Assigment - English

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Name :

• Jefferson Grizzlie (16520426)

• Mochammad Fauzan Yustinov Ramadhan (16520078)
• Muhammad Risqi Firdaus (16520456)
• Ni Luh Putu Aurelia K. Y. (16520198)
• Bostang Palaguna (16520090)

Text : The adage that a woman’s place is in the home no longer applies to the dauntless lady in

1. What is the text about?

➢ The text is about an old adage about women's job, that woman is usually expressed
as 'the home' but is and has been also said to be 'the family' and 'the kitchen'.
However, now, the adage will be broken because there are many women are
working out of their house, or out of their old space.
2. What does the author say?
➢ The author says, that the adage will no longer to applies due to the change of the
culture, which proves that the women also have capability as same as men when
work out of their house.

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