspicion

833) Cat-nap – Short sleep

834) To pull a long face – Look sad

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

835) Fit like a glove - Perfectly

836) Caught red-handed – Discovered in the act of doing

837) Gate crasher – Uninvited guest

838) To angle – To fish

839) For all intents and purposes - Practically

840) Go out of one’s way – Do everything possible


841) In the running – Has good prospects in competition

842) Beat about the bush – To say everything except the main topic

843) Make room – Make space

844) Mend your way’s – Improve one’s behaviour .

845) Beggar description – Cannot be described .

846) Drag one’s feet – Be reluctant to act

847) Hope against hope – Nurture an impossible hope

848) For keeps - Forever

849) Paled into insignificance – Seemed less important

850) With one voice - Unanimously

851) Make it light – Treat lightly

852) Every inch a gentleman - Entirely

853) A rough, violent, troublesome person - Tartar .

854) To add fuel to the fire – Make thing worse .

855) To take to heart – TO be greatly affected

856) To bring to light – TO reveal

857) All moon shine – Far from reality

858) At a snail’s pace - Slowly

859) Call on – Pay a visit

860) Pros and cons – Advantages and disadvantage

861) Once in a blue moon – Very rarely

862) Fish out of water – An uncomfortable position


863) Be down with – Suffering from

864) Fair-weather friend – Supports only when easy and convenient

865) Pull together – Work harmoniously

866) To bury the hatchet – to make peace

867) Selling like hot cakes – To have a very good sale

868) Scot free - Unpunished

869) To give oneself airs – Behave arrogantly .

870) At a stone’s throw – At short distance .

871) Bone of contention – Matter of dispute .

872) To eat humble pie – To yield under humiliating circumstances

873) To end in smoke – To fail/ To end without any practical results .

874) To spill the beans – To reveal a secret

875) Drive home - Emphasise

876) A left hand compliment – An ambiguous compliment

877) Cut a sorry figure – Make a poor impression

878) To take to task - Reprimand

879) Bad blood - Enmity

880) Maiden speech – First speech

881) To get cold feet - Fear

882) Beside the mark – Not to the point

883) On tenterhooks – In suspense and anxiety

884) A cuckoo in the nest – An unwelcomed intruder


885) A house of cards – An insecure scheme

886) To smell a rat – To suspect foul dealings

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here
887) Old head on young shoulder – To be wise beyond one’s age

888) A wild-goose chase – Pointless search

889) Hard of hearing – To be deaf

890) Burn your boats – Do something that makes it impossible to return ro the previous situation

891) Dressing-down – To give scolding

892) Null and void - Invalid

893) A dark horse – Unexpected winner .

894) Throw cold water - Discourage .

895) Butt in – Interrupt

896) Couch potato – A person who prefers to watch television

897) Carry the ball – Be in charge

898) Turn down - Reject

899) Catch a tartar – to deal with a person who is more than one’s match

900) Cap in hand – In a respectful manner .

901) In the blues – Cheerless and depressed .

902) Cheek by jowl – Very close together

903) Beyond the pale – Unreasonable or unacceptable

904) Blow one’s own trumpet – Praise oneself

905) Stick to guns – Maintain own opinion

906) At sea – At a loss


907) Straw in the wind – An indication of what might happen

908) Face the music – Be punished

909) Curry favours – Seek favourable attention

910) Weal and woe – Good times and bad times

911) Call in question - Challenge

912) Make both ends mean – Live within means

913) Put up the shutters – Go out of business

914) A drop in a bucket – A very insignificant amount

915) Draw a blank – Find no favour

916) To keep in abeyance – In a state of suspension

917) To be in a fix – In a difficult situation

918) To break the ice – Make people comfortable and relaxed / Start conversation

919) As daft as a brush – Extremely silly

920) In a nutshell – Briefly and concisely

921) Strain every nerve – Work very hard

922) Evening of life – Old age

923) Button one’s lips – Stop talking

924) Cock and bull stories – Absurd and unlikely stories

925) A live wire – Lively and active

926) Capital punishment – Death sentence

927) Leaps and bounds - Rapidly

928) Wet behind the ears – Young and without much experience


929) Under a cloud – Under suspicion

930) Get the sack – Be dismissed

931) Feather in one’s cap – A new and additional distinction

932) Donkey’s year – A long time

933) Leave no stone unturned – To try every possible way

934) A man of letters - Scholar

935) Bear in mind - Remember

936) To nip in the bud – To stop something in the starting

937) To put a spoke in one’s wheel – To hinder

938) To clip one’s wings – To deprive one of power

939) Back to square one

1. Draw a square
2. Come to the original point
3. Move ahead
4. Neglect something
Solution : 2

940) To throw a fit

1. Become unconscious
2. Faint and fall down
3. Express extreme anger
4. Caution someone about fitness
Solution : 3

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RULES in SSC exams


941) The bee’s knees

1. Problematic
2. Extraordinary
3. Observant
4. Foolish
Solution : 2

942) Hold water

1. To be busy
2. To be valid
3. To be fickle
4. To be deep
Solution : 2

943) Bring to light

1. Praise in public
2. Cheer someone
3. Reveal clearly
4. Brighten up
Solution : 3

944) A bed of roses

1. A valley full of flowers
2. An easy and happy situation
3. A pleasant perfume
4. A difficult path
Solution : 2

945) A close-fisted person


1. A miserly person
2. A strong person
3. A cruel person
4. A kind person
Solution : 1

946) To flog a dead horse

1. To accept the challenge
2. To make the best use of resources
3. To complete the work
4. To waste the effort

Solution : 4

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

947) To take the bull by the horns

1. To handle difficulties
2. To murder someone
3. To surrender to the enemy
4. To speak arrogantly
Solution : 1

948) To add fuel to the fire.

1. Exploit someone
2. To make a bad situation worse
3. Simplify the problem
4. Calm down the situation
Solution : 2

949) Hobson's Choice


1. To be in an aggressive mood when facing a challenge

2. To exercise the choice to surrender before the enemy
3. To challenge an unworthy opponent
4. An apparently free choice where there is no real alternative
Solution : 4

950) Chicken-hearted
1. Selfish
2. Generous
3. Miserly
4. Cowardly
Solution : 4

951) By and by
1. Suddenly
2. By any means
3. Gradually
4. On the whole
Solution : 3

952) See eye to eye

1. See clearly
2. Be suspicious
3. Stare at someone
4. Agree with someone
Solution : 4


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