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Proceedings of the 22"dAnnual EMBS International Conference, July 23-28,2000, Chicago IL.

Using Independent Component Analysis &

Dynamical Embedding to Isolate Seizure Activity
in the EEG
Christopher J. James' and David Lowe'

Abstract - We present a methodology for isolating the part in contributing towards the overall analysis of epilepsy
underlying seizure activity in multichannel scalp EEG. and is of particular interest in the analysis of which regions
A number of seizure segments from various patients are of the brain are involved with the seizure activity.
extracted from the ictal EEG recorded in an Epilepsy The EEG recorded in the long-term monitoring units at
Monitoring Unit. We use the method of Independent epilepsy centers, contains a lot of artifacts both from intra-
Component Analysis OCA) in order to decompose the cerebral and extra-cerebral sources. Furthermore, seizures
recorded scalp EEG into its underlying temporal and can occur at any time of day or night and so the
spatial components. Seizure-related activity in the characteristics of the background EEG accordingly. In
independent components is identified by first performing analyzing ictal EEG it is particularly useful to analyze the
a dynamical embedding on each component. Through a seizure onset in order to find which regions of the brain are
value linked to the dynamic complexity of the EEG contributing to the seizure activity at its earliest stages.
segments it is possible to visually analyze the spatio- Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a relatively
temporal components. new technique used to separate statistically independent
In this proof of principle study, in 4 seizure EEGs components from a mixture of data [l] and has been used in
analyzed we can identify what appear to be the relevant EEG & MEG analysis before [2]. We want to evaluate the
seizure components - there is more than one in each potential of using ICA as a means of isolating seizure
case. We identify seizure related activity by choosing activity, particularly at the seizure onset, with the goals of
those temporal components that depict a decrease in removing artifactual or unrelated background EEG to
complexity around seizure onset, coupled with focal facilitate subsequent analysis of the seizure - such as
activity in the region grossly identified as being the localization of the seizure origin. In previous work [3,4],
origin from the raw scalp EEG. In addition to seizure we have already evaluated ICA in isolating Epileptiform
related components, artifactual components are also Discharges in the ongoing interictal EEG (Le, without first
adequately isolated by ICA. Decomposing the EEG in averaging the EEG) with great success. As far as we know,
this way means that the scalp EEG can either be ICA has not been previously applied to the analysis of
'remapped' using only the identified seizure components, seizures and EDs in the ictal and interictal EEG.
or further in-depth analysis on the seizure can be In order to aid in the identification of the seizure related
undertaken on the spatio-temporal components directly. components we perform a dynamical embedding of each
Although subjective, these preliminary results independent component (IC) separately and extract a
indicate that ICA coupled with complexity analysis may measure of complexity from the normalized singular
be beneficial in processing the epileptiform EEG prior to spectrum, extracted from the embedding matrix. This is
further in-depth analysis. performed repeatedly at small intervals along the IC in order
to explore the dynamic complexity of each IC. For seizure
Keywords - Seizure analysis, Independent Component related components, the complexity should decrease when
Analysis, dynamical embedding, dynamic complexity, the rhythmic seizure patterns are encountered.

n recorded epileptiform EEG the ictal EEG includes the
abnormal electrical activity generated during an epileptic ICA decomposes mixed input data into a set of ICs
seizure, superimposed onto the normal ongoing without any information about the distribution of the
background EEG. Analyzing seizures plays an important sources, i.e. blind separation of sources. Whereas Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) uses second order spatio-
temporal correlation information for data decomposition,
'Neural Computing Research Group, ICA uses higher-order statistics. Several different
Aston University
Birmingham, United Kingdom implementations of ICA can be found in the literature . [1,5,6,7] we use the Fast ICA algorithm [7] because of its ease of implementation and speed of operation.

0-7803-6465-1/00/$10.00 02000 IEEE 1329

Proceedings of the 22"dAnnual EMBS International Conference, July 23-28,2000, Chicago IL.

The assumptions we make in the analysis of scalp EEG columns of the mixing matrix and looking for sources in the
are in keeping with the underlying assumptions of region of brain identified from the scalp recording and (c)
implementing ICA. We can assume that the scalp EEG is a looking for a change in complexity which roughly coincides
linear summation of the electrical activity from various brain with the seizure onset (as visually determined from the scalp
regions [8]. We also assume that the potential field EEG). This i s - a highly subjective approach, but it was
distribution is spatially fixed and that the electrical strength considered acceptable as a proof of principle study into the
only is changing within these regions [9]. Finally we effectiveness of ICA and dynamical embedding in ictal EEG
assume that any epileptic activity is independent of any analysis.
ongoing background EEG - this holds true at least for the
seizure onset, i.e., early on in the evolution of a seizure.

(B) DYNMICAI:EMBEDDING From the four seizures examined in this way, ICA
managed to extract components deemed seizure components
We first construct an embedding matrix from each IC in (at least under the criterion set out in the previous section).
turn. An embedding matrix, X, is composed of a set of Notably, in each case, there was more than one component
delay vectors of a particular embedding dimension of 'clear' rhythmic activity centered around the region of
constructed from, consecutive values of the time series (i.e., brain suspected as being the focus from scalp EEG studies
the ICs), this k k n o w n as the method of delays [lo]. Each alone. Furthermore, the ability of ICA to extract sources
consecutive embedding matrix is then decomposed into a set which were clearly extra-cerebral in nature such as ocular
of orthogonal components via Singular Value artifacts, muscle contamination, ECG and electrode artifacts
Decomposition (SVD). Such that, X=USVT,where U and V was demonstrated in each case.
are orthogonal and S is a diagonal matrix of singular values Figure 1 depicts the seizure segment of Patient #1 which
(the eigen values of XXT). The singular spectrum describes has a left temporal onset at around 8-10 s. The seizure
the signal and noise characteristics of the signal being appears quite focal initially with some spreading occurring
analyzed. For a signal of low complexity the first few after a few seconds.
singular values will be large compared to the rest and for a Figure 2 shows a selected few of the ICs and the
signal of higher complexity more than a few of the singular topographic maps of each. Both the temporal and spatial
values will have large values. Roberts et al. [l 13 describe a components indicate that IC's 3, 5 and 6 are artifact and that
method whereby the number of states defined in the entropy no relevant cerebral activity seems to be isolated in these
measure extracted from the (normalized) singular spectrum components. The complexity measure for each also
can be used track signal complexity. Using that method indicates that there seems to be no appreciable change in
here we track the number of states, Sz,, as we trace an complexity at or around seizure onset. IC's 22, 14 & 19
embedding matrix across each IC and observe the trajectory. show seizure activity (a) due to the rhythmic temporal
components and (b) due to the strong focal nature of the
(c)THEEEG RECORDINGS topographic maps centered around the appropriate region of
the brain. The complexity measures indicate appreciable
The ictal scalp EEG data was obtained from four drops in complexity at the appropriate regions. The changes
epileptic patients of the Montreal Neurological Institute and in complexity also aid in describing the possible evolution
Hospital. The EEGs were digitally recorded at a rate of 200 of the measured seizure activity; in this case from IC22 -+
samples/sec with a low-pass filter of 65 Hz and with 12 bits IC14 -+ IC19.
resolution. Twenty-five electrodes were used for recording
the scalp EEG, placed according to the modified 10-20 IV. CONCLUSIONS
electrode placement system [12]. The data was recorded
with a reference at position FCz and the data matrices in This preliminary study has shown that it is feasible to
each case were then mean corrected in the columns (i.e., an use ICA to isolate seizures from a mixture of epileptic and
average referential montage was assumed). The recordings background activities. The use of a complexity measure
consisted of 20 s of seizure EEG with the seizure onset (as helps in determining which are the appropriate seizure
determined visually from the scalp EEG) occurring components. The strong focal nature of the resulting field
approximately 5-10 s into each segment. Fast ICA was then distributions of the epileptic components suggests that the
performed on the data matrices for further analysis. estimated spatial components could be used to estimate
generator sources. More investigation is warranted to
(D) SELECTING THE SEIZURE COMPONENTS examine the relevance of the multiple independent
components related to seizure activity; are the multiple
The major disadvantage with using ICA on data such as components a product of the ICA algorithm or are they due
this is that the resulting components are not rank ordered to separate cerebral activity contributing to the overall
such as is the case for PCA, for example. Our choice seizure development? In spatio-temporal source modeling,
regarding the relevant seizure components is performed physiological noise (i.e., the background activity) misleads
visually by (a), looking for rhythmic structure to the the computational process [ 131. We suggest that applying
temporal components occurring in the right time frame, (b) source modeling to the field distribution of the seizure
looking at the corresponding topographic maps given by the components isolated by ICA might be better than applying

0-7803-6465-1/001$10.0002000 IEEE 1330

Proceedings of the 22"dAnnual EMBS International Conference, July 23-28,2000, Chicago IL.

the source analysis to the original EEG data which is Applications of Signal Processing Colloquium IEE, London, 6th October,
heavily, and unavoidably, contaminated. 1999
The major drawback of using ICA could be the [41 Kobayashi K, James CJ, Nakahori T, Akiyama T, Gotman J. lsolation of
(in)appropriate choice of the relevant components. In this epileptiform discharges from unaveraged EEG by independent component
analysis. Electroenceph.clin. Neurophysiol. 1999;llO: 1755-1763
preliminary study we use the subjective method of looking
at both the temporal and spatial components and by looking [51 Bell AJ,Sejnowski T.J. An information-maximizationapproach to blind
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at the dynamic complexity, given our prior knowledge that I159
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We conclude that ICA could be an invaluable tool in the 171 Hyvtirinen A, Oja E. A fast fixed-point algorithm for independent
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the Unaveraged EEG using Independent Component Analysis. Medical

c4 -
Fz ?

Figure 1. The 20 s segment of EEG (average reference) with the seizure onset occuring
8-10 s into the seizure. The seizure has a focal left temporal onset and spreads to wider
regions over the next few seconds.

0-7803-6465-1/001$10.0002000 IEEE 1331

Proceedings of the 22"dAnnual EMBS International Conference, July 23-28,2000, Chicago IL.

Figure 2. This figure depicts some of the ICs, and their corresponding topographies,derived from the seizure EEG
segment depicted in Figure 1. The ICs and their corresponding topographiesindicate that IC 3 represents electrode
artifact and ICs 5 & 7 occular artifact. ICs 14, 19 & 22 depict seizure elements. The topographies indicate
dissimilar fields in the region of interest. The correspondinggraphs of degrees of freedom assist in identifying the
ICs and sequence of activation of each seizure component (in this case IC22, IC14 then IC19).

0-7803-6465-1/00/$10.00 02000 IEEE 1332

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