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Corporate CounselThe Metropolitan


Volume 20, No. 3 © 2012 The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, Inc. March 2012

Cloud-Computing Risks: Due Diligence And Insurance

Joshua Gold For those considering cloud comput-
ing, the data security risks described
ANDERSON KILL & OLICK, P.C. above should lead to a checklist, at a min-
imum, before the company jumps in with
both feet. First, determine how the
Presently, there is heavy pressure to cloud-computing company erects safety
migrate company data to the cloud. Indi- walls between the data stored and
viduals already shift a large amount of processed for one client versus that sup-
their data to “the cloud” in the form of plied by another customer. Next, negoti-
family photos, vacation videos, contact ate and resolve issues of indemnification
information, and music. Shifting sensi- and insurance in the event of a data
tive business information to the cloud, breach. If a cloud provider will not permit
however, brings with it more complex security audits or give meaningful assur-
considerations. Should a company be ances of data safety, then consider seri-
sending information to a third-party ously whether the projected cost savings
cloud site that hosts data for other busi- is worth the risks incurred – or whether a
nesses? And just what specific informa- vendor providing more satisfactory pro-
tion is being sent: customer information? tection is available.
Trade secrets? Employee health informa-
tion? Joshua Gold
Those selling cloud-computing ser-
vices point to the numerous advantages
“If a cloud provider will not per-
computing size up the risks of relinquish-
of cloud computing, including claims of ing that control over data to a third party. mit security audits or give
cost savings and enhanced data security. Customers, employees and co-workers meaningful assurances of data
There has been some debate regarding the will assume that safeguards and a sub-
accuracy of these claims, especially stantial amount of due diligence will have safety, then consider seriously
involving promises of heightened data accompanied the decision and process by whether the projected cost sav-
security. It is important to recognize that which information is stored and handled
individuals, small businesses and large ings is worth the risk incurred.”
externally up on the cloud.
institutions opting for cloud computing Fueling the debate over the safety of
give up something very important: direct cloud computing are two major data
control and oversight of the stored or Also, determine whether your business
breaches that found their way into main-
processed information. As such, it is will have to disclose to its customers,
stream news accounts. One cloud
important that those considering cloud employees and potentially others that cer-
provider was hacked by criminals to the
tain data that they might have an interest
tune of one hundred million customer
in has been supplied, shared or transmit-
Joshua Gold is a Shareholder in the account files (which included credit and
ted to a third party for storage or process-
New York office of Anderson Kill & Olick, debit card information) according to
ing. If you do decide that cloud computing
P.C. Mr. Gold regularly represents poli- reports of the incident. The hackers infil- makes sense for some operations, con-
cyholders, including gaming and hospi- trated the cloud site and improperly sider whether there are certain categories
tality businesses, software companies, accessed the sensitive account informa- of information that are simply too sensi-
financial institutions, and retailers in tion. Unusually, the hackers actually had tive to provide to an external source and,
insurance coverage matters and disputes a legitimate account set up with the therefore, must remain off the cloud.
concerning liability, arbitration, time ele- cloud-computing site (albeit with phony
ment insurance, electronic data and other identifying information and fraudulent Risk Management: Safeguarding Data
property-casualty insurance coverage intentions), in contrast to the more com- Businesses can help make informed
issues. Mr. Gold can be reached at (212) mon scenario of hackers anonymously decisions regarding the extent to which
278-1886. penetrating another network or system. they use cloud computing by having risk

Please email the author at jgold@andersonkill.com with questions about this article.
Volume 20, No. 3 © 2012 The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, Inc. March 2012

managers working in tandem with their You should also maintain the ability to should also seek protection from the
IT departments and in-house attorneys to audit a cloud provider. Your investors, cloud firms they consider using. Tools to
protect data created by the business or employees, customers and business part- obtain such protection include contractual
entrusted to it by outside entities and indi- ners will expect such due diligence as indemnity/hold harmless provisions and
viduals. A starting point is developing a part of your decision to (essentially) out- additional insured status. Seek indemnifi-
data security protocol that establishes source data hosting and management. cation from the cloud firm in the event of
clear directives regarding the handling of While you may be able to outsource the a security breach that is their fault. You
and access to information within the function of purchasing and maintaining may further be able to condition your
organization, as well as that information computer servers, it is very difficult to business with a cloud firm by becoming
that might be transmitted outside the delegate the responsibility of data secu- an additional insured under the insurance
institution as part of cloud computing. rity. At least one firm that used a cloud- policies of the counter-party. Neither of
Virtually any company that has cus- computing platform found that out the these steps ensures complete protection
tomers (especially retailers) will have not hard way, as they now confront all sorts against a security breach. Nevertheless, it
only its own business and employee of litigation from various stakeholders. is better to have these protections as an
information electronically captured but Insurance Coverage Considerations option than not to have them at all. At a
will also have the e-data of its customers, minimum, a company should always seek
Insurance coverage is available for contractual representations and war-
including contact information and cus- losses arising from computer fraud or
tomer account information. An important ranties regarding the cloud firm’s security
theft under both traditional and new measures and compliance with basic data
step in the process is to inventory the stand-alone insurance products. While
information possessed and determine its safety practices.
some of this coverage is quite valuable,
sensitivity. Certain categories of informa- do not expect it to be customer-friendly.
tion call out for heightened protection, Closely scrutinize policy terms to
including health information, personally determine whether the use of cloud com- “Data security measures cou-
identifying information of customers and puting would alter or reduce coverage.
employees, certain types of non-public For example, a common feature of recent
pled with risk transfer in the
financial information, trade secrets, cus- network security policies involves form of insurance coverage …
tomer lists and business processes that clauses that purport to condition coverage
yield competitive advantages. Decisions on the absence of errors or omissions in can further a business’s risk
should be made as to whether this infor- the data security measures employed by strategy.”
mation is to be part of the business’s the policyholder. Such policy clauses
cloud-computing plan or not. If it is, then may be exploited by insurance companies
perform due diligence with regard to the arguing that the policyholder was some-
cloud-computing vendor’s security, how derelict in safeguarding computer Conclusion
insurance and indemnification obliga- data from hackers, among others. Fur- Risk abounds when dealing with elec-
tions. thermore, some policies may attempt to tronically captured information. It is
Once such information is identified for limit insurance coverage if the data
heightened protection, it usually is not breach occurs when a computer is not therefore no surprise that cloud comput-
enough simply to guard against external actively connected to a network. Accord- ing entails risk as well. Data security
threats of unauthorized access. It is also ingly, policyholders should steer toward measures coupled with risk transfer in the
important to make intelligent decisions selecting insurance policy forms that are form of insurance coverage and indemni-
about internal access to protected classes devoid of as many coverage exclusions fication from the cloud-computing firm
of information. It can be risky (and (aka the fine print) as possible. can further a business’s risk management
unnecessary) to grant company-wide Indemnity And Hold Harmless strategy. Due diligence is key here, as no
access to sensitive business information. Clauses company can truly delegate its data secu-
Instead, under most circumstances, limit-
Those using cloud-computing services rity obligations.
ing the access internally to such informa-
tion based upon necessity and security
clearance reduces the risk of unautho-
rized or improper disclosure of sensitive About Anderson Kill & Olick, P.C.
information. Anderson Kill practices law in the areas of Insurance Recovery, Anti-Counterfeit-
When using a cloud-computing ven- ing, Antitrust, Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation, Corporate & Securities, Employ-
dor, businesses should find out what lev- ment & Labor Law, Health Reform, Intellectual Property, International Arbitration,
els of employees within that firm have Real Estate & Construction, Tax and Trusts & Estates. Best known for its work in
access to hosted information. Not surpris- insurance recovery, the firm represents policy holders only in insurance coverage dis-
putes with no ties to insurance companies and no conflicts of interest. Clients include
ingly, some cloud-computing firms have
Fortune 1000 companies, small and medium-size businesses, government entities and
several other divisions and business nonprofits as well as personal estates. Based in New York City, the firm also has offices
enterprises. It is important to know who in Newark, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; Stamford, CT; Ventura, CA; and Washington, DC.
has access to the hosted data (and to For companies seeking to do business internationally, Anderson Kill through its mem-
which categories of data) to get a handle bership in Interleges, a consortium of similar law firms in some 20 countries, can give
on both the external and internal hacking service throughout the world.

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