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MODULE I Cognitive Thinking: Cognitive learning is a style
of learning that focuses on more effective use of the brain. To
understand the process of cognitive learning, it's important to
know the meaning of cognition. ... Cognitive learning theory
merges cognition and learning to explain the different process
involved in learning effectively.

MODULE II Solution Oriented Thinking:

In this module we learnt how we can solve problems in an effective manner.
First we identify the problem. After which we analyze the problem. Based on
pour analysis we come up with alternative solutions and evaluate which each
one of them. Then we move on to implementation stage of the solution

We learnt about the 6 thinking hats are as follows :

MODULE III Ingenious Thinking and Decision Making:
Creativity is important to decision making for a wide variety of reasons. Put
simply, applying your creativity to the decision making process will make you a
more effective leader. The ability to think both analytically and creatively will
serve to produce more well-rounded outcomes for your business.

I’ve shared seven reasons why creativity is important to decision making.

Try to tap into your creativity with these key exercises:

1. Get motivated by going outdoors

2. Take a break by daydreaming

3. Express your ideas by keeping a journal

4. Think bigger through artistic activities

5. Rest your mind by taking a nap

6. Get moving for more positive energy

7. Think clearly by meditating

We were also taught the ICEDIP model which stands for inspiration,
clarification, distillation, perspiration, evaluation and incubation. During a
particular piece of creative work, each phase should be experienced many

MODULE IV Behavioral Pattern of Group

Group Patterns
Group patterns occur when all (or many) members of a group act a particular
way in certain circumstances. Group patterns can often emerge in deductive
reasoning. Deductive reasoning usually involves making generalities to help
predict specific behavior. With group patterns, these generalities are
discovered by observing groups of people in as great of detail as possible for
long periods of time.
We learnt the importance of Group Cohesiveness, group thinking, negotiation
in the groups and corporation among group members.
MODULE V Team Functioning: A team is a cooperative group whose
members interact with each other towards the accomplishment of special
objectives. We learnt about the external and internal forces effecting teams.
Belbin six teams roles were taught to help us improve team work.

MODULE VI Building Resilience and Science of Stress: Through this

module we got to know the importance of resilience and happiness. We also
learnt about the factors influencing resilience and happiness. We got to know
how we can build more resilience and be happier. We were told about the GAS
(General adaptation Syndrome) Model through we got to know how our body
response to stress. It is a three-stage process that describes the physiological
changes the body goes through when under stress.

Describe your first impression of the faculty:
For this activity, the students were asked to unmute their
microphone and tell what they thought about their faculty when
they first saw him. The pronunciation of our sir was very clear and
the way he taught, it seemed that he had great knowledge of the
subject. The faculty was well-groomed, which gave me the
impression that he takes care of himself a lot. After listening to our
views about him, sir told us more about himself to prove that some
of the views about him were wrong. For example one of the students
thought that he was NRI but in fact he was not.
Learning Outcome- We learnt that we should not judge a book by its
cover. There is more to a person than to his/her appearance.
Role of Language in thinking

The main use of language is to transfer thoughts from one mind, to

another mind. The bits of linguistic information that enter into one
person's mind, from another, cause people to entertain a
new thought with profound effects on his world knowledge,
inferencing, and subsequent behavior.

Language does not completely determine our thoughts—

our thoughts are far too flexible for that—but habitual uses
of language can influence our habit of thought and action. For
instance, some linguistic practice seems to be associated even with
cultural values and social institution.


A moment of sudden, triumphant discovery, inspiration, or insight …

he would later tell, over and over, the story of how the idea for the
collection came to him—the Eureka moment—improving it with
each rendition.
Learning Outcome- We got to know that every problem has a
solution. It may take time to solve it but it will be solved. it helped in
enhancing our solution-oriented thinking.


Paper cup lights

You will need the following items:

 Paper cups
 Paint
 Fairy lights

Best out of waste steps for paper cup lights:

1. Take the paper cups and put two X-shaped slits on the bottom of
each cup.
2. Color the cups and hold to dry away.
3. Placed the Led light bulbs into each slit until they have been
4. Your Paper cup lights are ready.
Learning Outcome: We can recycle a lot of the things and help
make our environment cleaner. We can be productive during the

Spot the Difference: For this activity, students were shown some
images and were asked to spot the differences. Some of the images
shown were as follows:

Learning Outcome: We had to work on observation skills. We

realized the importance of details and how by our keen observation
skills we could identify any small detail.

9-Dot Problem: In this activity we were asked to draw 9 dots in the
following manner:

After trying many times I am still not able to join all four lines.
At last sir tells us solution that how we can solve this….
Social Awareness Program: All the students were divided into groups
of 5 members. Each group was asked to pick a topic for social
awareness. The students were asked to spread awareness about the
chosen topic in any way possible for them. Then prepare a
presentation compiling what was done by the group to spread
awareness about the chosen topic. The presentation was to be
shown in class.
In this activity I posted an Instagram story asking about old books for
our gate keeper son and I get good response from the people.

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